Exposed – the true face of the Palestinian cause

Much of my research is about exposing the true face of the Palestinian cause. I see a clear difference between having sympathy for the plight of the Arabs of Ramallah and Gaza and the hate that drives anti-Israel activism. Much of the criticism I face is from those who do not understand this difference. They see a Palestinian flag waving in London and think that … Continue reading Exposed – the true face of the Palestinian cause

Palestinian solidarity – the obsessive stepping stone to antisemitism

What is Palestinian solidarity? Last week, I sat and witnessed a mainstream political party in the UK deliberately spit in the face of the Jewish community. The problem of growing antisemitism extends far beyond the shores of the UK and recently inside the US Democratic Party, we have seen a similar struggle *begin* to surface. So is Palestinian solidarity related to rising antisemitism, where does … Continue reading Palestinian solidarity – the obsessive stepping stone to antisemitism

radicalised obsessed

Obsessive, radicalised, antisemitic – Corbyn’s Labour Party

The accusation made here is that the election of Jeremy Corbyn created a toxic environment that has radicalised members of the party and this led to a growth of antisemitism in the UK. There is no need to overthink this. We know that Corbyn comes from a faction that has existed for decades on the fringes of the party. There is ample evidence that *some* … Continue reading Obsessive, radicalised, antisemitic – Corbyn’s Labour Party

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Zina the hounded- the hatred that never wants to talk

Last week I told the story of Zina who made the mistake of talking to a Zionist. This is an update of what followed. It is important to stress that this blog and the video I am publishing have been produced without Zina’s co-operation in any way. She remains an anti-Zionist and an adversary. Given some of the abuse she has received, there is little … Continue reading Zina the hounded- the hatred that never wants to talk

assaulted six

A Jewish life: assaulted in the street, insulted by the BBC

Yesterday I was assaulted. I had been sitting with friends at the cafe inside the Quaker building in Euston. Not long after I left, I felt a sharp and forceful push from behind. I hadn’t been expecting it and the sudden jolt sent me briefly to the ground. I heard the words “Zionist f**k” in a clear London accent. The whole thing took about 3 … Continue reading A Jewish life: assaulted in the street, insulted by the BBC

Bloodthirsty – in the mind of the anti-Israel activists

One of the biggest lies currently being sold to populations in the west is that anti-Israel activity is related to a movement of peace or justice. Relying on a strategy of intersectionality, this deception has permitted violent, racist ideologies to take a firm foothold within other well-known ’causes’. Infecting them and leading them astray. These people may call themselves members of ‘solidarity movements’ or ‘pro-Palestinian’ … Continue reading Bloodthirsty – in the mind of the anti-Israel activists

The Israel conflict

The Israeli – Arab conflict in context – how you have never seen it before

There have probably been more words written about the Israeli -Arab conflict than any other post WW2 military dispute. I have no way to highlight this in a graph, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the words written about the Israeli – Arab conflict didn’t outweigh the words written about the largest ten or so of the global conflicts that have taken place in the … Continue reading The Israeli – Arab conflict in context – how you have never seen it before

An industry of antisemitism denial. The American anti-Zionists of Palestine Live

I have just spent several dark weeks back inside Palestine Live. Today I publish a new report that focuses on the activity of American anti-Zionists, many of them Jewish (download link below). It is impossible to do a 262-page report justice in a small blog. The catalyst was the unfolding events in the United States. Jewish life for American Jews is different to the experience … Continue reading An industry of antisemitism denial. The American anti-Zionists of Palestine Live

BBC Fake news

The BBC and Guardian as fake news outlets. Enabling antisemites.

When did the BBC and the Guardian become ‘fake news’ outlets? Last week the Guardian newspaper, published a letter, written by ‘over 200 Jewish members’. It was compiled to belittle the problem of antisemitism in the Labour Party, and in support of Jeremy Corbyn. For some (as yet to be discovered) reason, BBC News even gave airtime to it. The letter is no more than … Continue reading The BBC and Guardian as fake news outlets. Enabling antisemites.

stop Nazi messaging on Israel

Nazis in disguise. How some anti-Israel messaging is extreme-right rhetoric

We are witnessing a legitimisation of Nazi messaging against Jewish people in Israel. Some of it is our own fault. We have become so desensitised that we no longer differentiate between ‘a simple lie’ and full on extreme-right rhetoric. We see the messages everyday. They have entered the mainstream and celebrities, newsreaders and lecturers all use it. ‘The left’ as Nazi. We should display zero … Continue reading Nazis in disguise. How some anti-Israel messaging is extreme-right rhetoric