bbc lIARS

The BBC is spreading dangerous lies

Make no mistake – elements within the BBC have declared a propaganda war against the state of Israel – and if you think this is an exaggeration, you are not paying attention. At the moment there is little difference between the BBC and the poisonous Qatari mouthpiece Al Jazeera. The BBC is employing journalists (often Islamists) with publicly visible hostility towards the Jewish state – … Continue reading The BBC is spreading dangerous lies

PSC extremism

Palestine Solidarity Campaign – paving the road to extremism

The UK government recently adopted a new definition of ‘extremism’. They will begin to label groups ‘extremist’ if the group promotes an ideology based on ‘violence, hatred or intolerance’ which aims to negate the freedom of others, undermine democracy, or help others do the same. It is seen as a way of helping to remove oxygen from groups that are pushing poison into the veins … Continue reading Palestine Solidarity Campaign – paving the road to extremism

Cambridge University event plugs Steven Sizer group

On 29 Nov, I spent 90 very-long minutes watching an anti-Zionist event at Cambridge. The event was advertised by the Cambridge Faculty of History. The title was ‘Jewish Solidarity with Palestinians: Antizionism, Activism and Liberation for All’. In the middle of an awful episode in Jewish history – academics at Cambridge decided to bring together some of the fringe Jews that stand with antisemitic haters … Continue reading Cambridge University event plugs Steven Sizer group

Cameras rolling

‘Jew being bad’ – let the cameras roll

No people on earth are under the watchful gaze of cameras more than the Jews. On one side, Jewish organisations use cameras for protection – and every Jewish school, every synagogue has a network of CCTV cameras acting as a deterrent. Yet for every camera that offers Jews protection, 100 others are used to demonise them. Social media provides the perfect platform for the viral … Continue reading ‘Jew being bad’ – let the cameras roll

Twitter history lesson map

The colourful Twitter history of Palestine

Social media sites such as Twitter portray a wonderful history of a state called Palestine – but first let us quickly remember the truth. The historical facts: For the Islamic world, the area of 19th century Southern Syria was a sparsely populated forgotten backwater with rival clans and nomadic tribes presenting a hazardous obstacle for every trip. The weakening of the occupying power (the Ottoman … Continue reading The colourful Twitter history of Palestine

Muslim Brotherhood? Antisemites? Meet the Guardian’s ‘civil society’.

The Guardian recently published an article about the Government’s upcoming Boycotts, divestment and sanctions bill. It is a bill that sets out to stop activists damaging community cohesion and subverting the UK’s foreign policy positions, by forcing through local level boycotts. As always the principal target for boycott is the only Jewish state in the world. Supporters of the bill claim that taxpayer funded bodies … Continue reading Muslim Brotherhood? Antisemites? Meet the Guardian’s ‘civil society’.

Nakba Day myths

Things you really need to know on ‘Nakba Day’

Today is Nakba Day. It is a day in which social media is flooded with a tsunami of posts about the Arab losses in the 1948/1949 war. If you read one article today related to Nakba Day – I suggest you read this one. In many left-wing circles, the Palestinian Nakba has reached the level of a religious belief. To question it is seen as … Continue reading Things you really need to know on ‘Nakba Day’

Al Quds day

Al Quds 2023 – London’s annual march of hate

Make no mistake, the only reason I am here to write this report is because yesterday the police managed to stop those who were trying to get at us to cause us harm. Of all the antisemitic, hate-filled gatherings that take place in the UK, the annual Al Quds march sits at the very top of the pile. The Ayatollah’s UK fanbase may have had … Continue reading Al Quds 2023 – London’s annual march of hate

No! The Jews were not ‘living happily’ in Arab lands

According to the anti-Israel narrative, Jews and Arabs lived peacefully together – until of course the ‘Zionists’ arrived to spoil the ‘beautiful’ relationship. This is one of the most offensive rewrites of history. It may be true that the Jews had a worse time in Europe – a deflective phrase I have even heard academics use – but let’s face it, is the industrial slaughter … Continue reading No! The Jews were not ‘living happily’ in Arab lands

Gazan scam almadhoun gregson

Gazan scams the anti-Zionists – antisemitism makes people dumb

A Gazan has just scammed anti-Zionists out of £1000s. Pete Gregson, the Scottish man who ran the campaigns has even just admitted it. The truth here is that this is a cycle; The lies of anti-Israel propaganda creates anti-Zionists, anti-Zionism embeds antisemitism, and antisemitism makes people targets for scams. And trust me on this, the people in Gaza and the West Bank are fully aware … Continue reading Gazan scams the anti-Zionists – antisemitism makes people dumb