The Guardian newspaper is on a mission. Over the last few days, it has published several ‘Jew-hostile’ news and opinion pieces. For example, two that attempted to discredit the EHRC (the statutory body that conducted the investigation into Labour’s antisemitism), and two more that set out to undermine the IHRA definition of antisemitism.
The David Feldman piece
The criticism of the IHRA definition of antisemitism came first in the form of a letter signed by over 100 Arab ‘intellectual’ voices. Most are names are instantly recognisable as political anti-Israel activists. The other attack on the IHRA was an article written by David Feldman. Feldman is director of the Pears Institute for the Study of Antisemitism at Birkbeck, University of London.
David Feldman was rolled out because he is Jewish. Just as the Guardian loves to print anti-Israel letters from the Jewish modern Yevsektsiya groups. The haters learned long ago, that if you want to effectively attack Jews, make sure you pick up a Jew to do it with.
Feldman’s main positions are that the IHRA definition curtails free speech and that he believes in an ‘all lives matter’ approach to racism. As David Hirsh expertly points out, ‘the All Lives Matter‘ approach is far from helpful. Hirsh’s article is well worth a read and therefore I have no intention of covering all that ground here.
Another major problem with the ‘all racism matters’ approach is that whole strands of anti-Jewish racism today are coming from parts of the Muslim community and Black Lives matter activists. Jews are explicitly ‘othered’ by members of these groups and often cannot enter their spaces to discuss racism with them.
The right to free speech
Much of the Jewish community, along with the Government have been campaigning to pressure universities to adopt the IHRA definition.
The argument over the right to free speech is an important one. Frivolous accusations of antisemitism should be shouted down loudly. Calling someone an antisemite because they do not like the Likud or Israeli building in parts of Jerusalem is not antisemitism. But then the IHRA doesn’t say that it is. People who raise these sorts of arguments are deflecting.
Jewish people need defending – especially on campus. The main thrust of the opponents of the IHRA definition is coming from antisemites who want to continue to be antisemitic. They must be pushed back.
Sit down and shut up
My key problem with David Feldman is neither his error on free speech nor the ‘all racism matters argument’. Basically, I want to know where he was for two decades. The only thing I know about him fighting antisemitism is that he played a key role in legitimising the Chakrabarti whitewash.
On Corbyn he was silent. In fact he has been more or less silent for decades as antisemitism worked itself into the veins of the unions, universities and left-wing political spaces.
The *ONLY* people to whom I am going to listen on the IHRA and EHRC are those who fought the battle. David Feldman didn’t. He was one of those Jewish people who sat by and watched. As Jonathan Hoffman points out – he and the Institute are part of the problem.
He can sit down and shut up.
The shame of the left
Every problem we face has a cause. The reason there is so much opposition to the IHRA definition is because antisemitism has become so normalised. For decades, elements on the left turned a blind eye to the problem – and that included David Feldman. It was possible for people to wave a Hezbollah flag in the morning, go online to talk about Zionist control of the media, and then turn up in the afternoon to vote for a radical comrade in a local Labour constituency election. All this was going on and most of the experts on antisemitism just yawned or dined out in Westminster.
Churches and Unions opened their arms to the antisemitic Palestine Solidarity Campaign even though PSC directors and activists were spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories.
They are all so used to doing it, it has all become so normalised, they feel like we are asking for something abnormal.
As people come forward offering their advice on how to deal with the issues we face – it is both our right and our duty to ask them at least these four questions:
- Have you ever fought anti-Zionist antisemitism on campus?
- Some anti-Israel groups have displayed blatant antisemitism, have you ever tackled them?
- What were you doing about antisemitism before March 2018?
- Did you support the Chakrabarti whitewash?
I cut off at March 2018 because that is when the earthquake happened. Palestine Live, then the Mural then the Parliament Square demo (in that order) – all in the space of three weeks. Speaking out on antisemitism *after* the earthquake occurred was a comfortable and easy option, even the mainstream media were on board. The real fighters were the ones who had been alone in the trenches for years. Where was David Feldman? Yawn.
Haroon Siddique and the EHRC
The attack on the EHRC came from two articles (1, 2) written by Haroon Siddique.
Haroon Siddique carries the title of Senior Reporter at the Guardian. Siddique has been at the Guardian for over a decade. I had a quick look at his Twitter feed, it is fairly active, Siddique has made over 5500 tweets. It is when searching through his tweets that it becomes quickly apparent Siddique has his pet subjects.
For example. He never tweeted about antisemitism in the Labour Party. The only tweets on the EHRC report have been to criticise it.
Nine of his tweets mention ‘Jews’ or ‘Jewish’. One was sports related, one criticised Israel, two dealt with both Muslim and Jewish sensibilities. For whatever reason on two of the nine ocassions he felt the need to link Jewish people to violent extremism.
What is also interesting is that all his mentions of Jewish people stopped in 2014. When British Jews started complaining loudly in 2015, he went silent. He almost never tweeted out on Corbyn or Labour – and never in the context of antisemitism.
The bias and the bigotry
Things are very different when you look for the word ‘Muslim‘. Suddenly Siddique sees bigotry – but in the Conservative Party.
In fact there are dozens of tweets highlighting anti-Muslim bigotry. It is therefore fascinating that the only time he deals with anti-Jewish hatred, it is to belittle the report that details it.
I followed this up with a quick check to see how often Siddique mentions different nation states:
- Burma / Myanmar / Rohingya 6
- China 7
- Iraq 20
- Russia 22
- ISIS 25
- Afghanistan 28
- Iran 30
- Israel / Gaza /’Palestine’ 68
More than double on Israel than on any of the major global human rights abusers. Even ISIS only received about 25 mentions. What is also noticeable is that some of the Israel tweets come with personal sarcastic commentary:
And Siddique also takes the opportunity to share those that demonise the Jewish state. A share comparing Israel to Jimmy Saville written by notorious anti-Israel hater Ben White:
Haroon Siddique supports the Pakistani cricket team. Most of his Tweets on the serial human rights abuser Pakistan are cricket related. I searched for mentions of Balochi or Balochistan – to highlight the ‘epidemic‘ of human rights violations by Pakistan – and found no mention at all. One can only assume he was too busy tweeting about Gaza.
What of the Guardian
The Guardian is lost between antisemites and oblivion. The plain truth is this, for decades the Guardian has been a key part of the problem. Long before Camera UK was UK Media Watch, it was CIF (Comment is Free) Watch, which was set up because the Guardian’s comment pages were full of antisemitic hate.
The Guardian has been shown to be obsessively anti-Israel. By the early 2000s the Guardian was giving voice to antisemitic Islamists and the pre-Corbyn rantings of people like Seamus Milne.
It now has a serious problem. Much of its readership was brought up on an anti-western, antisemitic, Islamist friendly diet fed to it by – the Guardian. Over the last few years as the problems with Corbyn surfaced, the Guardian needed to face some of it down to maintain any mainstream credibility at all. But it riled its own hard-core support as it did so.
The Guardian finds itself caught between a rock and a hard place. It is choking on the very poison it helped spread for decades.
If some offer us advice on antisemitism – it is our right to question where they have been for the last twenty years. It is clear that the Guardian was helping to create the problem. Given all this we should have no interest in what they have to say – other than perhaps a very belated ‘sorry’ for all the antisemitism they have helped to spread.
Can you help to support this fight?
This research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for six years I have been creating headlines. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and anti-western extremism.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history and expose antisemitism and I fight when others don’t. If you can, please consider making a donation.
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Every contribution is truly appreciated

David, you write so well and accurately of these people and organisations that are fuelled with hate of Israel, and in their constant battle against Israel, their anti semitism.
“and in their constant battle against Israel, their anti semitism.”
Before you hop off, would you care to explain that stupid statement and any logic behind it?
No one owes you any explanations Muck. Please slink off and gently fuck yourself.
The IHRA thing is racist batshit. Having said that the oblivion of the Guardian sounds good.
But Bellers, all those fellas that run your footie with all that Kick Out Racism don’t think it’s racist. Mind you. Neither do you really.
The fellas that run footie have traditionally been notorious for a lot of things. Thinking isn’t one of them
Excellent Article David. I read David Feldman’s piece and David Hirsch’s answer to it, and this is a very timely expose of an issue that many wouldn’t have read about.
When I was at SOAS during the BDS referendum ‘kerfuffle’, I went to see Feldman to see if he could help me with fighting the conflation between Judaism, Zionism and Israel that was rearing it’s ugly head in every area of the debate; before I had even finished talking he had replied that he couldn’t help me unless it was part of an academic dissertation, and that was that.
He has held some very interesting lectures and debates as part of the ‘Pears Institute on Antisemitism at Birkbeck’, but I have never heard him voice an opinion or make a statement on the matter, except for legitimizing the Chakrabarti Report which tried to deflect charges of Antisemitism in the Labour Party
I’m not sure if it’s job security or moral cowardice, but he seems to follow the herd when it comes to controversial issues
“the Chakrabarti Report which tried to deflect charges of Antisemitism in the Labour Party”
Of course not.
The EHRC confirmed later that although the method of investigating remained outdated from Tony Blair days, no antisemitism was found on Corbyn’s part, the Party had no institutional antisemitism and the accusations of antisemitism had indeed been exaggerated.
The ‘herd’? Collier attacks all those that are not in his flock …. baa.
David Hirsh is as nuts as a bunch of frogs in a sack
And Bellers knows him better than his own wife does. Ain’t that so, Bellers?
which of his wives ?
I always wonder if those rubbishing the IHRA definition have actually read it from start to finish. Well, I have; and it is a carefully thought-out and precisely worded piece of writing. It is as exact about what is NOT anti-Semitism as about what IS. ‘…criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.’ It also says that overall context must be taken into account.
Nothing in the Definition could be objected to by anyone in possession of their reason.
Sadly, reason and ideology are strangers to one another. Even so, I doubt if many anti-Semites have read this document.
Why is the Jewish, Muslim, Christian etc. state of Israel referenced in the definition, ‘vucarlin’?
Because Israel is by it’s own definition a Jewish state…
David, be a good little JINO. Sit down and shut the fuck up.
By the way, hope your family member who enlisted in the IOF ‘Whore Corps’ is using birth control.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
ImaM Oron,
Pray for Eternal Nakba. It’s your only dream that was, is, and will forevermore be fulfilled.
Happy Nakba, piglet! 🙂
A reminder from your favourite spiritual leader:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
The EHRC report also talks of ‘unlawful’ acts and actions in regards to Antisemitism in the Labour Party.
And Corbyn is an Antisemite by association because of the friends he has and the company hr keeps
And you are an Antisemite because of saome of the language you use. I would suggest that you look at some of your previous posts for reference, but that would be a waste of time because by your own admission you don’t know anything about Jews other than what you read in your various Antisemitic media and news outlets
“And Corbyn is an Antisemite by association because of the friends he has and the company hr keeps”
‘antisemite by association’?
Richard, antisemitism is hatred of Jews merely for their being Jews.
Why this ‘by association crap’. You’re an idiot.
p.s. know anything about the Holocaust?
Corbyn called Jew murdering Hamas and Hezbollah his friends?
Nothing antisemitic about that…. right?
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi(t)
I have always found that when people resort to personal insults against family members as an argument, they don’t have a legitimate argument to make. Insulting family members without engaging with the person you are debating/attacking/arguing reflects a deeply unpleasant aspect of your character.
The way you denigrate and mock the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors is another one of your more unpleasant characteristics. You have references tattoos, striped pajamas, showers, soap, lampshades and furnaces among your litany of debasing and derogatory comments.
With your Holocaust denigration and personal insult I find it very difficult to conceive that any congregation would let you anywhere near the ‘bima’ and ‘Torah’ without them being defiled by your foul language and sentiments.
A while ago you were threatening me with a libel suit or something similar; any progress on that front
Richard, it’s you that continues to reference ‘references tattoos, striped pajamas …’
You just walked into a furnace there, Stinky Dick!
Matthew 13:50: “and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
That is an NT quote, not Jewish Scripture. Such low thinking and language!
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
To paraphrase you and the Michael Farmer……
……….A reminder from your least favourite spiritual leader:
……….No ‘Levy and Farmer research’ into UN, leftwing and Islamist antisemitism. They’re frauds.
……….Doesn’t fight antisemitism … they only smear Jews … for money.”
Times of Israel – “Mourners at Haredi funeral in Jerusalem throw rocks at police, injuring 2
Mourners throw rocks at police during a funeral procession in Jerusalem for a prominent Haredi rabbi, injuring two officers, Channel 12 news reports.
An officer struck in the head by a rock is reportedly taken to a hospital.”
I wonder how many of these stone-throwers were shot by the police?
There are continuous daily stone throwing incidents in Israel by the Charedi and Israeli Muslims and Palestinians in the disputed territories, and yet the anti-Israel and Anti-Jewish media seldom have not much of anything to report about shooting deaths because Israel goes out of its way to develop and implement non-lethal crowd dispersal methods. But because it’s Jews involved you will find fault with that.
When the Palestinians from Gaza tried to attack and overwhelm the Israeli border they were repulsed and there were deaths. Israel has vast fire power, yet all the deaths were from individual ‘bullets’, not from artillery and tanks etc.. We leave that to the Syrians and their allies who drop barrel bombs and poison gas on civilians, and the Yeminis from both sides, and Iran that kills thousands of unarmed protesting civilians, and ISIS and al Qaeda and all the others (the list goes on and on) who randomly murder their enemies. Remember over 500,000 deaths in Syria in less than 10 years.
Don’t try to conflate the two vastly different situations in your normal anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish manner.
But you are not really interested in all these other conflicts are you; it’s just the one that involves the Jews that interests you. I wonder why?
Because Israel spins itself as a decent democratic state?
Israel shoots Palestinian stone-throwers.
Palestinians blow up Israeli citizens in pizzerias…
IHRA has now been officially adopted by 19 out of 20 EPL football clubs with only Sheffield United not signed up to it yet…
Fuck the IHRA. It’s just symbolic. Most footie supporters support a free Palestine and abhor the racist, apartheid state. The football clubs will do a 360, once they realise this.
Kicking racism out of football includes Zionism, since Zionism = racism.
✊???✌️♥️ ?? ♥️✌️??✊?
Hear, hear.
“The football clubs will do a 360, once they realise this.”
If they do a 360 then their position won’t change…
Is geometry not your thing rav?
Or yours Farmgirl?
Off at a tangent, Dobby?
Sheffield have understood what it says. The others haven’t a clue what it says.,
I went to Sheffield once…
It was closed…
Saw you coming.
Nobody goes there….
It’s a bit of a shithole since the steelworks shut down…
Once again you come out with an unsubstantiated and evidence free allegation like this…..
…….”David Hirsh is as nuts as a bunch of frogs …….in a sack”
For some reason you seem to specialize in insulting Jewish people, but never explaining why you use such vitriolic language. Do you hate Jews because you disagree with them or is it just a general hate against Jews.
This continuous insulting goes well beyond the ‘pretend village idiot’ stakes and into a malevolent obsession
Didn’t know that your ilk were interested in evidence … or the lack of it.
“your ilk”
Classic Farmgirl…
Richard you should hear how I talk about men from Leinster
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Your constant Holocaust imagery is the essence of your problem.
If it was only referencing the ‘furnaces’ it would be one thing; but it’s your referencing all the other Holocaust imagery that you constantly do that informs of your intent at denigrating the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors.
So go back to pretending to pray to whatever it is you pray to, because your intemperate language and sentiments certainly don’t fit with the role of a Rabbi of mainstream Judaism
“mainstream Judaism”
When is a Jew not a Jew? When David says so?
Well you are the one telling us that we “reject Judaism”?
Not the brightest are you Farmgirl?
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Whinging and whining about the IHRA document being accepted by the Football teams and Universities is not going to make it go away.
In fact, your panic about its adoption by so many organisations is proof of its success. It won’t stop you and your ilk from shooting off your mouths, but it will eventually ensure that you temper most of your more outrageous comments and misrepresenting comments about Israel, Zionism, Jews and their alleged links to the Nazis
The IHRA is not a legal document but will serve as an advisory one in cases of legal disputes. And that’s what scares the hell out of Antisemites and their ‘useful fools’ like you who cover and excuse their Antisemitism. Maybe it will restrict your ventures into Antisemitism and Antisemitic rhetoric.
What’s happening about your various threats against me; you’re keeping me in suspense
…claims the Zio racist “Stinky Dick” Galber.
The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You need to take a shower to wash all the hate out of your heart. ?
Now if you excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️
Don’t bother praying rav…there is clearly no hope for you…
Maybe you should take some geometry lessons instead?
“Maybe it will restrict your ventures into Antisemitism and Antisemitic rhetoric…” …says the Zio racist who is against free speech and freedom of expression.
The UK isn’t apartheid Israel. You can take the racist out of an apartheid country, but you can’t take the apartheid mentality out of the racist.
The anvil will fall when you least expect it.
Did this chap just say “the anvil will fall”? Has he learned nothing from my recent posts?
It’s fridges!!
He is right about one thing. They do seem to fall quite randomly and always when an Arab terrorist happens to be walking underneath, causing the miscreant to meet an untimely end.
People always seem to point the finger at Israel when these tragic events occur which seems very unfair. Elbit Defence Industries was approached on this matter and we are awaiting comment. The continued surge in their share price following the recent assassination of another high value Iranian military figure on the Syrian border is purely coincidental.
Zionism = Nazism. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Zionism = increased sales of domestic white goods to the black ops community.
I’m eagerly and excitedly waiting to hear how you talk about the men from wherever Stephen.
I hope you use more context and evidence so that we can all work out the connections to whatever it is you are insulting them about and your reasoning for the attacks against them
There you go
Did Michael just ask “when is a Jew not a Jews?”
Probably a good first question from someone that doesn’t know any, has never met any but comes here everyday to talk about them.
Good that you’re finally owning your ignorance Michael.
Happy Nakba!
When he’s Ed Miliband
Alexander’s Milliband.
Well, well, well.
More buggy links Michael ?
Have you been Googling “Jews” or are you still happy to express opinions from complete ignorance?
Have you found a link to a video of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem yet?
How forgetful Dobby is.
Get Back To Work Sharmuta!
Looking forward to seeing you post the link to the video of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem
The one that you have never successfully posted…
The views of Judaism from Ha’aretz are not that different to the Guardian, thus rather negative and suspect.
Also the article you so kindly linked to is an ‘OPINION’ piece.
Remarkable though that you haven’t rubbished Ha’aretz like you normally do to any Jewish organisation and/or media and/or personality. You do seem to like throwing accusations of racism and malevolent behavior etc around quite freely.
You name specific Jewish people, specific Jewish organisations and specific Jewish media and specific non-Jewish pro-Israelis; do you name any other peoples with your usual venom. Now, no ‘village idiot’ type response please
Remarkable though that you haven’t rubbished Ha’aretz
Easily fixed Richard
Haaretz is full to the brim with ” liberal zionist ” batshit
What type of stupid ‘village idiot’ type reply is this…….
………”There you go”
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart. ?”
I see you are trying to alter your Holocaust denigrating type referencing to ‘showers’; but because of your previous Holocaust imagery refencing ‘furnaces’, ‘striped pajamas’, ‘tattoos’, ‘soap’, ‘lampshades’, etc and mocking Elie (Wiesel) your attempt at obfuscation are just that, attempts.
Which congregation do you claim to be a member of, because I would love to see if they are aware of your rather foul language? I believe you left ASDA (or another supermarket) under a cloud for bringing their name into ‘disrepute’; if that’s correct would your contributions here not result in a similar outcome if they were aware of your internet persona
Hey Stinky Dick, I have no idea what you’re talking about, but your threats speak for themselves about what kind of person you are. Typical Zio skunk ?
I have no obligation to provide details of my personal life, aside from what I choose, to you or anyone else.
I do hope you’ll take a shower to wash the hate out of your heart ?☠️
You too, DeadHead Ed.
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Can you produce any evidence to back up your comment, included below, that shows I’m against ‘free speech’ in any form or manner……..
……….” …says the Zio racist who is against free speech and freedom of expression.”
Please don’t pretend that you have to go and pray; Satan, or whatever else it is you believe in, will wait I’m sure
Does Richard agree that 17 million died in the Hitler Holocaust, 6 million of them Jewish?
… or does he deny that?
“but it will eventually ensure that you temper most of your more outrageous comments and misrepresenting comments about Israel, Zionism, Jews and their alleged links to the Nazis”
But Stinky, there’s no denying, Zionism is modeled on Nazism.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray ✡️
The list of Labour’s “allegations” against Machover is long and convoluted. But it includes the fact that he attended a Palestine solidarity demonstration against an Israeli film festival in London last year.
Labour’s suspension letter implied that Machover’s attendance of this Palestine solidarity demonstration last year may have been “anti-Semitism.”
The festival has a whole series of open links to the Israeli government – including the indirect sponsorship of the Israeli culture ministry, via the Israeli government’s Israel Film Fund.
But one film shown there in particular last year was used to raise money for the Garin Tzabar organization, which says it provides financial and logistical support for “those who wish to join the IDF as LONE SOLDIERS.”
Though Zionism predates Nazism, the Nazis and Zionists had a close working relationship. The Zionist founders of apartheid Israel were the successors to the Nazi legacy.
Witness to this is todays strong right wing, neo-Nazi support of the apartheid state.
Good luck with your recovery rav….
Keep taking the meds…
Oh and get some geometry lessons
Oh yeah, most of the founders of the racist, apartheid state were ATHEISTS. Zionism is a political, not religious, movement (though I prefer to call it a BOWEL MOVEMENT). So much for your “Jewish State.”
Now if you’ll excuse me, I can’t keep Hashem waiting ✡️
How are the geometry lessons going rav?
Or have you done a 360 on those?
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
One more of your attempts to be provocative with another unsubstantiated allegation, and then your ridiculous claim to have to pray as copied and pasted below……
……” there’s no denying, Zionism is modeled on Nazism.
………Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray”
So where is this proof that you claim that can’t be denied about the Zionism you claim is modeled on Nazism?
What are the criteria you use to claim that the one is modeled on the other?
What similarities are there between the two that in any way validates your claim?
Please exclude the similarities that are common to every country in the world like prisons and police and an army; but do take into account the ‘industrial scale, scope and intent’ of the Nazis mass murdering regime, it’s aggressive occupation of most of Europe in belligerent non-defensive warfare, the enslavement of millions of civilians to work in forced labour camps and the mass deportations of millions of people, especially Jews, from their home countries to concentration camps and slave labour camps throughout Europe.
Take into account that since the rebirth of the State of Israel, the Jewish State, it has been a Parliamentary Democracy with an Independent Judiciary that has now been in operation for 72 years, including years where Israel has been the victim of savage terrorism and conventional warfare from its neighbors
Whether you like it or not, the IHRA document on Antisemitism, although only a descriptive document, is becoming widely accepted as guidance in disputes across the board.
Comparing Zionism to Nazism is a form of crass Antisemitism
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence
“Comparing Zionism to Nazism is a form of crass Antisemitism”
Silly statement, he’s saying Zionists have similar traits … not Jews. Don’t be dishonest. That’s for Collier.
I suppose the British were the original “Nazis” given that they invented concentration camps and enslaved half the world and stole countries that did not belong to them and never gave them back?
You must be so ashamed to be British Farmgirl?
Am I right?
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
You certainly are dragging up the dregs of the filth with your latest allegations below…..
….”Though Zionism predates Nazism, the Nazis and Zionists had a close working relationship. The ……Zionist founders of apartheid Israel were the successors to the Nazi legacy.
…….Witness to this is todays strong right wing, neo-Nazi support of the apartheid state”
Can you please show evidence of this ‘close working relationship’?
Please ignore the attempts by the various Zionist groups to rescue Jews from Germany after the Nazis took power and started their anti-Jewish racist laws. They did engage with the Nazis in their attempts to save Jews, as the Jews are doing helping the Ethiopian Falash Jews today. Because the Soviet apologist Lenni Brenner posited a different view doesn’t make his claims true or correct, even as he was whitewashing the Soviet Union and Stalin’s Purges that killed millions.
If far right groups do occasionally support Israel, so do left wing socialist groups. Right wing groups support your darlings in Hamas and Hezbollah because they are at war with the Jews. Left wing groups support your idols in Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran because they are at war with the Jews.
Whether you like it or not, the IHRA document on Antisemitism, although only a descriptive document, is becoming widely accepted as guidance in disputes across the board.
Comparing Zionism to Nazism is a form of crass Antisemitism, which I will from now on add to your ‘title description’ at the top
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath with your your foul, vitriolic language
Richard has lost his reasoning and soul to the IHRA.
Stinky Dick Galber: “Comparing Zionism to Nazism is a form of crass Antisemitism…”
Who appointed you an authority on the definition of antisemitism?
Why are you posting on Shabbat rav?
Not much of a Rabbi are you?
David, Dobbin and ian reject Judaism it seems.
I reject the idea of not using my phone on a Saturday…
Looks like the rabbi does too?
Sharmuta, Who lost the Yom Kippur War?
Happy Nakba!
Nobody wins a war, Ted. The dead would tell you that.
Happy Nakba Sharmuta!
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator, pretend rabbi and Antisemite
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart. ?”
Incidentally what threats against you have I made in reference to this silly post of yours…….
……”…. I have no idea what you’re talking about, but your threats speak for themselves about what ………….kind of person you are. Typical Zio skunk”
Whether you like it or not, the IHRA document on Antisemitism, although only a descriptive document, is becoming widely accepted as guidance in disputes across the board.
Comparing Zionism to Nazism is a form of crass Antisemitism, which I will from now on add to your ‘title description’ at the top
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath with your your foul, vitriolic language
Says the racist, apartheid-loving Zio.
Won’t waste my valuable time explaining, since you are a sociopath Stinky Dick.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray. ✡️
Shabbat shalom.
“Stinky Dick” Galber, Sociopath, Islamophobe and apartheid-lover
I pray to Hashem, not Satan, the god of Zionists.
In the first instance, read: “The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism” by Mahoud Abbas.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️
ImaM Oron,
Expect a whole lotta Nakba.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
DeadHead Ed –
A reminder from your favourite blog Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … his kind only smears £abour … for money.
Well, does Richard agree that 17 million died in the Hitler Holocaust, 6 million of them Jewish?
… or does he deny that?
Jewish Chronicle says “McDonnell sparks anger with claim that Wimborne-Idrissi is ‘decent, sincere socialist’”
It also says “Mr McDonnell’s remarks immediately sparked an angry response from Jewish campaigners against antisemitism.”
What sort of mind feels anger at his words, and harbours such venom? Unstable?
Michael has never met or known a Jew, the wrong or the right sort yet comes here every day to pass opinions on them. Ignorant, unstable or both?
Plastic Fantastic
The BDS movement is not new.
Thanks to @Caroline_Gold for the image
We can’t show you everything!
We automatically hide photos that might contain sensitive content.
A Jewish boycott started March 1933 in both Europe/US, but was uncoordinated and soon ended. Nazi regime was sufficiently concerned that they protested internationally and in April also organized a COUNTER BOYCOTT of Jewish business in Germany.
Now Israel blockades Gaza, limiting the amount of medical supplies … during a pandemic. Vile.
p.s. The ‘genuine image from Plastic Fantastic references Israel. Curious for that time.
Thus proving that Boycotting Terrorist Islamofascist “palestine’
is as sensible as Boycotting National SOCIALIST Nazi Germany.
There are sensible checkpoints, blockades, at every airport in the world to scan passengers, luggage and cargo to prevent another 9/11, Pan Am 103, attempts to bomb inflight passenger planes with hidden (sneakers, underwear) bombs.
Didn’t stop Israeli killers entering Iran.
The fact the high ranking Iranian military and scientific figures keep getting bumped off my assailants unknown in the middle of Tehran sounds like an Iranian security problem to me.
Keep a look out for falling fridges Michael.
Israelis don’t look like Iranians. So how can Israelis operate in Fascist Iran?
Fascist Iran has MANY enemies – external AND INTERNAL.
Marg Bar Iran!
David Collier
We all know the yellow star.
Perhaps important to remember in England as far back as 1218 Jews were forced to wear a ‘badge of shame’.
As always, it wasn’t enough. Stricter laws followed, massacres accompanied the persecution and by 1291 Jews had been expelled from England.
It was the custom then in many countries to have outsiders who did not follow the majority religion to wear different clothing to distinguish them.
Israel insists on different coloured number plates for Israeli cars and Palestinian cars
It is actually the Palestinian National Authority (not Israel) that requires their residents register their motor vehicles and display Palestinian vehicle registration plates. There are two different systems of registration plates: One for West Bank and other in Gaza Strip….
The Israeli authorities do not require non Jews to wear a distinguishing mark or badge of shame like most Muslim countries did and also Britain…
British treatment of the Jews in medieval times was truly shocking and shameful and cannot be excused…
Ken, you do have to admire the ever more imaginative ways Michael devises to write like a complete cretin.
His stupidity is almost an art form…
… as with misjudging murals?
“I sincerely regret that I did not look more closely at the image I was commenting on, the contents of which are deeply disturbing and antisemitic,” he said. “The defence of free speech cannot be used as a justification for the promotion of antisemitism in any form. That is a view I’ve always held.”
Who said that?
For some strange reason, Jeremy said that. Perhaps he thought that agreeing with the predatory mob would placate them, given that there is nothing antisemitic within the mural.
If Dobby has spotted anything antisemitic in the mural it would be helpful if he could point it(or they) out.
Here it is ….
Get to work, Dobby.
> Jeremy said that (the mural IS antisemitic)
Oooo. Sharmuta has her Broken Clock moment.
BTW Sharmuta, your predatory mobs bomb London Transport, hijack passenger planes, bomb passenger planes, BEHEAD British soldier Lee Rigby IN London, spit on British soldier in Luton, BEHEAD a teacher in Paris, …
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Ken, I wouldn’t worry to much about trying to inform and/or educate Farmer on anything Jewish, because although he has admitted to never meeting any Jews and knowing nothing about Jews, he has an opinion on Jews and can answer any question about Jews better than the Jews can about themselves. The epitome of what an Antisemite and Antisemitism is
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator, pretend rabbi and Antisemite
Here we have a person claiming to be a minister of religion expressing foul sentiment and cheap insult against Jews…………
……”The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on December 5, 2020
……..Stinky Dick Galber: “Comparing Zionism to Nazism is a form of crass Antisemitism…”
……….Who appointed you an authority on the definition of antisemitism?”
You are an Antisemite in my opinion and because of the language and sentiment that you display on this blog
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath with your your foul, vitriolic language
You don’t answer questions about the veracity of your comments because you are unable to back them up so you resort to bluster and obfuscation to cover your ignorance
“You don’t answer questions about the veracity of your comments”
Let’s see if David, Dobby, Richard and Ian can spot ANY antisemitism in the mural.
“I sincerely regret that I did not look more closely at the image I was commenting on, the contents of which are deeply disturbing and antisemitic,” he said. “The defence of free speech cannot be used as a justification for the promotion of antisemitism in any form. That is a view I’ve always held.”
So, Dobby can’t.
“I sincerely regret that I did not look more closely at the image I was commenting on, the contents of which are deeply disturbing and antisemitic,” he said. “The defence of free speech cannot be used as a justification for the promotion of antisemitism in any form. That is a view I’ve always held.”
So says Jeremy Corbyn…
Have a good old suck on that one FG…
Now then is there any chance we can have a link to the video of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem?
I await your response with eager enthusiasm
Can you explain this bizarre post of yours…..
….”David, Dobbin and ian reject Judaism it seems.”
Bruce Levy claims to be a minister of religion that has certain requirements expected of its Rabbis, such as respecting and not desecrating the Sabbath; something that you are totally ignorant of.
David and Ian do not claim to be Rabbis and practice Judaism in the way they see fit; another thing that you are totally ignorant about
If you want any information on Sabbath observance for Jews go to the Beth Din or a local Orthodox Synagogue
What are the quaint customs in your Zionist cult, Richard?
Zionism RESISTS fascist Sharmuta pigs like yourself and HamASS, Hezbola, Fasicst Iran and the rest.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
You Antisemitic and and anti-Jewish dimwit
Go and study the anti-Jewish laws promulgated by the Nazis the moment they got into power culminating in the mass murder of 6,000,000 Jews in the first and only industrial genocide in history of a particular group of people because, and only because they were Jews.
Now the Antisemitic Farmer is going to try deJudaise the Holocaust by including the other millions of people murdered by the Nazis.
Millions were murdered by the Nazis, the Holocaust describes only the mass murder of Jews except for Antisemites that want to deJudaise the Holocaust
Try and read Mein Kampf to get a better understanding of Nazi animus to the Jews written in circa 1924
You made another one of your ridiculous allegations……”Didn’t stop Israeli killers entering Iran.”
Prove it was the Israelis. Where is the factual , rather than the normal ‘Monty Python’ type ‘nudge nudge, wink wink’ conspiracy style evidence.
“Now the Antisemitic Farmer is going to try deJudaise the Holocaust by including the other millions of people murdered by the Nazis.”
No de-Judainising of the Holocaust by me. As I said 6million of the 17 million murdered were indeed Jewish, Richard.
Including the majority isn’t antisemitism. A ludicrous thing to say.
A reminder from your favourite blog pretend rabbi:
No ‘Levy research’ into UN, leftwing and Islamist antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … his kind only smears £abour … for money.
I think we all have Levy sussed ..
Very original Stinky Dicky.
Bet you stayed up all night thinking of that.
ImaM Oron, Get a new Hobby and stop sniffing men’s private parts.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Mike Farmer commented on The Guardian – lost between antisemites and oblivion.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Farmer research’ into UN, Islamist and leftwing antisemitism. He’s a fraud
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I think we all have Farmer sussed
But David doesn’t ‘research’ antisemitism …. he invents instances of it … as EHRC has clearly shown.
‘batshit’ seems to be one of your favorite things to describe what you appear to dislike, especially if it involves Jews, Jewish Institutions and Israel.
What isn’t ‘batshit’ in your opinion that involves Jews, Jewish Institutions and Israel
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator, pretend rabbi and Antisemite
I assume this is the Abbas that wrote a book claiming the Holocaust was a falsehood…..
…….”In the first instance, read: “The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and ……..Zionism” by Mahoud Abbas.”
He also loves the ‘Grand Mufti’ of Jerusalem who spent the Second World War as a guest of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis who was a great supporter of the Holocaust and Hitlers attempt to eradicate the Jews in the Holocaust. The mufti also wasw responsible for the massacre of the ancient Jewish community of Hebron and in Safed in 1929 (note the date)
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath with your your foul, vitriolic language
“I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write”?
Ho ho.
Pot … Kettle.
Pot … Kettle … Nakba.
A reminder from the blog’s spiritual leader:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears £abour … for money.
How are the geometry lessons going rav?
? ?
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator, pretend rabbi and Antisemite
This is a reply to one of my comments on one of your comments…………
………”Says the racist, apartheid-loving Zio.
………..Won’t waste my valuable time explaining, since you are a sociopath Stinky Dick.
…………Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.”
Of course you won’t try explaining because you know your original comments are baseless nonsense, and it’s impossible to make a ‘sows ear into a silk purse’ as that wonderful English saying so aptly describes your attempts to obfuscate and bluster your way through your Antisemitic comments
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath with your your foul, vitriolic language
Observant Jew are you, Richard?
Following the Panto this evening and noticing how Michael always defaults to fucking murals when everything else fails, like the football bore that still insists “that was never a penalty” 2 weeks after the cup final. Can someone clarify that they never replay the game and it’s much more dignified to lose with grace.
Gutter Sharmuta are you, “Mike”?
Biggest joke ever: Richard “Stinky Dicky” Galber fancies himself a Joo. lol
That said, the Zio founders of apartheid Israel were all atheists.
How are the geometry lessons going rav?
? ?
More observant than rav Levy…
But that’s not difficult is it?
See how the Jewish Chronicle spins the JVL criticism of David Evans’s gagging of the CLPs
‘A further transcript of her speech at the online meeting confirms that she also criticised General Secretary David Evans’ move to protect Jewish members of the party by banning the discussion of pro-Jeremy Corbyn motions and discussion of the EHRC report in meetings, after reminding CLPs that the party had accepted the recommendations in full.’
So deceptive … in the Collier mould.
Islam calling itself “The Religion of Peace”.
If that isn’t deceptive…
9/11, London’s 7/7, Pan Am 104, beheading videos from ISIS, Charlie Hebdo massacre, Mumbai India massacre, Nairobi Kenya mall massacre, Boston Marathon bombing, San Bernardino Christmas party massacre, Pulse nightclujb massacre, Fort Hood massacre, London and Westminster bridge stabbings and car rammings, Bastille Day truck ramming massacre in Nice France, Moscow subway bombing, attack on Palmyra, attack on Bamiyan, poison gas attack on the Kurds of Halabja,
beheading of a French teacher over a class on Freedom of Speech.
Happy Nakba!
A reminder from the blog’s spiritual leader:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears £abour … for money.
How are the geometry lessons going rav?
? ?
Good grief ! Reports of explosions overnight at an unidentified R&D facility in Iran. These mad mullahs can’t catch a break.
Shockingly, the finger has been pointed at Israel, but initial reports of cars with dodgy Arab plates seen fleeing the area filled with swarthy men in Fauda disguises seem exaggerated.
Now, your average Brit may see this as just another story about Jonny Foreigner to be passed over on the way to the sports pages and fresh brew. But consider this. If all these crazy goings on reduce the risk of state-sponsored Jonny Foreigner blowing himself and your citizens up at your concert venues, attempting to run over your coppers at your parliament building or stab your mums and kids in the local Lidl, you’ve got to see the odd falling fridge as a good thing, right?
Couldn’t a flying fuck ( or fridge) is another option
Did you mean to put the words in that order, Bellers?
Levy and Farmer cut and pasted this silly little ditty 5 times today (with minor differences) between 6:52am and 9:43am…..
………(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi
……….A reminder from the blog’s spiritual leader:
……….No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
………..Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears £abour … for money.
…………I think we all have Collier sussed
Here is my paraphrased version to highlight their mindless stupidity…….
………..Nakba? That reminds me.
………..No ‘Levy and Farmer research’ into UN, Islamist and leftwing antisemitism. They’re frauds
………..Doesn’t fight antisemitism …they only smear Labour … for money.
………..I think we all have Levy and Farmer sussed
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator, pretend rabbi and Antisemite
You have claimed that all the founders of Zionism were atheists as per your comment below….
……….(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on December 6, 2020
………..That said, the Zio founders of apartheid Israel were all atheists.
Where is your proof, or is this just another of your attempts at a provocative statement that you couldn’t back up with proof because their isn’t any evidence to back up your stupidity
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath and Judaism with your your foul, vitriolic language
Hey Stinky Dick Galber, I don’t work for you.
Do your own research, you ignorant fuck.
Now if you excuse me, I’ve got to pray (to Hashem).
The Guardian’s biggest problem is not that it’s hard-Left stance is a posture (it’s not) but that the paper isn’t able to 100% lie and scream invective like the rag-like pro-Corbyn UK sources such as The Canary and Sqwakbox. Don’t get me wrong, the Guardian is a failing ideologue screeching center most of the time. But it does have some real journalists (ideology and all) who can’t compete in a fake-news world with the kind of gutter sources that kiss the asses of people like Bellamy.
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator, pretend rabbi and Antisemite
You have claimed that all the founders of Zionism were atheists as per your comment below….
……….(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on December 6, 2020
………..That said, the Zio founders of apartheid Israel were all atheists.
Where is your proof, or is this just another of your attempts at a provocative statement that you couldn’t back up with proof because their isn’t any evidence to back up your stupidity
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath and Judaism with your your foul, vitriolic language