This weekend I went to Brighton. It was a quick getaway. I have been working flat out on a report into Amnesty International and having reached the end of a section, had a chance to get the kids away for a short break just before they return to school.
I used to like Brighton. It is an easy journey and the town is fun, but recently it has become a hub for antisemites. They’ve held several really nasty events and just a couple of weeks ago Chris Williamson was back in town. The Jew-haters have got a few events planned for when the Labour Party Conference comes back to Brighton in September.
Saturday in Brighton
On Saturday morning each of us went off to do ‘our own thing’ and we arranged to meet up for lunch by the Clock Tower. For those who don’t know Brighton, the Clock Tower is a grade 2 listed building situated right in the centre of town. It is next to the Churchill Square shopping centre, on the main road from the Station, near the beach and a good starting point for entry into the maze of narrow streets full of vintage stores and atmospheric cafes called the ‘Lanes’. If you were to choose a central meeting point in Brighton, you can’t go wrong with the Clock Tower.
I arrived at the Clock Tower sometime around 12:30 and sat to wait for my family. Brighton PSC were also in town. Each week they set up a stall at the Clock Tower and a bunch of ageing Marxists, ignorant fools and antisemites gather together to tell lies to anyone who will listen. After a while I saw them looking at me and talking. One had clearly ‘clocked’ me at the Clock Tower and had begun to tell everyone I was there.
They became visibly agitated and unsettled. I ignored them but began to notice cameras were raised to take photos of me. One, then another, then another. About six or seven took photos in total. One guy circled around pretending to take a ‘video’ of the surrounding area, he slowed as he passed me, turned the camera directly towards me, and filmed a few seconds of footage as he walked past. None of this fazes me. I have been doing this far too long and I know what the PSC are. Branches of the PSC are little more than pockets of antisemitism, detached from the mother ship to allow the main PSC organisation a little ‘deniability’.
The Brighton photo-fest continues
The first member of my family to arrive was my son. He sat beside me and we waited. The cameras kept clicking. How many photos did Anne Mitchell want to take of me? Mitchell of course is under suspension from the Labour Party for antisemitism. So now we had a situation where members of the Labour Party that have been suspended for antisemitism were taking photos of a campaigner against antisemitism and his family as they sat and waited for other members of the family to arrive.
My son was uncomfortable. He wanted to move because the attention was unsettling him, and I had to reassure him it was safe, and these people are not inherently violent. Jewish life in Brighton in 2019. I couldn’t move because we had arranged with other members of my family to meet there, but I certainly didn’t want them being snapped as well. I moved off but attempted to stay nearby, so I could grab the others as they showed up without the PSC crowd seeing them. Not a pleasant situation to be in. When we had all finally gathered a little way down the road, we went to lunch.
It was harassment, but not violent. For me, the story was over. Except it wasn’t.
The online attack from Brighton PSC
Late the same afternoon, Brighton PSC uploaded a photo via their Twitter account:
This photo was taken shortly before my son arrived and from the angle, appears to have been one of those taken by Anne Mitchell. This is creepy. They clearly saw me with my family, they must have known I was on holiday, what on earth were they doing publicly sharing photos in this manner? I protested at the invasion of privacy in a tweet and the back-up arrived. Tony Greenstein, another person too problematic to be a Labour member came in to attack the Jewish visitor to Brighton and support the PSC.
Greenstein appears to be saying any of the 93% of Jews who are Zionists are ‘fair game’ to be harassed and hounded in Brighton.
Jackie Walker also now outside of the Labour Party, simply attacked my parenting skills:
This statement by Walker is truly astonishing. She says ‘always’ because once, when I took my family for a day out to the PalExpo, Walker herself turned ‘hostile’ and helped have us all evicted. She seems to be saying she is a problem I need to protect my son from. Secondly, even putting aside that I was simply on holiday, what does this say about Jackie’s awareness of the dangers? That she openly admits that taking a Jewish boy near anti-Israel activists is a ‘profoundly disturbing’ situation with hidden dangers.
In any event I was now under-attack by the front guard of the antisemitic group ‘Labour Against the Witch Hunt’. All because a Jew went to Brighton on holiday with his family.
Brighton’s Antisemitic dogs
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign always play so innocent. We all know they are riddled with support from antisemites. EVERYONE KNOWS IT. So when a Jewish person is attacked by them in this fashion, it is the PSC setting antisemitic dogs on British Jews.
Let’s take a quick look at the photo they uploaded. When I took the screenshot, it had been online for 24 hours and had received 37 retweets. 4 of those appeared to be from locked accounts (not ‘blocked’, but ‘locked’). The image had been shared by 33 visible accounts.
All these accounts retweeted the image. Nobody is responsible for who or what retweets them, although they are more than capable of blocking antisemitic followers. The PSC argue that only a minority of their support is antisemitic. I ALWAYS argue that wherever the PSC is, over half of those involved simply have a problem with Jews. They are an organisation that acts as a magnet for antisemites.
Brighton PSC presented me with another opportunity. 33 random retweets. Let us look at the support these ‘peaceful anti-racists’ have. I have taken an example of a tweet from each to show the antisemitic conspiracy and Holocaust denial that inhabits the PSC sewer. These are the audience Brighton PSC plays to when it directs a personal attack against Jews:
@shipa123 and @criptext:
@marimyst1 and @DALowdell:
@Ishaq_Aslam and @Live_UK_News:
@Jaccal68 and @Finkley1:
@theMattachines and @Jack_USA10:
@RobertWrobye and @EzzyMix2:
@KashNasar and @MCMajorTERROR:
@Sunboyonthesun and @13ShemuelBey:
Sixteen out of thiry-three. 48%.
But that’s not all. Twitters search function doesn’t work on retweets, so the 48% doesn’t included anyone who has retweeted Jew-baiting, antisemitic conspiracy posts, Rothschild theory or Holocaust denial. This project isn’t worth a detailed investigation into each and every account, but I managed to grab at some low hanging fruit.
@RedSimpson3 manages to post 400 tweets in a day. He retweets Gilad Atzmon and calls the Board of Deputies ‘ZioNazis’:
@illi4141 *only* tweets at 100+ tweets a day, but still manages to retweet accusations that Israel has ‘given’ the world everything bad that exists:
There is @oneforsorrow87 who thinks Israelis are the worst people that have ever lived on the planet and Israel is worse than ISIS:
There is AlanCol83626003 who thinks being an antisemite means you are a good person:
Or @Recepgulgun who despite mainly tweeting in a language other than English, still managed to retweet that Zionists should be ‘sent back where they came from’:
There is @aminnamangera1 who at 600 tweets a day is nothing more than a bot:
Which makes @Staircase2 at 266 tweets a day a real slacker:
There is @Battersby1888 who openly admits that he would have at the very least verbally abused me as I sat on holiday with my family:
And finally @Think_Blue_Sky who simply thinks accusations of antisemitism are a ‘trick’:
So at least (I didn’t check them all) 25 of the 33 visible accounts that retweeted the targetted attack are antisemites or bots. That is 76%. This is what follows Brighton PSC and Brighton BDS around. This is their core online support. *This is an antisemitic group* and part of a wider *antisemitic organisation*. If over 75% of their visible public support is nothing but nasty antisemites, how on earth do officials in Brighton allow them every week to stand in the centre of town and spread their hate? It is beyond all reasonable argument. Would they allow neo-Nazis to take over their Clock Tower?
Is there anyone left in the country who isn’t fully aware that wherever the PSC stand, antisemites are there waiting to attack the Jews? Which means when they make an attack like this, they have to know what they are doing. They are setting antisemitic dogs on the Jews. It is the responsibility of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to instruct all of its branches to cease this type of targetted activity. Did I mention Jeremy Corbyn is still a patron?
I knew all this about the PSC before I went to Brighton. But Brighton PSC targetted me so I thought I would remind people about the true nature of these thugs. Officials in Brighton need to ask themselves if this is really what they want tourists in Brighton to meet in the centre of town? A group with a support base that is 76% antisemitic.
Personally I learnt nothing new apart from the fact that next time, we will head somewhere else on the South Coast. More importantly there is this; I like Brighton because it was always fun as a child to go there. I highly doubt my children will carry the same type of nostalgic memories.
Enough for now. I have an Amnesty report to complete.
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“Is there anyone left in the country who isn’t fully aware that wherever the PSC stand, antisemites are there waiting to attack the Jews?”
They weren’t attacking ‘a Jew’. They were photographing an anti-Palestinian Zionist activist in a public place.
“They weren’t attacking ‘a Jew’. They were photographing an anti-Palestinian Zionist activist in a public place.”
They were taking photographs on someone who fights antisemitism, also making sure they photoed his son. Maybe those kinds of people have other pictures of children on their equipment.
Evidence of being “anti-Palestinian”?
I’m anti-Palestinian because I am anti-Terrorism (Achille Lauro, 1972 Olympics)
I’m anti-Socialist because I am anti-Fascist (National Socialism)
Farmer is an antisemite. He/she/it pretends not to be, but there is that obsession which is the dead giveaway. (You’ll notice he/she/it couldn’t wait to comment.)
He/she/it is a Corbynite stalactite antisemite.
The usual no-evidence parroted accusation from our Jeff.
Yep, obsession with truthful description of circumstances. David is a rabidly pro-Israel blogger. It’s his employment. He revels in his ‘fame’ as a fighter for Zionism.
He positioned himself as close as possible to a PSC stall obviously with the intention of being recognised. He was fishing for a confrontation, A few nibbling snaps later he realised PSC weren’t biting.
I posted to object tò his characterisatiòn that ‘a Jew’ wàs being harassed.. In fact he was merely being snapped as others have been snapped by David.
His stunt had failed, his hope of a blog highlighting Jewish victimhood deflated.
“tò his characterisatiòn that ‘a Jew’ wàs”
Interesting Farmer that you have placed an accent over the ‘o’ twice, and the ‘a’ once in that short piece from your post.
It cannot be a typo, or your other lame excuse ‘sausage fingers’. So why didn’t your ‘spellcheck’ show up your errors?
Could it be that you are not using an English keyboard at your troll farm, Farmer?
Via Tablet, Jez.
p.s. Don’t do spellcheckers … as you don’t do truthcheckers.
Is that meant to be an answer?
Whether you are using a Tablet, a Lap-top, a Desk Top, or a Smartphone is irrelevant.
You a ‘Tecky’, Gerald?
For the last couple of years, of my working life, I used a Samsung Tablet every working day, for 6 or 7 hours a day.
So I do know, what a Samsung Tablet is capable of and how to use one correctly.
Clearly you do not.
By the way Farmer, it is ‘Techie’ NOT ‘Tecky’.
Tecky is valid, Gerald.
Farmer your knowledge of the English language is woeful.
In your case, and the content of your ‘posts’ – Tacky would be valid.
Farmer, you seem to be upset that David has outed racist members of the PSC. Not that I really care how you feel, because personally I couldn’t give a damn how upset an antisemite gets when a Jew confronts him/her/it. Frankly, you can stew in your Jew-hatred all you like. The rest of us will just sit back and laugh at you for being a total prat.
If you’re fooled by David’s assertions you’re a wally, Dave.
Bet you can’t explain HOW I am ‘antisemitic’. Have a try, Dave. Please don’t parrot others.
Why were they photographing him at all? It doesn’t look like he’s doing anything. Are they hiding something? Are they afraid of David? He doesn’t look too threatening. So he’s there and they are there. So what?
They are as paranoid as Mike/Marie/ungendered name not yet known antisemite Farmer.
Jeff the parrot can’t stop himself.
Wrong. I can’t stop you, but David can, if he so chooses. But, as it turns out, your existence as useful tool cuts both ways. So I think David might keep you around. It’s important that Jewish people, and others of good will, always have an example of a living, breathing antisemite for reference purposes.
Anti-Israeli actions, anti-Zionist ….. needs a mind to see the difference.
“Anti-Israeli actions, anti-Zionist ….. needs a mind to see the difference.”
Still clinging to that nonsense, eh?
Always cling to the truth, Jeff.
Always cling to “The Nakba”, Sharmuta.
Living, breathing and thinking …. the difference between you and I.
Farmer you are correct.
“Living, breathing and thinking …. the difference between you and I.”
That is the difference between jeff21st and you. He lives, breathes and thinks. Whereas you exist in a swamp with the other anti-Semites and are only capable of copy and pasting the pre-set scripts given to you.
“…. the difference between you and I.”
Wouldn’t that be the difference between “we”?
Didn’t you ever learn about the object of a preposition, or were you just too obsessed with the objects of loathing to pay attention in school?
They are afraid of David because he tells the truth about antisemites in the Labour party. That’s the reason play tweet upwards of 600 times a day – antisemites have no life except for their hatred of Jews. They are losers of the first order.
David targets antisemites in the Palestinian advocacy movement. He is not anti-Palestinian.
Disagree, Terry.
In today’s blog he is targetting anti-Zionists NOT anti-Semites, though a small minority of his selected tweets ‘could be seen as’ antisemitic.
what’s an “anti-zionist”? zionism is the national liberation movement of the jewish people. denying jews the same rights as latvians or japanese, *is* antisemitism.
and how is harassing a family vacation in brighton, supposedly “anti-zionist”?
“zionism is the national liberation movement of the jewish people”??!?
Where are Jews NOT liberated, sloine?
“denying jews the same rights as latvians or japanese, *is* antisemitism.”?!?
What rights would be denied to Jews were Israel to have equal rights in statehood, rights in land ownership, entry rights to the state, as others?
“harassing a family vacation in brighton”??!?
They weren’t harassed. David was photographed having chosen to position himself near to a PSC stall by those who recognised him. Hasn’t David ‘harassed’ others in his pro-Israel campaign over the years.
Harassment is arresting an entire family and subjecting them to detention, house destruction and homelessness for the sins of ONE member….. as Israel does constantly.
Naturally Farmer doesn’t see a reason for Jews to constitute a majority anywhere.
AND he is just hysterical that David could be provocative enough to sit anywhere within eyeshot of PSC. How dare that, er, “anti-palestinian Zionist” show up on such “hallowed ground.” Like with Sharon on the Temple Mount, PSC snapped into action performing a photo intifada and plastered his picture online with comment to expose this Zionist settler with his dirty feet. For sure, no antisemitism to see here.
And, as it turns out, David, with help of the “supposed Jewish Community” and their media organs, many of whom are disguised as proper British publications, are engaged in a dastardly subversive plot to deny Jeremy Corbyn, in Farmer’s opinion, the rightful heir to the Chancellory, oops I mean Prime Ministership, stabbing Corbyn and the UK in the back, so they can continue, for some dark and racist reason, to incarcerate and torture the little brown children of Farmer’s and Corbyn’s Soviet inspired imaginations.
Don’t believe me. Read the read of the thread.
“For sure, no antisemitism to see here.”
At last you see.
I believe that some of those comments break the abusive rules on twitter. It is appalling that you can’t even have a quiet holiday with your family without this harassment. I would like to thank you for all your hard work and dedication to presenting the truthful facts of what is happening in the UK.
“Brighton PSC were also in town. EACH WEEK they set up a stall at the Clock Tower”
“If you were to choose a central meeting point in Brighton, you can’t go wrong with the Clock Tower.”
Melissa, you are being asked to believe that David, who no doubt has researched every PSC meeting on the Brighton calender, stumbled on one of their meetings.
By chance(or design) and without a Groucho Marx disguise, he was recognised and photographed(as he himself has photographed other activists).
He wasn’t assaulted, despite his serial assertions that Jews in the UK are in mortal danger.
Bit of a non-event, though you wouldn’t know it from his colourful writing.
Funny. My 8 year old was assaulted in school by two 16 year olds for being Jewish. He was told his parents belong in the gas chamber, too. He got targeted by several in school and called anti-Semitic names. But according to you, Jews are not in danger.
I believe you.
I don’t
Sickening to learn about these sad old fools, displaying their race hate for all to see in a public forum. It’s instructive that even the Labour Party could no longer tolerate the hateful actions and words of Greenstein – does make you wonder whether he has all his marbles any more.
BDS this…
– 9/11 and necessary CHECKPOINTS at every airport in the World to X-Ray all luggage/cargo and scan/interview all passengers
– 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center
– 1968 assassination of US Senator Robert F. Kennedy by a “palestinian”
– 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103
– 2005 July 7th London transport massacre
– beheading of Lee Rigby, journalist Daniel Pearl, James Foley and other victims of ISIS
– Boston Marathon bombing
– London and Westminster bridge car ramming attacks
– Bastille Day truck ramming attack in Nice France
– massacre at Charlie Hebdo magazine offices in Paris
– massacre at Bataclan music venue in Paris
– massacre at Manchester music venue
– massacre at Pulse nightclub in Orlando
– massacre at Christmas party in San Bernardino
– stabbing to death of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh
– Fascist Irans death threats against writer Salman Rushdie
– 500,000 dead in Syria (Arabs killing Arabs)
– 1,000,000 dead in 8 year Iraq/Fascist Iran war (Muslims killing Muslims)
– Mumbai India massacre
– Nairobi Kenya mall massacre
– Sadaam Husseins poison gassing of the Kurds of Halabja Iraq
– ISIS beheading videos
– Hamass executing gays by pushing them off rooftops in Gaza
– Fascist Iran executing gays by hanging them from construction cranes
– Coptic Christians being murdered in Egypt
– murder of tourists in Luxor
– Manhattan bike path car ramming attack
– failed sneaker and later underwear suicide bombing of an inflight plane
– failed SUV bombing of Times Square
– public threats on placards of 9/11 scale attacks on the UK and Europe
– Brussels airport bombing
– bombing of USS Cole
– Fort Hood Texas massacre
– foiled attack on Garland Texas conference
– death threats on creators of South Park cartoon series
– Brooklyn Bridge shooting
– Empire State Building Observation Deck shooting
– Fascist Irans calls for Death to America
– Taliban shooting girls who want an education
– Muslim families stoning their daughters to death over “family honour”
– DC Beltway sniper
– Boko Haram kidnapping and raping girls in Nigeria
– ISIS murdering Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai
– ISIS burning Jordanian pilot to death
– Taliban destroying two 1,500 year old Buddahs in Bamiyan Afghanistan
– ISIS destroying antiquities in Palmyra
– Hezbola and Hamass using children as Human Shields
– Christmas market shooting in Strasbourg France
– Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Turks
– 1/15/19 Shabab terrorist attack in Nairobi Kenya
– Easter Sunday massacre in Sri Lanka
You forgot Hitler, who started WWII, he was Muslim no doubt, Ted….. and Stalin too?
Your Red/Green comrade SHlTler? Here ya go Sharmuta.
Hitler was a Corbynite antisemite before his time. Corbyn is in part a Calcified Soviet/Hitlerite stalactite antisemite.
Corbyn is no racist.
Zionists are the racists, Jeff.
Sharmuta, The Jihadis behind 9/11 and London’s 7/7, Pan Am 103, beheading of Lee Rigby, etc.,
are the heirs to the Grand Moofti pictured in the above Newsreel with your Furher.
Happy Nakba Sharmuta!
Wrong again, Farmer.
“You forgot Hitler, who started WWII, he was Muslim no doubt, Ted”
There was indeed a mutual admiration. Nazis wrote of their admiration of Islam. Muslim Brotherhood admired and copied Fascist Nazis. Other post WWII Arab governments admired Stalin and copied from the Communists.
Of course, Corbyn and the Western left inherit the lion’s share of their “anti-Zionism” from the Soviet anti-Zionism campaigns which as historians know were just absolutely soaked in and dripping with antisemitic tropes, calumnies, and conspiracy theories from sources such as Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Russian ex-Soviets involved in the programs’ design have since admitted it was all damned antisemitic. It’s all very sordid, and yes, just as racist as the “progressive” left’s unhealthy obsession with race.
Shamir was also an admirer of Fascism, Jeff.
People are anti-Zionism because Zionism is pro-Jewish racism.
Ironic, given the parroted accusations of antisemitism at every turn.
Interesting sentence Farmer.
“People are anti-Zionism because Zionism is pro-Jewish racism.”
Not that people are anti-Zionism because Zionism is (wrongly believed to be) racism.
But, because it is pro-Jewish racism.
You are not only a vile and disgusting anti-Semite, but a retarded one as well. Now your next move will be to demand proof of your anti-Semitism. Look at the content of your posts you illiterate muppet, they are proof enough.
Do the ‘anti-Semites’ of whom you speak include the brave Jews who are sick to the back teeth of Zionists delberately conflating anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism? For their troubles, they are then labeled by Zionists as self hating Jews. How sick and anti-Semitic is that?
JackAss, IF Israel/Zionism was the problem, then Islamists would be getting along, with peace, tolerance, respect
with NON-Zionists…
but they’re NOT.
You’re basically Muck Framer’s poorly-washed suppository there Jack.
They’re properly conflated, not that someone like you has the intelligence to understand that.
Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Here’s what we already know about you: Contrary to the ridiculous claim you are making about yourself, (which is what you are really doing here), you are not protecting “brave” Jews from purportedly antisemitic Zionists.
It is a false and obnoxious claim and you should be ashamed, yet you are not, which is quite telling. But at least you have been outed.
David are you pitching to be the most pathetic cry baby in……in……in
David your son is 10 years old right ?
relevance Stephen?
“All because a Jew went to Brighton on holiday with his family.”? Seriously?
David “seems to be saying” that any Jew sitting at the clock tower in Brighton would have himself photographed by several people, and that would be “harassment”. Ridiculous.
Noted that David, who has for years now described the UK as so antisemitic as to be a dangerous place for the Jewish race, is quite content to let his young son wander off on his own.
“Seems” that David realises he was wrong in his former assessment.
“…the Jewish race…”
Anyone else catch a whiff of a 1935 Nuremberg vintage?
So what is your take on this ” story ” Peach ?
Given that I post anonymously, I put a high value on my own privacy and an even higher premium on that of my family.
Whatever your view of David or his work, there is absolutely no reason that I can think of to justify taking photos of or bringing David’s family into it. Do you agree?
The rest of it is unfortunately par for the course.
It was David that brought his family into his campaign.
Do you seriously think that David innocently brought his family to Brighton on a PSC-stall-day and to the very spot where the stall was? Are you that naive?
This an attempt at a confrontation as material for an even more contentious blog.
His family were his props, ‘Peach’.
Israel is his first love. Read his blogs.
p.s. I’ve seen no pictures of his family, ‘Peach’ … have you?
p.p.s. David’s family should NOT be photograhed, ‘Peach’.
I agree that David’s family should not be brought into it. The question is who has done that. And not for the first time.
poppycock. If I spent some time taking pictures of someone’s children but just didn’t upload them publicly, their pointing it out in protest, isn’t ‘them’ bringing their family into it.
Bringing children into iffy situations shouldn’t be encouraged.
Luckily some are shot only by camera.
Israel’s Zionist military wing target them with live fire.
Sharmuta, Pro-Terrorist-Pal-e-STINE thugs have made Brighton an “iffy situation”.
That’s why London is blanketed with surveillance camera’s – it’s the 7/7 bombers that are making commercial aviation and ALL of the UK an “iffy situation”.
Are Jews a race, Peach?
Are Pal-e-STINIANS a race, Sharmuta?
Course not, they’re a group driven from their homes and land by
Jewish immigrants from the Soviet bloc.
Sharmuta, 800,000+ Jews were driven out of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco by Imperialist Islamofascism.
And today Islamofascists are murdering people in Western Europe.
All those Jews … and no place to call home. Wait a moment ….
That’s right Farmer. The Jews do have a place to call home – Israel. It’s located in the land of Israel, or, the land of the Jews. Same difference.
BTW, “Palestine” is a colonial name.
“Jewish people” occurs in Israel’s Nation Law.
Farmer it also occurs in the ‘Balfour Declaration’,
“a national home for the Jewish people”
So what are you waffling on about?
“.. nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”
Sharmuta, How many Jews live in Gaza???
Dunno, Ted.
How many did Israel not force to leave?
And that’s why Muslims, wrongly IMO, control the Temple mount in Jerusalem.
BTW, How many Infidels are allowed into Mecca??? (Hint: it’s a number less than ONE).
Your point is what, exactly?
The Sharmuta “Mike Farmer” was born too late to be her furhers first wife.
“David “seems to be saying” that any Jew sitting at the clock tower in Brighton would have himself photographed by several people, and that would be “harassment”. ”
I didn’t get that that was what David was saying at all. Quite plainly he said that they recognized him. But, then again, Farmer I paid attention in English class, and learned reading comprehension. I see nothing in his post that supports what you are saying, which is as always the claim that any Jew who supports Israel is using claims of antisemitism as a deflection for some purported sins and/or sinister criminality of the Jewish State, i.e., another in your obsessive claims about Jews despite your flimsy denials.
But David does have a well-documented point about the fact that PSC has a hardcore antisemitic following. Some find it alarming. I don’t, because when your cause is at its heart antisemitic, antisemites will be attracted…like flies to shit, Farmer.
“Farmer I paid attention in English class, and learned reading comprehension.”?
Then you will notice that ‘Jew’, not Zionist blogger, is used to infer antisemitism on the part of those who recognised him.
You really need to pay attention when attempting your ‘reading comprehension’.
“what on earth were they doing publicly sharing photos in this manner?”
Not something the moral Mr. Collier would stoop to?
I’m highly suspicious when someone who attempts to make a career out of a ‘certain situation’ deliberately creates ‘an incident’ because they need content for their blog.
Is what you write accurate, honest or credible? I very seriously doubt it because your job as a blog writer is helped by exploiting anti-Semitism, fanning the flames of hatred and creating things that don’t exist…and those who exploit children for political purposes are political pedophiles.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself David.
I’m highly suspicious when posters use Jewish sounding names to make unsubstantiated allegations about Jews and use their ‘Jewishness’ as cover for their gaslighting.
Peach I can assure you that the reason Bruce has a Jewish sounding name is that he is as Jewish as Jewish gets. If you are disinclined to believe me check it out with Scoffie. They go back a long way
Dumb Bellamy is as Dumb as his name suggests.
The rickshaw puller will also vouch that I’m 100% Kosher.
On another note, this month marks the 8th anniversary of the successful disruption of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra at the BBC Proms in the Royal Albert Hall — AND the closure of the Ahava shop. Scoffie certainly deserves credit.
Porky, You’re as Kosher as a Ham sandwich.
This month is the 18th anniversary of 9/11.
I smell ham, if you know what I mean, cousin Brucie.
How proud you must feel about disrupting musicians trying to perform music and putting an honest merchant out of business for having a subjective disagreement with you.
It’s hard to take anyone with the user name ‘Peach’ seriously.
I’m highly suspicious of a Jew who uses his Jewishness to portray his brothers in the land of their ancestors as deserving of the world’s contempt for asserting their settled legal rights and defending their lives and property from those who would take them away, rape, rob, subjugate and murder them, known deceptively as “the Palestinian Cause,” previously as the “Arab Cause.”
Anyone with half a brain can see that David is exposing the antisemitism residing on the left, much of it old right wing style antisemitism, which the left refuses to own up to, and the succor it gives to antisemites.
It is people who shill for totalitarian inspired propaganda outlets undermining western democracy while using the language of human rights and liberalism deceptively and subversively who should be throughly ashamed.
It is those who go along with the fiction that the “Palestinian cause” was ever a human rights campaign who should be ashamed of walking through life wearing blinders and being so stupid.
That means you.
BDS supports violence. BDS is a movement to destroy Israel and thus equality among nations, not save it. You’re in bed with the worst dregs of history, and blissfully unaware.
I hope Brighton has an extensive network of cameras with Face Recognition capabilities.
Monitoring the Pro-Sand-Nazi brigade is an important job for the Police to prevent another 7/7.
Isn’t ‘Jewishness’ being used to link criticism of Israel to antisemitism, Peach(Jewish sounding name)?
Isn’t ‘Islamophoia’ being used to link criticism of Terrorism to anti-Islamofascism?
See the upcoming 18th anniversary of 9/11.
Ted, you’ve got the wrong end of the stick.
9/11 was a VIOLENT act COMMITTED BY terrorists.
BDS is a NONVIOLENT movement that is directed AGAINST terrorism.
Ham Sandwich, 9/11 was a VIOLENT act (Jihad) COMMITTED BY terrorists – ALL of whom were radical Islamist terrorist Muslims.
Terrorist Muslims like those of London’s 2005 7/7 transport bombings, beheading of Lee Rigby, bomber of Pan Am 103, bomber of the Manchester arena, car jihadis of the London and Westminster bridges, Charlie Hebdo magazine offices, Bataclan, Bastille Day in Nice France, Moscow subway, Bali beach massacre, Mumbai massacre, Nairobi Kenya mall massacre, Boston Marathon bombing, DC Beltway snipers, Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Brussels airport bombing, 1993 truck bombing of the WTC, failed sneaker and underwear bombers of inflight passenger planes, car ramming attack of Manhattan bike path, Fort Hood Texas massacre, death fatwas against writer Salman Rushdie and Danish cartoonist and South Park cartoon series, 2019 Easter Sunday massacre in Sri Lanka, destruction of two 1,500 year old Buddahs of Bamiyan Afghanistan, Beslan elementary school massacre, poison gas attack on the Kurds of Halabja Iraq, …
Ted, Islamophobia is curable only by understanding Islam from Muslims themselves rather than by others who seek to profit from the demonization of them, such as the EDL, Britain First, Sussex Friends of Israel, Scoffie, the rickshaw puller, KKKlaff, etc…
If others can be cured of Islamophobia, then you can too. Inshallah.
A good first step is to contact your local mosque to arrange a visit.
May peace be with you.
Porky, Take your “IslamoFAUXbia” and shove it up your Nakba.
Bruce, Ted is David’s antiMuslim proxy.
David will tell you that he fights racism. Strange he tolerates Ted’s posts.
Sharmuta, Did 19 Muslims hijack 4 passengers planes on 9/11 2001 and murde ~3,000 people?
I noticed that too Mike. Ted is the other side of David’s coin.
The coin must be ETERNAL NAKBA for Pal-e-STINE.
David begs “Help to support the fight against hate”
David recently tweeted the invective below, certaily not an isolated tweet
David Collier
Apr 5
Lying, antisemitic, anti-west, terrorist loving, NATO hating, Jew-baiting, IRA supporting, community splitting, economy wrecking – Corbyn
A useful idiot for despotic regimes, terrorists and all our other enemies
Supporting Corbyn is not just stupid
It’s dangerous
If enough of his fellow Zionists donate to his ’cause’ he could receive a course of anger-management classes.
This festering hate could be mimimised .. if not eliminated.
Farmer so tell me if all that David is writing about Corbyn is just invective, and remembering the complete screw up BoJo is making of things.
Why isn’t Corbyn and the Labour Party so far ahead in the opinion polls that they are out of sight, instead of trailing by 10%?
Because, Gerald, there are many many folk out there just as simple as Peach, D. Blain and yourself who believe the hasbara that David constantly pumps out in his lobbying for Israel.
The so-called ‘Jewish Community’ i.e. Zionist movements are relentless in their tarring of Corbyn’s Labour Party in order to prevent a non-appeasing UK gov.
David understands just what and isn’t antisemitism but his job is to continue the witchhunt and dullards like yourself stupidly swallow his painting.
“the many many folk out there just as simple…”
Are the British electorate.
With all due respect to David, I doubt if the overwhelming majority of the British electorate have heard of him, or read his reports on his website.
Typically for your ilk the reason that the overwhelming majority of the people do not support your cause is that the overwhelming majority of the people are too stupid to know they are being hoodwinked.
It is the usual Bullshit from Fascists, and their modern day variation ‘Pop-up Populists’ When the people don’t agree with your ‘message’ then it must be the peoples fault, not that your message is wrong.
In a democracy it is the electorate who choose the Government, not a bunch of second-rate amateurs on a troll farm such as you and your colleagues Farmer.
” I doubt if the overwhelming majority of the British electorate have heard of him, or read his reports on his website.”
Correct, though you’ve just knocked David’s ego.
It’s The Daily Mail, Express, Telegraph, Jewish Chronicle, Jewish News and other Anti-Labour tabloids who seized on his flawed Palestine Live ploy and ran with it.
Farmer IF you lived in Britain or had ever taken part in any political activity in Britain you would understand why your ‘post’ and its contents are a complete load of Bollocks!
Farmer that is the most sensible reply you have ever written.
“Lying, antisemitic, anti-west, terrorist loving, NATO hating, Jew-baiting, IRA supporting, community splitting, economy wrecking – Corbyn
A useful idiot for despotic regimes, terrorists and all our other enemies
Supporting Corbyn is not just stupid
It’s dangerous”
That sounds terribly accurate and spot on.
…. and confirmation that both Jeff AND David are rabid haters.
Jeff, care to provide an example of Corbyn’s ‘antisemitism’?
“Jeff, care to provide an example of Corbyn’s ‘antisemitism’?”
Farmer it is notable that you only query Corbyn’s anti-Semitism.
So you either accept that Corbyn is, “..anti-west, terrorist loving, NATO hating, Jew-baiting, IRA supporting, community splitting, economy wrecking”, or whether he is, or not, does not matter to you.
Which is it Farmer?
Gerald, care to provide an example of Corbyn’s ‘antisemitism’?
Notice that you struggle with that.
Gerald the parrot.
Farmer care to answer the question I put to you?
Notice you struggle with that.
Gerald, care to provide an example of Corbyn’s ‘antisemitism’?
None of the questions put to you are ever answered.
You are parroting the words of others and have no mind of your own. You have NEVER been able to show antisemitism on the part of Corbyn as David has been unable to …. both just part of the witchhunt.
Still attempting to avoid answering the question I put to you.
Why is that I wonder.
Living, breathing and thinking …. the difference between you and me.
Didn’t know about Zionist racism when I was at school, Jeff.
You left out your crying, hair ripping, self-flagellating, burning stomach ulcer, black heart eating NAKBA you experience EVERY DAY over your thwarted dreams.
Happy Nakba Sharmuta!
PLEASE go to Gaza and offer yourself as a Sharmuta Shield for HamAss. As a Sharmuta you don’t qualify for 72 virgins – but maybe 72 Nakbas?
“Living, breathing and thinking …. the difference between you and me.”
That is the difference between jeff21st and you. He lives, breathes and thinks. Whereas you exist in a swamp with the other anti-Semites and are only capable of copy and pasting the pre-set scripts given to you.
Sorry for them ruining your holiday.
“But, because it is pro-Jewish racism.”?
What a weight you carry with your neurosis re. antisemitism.
Were Zionist to be be pro-Muslim, pro-Jedi, pro-Christian it would STILL be racism. A point that you seem unable to grasp.
Obviously you can’t back up your accusation of ‘antisemitism’ so still provide the ‘well, you are’ limp reply.
Farmer why don’t you reply to my post instead of trying to cover up your blatant anti-Semitism with a load of psycho-babble that you clearly don’t understand?
Your attempt to claim that being pro-Muslim, pro-Jedi, pro-Christian is racism is farcical.
Islam, Christianity and anyone who claims to be Jedi are not races, they are religions.
Unlike Sikhism and Judaism which are regarded in English law as religions and races.
A point you are unable, or more likely unwilling to grasp.
Before you attempt to open a discussion about whether Judaism is a religion or race, or Sikhism, study the CPS Guidelines on Racist and Religious Crime it will not only confirm that they are both, but cite case law to support it.
Farmer in your failed attempt you chose to quote one sentence from my post above. Why you chose not to reply directly to it underneath the post is another question.
But here is my original post in full.
“Interesting sentence Farmer.
“People are anti-Zionism because Zionism is pro-Jewish racism.”
Not that people are anti-Zionism because Zionism is (wrongly believed to be) racism.
But, because it is pro-Jewish racism.
You are not only a vile and disgusting anti-Semite, but a retarded one as well. Now your next move will be to demand proof of your anti-Semitism. Look at the content of your posts you illiterate muppet, they are proof enough.”
Still beyond you then.
Farmer let me know when you are capable of replying above the level of your usual playpen insults.
Until then you are not only being repetitive in your failed attempts to avoid answering questions, or replying to the actual content of posts, but also very, very boring.
Time for David to “pull the plug” on the Sharmuta calling herself “Mike Farmer”.
… as he did when I showed that his ‘Trees for Heroes’ farce was really ‘Trees for Jewish Communities’ on ex-Palestinian village land?
Come back after you reach puberty, Farmer.
Perhaps then you will mature and grow out of using your pre-school playpen insults, and your self-delusion, hopefully, will also vanish.
Self delusion as in ‘widespread antisemitism’, Gerald?
No Farmer, self-delusion as in “.. when I showed that his ‘Trees for Heroes’ farce was really ‘Trees for Jewish Communities’ on ex-Palestinian village land?”
You refute that, Gerald?
Go research.
Farmer I have better things to do with my time than research the drivel you post on this and other websites.
David has already pointed out your errors and ignorance on this subject.
So, David pronounces something and you swallow it.
You’re a fool.
Farmer if to reject your anti-Semitism is to be a fool then so be it.
If to reject your illogical ramblings is to be a fool, then so be it.
If to expect evidence based on history and facts is to be a fool, then so be it.
But if that is what a fool is, to reject your anti-Semitism, to reject your illogical ramblings, to expect evidence based on history and fact and not a copy and paste job given to you by someone else, then I am a PROUD FOOL, who will wear that badge with pride.
“If to expect(accept?) evidence based on history and facts is to be a fool, then so be it.”
But you haven’t. You’ve accepted David’s narrative re. the trees and been too mesmerised to research it. Yep, a fool.
Farmer, expect is the correct word to use not accept. Pity your English language skills are so poor.
The rest of your ‘post’ is pathetic gibberish, and not worth wasting anymore of my time trying to decipher.
Off you fly little Farmer, back to your troll farm.
But Gerald accepted it….. now refuses to check it.
But, Gerald accepts that Farmer is an anti-Semitic retard.
No need to check it, the evidence is there before everyone’s eyes.
Fly, fly Farmer
Back to your third-rate troll farm.
So, Gerald’s evidence is David having written it?
Baa baa.
“So, Gerald’s evidence is David having written it?
Baa baa.”
Boring, boring.
Gerald’s snoring.
Your mind and your morals certainly are, Gerald.
“But, because it is pro-Jewish racism.”
Pro-Jedi, pro-Muslim, pro-Christia, pro-Jewish legislation … ALL racist, Gerald.
Struggling with that?
Farmer why would I, or anyone else, struggle with your illogical and proven to be wrong ramblings?
Already answered, yesterday Farmer.
“Your attempt to claim that being pro-Muslim, pro-Jedi, pro-Christian is racism is farcical.
Islam, Christianity and anyone who claims to be Jedi are not races, they are religions. ”
As usual your ability to express a coherent thought in the English language is sadly lacking.
Ask your troll farm if they can send you on an English for Speakers of Other Languages course, you desperately need it.
So, ‘Jewish’ is not a religion, Gerald?
What is it?
Farmer clearly you are not only unable to comprehend the content of posts, you are also unable to scroll up and down between them.
Several posts above this one, yesterday, I have already anticipated your stupid question and answered it.
I can only, logically, assume that you suffer from some kind of physical or mental disability.
AGAIN, this is the relevant section of my posts above.
“Unlike Sikhism and Judaism which are regarded in English law as religions and races.
A point you are unable, or more likely unwilling to grasp.
Before you attempt to open a discussion about whether Judaism is a religion or race, or Sikhism, study the CPS Guidelines on Racist and Religious Crime it will not only confirm that they are both, but cite case law to support it.”
Sharmuta, Why are you a whore for Islamofascism?
9/11, London’s 7/7, Paris’ Charie Hebdo and Bataclan, Nice’s Bastille Day truck attack, Boston Marathon bombing, attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt, HamASS and Fascist Iran’s execution of gays, Fascist Iran stoning girls to death, beheading of Lee Rigby and Daniel Pearl, Rotherham rape gangs, Easter Sunday church bombings in Sri Lanka, …
Did your Liberal education leave you unemployable?
Happy Nakba!
What do you think of Arabs, Ted?
And yet you continue to struggle and waste your time with Mike Farmer.
I reached the conclusion that Mike Farmer is either the construct of a Jew hating troll farm(er) or a Jew hating troll.
To make this point clear every now and then so that any new reader to the blog is under no illusions to the contrary may have some value.
But these lengthy exchanges and attempts to reason with Mike Farmer are (as you note above) wasting your time and I believe detract from pthe possibility of real debate BTL. I would be keen to understand your motivation for continuing to feed such a troll.
Wishing you well.
you raise a number of interesting points and questions.
I do disagree with one point you raise.
“But these lengthy exchanges and attempts to reason with Mike Farmer are (as you note above) wasting your time and I believe detract from pthe possibility of real debate BTL”
I don’t believe that is true. Obviously if I thought it was I would desist in doing so.
As for my motivation in feeding the troll. It is a judgement call.
There are times when you have to do more than simply brand Farmer a troll. You have probably noticed that there are times when, if pushed enough, the wafer thin veneer that Farmer attempts to use to cover up his anti-Semitism cracks, and out pours his anti-Semitic bile.
Thanks for your good wishes. Health and wealth for you and yours.
Perhaps you can produce evidence(other than ‘well it’s obviouis’) to support your “Jew hating” outburst.
Off you go, Peach.
obviouis???? Lol.
“How twisted and antisemitic is that. If you want Israel gone, you are a Jew-hating warmonger. Own it!”
…. and if you want to forbid a Palestinian state, you are an Arab-hating warmonger. Admit it.
Sharmuta, There already is a “Palestine”. It’s better known as Jordan.