It is almost impossible to overstate how far the Guardian has fallen. Once the voice of the liberal left – the paper has turned into a ‘Palestine’ obsessed rag that consistently promotes voices that are attacking British Jews. Just this week we were given yet another example – Haroon Siddique wrote an article about a report attacking the use of the IHRA definition of antisemitism on campus grounds.
Two organisations are behind the report – ‘BRISMES’ and ‘ELSC ‘ (I will deal with both later in this piece) and at no point does Siddique mention the fact that these anti-Israel organisations – and many of the names attached to them – have spent the last few years promoting and defending antisemites.
Why give their rancid report legitimacy? It is so blatant in its flawed methodology that none of the other mainstream outlets appear to have gone anywhere near it. It was promoted in Middle East Eye – a Qatari state mouthpiece. Also in Mondoweiss, a US based anti-Zionist conspiracy rag. As it stands – these are the Guardian’s ideological bedfellows.
Haroon Siddique
The Journalist, Haroon Siddique is a habitual offender. Just a few months ago, in a post attacking the government’s anti-BDS bill, he tried to pass off a bunch of extremists, antisemites and Muslim Brotherhood figures as UK ‘civil society’. He has also consistently attacked the Government’s counter-extremism policy ‘PREVENT’.
I searched his Twitter account for use of the word ‘antisemitism’. I found ten tweets:
- Report attacking the IHRA definition of antisemitism.
- Dropping of lawsuit against Labour over antisemitism.
- To attack EHRC commissioner, who led Labour party antisemitism inquiry.
- Ditto..
- Ditto.
- Support for JVL’s Diana Neslen – against the IHRA and in support of anti-Zionist belief.
- Ditto.
- On Telegraph apology for false description of Laura Murray as ‘anti-Jewish racist’.
- On Charity Commission opening case against the CAA (Campaign against Antisemitism).
- On Toby Young apologising to Philip Hammond over accusation of antisemitism.
That’s it – all ten. A one-way narrative. On the Guardian website I also found these articles – all authored by Siddique:
- Council worker sacked for comments about Zionism wins back job
- Tracy-Ann Oberman pays ‘substantial damages’ for antisemitism claims
- New NUS president accuses media of printing falsehoods
On the subject of antisemitism during the Corbyn years – including the period covering the EHRC investigation which found the Labour Party had committed ‘unlawful acts of discrimination and harassment’ – Haroon Siddique used his social media feed to push the idea of a ‘smear campaign’.
To check for balance, I switched up the search. Siddique has been pushing a different narrative – for a very long time – when it comes to ‘Islamophobia’:
The bias here is obvious. He presents ‘Islamophobia’ as a problem that must be urgently addressed, while antisemitism is mostly shown as a smear campaign.
We have every right to question Siddique’s motivations.
The latest article
Haroon Siddique has once again given legitimacy to a bunch of nasties. He neglects to do any investigating or proper journalism. He *chooses* to give non-critical, undeserved legitimacy to a toxic report. How could ANY JOURNALIST write this piece, without apparently doing even the most basic background research?
This is a report about anti-Jewish racism on university grounds. The most basic questions:
- What is the history of the authors when it comes to antisemitism?
- Are these groups qualified to be held up as experts on the subject?
As Haroon Siddique failed to do the basic job of a journalist and check these organisations (or the report) out before promoting them – I have done the work for him.
On their website the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) claims the aim is ‘to promote interest and study of the Middle Eastern cultural region’ – but much of their firepower appears to be pointed directly towards Israel. They even set up a separate company ‘BRISMES Campaigns’ to focus exclusively on boycotting Israel. This is a group of activist academics who hate Israel.
Until recently BRISMES was run by Nicola Pratt (no stranger to readers of this website) and based at the University of Warwick. These days it is headed by Neve Gordon and uses one of those ‘fake’ paid-for office addresses in Central London. There is only one resolution posted on the main website – a call for the academic boycott of Israel.
There are 14 people in the BRISMES Committee on Academic Freedom. SEVEN of these ‘academic freedom fighters’ actually signed a letter to Pressure “academic institutions and organizations to respect the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel.” It seems these BRISMES hypocrites are not about ‘academic freedom’ at all – and seek to silence voices when it suits them.
BRISMES and the Jane Jackman article
But what is important here is antisemitism. It was BRISMES that first gave the platform in 2016 to the antisemitic conspiracy paper by Jane Jackman at their annual conference. I exposed the depth of the problem in the paper – it was so bad that Glasgow University even apologised for placing the substandard conspiracy junk in a journal:
“This article does not meet those standards of scholarship. In particular, this article employs some discursive strategies, including a biased selection of sources as well as the misrepresentation of data, which promote what some would regard as an unfounded theory regarding the State of Israel and its activity in the United Kingdom.”
But even that didn’t stop BRISMES. Even though the paper is absolute antisemitic conspiracy junk (and I openly challenge ANY of the BRISMES academics to a public debate on the substance of that paper) – they chose to ATTACK Glasgow University, trying – but failing – to get the university to remove the criticism.
Defending the indefensible
It wasn’t just the blatant antisemitism of Jane Jackman that BRISMES tried to defend. BRISMES defended the disgraced academic David Miller too. Neve Gordon, the head of BRISMES, is a supporter of a world without a Jewish state (one state solution), he writes for the Qatari mouthpiece Al Jazeera, and pushes the Apartheid smear. He has worked closely with the Yevsektsiya group ‘JVL’, promoted Jackie Walker’s film ‘Witchhunt’, and defended Chris Williamson. Shahd Abusalama too. Many of the other figures involved with BRISMES are long-time anti-Israel campaigners such as Nicola Pratt and John Chalcraft,
No experts on antisemitism to be seen – just a bunch of anti-Israel propagandists.
The focus of the European Legal Support Center is not academic freedom at all – but rather it is a hard-core Palestinian propaganda NGO, set up to empower anti-Israel activism in Europe through ‘lawfare’.
The ELSC do not care about antisemitism – and even came out to defend the disgraced NUS ex-President Shaima Dallali:
And in the ELSC Twitter feed – we learn that the origins of this report are with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign – an organisation riddled with antisemites itself:
No experts on antisemitism to be seen here either.
The junk report
The report deals with just 40 cases, spread over five years. Almost all (by their own admission) didn’t amount to anything. To put it in perspective – in December 2017, in just one month, I logged 187 anti-Israel events taking place across the country – most on campus. From within this ongoing obsession the report presents just 40 cases. There is no room to talk about ‘stifling voices’ at all.
Digging into the report quickly exposes it is little more than a propaganda exercise. The report is full of lies about what the IHRA definition is, says and does.
One of their case studies, 17SOC1 (row 46) is about an Apartheid Week event at Exeter in 2017. It was one of those events that sets up a fake checkpoint on campus and dresses some students up as Israeli soldiers – no doubt to be cruel, rude and offensive to other students. The university did not give permission for this particular event (they let others go ahead). The event was cancelled over ‘safety and security concerns’ given that even the organisers recognised that it was being held on ‘a busy part of campus, potentially posing an impact on students and staff’. Exeter did not even adopt the IHRA definition until 2019 and the inclusion of this case in the report appears completely bogus.
This is taken from the Guardian’s own report at the time:
Perhaps someone at the Guardian should teach Haroon Siddique how to use the newspaper’s archive.
Other examples are just bizarre. Case ’18S1′ (row 40) from 2018 lists a complaint about a social media post that the university did not even investigate. If the university did use IHRA to decide against investigation – then it suggests the opposite of what BRISMES and co are arguing. The inclusion of this case in the report is completely bogus.
But it gets worse. My expose on the Jane Jackman article was written in December 2020 – so it is included in their timeline for their study. The BRISMES / ELSC report lists the Glasgow University case (anonymously) in ‘appendix 1′ as case ’20S1′ (row 39). We can test the honesty and accuracy of the BRISMES study and here we run into a MAJOR problem.
This is how they describe the incident:
The ‘smears’ description sounds like the words of a Corbynite antisemite more than it does academic opinion. My report was an accurate 17-page rebuttal of a paper that should never have been published by any university. Using extracts from the original article, and relying on dozens of references from quality sources – my report clearly shows that the Jackman paper relies on an antisemitic conspiracy – woven through a argument full of errors and unsupported accusations.
My complaint was upheld – the university accepted that the article was full of errors and unfounded accusations – and placed a preface to the article laying out these concerns. Yet the report claims (p18) that ‘for all 40 cases analysed, except two ongoing cases, the accusations of antisemitism have been rejected’. From the Jackson case we know this statement in their report is just not true. Not all the accusations were rejected.
To drive their errors home further; Nowhere in my own report in the paper do I even mention the IHRA. The entire case has been misrepresented and misused in the BISMES report.
Which means the line in Siddique’s Guardian article where he states:
“meaning that none of the allegations – all based on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition – have been substantiated,”
Is a blatant lie.
We can add to this mess the case of David Miller. His case was deliberately excluded from the report. How many other cases involving antisemitism have been left out of their study? What about the antisemitism and extremism of Shaima Dallali. Isn’t that included?
The Guardian helps to spread antisemitism
Make no mistake – the Guardian has journalists who are actively helping to spread antisemitism. When a report like this is given legitimacy, it is used by antisemites as a weapon with which to attack Jews. It is worth remembering – this is not about Israel – it is about trying to protect British Jewish students on campus in an increasingly hostile environment. It should be clear to everyone – when it comes to the battle between the antisemite and the Jew – the Guardian appears to have taken the side of the former.
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Why do you consistently type ‘Islamophobia’ in scare-quotes? We both know that if, say, a Guardian article put ‘antisemitism’ in scare-quotes you would (rightly) condemn that denialism as itself antisemitic.
Because it is a word that does not make sense – and I do not use it. OTOH – you want to talk to me about anti-Muslim bigotry – go ahead – I am happy to stand by your side and fight alongside you..
And if someone insisted on putting the word ‘antisemitism’ in scare quotse and said that the word “doesn’t make sense”, how would you react to that, David?
That is a silly argument Gabby. You can justify anything using that line – every word becomes equal – and all things lose meaning.
Why isn’t anti-Muslim bigotry a good enough description for you?
For the same reason that ‘anti-Jewish bigotry’ isn’t a good enough description of antisemitism.
Oh my word. You understand nothing about antisemitism at all. Or how it differs from classic forms of racism. This equalness you feel the need to provide to the unequal defies all logic. I honestly don’t care what you call ‘antisemitism’ as long as the meaning is the same. We use antisemitism because it is the phrase we have used to describe it for over 100 years. As long as I wasn’t arguing with someone over the meaning – I wouldn’t care (would even prefer) if they called it anti-Jewish hatred’ or something similar. It is only a word.
Islamophobia is a new term -and it is a deliberately loaded and uneccessary one that conflates Islam with Muslims. Many Muslims have a problem with it – normally those on the more moderate and secular side and it is a shame you are not listening to them. Why do you take your lead from more orthodox Muslims yet when it comes to Jews you take the lead from the more secular Jews? I know the answer but would love to know how you have rationalised it. You treat the two communities very differently it seems.
What is your word for an act against someone who is Hindu? Sikh? Mormom? Buddhist? Samaritan? Shinto? Please let me know. I am fascinated.
I see. So you’re happy to use the term antisemitism because it’s the standard term with a long history.
But you’re not happy to use the term Islamophobia even though it’s the standard term with a long history.
We hear you.
Now you are just making things up. You avoid questions and just come back with something that categorically is just not an accurate reflection of the truth – nor my poosition. Again thinking you are more intelligent than you are. There is no point discussing with you if you argue like a 14 year old.
I tend to agree that, if the best you can come up with is to whimper, “Er… you’re a child!” then there’s little point in you continuing.
The word entered common usage in 1997 so not that long ago. For someone who seems to run to the dictionary a lot, I’m surprised you didn’t already know this.
The Oxford English Dictionary has examples of usage going back 100 years. I’d be happy to buy you a copy?
Mate, it was first used around 1923, mainly by religous scholars, so, yes – 100 years ago. However, as is your habit, you did not read the comment before responding to it. If you had, you would have noticed I was referring to COMMON USAGE. Now, go away, have a nice cup of tea and stop making a fool of yourself.
Who brought you up to think that this is an appropriate way to communicate?
Apologies – I shouldn’t have referred to you as “mate”, rabbi. It was disrespectful.
The Guardian a long time ago, in my opinion, became a mouthpiece for anti-Jewish Antisemitism as a result of its anti-Israel and anti-Zionist obsession.
Too often it seems that this anti-Israel and anti-Zionist obsession is either a cover for naked anti-Jewish Antisemitism or results in initial anti-Israel criticisms morphing incrementally into anti-Jewish Antisemitism
Wishing you and all the readers of your blog
Within an hour of the Guardian article being published, I emailed Haroon Siddique directly with a simple question: as a journalist, did it ever cross his mind to question the institutional anti-semitism of the ELSC and the BSMES? I urged him to amend his article to point out that the two groups behind the report he was writing about are “steeped in their hatred of Jews.” Surprise, surprise – I didn’t get a reply.
I mean, I’m not sure he has a contractual duty to accede to demands from random members of the public that he amend his articles to include their preferred wording.
What an absurd statement to make, sir. Of course he does not have a contractual duty to amend his article but I would argue that he has an ethical obligation as a professional journalist (as I am, by the way) and a member of the NUJ for his report to be fair and accurate as well as to contextualize the veracity of his sources.
Mr. Morris, any expectation that you may have of a fair and reasonable exchange with our soi disant cleric is likely to fall short. He has become a frequent attendee in recent episodes and has a well rehearsed formula for “engagement”. You may care to observe this by perusing the previous 2 or 3 comment sections for examples of his contributions. You will see that it follows the well trodden path of the amateur online activist with all of the customary deflections and demeaning remarks, all underscored by faux indignation and finally a very cowardly dash for the exit. It is quite possible you could have some fun with him.
Thanks for the advice, Ian – much appreciated!
All differences aside, why do you constantly find yourself defending blatant antisemitism while attacking those like David who forensically research and expose it for what it is? It transcends the realms of so called antizionism -antisemitism in its own right IMHO . It’s akin to an involuntary tic. Do you not see it as a part of your job as minister of a Jewish congregation to speak up for your people ? It’s a genuine question as I just do not get your reticence .
Actually, Harvey, Judaism is really quite clear – it says so in the Torah and everything – that it’s mandatory for Jews to speak out when they see other Jews engaging in wrongdoing.
I wouldn’t expect much from an Islamist bigot like Haroon Siddique. It reminds me of Arab Hitler-celebrations of Durban-2001, where, as a writer put it: “Racists cry racism.”
To so called “Rabbi” Gabriel Kanter-Webber.
Actually. The Torah speaks about judging favorably fellow Jews. I’m sure you know that. But no one has seen the slightest EFFORT from your part. Only “bad” you speak on Jews. Shame on you.
Especially that anti-Semites use you and Haaretzidm-virus to da#n all.
Shana Tova to all.
Is you calling me a “so-called rabbi” an example of how to judge fellow Jews favourably, Gila?
Homework for the anti-jewish do-called “rab#i” Gabriel
The PA and the Holocaust
Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Apr 17, 2023
PA religious Antisemitism reaches new heights
| Jul 31, 2023.
Antisemitism reaches new heights by PA
The UN must recognize the 1000’s of Israelis murdered by Palestinians as victims of religious violence.
| Sep 14, 2023
Palestinian Terror Organizations Incite On Social Media: The Time Has Come To Kill The Jews.
He Said It All Already In 2018 And More: Jews Poison Wells – Mahmoud Abbas’s Antisemitism And Holocaust Denial In Perspective.
The word’ Antisemitism’ was a non-existant word devised by a Jew hater to vocalise his hatred. Semitic refers to a language group, but the legions of anti-Jewish Antisemites have shown their ignorance by using it to refer to some mythical people.
Islamaphobia is suggesting that there is a phobia against Islam, which in and of itself is not racist because a religion is not a person but a belief system
One should be more comfortable with factual Jihadophobia.
On Antisemitism, Jew hatred and PalestiniaNazi propaganda – strategy in Hitler era:
Nazi propagandists in desperation to court Arabs: first in exchange of letters with Rachid Ali, then in Nov 1942, Nazi spokesman reassured Arabs, that “Antisemitism Confined to Jews.” (Exclusively).
Goebbels, Rosenberg, Himmler, all in their turn, discovered the im-passes created by the word antisemitism when confronted with alleged Semites, not only in the Middle East, but in the Soviet Union or in Germany… the Mufti of Jerusalem and Rosenberg in Mai 1943 Hans Hage- mayer, the director of the department ‘Überstaatliche Mächte‹m’ in Rosenberg’s ministry recommended in a letter to Werner Koeppen, Rosenberg’s man in Hitler’s headquarters, that the German Press should avoid the use of the word antisemitism because the enemy abroad is made to believe that ‘we make no distinction between Arabs and the Jews’.
In May 1943, after Alfred Rosenberg met with the Palestinian” national Arab leader, al-Husseini – Hitler’s GrossMufti (- backed by most “Palestinian” Arabs – per Edward Said):
A secret Nazi order, dated May 17, 1943, reads as follows: “When the Grand Mufti visited Reichsleiter Rosenberg, the Reichsleiter promised to instruct the press that the word antisemitism was henceforth to be abandoned.”
To the anti-Jews campaigner Gabriel. (Haaretzism hate virus)
Unrabbi-ying you, is ‘favoring millions of Jews in Israel.’ And others who fear Arab-Islamic racist terror campaign since 1920.
And thousands of Jewish students under B(d)S hare drive with or without Hitler admiration (See examples at ) .
What a disgrace.
May Hashem have mercy on your soul.
Are you the same person who said the Torah required Jews to treat each other favourably?
We agree on that part which states Jews should speak out when they see or hear wrong doing but that’s not what I asked. Again why do you feel it necessary to criticise the thrust of David’s well researched article which exposes the overt antisemitism of one of the speakers as depicted in the Guardian. Your remit as minister to a Jewish community is to uphold their beliefs and values.I just dont see that is the case
I think that upholding Jewish values includes challenging David’s trivialisation of Islamophobia.
If you disagree, that’s OK. I don’t need your approval.
The article is about the Guardian’s trivialisation of antisemitism – and indeed their support for antisemites.
You are trying to make this discussion – as you do – about anything but.
You can’t wriggle out of criticism for something you wrote just by saying, ‘But that wasn’t my main point!’
And we both know that you wouldn’t let an antisemite (sorry, a Jew-hating bigot) get away with that line.
I am not trying to wriggle out of anything. I don’t use the word – and there is nothing wrong with opposition to using it. You are – as you always do – pretending their is a problem when there isn’t – in order to deflect.
I suggest you go away and read about why many (many!) moderate and not-so-orthodox Muslims also have issues with the use. I do not take my cues from organisations such as CAGE, MEND, the MCB, MAB etc etc. and I am astonished that you seem to.
So tell me…
Why do you take your lead from more orthodox Muslims yet when it comes to Jews you take the lead from the more secular Jews? You treat the two communities very differently it seems.
What is your word for an act against someone who is Hindu? Sikh? Mormom? Buddhist? Samaritan? Shinto? Please let me know. I am fascinated.
I take my cue from the Oxford English Dictionary. And I don’t sneer at Muslims articulating concern about hatred.
So the defintion you are working to is this one:
“Intense dislike or fear of Islam, esp. as a political force; hostility or prejudice towards Muslims”
So if someone has a dislike of political Islam. You have a problem with them?
Can you explain why?
Could you possibly be cherrypicking two words out of a two-part, 16-word definition and then quibbling about them to distract from the main point? 😇
Not cherrypicking at all…. You said you rely on this definition. So help me out.
The definition includes all the variations. Some of the variations are nasty – (eg: prejudice towards muslims)
One of the possible variations is a simple one…
An intense dislike of Islam as a political force.
This makes someone an ‘Islamophobe’ according to the definition you are using.
What is wrong with someone who doesn’t like a religion as a political force? Can you explain this to me?
Another question for you.
Do you think someone who has a dislike of Islam as a political force should be rejected with the same force as someone who dislikes someone because of the colour of their skin?
Oh Gabby. You gave me your definition. I asked you a question based on your own definition – and now you realise the hole it has placed you in – you have run away.
At the point I think I need to make a little more noise about this. This is a Rabbi in Brighton. One who even felt the need to give a sermon about ‘Islamophobia’ in his synagogue. Does anyone think I have read this exchange wrong?
I’m sorry to hear that the sermon someone you’ve never met gave in a synagogue you don’t belong to made you angry.
too late protecting those tweets my dear Gabby
But tell me (not that you will answer – you have clearly run away from the main confrontation) – do you often given sermons on subjects you do not understand at all – even if they could pose a danger to the Jewish community?
I know it will be upsetting for you to hear it, but just because you disagree with the content of my sermons doesn’t mean that I don’t understand the subject matter of what I said. Only a monstrous egotist would suggest otherwise.
I’m really enjoying your attempts to be intimidating though, as are members of my WhatsApp network. I might get some screenshots of your impersonation of a Mafia don framed as well 😉
Aynone reading through this exchange can see (I do things in public, not in secret WA groups) that this is about you NOT UNDERSTANDING a basic definition of Islamphobia – one you yourself brought to the table. You attacked me for having an issue with a word – it is why you came here – and in the end – it was shown that you haven’t a clue about serious dangers that lie within a push to have ‘Islamophobia’ placed on the same level as antisemitism or racism. It is why I prefer ‘anti-Muslim bigotry’ – because it is a simple and usable description of what should be opposed. Yet you – a rabbi who gives sermons on Islamophobia – attacked me – suggesting explicitly that my opposition to ‘Islamophobia’ was as bad as someone having opposition to ‘antisemitism’.
And let us not forget one simple fact. I did not come looking for you. You came looking for me.
Have I got any of this wrong?
I am indeed a rabbi, I do indeed give sermons condemning Islamophobia, and I do indeed say explicitly that your petty objection to the word Islamophobia is is (a) itself a form of anti-Muslim bigotry, and (b) as bad as if someone had a petty objection to the word antisemitism.
If you want to do a hit piece on me because of that, go for it. I’m fairly confident it won’t affect my reputation one iota. The sensible people who stand alongside me in the fight against Islamophobia will laugh. And your gang of loons, who already fantasise about my death, will continue to hold the slightly scary views they already held.
So you are saying that objecting to the word ‘Islamophobia – which includes in its net people who have a fear of Islam as a political force – is as bad as someone having an objection to the word antisemitism. Astonishing.
Do you NOT FEAR Islam as a political force? I mean there are probably a few hundred million Muslims who do – so I am just wondering what the Rabbi from Brighton knows – that they don’t.
Yes, I am saying that objecting to the word Islamophobia is as bad as someone having an objection to the word antisemitism. I really don’t know how much clearer you want me to make this, David.
You continue to skirt around the key issue here – which in itself is telling me a lot.
What about those who dislike Islam as a political force? Why do you have a problem with them?
Follow the logic. You use Islamophobia as a clear smear – you hold it on a pedestal with antisemitism and racism – and yet your own definition captures all those who have a dislike of Islam as a political force – which includes 100s of millions of Muslims…
You see the problem here? Why do you use it as a smear?
So go ahead and do the hit post you’re clearly dying to do: breaking news, man who frequently and publicly condemns Islamophobia thinks that Islamophobia is a bad thing.
Oh Gabby.
Don’t flatter yourself. You are no more than a plaything here.
You’re the one who said you’d make noise 🤷
Like I said… a plaything… Do you want me to tell you the Oxford dictionary definition?
Now run along and carry on telling your poor congregation that opposition to the back-door promotion of Islamic blasphemy law is as bad as Jew hate. As I said to you before – you are just punching holes in the bottom of your own ship.
Oh well, not to worry, because if your mate Ian’s dreams come true, I’ll soon be dead and then my “poor congregation” will no longer be saddled with me.
Your naivety and foolishness is costing Muslim women their freedom. Some are dying in Iran to protest -while you ‘spread’ the word to help support Islamist ideology here. Shame on you.
and yes, this new report means I have to write about it now.
I’m somewhat dubious that there’s a clear causal link between my opposition to Islamophobia and ongoing events in Iran. But maybe I underrate my own importance.
I cannot believe that your comprehension is that bad Gabby, so can only assume you are deliberately misreading.
Ironic given that you can’t even comprehend how to spell my name.
Congrats Gabriel . You made the JC but for all the wrong reasons . It bears out all the comments here.Thankfully you and your Progressive Movement of several Rabbis do not represent mainstream Judaism. More importantly, from the article , you don’t even represent the views of your own community.
Way ahead of you, Harvey. I actually had a copy of that article framed 😂
Our soi disant cleric (not Brucie, this chap) once looked at his computer screen and claimed he saw me “openly salivating” at the thought of him being rounded upon by the same people that drove through London screaming for violence against Jewish men and the brutal rape of Jewish women and girls. He got quite cross with me for the suggestion that holy war could be a thing and that he could be a target. Now, I definitely want me one of those computer screens. Very futuristic.
More importantly though, it got me wondering. If he was getting a bit of a toweling from the Hastings branch of the Mahdi Army, seething with rage at his apostacy and general Jewishness, how many of his brethren would be dashing to his aid? I have a cousin in Hove. Perhaps she’ll know.
Lie about what you said as much as you want. I have the screenshot.
Now then young man. At 2.33pm on 14th September in a contribution that you posted during the last episode, you said I was “openly salivating”. At 12.49pm today in this thread you say you have a screenshot of this. I would very strongly encourage you to place it in the public domain as an open source reference for all PC developers whom I’m sure would be excited to see it.
Whilst the image of me salivating is probably rather unflattering I’m happy for you to prove your point and gain the kudos for this tech innovation. I’ll even waive my customary fees for image royalties. Sound reasonable?
I don’t know why you’re pretending you don’t know what you said. Rather infantile.
For posterity, here you go:
Careless Cleric. The issue is not what I said which is in the public domain and not in dispute. It is how you can see me “openly salivating” through your computer screen. Are you hacking me?
Oh, I see, you’re pretending that you don’t know that the verb “to salivate” has a figurative meaning. Again, rather childish. I hope you have family or friends who can offer you support, because the way you’re behaving on here is really quite worrying.
Oh dear. Taking refuge in the time-honored “Oooh take your meds” gambit. All very 2014. You don’t like talking about Muslims publicly threatening violence or the rape of Jews or about Christians openly provoking Jews with intent. Can’t think why.
Anyways, speaking of 2014, that was the time that a Gabriel came online opposing charitable giving to the most vulnerable in society because the donors were old dears from the Jewish community, the donations were Kosher food items and the beneficiaries were Food Banks. That Gabriel said that it didn’t count as charity because all the old dears were politically motivated. I wonder, are you that Gabriel ?
What an inspirational teacher you are Rabbi Webber
As long as your lesson is “how to behave like a petulant child”
Oh dear…the framing is as poor as your arguments.
Do you agree with those people who say that Antisemitism cannot be anti-Jewish because they are themselves Semitic because they are Arabs
No, I don’t. Those people, who play pedantry with the word antisemitism so as to cover up their own hatred, are antisemites.
By the way why did you deliberately call me the wrong name? That seems quite babyish.
and all things being equal (because in your world all things have to be equal) those people, who play pedantry with the word Islamophobia….
How naive..
At what point will you admit that you did not understand that a fear of Islam as a political force was included?
Now why would I deliberately call you the wrong name.
Are you so computer illiterate that you are unaware of predictive text that often overrides what one has typed
There is a delicious reassurance here that whether a diasporan Jewish community is thriving or simply surviving, there are always the same common ingredients that make up the sums of its parts.
In Brighton for example there are actors hard at work to re-establish a sustainable community for the 2700+ Jewish residents with the types of institutions that bind and support members from cradle to grave. Then of course there are others who exist on the margins who actively and vocally sow the seeds of division, normally through the promotion of a self-serving and somewhat linear agenda that actively works against cohesion and communality. Still, I suppose that one person’s fringe crank is another’s demagogue. Jewish communities the world over have had their fair share of both and clearly Brighton appears to be no exception. To this extent we may simply have to look on at our latest clumsy cleric contributor, shrug a little and acknowledge,
“t’was ever thus”.
From the river to the sea
Palestine will be free!
That’s it. That’s my comment.
Judenrein Palestine | Washington Examiner
Judenrein Palestine
by Daniel Halper
September 14, 2011.
USA Today reports:
The Palestine Liberation Organization’s ambassador to the United States said Tuesday that any future Palestinian state it seeks with help from the United Nations and the United States should be free of Jews.
David, remember you were once run out of Brighton when you attempted to interfere with the PSC stall. Are you still bitter about that?
I’ve never been run out of anywhere. Been kicked out of events once or twice by antisemites because the antisemites don’t like me exposing their anti-Jewish racism – but run out? Never.
I think you are talking about the time the Brighton BDS lot kept taking pictures of my kids when I was on a day trip to the beach. Wrote about it here
Thanks for that. But before you make yourself look ridiculous, and refer to them as Jew-haters, antisemites and the like, the overwhelming majority of human rights activists are of the Jewish faith.
But if I was you, I’d consider myself persona-non-grata in Brighton and wouldn’t show my face there again. Consider it a win-win situation.
This certainly sounds like a violent threat. Be very careful of what you say.
It is quite incredible how racist the Brighton PSC brigade are – they no longer even try to hide their hatred of Jews. It must be the sea air!
Hey Stew, methinks you’re confusing Jews and Zios.
Methinks you’re another racist/Jew-hater in disguise. Goodbye.
Easy to throw out cheap ad homonyms when you disagree and don’t have any facts to back up your opinion. Stew.
Btw, I’m Jewish and certainly don’t hate myself. Stew.
Get my drift. Stew.
Aaah, our Comedy Cleric. We’ve discussed this above and in many previous episodes. To remind ourselves, when your mum is not halachically Jewish, it means you’re not. Now, be a good boy and say sorry to Mr. Morris for being deceitful and rude and we’ll say no more about it.
Racists ethnic cleansing by “johannes”:
SEPTEMBER 23, 2023:
From the river to the sea
He is “only” gainst Zionists and pigs fly too
Mr Collier, where can one obtain that “special ingredient” for when one is making their own matzo? Asking for a friend.
The “palestine” Nazi-Imam (under Joe Juden and Johannes Juden) spamming at [] with Taqiyia as if he is “not” Moslem.
Debying the Holocaust (July 4, 2023)
Laughes about a “Kristallnacht vibe…”
And again denying the Holocaust (Juky 17, 2023)
Recycling ancient Blood libel (Sep 24, 2023)
Passover has been and gone for this year Joey lad
Fancy you being Jewish and not knowing that ??
I was asked some time ago.
Did it offend you Dopey Dobkin? If so – good!
If you were Jewish then that question would have offended you Joey lad
But you are clearly too stupid to realise that
But your posting here during Yom Kippur kinda takes care of that big fat lie once and for all
You also posted here during Yom Kippur…
I posted at 8-20 “Rabbi”
Obviously the timings are an hour out on here ?
But you would know that as you will have posted an hour later than it says on your post to me or you would have posted during Yom Kippur too ??
And I don’t think that even a progressive Rabbi would do that ??
But it’s very telling to see how you fall over yourself to defend a vile scrote like JJ ??
Not taking screenshots of his Holocaust slandering and sharing it with your WhatsApp pals ??
Truly embarrassing
I see Yom Kippur and its messages of ethical behaviour left a lasting impression on you then… 🤦
Even if you can’t see the irony in your last comment most of us on here certainly can !
Oh and please do feel free to screenshot this and share it with your WhatsApp pals if that’s what floats your boat ?
JJ, probably also known as the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
Contact the Orthodox BetDin and also Rakhusens who will be able to give you the definitive answer.
Be aware that asking the anti-Jewish Antisemitic bigots of the various anti-Israel Palestinian groups for the recipe will get you the infamous anti-Jewish Antisemitic ‘Blood Libel’ which is no doubt what you are really after
If anyone wants information on the anti-Jewish Antisemitic “Blood Libel’ please let me know after Yom Kippur
JJ also ask the progressive Rabbi Gabriel for the recipe. He may believe in progressivism but I’m sure he will know
These pro Palestine lot are just not very bright are they ??
Ah well…..never mind
Well over the fast everyone
As the 2 progressive “Rabbis” that post on here seem to be falling desperately short in their rabbinical duties allow me to share some thoughts ahead of Yom Kippur
1. Pretending to be something that you aren’t doesn’t add any weight or value to your arguments. None whatsoever
2. The ability to read and understand what someone has said is a really useful skill
Israel is where Satan lives? 🔥👹🔥
Asking for a friend.
Some of our older readers may remember “Hinge and Bracket” form the telly. It was two blokes dressed as women who’d do some shtick as crusty old dowagers in a Victorian drawing room. There was no pretense. We were all in on it. Everyone knew they weren’t women and they didn’t expect to be taken seriously. It was just an act to get a rise out of the audience.
That’s our Comedy Clerics.
The main difference being that Hinge & Bracket were funny !
Don’t fall for Moslem ?-Nazi-Palestine (Johannes, Joe, etc ) posing as “jewish”. These are known tricks especially post 9/11. Enough said. (Just picture a kaffiya typing words picked up words online…)
The Union of European Football Associations (#UEFA) has just announced that #Israel will officially host the prestigious European #Under19 championship soccer finals in 2027! This is the first time in the Jewish country’s history to host such an event, with 8 other nations taking part including the talented young Israeli team which has both Jewish and Arab players. Amazing! ⚽️🇮🇱 ההתאחדות לכדורגל בישראל – The Israel Football Association
Yet another crushing blow to the racist BDS movement….
And yet another spectacular victory for the world’s only Jewish State
Am Yisroel Chai
What wonderful news for all young footballers in Israel and the entire region. May it be a great success.
This past Yom Kippur, no doubt every Zio had many digressions to reflect on. The most observant ones must have spent a very, very, very long time, praying to and begging HaShem for forgiveness.
Apartheid Israel IS a democracy…but only if you’re a Joooo (It’s a “Jewish State” after all!). If you’re Palestinian, it’s a vicious apartheid state and you’re treated as human garbage.
Just saying.
So do we reckon this one’s Hinge or Bracket?
This Yom Kippur, how many hours did you beg and pray to HaShem to forgive your virtual transgressions “Ian” and Richard and “Ken”? 🙏
“It’s a “Jewish State” after all!”
It certainly is – very glad to see that you have finally conceded that it is
Just like The Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan are Islamic States
At last we are getting somewhere!
Your attention is drawn to the quotation marks, “Ken”.
Apartheid Israel is no more a “Jewish” state than England is.
England is a Christian country
The big cross in it’s flag gives it away
Just like the big Star of David in the Israeli flag gives away it’s religious identity
Well done Sherlock
You’re learning !
Johannes #2:
Refaat Alareer: Gaza Nazi Palestine “speaks”…
Hitler is as peaceful as …
Sep 25, 2020
Penn Jewish Center Vandalized Ahead of University Conference Featuring Anti-Semites
Adam Kredo, September 21, 2023
…Another scheduled attendee, Refatt Alareer, is a professor at the Islamic University of Gaza. He often shares anti-Semitic materials on social media and lashes at out Zionists, who he has dubbed “the ugliest, unfunniest, and most untalented people on the globe,” according [] to Camera, a pro-Israel watchdog group.
Racist islamist with the empty “apartheid” slur (which Hitler’s pal Shukeiry invented in Oct.1961).
But he knows the preferential treatment Arabs get over Jews in democratic Israel.
Such as;
* In academia, the so called affirmative action.
* In court, which is why was founded.
* Any land issues. Which is why was founded.
* Access to sites, such as on Ramadan days.
* Harsh jail treatment “settlers” get vs racist-Arab-terrorists.
Da-Muslim-Nazi uses here “hashem” instead of Allah. To fool. Just like the Islamofascistic Iranians created Aduk…
[Notice how he uses his racist-hate on “jooos” – his choice of wording.]
Iran set up fake social media network to stoke violence, tensions in Israel – report
3 de fev. de 2022 — ‘Aduk’ group, masquerading as a nationalist and ultra-Orthodox news outlet, redistributed extremist and anti-Muslim material to encourage attacks on Arab Israelis..
JJ,probably the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
If you are Jewish you would know that the introspection of Yom Kippur is a deeply personal and private affair, and not for anti-Jewish Antisemitic bigotry to be displayed on sundry blogs
Hi Richard. Actually Yom Kippur is a deeply public affair. It is not private, at least, not in normative Jewish practice.
Synagogues – that’s what Jewish places of worship are called – hold services all day long, and they are some of the most bustling and busy services of the year.
The confessional liturgy Jewish people recite is in the plural: congregants repent together for the sins “we” have committed (using the -נו suffix in Hebrew). Everyone who was present at Yom Kippur services on Monday would have noticed that.
Moreover, Yom Kippur has always has been a deeply public affair since Temple times. The original Temple service, described in great detail in the Torah and in the first seven chapters of Masechet Yoma in the Mishnah, was, again, a bustling public event, in which the High Priest made expiation on behalf of all the people.
I’m surprised, what with you being such a devout and learned pillar of the Jewish world, that you didn’t know this.
As you say, it is a very public affair as evidenced by the need to have a minyan before services, and certain prayers, can be recited
But Yom Kippur is also a deeply personal and private affair, in effect the individual communing with G-d for atonement and forgiveness and the striving to become a better, nicer person
My original post was concerning certain individuals using this blog to denigrate others, and Jewish religious practise, as well as Holocaust denigration and revisionism
Oh, I see- people using the blog to denigrate others (such as libellous claims of my being a fake rabbi) are in the wrong? I’m glad we agree.
And yet again the “real” Rabbi falls over himself to leap to the defence of the Holocaust slanderer and Jewish blood libel perpetrator ?
Embarrassing as usual
And yet again Ken, who claims to understand Judaism, is apparently unaware that אונעת דברים is forbidden by halachah.
I much prefer it when the Comedy Clerics just come over from Pseuds Corner to be snarky. When they start spouting all their voodoo, it gets a bit much.
You’re not even trying to hide your Jew-hatred any more, are you, Ian?
Aren’t the Comedy Clerics supposed to write “Ian”?
“And yet again Ken, who claims to understand Judaism, is apparently unaware that אונעת דברים is forbidden by halachah.”
But you (a Rabbi?) think it’s okay to use your phone to post here on Shabbat ??
Isn’t that also forbidden by Halacha “Rabbi”
It’s sweet that you’re pretending not to have heard of Progressive Judaism but we both know you have, so…
What’s up Gabbie lad ? Have you given up on trying to Out-Jew me already ??
“Holocaust slanderer”?
“Jewish blood libel perpetrator”?
Explain it to me.
Or the judge.
Have I offended you Joey lad ??
Good !
Please ignore Galber, who has his own interpretation of Judaism.
You can take the man out of apartheid South Africa, but you can’t take apartheid South Africa out of the man.
Has anyone checked in with the Comedy Cleric lately to see how he’s doing dismantling the apparatus of global Zionism and eradicating the Jewish State, his life’s work you know.
“The Guardian attacks the Zios…again”
There. Fixed it for you David.
You’re welcome.
I think you are a bit confused.
I never called you the fake rabbi.
I don’t much agree with your strain of progressive Judaism but each to their own.
The fake rabbi is the dear Brucie Levy, who was also the mayer of London and is also a Holocaust revisionist and denigrator. JJ or whatever he calls himself, is in my opinion, one and the same
Richard, you have to say that these Comedy Clerics can get very chippy here. For fellas that have no skin in the game (but presumably the appropriate amount of skin everywhere else) and only sneak in for a quick poke, it’s quite surprising really. Maybe they’re having a crisis of faith in whatever voodoo they’re peddling this week.
“Fake Rabbi”? Definitely not Richard.
Your favorite Deputy Chief Rabbi just returned from a fact-finding mission, along with several members of his congregation to Palestine/apartheid Israel, where they delivered aid and medical supplies to Palestinian freedom fighters.
They witnessed and documented the usual atrocities committed against Palestinians by illegal Zionist settlers and the hated, racist IOF.
It’s funny how these “Rabbis” spend so much time on the internet talking sh1te and taking screenshots to share with their many millions of WhatsApp followers etc ??
Don’t they have any congregations to look after ?? Any charitable work to do ??
What are they being paid for exactly ??
Bit of a mystery huh ??
Ah well never mind
Part of my job is standing up to Jew-hating bullies like you, Ken.
Thanks for replying Gabbie lad…
I knew you would…..
As for my being a Jew hating bully I think you will find that I’m the one who is standing up for the world’s only Jewish state whereas you are the one who is doing all he possibly can to demonise it ?? How is that for Jew hatred Gabbie lad ??
Btw there are around 7m Jews currently living happily in the world’s only Jewish State
What are your thoughts on that Gabbie lad ?? What are your thoughts on them ??
For someone who claims not to hate Jews, you’re investing a vast, vast amount of time in trolling, insulting, defaming and baiting a rabbi.
Kenneth !!!! Have you been insulting, defaming and baiting a rabbi? Who is this poor fellow?
Ah I see so you are interpreting my mild dislike of you and your politics as a rabid hatred of all Jews everywhere ??
Yeh that’s what I thought
Screenshot away Gabbie lad I couldn’t care less
Oh and if you want my respect then maybe do something to earn it
Just putting “Rabbi” in front of your name doesn’t cut it I’m afraid
And now you’re pretending you think that antisemitism requires hatred of “all” Jews. It’s very, very childish, Ken.
I’d be really glad if you’d show this exchange to your rabbi (a rabbi is what we call a faith leader in Judaism) and see if they think you’ve behaved appropriately. But we both know you won’t have the courage to do that.
My Rabbi has better things to do with his time Gabbie lad
Clearly you don’t
I knew you wouldn’t. Coward.
Gabbie lad
You have probably gone through life thinking that people don’t like you because you are Jewish
And that has always comforted you in some strange way?
But it isn’t true
People don’t like you because you’re a sanctimonious self righteous tw@t
And your being a Rabbi doesn’t change that
Hope this information helps you with your life moving forward
Ask your rabbi (if you have one; I’m beginning to doubt it) whether the way you’re communicating here is acceptable.
Trying to Out-Jew me again are you Gabbie lad?
Why don’t you start Shabbat a bit early. You’re overexcited.
Says the “Rabbi” who posted on Shabbat to admonish someone else for posting on Shabbat ??
Shabbat finished at 7:30pm. I’m surprised you didn’t know that.
And what would you know about Shabbat Gabbie lad?
Not much from what I can tell
Says the person who spent the whole of Shabbat posting comments on a blog.
So sweet of you to pretend that you don’t remember doing that….and then defending yourself by telling me that you aren’t frum (duh)
I suppose you also “don’t remember” screenshotting my reply to you and putting the image on (what used to be) twitter also on Shabbat ??
Probably best to choose one story and stick to it Gabbie lad
You don’t want to make yourself look like an idiot do you??
Anyway I will let you have the last word on this discussion Rabbi
I get the feeling that it’s important to you ??
My last word is: if you genuinely are Jewish, show your contributions here to a rabbi you trust and ask them whether they think you’ve behaved appropriately.
Now now Ken. Play nice. These shamen can be sensitive souls. They’re happy enough when they’re pushing their voodoo and telling you that their black cat is blacker than yours. But as soon as you give them a metaphorical and wholly textual open handed slap, they squeal like babies and run for the hills. Our Yomtov Pontiff is a case in point.
Keep the antisemitism coming. All being logged and reported.
Anyway I’ve put the kettle on in anticipation of the police coming round to arrest me
I thought they would have been here by now but maybe a kitten got stuck in a tree and they had to deal with that first ?
When they do eventually get here I wonder what they will think about an orthodox Jewish man being accused of antisemitism ?
Will be interesting to find out….
Will keep you posted guys
“Ken”: “Wonder what they will think about an orthodox Jewish man being accused of antisemitism ?”
The same thing why you call anti-Zionist Jews “antisemitic” because they criticise apartheid Israel.
I can understand with David because he’s exploiting antisemitism to put food on the table and a roof over his head, since the poor man can’t hold a normal job. “The Embassy” is his meal ticket.
No, Johannes. “anti-Zionist Jews” (which you’re not connected to) do not criticise so-called-apartheid isr…. they are against Zionism as a whole.
On October 17, 1951: Ahmad Shukeiri invents the “apartheid” comparison (slur)* – * – ** (in the context of his objection to Eichmann trial)
Ahmad Shukeiri – Hitler’s helper * * * * and justifier of the Holocaust *.
Ethnic cleansing is not my Judaism.
Over to you David.
Apartheid slur and Arabs often first class in n demicratic for al – Israel
A Road for Arabs only’ – reported in Sept 2023.
Amichai Shilo, A road for Arabs only, Hakol H., 09/13/2023.
Tuned out after the first sentence.
It’s become quite clear from the above exchanges that there is no such thing as “the Jewish community” therefore there cannot be a single spokesperson who claims to speak for all Jews. It’s also become clear that the term ‘antisemitic’ has now almost been rendered meaningless by Zionists who apply it anyone or anything which they dislike, – clearly demonstrated for us by David, the undercover besmircher who sees no contradiction between Judaism and his support for the apartheid Israeli State. Of course it’s not only antisemitism which has been corrupted by Zionists, they have also, for many Jews, corrupted Judaism and the Torah, by elevating Zionism and Israeli racism to the front of their belief system. How many Zionists follow the ten commandments? Answer, none!
The old aphorism ‘Zionism is the enemy of the Jews’ is perfectly true.
Good post Jack and when you mention corruption, we may have found some common ground for once.
Thinking about corruption in the context of the clerics is topical. Can you think of another walk of life in which someone could say that they read this book once, believed every word without question and that’s the reason they buggered a pre-teen chorister, robbed the collection tray, immolated their neighbor’s teenage daughter, laid waste to villages and schools with violence and bloodshed and prosecuted the vilest acts that one human can bring upon another, you know, coz they read a book?
Now, there is no suggestion whatsoever that the chaps that hold out here as clerics get up to any of this sort of thing and in their own ways may be models of piety or something. But I think that we can agree that there are stats going back centuries and more that quite clearly indicate the temptation across all the cleric groups.
Are you a person of religious faith ?
People are allowed to disagree with each other’s opinions and are even allowed to dislike each other because of those differing opinions regardless of their gender identity or sexuality or religion
This is not a hate crime
And it most certainly cannot be dressed up as antisemitism
Re Johannes..
Arabs attacked their Jewish neighbors in Ramla: the court issued a mutual exclusion order – “Let’s catch this religious woman”, “Let Hitler burn you”, “And we will make soap like Hitler out of you”.
”Makor Rishon”, 5 in Tishrei, 5784 (09/20/2023).
(the [المصراتي] Al Masrati family) in Ramla.
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life Gal.
Decent thread this. 164 posts and counting does wonders for Dave’s SEO profile. In an effort to get us to 200, a question.
What’s worse, a non Jew pretending to be a cleric to provoke real Jews or a new age cleric that makes it up as they go along so that lazy bastards can leave shul an hour earlier on shabbat and go for a cheeky Nando’s.
#GetDaveToTheTopOf GoogleSearch
You must be speaking from experience there Joey lad ??
David mentioned Mondoweiss rag.
“Mondoweiss” is a hate site (UPDATED) – The Washington Post, May 4, 2015.
After we brought down apartheid South Africa, we told apartheid Israel that we’re coming for you next.
Shabbat Shalom.
We chop off one Zionist tentacle at a time with our “acts” of truth. 🇮🇱🐙🪓
Yes a good thread definitely 👍🏼
Certainly entertaining
What with RGKW thinking that his rabbinical ordination certificate is some sort of superpower ? 🦸♂️
JJ swinging his Zionist tentacle chopping axe like some demented Lizzie Borden reincarnation 🪓
And then with Jack T turning up like the proverbial bad penny at the end to tell us all about what Judaism is and isn’t ? 😆
Lesson of the week clearly is – If you want to learn about Torah then you should definitely ask someone who isn’t orthodox Jewish or even Jewish at all !!
Shabbat Shalom everyone
Johannes, also probably the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
You do think a lot of yourself don’t you.
You and the various protesters and whatever certainly did not cause South African Apartheid to collapse. Neither did the ‘armed struggle” make much of a difference. Boycotts and sanctions
against RSA also didn’t play much of a part either.
What did cause South African Apartheid to collapse was black labour withholding its services and preventing the economy from functioning. Boycotts and sanctions have really worked, despite the whinging and wining of dimwits like you. Palestinians labour in Israel contributes so little to the economy that the effects of them withholding their labour would be minimal
You’re not just politically illiterate Richard, you’re historically illiterate as well.
“Boycotts and sanctions helped rid South Africa of apartheid – is Israel next in line?”
(Not anti-Jewish, but anti-Zionist. I should know; I’m Jewish!)
Read and learn Richard. You’re welcome!
Over to you David
Since the article you linked to was published in 2021 the GDP of Israel has grown by 9.5%
(6.5% in 2022 and another 3% in 2023)
So yet another spectacular and embarrassing failure for the racist BDS movement
And an even bigger failure for The Guardian
Over to you Joey Ju-Dumb
Just as the boycott movement played a role to tearing the heart out of South African apartheid, the BDS movement will help to destroy off that dirty, little racist, Zionist apartheid state and those who support it.
Shabbat Shalom.
BDS has been a spectacular and embarrassing failure and this is not showing any signs of changing anytime soon
The legitimacy of Israel as a country is recognised by over 160 world nations and this now includes Arab states such as UAE and Bahrain with Saudi Arabia soon to follow
Since BDS was founded the GDP of Israel has more than tripled
By all means buy your avocados from Guatemala if it somehow comforts you to do that but you are not making a blind bit of difference to the Palestinian “plight” (which is 100% bogus and 100% self inflicted anyway) and not worthy of the attention or sympathy of literally anyone
BDS is a total failure because its target is NOTHING like what South Africa was in the bad old days. (I know – I lived in that shithole at the height of apartheid and was also a member of the ANC at the time!) The boycott of South Africa worked because the world, more or less, was unified against the regime. It also hit apartheid supporters where it hurt the most – on the rugby field! Israel has proved time and again it is a true democracy. Sure, sometimes the people in power do things right-minded folk abhor, but that is the price you pay for freedom at the ballot box – something unknown in apartheid South Africa.
We’re also getting much much better at rugby Mr. Morris and are regularly hosted in the European 2nd tier by the unions in Portugal, Croatia, Denmark, Malta and many others and welcome them all to the return fixtures here at Wingate. We don’t get much attention from the BDS flakes. Imagine those simpering pansies squaring off with rugby folk. Wimps !
Hey Stew
Israel is a democracy only If you’re a Joooo, Stew.
If you’re PALESTINIAN or another minority, your rights are limited by law, Stew.
After all, as some racist Zios proclaim; “Israel is a Jooish country,” Stew.
Joey Ju -Dumb
Spectacularly losing the plot live on the internet yet again
And on Shabbat too
Everyone can think what they want “Ken,” but fact of the matter is apartheid Israel is considered an international pariah and warmonger.
Why then are there regular worldwide demonstrations attended by millions against it?
“Why then are there regular worldwide demonstrations attended by millions against it?”
Better lay off the Manischewitz Joey lad….
If BDS is such a failure, then why did the racist, apartheid state invest millions to create a special government department to combat it?
Over to you David.
Actually I was wrong about something
Since the racist BDS movement was founded in 2005 the GDP of Israel hasn’t tripled
How about that for a spectacular failure ??
If BDS is such a failure, “Ken,” then why did the racist, apartheid state invest millions to create a special government department to combat it?
Over to you David.
If the racist BDS is such a success JJ then how come Israel’s GDP has quadrupled in the last 18 years ?
Over to you Joey Ju-Dummy
Because it’s a well-known fact that apartheid Israel relies on the Zionist lobby in Washington DC for its miserable existence, and has done for decades.
Ever heard of AIPAC, Dopey Dobkin?
Over to you David.
There’s nothing miserable about Israel’s existence mate – it’s one of the happiest societies I have ever experienced. YOUR existence, however, is clearly miserable and that’s profundly sad.
Hey Stew. Happiest societies? Lol, Stew.
Why then is apartheid Israel a highly militarized society, with almost all Jooos armed to the teeth, Stew?
A population of a baby-killing, settler-colonialist country can never be happy, Stew.
Happiest societies? Tell that to the “Holocaust” survivor who is forced to live in poverty while the apartheid Zionist government likes to propagandize how they’re honoured, Stew.
Apartheid Israel, one of the world’s happiest societies? I think not, Stew.
Why do you put Holocaust in quotation marks? I am genuinely curious.
Chop! Chop! 🇮🇱🐙🪓
Dress it up however you like Joey lad
The ongoing growth of the GDP of Israel is tangible proof of the failure of the racist BDS movement which has basically achieved exactly the opposite of what it was intended to do
Never mind Ju-Dummy
At least you will always have Piccadilly Gardens and your Cherry Bakewells to add some meaning to your miserable life
198 post and counting. I knew we’d get it to 200. Now, just one final push to the line.
Come on you crazy Comedy Clerics. Remind me. I’m an Israeli Zio of the political right with zero time for any of the religious voodoo. Am I naughty or nice and what would you like to do to me with your great big chopper?
Events in the Land of Israel 1936: Memorandum. Antifa. Tel Aviv: M. Ert, 1936, pp. 37-41.
A memorandum from ‘Antifa’ Eretz Israel to the workers movement and progressive public opinion in the world
The hand of fascism from abroad in events
The distinct fascist elements in the Arab national movement became close, housemates with German world fascism. Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” has long since become obsolete as the ‘guide’ for the Arab intelligentsia and the youth. An excessive affection is known among them for German fascism, which is very close to them in its opposition to the Jews. Hitler’s rise to power was received in the Arab press with cheers of sympathy despite the fear that Hitler’s anti-Semitism would increase the immigration of German Jews to the Land of Israel. In other words, they agree with Hitler to beat the Jews, and how much better it would be if everyone beat his own Jews. Arab fascism’s sympathy for Germans and mutual friendly relations stood out this month in recent events.
Very close to the events, during the first attack by Tulkarm, April 15, when Hazan and Danenberg were murdered, the attackers released one of the passengers and returned his money, when he declared his Germanness. And in the case of a German who passed through the Arab city of Jenin (on the road from Haifa to Afula to Tel Aviv) and was attacked by the crowd, as soon as he raised his hand in the “Heil Hitler” greeting, they returned the greeting and let him continue his journey. This was in the first week of the events (April 19-26).
Some time later, a group of passengers passed through the same road, among them the French, Italian and German consuls, each in his own car. They were accompanied by a military guard, who received an order not to shoot. The truck, which drove first, was attacked. The injured drivers moved to the other cars, the truck was burned and the convoy returned to Nablus. There the military guard got on the phone with the authorities in Jerusalem and received a vigorous order to take the passengers to Haifa. The German and Italian consuls did not wait and passed Jenin safely without any guard. Only the French consul did not feel that he was so inoculated…
– In Acre, leaflets were distributed in Arabic with the signature of the “Nazi Party” (Al Khizm a Nazi [الحزب النازي]).
The operation of the Nazis in Israel was forged in the German colonies in Israel in Sharona, Wilhelma and the German colony in Haifa. Sharona’s Germans immediately joined Hitler when he came to power. There was a case where a Jew was beaten there…
Italy tried years ago to expand its network in Israel. It is a mistake to think that in this case only the Abyssinian issue fulfilled its role. A few years ago, Italy tried more than one attempt to acquire economic and political influence in Israel. Italy built buildings, brought its insurance companies into the country, founded cultural clubs there to teach the Italian language and literature, paid for Italian teachers for the high schools. At the expense of the Italian government, textbooks and notebooks are given to students for free.
The newspapers published news about the participation of the Italian fascists in the recent events.
On June 7th, the newspaper of the Egyptian government party ‘Rose al Yusuf’ in Cairo published an article in which it demanded from the ‘Arab Higher Committee’ in Jerusalem to deny the news, carried in Egyptian newspapers, that he was receiving support from a foreign source. The newspaper adds that the news is based on serious facts and demanded a clear answer from the committee. The denial did not come.
Although there are rumors that the police discovered the names of the Arab leaders, who received 2000 pounds from Italy and 5000 from Germany.
The few facts, which certainly do not exhaust the material, clearly prove that the German and Italian fascists had a hand in the events of E.Y. [Palestine], intending to win them the friendship of Arab fascism in Israel.
It goes without saying that it is an exaggeration to think that it was “foreign intervention” that caused the outbreak of events. It only served as a kind of their “helpmate”.
However, it was our duty to point this out, so that the social nature of the foreign movement becomes even clearer and to pose the question to the progressive public:
How can an antifascist explain this matter?
It was possible for one movement to fulfill two missions: revolutionary, worthy of sympathy, and fascist, worthy of condemnation. Who is the antifascist who will explain this complex?
No! Fascist “revolutionary” has not yet gained sympathy and love from the fighters of fascism.
P. C. P. and the events
A sad chapter in itself is the behavior of the Communist Party in Israel amid these bloody events. When it comes to the “Communist Party”, everyone can surely imagine that the party appearing under that name, whatever its attitude to the very question of Jewish immigration and rooting in Israel, will oppose it in any way to the chauvinists on any side, condemn the bloody terrorist attacks on innocent people, on women and children, condemn as a matter of course the burning of the fields and the destruction of the labor of working people. Emphasize the slogan of class war instead of a war of nationalities. But no, not in the least!
This is not the first time that P.C.P. Joins the chauvinistic incitement of the most reactionary Arab circles and supports it in every lecture. Suffice it to mention one case from the recent past. When some time ago smuggled weapons were discovered in cement barrels in the port of Jaffa, although it is not clear who and for whom these weapons were smuggled in, the Arab instigators nevertheless raised a cry, because the Jews brought weapons into the country in order to kill nothing more and nothing less. So the P.C.P. put out a proclamation, in which it tried to outdo the Arab fascist nationalists by inciting against the Jewish settlement, in this proclamation it addressed the “Arab people” in a distinctly nationalist style under the name of “the fathers, who shed their blood for the homeland” and conducted a really horrible propaganda, because “the confiscated weapons were not intentional but towards the hearts of the Arabs, in order to destroy them to the point of boycott”. Although P. C. P. clearly knew that the Jewish settlement did not conduct or prepare to conduct slaughters in the Arabs. By the way, the course of recent events has clearly demonstrated who is in possession of large treasures of smuggled weapons and who used them to attack innocent passers-by and workers in rejected villages. It is worth mentioning that when this announcement was published around the world, it caused a great outrage among the Jewish masses, and the Jewish communist press abroad (Morgen Freiheit” in New York and “Neye Presse” in Paris), and was forced to declare that this announcement was nothing but a provocation. It was also difficult for them to imagine, communists will publish such a chauvinist proclamation that incited people against people. Here in Israel, the PCP did not deny the authenticity of the proclamation and did not deny itself to even from a single line of the inciting document, whose friends abroad evaluated it as a provocation.
When the preacher from the Haifa Al-Qassem mosque organized a terrorist gang, which raided the roads with the intention of murdering defenseless Jewish passers-by, after all. P.C.P. not only did it not try to explain to the Arab masses, that this is not the way, rather, to their liberation, PCP along with the Muslim clergy and the nationalist youth influenced by fascism, it praised Sheikh al-Qassem as a “freedom fighter,” who should serve as a role model for the youth.
Any assassination of Jewish lives, from which side it came, with any slogan, was always encouraged and praised by the P.C.P. And this is how it behaves in the current events as well. Not even in one of the multiple announcements, which P.C.P. published in the blood oaths, it does not condemn in a single word the brutal murders of defenseless innocent people. Even cruel atrocities, such as throwing a bomb at the old people’s center in Jerusalem, placing a bomb in a kindergarten in Ness Ziona, throwing a bomb into the train car, filled to the brim with Jewish passengers, which seriously injured women and a two-year-old boy, even in cases like this PCP does not find not even a single word of condemnation in announcements, on the contrary, all of this is raised to the level of “acts of heroism”.
In every publication P. C. P. is to purge the Arab reaction of any responsibility for the events. The only culprits are the Jews, in the well-known formula: “The Jew must be burned” … and they spread various different libels and rumors about the Jewish settlement, in order to inflame the hatred towards the Jewish masses.
After the bomb was thrown at the school in Tel Aviv on the border of Jaffa and miraculously only 9 children were injured, from 6 to 11 years old, the Arab newspapers announced, in order to clear the murderers, that the bomb was thrown by communists, and when a suspected Arab was arrested – they revealed their opinion, that He is a communist, when the suspect was released – the fascist Arab newspapers continued in its accusations against the communists. It only added that this crime was committed by the Jewish communists. Since the Jews are the ones who brought communism to the Israel, and wherever a communist — he is a Jew, so declares and informs ‘Falastin’, one of the leading chauvinist newspapers. In response to this, P. C. P. put out a proclamation, in which it proves its “righteousness” and lays all the blame for throwing the bomb on the Jews – – – themselves, who threw the bomb on their own sons, in order to arouse anger among the Jewish workers towards the Arabs and P.C.P. doesn’t this bring to mind the claim of the ancient anti-Semites from the time of the Tsar and the modern ones in Poland, that the Jews are staging riots on themselves, in order to arouse anger against the Russian or Polish people?
P. C. P. Not in any of its pamphlets mentions even a single word that the Arab reactionary circles are interested in inciting the Arab masses against the Jews, in order to distance themselves from the anger of their exploiters and leave them in ignorance and slavery.
PCP rejects any suspicion that the current leaders of the Arab National Movement have any fascist tendencies or any connection with fascist elements in Israel, despite all the facts that confirm this.
P. C. P., it did not highlight any of her own slogans throughout the days of the events, she is constantly being dragged along the tail of the reactionary leaders, each time clinging to their own slogans and defending them without any hesitation.
In all announcements P. C. P. , there is not a single word against the Effendi and the ‘Nationalists loan sharks’, who mercilessly strip the skin of the fellahin. In general, there is nothing in these proclamations about the division into classes and about class antagonisms in the Arab people. Rather, P. C. P., they talk enthusiastically about the “national unity” of the Arab people, as if national unity is the latest ideal of the communists, despite the fact that this unity means surrendering the working masses to the unlimited influence of the exploiters and the clergy. In contrast, PCP, in its campaign to deepen the national hatred, pointing to the Jews as the haters of the Arab people.
Even imperialism is mentioned by P. C. P. as hated only because of its supposed help to the Jews. Instead of explaining to the masses, Jews and Arabs alike, that the imperialist government does not support either the rights of the Jews or the rights of the Arabs, but rather the rights of the British Empire, points out P. C. P. the British rule as a protector of the Jews.
We believe that it is permissible to prove that this kind of propaganda has nothing to do with communism and is a betrayal of internationalism.
What can be the result of this propaganda, when it acquires influence on the masses? It pollutes the air with poisonous fumes of chauvinism. It deepens the chasm between the masses of the two nations instead of helping to close it. It increases the positions of the reactionary leaders and helps to tighten the ties between the Arab masses and their leaders, who do not intend at all to liberate the masses…
Bidwell, R. L. (1998). Dictionary of modern Arab history: an A to Z of over 2000 entries from 1798 to the present day. United Kingdom: Kegan Paul International, p. 321.
In October 1930 Moscow dissolved the PCP Central Committee and appointed a new one with a majority of Arabs. In 1934 Radwan al-Helou (“Musa”) returned from Moscow and started to organise Arab cells in the trade unions. Musa formed alliance with the nationalist leaders such as the Mufti Haj Amin al-Hussaini despite Russian denunciations of them as Fascists and in 1937 Jewish communists attempted to set up their own party. Musa prevented this but shortly afterwards the British imprisoned him for his nationalist activities, keeping him in detention until Russia joined the war, when the PCP was allowed to operate more openly. Under Russian direction it was the only Arab group not to oppose the partition of Palestine. After I948 a separate legal Israel Communist Party came into existence while Musa and others went to the West Bank where they shared the fortunes of the Jordan Communist Party which, after some minor successes, was formally banned in 1957…
200 ! I knew we’d get there and huge thanks to the Comedy Cleric for pushing us over the line with his post “You’re not happy! You’re not !! You’re NOT !!!”
Well, I’m happy to announce that for his supreme efforts in boosting the numbers on this thread and his tireless commitment to his role, our own Brucie is the “Meir Kahane Contributor of the Month” for September. Congratulations from all of us.
So it would seem that Typing Bollocks For Palestine really is a thing ??
The IDF really have no chance at all when faced with this army of fearsome keyboard warriors huh ??
French Parliament rejects resolution 199-71 accusing Israel of having “institutionalized an apartheid regime.” During the debate, this false accusation was called “the fuel that drives all of the antisemites in the world.”
May 7, 2023
“the fuel that drives all of the antisemites in the world.”
Had impostor (islamist) JJ /Johannes really be “anti-zionist-religious-jewish”, he would, first of all refer to the Israeli Jews as palestinians…
I wouldn’t put much hope I receiving an answer from someone who calls himself the ‘deputy chief rabbi and mayer of London’.
He is a Holocaust denigrator and revisionist, and then he calls himself a Jew, no doubt with a twisted smirk on his face as he does it. He also occasionally makes threats.
Funny Richard innit? When you watch all those films of us crushing the invading Arab armies that tried eradicating the Jewish State, the one thing you almost never see in their ranks is befuddled old soaks in kagools, socks and sandals squealing “Oooh kill the joooos. It’s all apartheid”.
Saying that, our Brucie does claim to have a very big chopper and is threatening to do something aggressive with it.
The “palestine” Nazi-Imam (under ‘Johannes’, ‘Joe_Juden’ or ‘Johannes_Juden’, JJ, etc.) spamming at [] with Taqiyia as if he is “not” Moslem.
* Denying the Holocaust (July 4, 2023)
* Laughes about a “Kristallnacht vibe…”
And again denying the Holocaust (July 17, 2023)
* Recycling ancient Blood libel (Sep 24, 2023)
* The racist expresses his venomous contempt for Jews. In his wording: “if your’e a joooo” (Sep 26, 2023).
* Questioning the Holocaust and spews about ‘joooos’. (Oct 1, 2023)
A Johannes “Islamophobia” special
The Arab Club in Berlin: 1938/1939, headed by “Palestinian” Darwish al-Miqdadi for Nazi propaganda and aid for Arab terrorism
Osterberg, Änne. Mehr als alles behüte dein Herz: Wie unsere Herzen und unser Land heilen, wenn uns die Wurzel wieder trägt. Germany: BoD – Books on Demand, 2021, p. 356.
Israeli, Raphael. The Death Camps of Croatia: Visions and Revisions, 1941-45. United Kingdom: Transaction Publishers, 2013, p. 120.
Nordbruch, Götz. Nazism in Syria and Lebanon: The Ambivalence of the German Option, 1933–1945. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2009, p. 157ff42.
Frederick Elwyn Jones wrote on 1939 (before the outbreak of the war):
Jones, Frederick Elwyn. The Attack from Within: The Modern Technique of Aggression. United Kingdom: Penguin Books, 1939, Chapter II, ‘The Rome – Berlin Axis’, [pp. 36-37], [pp. 43-45].
Johannes “islamophobia” Part II
Pakistani Muslim joutnalist in N Fatah sympathizes with Nazi Hunka
CBC Journalist Laments “Cruel” Spotlight Shone on Yaroslav Hunka, WW2 Nazi-Unit Veteran
By Mike Fegelman, October 2, 2023
Thousands of Christian worshipers from around the world participated on Wednesday in the annual Jerusalem March, a festive parade that takes place in the middle of the week-long Jewish Sukkot holiday.
Christians hailing from almost all the continents beat drums, blew traditional Jewish shofar horns, sang worship songs, handed out candy, and carried religious icons.
Israel has cultivated close ties in recent years with evangelical Christians, many of whom profess a strong affinity for the Jewish faith and consider modern Israeli history a fulfilling biblical prophecy….
And all of this in “apartheid” Israel ??
Kind of weird that you’re in favour of Christians appropriating Jewish identity.
Kinda weird to me, Ken that a soi disant Rabbi has to dash over here to demean and disparage any post that he feels could engender support or sympathy for Jews and Israel. I tend to give these chaps and their mumbo jumbo a wide berth so help me out. Is this how they go about things these days?
Christians stealing Jewish practices doesn’t engender support for Jews.
But then again, Ian, nor does your constant antisemitism (fantasising about my death, calling Judaism “voodoo”…)
We both know what we’re doing here, Gabriel and I’m sure that you’re as comfortable with your tactics as I am with mine.
“Oooh, you’re an antisemite. I’m telling on you.” Brilliant !
Let’s be honest, like all your silly religious mumbo-jumbo, it’s not like any of this actually matters, right?
Yes he’s a funny one Ian
And definitely not funny “haha”
Not sure that English is his first language as he doesn’t seem to understand it very well ??
Ah well never mind
He’s a queer fish, Ken.
Imagine sitting in your own front room watching a bit of telly with your nan, having a brew and a natter when some stranger barges in off the street, stands in front of “Strictly…” and starts squealing “Leave me alone you horrid meanies”.
That’s our clueless cleric, that.
The whole basis of Christianity is built on Judaism and the Old Testament. Without Judaism Christianity could not exist.
Supersessionism, or replacement theory, whereby certain strains of Christianity say Christ replaced Jews is just another form of historical anti-Jewish Antisemitism
Ever wondered which other sites trolls like Gabriel and others visit?
They’re here coz Dave talks about people that are prejudiced against Jews and Israel and this gets them so cross that they have to bang the doors down to demean and disparage him, just in case his stuff engenders sympathy for either. Do you reckon they go to sites where moderate Muslims talk about the persecution that they get from radicalized elements of their own faith or where Christians talk about the shame of being associated with the deliberate provocateurs amongst them? If Dave already has Brucie’s IP address and presumably that of other contributors, it is a simply 4 step process for someone with the skills to check out where else they go, when, for how long and what they do when they get there.
And of course the big question; Has Brucie shown his massive chopper to anyone else?
Hoping that you and your family are safe
Like all civilised westerners we are praying for Israel and her people
Indeed we are. The scenes are horrific and all decent people will be sickened at what is happening. Let’s also remind everyone that blood donations are urgently needed especially from people with O negative. If you are in Israel, DONATE NOW!
Queues for miles to give blood in our neighborhood this morning Stewart. It was the first time in many months when there was no talk of left and right, protests or reforms. We were just Israelis coming together as we have always done in these times to support our soldiers. It is sad to say but these are the moments that see the very best of us all. Thank you for your kind thoughts and good wishes.
You’re gonna reap just what you sow
– Lou Reed
BBC news are already changing their narrative highlighting the total Israeli shutdown of their border with Gaza but accidentally forgetting to mention that Gaza still has a border with Egypt ?
Sky news seems to be saying it more like it is for a change
Even The Guardian are coming down hard on Hamas for a change which is something I never expected
Was also good to see the Israeli flag projected onto Downing Street
Sadly the anti-Semites in the UK are having a field day. So much so that Mark Gardner, Cheif Executive of CST, published a video earlier today warning the Jewish community to be on high alert. The BBC only fuels this anti Jewish hatred by its reporting. Shame on them.
Swords of Iron
The Islamic Republic of Iran’s backed “Palestinian” terror organization Hamas ‘Gaza regime’ in coordination with Islamic Jihad and other terror groups – PFLP, DFLP,
fires (Oct 7-9) over 5,000 rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip over towns across Israel, including Jerusalem & Tel Aviv / central Israel, (in an attempt to overwhelm the system, many fired at once), many fell on the towns despite the Iron Dome system – wounding several, (a day later on a hospital in Ashkelon), wounding also in Ashdod, Ashkelon and in the Jerusalem area on Oct 9, –
the infiltration of about a 1,000 Hamas terrorists in Israeli towns and villages most via the Erez crossing which had been breached – others through breaching of a fence, roaming on vehicles randomly shooting at people, at babies, at the elderly, going from house to house, massacring hundreds (at times, entire families, such as in Moshav Netiv HaAsara who lost dozens and in Nahal Oz), there were 108 murdered in Kibbutz Be’eri, “snatching children out of their beds,” (2, 3 & 5 years old); kidnapping Jews, including women and children – entire families, dragging them (some barefooted) over to Gaza; even the disabled (- such as a Holocaust survivor), many to be lynched and as trophies – dozens are Americans, torching houses and vehicles some with people inside, parading with dead, wounded, hostages; a massacre such that of youngsters on a nature party near Kibbutz Re’im (260), two youngsters who were there, before being kidnapped: “had WhatsApp conversations, sent their location, made it clear that the terrorists were walking around and lynching anyone they found.”
Toll counted as on Oct 9, fatalities: over 900, wounded: over 2400;
A note found near torched vehicles showed Islamic religious text ‘inspiring’ to the violence. At the Rave Massacre asides from weapons, copies of the Koran were found. Arabic speaking journalist Ohad Hemo: Hamas that I spoke with, they have no problem with half of Gaza to be wiped out.
Hamas had announced that many hostages are being held in tunnels where they store weapons, missiles. That they have 100 hostages and the Islamic Jihad said that they hold 30 hostages.
German tattoo artist held by Hamas..”Her body was filmed splayed in the back of a truck, with one leg at an unnatural angle, terrorists sitting around it and supporters of the group cheering, running alongside and spitting on her.”
Held by Hamas barbarians. Oct.7.23. “Doron and her two young daughters, Raz and Aviv (4.5 and 2.5 years old), cruelly kidnapped by Hamas. Noa, who was enjoying a party with her partner, also abducted. Ivonne and Antonio, parents of a 6 and a 4-year-old, are still missing.”
Images — of little girls and elderly people held by Hamas, bloodied women, as well as parading of various doubt alive or dead and Palestinians beating them, young German woman was murdered by Hamas while attending a music festival in Israel before the militants desecrated and paraded her body on the back of a truck — shocked the world. It brought back ISIS style barbarity.
Among the horrific tales: a father who tried to shield his two children with his body was “murdered with an ax in front of his children.” “There have been reports of sexual assault and torture.” A survivor recalls how some were raped next to dead bodies before being murdered. Raping girls and then parading them as they bleed. Shooting girls in the legs so that they can’t run. A grandmother burned alive at her home. News reporter: “After my family hid in the bush together for hours, one of the terrorists spotted them and started shooting. My family was massacred.” To one family, the barbarians called and said: “Your girl is in our hands, we will rape and kill her.” A child being captured by Hamas was seen being abused by ‘ordinary’ Gazans (Arab racism en masse).