Yesterday, the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) spat in the face of British Jews. They did so as one of the most outrageously incompetent ‘Fit to Practise’ hearings came to a close. Pharmacist Nazim Ali had been called to defend against accusations of antisemitism. There will rarely be a case in front of the committee that is easier to decide – and they got it wildly wrong.
I rarely make official complaints, but following the Al Quds rally in 2017, I filed one with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) regarding the behaviour of Pharmacist Nazim Ali. At the pro-Iranian, pro-Hezbollah rally it was the role of Nazim Ali to ‘get the crowd going’ before the march. During his time holding the megaphone his main focus was not the fate of ‘Palestinian refugees’, ‘child prisoners’, ‘checkpoints’ or the ‘occupation’. On that day in June 2017 he was trying to make the crowd angry about the actions of British ‘Zionists’.
What Nazim Ali said
Nazim Ali’s words were blatantly antisemitic. This is some of what he said – these sentences were the key phrases used by the fitness to practise committee for their deliberations:
#1 It’s in their genes. The Zionists are here to occupy Regent Street. It’s in their genes, it’s in their genetic code.
#2 European alleged Jews. Remember brothers and sisters, Zionists are not Jews.
#3 Any Zionist, any Jew coming into your centre supporting Israel, any Jew coming into your centre who is a member of the Board of Deputies, is not a Rabbi, he’s an imposter.
#4 They are responsible for the murder of the people in Grenfell, the Zionist supporters of the Tory Party.
He also said the BoD had ‘blood on their hands‘, and that Zionists ‘give money to the Tory Party, to kill people in high rise blocks‘.
It is quite plain that even just based on those above, the decision is easy.
#1 Zionists do not have a ‘genetic code’ – Jews do.
#2 The comment about ‘alleged Jews’ is clearly a reference to the antisemitic Khazar myth.
#3 The ‘imposter’ sentence is also a pharmacist publicly arguing against interfaith with 93% of British Jews.
#4 References to Grenfell and murder is classic blood libel. A tragedy happens, the finger points where it always does.
My evidence
I was called to give evidence – and it took 3 long years to arrange the hearing. My recordings from the day were used for the hearing. Although under quarantine I was given an exemption and I was the first witness to give evidence. Ali’s lawyer was then allowed to ask me questions. His first was about my daughter.
For those that don’t know my daughter is currently in Israel preparing to join the IDF. Back in 2017 she had stood with me in that crowd as we listened to Nazim Ali. At the time, her thoughts were only about going to university in the UK. I cannot be 100% sure that what unfolded in the UK during 2016-2019 was responsible for my daughter’s change of heart – but it is hard to believe she would have gone otherwise.
Because the atmosphere in the UK had deteriorated for British Jews and my daughter had decided to leave for Israel – my loyalty was being questioned. The lawyer asked a few more questions and within about 15 minutes it was over. The time had come for the members of the panel to ask any questions – they had none. The prosecuting lawyer had none either.
Whether I accept it or not I am considered by many involved as an expert on issues of antisemitism – and the panel did not ask me anything. I won an award as one of Algemeiner’s J100 (top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life). My Twitter account that focuses on antisemitism has over 50,000 followers. It was my research that opened the path to exposing Labour’s antisemitism crisis. My work on antisemitism has been referenced in every major UK newspaper and many globally. Yet this panel – which needed to deliberate on issues of antisemitism could think of nothing relevant to ask me? Nothing? Instead, I was being smeared by classic insinuations of dual loyalty. I was free to go. At that moment I knew Nazim Ali would get away with it.
The General Pharmaceutical Council decision
Due to quarantine I was only able to attend the first hearing but Jonathan Hoffman did what he always does and sat through every minute of the seven-day hearing. Hoffman also gave evidence. Yesterday, the decision was reached – Ali’s comments were not deemed antisemitic – and although considered ‘offensive’ he received nothing more than a warning.
General Pharmaceutical Council make unforgivable errors
If we allow this decision by the General Pharmaceutical council to just stand, we may as well pack our bags. It is a clear sign our days in the UK are numbered. The panel (Alistair Cannon, Raj Parekh and Claire Bonnet) had no visible expertise on antisemitism at all – nor did the prosecuting lawyer. And what is worse is that although it was offered to them – they didn’t want it.
After Jonathan Hoffman gave his evidence, he also was not asked any questions by the panel. This means that the panel felt there was nothing relevant to the case that Jonathan or myself could offer in terms of knowledge – that they did not know already. The only two Jewish witnesses – and they had nothing to ask of us.
So who was deciding whether or not Nazim Ali was being antisemitic or not? On what grounds? With what expertise? The man literally spread antisemitic myth, blamed a tragedy on us and spoke about our ‘genetic code’.
I realise I have just participated in a show trial. One that was always going to find him innocent of the antisemitism charge. There was no sign at all – at any point – from any of the panel members – that they had any interest in what was or was not antisemitism. This hearing also shows you how far antisemitism will be allowed to spread without consequence.
Whilst both Jonathan and I were considered ‘credible’ the panel also believed us both to be ‘not entirely impartial’ – the reason – we are Jewish. I cannot imagine a tribunal in the world in which a man who is black would be openly considered ‘not entirely impartial’ because of the colour of his skin. This is an unforgivable and shameful error. No wonder they did not feel the need to ask us any questions.
If we accept this type of error in justice – we may as well just pack our bags now. If we want to stay – we really are going to have to fight.
Can you support this fight?
This research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for six years I have been creating headlines. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and anti-western extremism.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history and expose antisemitism and I fight when others don’t. If you can, please consider making a donation.
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Every contribution is truly appreciated

Oh for fuck sake David you are are such a whinging whining wrapped in self pity cry baby
Farage said the same almost word for word about all the black people at the BLM protests. You guys must share a script writer.
You just made that up. Naughty naughty
Thought my deceit would check your insincerity. Bellers.
David is right, Farmer, and you are dead wrong. Nazim Ali’s recorded remarks about “genetics”, the authenticity of British Jews and his libel wrt the Grenfell tragedy were clearly antisemitic and the panel’s sense of ethical responsibility appears to have been dulled by an overdose of self applied laudanum.
Your sense of ethics is non-existent and consists of ad hominems and whataboutery.
The Code of Ethics of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (2001) states:
Disreputable behaviour or breach of a professional responsibility or requirement
identified in the Code could form the basis of a complaint of professional misconduct. The
Society’s disciplinary committees, in considering whether or not action should follow, take
into consideration the circumstances of an individual case and do not regard themselves
as being limited to those matters which are mentioned in this document.
The board, while recognizing that Ali’s remarks were offensive, appears not to have gone far enough in censuring the offense. I for one would be interested in learning the exact wording of what was pronounced. Though the Council’s schedule shows very few cases overall I would also be interested in finding out how they handle the case of the upcoming hearing of Shazad Mirzi on Nov 10 who’s is also accused of unprofessional conduct wrt to racially motivated remarks.
You should tidy up your cut ‘n pastes, makes text more readable.
How about this cross-eyed Sharmuta?
David is right, Farmer, and you are dead wrong. Nazim Ali’s recorded remarks about “genetics”, the authenticity of British Jews and his libel wrt the Grenfell tragedy were clearly antisemitic and the panel’s sense of ethical responsibility appears to have been dulled by an overdose of self applied laudanum.
Your sense of ethics is non-existent and consists of ad hominems and whataboutery.
The Code of Ethics of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (2001) states:
Disreputable behaviour or breach of a professional responsibility or requirement identified in the Code could form the basis of a complaint of professional misconduct. The Society’s disciplinary committees, in considering whether or not action should follow, take into consideration the circumstances of an individual case and do not regard themselves as being limited to those matters which are mentioned in this document.
The board, while recognizing that Ali’s remarks were offensive, appears not to have gone far enough in censuring the offense. I for one would be interested in learning the exact wording of what was pronounced. Though the Council’s schedule shows very few cases overall I would also be interested in finding out how they handle the case of the upcoming hearing of Shazad Mirzi on Nov 10 who’s is also accused of unprofessional conduct wrt to racially motivated remarks.
Nazi Ali ‘s pharmaceutical career is kaput.
Hoffman gave evidence……
Maybe the council were not minded to put much store in the evidence of notorious criminals
“Although under quarantine I was given an exemption and I was the first witness to give evidence.”
Very public spirited of David to potentially spread Covid-19 within the UK..
Would he do that in his preferred Israel?
Don’t be silly Michael. We take public health seriously here (religious extremists notwithstanding). Bellers does a distance gag about this. You nutjobs still queuing 10 deep at the boozer and pretending it’s all a conspiracy?
Very much on brand for you flat earthers.
Are you thick? He was asked to give evidence!!
Asked! Pay attention.
It was a legitimate question Michael. Don’t take it personally but you do come across as quite thick.
Not the way it works mikey….
I know that when people like you attend court you are normally escorted and in handcuffs – but for the rest of us – the witnesses – being ‘asked’ to attend is often not a question either. Witnesses often get told that whilst voluntary is prefered – there are options to enforce.
Factually – I had no choice here but to appear.
” I am considered by many involved as an expert on issues of antisemitism”
Yet map antiZionism to Antisemitism.
Expert? Lol.
Sharmuta, I’m anti-terrorism AKA 9/11, London’s 7/7, Paris’ Charlie Hebdo massacre, anti-beheading a teacher, anti-ramming into people with a car, a truck on Bastille Day in Nice, anti-Pan Am103 bombing, stabbing people on London and Westminster bridges, shooting people in Vienna, …
does that make me an “IslamoFAUXbe”?,
great stuff. by all means pack your bags and leave for the promised land, David. I’ll come to the airport to see you off. if ‘antisemitism’ is the way to get rid of jews then we need more of it.
Ah Charles. You’ve dispensed with the anonymity. Strong move. Did you ever hook up with the contributor here that posts as Bruce? You recall I recommended you to him for some tips on provocation. He generally struggles and I thought that your approach may give him a leg up. Dont thank me just yet. He’s a yid, a very fringe one but that may be a showstopper for you. Probably best to check for yourself. I know how you hate those guys but he may have money.
Charlie, you can pack your bags and head for the Turd Reich in Ultra Right-Wing Pal-e-SWINE.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
i just love being on this blog. such pleasant company. are all jews as nice as you?
Charlie, you ignorant Sack of Socialist SHlTler,
This year, 2020 is the 75th anniversary of the Unconditional Surrender of your Socialist pals.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Highly illuminating having you here Charles. Very much the sort of contributor who adds an important reference point to the broad subject matter. I recall from one of our chats that you have a very good friend, I think you said he was a TV repairman, who wrote a scholarly paper proving that the earth is flat and the Jews flattened it. What’s he up to now?
Can you refer them to the EHRC?
… or tell yer Mummy?
… or tell yer Pimp?
Sour grapes. But lots left out.
I’ve obtained a copy of the recording of the hearing and Scoffy is clearly heard screaming “Fucking Nazi!” “Jew Hater!” and Antisemite!” several times.
Proves why Scoffy is so valuable to the pro-Palestinian campaigns throughout the UK.
The General Pharmaceutical Council owes Nazim Ali an apology for wasting his time.
Btw, did your traitorous offspring enlist in the IOF #COVID48 “Whore Corps” yet?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
Shabbat shalom.
Charles, I asked above whether you’d met with this knob to help him post more imaginative and effective provocations. Based on this effort I’m guessing the answer is no.
I’ve no idea about ‘Bruce’. you’ll have to put me in touch with him. we goy need to learn to hunt in packs like jews.
Oh you do Charles and the Bruce one is just the goy you’ve been looking for. Good luck with your new student.
Nazi Ali just suffered a Self-Inflicted Workplace Accident.
Happy Nakba to Ali and All!
Here’s a group of them out to play …
Comparing Israelis to Nazis?
That’s against the IHRA code Farmgirl…
Don’t worry I won’t call the police….this time….
How about comparing Grand Moooooooooooftis to Nazis?
37 second Youtube of a newsreel documenting a sit-down meeting between Socialist SHlTler and his ally, the Grand Moooooooooooft of Jerusalem.
Scoffie does seem to be a bit of a problem for Israelists
You’ve worked your arse off on this one for 4 or 5 years Bellers. How much longer do you reckon you’ll need before anyone notices?
You’ve been following it, Ian.
I dont count Michael. I’m the piss-taker, remember.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Nice Michael. Now say it in the style of Anton Differing auditioning for the part of the Nazi Officer in The Great Escape.
Aaaaaand…….Nakba !!
Just putting this here for anyone that’s ever asked why DC allows Michael the freedom to post here. This from Michael on the Collier Twitter feed today.
“saying British Rabbis have blood on their hands ” … NOT antisemitic. Anti-British Rabbis”
You seem as limited as David, Ian. Knee jerk assessments are usually wrong, as in this case.
Calm yourself Michael?
You will see that the post quotes you accurately and is accompanied by a statement of the obvious; that you are free to post here. You have the same freedom to draw conclusions, as do others.
If David makes a claim why shouldn’t he be challenged as to its veracity?
Do relax Michael.
I simply placed your remark here. How you choose to justify it is your concern. How others choose to interpret it is theirs.
David Collier
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks was a towering figure and an inspirational leader.
His presence and strength during the fight against the latest mutation of antisemitism will never be forgotten.
Sacks was a Politician. A Zionist actor.
Latest mutation? It is hatred of Jews or it isn’t.
Do NOT map other actions to antisemitism.
Michael, as someone who seems to have an informed view of the late Lord Sacks what was your opinion of his great work the Dignity of Difference and its central themes, notably the value in the search for commonality between faiths?
David Collier
As the well respected ex Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks dies – and the Jewish community mourns
On the ‘kinder’ ‘ gentler’ left
‘racist Swine’
‘may he rot’
‘good riddance’
‘spiteful man…
And they say the left doesn’t have a problem with Jews!!
Sacks also wasn’t ‘the Jews’, David … as Israel isn’t.
Michael, putting aside your rather limp provocations masked as real opinions, you are always keen to offer your view on who aren’t the Jews. You often ejaculate that Israel is not the Jews, UK rabbis are not the Jews, this one or that one is not the Jews.
So who, in your opinion are the Jews?
the Jews are the Jews you fucking imbecile
Calm yourself Bellers and address this to Michael. He’s the one struggling with this one.
“Lord” Sacks is now a good Zionist. Rot in hell.
How come the word Lord is placed in inverted commas dopey?
Are you inferring that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is not entitled to confer knighthoods on people or that some are more conferred than others?
No Rabbi . He’s an ex employee of a supermarket chain . Given his P45 for bringing the company into disrepute and then turned on his ex employer penning defamatory face book posts . Canadian Communist of Communist stock . Think Yevsektsiya but without the intellectual input. Like Greenstein , suffers from exceedingly small man syndrome
Sacks was a rabid racist
Welease Wodderick and all the other wabid wascals !!
Cracking contribution Bellers. Missed the release of your Magnum Opus yesterday.
Am I making like Aunty Lotte entering the gas chambers at Dachau, and holding my breath?
Events, dear boy, events.
” I can hire someone to do anything, except to do things in the order of their importance.”
Andrew Carnegie
Oh I know Bellers. The path of the nutjob conspiracy theorist is beset on all sides with nasty Zios just waiting to enact some global domination on your delicate bottys.
Never mind. I knew you’d flounce again.same time next year?
Thats up to you bruv. You aren’t going anywhere for a while are you ?
Just dont want to over use my “Bellers Flounces Again” shtick. You’re right. When you set out to take the piss out of the nutjob conspiracy theorist, you sign up for a long game.
ok see you then
“a Biden administration “will take immediate steps to restore economic and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people, address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, reopen the US consulate in East Jerusalem and work to reopen the PLO mission in Washington.”
Good news for the Zurich banks who can expect deposits to resume to the private accounts of the PA and Hamas leadership. Less good for the Arabs of Ramallah and Khan Younis who will see nowt.
Could you please inform me where that POS Sacks is going to be buried? I would like to drown my sorrows by drinking a case of Fosters and then taking the biggest whiz on his grave on behalf of all decent human beings.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
He’s being buried in Mecca, on top of the Kabbah.
Start drinking piglet.
Business first, then pleasure: I will pray, then whiz on “Rabbi” Sacks grave.
These fists fight fascism Dead Head Ed, you Zionist pig!
Charles, I trust that this is not your tuition. I had hoped that your instruction to our Panto Activist would have owed more to your style of provocation than this. I assume you would never put your name to posts like “girls are ugly” and “Rabbis are shit” ?
This is becoming embarrassing. Take him in hand
ImaM Oron,
Happy Nakba you Swine of Pal-e-SWINE!
A reminder from your friendly neighbourhood Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I will happily defecate on your grave Dead Head Ed. And will also bring my dogs to do as well.
ImaM Oron,
I will happily defecate on your grave and will also bring my dogs to do as well – we know how much your prophet loved dogs.
Happy Nakba piglet!
P.S. Send my regards to your fellow Swine of Yassir Arafart, Gen Solemani, Snake Yassin, Ayatoolah khomeni, Osama bin Laden, Ahm-mad-bout-jihad and other jihadi swine. 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Shove yer fist up yer lifted azz.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Oooh, nice slogan repetition Michael.
Now say it in the style of Craig Revell-Horwood scoring Anne Widdicombe and Anton du Beck’s Foxtrot.
Aaaaaand…..Nakba !!
A reminder from your friendly neighbourhood Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
That wasn’t Michael and it certainly wasn’t Craig Revell-Horwood !!!
If you both want to play then let’s have another go. Say it again in the style of Murray Walker getting over-excited as James Hunt overtakes Niki Lauda at Woodcote Corner.
Aaaaaaaand………….Nakba !!!
Collier – “History proves Zionists are right”
History proves Zionists are aggressive power-seeking racists, David.
History proves Socialists and Sand Nazis are aggressive power-seeking racists, Sharmuta.
That’s not very nice Michael.
I don’t have a racist bone in my body, a bloke asked me to hold that wreath for him while he went to feed the meter and my nan was at Cable Street.
Ian Kay: “I don’t have a racist bone in my body,”
Wrong you knob. You have *206* racist bones in your body.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
So good to see the regular Jew hating contributors to this message board showing their usual lack of decorum and respect on the anniversary of Kristallnacht….
Thanks for showing us all why Israel has to (and will always) exist as a Jewish state….
Great work guys…..
? ?
Aren’t you celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dobbin, this day in 1989.
p.s.always is a l-o-n-g way away.
Thanks for your good work Farmgirl
Much appreciated
It has to be said though that the number of dodgy facebook groups that David is an active member of is growing at an alarming rate
Oooh, put them in your Magnum Opus Bellers wot you’re writing. That’s due any day now, innit?
I think I probably will. Thanks for the advice
Course you won’t but it’s always satisfying to be around for the annual Bellers flounce.
David Collier and Tommy Robinson shared a platform.
Nice find Michael. Hadn’t realised that Collier was a pal of former radio one DJ and Frankie goes to Hollywood censor, Mike Read. Must be from the Bellers 1986 archive.
Corbyn did a lot worse than David…
Did you mean to repeat the post of Collier and Mike Read, Michael? You’ve already posted it in the last hour. Was it just reflex copy/paste?
David Collier and Tommy Robinson share a platform.
Corbyn did a lot worse than David…
In what way, Dobbin?
As Christmas is approaching …
Pattersons butchers. sheffield
?Just in case anyone is stressing about Christmas Day…………..! ?
Here’s my top tip
?Christmas Dinner….
I have concluded that the inevitable stress of Christmas dinner is created by adverts, supermarkets and TV chefs…
It’s a Sunday dinner for goodness sake!!! ?We do it quite happily 51 weeks of the year but can we the consumers be trusted to manage by ourselves on one day of the year…apparently not!
Here goes…?
1. Turkey… It’s a big fecking chicken that’s all, 20 minutes per lb plus 20 minutes at 180 degrees – jobs a good un! Get yourselves a meat thermometer £3 off the Internet poke it in the offending bird if it says 75 degrees or over its cooked!??
2. Stuffing – regardless of what Jamie Oliver says you do NOT need 2lbs of shoulder of pork, onions breadcrumbs,pine nuts and a shit load of fresh herbs to make stuffing….( no fecking wonder he’s bankrupt if thats what he spends to make stuffing!)?
What you need is Paxo and a kettle!! If you wanna liven it up squeeze 3 sausages out of their skins and mix that in with your Paxo before cooking ?.
3. Gravy – Jamie Oliver is copping for this one aswell….
Bisto Jamie…. All you need is Bisto!
I ( nor any other woman I know) has got time on Christmas Eve to piss about roasting chicken wings and vegetables, adding stock and flour,cooking it for another half hour, mashing it all up with a potato masher and then straining the whole sorry mess to make gravy ???
4. Vegetables…? Never mind faffing round shredding sprouts and frying them with bacon and chestnuts to make them more palatable… If you don’t like them don’t buy and cook the fecking things!! If your family only eats frozen peas then that’s good enough!
5. Roast potatoes… Yes I par boil mine then roast them in goose fat but Aunt Bessie also does the same ?.
6. Trimmings /Christmas pudding and the like…. Aldi or Lidl!
(oh and while we’re on the subject of pudding- if birds custard is what your family likes on the wretched thing then that’s fine – you do not need brandy butter /rum sauce etc or anything else that costs a fecking fortune and takes 2 hours to make!)
7. Family….
Children.. Feed the little blighters first separately, if they only want turkey with tomato sauce – fine leave em to it, it doesn’t matter. Once they are fed bugger them off to play with their Christmas presents so that YOU can enjoy your dinner in Peace!
Adults… Anyone that can manage to get their sorry arse to your dinner table is also capable of helping to serve up/ sort the kids out/ clear the table /wash up /dry up etc.
And Finally…..
Rant over ?
?Merry Christmas!?
All most people want for Christmas and Hanukkah is a FREE PALESTINE.
Is that too much to ask?
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and…
Happy Nakba!!
A reminder from your friendly neighbourhood Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Another Matinee at the Panto and who knew that DC would have commissioned a recipes column?
Old Michael has risen to the challenge and gone full Fanny Craddock, but seeing his appreciation for the bigger bird let’s hope he’s not forgotten his Jonny.***
(*** This is a gag that will only be accessible to those that remember black and white telly and pre-decimalisation slang for gentlemen’s contraception)
The disgusting attitudes exposed in these rants against David’s post echo those of racists in America, defending their hatred of black Americans. Complete denial of their own hatred; ego-driven refusal to encounter their own hatred; vicious personal attacks on those who confront them with their hatred.
Jews faired better in America than in Europe, because of the much stronger social taboo against religious intolerance. Based on what I’ve seen, the hatred of many Brits for Jews seems at least as vicious and ugly as the hatred of many Americans for blacks. American racism just gets more news coverage. America fails to reject, fully, race-based hatred, and Europe fails to reject, fully, religion-based hatred. Jews are Europe’s “blacks.”
Good points well made Liz.
It is worth noting that the contributors who come here to snipe are only interested in provocation to quota. There is no sincerity, no knowledge and certainly no discussion. You may say that this is problematic in itself and you’d be right. But a closer look at a random sample of posts in any thread over the last 5 years will reveal a particular approach that is actually as threatening as a game of Rummikub with your Grandma and her pals at the Friendship Club.
If these folks ever put their teeth in and started to churn out some real opinions, then things may get more interesting. For now it’s just Pantomime Activism.