Boycotting Jews is nothing new, and in order to protect the current mutation (the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement), antisemites are hiding behind a massive straw man argument about personal freedoms.
From persecution to boycotting
Outside of the Old Testament, early Jewish history is difficult to piece together. The earliest tribal leader that told his clan not to deal with the Hebrews is lost to history – as are his reasons for doing so. Things started to change drastically as European Empires took hold and the Jews spread out within them. It was the rise of Christianity that gave anti-Jewish persecution real continental teeth.
The ebb and flow of anti-Jewish measures continued for almost 2000 years. Jews were persecuted, massacred or expelled. Sometimes there would be a period of relative quiet, where Jews were lucky enough to be tolerated.
People had no voice, but it isn’t difficult to imagine that as a Jewish population faced major persecution, their persecutors were often also choosing not to engage in trade with them. And let’s face it – would you want to trade with the people who drank the blood of your children, killed god and spread the plague?
Boycott, divest and sanction
It is difficult to know how many Jews there would be in the world were it not for the lack of a place to call home. Some of the historical figures placed on early Jewish populations are clearly inflated and unreliable but the miracle of the Jews is that they survived at all. Persistent persecution, forced conversions, expulsions and massacres kept ‘culling’ their population. But it didn’t just stop growth, it left the Jews a perpetual, fragile, wandering, minority group.
Even outside of the paradigm of a modern economy, anti-Jewish measures invariable fell into one of the three categories – boycott, divestment or sanctions.
Boycott – restrict the ability of the Jew to trade and be financially secure. Create a legal environment where they are limited in their choice of work, where to live and ability to provide for their families. Ostracise them. Banning Christians from working for Jews is an example of ancient, institutionalised boycott.
Divest – downsize the scope of dealings between your community and the Jews. The constantly changing laws around lending money frequently led to kings or landowners divesting from local Jewish communities. Back then this would often just be plain theft. As this was often done explicitly to cause hardship to Jewish communities – this is a clear divestment strategy.
Sanction – punish Jewish communities. This involved everything from forcing them to wear symbols of shame, to genocide or expulsion. There are 1000s of examples of severe and often brutal sanctions against Jews throughout history.
Boycott and divest to weaken a people and it becomes easy to expel or slaughter (sanction) them when they are powerless and defenceless.
Boycotting – people and state organise
As boycott is a weapon of the people, the first recognisable anti-Jewish boycotts arose in the 19th century as people finally found political power. The word ‘boycott’ even originates from this time, when in 1880 Charles Boycott, a Land Agent in Ireland attempted to evict tenants from land. Locals ostracised Boycott for his actions.
From this point on, anti-Jewish boycotts became a primary weapon of the antisemites. In 1882 at the first International Anti-Jewish Congress, they adopted a slogan against Jewish merchants and professionals. I imagine that is what ‘anti-Jewish congresses’ were for anyway.
Sometimes it was people rather than state. In Austria, the antisemitic slogan ‘don’t buy from the Jews‘ was declared illegal by the state, so the antisemites changed the slogan to ‘buy only from Christians‘.
Other times the antisemitism was state driven, such as when the Soviet’s developed a committee of Jewish Marxists (the Yevsektsiya) to attack the Jews. The Yevsektsiya, which was explicitly set up to destroy Jewish community life, used boycott as a key strategy.
But boycott was never used alone. Where Jewish people faced boycott, they also experienced divestment and their community inevitably faced brutal sanctions.
From Jew to Zionist to Israel
It was not just Christian Europe. In the Muslim world, dhimmi status perpetuated second class citizenship, but there were peppered bouts of wide-scale anti-Jewish violence. These episodes became more frequent with the rise of Arab nationalism.
Communist, Christian, Nazi, Muslim. Each group shaped its own boycott, divestment and sanction strategy as a means of weakening and attacking the Jewish population.
Amidst the nationalist awakening, Jewish nationalism also rose, and this allowed anti-Jewish feeling to mutate again. Anti-Jewish boycotts that focused on ‘Zionism’ began to appear. One of the Yevsektsiya boycotts was against Zionist theatre and in 1922 the Arabs set up a boycott of Jewish business in the Palestine Mandate.
By 1945, the entire Arab League, a product of Arab nationalism, was singling out Jewish nationalism – Zionism – for boycott. At this point Israel still did not exist. The Arab boycott of 1945 uses the words ‘Jewish’ and ‘Zionist’ interchangeably. The Arabs created a ‘Permanent Boycott Committee’ in 1946, two years before there was an Israel to boycott. By 1951 the Arab states had opened boycott departments across the region. They prohibited all products made by Jews in Israel (boycott), applied a secondary boycott on funds and strategic commodities (divestment) and spent large amounts on arms in order to be able to punish the Jews for what they had done (sanction).
Boycotts against Jews are never isolated. They always accompany both divestment and sanction. It isn’t just about driving Jews to do what you want; Jews also need to be isolated, weakened and punished.
BDS is far from new
There is little new about today’s BDS movement. It is an antisemitic attack which makes up laws, that Jews are then accused of breaking. Just like Medieval Christians used to do. It provides the groundwork for the ‘necessary’ isolation and punishment.
BDS did mutate before finding the ‘perfect’ formula with which to dupe humanitarians in the west. Shortly before the Palestinians ‘called from within’, Jewish Marxists in the UK, like the Yevsektsiya before them, started a boycott of Zionist academia. It didn’t have the ethical legitimacy of those ‘persecuted’ crying out for help and stalled. Jewish Marxists in the UK told the Palestinians what was needed and shortly after the ‘call from within’ appeared. BDS as we know it today was formed.
The boycotting straw man
In fighting back against left-wing antisemitism, we made a lot of headway in raising the awareness amongst moderates about the level of antisemitism in anti-Zionist activity. In fighting back against BDS, we need to do the same. As it stands BDS activists are protecting themselves inside a massive strawman and are succeeding to fool a lot of people in the process.
The strawman goes like this: “Choosing to criticise or boycott nations is a fundamental right and an exercise of free speech.”
Following on from this of course – cracking down on BDS becomes an infringement of those fundamental rights. Major anti-Israel figures have spoken out on this and NGOs like Amnesty have also geared up for the fight. Time Magazine has just published an article promoting BDS. Time’s piece even links to a fake news article about progressive Jewish groups supporting the movement.
Unfortunately, elements of the political left are falling for this strawman and battle lines are being drawn in all the wrong places. Consider this statement:
– teachers have a right to sanction disruptive children in the classroom.
Well of course they do. But what if a racist teacher is either constantly picking only on the children who are black, treating them differently or over-reaching with the sanctions? Then the whole structure of the argument changes. Pointing out that *this* teacher is wrong and needs removing from her post isn’t a denial of the teacher’s freedoms, it is a protection of the children’s. The same is true with BDS.
Nobody is questioning the general right to boycott – we are pointing the finger specifically at BDS and making accusations solely about that movement. The general argument about rights is not applicable here.
Making the moderates and soft Zionists aware
It is important to make headway with more moderate elements of the left, just as it was and remains vitally important to educate them on the issue of antisemitism. Make no mistake, without these elements of the left – you will not win the argument, as many will come out to defend the right to boycott even if they do not adhere to the movement themselves.
This is made worse by the deliberate vagueness of the BDS movement. As boycotting settlement goods adheres to one of the three BDS goals, left-wing Zionists become reluctant to call it out for what it is. Part of their politics aligns with some of the goals of BDS and therefore they see aligning with BDS detractors as a defacto support of Israeli settlement policy. These people must be made to realise that standing up against an antisemitic movement that seeks the destruction of the state of Israel is the ethical thing to do.
The problems with BDS
Therefore, if the antisemitic discrimination inherent in BDS is to be challenged, some of the problems with BDS must be made clear:
- Why does BDS make up stories about Jewish people committing crimes? This is what antisemites have always done.
- BDS does nothing to protect Palestinians in Lebanon, where they face severe persecution. So BDS cannot claim to be about human rights or protecting Palestinians.
- Why does BDS claim it is a ‘call from within’. Not only do they lie about their formation but they also target Israel – Israelis made no such call.
- BDS is deliberately vague. They are not explicit in their goals because they need to hide them.
- Why does BDS make demands about Israeli Arabs, when they are by far the freest Arabs in the region?
- Why do BDS talk about laws that do not exist and then say the Jews must conform to those laws or be punished. This is what medieval Christianity did to the Jews.
- Dozens of despotic nations are serial human rights abusers. Far, far worse that Israel. Why pick on the one Jewish state?
- If BDS is about human rights, why do so many supporters wave flags from despotic Islamist nations?
Call ‘boycotting Jews’ out for what it is
BDS simply needs to be called out for what it is. This is not about free speech. You are not free to illegally discriminate. BDS is just another in a long line of antisemitic movements that chooses boycotting Jews as an initial way of weakening them. It has no place in unions, on campus or on our streets. The BDS movement should be treated as we would treat any of the antisemitic boycott movements from the last 2000 years. They should be shunned wherever they try to sell their hate.
Can you help to support this fight?
This research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for six years I have been creating headlines. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and anti-western extremism.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history and expose antisemitism and I fight when others don’t. If you can, please consider making a donation.
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Every contribution is truly appreciated

BDS has so far been a spectacular failure…
Long may that continue….
BDS biggest “success” to date has been to shut down the Sodastream factory in the WB and put 500 Palestinians out of work…
Well done BDS….
Yes, it relocated to a new factory just outside Beersheva, tripled its workforce, employing many Israeli Arabs on high salaries and benefits packages and as you say the only losers were the former Arab employees who lost their jobs due to the relocation.
These were the same employees whom Ben Phillips, UK Director of Policy for anti-poverty charity Oxfam said on a Newsnight interview that he’d sooner see out of work than being employed in an illegal settlement. Well, he got his wish and no doubt will be receiving Christmas cards from the 864 Arab families left without income by £120K per annum salaried Mr. Philips.
Yes it is rather amusing how white Europeans seem to think THEY know what is best for both Israelis and Palestinians?
ha yes
This will hurt the blacks more than it hurts us
And here’s another Western Whitey sloganising about Jonny Foreigner.
Next stop……..
We have the happiest blacks in Africa
Western whitey is never short of a slogan to patronize Jonny Foreigner from the safety of a suburban sofa in Blighty. Sooo post colonial !!!
We European whites know what’s best for the Palestinians…
Much more than they do themselves….
What great work we are doing putting them out of work and taking away their livelihoods…
Yes, which proves conclusively they in fact care nothing for the Arabs. BDS is all about hatred of Jews.
Sources close to the security services have suggested that Iran has called for a boycott of all Israeli domestic white goods and specifically fridges.
Apparently, they are outraged at the growing incidence in which theses simple household appliances seem to overbalance without any interference and fall at least 5 floors onto passers by. Worryingly the hapless victims always seem to be high ranking military and scientific research personnel.
BDS has been asked whether they will be issuing protective headgear to its supporters in the Islamic Terror Community and a response is awaited.
The built-in Ice Cube dispenser is very powerful.
The Israeli soul ..
Michael, please keep your buggy porn links to yourself. I wouldn’t want you self-infecting like the Gazans.
They’re boycotting our medical aid. Good for them
Seems that Gazans would rather die than accept medical help from Jews?
Well they did vote for Hamas…
Like the Germans that voted for Hitler…they got what they voted for…
… as with the residents of S’derot?
London and Paris and New York, Boston, Orlando, Fort Hood, Garland TX, San Bernardino, Manchester, Brussels, Moscow, Beslan, Halabja, Mumbai, Nairobi, Bali, 1972 Olympics, Copenhagen, Madrid, Nice, commercial aviation (9/11, Pan Am 103),
suffer from terrorist Islamofascism, as does S’derot.
Ask the family and colleagues of school teacher Samuel Paty – beheaded in Paris because of a lesson on Free Speech.
The residents of Sderot do not vote for Hamas…
Their neighbours did that…
You reap what you sow…
Gazans voted for HamASS –
and when HamASS attacks Israel, Israel responds.
Sharmutas like you call that a NAKBA.
I remember a wonderful alternative Carol concert at St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden some time ago that exposed the Zionists for who they were. Time for an encore performance. ??
How are the geometry lessons going rav?
? ?
ImaM Oron, do you remember “The Nakba”?
Do you remember how five Arab armies, none of which was the army of an existing “palestine” were unable to push the Jews of Israel into the sea?
Happy Nakba, you Pig!!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
also …
Nakba DeadHead Ed?
A reminder from your self-appointed spiritual leader of this blog:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … his kind only smears £abour … for money.
ImaM Oron, I you think that David isn’t doing a proper job hiliighting Tory antisemitism,
then try your hand at some investigative reporting.
Happy Nakba !
David, your intent to twist, spin and lie knows no bounds. You know perfectly well that BDS is not about boycotting Jews, indeed many Jews agree with BDS. It is about putting pressure on the racist Israeli State to give everyone who lives there equal rights. Because you see everything through Zionist eyes, anyone or anything which helps to secure equal rights is according to you, anti-Semitic. You do Jews no favours at all by continuing with your anti-democratic rants. You deliberately try and stir up anti-Semitism to try and justify the Zionist colonisation of Palestine. Come out of your Zionist bolt-hole and accept that people just want to be treated with the same dignity that you wish for yourself and your family.
Which part of Israel do you live in Jack. You seem to have strong opinions about my country. Do you speak as a fellow citizen or a remote observer?
BDS is all about boycotting the world’s only Jewish state and no other…
Nothing at a antisemitic about that?
Right Jack?
Nothing at all, Dobby …. because it’s NOT totally Jewish, silly.
Israel is by it’s own definition a Jewish state…
So…you were saying Farmgirl…
Apartheid Israel is NOT a Jewish state. It’s founder were atheists. How do you figure that Dobby?
How are the geometry lessons going rav?
Struck a chord with you hasn’t it?
I liked the “tangent” joke much better Farmgirl
Chord? Makes no sense at all…
Maybe try another angle?
Seems Dobby lacks knowledge of Geometry then.
Think of a bowstring.
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator, pretend rabbi and Antisemite
You have claimed that all the founders of Zionism were atheists as per your comment below….
……….(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on December 6, 2020
………..That said, the Zio founders of apartheid Israel were all atheists.
Where is your proof, or is this just another of your attempts at a provocative statement that you couldn’t back up with proof because their isn’t any evidence to back up your ignorant stupidity
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath and Judaism with your your foul, vitriolic language
Brucie Brucie the Holocaust denigrator, pretend rabbi and Antisemite
You claim that the founders of Israel were atheists……..
………(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on December 6, 2020
……….Apartheid Israel is NOT a Jewish state. It’s founder were atheists.
Your great friend Greenslime (sorry, meant Greenstein) claims that he doesn’t believe in the Jewish G-d or the Jewish people/nation, and yet he claimed to be Jewish. How stupid is that, to deny everything that makes a person Jewish, religion and/or belonging to the tribe, and yet claiming to be Jewish. Maybe you as the great pretend rabbi can explain to us mere Jewish mortals what that idiot means/meant (ps I think I still have the exchange of texts)
Jack shiT,
Here is a 37 second Youtube of a newsreel documenting a sit-down meeting between your fellow Socialist, National Socialist SHlTler and his Sand Nazi ally and your comrade, the Grand Mooooofti of Jerusalem.
Happy Nakba to You!
Nakba DeadHead Ed?
A reminder from your self-appointed spiritual leader of this blog:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … his kind only smears £abour … for money.
Now if you’ll excuse me, Hashem is calling. I’ve got to pray.
Try your hand highlighting Tory antisemitism.
Pick up the slack mOron.
That’s the job that David is slacking at.
Then pick up the slack Sharmuta.
Let’s what you can do when you get off of all fours.
How are the geometry lessons going rav?
? ? ?
BTW Jack shiT, If Zionism is the problem,
why are Muslims murdering innocent people
In China, Muslims are interned, brainwashed, forced to eat pork and drink alcohol in massive camps.
It would seem that Muslims get a much better deal in Israel than they do in China?
So where is the BDS against China?
It is condemned for it. Does that mean the condemners hate all the Chinese?
Who fooled you into thinking that BDS was about destroying Israel?
Boycott Divest Sanction Fascist “Pal-e-SLIME”
DeadHead Ed: 吃狗屎混蛋
ImaM Oron,
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Where is the BDS against China Farmgirl?
Please let me have a link to their website
Looking forward to your reply with much excitement
1 切蘇伊街, 香港, Dobby.
“Does that mean the condemners hate all the Chinese?”
Well Palestinians seem to hate all Israeli citizens and seem to think of all of them as legitimate targets for terrorism…men women and children of all ages…
Do you agree with that?
Great Panto in the thread as usual.
Noteworthy that when I mentioned the real face of BDS and its impact on Arabs above, with reference to the Ben Phillips interview on Newsnight, the comedy activists run a mile.
They default to slogans and move elsewhere pretty sharpish and why wouldn’t they. When the Director of Policy for Oxfam – an anti-poverty charity – indicates that he would sooner see 864 Arab families in poverty than working in the Israeli Sodastream factory on land he regards as contested, the tone for all future debate is set. Even Paxman was perplexed.
Sodastream moved on and built a bigger factory in Israel, employing thousands more Israelis, Jews and Arabs. Phillips moved on and continued to enjoy his 6 figure salary from charity work. The Jew baiters moved on, continuing to make mischief using “any stick I can find to beat the Jew over the head”. Over 850 Arab families lost their incomes and were thrown into poverty.
This is BDS. Shameful.
Here’s Western Whitey doing Activism 101 again.
Sooo not-arsed with Jonny Foreigner that it requires a frantic dash to a website to type out exactly how not-arsed they are.
Next we’ll have loads of copy pastes about Jews to prove that Jews aren’t their thing. Hahaha!!
Ian do you think it is illustrative who someone hangs out with ? I can understand you may not want to comment
I take it you mean my point about a millionaire, anti-poverty, charity Director who is happy for Jonny Foreigner to be in poverty, This guy hangs out with the racist nutjobs in the BDS Movement and his appearance and comments during his Newsnight interview illustrated this pretty well. You, dashing to show how not be arsed you were just amplified the point really.
Always happy to comment Bellers. I leave the fragile hit and run tactics to the activists.
I think that was a yes
Do you Bellers? How come?
I just had a sense that buried deep in the usual pool of verbal diarrhoea thare was a yes. Like I say it would be buried deep so it not unlikely that I am wrong.
I will take your word for it. After all, you know yourself better than your wife does but as not as good as I do.
Such chemistry between us.
Go on. Give me one of your slogans and make it a ripper.
> zzzzz
It’s just Dumb Bellamy sleeping it off in the gutter.
Happy Nakba!
對保守黨的反猶主義沒有 「科利爾研究」。他是個騙子
” What is it with the Labour leaders and the people they choose to hang out with!”
This is one of your best articles to date. You have accurately summed up the underlying issue with BDS. You are on fire, well done!
A small point. Noting that the term boycott was only invented in the 19th century but clearly existed as an action long prior to this, surely we should be able to say or argue that Dhimmi laws/Dhimmitude etc. is an early form for what we now call apartheid? I have long thought this but never see researchers and commentators make that point. Is this correct or am I mistaken?
Thank you Martin. As for Dhimmi / Apartheid – I personally believe Apartheid ended in Sth Africa. The attempt to enlarge the scope was solely part of a desperate anti-Israel strategy. Given it is now used for a description of more than just Sth Africa, we can find situations that are a far better fit than what is taking place in Bethlehem / Ramallah. Lebanon is one key example. You suggestion of Dhimmi is complex but accurate. There was a need for non-Muslims to purchase rights freely given to others – as well as find themselves still reduced to a subservient status in many everyday settings. All based on the fact they were not Muslim. It isn’t strictly Apartheid in the Sth African sense, but certainly suits the way the leftists are trying to use it.
It’s an interesting argument and I think I will take it for a test run at some point. Thanks.
I saw something quite interesting today on ‘point of no return’ where a Jewish women described how she left Iran because of the difficulty of being Jewish there.
She said that the Baha’i in Iran are not allowed to go to university and work in many fields of employment; the Baha’i are discriminated against in Iran in ways very reminiscent of the old South African Apartheid state
Apartheid is Apartness, Richard.
The practice of treating or legislating that one group is treat differently than another … and between Jews and non-Jews in Israel.
Nothing to do with black faces.
How are citizens of Israel treated differently FG?
Do explain…
How are Jews treated in Syria, Iraq, Gaza, Afghanistan, Fascist Iran, Egypt, Libya, Algeria,
Equal to Muslims or as Dhimmis????
Michael, just spotted you sneaking around twitter. You leapt into an article about the Indonesians flogging their women because it was retweeted by Collier.
True to form your only objective was to give it a bit of “Yeah, but Israel…” No interest in the barbaric inhumanity of the story, just another case of classic Chris Rogers and “any stick I can find to beat the Jew over the head.”
Heroic stories of resistance to tell the grandkids eh?
Hillel Neuer
Indonesia is a member of the U.N. Human Rights Council. Naturally, it flogs women.
Quote Tweet
AFP News Agency
· 4h
A woman is caned by the Sharia police in public in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, after she was caught in close proximity to a man who is not her husband in a house.
Aceh is the only region in the world’s biggest Muslim-majority nation that imposes Sharia law
mike farmer
Replying to
But its representatives inclusion in the council is an attempt to affect the actions of its government.
Their inclusion is an attempt at changing.
THAT is the reason … but you know this … hopefully.
Hey Farmgirl…tell us about the Mural again and how you don’t this it was antisemitic….even though Corbyn himself said it was….
That one is always good for a laugh
Do you accept everything that Coebyn has said Ken ?
I agree with him on this matter…
Do you Bellers?
But what does Ken think(joke).
Is it antisemitic to Ken? … or dare he not break with his gang?
It is antisemitic to anyone who has functioning eyeballs and is blessed with the ability of rational thought…
Which is probably why FG and Bellers don’t think it is…
Diddums … Hillel Neuer has blocked me ….. as Racial Riley did.
? ?
Perhaps he’d seen you recently supporting the view that “Jews are counterfeit human beings” Michael.
Nobody wants that infecting their space, do they?
Maybe something to do with your self confessed animus towards the entire Jewish race?
Just a hunch….
More to do with your lack of comprehension, Dobby.
It’s all to do with your anti Jewish racism…
Suit yourself … it’s your need.
Get back to work Sharmuta. Rent is due.
It’s your psychosis
The Farmer and Levy duo of Antisemitic pantomime return with their silly oft repeated cut and paste slogan…..
………. Mike Farmer on December 6, 2020
……….Nakba? That reminds me.
……….No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
………..Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
And here I paraphrase it to good effect
……….Nakba? That reminds me.
……….No ‘Farmer & Levy research’ into UN, Islamist and leftwing antisemitism. They are frauds.
……….Don’t fight antisemitism … they only smear Jews … for money.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Farmgirl only smears Israel due to his/her anti Jewish racism…
Disgusting really….
You’re confusing Israel with Jewish again, Dobby. That’s your limited mind.
Jews, Dhimmis No More.
Happy Nakba piglet! 🙂
Now GET BACK TO WORK Sharmuta.
Israel is by it’s own definition a Jewish state
Sorry Farmgirl but you don’t get to define the identity of a country just to help you win an argument…
You are a dimwit
I was born during the Apartheid era: the racial laws were based on the Nazi anti-Jewish Laws and the Nuremberg anti-Jewish Laws up until WW 2 began (the Apartheid regime did not mass murder people like the Nazis and Communist Russians and Chinese)
The Apartheid system sank into a degenerate sewer of restrictive laws that required separate buses, toilets, park benches, entertainment venues etc etc. Sex between the races was illegal by law. There were separate courts for whites and non-whites, separate jails, separate hospitals etc etc.
Blacks weren’t allowed to run businesses, were restricted to ghetto like townships where it was nominally illegal for whites to go. If I got caught in a black township I could be arrested.
In Israel there are no laws separating Jews and non-Jews, despite all the faux posturing by B’Tzalem and Addallah ( ? correct spelling).
Palestinians are not Israeli and therefore are not governed by Israeli law. Due to International Humanitarian Law, Israel is not allowed to govern Palestinians under Israeli Law. Israeli Muslims and Christians and Jews are treated the same under Israeli Law according to the ‘Basic Law; Human Dignity and Liberty 1992’ and the ‘Declaration of Independence 1948’
“Due to International Humanitarian Law, Israel is not allowed to govern Palestinians under Israeli Law”
Due to International Humanitarian Law, is Israel allowed to place its citizens into territory that it occupies? Does Israel do so?
Due to International Humanitarian Law, is Israel allowed to collectively punish the Palestinians for a crime committed solely by one? Does Israel do so?
p.s. Apartheid is Apartness. Israel practices apartness.
Jordan is “palestine” and Amman is the capital of “palestine”.
The Queen of Jordan is a “palestinian”.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba DeadHead Ed?
A reminder from your self-appointed spiritual leader of this blog:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … his kind only smears £abour … for money.
ImaM Oron, It ain’t a smear when it’s True.
Happy Nakba!
… and the EHRC showed that it wasn’t
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Sharmuta, Why don’t you investigate the Tories?
Will you do it for Free or will you demand money for your time?
They’re not treated as dhimmis anymore because all the Jews from the Arab/Muslim lands were Ethnically Cleansed by the Arabs because they were Jews, and the Jews were blamed for Israel knocking the shit out of the Arabs when they defended themselves when the Arabs tried to kill them in 1948
The point of the BDS Movement is economic strangulation of Israel, which is inteneded to lead to its ultimate destruction. Avademia, disgracefully, is used to provide a pseudo-scholarly support and to refuse debate with Israeli Scholars, also to refuse collaboration.
These are a far cry from the early and Medieval Church attitude, which was to persecute Jews so they realised that they had to convert in order to gain salvation at the end of days. In most Chtrisyian oountries, Jews were chattels of the Monarch and forced to be moneylenders. Trades, on the whole, were closed to them by the church.
Dhimmitude, is not simply a question of economics, it affected the ability of Jews to integrate in Molem lands, discriminated against Jews in court actions and prevented Moslem Women marrying Jewsih Men, but not vice versa.
The real question is why Jews in the diaspora don’t rally against the BDS movement, or indeed against any forjm oin anti-Israel or anti-Semitic dispalys and violence. One answer may be that pride in our culture and contribution to Western Civilisaton is not understood, because it is not taught and because too many Jews, totally ignrorant of history, listen to community leaders who are equally ignorant.
Note to occasional readers;
When perusing articles and comment sections here you may observe the repetition of a post by a contributor named Farmer. It appears as follows;
“Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.”
Now, you may wonder about this and ask what connection if any there may be with Israel’s Independence, research into antisemitism and a Right of Centre Political Party in the UK.
The answer is more straightforward than you’d expect. I can reveal that over 70 years ago our contrary contributor had the honour of being the first baby born in the nascent Jewish State of Israel, a bastard child of a loveless union between a British Officer of the former Mandate and a Jewish refugee girl from Jaszy In Romania. The errant father returned to post colonial England and later became a Tory MP representing the constituency of North Cambridge. Thereafter, he not only renounced his child but also tabled many motions questioning the legitimacy of the Jewish State. This was the ultimate betrayal and became Michael’s own “Nakba”; and whilst a joyful reminder to World Jewry that they will always have a home in Israel it remains a painful memory of less happy times for a sad scribe.
Fear not though. Michael is quite harmless and the turgid repetition is simply a coping strategy.
Well fuck I dunno how I have gotten by all these long years without knowing that.
Glad to have been of assistance.
I mean who gives a flying fuck who had the highly dubious honour of being the fitst baby born in the nascent Jewish State of Israel ?
Gnasher said …….me
Hey, a Western Whitey is here. Dashing to a pro Israel website to say how they couldn’t give a fuck about Israel. That seems worthwhile, right?
Bellers, since you raised the subject of Micronesia, I’ve kept a keen eye on them and they are terrific. Here they are again standing alongside the US and Canada in support of The Jewish State as over 150 countries voted in favour of us giving up our nukes and replacing them with a couple of balloons on sticks and a big white flag. Hahahaha!!
We love these guys.
Maybe because you guys don’t have a Santa Claus
Not arsed with him Bellers. Lapland has abstained from every UN vote on Israel for the last 70 years. I’ll stick with the Micronesians. They’re lovely.
There ain’t no Sanity Clause.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
this is interesring
Who are the two scruffs at the hack?
How interesting Bellers?
As interesting as a Galactic Space Federation making contact with humanity through Israelis?
Aliens amongst us ? Is Michael still eating those raw mice?
I gave you that one, sucker
That’s okay by me Bellers. I know these things are important to you.
Didn’t you think that my link was more interesting than yours or are you less worried about the aliens taking your hard won freedoms?
I am more worried about the aliens abducting Gnasher again
The Farmer and Levy duo of Antisemitic pantomime return with their silly oft repeated cut and paste slogan are at it again…..
………. Mike Farmer on December 6, 2020
……….Nakba? That reminds me.
……….No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
………..Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
And here I paraphrase it to good effect
……….Nakba? That reminds me.
……….No ‘Farmer & Levy research’ into UN, Islamist and leftwing antisemitism. They are frauds.
……….Don’t fight antisemitism … they only smear Jews … for money.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
“As old as antisemitism!”?
A long, long, long time ago everybody loved everybody else.
Every country, every race and every cult loved each other, loved to mix and no-one minded living with anyone else.
Then an unfathomable thing happened, all of a sudden all the other groups, for some unknown reason, began to hate the Jews.
All the other groups continued to get on famously with other groups, except for the Jews.
Nowhere was there dislike, funny looks or sneers …. only the Jews were disliked.
For millennia after millennia only Jews were subjected to any form of hatred.
According to Collier of course.
Michael, it bothers you so much when Jews complain about prejudice towards them. How come?
Ian you have to admit, this impenetrable wall of self pity has gotten to be a bit tedious
Wall of Self Pity (sniff) AKA the “Nakba”.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Michael, I think Bellers leapt in before you could answer my question. he does that a lot.
I observed how much it bothers you so much when Jews complain about prejudice towards them. How come?
Oh come on Bellers. Let Michael answer.
Why does it make you so cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them?
I am sure that if Michael thinks your question is worthy of being answered he will answer you. He may judge that since answers to stupid questions are invariably stupid answers he may choose to pass. I dunno
If you’re happy with your new gatekeeping duties and Michael’s happy hiding behind the Parker Knoll, then you crack on making sure that the gate is kept Bellers.
If you’re appi me old mucker I’m appi
When you lurk around the site watching black people bleat about racial prejudice or the site where Catholics are still looking for a rematch, do you use the same tactics with them as you do here with Jews, Bellers?
Asking for some left footers of colour.
aw in West Cork we had our rematch. The guys in Leinster and Ulster will have to sort out their own shit
So, I’ll take that as a yes then Bellers.
What’s stupid about the question Bellers, or is it stupid because a Jew is asking it.
Now for the ‘pretend village idiot’ obfuscationary reply to deflect from having to answer in an articulate, intelligent and unambiguous manner
Richard are you implying that Ian is Jewish ? Well hell who knew. He doesn’t mention it much so it’s easy to forget.
Is he as Jewish as Simple Simon or as Jewish as Moshe Machover ?
Richard does bring us back to the question quite nicely Bellers. You characterised it as self pity when Jews draw attention to prejudice against them. (Yes, yes. I know it’s only a provocation tactic)
In your opinion though, is this just a case of c’est la guerre, in the way your old mate Chris Rogers claimed with his “any stick I can find to beat the Jew over the head” ?
I realise you may not want to comment on this.
Is what a case of c’est la guerre ?
Never mind. I can see you’re in dick mode again today. I’ll leave you to mind Michael’s gate.
oh ok BOO !!!!!!
Boris, during PM’s question in the Commons, stated that the UK didn’t want to be the first country that didn’t have control over its own waters.
Ah! You’re back Michael. I asked you a question earlier but Bellers kept jumping in.
Why does it make you so cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them?
Boycotting German goods isn’t new. Blockading others isn’t new.
Yes Michael but why does it make you so cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them?
Yes Farmgirl…
The world’s Jews were clearly wrong to boycott goods produced by Hitler’s Germany…
What on earth were they thinking?
Yes Michael but why does it make you so cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them?
Stephen, you’d no longer be the pretend ‘village idiot’ if you pretend that you didn’t think Ian was Jewish; at that point you’d become the actual ‘village idiot’, along with Michael
Stephen, I have no interest in whether Macover calls himself Jewish or not, though I assume he was/is Halachicly Jewish by birth. Whether he practices/believes in Judaism today and calls himself a member of the tribe,or not, is his business. I do know he is virulently anti-Israel
You are truly a hypocritical dimwit that tries to move the goalposts in whichever direction that suits your current inane, out of context, incoherent and/or ignorant comment.
You just posted this…..
…..”Boris, during PM’s question in the Commons, stated that the UK didn’t want to be the first ……country that didn’t have control over its own waters.
One minute you claim that Gaza is ‘occupied’ by Israel so has not rights and is unable to exercise control over the territory; then when it suits you, you posit that it is a country with rights and responsibilities that are applicable to countries/state.
The usual ‘batshit’ commentary by the anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish mob by saying anything to suit your argument, and facts and truth be damned
Lol indeed Michael but why does it make you so cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them?
Come on baby, light my fire!
A Hanukkah like no other is tomorrow.
ImaM Oron, You get 365 days of Nakba.
Happy Nakba!
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Such a jealous little tosser you are????
Funny old day here with the Panto Provocateurs yesterday.
Michael said that it makes him cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them. I asked him why and he wouldn’t answer. In fact every time I asked, Bellers jumped in first saying it was a stupid question. He didn’t explain why either and also seemed to get quite cross about it.
Heaven knows how these lads feel about people of colour, members of the LGBT community or the physically and mentally handicapped, complaining about prejudice towards them, but they really get miffed when Jews do it. Wonder why.
Maybe I’ll have another go at trying to find out today.
OK Ian I will get serious for a moment. If racism in the UK were a food label antisemitism would appear as ” trace”. That is , to an extent that makes no measurable difference, there isn’t any. Yet the Israelists present us withan impenetrable wall of self pity, and endlessly whinge and whine like a bunch of ripped off crack hos.
Hope that is clear enough and you don’t feel the need to raise the issue again. I would like to return to my comfortable life of not thinking about Jews from one day to the next.
Bellers, I asked Michael why it makes him so cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them and again you are dashing here to respond on his behalf with this weird tapestry of mismatched slogans. Why bother when you dismissed this as a stupid question yesterday?
Please feel free to stand down. My question was to Michael rather than you so I’ll have another go at tackling him on this later today.
Thank you. Hopefully I can now get my pop corn back back out and resume enjoying watching Israel’s inexorable descent into hell.
Isen’t it just
An interesting answer about why you think that Antisemitism in this country is a ‘trace’
That is the same type of attitude that people showed to the Jews in the 1930’s when the Nazis were slowly bringing in their anti-Jewish laws, but well before the mass murders started.
Most of the wonderful western world either ignored the Jews and their complaints or agreed with the Nazis anti-Jewish sentiments.
And then it was too late.
And that process has occurred many times as the people looked away; until the killings started. Over two millennia
By your comments, I know exactly what you would have thought in the 1930’s. Would you have supported Mosley; or would you have just been a disinterested bystander.
I would like to think Richard that I would have have been among the Irish that sailed off to Spain to fight the fascists while the right cheered on Franco. But as Lindy Chamberlain pointed out, until you are there you don’t know what you would do.
And since Richard syou know exactly what I would have thought in the 30’s why are you asking ?
Yup, you can go back to your popcorn and your prejudices and biases
And Richard, given your incontravertable knowledge of what eople would have thought and done in the 1930’s, where, given David’s visceral htred of the Scots, would he have been ?
Scumbag scotland released the convicted bomber of Pan Am 103 who they claimed would be dead in 3 months.
He lived close to 3 years. Longer than the 270 people (passengers, crew and people on the ground in scotland).
“F” Socialist scotland.
The terrorist.
The bombing of Pan Am 103 was welcomed at the airport in Libya to a heroes welcome, complete with a waving flag of scumbag scotland.
Michael, will you be joining us today?
Yesterday you got quite cross with Jews that complain about prejudice towards them and I asked you why.
Bellers has tried to help you out here as you can see, with dozens of deflective posts so it must be a big deal for you guys but neither of you want to explain why. How come?
I think Ian is missing Michael
Certainly looking forward to a response to my question from him Bellers.
You never give me the opportunity to miss you. Must be our chemistry.
Maybe what with my grade A and your F. I have broad shoulders I can carry you
Aaah Bellers, you overstate my achievements. My grade was actually U for unclassified. But as you’ve often told me when justifying your own daily attendance here, It’s the taking part that counts.
That is a very healthy attitude. I am glad it serves you well
Seems to suit us both. There’s that chemistry again. Aaaaw !
Anyway, wonder if Michael’s come out of hiding yet.
The way you put Jewish worries about Antisemitism today, I can only but assume you would have said of the Jews fears of Antisemitism in the 1930’s that they were over exaggerated
This is what you said…….
“If racism in the UK were a food label antisemitism would appear as ” trace”. That is , to an extent that makes no measurable difference, there isn’t any”
So yes, you have stated quite plainly that Jewish worries of Antisemitism today are greatly exaggerated, just as Jewish fears of Antisemitism in the 1930’s were ignored or derided as over exaggerated by non-Jews, probably claiming that the Jews were doing it just for the money
“”Jewish worries of Antisemitism today are greatly exaggerated”
Instances of Antisemitism are greatly exaggerated by the Zionist Israel lovers in order to keep in power the Israel appeasing Tory party..
How many Jews left the UK for Israel over the past 5 years, Richard?
I almost missed you there Michael. Have you spotted my question to you?
Yesterday you said that it made you cross when Jews complained about prejudice towards them. How come?
That’s why George Orwell came back from fighting Franco totally disillusioned with the communists who he found to be as corrupt and evil as Franco’s followers.
The dear old ‘lefty liberal neo-fascist’ westerners of today are all the same. Marxism/Communism/Socialism/Fascism are all the same intolerant mish mash with different names
The commies were Soviet SOCIALISTS.
Franco like SHlTler was a National SOCIALIST.
Orwell’s “Animal Farm” was an indictment of Socialism.
Today Socialism is a Regressive ideology that plots to start another World War. Socialism sides with Ultra-Right Wing Islamism seeing it as a tool to wage WW3.
Jews of faith, such as myself, this week will be celebrating the 8-day festival of Hanukkah that commemorates the military victory of the Maccabees, a small group of Jewish rebels that defeated the oppressive Syrian overlords of ancient Palestine.
According to tradition, after the temple was liberated, the one-day supply of oil used to light the perpetual flame lasted for eight days.
Jews of faith celebrate this miracle by lighting candles placed on a Menorah or ‘Hanukkia’ (a nine – branched candelabrum) at sundown during each of the eight days. Though there are different interpretations of what Hanukkah means, for many it is the time to remember the victory of a people who fought a war of national liberation against a powerful occupying power.
So today, as Zionists are illegally occupying Palestine, many see the struggle for Palestinian liberation comparable to that ancient struggle for liberation.
Join me as I light the first candle:
“I light this candle for the Palestinian fighters against occupation and oppression in the spirit of the Maccabees.”
Still lying low Michael?
Yesterday you got quite cross with Jews that complain about prejudice towards them and I asked you why.
Bellers has tried to help you out here as you can see, with dozens of deflective posts so it must be a big deal for you guys but neither of you want to explain why. How come?
ImaM Oron,
The Macabees Prevailed.
The IDF Prevails.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
I would like to wish all my followers a Happy Hanukkah!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
ImaM Oron,
Keep praying for NAKBA. It’s your only prayer that will be answered.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Bugger. Thought that was Michael at the door.
Still keen to hear why he gets so cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them.
His mates are here blocking like crazy on his behalf but no sign of him. Wonder why.
Finally Michael. I’ve been waiting for you.
Yesterday you got cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them. How come?
An incoherent ramble around nowhere
Try to make sense; I didn’t reference David or the Scots as I was talking about failing to recognize Antisemitism and where that led 80 years ago
I think it was a handy deflection Richard. He got really narked with me this morning and threw all his slogans out of the toy box.
All I did was ask Michael why he gets cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them and that got him really wound up.
Why do they get so touchy about this and why are they so scared of answering questions about it?
aw Ian in case you missed it the first time….
If racism in the UK were a food label antisemitism would appear as ” trace”. That is , to an extent that makes no measurable difference, there isn’t any. Yet the Israelists present us withan impenetrable wall of self pity, and endlessly whinge and whine like a bunch of ripped off crack hos.
Hope that is clear enough and you don’t feel the need to raise the issue again. I would like to return to my comfortable life of not thinking about Jews from one day to the next.
Michael, I know you guys have you own weird rules about these things but honestly, I’m not trying to trick you. Bellers has worked a right old shift protecting you for the last two days but I’m sure you’re up to answering a simple and perfectly reasonable question.
You said you get really cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them. How come?
Because he has a self confessed animus towards the Jewish race?
Just a hunch…
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
The Maccabees were ZIONISTS. They fought for Jewish liberty and freedom; not like certain jews who support the wood-,be oppressors of Jews
Michael is back with his cut and paste which seems to be his crutch when he has nothing to say but needs to say something to try show he’s relevant
speaking of unanswered questions…. Ian did you serve ?
Of course
There we are. That wasn’t so painful was it? Did you kill anybody ?
Well, there was that time when a couple had some bad shrimp cocktails and had tummy trouble for a few days. Other than that the diners were mostly happy.
Obviously there are some questions that you are very shy about answering. Wondering why
“Wondering why”
You’re not really though, are you Bellers?
No you are correct. But there will be many that are.
“Many that are”
You can be my PR bitch Bellers. Get me out there. Your public has a right to know. I could be a legend in your silo Hahaha!
Its a bit unfair to conflate David’s mates with all Jews. Scoffie and Simon are hardly role models
Whilst we’re being serious with each other (wink) you’ve invested a tonne of time and effort on this tactic with hundreds of copy pastes and loads of repetitious slogans. How are you measuring it’s impact Bellers?
When you started Collier had 8K followers. Now he has nearly 52k and you’re still on around 350. Is this what you had in mind?
When you started Collier had 8K followers. Now he has nearly 52k
So ? Why should I give a flying fuck how many followers David has ? It impacts on my life how ? Gnasher gets a bit upset about it but fuck him
Temper temper Bellers. You guys do hate straightforward questions.
After so much effort with your “look at Dave’s besties” tactic, I wondered how you measured its impact. I offered one metric that appeared unhelpful to you. Just wondered what you used instead.
Oh I see. It amuses me. I don’t give a shit about it’s impact. You might say I am easily amused and you would be right.
Are your herculean efforts designed for ” impact “. ?
Good God no!!!
Like you I couldn’t give a toss about all this Panto nonsense. Pay more attention. What we care about in Israel is different to what the diaspora yids care about.
Whilst Hamas condemns Morrocco and Israel normalising diplomatic relations as a ‘political sin’, President Trump’s administration has truly advanced peace in the Middle East.
Now 4 Arab countries have made peace with Israel, who’s next?
Jews make up such a minuscule percentage of inmates in HM Prisons that any data on them is meaningless in terms of their percentage in the general public to their percentage in the general prison population.
Yes Richard but the folks David hangs out with are mostly perjurers and othe assorted criminals.
Heaven help anyone in the UK who accuses a Jew of anything, even when true.
Look at the baying and crying that occurs when false accusations of antisemitism are rebuffed.
Moans of pain and hurt at every turn. Should be embarrassing to you, were you to understand what was happening.
Glad you brought this up Michael.
Perhaps you can think about my question. You say you get cross when Jews complain of prejudice towards them. How come?
“Heaven help anyone in the UK who accuses a Jew of anything, even when true.”
Even when true??
What about when it’s not true Farmgirl?
What do you think Jews should do when falsely accused?
Looking forward to your reply with much excitement….
But I won’t hold my breath….
Boo hoo Bellers, a touch of jealousy there because you have such a ‘batshit’ minuscule readership of your blog to Davids well read blog.
You do periodically try to peddle your blog here, but there are very few takers – wonder why
The News of the World had an enormous readership, Richard. Its fabrications and its gutter accusations titillated the casual reader who would rather be entertained by scurrilous suggestions than read pure facts.
That’s Colliers blog … a News of the World continuation. The lies it peddles necessitate correction, hence the comments.
Wonder if the only readers are those that comment.
Very good Michael. But getting back to my question. You say you get cross when Jews complain of prejudice towards them. How come?
> gulp?
Dumb Bellamy, You’re taking money out of Sharmuta’s mouth.
Stay away from her corner.
Names of these Stephen.
Leave out your pet obsession with Jonathan and Simon
And here we have Michael Farmer discussing Jews although he has admitted he knows no Jews and knows nothing about Jews.
And then he will deny that he is an Antisemite
Another who misrepresents. Do all ‘mainstream’ Jews do that?
Is that through malice or, as in your case, being devoid of any comprehension?
Very good Michael. But getting back to my question. You say you get cross when Jews complain of prejudice towards them. How come?
The hopeless hapless John Kerry…..and a famous quote that did not age at all well…..
Ah yes John Kerry. We all remember his famous observation when Israel banned the entry of lentils to Gaza
” Are they scared of being blown up by a lentil bomb ” ?
Don’t we ?
Kerry was an idiot. We were mostly okay with lentils Bellers. Now, Cumin, Nutmeg and Ginger…totally different story !!
Anyway, wonder if Michael’s joining the show today. Still keen to hear why he gets so cross about Jews complaining about prejudice towards them.
Quote? Here’s a sick one …
Very good Michael. But getting back to my question. You say you get cross when Jews complain of prejudice towards them. How come?
Michael, it’s a new day here in Panto Land and I’m still keen to understand why you said you get cross when Jews complain about prejudice towards them, even when the complaints are true.
Why does this make you so cross?