Wael Al-Dahdouh

The Al Dahdouh clan – kings of the two industries in Gaza

There are two flourishing industries in Gaza – terrorism and journalism. One is all about killing Jews, the goal of the other is to deceive the world about it. The Al-Dahdouh family provides a perfect example of how they exist in a symbiotic relationship. Wael Al-Dahdouh is a face of the current conflict in Gaza. He is the head of Al Jazeera’s Gaza office. Western … Continue reading The Al Dahdouh clan – kings of the two industries in Gaza

PSC extremism

Palestine Solidarity Campaign – paving the road to extremism

The UK government recently adopted a new definition of ‘extremism’. They will begin to label groups ‘extremist’ if the group promotes an ideology based on ‘violence, hatred or intolerance’ which aims to negate the freedom of others, undermine democracy, or help others do the same. It is seen as a way of helping to remove oxygen from groups that are pushing poison into the veins … Continue reading Palestine Solidarity Campaign – paving the road to extremism