so you think Israel should tear down its walls

So you think Israel should tear down its walls?

I lived in Israel for nineteen years. I lost a good friend during the Second Intifada to a suicide bomber who chose to turn a music pub on the Tel Aviv seafront into a scene from a disaster movie. During this time I also tutored a boy of a close family friend – I helped him pass his exams – only to see him murdered … Continue reading So you think Israel should tear down its walls?

Seeds for Development and Culture

Sowing the seeds of support for terrorists

Why do those who support and celebrate the murder of Jews always have a queue of people who want to give them money and shake their hands? The Seeds for Development and Culture ‘Seeds for Development and Culture’ (SFDC) is an NGO operating out of Nablus. The Facebook page suggests it has been around since 2012. They claim that SFDC ‘aims to create a positive … Continue reading Sowing the seeds of support for terrorists

BBC bias

The BBC blood libel and the shame of a biased media

During an interview with Israeli ex-PM Naftali Bennett the BBC anchor Anjana Gadgil suggested that ‘Israeli forces are happy to kill children’. This is an antisemitic blood libel reworked for the 21st century. Many complained, the BBC apologised, and the Board of Deputies swiftly accepted the apology. I cannot be the only one who is sickened by this recurring pantomime. Anjana Gadgil’s words may have … Continue reading The BBC blood libel and the shame of a biased media