Canadian research house EKOS spews a twisted anti-Israel survey

Ekos Research Associates is a social and economic research company in Canada run by Frank Graves. They have just put their name to some rather vicious anti-Israel propaganda. Lies, manipulation and EKOS Long before anyone in the UK knew who I was, I put a comment under a Tony Greenstein blog pointing out a truly glaring factual error. Greenstein’s response was to delete my comment. … Continue reading Canadian research house EKOS spews a twisted anti-Israel survey

McGivern fake news

Open letter to Mark McGivern at the Daily Record – the Berlow injustice.

I am a stickler for justice and truth. Seeing an injustice motivates me. In the last week a Jewish lawyer in Scotland, Matthew Berlow, has been badly stitched up in an article written by Scottish journalist Mark McGivern. The headline read “Top pro-Israel lawyer faked vandalism attack at Scots home in plot to frame Palestine group“, but considering there was no vandalism attack, nor a … Continue reading Open letter to Mark McGivern at the Daily Record – the Berlow injustice.

12 ways the ‘left’ handled the Israel, UAE, Bahrain peace deals

The last Arab state to make peace with Israel was Jordan, in 1994. Egypt was the first, in 1979. 15 September 2020 was a historic day. At the White House, Donald Trump, Bibi Netanyahu, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Abdullatif Al Zayani signed agreements between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain. Yesterday’s momentous event could only take place with the blessing of Saudi Arabia. … Continue reading 12 ways the ‘left’ handled the Israel, UAE, Bahrain peace deals


Fake Jews, the Scottish PSC and anti-Jewish hostility in Scotland

In Scotland they have antisemites who pretend to be Jews. The fake ‘Jewish’ activist is then promoted by the antisemites in the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC). In turn the SPSC has access to the heart of the Scottish Government and Justice system. In Scotland Jews can be stalked and have their complaints fall on deaf ears. Jewish business has already been chased out of … Continue reading Fake Jews, the Scottish PSC and anti-Jewish hostility in Scotland

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The Jew-hating shame of Scotland and their lazy media

Friday evening. It was in the 72nd minute of a game between Israel and Scotland in the Nation’s League. Israel had a throw-in deep in the Scottish half. There was an quick one-two between the Israeli number seven and their number nine. Goal! And the score was 1:1. No this is not going to be a post about football, but that move, slicing apart the … Continue reading The Jew-hating shame of Scotland and their lazy media

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Toxic. BBC journalists as antisemitic trolls and the battle for academia

Toxic. One thing I have firmly understood in my time researching and exposing antisemitism is that haters never stop hating. The dangers posed to Jewish people and society as a whole, may evolve, mutate and even dress up as the benign, but they never go away. I tend to focus on more intensive research, as I find it more effective to present a larger, well … Continue reading Toxic. BBC journalists as antisemitic trolls and the battle for academia


Wikipedia, Urban Dictionary and the chaos of anti-truth

Wikipedia might be free and run by volunteers but it is by far the most popular encyclopedia on the planet. Urban dictionary is a crowdsourced dictionary, that has been used as a reference in court cases. Both these sources highlight the problem Jewish people, and the truth, face in an online world. Last week, antisemitic definitions of Zionism and anti-Zionism were being promoted by Urban … Continue reading Wikipedia, Urban Dictionary and the chaos of anti-truth

Beinart - road to ruin

Peter Beinart, a one state solution and the Jewish far-left

Peter Beinart recently wrote an article of Jewish surrender that was published in Jewish Currents. Falling over itself, the New York Times rushed to publish an abbreviated version to ensure the piece was given a much wider audience. BeinartĀ  The thrust of the Beinart argument is simple. Beinart used to believe in a Jewish state – he doesn’t anymore, and as he lives in his … Continue reading Peter Beinart, a one state solution and the Jewish far-left


Doxing minors, intimidation and the toxic hatemongers on the hard left

The smears, lies, fear and intimidation of the hard-left. A Statement: Those who read this blog or follow me on Twitter or Facebook are well aware that I am used to being harassed and abused online. To be honest, given what I do, there is a certain expectation of a response. But fighting these people is no war of words. My website has been hacked, … Continue reading Doxing minors, intimidation and the toxic hatemongers on the hard left


So you think you know the Israelis?

There is so much ignorance about Israel and Israelis. So many lies are told by anti-Israel haters, yet sometimes the truth is so simple and staring everyone in the face. Who are the Israelis? I like the personal touch so I thought I would take you on a bit of a tour to meet some: Avraham Kiryati Avraham Kiryati was 8 years old when in … Continue reading So you think you know the Israelis?