During the Channel 4 news on Monday, they ran a segment about Palestinian voices in the UK. Because of the disinformation and propaganda contained within, there has since been an uproar about the item and several complaints made to OFCOM. This is how the piece is described by Channel 4 News:
The news team ran a segment *made* by a pro-Palestinian activist. As a student, Akram Salhab was the student coordinator for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. He is a hard-core anti-Israel propagandist. Predictably the segment was full of some truly ludicrous distortion and lies.
Camera UK have covered the numerous historical errors in the piece. The non-factual, misleading narrative alone makes it inexcusable that Channel 4 ran the piece, but as you will see there was more to this than just ahistorical poppycock.
During the short film, Akram Salhab sits in a room with several ‘Palestinians’. The audience is only told they are ‘Palestinians living in Britain’, as if they are ordinary people taken from the street. Except of course they are not ordinary Palestinians at all. We heard from three of those in the room – I have managed to identify two of them.
Channel 4 presents – Rama Sabanekh
The first person we meet is ‘Rama’. Except we are not told Rama Sabanekh is also a hard-core activist. Her Facebook timeline is full of endless propaganda. For several years in London, she was at SOAS and could be seen at the front of many of the anti-Israel demonstrations. Always with a megaphone in hand leading the chants, she ran for the office of International Students officer at SOAS in 2017. The image on the left should give you some idea of her activity:
Sabanekh was one of those proudly leading the protest against Hen Mazzig at UCL which turned violent – and at which Jewish students needed a police escort to safely extract them from the building. It seems she doesn’t want all voices heard:
If you pick any demonstration of the time, (like this one) she is at the centre of it. She complains her voice is not heard. Which voice does Sabanekh think should be on mainstream media – is it the one that compares the situation with the Palestinians to the Nazi Holocaust?
Channel 4 presents – Ziad Al-Qattan
We are also introduced to ‘Ziad’. He goes to Oxford University. Ziad is not your everyday British Palestinian either. Al-Qattan is currently serving as an intern for Al Shabaka,
Al Shabaka is a professional Palestinian propaganda outfit. The board consists of people like Noura Erakat. Yara Hawari is one of Ilan Pappe’s success stories from Exeter and is the Senior Analyst at Al Shabaka. Yesterday Hawari tweeted to promote the Channel 4 clip. In turn it was retweeted by Al-Shabaka. Neither of them bothered to highlight that their own intern was involved. Maybe they didn’t want you to know.
One of Al Shabaka’s key donors is Ali Abunimah, the co-founder and executive director of Electronic Intifada. This is perhaps the voice that Ziad wants heard on mainstream television. Hard-core anti-Israel propaganda.
Channel 4 clearly gave the extremist ideologies of outlets such as Electronic Intifada a platform with which to dupe viewers. Sorry Channel 4 News, but you are well and truly busted.
Three other points worthy of mention:
The poor woman with the NYT write-up
We got to hear from Joudie Kalla, who wrote a book about Palestinian Cuisine. Kalla tells us that she is unable to get mainstream press to write a review about her book because it contains the word ‘Palestine’. Except of course she had a write up in the New York and LA times.
I am unsure how many other writers of cookbooks have been so lucky. As for the UK. The Guardian did a piece about a different Palestinian cookbook earlier this year. The Independent covered one in 2017. In fact, the Independent ran a Palestinian cookbook in their ‘best of’ lists for both 2017 and 2018. Daily Mail best of 2020 – also covered Palestine. As did the Telegraph in April 2020. Kalla talks about the problem of having the word Palestine in the title – the Times have just reviewed a cookbook literally titled just ‘Falastin’. How many Palestinian cookbooks need to be covered?
This is empty, shameful, lies and propaganda from Channel 4.
Channel 4 – The PREVENT inversion
One of the most ‘in-your-face’ errors in the piece came when the news item showed a screenshot of part of the PREVENT guidelines. We were shown just a fraction of an image and told these are possible indicators of extremism.
Except in the news item they completely inverted the meaning of the words that were written in the document. As William Baldet MBE, CVE PREVENT Coordinator thoroughly explained on Twitter- to provide the screenshot without any of the text that follows is to completely change the context of the document. Baldet states quite clearly that the slide content has been misrepresented to imply the *opposite* of its intent. The text literally goes on to say that *it is not extremist* to hold these views if they are not expressed in a way that harasses others or incites violence.
Channel 4 goes full racist
After talking with the Palestinians in the room, we meet Avi Shlaim, who is introduced as an ‘Israeli historian’. Shlaim lived for about 8 years in Israel and he has lived here for the last 54 years. Whether he also has Israeli citizenship is not relevant – he is British. Is this acceptable now, do we ‘other’ people who were not born here and negate the fact that Shlaim has spent almost all his life here? Shlaim got married in Islington in the 1970s. How British does he have to be before Channel 4 identify him as British? Can you imagine them doing this to someone who has lived in the UK for 50 years, but who also carry a second citizenship such as Indian, Pakistani or Nigerian? It is absolutely outrageous that they chose to play this kind of racist ‘othering’ trick, simply to strengthen their own propaganda.
Why no voices?
Why are there no voices on mainstream TV? I would argue that Palestinian voices are over-represented. ‘Palestine’ certainly gets a disproportionate amount of attention in the press. If only the Uighurs or Rohingya or Syrians – people who are actually persecuted – were given so much time. But if we are to address why these specific people and those like them are not given airtime, it is chiefly because the media outlets know what they are going to say *AND* know much of it is factually incorrect, offensive and often antisemitic.
You cannot blame the BBC, the Telegraph or any of the mainstream outlets for the fact these people were brought up on myths and are actively spreading propaganda and lies. That they take every opportunity that they can to politicise an event. Why on earth should anyone help them spread their lies?
But I suppose that is the question we now must ask Channel 4.
There is only one course of action that must be taken here. Watch the clip then please complain to OFCOM. Make *YOUR* voices heard.
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This video on channel 4 is disgusting. The perspective outlined by these speakers is nothing short of anti Israel propaganda. A pack of lies.
Whats wrong with anti Israel propoganda ?
What’s wrong with anti-Islamofascism, anti-Terrorism, anti-Al Qada, anti-ISIS, anti-Taliban, anti-Boko Haram, anti-Muslim Brotherhood, anti-HamAss, anti-Hezbola?
I only watched part of this news segment and took issue with someone who complained that Palestine was never shown on maps! I wrote a Facebook post to set the record straight. Briefly, Palestine never existed as an independent nation state until all of Mandate Palestine west of the River Jordan was hived off to Hashemite King Abdullah to become Jordan and whose population is 70% Palestinian.
The population are JORDANIAN aren’t they?
They became Jordanian in 1947 when Jordan was created…
Reginald, you need to broaden your general knowledge a little. Get a copy of ‘Palestine, A Four Thousand Year History’ by Nur Masalha. By the way, Jesus was a Palestinian.
David, your language gives you away as a bigot. You support and are indeed one of the Zionist racists intent on denying Palestinians their human rights. Yet anyone who campaigns for justice for Palestinians, to you becomes a “hard-core anti-Israel propagandist”.
One literally is employed by a professional, Electronic Intifada funded, propaganda outlet – the other actively shouts anti-Israel messages through a megaphone in the street and disrupts Israeli events. I think my description is on safe ground.
Disrupts Israeli events ? You mean they are back and forth to Israel ? What on earth are you talking about ?
It’s hard to tell whether you’re illiterate or can’t decide which voice in your head to howl out at a given time.
Hello Jack. Remember me? In a previous episode you had quite a lot to say about Israel and our government and I asked you which part of the country you lived in to have such specific views on both. Perhaps we are neighbours. I must have missed the reply.
Hello Ian. Although I’ve been to Israel many times and to many areas I dont’t think we’ve met.
You are correct, I do have quite a lot to say about Israel, for two main reasons; I’m an anti-racist which automatically makes me and anti-Zionist and secondly, I was rather hoping that Jeremy Corbyn, another anti-racist, would have become British PM. However, because he is a supporter of the Palestinians and anti-racist Jews, Zionists in the UK, no doubt with help and support from their counterparts in Israel, helped to deprive him and Britain of that opportunity.
I’m pleased to note however that Israel’s government has just collapsed and that many Israelis are beginning to understand that it’s time for the country to become civilised, reject Zionism and stop letting the racist settlers call the shots.
Happy Hanukka, apologies if my timing is out.
Saying you are an anti-racist and therefore an anti-Zionist is like saying you oppose sexism and therefore stand against the notion of a refuge for women. Basically it is insane.
David, could I be a little unkind and refer you to the comment of Avigail Abarbanel, the Jewish psychologist who said in effect that it is Zionists who are insane for believing that they have rights which do not exist. She said Zionism is a mental illness. But I’m pleased to say there is hope for you, she also said it was curable.
As you well know, more and more Jews are starting to see Zionism for being the racist concept it is and are therefore rejecting it and its hard line followers such as Netanyahu.
That’s an 0/3 for you for sounding like a retarded goat, Jack-off. Keep em coming.
Jack shiT,
Jews aren’t hijacking passenger planes and flying them into buildings, or placing bombs on passenger planes as on Pan Am 103 on 12/21/88, or bombing London transport as on 7/7 2005, and much, much more…
But “radical” Muslims are.
Have a Happy Eternal Nakba you Dumb POS!
Here is a 37 second Youtube of a newsreel documenting a sit-down meeting between National SOCIALIST Nazi (Is that Left or Right Socialism?) and his Sand Nazi “Grand Moooooofti” of Jerusalem.
I use toilet roll to deal with “your kind” DeadHead Ed, you Moron and Maggot.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray.
ImaM Oron, I spray bacon grease on your kind so they are denied entrance to “Islamic Paradise”.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Wonder why David didn’t investigate Boris for antisemitism?
Maybe it’s because he never once called Jew murdering terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah his friends?
And never once laid a wreath in the memory of someone who had murdered Jews multiple times….
Just a hunch…
Not going to rely on your dyslexic translation of “justice” there, Jack-off. You’re 0/2 on this board in trying to sound smart. I’ll keep track 😉
It’s true. You are a hard core anti – Israel propagandist
Points out the truth about Israel, a racist state.
Racists like you cannot be anti racist….
Pal-e-CRIME is a Racist, Terrorist, Fascist, Homophobic, Misogynist enclave.
Pal-e-CRIME is as depraved as HAM-ASS, Hezbola/Ebola, Al Qada, ISIS, Taliban, Al Shabab, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Fascist Iran.
The Sand Nazi War Criminal Grand Moooooooooofti of Jerusalem, was an ally of National SOCIALIST SHlTler during WW2.
Channel 4 actually wrote “Britsh”?
The UCL incident ? Is that the time your buddy Tesco Harv, with whom you ” share many perspectives”, told a person of colour to ” get out of our country” ?
The Whataboutyourbezzies incident ? Is that like the time your buddy Michael with whom you share many two-handers here supported a David Duke fan who tweeted “Jews are counterfeit human beings” ?
Except of course your claim is at least as fanciful as your Lottie/Leopold/Dachau story
No worries Bellers. I’ve told you many times to be careful about those you mix with. They’ll be your undoing.
Nah I m not tied up so I can’t be undone. I don’t give a fuck remember. I don’t do this for glory or coin so I have nothing to lose.
Right so, Bellers!
You “don’t think about Jews from one day to the next” but rush here every day to talk about Jews. You “never argue about Israel” but come here every day bleating about Israel.
You’re tied up like a pretzel boychik. I think that wet-nursing Michael is dragging you down.
Bleating about Israel is not the same thing as arguing about Israel
I don’t come to ralk about Jews but you keep bringing Jews into it. I don’t think about Accrington Stanley from one day to the next but if people keep jumping in front of me screaming ACCRINGTON STANLEY in my face……..
Well it’s hard not to keep my mind from wondering in the direcrion of Accrington Stanley.
You are so wracked with self pity that everything is about Jews. You even have to invent fanciful relatives that found themselves in Dachau.
Aaah sweetie, you’re having a go at baiting me. Bless !
Stop the faux whining. You’re the mug punter that bangs on the door of the brass’s house everyday, then moans to your missus that the mucky scrubber kept shoving it down your throat. Hahaha!
tell you what heres an offer. I won’t ever mention Jews again on here if you don’t Deal ?
Can;t do it can you ?
There you go again being selective about what is and what isn’t racism?
Tut tut…..
But UCL isn’t in Israel.
A confused Harv?
Make mine a Black and Tan sweetheart
This sort of hysterical easily debunkable propaganda actually does their cause a lot more harm than good….
It shows them up for the liars that they are….
You hypocritical bastard Collier. Have you ever heard of HASBARA?
Alright Bishop. Did you upgrade your Pumas or have you switched to Adidas?
Bishop InFattida….go in peace my son…
? ? ?
Only please do mind your language as it upsets the choir boys…
You hypocritical pig ImaM Oron, Have you ever heard of TAQIYYA
or better, NAKBA?
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I wonder why David didn’t investigate Boris for antisemitism?
Maybe it’s because he never once called Jew murdering terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah his friends?
And never once laid a wreath in the memory of someone who had murdered Jews multiple times….
Just a hunch…
See above.
See above
See Nakba, ETERNAL Nakba.
Can someone please fetch the toilet tissue, so I can deal with DeadHead Ed in an appropriate manner.
Thank you.
ImaM Aggost, Indiana Jones shows how to deal with savage Maggots like yourself.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? Maggot-Moron DeadHead Ed?
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
He doesn’t fight antisemitism … “his kind” only smears £abour … for money.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray. Hashem calls.
ImaM Oron, it ain’t a “smear” when it’s True.
LaBOOR has tarnished its reputation with blood of the victims of Islamofascism like those of
the bombing of Pan Am 103. The 32nd anniversary of that terrorist attack is this Dec. 21. 270 dead.
270 died in that Islamofascist terrorist attack.
I heard of Asda and why you no longer work there . I wonder why?
Keep guessing TESCO Harv.
How badly is your rickshaw business doing in this age of COVID? Are you living in a homeless shelter yet?
As for me, along with being a man of the cloth, I’m doing quite well – and working for a Jewish charity.
Now if you’ll excuse me, when Hashem calls, Rabbi Levy answers.
Wonder why David didn’t investigate Boris for antisemitism?
Maybe it’s because he never once called Jew murdering terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah his friends?
And never once laid a wreath in the memory of someone who was a mass murderer of Jews….?
Just a hunch…
Doing deal for Jews Bellers? How very colonial of you.
I’ll do you a deal. You fuck off from here and ply your shithousery over at ZioNanas4U.com and I’ll fuck off as long as you do.
Can’t do it can you?
Bellers 1 : Needy Ian 0
Ian you are not Jews. I am quite happy to confirm my offer. How about we do a deal. i won’t mention Jews if you don’t ? But you can’t do it can you ?
You see Ian here is the crux of the problem The great divide. I don’t think about Jews from one day to the next. You don’t think about anything else from one day to the next. I bet this is why you keep failing O level chemistry. Instead of focussing on the questions asked you spend the time chewing your pencil and thinking about Jews.
If you could just stop feeling sorry for yourself for a while you would be so much happier
I’ll take that as a “soz,. No can do ” Bellers.
ok your on. I’m gone.
Boris is a Tory, silly.
Demonising the world’s only Jewish state whilst simultaneously ignoring the endemic mysogny and homophobia and human rights abuses that take place daily in countries like Iran and Pakistan and Nigeria and China and Syria and North Korea and Turkmenistan etc?
What kind of a c@nt would do that?
A Jew hating c@nt perhaps?
Nope, it’s a Jewish, Muslim, Christian etc. state where, I am told, all of its citizens are treat equally.
Israel defines itself as a Jewish state but still treats all it’s citizens equally regardless of race or religion….unlike all the countries mentioned above….
David – “‘Palestine’ certainly gets a disproportionate amount of attention in the press. ”
Naw, the ‘wronged’ ‘UK Jewish Community’ is by far the no. 1 topic, pushed of course by your ilk.
Do you refer to black people as “your ilk”?
Asking for a friend…who is black…?
Are you, David, Ian and Richard black, Dobby?
You really do have a problem with understanding English don’t you Farmgirl?
I’m asking if David, Ian and Richard are black.
Difficult question for you, Dobby?
Weird question…
I’m half Arab…
Can’t speak for the others…
Sharmuta, I’m asking you if your customers are black.
Difficult question for you, Sharmuta?
Dunno. It’s dark ?
Turn the lights on you Dumb Sharmuta.
Happy Nakba!
Say it with me: “I support Palestinian resistance in all its forms.”
Thank you.
ImaM Aggot, I support Pally NAKBA in all its forms.
More and more Arab countries are establishing relations with High Tech Israel.
Even Arabs hate terrorist “pal-e-crime”.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? Moron-Maggot DeadHead Ed?
A reminder from your favourite spiritual leader:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … his kind only smears £abour … for money.
ImaM Oron, Say Hi to your fellow ImaM, the Blind Snake of the 1993 WTC bombing – who died in prison.
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
What dimwit comment is this…………
………..”(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada …………Rabbi on December 17, 2020
………….Say it with me: “I support Palestinian
………….resistance in all its forms.”
If you want to be a dumbass be my guest; but please don’t expect me to be so stupid.
Because of the Palestinians, every time we fly anywhere we have to endure hours of inconvenience because of security concerns due to hijacking and in air bombing
Many places in the world, especially the Arab/Muslim world, have had to endure and suffer ‘suicide bombings’, which were also employed and popularised by the Palestinians.
We also have car rammings, the knife intifada, mass pollution by burning toxic tyres and destruction of natural habitat and wildlife by sending burning kites into conservation and agricultural lands to start wildfires.
Not very nice actions that have seriously impinged most of the world’s population in one way or another
But then I don’t expect much better from an Antisemite like you (refer to previous comments on why)
Stnky Dickie: “Because of the Palestinians, every time we fly anywhere we have to endure hours of inconvenience because of security concerns due to hijacking and in air bombing.”
Are you stereotyping? That comment equivalates with labelling all Jews as greedy and all Irish as alcoholics. You are indeed Islamophobic and are starting to sound more and more like that Maggot-Moron DeadHead Ed.
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Once again you repeat your unsubstantiated comment…………,
………”(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on December 17, 2020
…………..Are you stereotyping? That comment equivalates with labelling all Jews as …………..greedy and all Irish as alcoholics. You are indeed Islamophobic and are starting …………..to sound more and more like that Maggot-Moron DeadHead Ed.”
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia that I have repeatedly asked.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You …………..need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.”
You are incapable of answering my question because you can’t.
I have never made any Islamophobic comments.
The Palestinians may be Muslim, but they comprise a mere minuscule percentage of the worldwide Muslim population and who were not included in my comment.
Islam is also not a race and has never claimed to be; so where is the racism other than in your conspiratorially addled brain
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath and Judaism with your your foul, vitriolic language
“You …………..need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.””
Strange words from a Jewish Zionist.
Pot …. Kettle.
Pot …. Kettle …. NAKBA
Moron-Maggot DeadHead Ed:
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️?✡️
ImaM Oron, I hope you pray for NAKBA because it’s your only wish that will come true.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Sharmuta, It ain’t a “smear” when it’s True.
Happy Nakba!
Stinky Dickie Galber:
ImaM Oron, Why do you stick your head in Men’s crotches and inhale deeply?
You seem to competing with Sharmuta.
Wonder who introduced terrorism to the region, Richard?
Jews it was. Israeli Prime Ministers.
Harvey do you have more info on the ASDA affair
Dopey Harvey once sent an email to ASDA’s CEO. They told him in polite language to fuck off and we all ended up having a good laugh. Ended up getting me a promotion and pay raise! I kept a copy framed in my office and study for a few years before throwing it away.
What a fucking schmuck you are TESCO Harve!
Richard ask him about the Tesco affair
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
You mention that you work for a Jewish Charity…………..
……..”(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on December 17, 2020
………As for me, along with being a man of the cloth, I’m doing quite well – and working for a Jewish ………charity.”
Most people are very proud to mention which charity organisation they work for and like to talk about it.
Which charity do you ‘work’ for and are they aware of your comments on the Holocaust and your negative Holocaust imagery
Now comes obfuscation, personal insult and childish name-calling (possibly a swear word or two) to avoid answering the question But then ho hum that is the Brucie
I won’t use polite language with your kind, so FUCK OFF Stinky Dickie.
Dear ImaM Oron, Please EAT SHIITE AND D-I-E.
Soon, Inshallah!
Seasons Nakbas !
Nakba? That reminds me, you Zio swine DeadHead Ed (I know you’re a moron)
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears £abour … for money.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
Shabbat shalom.
Dear ImaM Aggot,
Eternal Nakbas to you and All of Pal-e-SWINE and its knuckle-dragging supporters.
Now, please, ESAD ASAP.
You dimwit
The Arabs of the ‘Mandate of Palestine’ were murdering Jews long before the Jews took up arms to defend themselves.
Pogroms, ambushes shootings were occurring years before Begin and Shamir were out of nappies.
The biggest of those ‘POGROMS’ were the 1929 massacres of religious Jews in HEBRON and SAFAD.
In the early 1920’s there were pogroms and attacks on Jews for praying in Jerusalem at the ‘Wailing Wall’ (as it was then known); no Jewish soldiers, no armed Jews, just Jews being murdered by Arabs in ‘Mandatory Palestine’ while the British administration just looked on
Hebron? like David’s Nakba … never happened … or did it?
You absolute moron.
The words you quote are those of the Antisemitic Bruce Levy. The first line below is mine, the subsequent two lines are Levy’s…………..
‘what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..’
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You …………..need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.”
You really must go back to school to learn to read and then comprehend and understand what you have read before posting incoherent out of context posts
YOU brought it up.
Being ignorant, stupid and smelly is no way to go through life Stinky Dickie.
Now if you’ll excuse me, Hashem is calling me ✡️?
? Why is everybody so sad lately?
? Probably because of COVID ?
? No, it’s because of Zionism ??
Try chanting this….
From the River to the Sea,
Pal-e-SLIME Will NEVER Be!
Happy Nakba!
Zionism is the virus. Palestine is the cure.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I wonder why David didn’t investigate Boris for antisemitism?
Maybe it’s because he never once called Jew murdering terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah his friends?
And never once laid a wreath in the memory of someone who was a mass murderer of Jews….?
Just a hunch…
Nakba? Moron-Maggot DeadHead Ed?
A reminder from your favourite spiritual leader:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … his kind only smears £abour … for money.
Go and study the records from the ‘Mandatory Palestine’ administration to find out the history of the event.
A few Arabs were executed by the British for their part in the pogrom/massacre of over 60 unarmed religious Jews in Hebron and there were more unarmed religious Jews in also murdered in Safed
It’s all there in the official British documents, though they tried to downplay the severity of the Jewish dead because of their woeful and tardy reaction to the pogrom.
Very similar to the way the British handled the Iraqi anti-Jewish ‘Farud’ pogrom in the pro-Nazi revolt in 1941 (before 1948 and the Mossad didn’t exist) when over 150 Jews were massacred in Baghdad while the British army stayed outside the city.
And go to Fez in Morocco in circa 1912 (before 1948 and Mossad didn’t exist) when a anti-Jewish pogrom occurred with many dead Jews
Eventually released official Israeli documents are testament to the Nakba and the systematic destruction of Arab communities and their expulsion from the land they’d lived on for years.
800,000 Jews were expelled, ran for their lives to avoid be slaughtered by blood thirsty Muslims who were outraged that “lowly” Jews would RESIST Islamofascism.
It’s a Wash.
Meanwhile, today,
Muslims are MURDERING Muslims in
– Syria
– Iraq
– Afghanistan
– Egypt
– Lebanon
– Lebanon
– Tunisia
– Algeria
– Pakistan
– Fascist Iran
Plus Muslims are murdering “Infidels” in
– Israel
– UK
– France
– Germany
– Belgium
– USA (9/11)
– Spain
– India
– Denmark
Happy Nakba to All !
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
You’ll be swallowing Collier’s crap next, ted.
Speaking of swallowing…
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Once again you repeat your unsubstantiated comment…………,
………”(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on December 17, 2020
…………..Are you stereotyping? That comment equivalates with labelling all Jews as …………..greedy and all Irish as alcoholics. You are indeed Islamophobic and are starting …………..to sound more and more like that Maggot-Moron DeadHead Ed.”
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia that I have repeatedly asked.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You …………..need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.”
You are incapable of answering my question because you can’t.
I have never made any Islamophobic comments.
The Palestinians may be Muslim, but they comprise a mere minuscule percentage of the worldwide Muslim population and who were not included in my comment.
Islam is also not a race and has never claimed to be; so where is the racism other than in your conspiratorially addled brain
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath and Judaism with your your foul, vitriolic language
But David is an antisemite surely. He constantly attacks left-wing Jews. He dismisses them as irrelevant … as fringe.
Are the Muslims who murder Muslims in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Fascist Iran, Egypt, Gaza,
If the TESCO affair/event is so big and important to you, you must know a lot about it, and so can thus inform me about it
If you aren’t able to supply any details about it I will then assume that it’s just another case of Pythonesque ‘nudge nudge wink wink’ type comedy
Oh I do know all about it Richard. I know Harv better than his own wife. It’s Harv’s story ak him to tell you all about it.
Dumb Bellamy, You don’t know your Ass from your elbow.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I wonder why David didn’t investigate Boris for antisemitism?
Maybe it’s because he never once called Jew murdering terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah his friends?
And never once laid a wreath in the memory of someone who was a mass murderer of Jews….?
Just a hunch…
David Collier
Is anybody actually shocked that the EU Court of Justice ruled against ritual slaughter.
Have patience, it’ll be circumcision next.
Europe – the graveyard of the Jewish people – just can’t leave us alone.
If you don’t want civilisation , David , move to Israel.
If you don’t want civilization , Sharmuta, move to Eurabia.
See the beheading of French schoolteacher Samuel Paty.
Bellers, you wimp. I knew you’d fold.
Your latest non-flounce lasted less than 24 hours and you’re back like some estate crack head who’s just found a tenner in the gutter and is itching for a hit.
Anyway, it’s too nice a day today to be arsed with neurotic internet shithouses like you and your lads. I’m off to do some of that apartheid and then brunch.
Ha except you folded first and broke the agreement. Just because David deleted your post and my response. Poser
Got the screen shot babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I don’t know what autie Lotte would make of your behaviour
Nice one! Lol 😀
Palestinians have countless “Auntie Lotties.”
Palestinians have countless “Auntie Lotties”
ImaM Oron,
Pal-e-SLIMIANS have countless “Darwin Award Winners”.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Wanna have another try ?
Hahaha! That’s it? You’ve had hours to think up something and the best you’ve got is “You started. No You started” Jeez. What a loser!!!
” ..another try” ?? Hahaha!!
You’re like the wife beater that is always pleading for another chance. But we know the fists will be out again before long so I think I’ll stick around. You’re not going anywhere. You can’t.
Anyway, you play nice in your slogan box and don’t leave a mess with your old yid obsessions, Bellers. That’s me done for the day.
whatever chuck
Happy Nakba Shmuck! 😛
Ex-U.N. Official John Dugard: Israel’s Crimes are “Infinitely Worse” Than in Apartheid South Africa
As Palestine joins the International Criminal Court, former U.N. Special Rapporteur John Dugard talks about how an apartheid case could be brought against Israel in the ICC. “I’m a South African who lived through apartheid,” Dugard said. “I have no hesitation in saying that Israel’s crimes are infinitely worse than those committed by the apartheid regime of South Africa.”
JOHN DUGARD: I think the strategy of Israel and also of the United States is simply to allow talks to go on forever and ever, while Israel annexes more land and takes over Palestinian territory. The purpose of the International Criminal Court, as I see it, is to circumvent this strategy on the part of Israel and the United States and to make Israel and the United States see and face the issues very clearly—namely, that Israel has committed very, very serious international crimes. And I might add that I’m a South African who lived through apartheid. I have no hesitation in saying that Israel’s crimes are infinitely worse than those committed by the apartheid regime of South Africa.
AMY GOODMAN: Explain what you’re saying. You’re the former U.N. special rapporteur on human rights, as well.
JOHN DUGARD: For seven years, I visited the Palestinian territory twice a year. I also conducted a fact-finding mission after the Operation Cast Lead in Gaza in 2008, 2009. So I am familiar with the situation, and I am familiar with the apartheid situation. I was a human rights lawyer in apartheid South Africa. And I, like virtually every South African who visits the occupied territory, has a terrible sense of déjà vu. We’ve seen it all before, except that it is infinitely worse. And what has happened in the West Bank is that the creation of a settlement enterprise has resulted in a situation that closely resembles that of apartheid, in which the settlers are the equivalent of white South Africans. They enjoy superior rights over Palestinians, and they do oppress Palestinians. So, one does have a system of apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territory. And I might mention that apartheid is also a crime within the competence of the International Criminal Court.
AMY GOODMAN: You say, John Dugard, that the situation in the Palestinian territories is worse than apartheid. What would an apartheid case brought to the International Criminal Court look like? Again, you were the special rapporteur, the U.N. special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, as well as being a South African and an international rights lawyer.
JOHN DUGARD: Well, of course, I think it’s important to stress that the whole international environment has changed since the end of apartheid, because the apartheid regime, fortunately for itself, did not have to face a legal action either before an international criminal court or before a national court, whereas Israel today does face action before an international court. Of course, the crimes are substantially the same: discrimination, repression, targeted assassinations, house demolitions. I think, in one respect, Israel’s crimes are much worse, and that is in respect of its military action against Gaza, where it has not hesitated to kill civilians indiscriminately.
democracy now?
amy goodman?
LOL comrade!
Happy Nakba to “fascism now”! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I wonder why David didn’t investigate Boris for antisemitism?
Maybe it’s because he never once called Jew murdering terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah his friends?
And never once laid a wreath in the memory of someone who was a mass murderer of Jews….?
Just a hunch…
Nakba? That reminds me.
A word of advice from your friendly, neighbourhood Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … “his kind” only smears £abour … for money.
I’ve never heard Harvey bring up TESCO while you on the other hand have brought it up a number of times
So I’m asking you about this TESCO business
If you can’t/won’t answer then there are two options
1) you bring it up to smear Jews as you do when you accuse the ex and current Chief Rabbis of racism, but never ever supply any evidence and/or fact to substantiate your worthless allegations.
2) you are in ‘village idiot’ mode and say things in the ‘Monty Python’ nudge nudge, wink wink conspiracy theory type slander that you often employ
Do try give an intelligible answer rather than your normal obfuscation and bluster
Racism? The Chief Rabbis were /are Zionists, Richard.
p.s if you have any trouble with the 8 words above, ask a policemen to explain.
Get back to work Sharmuta – and make it snappy.
The line of customers is out the door and on the cold wintry streets.
Does anyone have any toilet roll? Time to wipe Maggot-Moron DeadHead Ed off my arse.
ImaM Oron, Use your tongue to wipe your azz, as your Iman taught you.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
A word of advice from your friendly, neighbourhood Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … “his kind” only smears £abour … for money.
ImaM Oron, it ain’t a “smear” when it’s True.
Happy Nakba you Dumb PIG!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Referencing John Dugard on Israel is in the same league as referencing Himmler on the Jews
You’d say that about anyone who critices the racist, apartheid state Stinky ??
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ✡️?✡️
Shabbat shalom.
ImaM Oron, Pray for Nakba. It’s your only wish that I guarantee will come True – evermore.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
A word of advice from your friendly, neighbourhood Rabbi:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … “his kind” only smears £abour … for money.
Hey ImaM Oron, You know what’s a FRAUD?
Islam’s claims of being “The Religion of Peace”.
9/11, London’s 7/7, bombing of Pan Am 103 which this Monday is the 32nd anniversary of that Terrorist atrocity in which 270 died.
“”F” YOU forever ImaM Oron.
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Once again you repeat your unsubstantiated comment…………,
………”(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on December 17, 2020
…………..Are you stereotyping? That comment equivalates with labelling all Jews as …………..greedy and all Irish as alcoholics. You are indeed Islamophobic and are starting …………..to sound more and more like that Maggot-Moron DeadHead Ed.”
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia that I have repeatedly asked.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You …………..need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.”
You are incapable of answering my question because you can’t.
I have never made any Islamophobic comments.
The Palestinians may be Muslim, but they comprise a mere minuscule percentage of the worldwide Muslim population and who were not included in my comment.
Islam is also not a race and has never claimed to be; so where is the racism other than in your conspiratorially addled brain
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath and Judaism with your your foul, vitriolic language
A while back you were making vague threats of suing me for libel or similar; what’s happening.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
The Farmer and Levy duo of Antisemitic pantomime return with their silly oft repeated cut and paste slogan are at it again. They must be such lonely little darlings as they come onto this site to peddle their incoherent, repetitive, out of context and silly statements in an attempt to get some meaning into their empty lives
The Farmer and the so-called rabbi used this cut and paste nine times on this blog stream since the 16-12-202
………. Mike Farmer on December 6, 2020
……….Nakba? That reminds me.
……….No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
………..Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
And here I paraphrase there nonsense too much better effect
……….Nakba? That reminds me.
……….No ‘Farmer & Levy research’ into UN, Islamist and leftwing antisemitism. They are frauds.
……….Don’t fight antisemitism … they only smear Jews … for money.
Nakba, as usual, for the Win.
Happy Nakba!
Now I’ll flush you down the toilet Maggot-Moron DeadHead Ed, along with the toilet roll.
ImaM Oron,
Pray that the tunnel you sleep in collapses speedily.
Inshallah and Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
A word of advice from this blog’s self-appointed spiritual leader:
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … “his kind” only smears £abour … for money.
May Allah’s mighty, powerful and awesome sword teach you an eternal lesson DeadHead Ed.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I wonder why David didn’t investigate Boris for antisemitism?
Maybe it’s because he never once called Jew murdering terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah his friends?
And never once laid a wreath in the memory of someone who was a mass murderer of Jews….?
Just a hunch…
Ken ‘naïve and gullible’ Dobbin.
Look whose talking
? ? ?
But talking truth.
You wouldn’t know the truth if it jumped up and f@cked you up the arse….with all due respect….
? ? ?
David Collier
Pakistan is a rogue terrorist supporting state.
A basket case of a nation that brutally oppresses its minority groups.
The children of their persecuted Christians are even kidnapped and forcibly converted.
They say -Pakistan doesn’t want to recognise Israel.
I say -who cares!
Mike replying to @mishtal
Israel is a rogue terrorist created state. Has had several terrorists as it PMs.
A basket case of a nation that brutally oppresses those it occupies and strips self-determination and statehood from its own non-Jewish citizens.
The children of its occupied are dragged from their beds in the early hours and taken into detention without representation and parents.
I ask – do any UK Zionists care?
I ask – do any UK Zionists care … the Smeeths, the Hodges, the Starmers, the Ellmans etc?
David Collier
Level 5:
Replying to
I literally get asked by students to help them. Most times I can never publicly talk about it. You clearly have no idea about what is actually going on outside of your bubble so I’ll end this here.
Tal Ofer טל עופר تل عوفر
Level 6:
Replying to
report introduction states ‘The vast majority of Jewish students have a strongly positive experience at university, and there are thriving Jewish student communities across the country’ which is what I said. You are effectively accusing the CST of ‘being in a bubble’
CST is as bent as s wad of 9 shekel notes
It is a Jewish org.
Jewish students enduring hell on campus …
Part of CST’s mission ..
“To speak responsibly at all times, WITHOUT exaggeration or political favour, on antisemitism and associated issues.”
Collier please note …. no wonder you are at odds with them.
CST DEPENDS on there being antisemitic incidents to survive. If none exists, they’ll manufacture a few or highly exaggerate, much like their American counterpart, the ADL.
Watch the award winning documentary “Defamation” to see how the ADL cons people.
Meanwhile, the donations keep pouring in from the stupid and gullable. What a racket!
Thanks for the link Bishop Fatti…
Will send a donation tonight….
As the Talmud says: Being stupid and gullable is no way to go through life Dobbin.
I’m sure that if the word “gullible” appeared in the Talmud then it would be spelled correctly…
How are the geometry lessons coming along Bishop Fatti?
Happy Xmas anyway…
This Rabbi observes Hanukkah, not Xmas, Dobbin.
Goodwill to all – the opposite ethos of your murderous, racist apartheid state.
The CST whores themselves to donors who have more money than brains, convincing them that the Jews in the UK are on the cusp of another shoah without their protection.
They have much in common with organised crime as witnessed by CST thugs at pro-Zio demos.
Now if you’ll excuse me.. ✡️?✡️
Gaza concentration camp tour….
Wow, what a slogan-fest at the Panto yesterday.
Is every one of you lads using an AI bot for auto response now?
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
You call yourself a ‘rabbi’ and then you spout ignorant nonsense like this……
……….”(The Learned) Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi commented on Channel 4 – meet the extremists ………..in the ‘Palestinian voices’ news clip.
……………….This Rabbi observes Hanukkah, not Xmas, Dobbin.
……………….Goodwill to all – the opposite ethos of your murderous, racist apartheid state.”
You ignoramus; Hanukkah is not a religious holiday to be observed, it’s a celebration of the victory by ‘Religious Jews’ (Bnei Yisrael – the people of Israel) over idol worshiping pagans in the land of Israel, then called Judea in 167BC to 141BC. It’s more like a party than a serious event.
The TEMPLE MOUNT in Jerusalem was liberated and rededicated in by the Maccabees 164BC
Now Michael; please show us another of your ignorant, incoherent and off-topic one-liner type comments that are your specialty
The Farmer and Levy duo of Antisemitic pantomime return with their silly oft repeated cut and paste slogan are at it again.
The reference to Jews and their malign intent with money echoes the ancient Antisemitic trope of Jews and money that has contributed to the murder of millions of Jews
The Farmer and the so-called rabbi used this cut and paste seven times on this blog stream since the 18-12-20 (and 16 times in all since 16-12-202)
………. Mike Farmer on December 6, 2020
……….Nakba? That reminds me.
……….No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
………..Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
And here I paraphrase there nonsense too much better effect
……….Nakba? That reminds me.
……….No ‘Farmer & Levy research’ into UN, Islamist and leftwing antisemitism. They are frauds.
……….Don’t fight antisemitism … they only smear Jews … for money.
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
How many times do I have to repeat this question before you have the decency and good manners to reply?
You still haven’t answered my question about Islamophobia that I have repeatedly asked.
I know from your comments that you are prone to either misreading and/or misunderstanding what I write, so can you please show me what/where I have evidenced any Islamophobia as per this ridiculous post of yours…..
……….”The odour of Islamophobia eminates from every one of your comments. You …………..need to take a …………shower to wash all the hate out of your heart.”
You are incapable of answering my question because you can’t.
I have never made any Islamophobic comments.
The Palestinians may be Muslim, but they comprise a mere minuscule percentage of the worldwide Muslim population and who were not included in my comment.
Islam is also not a race and has never claimed to be; so where is the racism other than in your conspiratorially addled brain
You are an Antisemite despite your attempts to claim you are Jewish.
Satan, or whatever it is you pray to, is eagerly awaiting your presence, and please don’t desecrate the Jewish Sabbath and Judaism with your your foul, vitriolic language
A while back you were making vague threats of suing me for libel or similar; what’s happening.
You are the master/mistress of the stupid meaningless statement. I have yet to see you substantiate any of your wild and unverifiable statements such as this ridiculous one…..
……….” CST is as bent as s wad of 9 shekel notes”
Why do you claim the CST is bent; and what evidence have you to validate this claim?
Why do you use ‘shekels’ and not pounds, as the CST is a British organisation? Oh wait! In your opinion it’s a Jewish organisation and all Jews and Jewish organisations are guilty of ‘dual loyalty’ and have ulterior motives for all they do so the Jewish currency is apt.
What is the significance of it being a ‘9 shekel note’? Is it to do with the fact that you believe that Jews are crooked and it’s reflected in their currency?
So is it the ‘village idiot’ reply, the deep silence reply or an obfuscatory bluster to deflect critisism
CST IS a Jewish and pro-Jewish organisation, Richard.
CST represents everything that is anti-Jewish. They protect Jews like the Kray twins protected “their own.”
Just as thuggish as well.
Now if you’ll excuse me….✡️?✡️
Mike you are an antisemite
He is.
Well, Stephen, others would know the contents of my mind better as I’m not Jewish.
CST’s sole purpose is to line the pockets of a “select few” (you know what I mean). Nothing more, nothing less.
Richard that is the classic logical positivist error. if it is meaningless how could you possibly know that it is meaningless? Srupid maybe . unproveable probably. But meanihgless ?
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
You claim to be a ‘rabbi’ and that you work for a Jewish Charity.
Most people are proud of any charitable work that they do, yet when I ask what charity you work for, this is the reply you give……..
……..”Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi
…………….I won’t use polite language with your kind, so FUCK OFF Stinky Dickie.”
Either you don’t work for a charity, or if you do you are afraid that the language and comments you
employ on this blog may cause you problems with said charity.
Keep asking. I don’t divulge personal information to the likes of “your kind” Stinky Dick.
So FUCK OFF again.
Moshe Barsky (who’s now a good Zionist) was a Zio and member of a Zionist kibbutz.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
Panto season is now in full swing here with all the AI bots posting all the slogans on auto response,
The character that pretends to be a cleric here as a provocational device is curious. People only seem to take the cloth in any of the religions for 3 reasons; to bother small kiddies, to rob the collection tray or to justify holy war. So, why would you pretend to be one of them unless you actually fancied doing one or more of those things ?
It’s just curious that anyone would pretend to be part of a profession that is mainly known across all the religions for corruption, sexual deviance and bloody violence, unless that’s actually their thing.
Brucie Brucie the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
If you do work for a Jewish charity I doubt they would countenance your foul mouthed language, your constant Holocaust denigration and diminution and your generally unpleasant disposition.
If they are aware of your predilection for insult and unpleasantness, then they can’t be much of a charity.
And yes, I will keep asking until I find the truth
” your foul mouthed language” = ‘your Hodge-like language’.
“Holocaust denigration and diminution ” = ‘ mentioning that the total Holocaust figure was 17 million including the 6 million Jewish victims’
“unpleasant disposition” = ‘not in David’s cult’
“the truth” = ‘David’s latest creation’
Michael, having observed your comments here for nearly 6 years it is clear that you have cultivated a certain style of writing to suit your purpose. It is quite self serving as there is no development of ideas or any sincere opinions but merely the basic activist approach of sloganising and being contrary wherever possible; back to your old friend Chris Rogers who you recall was happy with “any stick I can find to beat the Jew over the head”.
However, one thing I do appreciate is the very successful tactic that you have developed of using your words and grammar in a particular order that makes your posts impenetrable to any reader. This is clever because when your unintelligibility is pointed out, you can wheel out your slogan about the responder “lacking comprehension, much” and that’s that.
You’re a poor activist but this is one tactic you’ve clearly thought through.
? Let’s sing a holiday carol! ?
On the twelfth day of Christmas, Netanyahu sent me:
Twelve assassinations,
Eleven homes demolished,
Ten wells obstructed,
Nine sniper towers,
Eight gunships firing,
Seven checkpoints blocking,
Six tanks a-rolling,
Five settlement rings,
Four falling bombs,
Three trench guns,
Two trampled doves,
and an uprooted olive tree.
Hillel Neuer
Esther Horgen, 52-year-old Israeli mother of six from the Tal Menashe settlement in the Samarian hills, was found murdered last night after she went for a run on Sunday afternoon. Palestinian terrorists are suspected.
Today the U.N. will condemn Israel in two annual resolutions.
The UN will probably condemn Israel for placing its own citizens in danger by encouraging them and subsidising them to live, not in Israel, but in the Palestinian territories.
If only Esther had listened to the UN.
I wonder if a jealous boyfriend has been suspected .
That was Michael baiting the line with a murdered mother’s blood.
Still, as his old mate Chris Rogers said “any stick I can find to beat the Jew over the head”.
Let’s sing another holiday carol….
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
all seated on the ground,
some occupying soldiers came
and bulldozed all around.
“Fear not”, said one, for mighty dread
had seized their troubled mind.
“We will not do you any harm,
for we are good and kind.
“We’re forced to confiscate your land
to build ourselves a fence
to keep our people safe from all
your people’s violence.
“Some fields will stay, although cut off,
but access won’t be banned.
Yes, permits we will give to you
to visit your own land.
“For in the middle of this fence
we will construct a gate
and open it at certain times
though you may have to wait.
“However, to your flocks of sheep
this access is denied:
We don’t make permits out to sheep
so they must stay inside.
“You say that sheep need pastureland
to feed, or they will die.
I’m just obeying orders here:
Not mine to reason why.”
Brucie Brucie the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
You can play with as many ditties as you like, but until your Palestinian friends stop trying to kill Jews, we Jews will do what is necessary to protect ourselves.
And we are really not too bothered by an ignorant pretend rabbi and an ignorant Antisemite who knows nothing about Jews and sundry other Jews haters who try lecture us about their ‘lefty liberal neo-fascist’ ideas of right and wrong concerning Jews and Israel
And what is the name of the Jewish charity you claim to work for
Let us all sing….
O come all ye faithful,
all who care for justice:
O look ye, o look ye at Bethlehem.
Come and behold it
under occupation:
O come, let’s not ignore it;
O come, let’s not ignore it;
O come, let’s not ignore it;
Tell the world.
Sing, all ye people,
sing in indignation;
stand with the citizens of Bethlehem.
Sing out for justice,
freedom from oppression:
O come, let’s not ignore it;
O come, let’s not ignore it;
O come, let’s not ignore it;
tell the world.
Still quite curious about the character that pretends to be a cleric here as a provocational device.
People mainly take the cloth in any of the religions for 3 reasons; to bother small kiddies, to rob the collection tray or to justify holy war. So, why would you pretend to be one of them unless you actually fancied doing one or more of those things ?
Is it safe to leave kids, cash or sharp objects around this character?
Beit Lechem is Hebrew for House of Bread….
If you were a Rabbi (or even Jewish) you would know that….
Not the brightest are you Bishop Fatti?
Brucie babes the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
When you devote the same venom and hatred to far more egregious situations than Israel, then maybe your faux indignation would be more believable.
China has imprisoned hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Uighurs in concentration camps, re-education camps and forced labour camps and the ‘lefty liberal neo-fascist progressive’ social justice warriors don’t have a word to say.
The perfect example of intolerant hypocritical bigotry that permeates the ‘left’, and especially the anti-Jewish Antisemitic left-wing
Not sure how criticising Israe l and Zionists on a blog makes one “anti-Jewish Antisemitic “.
You surely haven’t fallen for Collier Crap have you?
The Bruce Levy has claimed he is a rabbi. There is no proof that he is a rabbi other than his own claims.
In the USA and on the internet it is possible to buy all manner of things like degrees and titles, so there is nothing to prevent there also being qualifications etc. for sale as well.
Maybe the title of ‘rabbi’ is a purchased one, as we only have the Brucie babes words to go on that he is what he claims to be.
If it’s ‘unproveable’ and ‘stupid’ the chances are extremely high that it will also be meaningless.
Nothing in life is an absolute, so there will always be the chance that the ‘stupid and unproveable’ will have some meaning; but the odds on that are rather slim.
you don’t understand the sentence…
” One of Jupiters moons is made of green cheese ” ?
You dimwit
By your own admission you don’t know anything about Jews and Judaism, yet you are forever pronouncing on both.
And you are continuously conflating and using the terms and references for Jews, Judaism, Zionism, Zionists and Israel interchangeably without knowing it
You pronounce on things that you are either ignorant of or don’t understand. Go over your posts and comments for reference
Quote what I said about not knowing Jews, Richard.
Well Michael, you did endorse a tweet that said “Jews are counterfeit human beings” and refused to deny it despite me giving you ample opportunity. So, was this reaction based on Jews you had met or as Richard suggests, your ignorance and prejudices?
And another is made with blue cheese with pink dots – very tasty too – just don’t get to go there as often as I like
There you go. You perfectly understand it.
? Sing along with you Rabbi ??
Hark, the herald angels sing:
“Look what’s really happening
while you sing of peace on earth,
eat and drink with festive mirth.
Nations, open up your eyes:
Stop the silence and the lies,
and throughout the world proclaim:
There’s a Wall round Bethlehem!!
Hark, the herald angels sing:
“Look what’s really happening!”
Symbol of our lack of peace,
symbol that our woes increase;
symbol of the hate and fear
filling places far and near.
If peace comes to Bethlehem,
it will radiate to them.
Nations, join with us to call
For the downfall of the Wall.
Hark, the herald angels sing:
“Look what’s really happening!”
Peace with Morocco ??
Peace with Bhutan ??
Peace with UAE ??
Peace with Bahrain ??
Peace with Sudan ??
This is what is REALLY happening Bishop Fatti….
Have a great Xmas….
No annexation with Morocco at the table ??
No annexation with Bhutan at the table ??
No annexation with UAE at the table ??
No annexation with Bahrain at the table ??
No annexation with Sudan at the table ??
Israel has been snookered.
We don’t play a lot of snooker with the Arabs Michael. They get narked at how long we occupy their tables and we pocketed all their balls years ago.
Brucie Brucie the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
Shouldn’t you be aiding your idol satan in his denigration and diminution of the Holocaust and his mockery of Holocaust survivors, or is that just your own personal works
What is this purported Jewish charity that you claim to work for; or is it just another figment of your over active conspiratorial mind.
Does Richard agree with the 17 million Holocaust deaths figure?
Does Michael agree that Jewish people care about Jewish things, for example Hitler’s “Jewish Problem”?
REAL Jews care about ALL humanity, not just those who share the same beliefs.
Ah, this chap!
Still quite curious about the anyone that pretends to be a cleric here as a provocational device.
People mainly take the cloth in any of the religions for 3 reasons; to bother small kiddies, to rob the collection tray or to justify holy war. So, why would you pretend to be one of them unless you actually fancied doing one or more of those things ?
And you, clown, are the authority?!
I’m a REAL devout Jew whose existence Koshers the pro-Palestine campaign.
Bishop Fatti…
You are about as Jewish as a bacon butty…
Still very unclear why anyone would pretend to be a cleric of any religion. Even the most cursory examination reveals a “profession” infested in every corner with sexual deviance, corruption and bloody violence.
Perhaps this pretence is the only thing preferable to being something like a disgraced former shop worker, although I doubt it.
The pretend rabbi Brucie Levy does support holy war,; against the Jews
Brucie Brucie the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
You claim to be a devout jew, yet you desecrate the Shabat with your profanities and foul insulting language. You mock the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors. You claim to be a rabbi, yet you use your mobile on Shabat to insult and curse Jews. And you support those that have publicly, and in their manifestos, call for the murder and destruction of Jews.
You are an insult to Judaism alongside your friend Greenslime (sorry, I meant Greenstein)
You have been trying to deJudaise the Holocaust for a long time now.
It doesn’t matter how many times it is proven that the Holocaust was unfortunately a Jewish catastrophe and was so named by Jews, you just repeat yourself over and over again. There was a massive genocide committed by the Nazis against the people of Europe; but the Holocaust was a catastrophe directed solely at the Jews by Hitler as he tried to carry out his threats to solve the ‘Jewish Question’
Your constant repetition of this refrain is another example of your Antisemitic anti-Jewish sentiment as displayed by yourself on David’s blog on a continuous basis
So, truth is antisemitic now.. beyond a joke, Richard.
So Truth is Islam-o- FAUX-bic. 8-o
To learn more about Irrational “Islam-o- FAUX-bia”,
see 9/11, London’s 7/7, Charlie Hebdo, Batacan, bombing of Boston Marathon, Beslan school massacre, Mumbai India massacre,
bombing of Pan Am 103, 270 dead, (whose 32nd anniversary was this past Monday).
Bishop Fatti…
You are about as Jewish as a bacon butty….
Sing along with your friendly neighbourhood Rabbi and spiritual leader….
O little town of Bethlehem,
How still we see thee lie!
A wall is laid where tourists stayed
and people can’t go by.
And in they dark streets shineth
No cheerful Christmas light.
The hate and fears of eight sad years
are met in thee tonight.
How silently, how silently
The world regards it all,
As now thy heart is torn apart
By Israel’s ghetto wall.
They terrorise a people:
A war-crime and a sin.
Their winding “fence” can make no sense:
Revenge can still get in.
O ye who now rule Bethlehem,
Cast down the iron cage,
The walls of hate that separate
And harden and enrage.
The land grab and apartheid:
This violence must cease
If there’s to be a land that’s free,
a Bethlehem at peace.
* PS: Those Zios have been terrorising Palestine/Bethlehem for much longer than eight years – Intifada Rabbi
I’ve asked a number of people what they think of when they think of religious clerics in any of the main and less main religions. The top responses were, corruption, extremism, debauchery, theft, violence and Father Ted.
So, I am still curious to know why anyone would want to pretend to be one of them unless they were any of those things or perhaps, fans of Ardal O’Hanlon.
Remember ImaM Oron,
“Nakba” is ETERNAL.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
You say this without thinking that yours id the truth of the Antisemite………
……….”Mike Farmer commented on …….
…………So, truth is antisemitic now.. beyond a joke, Richard.”
You are attempting to change what is the accepted historical narrative to suit your own warped Antisemitic agenda. The accepted historical narrative has always been that the Holocaust was a singularly Jewish catastrophe until the ahistorical history revisionists tried to alter/change the narrative, starting probably after the Antisemitic UN Durban conference in 2001
It is yourself that seeks to minimise the crime of murdering 17 million in the camps etc.
You continue to mention only the 6 million Jews who perished. Sicko.
Jeez Michael. Jews care about Jewish things, like Jews being slaughtered by Nazis as the Final Solution to their “Jewish Question”.
Of course you know this already, but hey. “Any stick I can find to beat the Jew over the head” eh?
you ignorant dimwit
Can you show me once where I have minimized or ignored the genocide in the Nazi Germany and occupied Europe.
Tell me one other group besides Jews where entire families and communities were rounded up and shipped to their deaths as an organised attempt to totally eradicate all trace of that particular group.
Show many any other group besides the Jews that had the Nuremberg type race laws against them
Read ‘Mein Kampf’ to see the animus that Hitler directed specifically towards Jews
Hitler said he would solve the ‘Jewish Question’. Besides the Jews and Gypsies, what other people/racial groups did Hitler threaten
Trying to deJudaise The Holocaust is Antisemitic.
There was a genocide of millions committed by the Nazi Germans against the people of Europe. The Holocaust was a singularly catastrophic Jewish disaster.
Even dictionaries list the Holocaust as a Jewish catastrophe; I even posted a dictionary entry.
But an Antisemite like you will never accept any evidence other than that that confirms your own detestable anti-Jewish bias
“Trying to deJudaise The Holocaust is Antisemitic.” Ridiculous claim.
It is yourself that is attempting to ‘Judaise’ the killing of 17 million victims by Hitler’s henchmen and relegate other victims to a less important role.
55 million died because of Hitler’s madness yet 6 million Jews is the most important figure to yourself
Jeez Michael. Jews care about Jewish things, like Jews being slaughtered by Nazis as the Final Solution to their “Jewish Question”.
Of course you know this already, but hey. “Any stick I can find to beat the Jew over the head” eh?
And the craven government of IRELAND was a friend of National Socialist Germany during WW2.
Another dopey Zionist-Jew. Clueless.
Not the brightest are you Farmgirl?
Michael, you responded to a Collier tweet today about ‘Palestine’, writing ” wonder why Jews have been so hated in the past”.
In your opinion what is the reason that Jews have been so hated in the past?
Michael, two hours ago, in reply to a Collier tweet you expressed the opinion that ” Zionism IS pro-Jewish racism. But, you’re Jewish so, what the hell.”
In your opinion is Palestinianism, pro-Arab racism?
(Hint. I know you couldn’t give a shit about Arabs but I am keen to see the extent of your feigned angst)
Sing along with your Rabbi:
I Made a Little Settlement (to the tune of “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel”)
(h/t Adalah-NY)
Leviev’s building settlements
On Palestinians’ best farmland
and bulldozed houses
Calls cops when they protest!
[Chorus] Oh boycott, boycott, boycott
Don’t buy Leviev today
Funds crime with all that profit
Who needs diamonds anyway?
And when Jews come to Israel
Lev sells them stolen land
The law says it’s illegal
He says catch me if you can!
Apartments for Jews only
Discrimination, sure!
Thinks Palestine’s the problem
And Apartheid is the cure!
[Chorus] Oh boycott, boycott, boycott
Don’t buy Leviev today
Funds crime with all that profit
Who needs diamonds anyway?
Dividing up the West Bank
Jewish-only homes and roads
Makes Palestine impossible
Peace talks a cru-el hoax
It’s not just Palestine
Where Lev defies the law
At his building sites in Brooklyn
Workers have no rights at all
[Chorus] Oh boycott, boycott, boycott
Don’t buy Leviev today
Funds crime with all that profit
Who needs diamonds anyway?
So boycott Leviev diamonds
Until his land grabs cease
Love your neighbor, not your glitter
This season, work for peace
[Chorus] Oh boycott, boycott, boycott
Don’t buy Leviev today
Funds crime with all that profit
Who needs diamonds anyway?
I’ve asked a number of people what comes to mind when they think of religious clerics in any of the main religions. The top responses were, corruption, extremism, debauchery, theft and violence
So, I am still curious to know why anyone would want to pretend to be one of them unless they were into any or all f those things.
It’s because (like most Jew haters) he’s not very bright…
… and Muslim haters like David and Edward …. are they “not very bright”?
Well they hate Muslim terrorists….so I would say that they are very bright….
Anyway, A Merry Christmas to all the readers … and even to those on the Dark Side. …. and a New Year to everyone.
Thanks FG…
Just remember when you go to church and kneel down before that crucifix that Jesus Christ was himself a Jew….born to Jewish parents….and had 12 Jewish disciples….
Happy Xmas FG…..
Was disillusioned with Judaism and died a Christian, Ken.
Mike Farmer speaks truth.
Jesus was born a Jew
Lived as a Jew
Died a Jew
He ate his last meal whilst celebrating the Jewish Passover….
Fancy you being a Rabbi and not knowing that…
Anyway happy Xmas Bishop Fatti…
Ken is correct on this one of course
Not only were there not any Christians at the time of the crucification there weren’t any for decades afterwards, until after the death of James.
Christianity is following the words and tenets of Jesus.
Jesus himself did that towards the end of his life.
At the last supper He took the cup in like manner after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, even that which is poured out for you.’
THAT is not Judaism.
He was therefore a ‘Christian’ when he died.
Jesus himself did that towards the end of his life.
Prior to that was he walking around saying ” you know Jesus you are so full of shit “
Not in any Bible I’ve read, Stephen.
Actions vs Words?
2.4 billion Christians get on their knees every day and pray…..to a Jew….
Happy Xmas FG….
You too fake Bishop Fatti….
… and everyday 9 million Israelis get on their knees and thank the US for keeping their state afloat and viable by huge patronage and the constant US veto.
Well I’m sure Israel is very grateful to the US for brokering the recent peace deals between Israel and 5 formerly hostile Arab nations…
I’m sure they are also grateful for the billions of dollars of extra revenue that will be coming their way as a direct result of these peace deals….
Very kind of them to do that….
The first time that the Board of Deputies held an ‘anti-racist’ demonstration was against Corbyn outside Parliament in March 2018. Who took part? Arch Tory racist Norman Tebbit, proponent of the racist ‘cricket test’ (the idea that immigrants who support the Indian/Pakistani cricket teams weren’t really British) and sectarian bigot, Ulster Unionist MP Ian Paisley! Even the Zionist placards were antisemitic!
I remember that. The CST Neanderthal, knuckle-dragging thugs (apologies to Neanderthals) were present dressed in CST bling to “protect” the unwashed rabble.
If Jesus was born in Bethlehem today, he would have a Green ID.
Being from Nazareth, Joesph and Mary would have Blue IDs.
Jesus would need an Israeli military permit to visit his family or go to Jerusalem.
This is Israel’s Jim Crow and tiered segregation.
Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all.
Shalom, from your favourite blog community Rabbi.
Yes I’m sure the teachings of Jesus would have gone down well in 21st Century apartheid Palestine….
They are all such enlightened open minded folk….
Ah well….it’s a good job Jesus was born when he was in Jewish Judea….
Happy Xmas Bishop Fatti…..
Thank you Hashem for your gift of life and health. I pray that you watch over all who come to share in the joy and prayer at Beth Springfield.
I ask that you see to it that the sociopath Ken Dobkin receives the help, care and treatment that he so desperately needs.
I also ask that you lead the lost soul who calls himself “Edward” towards Allah, so that punishment may be administered and a lesson learned.
Thank you Hashem.
ImaM Oron,
I wish you and yours a
Happy and Eternal Nakba filled with
Workplace Accidents and Jihadis Interruptus! 🙂
Sing along with your Rabbi:
In the bleak midwinter,
Refugees made moan;
Netanyahu stood like iron,
Trump was like a stone.
Tanks were rolling, tank on tank,
Tank on tank,
Through the camps of Gaza
And the West Bank .
How can we stop him,
Silence of the nations
Lets him carry on.
Where is there a wise man
Who could do his part?
Tell the world to stop him
With its heart.
Nakba? That reminds me DeadHead Ed….
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
“His kind” only tries to monetize antisemitism for profit
Must be hard for antisemites of the Christian faith to reconcile themselves to the fact that they themselves pray to a Jew every single day….
That fact alone is enough to send some people over the edge….
Ah well….
Happy Xmas FG and Bishop Fatti….
On this holy day, let us reflect on the injustices that are committed every day against the Palestinian people by the satanic forces of Zionism.
May peace be upon you.
Let us sing:
The olive and the IDF
When they are both full-grown,
Every olive tree on the West Bank
The IDF cuts down.
O the rampaging of settlers
And the rolling of the tanks;
The grinding of the bulldozers
As the olives fall in ranks.
The olive bears a berry
As green as any grass;
When the owners go to pick the fruit
They’re not allowed to pass.
O the rampaging of settlers
And the rolling of the tanks;
The grinding of the bulldozers
As the olives fall in ranks.
This oppression bears a berry
As red as any blood,
As the owners see their livelihoods
All trampled into mud.
O the rampaging of settlers,
And the rolling of the tanks;
The grinding of the bulldozers
As the olives fall in ranks.
If you want to buy the olives,
You’ll find it very hard;
To those that make it to checkpoints
The way outside is barred.
O the rampaging of settlers,
And the rolling of the tanks;
The grinding of the bulldozers
As the olives fall in ranks.
The olive and the IDF,
When they are both full-grown,
Every olive tree on the West Bank
The IDF cuts down.
I’ve asked a number of people what comes to mind when they think of clerics in any of the main religions. The top responses were, corruption, extremism, debauchery, theft and violence
So, I am still curious to know why anyone would want to pretend to be one of them unless they were into any or all of those things.
A Christnas Miracle? A little star over Bethlehem? No. A drone of totally unknown origin destroying another Iranian advanced weapons dump in Syria.
Typically, they’re pointing the finger at Israel. How rude.
You Zios are making the world a more dangerous place, for all of humanity and especially for us Jews.
Thanks for showing why Zionism is the biggest cause of antisemitism on Earth, clown
Israel may or may not be involved in slaughtering Iranians and destroying their forward positions near our Northern borders. Any finger pointing is purely speculative. One thing is certain though. Absolutely no fridges were damaged in the success of this mission.
Some eggs cracked.
I’d say that’s a REAL Nakba.
ImaM Oron,
Thanks for showing why Islam-o-FAUX-bia is the biggest sack of BS on Earth.
See 9/11, London’s 7/7, Pan Am 103, Boston Marathon bombing, Charlie Hebdo massacre, Bataclan massacre, Beslan school massacre, Bastille Day massacre in Nice, France, beheading of British soldier Lee Rigby by a Muslim IN the UK,
beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty for teaching a class on Freedom of Speech.
Brucie Brucie the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
I’m sure the Palestinians are waiting for evermore of your little ditties.
Imagine how useful they are to the Palestinians; with them ringing in their ears the Palestinians will suddenly be transmogrified into supermen conquering the Middle East etc etc
Go for it Brucie; they really need your help so badly
You claim to be a devout jew, yet you desecrate the Shabat with your profanities and foul insulting language. You mock the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors. You claim to be a rabbi, yet you use your mobile on Shabat to insult and curse Jews. And you support those that have publicly, and in their manifestos, call for the murder and destruction of Jews.
You are an insult to Judaism alongside your friend Greenslime (sorry, I meant Greenstein)
One of my favourites….
Sing along with your favourite spiritual leader. You too Stinky Dick Galber.
Ding Dong! Merrily on high
The F-16s are winging,
drones appear from out the sky
Their deadly cargo bringing
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis
Ding Dong merrily on high:
In Europe there’s a quand’ry
Dingdong verily the Zi-
onists want their own country.
Gloria, they’ve taken someone else’s.
E’en so here below, below
with guns and bricks and mortar
Israel’s colonies do grow
But they need much more water
Gloria, they’ve taken someone else’s.
Pray ye dutifully prime
your policies and spokesmen.
Surely now must be the time
to act for peace and freedom.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray.
Shabbat shalom.
Such a curiosity. There are 9 live cases involving allegations of real Rabbis sexually molesting little kids; nowhere near as many as the cases proven against Catholic priests or against Islamic leaders in the UK and Europe. So why would anyone pretend to be one of these guys when they have this reputation for vile and criminal debauchery?
Rotherham Child Sexual Exploitation Scandal – 1,400 girls raped.
” these cases were distinctive because most of the men had Muslim names and were working in groups”
> You too Stinky Dick
ImaM Oron, Please tell us why you have this fixation on smelling “dicks”.
Aren’t camel dicks enough for you?
Aaah Michael. 15 hostile responses to a Collier tweet about rockets fired at Israeli civilians from Gaza yesterday, 15 snarky mean spirited slogans !!!
Just been listening to your Queen on the telly, telling you lot what Jesus would have done. You weren’t paying attention, were you?
Poor Mike has only just realised that he’s been praying to a Jew his whole life….
Now that one’s gonna hurt….
Happy Xmas everyone….
Michael’s end of term report says “Has slogans rather than beliefs. 12 months of going through the motions”.
A Christian, silly.
Jesus was born a Jew
He lived as a Jew
He died a Jew
Jesus was never a Christian…
Christianity was invented way after the death of Jesus…
Silly Farmgirl….
Mary and Joseph were Jews too.
At the last supper He took the cup in like manner after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, even that which is poured out for you.’
THAT is not Judaism.
He was therefore a ‘Christian’ when he died.
Yes, yes. Enough of your fairy stories for now Michael. What do you think of the UAE proposing the dissolution of UNWRA?
From reliable sources, I understand that Father Christmas was detained by the IOF because he wasn’t carrying the correct documentation.
During his interrogation, he was beaten and had a few teeth knocked out before being allowed to resume his journey because of all the publicity.
The IOF spokesperson stressed that though Israel takes security very seriously, Father Christmas was treated humanely and received “special treatment” during his time in detention.
Father Christmas is about as real as a functioning Palestinian state….
Like most things you type here it exists only in you deranged mind…
Happy Xmas Bishop Fatti….
Your Terrorist Palis tried to assassinate Father Christmas because he was a Crusader.
Your Palis Failed.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
In the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, I’ve seen t-shirts on sale with IDF symbols that proclaimed Santa Claus (Father Christmas) to be anti-Semitic.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
Chaim Ushkevitz spent 11 years pretending to be a Rabbi as well. His motivation was to keep a job in a school in Efrat where he was bothering the kiddies in plain sight.
Why would anyone pretend to be one of these guys unless they had something darker to hide?
Must be horrible for Jew hating vermin of the Christian faith when it finally dawns on them that they have been getting on their knees and praying to a Jew their whole lives?
I imagine a realisation like this could be enough to tip them over the edge…?
Ah well…Merry Xmas everyone….
STOP PRESS!! Father Christmas has been accused of antisemitism and suspended from the Labour Party, pending investigation.
Seems Starmer received a complaint that Father Christmas only delivers gifts to Gentiles and not Jews. Oy Vey!
Collier will be tweeting and blogging about this soon and Scoffy will be picketing the antisemite’s workshop with his apartheid Israel flag.
This chap reminds me of Yosef Gandlemann who got 11 years for mortgage fraud back in the 90s. In stir, he “found god” and also pretended to be a Rabbi. They slashed his sentence and let him out on licence which meant he had to keep the pretence going on the outside.
Wonder what our lad’s story is and whether he’ll have to keep it going in civvy street.
And speaking of the criminal classes, this may upset Michael.
Regulars here may recall that when this brutal murder of a wife and mother was announced, our Christian – spirited sloganist was quick to respond here. Never one to miss an attempted provocation, Michael gleefully speculated that the victim had probably fallen foul of a jealous lover.
Nice to see the old booby remaining true to the methods of old pal and erstwhile contributor, Chris Rogers who said ” Any stick I can find to beat the Jew over the head.”
There are no limits to the depths that these Jew hating vermin with sink to in order to espouse their racist bile….
And yet they get on their knees and pray daily to their Jewish Messiah and his Jewish mother?
What f@ckwits they are….
Ah well…Merry Xmas everyone…
David, can we have your reaction to Father Christmas’s suspension from Labour for anti-Semitism?
The ZF, CAA and UK Chief Rabbi “Zio Dracula” has written to Starmer calling for Father Christmas’s expulsion and wants his reindeer and workshop sold, with proceeds fattening the coffers of “Jewish charities” such as the CST. This seems to be right up your street.
Going after an elderly man who brings joy to children once a year. Disgraceful. This really is a witch-hunt.
How low can you Zios go?
This – if true – is a reason why you Zios are so despised.
So many similarities between this gibbering buffoon and Hanif Iqbal, the Bradford man that pretended to be a cleric for 14 years to mask his involvement with grooming gangs recently bought to book by West Yorkshire Plod.
Wonder what our boy’s motives are for his pretence and what pervy ‘previous’ he’s hiding.
Dear Hashem
Thank you for your gift of life and health, both physical and mental, and for keeping us safe in this age of COVID.
I come to you today to plead for your help in curing your wayward son who calls himself “Ian Kay” of mental illness.
Let us pray…
May the One who blessed our ancestors —
Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah —
heal “Ian Kay”
May Hashem, the Holy Blessed One
overflow with compassion upon Ian
to restore him
to heal him
to strengthen him
to enliven him
Hashem will send Ian, speedily,
a complete healing —
healing of Ian’s mind —
along with all the ill,
among the people of apartheid Israel and all Zionists,
without delay,
and let us all say: Amen!
You are about as funny as a burning orphanage ?
I pray that the new year will deliver you a sense of humour…
Wow, 28 lines just about me. Nearly as many as Ze’ev Pinsker snorted up before he was collared for embezzling the $126k charity fund that he’d collected in the US whilst also pretending to be a Rabbi in 2004.
What is it about all these crims that think they can get away with murder by just pretending to be a cleric?
Brucie Brucie the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
I’ve heard there are some of your ilk accusing Santa of Islamophobia
Brucie Brucie the foul mouthed pretend rabbi and Holocaust denigrator
Of course Santa only delivers presents to Christians at Christmas you dimwit.
We Jews have Hanukkah, the Jewish celebration of liberty from foreign oppression in ‘The Land of Israel’, where presents are given. Hanukkah is a great celebration of Zionism and Jewish liberation
You dimwit
Christ was born a Jew and died a Jew.
Christ never renounced his Judaism; he did try to reform Judaism.
The followers of Christ followed Jewish custom until their practices were altered by the Greeks and later the Romans into the new religion of Christianity; and, like Judaism, Christianity is still based on the Old Testament no matter the beatings at historical revisionism by you and your ilk