BBC News: A deceptive, amateur, anti-Zionist train wreck

There comes a time when you have to accept there is no saving the BBC, and we are way past that point. I am so angry and tired with all this that I cannot even be bothered to give this piece a proper introduction. I have broken this analysis of the latest attack by the BBC’s anti-Zionists down into nine digestible parts.

1. The BBC’s viral attack on Israel

Four days ago the BBC launched yet another attack on Israel. This one was over an IDF strike on a building in the Sidon area of Lebanon on the 29 September. There were a large number of casualties (although the number is in dispute -ranging between 47 and 73 – and there appear to be some errors – this is beyond the scope of my piece).

Along with the article, the BBC also published a documentary that is available on iPlayer as part of its ‘Eye Investigations’ series. Along with the wannabee (and useless) ‘BBC Verify’ fact checking team, ‘Eye Investigations’ is another expensive part of the BBC machinery. In other words this one cost the BBC (and you) a lot of money.

I am now quite adept at spotting problems with BBC material, and this story had red flags waving everywhere. I had a simple choice when I set out to do this exercise. Rather than go deep and check every name involved I felt there was a better test to play here. If I limited my own research to just a day or two – then any rigorous BBC fact-checking before publishing should also have uncovered the errors.

Therefore what is laid out below suggests there is no effective check or balance system to counter a BBC engine room that is overflowing with anti-Zionist journalists.

2. A journalist that shouldn’t

I have written about the main journalist Nawal al-Maghafi before. She once presented a BBC Verify piece that promoted lies worthy of a Russian Soviet era misinformation service. It should come as no surprise, al-Maghafi has serious history associating with some of the world’s most toxic anti-Zionist media.

Nawal Al-Maghafi was born in Yemen – one of the countries that just happens to be firing ballistic missiles at Israel. Following her career path, she worked with Al Jazeera – the Qatari state mouthpiece – and wrote for Middle East Eye – another pro-Qatari propaganda machine. More troublingly she has worked with PRESS TV – a state media outlet of Iran – the regime sponsoring almost all of the trouble in the Middle East.

In that same flavour, she has platformed alongside Massoud Shadjareh- the head of the Iranian backed ‘IHRC’. The IHRC are the ones who organise the annual pro-Hezbollah, pro-Iranian al-Quds march. And on her social media timeline, there are several ‘free Palestine’ hashtags.

When it comes to Israel, Nawal al-Maghafi is the journalist that simply shouldn’t.

3. The article and the premise

The article was written to demonise Israel and to find it guilty of disproportionate actions. It promotes a ‘spiteful enemy‘ narrative. Everything about the article feeds into that bottom line. I imagine Nawal al-Maghafi knew what she was going to write before even receiving the green light to ‘investigate’. As will be shown below – it appears that evidence that countered her position was somehow ‘undiscovered’, was downplayed or ignored completely.

The article relies on two key pillars – both of them nonsensical. Firstly – if evidence cannot be found online to prove someone is a terrorist – then they cannot be one. Hezbollah is transformed into an honest agent – and there is no appreciation – or understanding of how the damage Israel is inflicting on the battlefield, may have influenced the terrorist organisation’s behaviour. If the wife of a terrorist says her husband is not a terrorist – that was enough for this article.

Secondly, to reinforce all the usual misconceptions, the BBC acts as if it can double guess Israeli intelligence – even at a time when Israeli intelligence had just proven its depth of knowledge in the field. They appear to believe they can definitively fact check whether or not Hezbollah did have an operational base in or beneath that building by asking people questions.

There is arrogance, stupidity and ignorance beyond description at play here. These BBC journalists are way out of their depth – but then it does seem (as will now be shown) that ‘truth telling’ was never part of the actual agenda.

4. The only building in the town

An important part of this story is the site of the building that was attacked. It was in Ain El Delb which is in the Sidon region. In its piece on the attack the BBC rely a lot on Julia Ramadan’s brother as a witness. In another interview he did after the attack, he states that the only target in the whole of Sidon, was this building.

BBC anit-Zionist lies

This is important context. The town, Ain El Delb, has an overwhelming Christian majority. Yet the one target the Israelis went for – was full of Shia from the South. Perhaps the IDF knew something about these residents, that the BBC journalists did not. At the very least, given the deep infiltration of Hezbollah by the Israeli intelligence, the idea this was some type of random or indiscriminate attack should have been clearly removed from the BBC article.

5. An example of a Hezbollah ‘nobody’

While the BBC article does much to overstate the civilian aspect of the casualty list, it spends just as much time downplaying the Hezbollah presence. In fact, Nawal al-Maghafi works hard to promote the idea that the six acknowledged Hezbollah members were insignificant.

  1. She notes that the labels she had seen Hezbollah attach to the members implied they were all of a lower level
  2. Questions whether any of the six identified were the intended target
  3. Includes a statement from the wife of one that suggests these were not fighters at all.

However, I soon found myself swimming in evidence that suggests either al-Maghafi did not search properly, or that she did, but simply wanted to ignore the findings. Given the ease with which I found this information, the abundance of it, and finally the import of those involved – I simply do not understand how this was missed by the BBC team. Either they are beyond incompetent, or they were not interested in actually looking for the truth.

The strike took place on the 29 September. In Hebrew the same day, reports came out that the strike had killed the Hezbollah leader for the Sidon area – Ahmed Awarki. This was carried on all the main Israeli channels. Given the BBC article explicitly claims that Israel’s responses to the attack were ‘particularly interrogated’, it is odd these were missed.

Further. Ample evidence of this type was available in both English and Arabic:

Which means that immediately following the strike, news broke that the head of Hezbollah for the Sidon area was inside that building and suggested that he was the intended target. Because (another thing completely ignored by the BBC journalists), Hezbollah were often not announcing, nor honouring their fallen in real time (especially as the conflict turned against them), Awarki was not given a ceremonial burial until much later:

This person is so unimportant, they were still carrying on with Hezbollah linked memorial services late in December – several months after his death:

Somehow the BBC missed all this -and it is certainly not mentioned at all in the article. But it wasn’t the only face in the building the BBC failed to see.

6. The Most powerful (invisible) man in the building

In the facial images presented by the BBC are twenty adult males. Six of these are acknowledged to be Hezbollah fighters. But there was someone inside the building who could pull rank on all of them – and the BBC journalist never even mentioned him. The eleventh face (first left on bottom row) belonged to Dr. Radwan Saleh Ibrahim Abdullah.

Radwan Abdullah

Radwan Abdullah was a ‘member of the Central Follow-up Committee for Mobilization and Organization in the Fatah Movement’ – in Lebanon. He officially retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 2022. In Lebanon, this man is Fatah royalty. And this raises serious questions. Is it a coincidence that in this ‘sleepy Christian village’, a Fatah man responsible for mobilisation, finds himself in the same building as a man who apparently heads Hezbollah for the Sidon area – along with at least 5 other Hezbollah members. How on earth did the BBC journalist not get any of this?

7. The Hezbollah ‘child’

The BBC article suggests that they found no more than six people affiliated with Hezbollah. As mentioned, the journalists downplayed the importance of the Hezbollah fighters, although several other than Awarki also appear to have had ceremonial Hezbollah burials. The three pictured here – all in Hezbollah military uniform – are Muhammad Fatayerji, Ihab Ibrahim and Ali Qabisi.

But this led to another problem. At this ceremonial event in December, Hezbollah gave its burial respects to Ibrahim Ibrahim, who was the son of Ihab. In the BBC article he is presented as an innocent child – although it is unclear how old the photo is – or how old Ibrahim would have been on September 29. Yet, when the BBC journos were searching for images – they must have seen him with the uniform and Nasrallah pictures chained to him.

I do not know exactly how old he is – but I do know he is affiliated to Hezbollah. I also know Hezbollah held a ceremonial burial for him. Which means the BBC article is in error again – this time by presenting a Hezbollah linked person as an innocent child.

These are all things the BBC did not want you to know. I only spent a day on this. How much more have they been sneaky with? – here is another point.

8. The Hezbollah family

The article does not focus on family units, instead it almost tries to hide the fact that all the six Hezbollah terrorists were with family. One of those named is Mohammed Fares. He was with eight family members. Two of those (Ali and Hussain) are adult males. How can we be sure they are not associated with Hezbollah? I am not saying they have to be – but given the family connection no proper journalist should go in the opposite direction either. All three come from Hezbollah strongholds, all three are close family – and one is certainly tied to Hezbollah.

The other five Hezbollah terrorists are also there with family. Ali Qabisi’s family numbers seven. The rest have wives and children present too. How many of the total number of those who died were part of this Hezbollah network? And if there are dozens of them (and there were) – and they are using this building as some type of operational HQ (as seems possible, especially given the presence of the Fatah leader), then just who is responsible for turning this building into a viable military target? I do not know the truth for sure – so I certainly wouldn’t go trying to spread lies around the world based on errors and empty assumptions like the BBC just did.

9. Arrogance, incompetence, antisemitism and anti-Zionism

Imagine the arrogance needed for a journalist to believe that they can assume things about Hezbollah’s behaviour, just as Hezbollah was being battered in the battlefield. Or to ask the wife of a Hezbollah member a question – and be so certain she is telling the truth, you spread her words to people around the world.

The BBC article is not journalism. It is raw anti-Zionist propaganda. As with all the other fake news stories from the BBC that have gone viral, there is no undoing what has been done.

The BBC has now been employing those it shouldn’t for so long – and there are so many of them now – these are the people in control of content. The BBC engine room is full of people rushing to suggest they should be allowed to conduct yet another biased investigation into Israel.

But the problem at the BBC is far deeper than just these anti-Zionist activist journalists. We have reached a point where those in positions of power can see nothing wrong with an ex PRESSTV journo engaging in a investigation into IDF behaviour.

Please complain about both the article and the documentary. The BBC should not be permitted to get away with such amateurish student journalism – especially when it is helping to spread anti-Jewish racism around the UK.


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5 thoughts on “BBC News: A deceptive, amateur, anti-Zionist train wreck

  1. BBC are arrogant as they know they can do what they like as they have no accountability for our licence fees. FOI request dismissed see below:
    We have carefully considered your request and concluded that it is clear from your de￾scription of the information you are seeking that if the BBC held information of the kind
    you have asked for, it would all be held for the purposes of journalism, art or literature.
    The FOI Act does not apply to information held by the BBC for any of those purposes. This
    is explained in an information sheet enclosed with this letter.
    To be clear, in this case we have not searched for any information since any that we found
    would be non-disclosable, and the searches would not serve any useful purpose.
    Review and appeal rights
    In cases where we determine that the requested information is held for the purposes of
    journalism, art or literature, we do not offer an internal review. However, you can ask the
    Information Commissioner to decide whether the BBC has done what the FOI Act requires.
    Complaints can be made online at￾plaints/. Other contact details are:
    Information Commissioner’s Office,
    Wycliffe House,
    Water Lane,
    Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
    Tel: 0303 123 1113 or see
    Yours sincerely,

  2. From:


    The Gaza Islamist death cult “health ministry” controlling regime, AKA Hamas, has used the scenes of releasing of innocent hostages (in exchange of 30/50 terrorists [1]) for propaganda, attempting to boost jihadi morale among its youth and project “strength” to world media. They have been surrounding the victims – innocent hostages (starved, but fed fully only days before release [2]) by hundreds of terrorists, knowing full well they’re shielded from Israeli defenders eliminations at those hand over moments.

    Though the Palestinian Authority (who isn’t ‘moderate’ by any stretch of imagination) did expose [3] their real cowardice, by stating the facts that they were dressed as civilians, causing so many deaths during the war, and now they brag.

    But, all were masked [4]. From head-to-toe covered.

    The simple question every pro “palestine” activist needs to be asked, why would these fake “heroes” hide their faces if, there was any iota of truth in Pallywood propaganda to promote Pallyweid slurs, by lying that Israel, supposedly fires randomly?



    [1]. “Israel’s painful sacrifice: Trading convicted murderers to save innocent hostages.”
    JNS, January 24, 2025.

    [2]. Ronny Reyes, “How Hamas rebuilt its numbers and made a show of force for the hostage swap — despite Israel killing 17,000 terrorists.” New York Post, January 20, 2025.

    [3]. “Palestinian Authority Daily Mocks Hamas’ Armed Operatives In Gaza: Throughout The War They Hid Among Civilians And Caused Many Deaths, Yet Now They Parade Around In Uniform.”
    January 24, 2025

    [4]. “Gaza hostages held in tunnels for over 8 months, were starved, IDF medical officer says.”
    ‘They had little to no human contact and showed signs of ‘mild starvation’; Hostages said their treatment improved in the days leading up to their release including more food and showers.’
    Reuters. January 27, 2025.

  3. Don’t forget the other BBC “reporters”: Jeremy Bowen,three times censured for lying on behalf of Arab intersts,bt The Press,Orla Guerrin,and pro-Arabist, Lise Douchett,whose odd accent is always telling the world how awful the IDF are.

  4. Here is BBC’s sister in crime…


    Mobs VS Scared Female Hostage: Again, Only Haaretz (Haaretzism) Was Desperate To Whtewash Guilty Ordinary “Palestinian” Arabs.

    On Jan 30, 2025, seeing footage of thousands, literally, of bloodthirsty Gazans, cheering, mobs attacking scared hostage 29 civilian woman Yehud Arbel, it reminded the pre Israelis response ‘Oct 7 war’: masses of Gazans gloating cheering, celebrating on that fateful day.

    Reaffirming the shocking ‘secret’ no one dares to talk about: the lack of innocent among ordinary Arab “Palestinians”.

    I Google searched for “arbel scared,” guess who whitewashed the guilty “Palestinians”?

    Even Hamas’ mouthpiece and linked, Qatar’s Al Jazeera didn’t appear on the screen for this despicable propaganda at this early moment.

    Only one site was like a thorn on display. The infamous twisted hate site HAARETZ. The dreadful line of Haaretzism: in justifying Arab racism and Islamic bigotry- the motivation and engine for anti Israel, anti Jewish atrocities.

  5. Another proof, those showing “genocude” know it’s empty. It’s just that: pallyWeid.


    Omar: Trump’s Gaza Proposal ‘Plain Out Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide’.
    Breitbart 02/09/2025 | Pam Key.
    Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that President Donald Trump’s Gaza proposal was “just plain out ethnic cleansing and genocide.”

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