What should have been a celebration of free speech during an evening of rigorous debate at Durham University, turned into a tale of cowardice, intimidation, abandonment, tears, and fear. Rather than stand up to masked anti-Israel thuggery, Durham University *chose* to abandon its own students – leaving them caged and fearful inside the debate hall – as a mob banged on doors, hurled vicious abuse, and called for the violent destruction of Israel.
(Note: two of the speeches that were intended to be given on the night – along with legal discussion of the incident – have (thanks to UKLFI) been made available for online viewing).
Intro – the debate and the proposition
A few months ago, I was asked if I would be prepared to travel to Durham to take part in a student union debate. I admit to being sceptical. My experience with the university space is not great. Previous debates I had scheduled were cancelled when opposing speakers pulled out. I was literally on a train to Glasgow for a debate at the University of Strathclyde when I was told the opposing speaker had decided to withdraw.
Cowards all – and so for a while I gave up trying.
But my conversations with the students at Durham could not have been more convincing. These are good people, and this was Durham Union Society, with a long history of promoting free speech behind them. I was assured the event would go ahead. In addition, I also knew of Chris Doyle – the head of the opposing team. We may disagree about almost everything, but he is not a cowardly, blind activist sort.
And the clinching argument? I would not be going alone. I would be standing alongside the UKLFI’s force of nature Natasha Hausdorff, and former MEP, Lance Forman. How could I possibly resist?
The Durham University encampment
I had given a talk at Leeds Leads Against Antisemitism on the Thursday, and so travelled to Durham alone as my teammates made their way up from London. Upon arrival – as I do – I went to have a look at the local anti-Israel crowd. In this case the Durham University encampment – a sad little gathering of mostly unoccupied tents sitting on Palace Green – directly outside the debating chamber .
The encampment began on May 10, The university posted an official response in which (unbelievably) they claimed they would leave it standing because they ‘robustly uphold’ the right to free speech. From what we know following the cowardly cancellation of our debate – that is simply a risible claim. As a sign of the total decay of modern academia, 260 members of the Durham faculty signed an online statement of support with the encampment.
It is notable that not one of these 260 staff appears to have since spoken publicly against the actions of the encampment that led to the denial of free speech on campus, and the intimidation and abuse of Durham students. The cancer has clearly spread far at Durham University.
As a sign of how bad the faculty has fallen down the rabbit hole. After the event was cancelled – Alice Nah – Associate Professor, Sociology and Co-Director of the Human Rights and Public Law Centre at Durham did not condemn the denial of free speech – nor the abuse some Durham students received. Instead she stood in solidarity with the masked thugs, reposting their post-action statement.
Encampments are not ‘random’ acts of protest by students. The influence almost always comes from outside – especially on a campus like Durham with little historic activity. This particular group ‘Durham Students for Palestine’ did not even exist until it was created to set up the camp. The accounts on Twitter, Insta and TikTok – all opened in May 2024. These are highly organised national networks chiefly put together by members of extremist Islamist and Marxist groups – who then recruit local naive virtue signallers to stand alongside them. They have operational manuals, local logistical assistance – and are immediately supported by local hard left groups:
Soon after setting up, ‘camp’ leaders hand the university a long list of impossible demands. Sadly – as we have seen across the country, the university invariably chooses to engage with the organised protests rather than clean out the masked thugs.
These are intelligent and dangerous movements, creating a situation on the ground where UK students are pushed into seeing extremist groups such as CAGE – as allies. Going through the Durham Student pages, I see CAGE all over them. It is a process of radicalisation taking place under the noses of campus officials.
Protesters from inside and out
On top of the few obvious resident protestors from the encampment, ‘rent-a-mob’ groups like Newcastle PSC were calling for people to bus in and protest. Not a student protest then – but an imported masked mob standing against Durham students and free speech.
The fact the majority of protestors were not students from Durham is not a secret. This group also from Newcastle:
‘Shut Down Rafael Newcastle’. Another non-Durham based, non-student group, that told its followers to turn up to deprive Durham students of their freedoms:
The Durham university event burns
When we gathered for a meal before the event, we already knew the protest was gathering pace. We sat with the other speakers, alongside the President of the Student Union, and a few other key members of the group. We watched as the messages began to be received from outside and the tension level began to grow.
Even this part of the evening was outrageous. These are students simply holding a debate. Yet the university delegated the stress and decision making to the students. This should have been a process between the police and the university that resulted in the event taking place – whatever decisions needed to be made along the way. Instead, the university just passed the buck. But these students were not responsible for the mess created by the decision to allow the encampment to remain – the university was. The university role is to ensure the environment is student friendly. Masked thugs cannot be allowed to rule our streets.
We sat and watched the students growing more and more concerned with each passing minute.
At the protest itself masks were everywhere. These protestors are gutless cowards who hide their identity. As they gathered they closed off the venue by forming a human chain around the entrances – thus ensuring there was no way in for either the speakers or the guests. The students told us they had explicitly asked for university security or the police to protect the entrances so this human chain would not be allowed to happen. Even this basic and obvious advice was completely ignored:
The hidden identities are not an accident. In footage they upload – in which masks are not in place – they colour out the faces:
As we sat for dinner we soon learned that part of the reason for the growing anxiety of the organising students was the fact 10 of their fellow students, who had gone ahead to set up the venue for the event, were now trapped inside with an aggressive crowd hurling abuse at them from the outside.
How Durham University abandoned its students
Inside the restaurant, the Durham students were beginning to leave the table at frequent intervals and for increasingly longer periods. The Durham Union Society President Matthew Brooker was engaged in constant communication with the university. We understand most of that communication was with Dr Shaid Mahmoud, Pro Vice Chancellor (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) of Durham University.
We were told we had to wait for instructions – because there were fears for our safety if we went outside.
Then came a crucial moment. One that DEFINES the evening. The Durham Union Society President was given a choice. He was told that if he wanted the event to continue, he needed to give the green light to the university – so the university would then inform the police that these people were trespassing – at which point the police would move them on.
We were with Matthew as he received this message. He asked for everyone’s opinion. We were unanimous in giving support for the event. None of us had any intention of allowing the thugs to win.
Matthew gave the university the green light. The event was going ahead.
Fifteen minutes later we received word the event had been cancelled. Matthew and the other students had been played. They had no real say in the matter at all. We were informed that the cancellation decision had ultimately been made by Dr Shaid Mahmoud
Terrorist supporters and the radical left
I believe that if people are going to aggressively shut down free specch on campus – we have a right to know who they are. The police for whatever reason think differently and are happy with masked thugs taking actions on campus.
Masks make it impossible to identify people – which begs the question of how do we know how many protestors were actually students – and how many were from local rent-a-thug groups. Or more to the point – how could the police know?
But a few were identifiable. Take this guy:
In the image he is at an anti-Israel protest in Newcastle on 27 April. The flag he is holding is a PFLP flag. The PFLP is a proscribed terrorist group in places such as Canada, Japan, the US and EU. From his posts we can clearly see he is connected with the university encampment.
From footage I found he was at the protest outside the debating chamber. He is a hard left activist who went on a Cuba solidarity mission last year and is not a Durham student.
He reposted this, calling the October 7 atrocities ‘humane’, ‘morally just’ and described it as a ‘hostage rescue operation’. Simply vile:
And this self explanatory celebration of October 7:
For those interested his name is Jordan Milner.
This the ideology that Durham University is protecting and defending. While it cancels the rights of students who seek academic discussion – it defends the rights of invading terrorist supporters.
Ben Sellers, activist and Corbyn’s social media assistant from 2017 was also there. Hardly a student either. He too was using his social media platform to advertise the event, calling people down. He proudly posted a video of people singing ‘long live the intifada’ – hoping they had stopped the event – and celebrated when they did so.
These outsiders managed to help close down a student debate on campus.
Two simple and obvious questions:
- Why is the university allowing terrorist supporting outsiders to trespass and trample on the rights of Durham’s own students?
- How are the police permitting unidentifiable masked thugs to close down university events?
Have we completely lost our minds!
Inside the room
The abuse thrown at the ten Durham university students caged inside the venue is inexcusable. They were trapped there for 2.5 hours. Watch this footage. The police and security ALLOWED for Durham students to be abused and threatened in this manner by a group of masked thugs – many of whom do not even go to the university.
In the video you can also hear abuse shouted explicitly at Moab Ramadan – a student at Durham and one of the opposition speakers. He was abused at the encampment the day before:
“Mohab Ramadan is an active member of the Durham Union and a vocal pro-Palestinian speaker on campus. He has been involved with the protester’s encampment on Palace Green since its foundation. On Thursday (06/06/24) afternoon, Mohab went to the encampment on Palace Green to read his speech and ask for feedback from his fellow campaigners. To his surprise he received threats from members of the encampment. He was called a “Zionist pig”, “a traitor” and told to “f**k off and never come back”.” Taken from the Durham student press release
At this point I can return to the invading terrorist supporter we had identified – Jordan Milner. This is what he posted:
And here Durham University runs into serious trouble. Mohab Ramadan is a Durham student with Egyptian heritage who was due to take part in an event on campus. ‘Jordan’ is not a student – but comes to the university and helps to close down his event – even referring to Mohab as a ‘Zionist collaborating scab’.
Note also Jordan explicitly refers to non-student ‘comrades’ in his post.
How has Durham University not protected their own students when activists have invaded the campus explicitly to cause trouble and abuse Durham students?
And make no mistake about the support for terrorism. Look at this video. People on a university campus in the UK singing a genocidal chant that calls for the continuation of an ‘intifada’ – the brutal massacres of civilians in Israel.
If this passes without comment or action from the police or university, British Jews may just as well pack their bags.
The aftermath
Following notification of the cancellation, we sat and waited for the trapped students to emerge. Eventually we were moved from the restaurant to a nearby room. At this point some of the ten students who had been locked away joined us. I spoke to two female students – both visibly shaken – both in tears.
They described to us the trauma they had experienced – that can clearly be seen in the first video above. It was heartbreaking to listen to. This is not something anyone could easily move on from. How on earth did Durham university allow that disgraceful behaviour to take place? They sat and did nothing as their own students were abused – they simply abandoned them.
An important note. The students we had the pleasure of meeting – Matthew- those alongside him – and then those who had been trapped – all did themselves proud. And as bad as Durham University was – the Durham Union students themselves were examples of decency, integrity & courage. They deserve far better than the university gave them.
Durham University – shifting the blame
It gets worse. Following the cancellation and the immediate negative publicity that rightly followed such a weak and cowardly move – Durham University issued a statement that was full of distortion and falsehood.
The statement suggests the event was held (lie), that it went ahead (another lie) that the event was underway (yet another lie). Durham University suggests that they made ‘appropriate security arrangements’, which given the event was called off because of a few masked thugs is a risible comment.
The statement even outrageously suggests that ‘Durham Union Society’ accepted the reasons for this decision. Nonsense. We were there. We know what happened. These are students who were both betrayed and abandoned by the university they pay a fortune to attend. Why not ask them what they REALLY THINK – and put that in the statement.
The university dragged several speakers 100s of miles to speak at event – they had a duty of care – and yet NOT ONE university official bothered to contact the speakers to check on our welfare or inform us of the reasoning behind the cancellation. They left it up to their own betrayed students to endlessly (and needlessly on their part) apologise. What disgraceful and shameful behaviour. And in the statement they dared to pretend they had only postponed – not cancelled the event – as if I (not speaking for the others but imagine they would agree) have any intention of returning given the behaviour we experienced.
I think the most amusing post-cancellation statement came from the bigoted, fascist encampment thugs themselves. They actually put out a statement legitimising their actions by suggesting free speech is not a licence for unopposed dissemination of harmful ideologies.
Can they be any less self-aware? Any more stupid? If these people actually are Durham University students then I advise EVERY PARENT to avoid this campus. It is clearly doing an awful job of educating its students. They do not even know what a debate is. The very definition is about putting opposing arguments forward. And secondly the only people promoting harmful ideologies and spreading fake narratives through countless lies at Durham University – while simultaneously aggressively ensuring the silencing of all opposing voices is the encampment. Take a long hard look in the mirror guys. That’s what fascism looks like today.
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Thank you so much, David, for your continued courage and honesty and for sharing this damnable experience with us. Durham University has now joined the sewer of Jew-hatred under the flimsy cover of “anti-Zionism” although I suspect it has been sliming downhill for some time alongside too many others.
That being the case, isn’t it now time to name the elephant in the room, and what I am coming to the conclusion is the common denominator in far too many of these incidents, that of probable financial inducement to university governing bodies on the condition that they turn a blind eye to, where they don’t actually promote, such mayhem?
As a beginning, I’d want firm legislation in place to compel universities to disclose ALL their sources of external funding, and severe financial penalties imposed on any which have accepted money from entities proven to have islamist links, past or present. Decent parents could then make intelligent and informed choices about where to send their children.
Again, thank you for all your hard work, David. Stay safe and well.
Once again, many thanks, David. Obviously a horrendous situation. I hope others appreciate your courage.
Isn’t it time that the university authorities who fail to uphold the laws regulating free speech and lawfully managing constitutional precepts of academic UK institutions of education and learning are censured. Firstly for breaking the law in their failure to ensure free speech. Secondly in their failure to protect the security of their law abiding students. Thirdly for ensuring that the university is an appropriately run and secure place of learning that provides a quality environment for that purpose and incidentally which students pay very heavily for. Failing that should be grounds for censure of the university , and the appointed staff be personally liable for conducting the affairs of the university in an appropriate and lawful way reasonably ensuring it conducts iteslf accoring to its constitution and UK law. This could take the form of financial penalties of the government grant system. Staff failing their responsibilities could be brought into a disciplinary process to explain why they failed to act appropriately and sanctioned accordingly, or even dismissed for gross failure to act in the best interests of all fee paying students. It’s time that the university chancellors are brought to task and have to justify their management decisions which are handsomely paid for by the UK taxpayer who have a right to demand proper standards of confuct. In all other walks of life such a gross failure in performance would result in steps being taken with the personnel to address that failure by performance management actions by independent adjudicators , leading to retraining or dismissal like in any other sphere of UK public sector or business activity. The police forces around the country should also have the power and enforce action where there has been a failure to ensure the security of students with these increasingly common illegal protests supporting proscribed organisations and individuals concealing their identities in order to break or avoid the law with impunity. The time for effective action and sanction is now before the liberty, freedom and individual rights of expression in the UK are lost to undemocratic forces in the uk and worldwide.
Thanks for this. I watched your presentation with Natasha.
This problem is a long time coming and its a problem of lack of will from the PM down that allows this.
I can understand why the police are reluctant to get involved. If they arrest anyone they will have to spend hours processing the protesters in the knowledge that said protesters will be out on the street again within hours. and then to add insult to injury, the protesters will get at most a suspended sentence or ASBO; and that is only if the judge has a bit of a ‘backbone’. so the police won’t act unless under duress.
And in the meanwhile the quality of life for everyone sinks to the standards of’banana republics’ or worse
Related on organizers of hate mobs:
Remember: the organizer of hate vandalism at Brooklyn Museum was Arab “Palestinian” Nerdeen Kiswani of her WOL [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13522831/brooklyn-museum-director-antiSemitic-vandalism.html]. The racist who has been interrupting Holocaust memorial ceremonies [https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-746278] Black actor from the South, Wendel Pierce correctly defined it as a KKK rally. [https://twitter.com/WendellPierce/status/1801242768334807480]
I have to admire the rigid and unshakable stoicism of British Jews. In conversation about current events in the UK they shrug politely and say things like ” Aah, it’ll all blow over. It’s just ‘rent-a-mob’ who don’t know what they’re saying and it’ll soon pass”. Then they feel compelled to add how incredibly grateful they are for the opportunities that they have been given by the British establishment. The first part is fairly typical of a community that has enjoyed comfort and calm for decades and does not want the inconvenience of discomfort so simply pretends that it won’t really affect them. The other part – the mewling obsequiousness – is remarkable considering that many Jews have been in the UK for over 150 years (my own family came from Leipzig in 1871) yet for some reason they still talk as if they’re humble guests of a benign host that has been gracious enough not to turn on them as all the others did. It made
This studied politeness may have been appropriate amongst their peers in the golf club, the masonic lodge and the board room but against an avowed opponent that is outbreeding them by a factor of 6:1 and against whom the government simply lacks the funds to resource adequate policing the game is changing fast and the likelihood is that British Jews will have their comfort subverted by demography and economics. They just can’t see it yet.
Now, I’m not smart enough to come up with an answer. Certainly few of them will want to come here to Israel. Jewish State aside, it’d be far less comfortable than say Boca Raton or maybe even Dubai (?!) But as the Corbyn-lites prepare to take office with all the joys that that will bring to the kehillah, I hope these guys are at least considering a plan. Maybe have a word David. They listen to you.
Wikipedia editor ‘Iskandar323’ behind push to ban ADL is heavily “palestine” propagandist.
I have my own criticism of ADL in its turning left and sonetime abandoning core values.
However it has nothing to do with the other part – its good – reliable info – work in fighting hate.
In any case, that editor ‘Iskandar323’ behind push to ban ADL is heavily “palestine” propagandist.
Some of recent contributions:
Pro Palestine:
Wikipedia editor ‘Iskandar323’ behind push to ban ADL is heavily “palestine” propagandist.
Some of recent contributions:
Pro Palestine:
Engaged in EditWars
Speaking of bias and twisted thinking
Pro Arab racism Haaretz: ‘IDF soldiers don’t rape Arab women due to racism.’ – fake racism – pallyweid. Garbage Haaretzism!
This is the very same garbage Haaretz – Haaretzism – that rationalizes Arab racism and racially / Islamic bigotry motivated Arab-Muslim attacks targeting [any] Jews, which is a routine, but casts Jews’ fear of Arab racism as if rather this is supposedly “racist.”
Haaretz: IDF soldiers don’t rape Arab women due to racism.
A Haaretz article sparked outrage online after it claimed that ‘IDF soldiers don’t rape Arab women due to racism.’ Online users criticized: ‘How do we get to such a twisted situation?’
Israel National News. Jun 20, 2024.
The “Haaretz” reporter claims: “IDF soldiers do not rape Arab women because of racism.”
The architect of Haaretz newspaper, Naama Riba, caused a huge uproar on the Internet after she claimed that “IDF soldiers do not rape Arab women just because of racism.”
Ice staff | 06.0.24 12:19
Later, Naama Riba revealed that she received very harsh messages in private from people who really didn’t like her ugly tweet, and that’s putting it mildly. In one of the responses, cursed severely since he claimed that his son was mortally wounded in Gaza. In response to this, Riba wrote: “What fun here!”.
Haaretz journalist: “IDF soldiers do not rape Arab women – because of racism.” Haaretz newspaper reporter Naama Riva caused an uproar online after claiming that the reason why IDF soldiers do not rape Arab women is “because of racism” • Many users were outraged: “.
Shimon Halleli • 14 Sivan 5784. • 20.06.24
Commenters on the twisted Haaretz (Naama Riba) stating IDF doesn’t rape Arab women because of racism.” (Just like the usual fake racism terminology by Haaretz – while justifying routinely racist Arab attacks – Haaretzism)
(Translated from source: [https://www.now14.co.il/?p=968548]):
There is a competition on the left who can say the most delusional statement. They have an iron dome of the media.
There should be a demonstration in Kaplan [i.e. the center for leftists protesters] for the underprivileged Muslims, with huge signs that will read “We demand pluralistic equality, kidnapping, abuse and rape without discrimination”!!!
Naama Riba says that whoever is not a racist is a rapist. What does that say about her? In her opinion, is she herself a racist or a rapist?
That is to say, according to her, Arab women should be raped in order to demonstrate a lack of racism… speedy recovery for the lady.
An anti-Semitic and retarded newspaper, the Haaretz newspaper should be closed.
Where are all the “righteous” feminist women, based on her words all “occupied” women should be raped?!
Just a sickening thought!
But when there is a gender performance only for ultra-Orthodox women/men, [then they have their own demonstrations. A nation of ErevRav has grown up here!
Only a mentally ill person can think of what you wrote.
Haaretz passed Al Jazeera
How unsurprising an hallucinating newspaper is, what a wonder for such reporters.
Came to curse and came out blessing!
The dumb journalist who doesn’t understand how the only army in the world doesn’t commit crimes of rape during wartime.
The excuse: racism.
This is not called freedom of speech and a free press, these are lies that are spread to the whole world and its sister and are directed towards us, that’s why we need to catch the girl and judge her for spreading lies during a war…
Haaretz newspaper, close this newspaper. It was [originally] established [on the idea] of Eretz Israel for the Jewish people in Zion, the newspaper has become clearly pro-Palestinian and we the people of Zion pay to strengthen it…
So according to the disturbed reporter of the poisonous paper / Haaretz newspaper, male rapists are not racist. And rape is not an act of violence and humiliation but of compassion and partnership with the other. Disturbed in the name of an agenda that is all hatred of Israel.
How dumb can this woman be? Are they recruiting at Haaretz all the less intelligent for the newspaper?
Pay attention to what she says. Those who are not racist should be raped, it is not possible otherwise, this is the world this delusional person lives in.
Anarchist mental retardation.
In the past, for the sake of ratings, there were newspapers reporting on illusory events from another world, Yedioth Ahronoth built itself on this garbage for the masses and managed to become the leading newspaper after Maariv led for years.
The Haaretz newspaper that used to be the newspaper for thinking people has become the newspaper for people with delusional opinions.
Dear soldiers, the left wants you to stop being racist and start raping Gazans.
I don’t understand where the Chief of Staff is that he gives free rein to this racism…
If Naama is stupid, let her be shown the door, if not these statements will go on and on, the newspaper is responsible for its reporters. Let them file a petition against her and against “Haaretz”, how can you say such a sentence that our fighters are killed for her as well. It does not seem to her that she will take a Hamas flag and cross the border to Gaza. She is guaranteed a cheerful welcome and she will really see who is raped.
Why don’t you do yourself a favor and fly to Gaza.. They are surely not racists. They will pamper you as only you think.
Those who see the reality of soldiers in the war who do not rape and their conclusion is that the soldiers are racist and therefore not interested in raping the women, indicates that his/her opinion on rape during war is a logical and natural thing and if it doesn’t happen there must be a negative reason to prevent it.
That is, if she were a soldier in Gaza, she would be raped because she is “not racist”.
Haaretz newspaper contains racist characters, and it is time for it to be closed permanently.
A. I protest the harm to the IDF soldiers, including the left-wing voters among them.
B. Does this mean that all IDF soldiers are right-wingers? Because leftists can’t be racist… or is the reporter writing without thinking much???? After all, there are IDF soldiers with different opinions. And there are no cases of rape by any soldier… and this only points to the high morals of IDF soldiers.
It’s really not freedom of speech what she said, there is incitement and demonization of an army of a democratic country that is surrounded by countries that only want to destroy us.
If we don’t put this terrorist in jail and if we don’t close this newspaper that supports terrorism, we are a suicidal country.
We also don’t stab [spear] Arabs because of racism????
Psychological projection:
Just from the title oozes malice and complete lies, you understand that the reporter is a pitiful racist.
According to Naama Riba’s mind, mathematically, if Jews don’t rape Arab women because they are racist = the Hams rape Jewish women because they love them?
May God watch / keep.
A false and racist statement, she should be fired immediately, just a shame.
It seems that she so badly wants IDF soldiers to rape Arab women so that the world will actually boycott and turn against us even more. She seems to be enemy number one among us with such a delusional statement. No wonder she is in the newspaper “Haaretz”, the most anti-Israeli newspaper that can be.
If there is one thing that is true about “Haaretz” it is that journalism – it is not…
Haaretz = Der Sturmer!
According to this, the the Nukhba terrorists are Israel-loving Zionists…
We are not on the same frequency at all.
She interprets the value of sanctity as racism because that’s how she was raised…
Tomorrow they will write that we do not burn Arab babies in the oven so as not to make the oven go crazy.
Journalists with twisted brains. Haaretz is a shame newspaper for the intelligentsia. You have to sue for libel because later they are cited in The Hague.
Our people are not cruel compared to our despicable enemies who are cruel, those who haven’t realized this after October 7th are stupid!
That I understood Feminist Naama wants IDF soldiers to rape women ????
More on Wikipedia “palestine” Islamist bigoted editor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Iskandar323
behind push to ( https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/artc-wikipedia-declares-adl-unreliable-on-israel-palestine-conflict-antisemitism)ban ADL, defending al Jazeera. On June 19, 2024 Iskandar323 argued:
“On Nuseirat, why are we trusting the NYT over AJ?”