
Academics against Jews – another shameful story

The ultimate purpose of peer review is to maintain integrity and standards in academic research. It is therefore a policing exercise. Academic research that has undergone peer review is considered to be validated and can be published in respected academic journals and spread around as ‘science’.  Wikipedia, other academics, journalists, and students build from these journals safe in the knowledge that the peer review system … Continue reading Academics against Jews – another shameful story

Guardian Nimbus con job

The Guardian is actively trying to undermine Israel – the Nimbus story

Nimbus is a $1.2 billion dollar project recently awarded to Google and Amazon. The Nimbus contract is about supplying cloud services to the Israeli government. The anti-Israel boycott movement, BDS, is fully aware that the entire tech industry is well outside of its reach. Israel is a world titan of tech and innovation and every single tech monster on the planet wants a piece of … Continue reading The Guardian is actively trying to undermine Israel – the Nimbus story


Attack my site all you want – you won’t stop the truth being told

For those that don’t know, my website has been under attack again. For much of the last week, I suffered sporadic down-time – until by Thursday the site was taken off-line for almost two days straight. Two years ago, I faced persistent, brute-force, distributed denial of service attacks, and I had to reinforce my website to resist them. This time around, it appears the attack … Continue reading Attack my site all you want – you won’t stop the truth being told

Sally Rooney

An open letter to Sally Rooney – on the boycott of Israel

Sally Rooney, I understand from the recent publicity that you are engaged in a boycott of Israel. Let’s be frank, the manner in which the story originally came out was a bit of a mess wasn’t it – because it painted you as someone who was boycotting Hebrew, rather than just Israel. Following this initial negative publicity, I am certain that the key players of … Continue reading An open letter to Sally Rooney – on the boycott of Israel

Shame of it

What if… it wasn’t Ireland? The awful truth about the antisemitism report

On Thursday I published an indepth study into antisemitism in Ireland – much of it disguised as anti-Zionist activity. This is Ireland’s shame. These are the facts: The report was based on years of research. The report contains 760 footnotes that provide concrete evidence to support the findings. It exposes Irish politicians who have shared blatant fake news stories. Shows Irish politicians have also like … Continue reading What if… it wasn’t Ireland? The awful truth about the antisemitism report

Antisemitism in Ireland - the report

Antisemitism in Ireland – an exclusive report on anti-Jewish hatred

Today I publish a 202-page report on antisemitism in Ireland. It is the result of several years of intense research that involved 1000s of hours of online swimming in extremist sewers. The examples and findings presented in the report should sicken anyone interested in combatting antisemitism. What makes it even worse is the level of ‘antisemitism denial’ coming from the Irish politicians, academics and activists. … Continue reading Antisemitism in Ireland – an exclusive report on anti-Jewish hatred

evicted against at conference

The Labour Party conference (and being thrown out at another JVL event)

I am back down in Brighton for the Labour Party Conference. Credit were it is due – this is a very different conference from the ones I attended when Corbyn was leader. But it is also true that if you scratch the surface there are signs of serious trouble ahead. And as a reminder of how toxic the party can still be – I was … Continue reading The Labour Party conference (and being thrown out at another JVL event)

wIKIPEDIA - edited by antisemites and terrorist supporters

Project Wikipedia – meet the antisemitic and terrorist supporting editors

Radicalisation is defined as the ‘the action or process of causing someone to adopt radical positions on political or social issues’. Extremists know that they cannot easily enter the mainstream using traditional routes, but Wikipedia, one of the world’s most popular websites, has provided them with a direct voice into every home with online access. Editing Wikipedia, certainly at the high level needed to consistently … Continue reading Project Wikipedia – meet the antisemitic and terrorist supporting editors

Nakba 1948 myth

Pillars and Myths – destroying the false narrative of the 1948 Nakba

I witness pro-Israeli arguments online every day – and one of the things that always depresses me is when I see those defending Israel get stuck down pointless rabbit holes. Anti-Israel activists are only interested in the present ‘what’ – as in ‘the prisoner’, ‘the checkpoint’, ‘the wall’ – and they do this because this is where they are comfortable. These propagandists deliberately avoid the … Continue reading Pillars and Myths – destroying the false narrative of the 1948 Nakba

Bristol University submits to Islamists

The University of Bristol submits to the Islamists world vision

It has been a long, difficult and so far unsuccessful fight by Jewish students at the University of Bristol. Professor David Miller has spent much of the last two decades mapping conspiracy theories about ‘Zionist’ power, dressing them as academia – and then teaching them to students. Since serious complaints about him surfaced, he then turned his conspiratorial mind towards the Jewish students themselves – … Continue reading The University of Bristol submits to the Islamists world vision