Israel vaccine libel

Palestinians and the Covvid vaccine – the return of the anti-Israel libels

The propaganda surrounding Israel and the vaccine allows us a brief glimpse into the true motivations of the forces fighting the Jewish state. The Palestinian propaganda industry is somewhat fortunate in that the core of the conflict is so often buried deep out of sight. The Jews did not just stand up and win against the genocidal forces that aligned against them, they created their … Continue reading Palestinians and the Covvid vaccine – the return of the anti-Israel libels

Boris Johnson

An open letter to Boris Johnson – do not u-turn on antisemitism

Boris Johnson PM I basically have just one question to ask you – are you a man of your word? After all that British Jews have been through over the last few years, after all your promises and supportive words – it seems as if you are about to go back on everything that you promised. You are about to betray British Jews. We all … Continue reading An open letter to Boris Johnson – do not u-turn on antisemitism

Islamists in London

Gaza, Sky News and the Islamist march on London

They came from as far away as Bradford for this Islamist march on London. The screams to destroy the Jewish state were loud, the streets were full and the flags were waved. In the shadows of the birthplace of democracy, and the statues that commemorate our national heroes, Islamist flags stood proud and high. Only a few miles away, at Sky News HQ, Journalists worked … Continue reading Gaza, Sky News and the Islamist march on London

Durban IV hatefest

Durban IV – The UK Government must withdraw – NOW!

In September, the United Nations gather to commemorate twenty years since the 2001 Durban conference. It is the fourth gathering of its type – hence Durban IV. The original conference in 2001 was a pivotal event in the spread of antisemitism throughout the west. If there is any truth to the Government’s stated position of taking the fight against antisemitism seriously – any truth at … Continue reading Durban IV – The UK Government must withdraw – NOW!

Sky News Mark Stone

Sky News and Mark Stone – the anti-Israel propagandists

The recent reporting from Sky News in Israel has been shameful, and their Middle East Correspondent Mark Stone has been leading the charge off the cliff. It wasn’t always this way – something seems to have broken in Stone, and his reporting seems to have recently deteriorated into one-sided anti-Israel activism. Because of the sense of normality Israel tries to retain, despite rockets raining down … Continue reading Sky News and Mark Stone – the anti-Israel propagandists


Lies, incitement and irresponsibility – the western betrayal of Israel

Israel is under attack and Israeli civilians are once more being targetted by the rockets of radical Islamic terror groups. 1000s of rockets have been fired at dozens of Israeli towns and cities.  Radical Islamic terrorists are trying to kill as many innocent civilians as they can. This undeniable simplicity makes the betrayal, incitement and irresponsibility of mainstream media, and western politicians – all the … Continue reading Lies, incitement and irresponsibility – the western betrayal of Israel

Cycling Weekly anitsemitism

Anti-Israel propaganda on two wheels – Cycling Weekly turns toxic

The thing about the antisemitism ‘whack-a-mole’ game is that you can never be sure where the next anti-Israel propagandist will pop up. I mean – Who would think of checking one of the UK’s oldest and biggest cycling magazines, ‘Cycling Weekly’, for lies about Israel? But as it turns out, one of their writers has a hard-core anti-Israel fetish. Cycling Weekly’s latest edition carried a … Continue reading Anti-Israel propaganda on two wheels – Cycling Weekly turns toxic

Wikipedia poisoning minds

Wikipedia – the most active spreader of antisemitism on the planet

Today – tens of millions of people – including many children -will type something into Google’s search box. Because of Google’s algorithm, a Wikipedia entry will almost always feature as one of the top results: It has probably held true for a number of years that more people have their opinion shaped by Wikipedia on a daily basis – than by any other information source. … Continue reading Wikipedia – the most active spreader of antisemitism on the planet

The Jerusalem declaration on antisemitism harmful to Jews

The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism – harmful to Jews

In reality, all this definition does is allow antisemites to get away with abusing Jews. Recently a definition of antisemitism called the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism was published. It presents itself as an alternative to the internationally accepted IHRA definition. The birth of the Jerusalem Declaration The seeds of the Jerusalem Declaration were planted in London and Germany. In the UK, there was the government-encouraged … Continue reading The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism – harmful to Jews

terror - behind the mask

Exclusive – BDS network exposed as front for Islamic terror groups

I have called the boycott movement against Israel (BDS) the ‘siege engine’ of the radical Islamic terror groups. Read this exclusive (Israel Coalition) research that proves that the BDS movement is part of the machinery of war: The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine There is an NGO that acts as an ‘umbrella group’ for a global network of Palestinian solidarity organisations. It is called … Continue reading Exclusive – BDS network exposed as front for Islamic terror groups