Channel 4 busted

Channel 4 – meet the extremists in the ‘Palestinian voices’ news clip

During the Channel 4 news on Monday, they ran a segment about Palestinian voices in the UK. Because of the disinformation and propaganda contained within, there has since been an uproar about the item and several complaints made to OFCOM. This is how the piece is described by Channel 4 News: The news team ran a segment *made* by a pro-Palestinian activist. As a student, … Continue reading Channel 4 – meet the extremists in the ‘Palestinian voices’ news clip

Glasgow University main image

Glasgow University publishes antisemitic conspiracy theory

Glasgow University is ranked as a top UK university. The University is a member of the Russell Group. It runs a platform called esharp which is an ‘international online journal for postgraduate research.’ The University is very proud of the outlet. It states that all the papers are ‘double blind peer reviewed’. The university claims that the ‘rigorous and constructive process is designed to enhance … Continue reading Glasgow University publishes antisemitic conspiracy theory


Boycotting Jews is nothing new. It is as old as antisemitism

Boycotting Jews is nothing new, and in order to protect the current mutation (the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement), antisemites are hiding behind a massive straw man argument about personal freedoms. From persecution to boycotting Outside of the Old Testament, early Jewish history is difficult to piece together. The earliest tribal leader that told his clan not to deal with the Hebrews is lost to … Continue reading Boycotting Jews is nothing new. It is as old as antisemitism

The Guardian

The Guardian – lost between antisemites and oblivion

The Guardian newspaper is on a mission. Over the last few days, it has published several ‘Jew-hostile’ news and opinion pieces. For example, two that attempted to discredit the EHRC (the statutory body that conducted the investigation into Labour’s antisemitism), and two more that set out to undermine the IHRA definition of antisemitism. The David Feldman piece The criticism of the IHRA definition of antisemitism … Continue reading The Guardian – lost between antisemites and oblivion

wrong sort of Jew

‘the wrong sort of Jew’ – the left’s latest antisemitic conspiracy theory

I want to start with an exercise. Google the phrase ‘the wrong sort of Jew‘ (you can repeat the test replacing the word ‘sort’ with ‘kind‘ or ‘type‘.) Scanning the results from the first few pages, one thing becomes absolutely clear – this phrase is exclusively reserved for a hard-left attack against mainstream Jewry. In all of the examples on the pages there is a … Continue reading ‘the wrong sort of Jew’ – the left’s latest antisemitic conspiracy theory

conservative government bashes Israel

The Conservative government dumps on Israel – again and again

The Conservative Government has an 80-seat majority. It means that for the first time in over a decade, we have a government with legroom. The signs were good. Boris has ridiculed the BDS movement and the Conservative party is publicly vocal about the anti-Israel bias in international forums such as the United Nations.  In June 2018, Boris attacked the UN Human Rights Council, calling the … Continue reading The Conservative government dumps on Israel – again and again

Labour party dangerous game

The Labour Party are playing a very dangerous game.

Yesterday Jeremy Corbyn was reinstated to the Labour Party. The day seemed choreographed. Corbyn first published a statement as a ‘clarification’ to ‘clear up any confusion’ over what he had said following the release of the EHRC report into antisemitism. I doubt the carefully worded statement was not agreed in advance. Then a panel of the party’s governing body deliberated for several hours before deciding … Continue reading The Labour Party are playing a very dangerous game.


There is no real justice for Jewish people in the UK

Three years ago I was present at the pro-Hezbollah Al-Quds rally in London. In the process of whipping up the crowd to prepare them for the march, the leader of the rally, Nazim Ali, made several blatantly antisemitic statements over a loudhailer. After it became known that Nazim Ali was a pharmacist, complaints were made to the General Pharmaceutical Council. They took three long years … Continue reading There is no real justice for Jewish people in the UK


Amnesty and the left wing media, finally spill the truth

Maybe we need to be thankful to the media and organisations such as Amnesty International, that in their rush to demonise Israel, they sometimes inadvertently expose the truth. Here is the story. The media and the biggest demolition of the decade Last week *MANY* of the major news networks ran headlines about ‘the biggest demolition in a decade‘. Predictably, obsessive NGOs who spend their time … Continue reading Amnesty and the left wing media, finally spill the truth

the cruel left

The cruel sewer of the far-left. Not for the faint-hearted

This piece on the cruel sewer of the far-left is not for the faint-hearted. The article contains sickening responses to the news of the passing of Lord Jonathan Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi. My research is here to provide a historical record. As such, this piece, however difficult to write or read – needed to be made public. If you are easily offended or upset, … Continue reading The cruel sewer of the far-left. Not for the faint-hearted