SOAS opens its doors to EUROPAL and neo-Nazi antisemitism

SOAS are hosting a purveyor of Nazi and KKK antisemitic theory on March 7. The event is billed as a student workshop offering advocacy for ‘Palestine’, however this Hamas linked group -EUROPAL – has previously published a booklet pushing hard-core neo-Nazi antisemitism SOAS is known as a hotbed of antisemitism. It has the dishonour of being a university in central London where Jewish students have … Continue reading SOAS opens its doors to EUROPAL and neo-Nazi antisemitism

Jews ethnic cleansing

The ethnic cleansing of Jews and left wing hypocrisy

Talking about the historical ethnic cleansing of Jews from the whole of North Africa and the Middle East is an easy method of proving the antisemitism within the Palestinian cause. This example started with a simple tweet. A tweet that clearly points out that whilst Arabs make up more than 20% of Israel’s population, the rest of the Middle East and North Africa has virtually … Continue reading The ethnic cleansing of Jews and left wing hypocrisy

how many more school textbooks

How many more school textbooks are spreading lies and hate?

School based revisionist history and antisemitism took centre stage again yesterday as more evidence of the rancid distortions that are freely taught to our children came to light. In a sign of how bad things are – this news didn’t even break in the UK. I first got hold of the story through a post published on the US based blogger ‘JewishChick’s Facebook page. She … Continue reading How many more school textbooks are spreading lies and hate?

eu WhIch one is which

Funded by the EU, driven by Palestinians. BDS activism in EU clothing.

Those of us involved in fighting back against spreading antisemitism and the lies about Israel understand that the deeper we dig – the more unbelievable the situation becomes. As I said to someone yesterday when news broke of a UK KS3 schoolbook which suggests the creation of Israel may be behind the 9/11 attacks – nothing surprises me anymore. There are no limits to the … Continue reading Funded by the EU, driven by Palestinians. BDS activism in EU clothing.

Methodist Sizer

The Methodist Church promotes antisemitic conspiracy theorist

The Methodist Church, the fourth largest Christian Church in Britain, are actively promoting an antisemitic conspiracy theorist as one of their key readings on the subject of Israel. There are six thousand Methodist churches and a total membership of approximately 330,000 people. Globally the community number 70 million. My own experiences with the Methodist Church have been far from comforting. Anti-Israel propaganda events at Hinde … Continue reading The Methodist Church promotes antisemitic conspiracy theorist

Amazon hate crime

Amazon – profiting from calls to isolate Jews and follow Hitler’s ‘blueprint’

I recently purchased a book titled ‘The Jewish Hand in the World Wars‘. A 169-page sewer of raw antisemitic hatred that describes how ‘Jewish duplicity, deception, belligerence and naked self-interest’ along with their ‘significant influence’ drove the world to wars for Jewish gain. You would think that a book full of such blatant antisemitism – from turning historical events into Jewish led false flags through … Continue reading Amazon – profiting from calls to isolate Jews and follow Hitler’s ‘blueprint’

palestinians perch

Trumps vision: knocking the Palestinian cause off its perch

For two days now, there have been a stream of articles calling Trumps ‘peace plan’ everything from a conspiracy to Apartheid. Quite a few of the ‘predictable’ politicians from the UK and US have bitterly attacked the initiative. Judging by Emily Thornberry’s comments in parliament it seems that many of them are unlikely to even have read the American ‘vision’ before calling those involved with … Continue reading Trumps vision: knocking the Palestinian cause off its perch

Holocaust denial rise of the left

Antisemitism and Holocaust denial – the rise of the left

It is HMD, Holocaust Memorial Day. 27 January marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. As we pause to remember this year – we do so in the shadow of a rise of antisemitism around the world. The central sewer upon which today’s antisemitism feeds is Holocaust Denial. For decades Holocaust Denial was restricted to small gangs of Nazi apologists, instantly recognisable for the … Continue reading Antisemitism and Holocaust denial – the rise of the left

antisemite - the wack a mole game

Catching the antisemites – playing a whack a mole game

Whack a mole is a popular game based on a repetitive and futile task. You are faced with numerous holes in the ground and you can never be sure out of which one the mole will appear. Your role is to ‘whack them’ wherever the pesky animals surface. The task is endless. Most of those who are seriously fighting antisemitism understand this concept perfectly. It … Continue reading Catching the antisemites – playing a whack a mole game

Board of Deputies

The Board of Deputies don’t want us to talk about their survey

I start with an apology. This blog is one that I am forced to write. The trigger is a survey that the Board of Deputies is trying to put together. One I feel poses a real threat to our community. Over the last few weeks I have tried in vain to open a dialogue with the Board of Deputies. I have not been alone in … Continue reading The Board of Deputies don’t want us to talk about their survey