For those that don’t know, my website has been under attack again. For much of the last week, I suffered sporadic down-time – until by Thursday the site was taken off-line for almost two days straight.
Two years ago, I faced persistent, brute-force, distributed denial of service attacks, and I had to reinforce my website to resist them. This time around, it appears the attack was somewhat more sophisticated.
The motive behind the attack is a simple one. I produced an in-depth report exposing horrific levels of antisemitism in Ireland. The report captured politicians, academics and activists engaged in either spreading blatant antisemitism or helping it to spread through the Irish mainstream. Obviously some people simply wanted to stop the truth being told. As an additional handicap I had my gallbladder removed on Thursday, and rather than have an opportunity to rest – I needed to spend the first two days following the operation putting the pieces of my website together again – so as to get the crucial evidence back online. As you can see from reading this – the site is now operational once more.
So for those who may have missed some of what has been taking place, this post is here as both a reminder and a reference.
Last week I produced a blog to introduce the report. There is also the report itself – an in-depth 202 page study on antisemitism in Ireland. The report was uploaded to another location during the attack on the website so people could still access it (Open cloud link) – see also an upload on the website of the Israeli Embassy in Dublin. The Jewish Representative Council of Ireland published a statement on the back of the report calling for Ireland to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism.
The report laid bare the scale of anti-Jewish hatred in Ireland – running freely as it does wrapped up in the mask of a social justice argument. From politicians and academics – to the activists on the street, the word being spread through Irish towns is that Zionists are a demon race who must be eradicated from the earth. The evidence is all there – and the unbelievable story of the hounding of the Former Justice Minister Alan Shatter highlights the real world cost that Jewish people in Ireland pay for the Irish anti-Jewish obsession.
After the report was initially met with silence – I wrote a second piece pointing out that the media silence at the time told more about the sorry state of affairs in Ireland than the report could ever have done by itself. I also followed up the report with an open letter to Sally Rooney following her vile statement of support for the cultural boycott against Israel.
Something in all this triggered some haters into taking action to have my voice – and the evidence – removed from the internet. First came the abuse – then the attack.
Which in the end all counted for nothing. It is worth noting that the report on antisemitism in Ireland has since received extensive media coverage:
The Irish Times, The Telegraph, Sunday Times, UK- Irish edition, Sunday Independent Ireland (offline) The Spectator (Julie Birchill), Jewish News, Jewish Chronicle, Jerusalem Post – article, Jerusalem Post – 2nd article, Jerusalem Post – editorial, The News Letter, JNS (Melanie Phillips), JNS, Algemeiner, The Irish Catholic, CIDI., Times of Israel, Israel Hayom 1, Israel Hayom 2 ( Eldad Beck). Eldad Beck article Translated in Spanish, Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad (offline), Israeli Embassy in Ireland,, Kevin Myers website, Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs, Canadian Institute for Jewish Research. In a real first, I was even mentioned by name in the Irish Seanad (Senate).
It is sad that we live in a time when even blog sites are a target and independent researchers have to spend considerable funds protecting themselves and their work. But as we saw on Friday in Southend – they are also real tragedies in our world. The terrorist attack against Sir David Amess MP puts things squarely into perspective.
The fact they are so badly trying to silence me – just proves that they fear what I have to say. Nothing makes me stronger – more determined, nor more convinced in the justice of the cause I fight for – than the fact that the antisemites keep attacking this site. I am an Investigative Journalist, I fight antisemitism everywhere and I stand up for truth. They could not stop the report being shared widely and the truth is out about Ireland now. Make sure people know about it!
Support this research
This is all part of ongoing research – on Wikipedia, Anti-Zionism in Academia, and a growing problem with antisemitism and rising radical Islamism. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover – it is unique, hard-hitting and it goes wherever it needs to. But this research also depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for seven years I have been exposing hate and creating headlines.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history and expose antisemitism. I fight when others don’t. Please help If you can, please consider making a donation. Your help makes it all possible.
You can make one-off or regular PayPal donations using the donate button below.
Or by using my Paypal.,me account. If you wish to provide regular monthly support outside of PayPal you can also do this via my Patreon page
Every contribution is both needed and truly appreciated

David, I suspect that the reason your site was attacked is not because of all the high moralistic principles you attribute to yourself, it was because you are a racist i.e. a Zionist, which is probably the worst type of racism.
Hello Jack. Even though the Irish, the UK Islamists and even longtime troll Stephen Bellamy say it’s about Jew hate (it’s the Irish culture, you know), you alone seem to come here to say it’s about Zionism. How come ?
That comment alone says it all – antisemites claiming that Israel is racist. Just hiding their hatred behind fake nonsense.
Another degenerate Israel fetishist.
Not that this is a surprise based on your level of talent and poor hygiene Jack-off, but man you are getting sloppy here. You missed a ton of your usual checklist marks: touting how wonderful anti-Zionists are, lying about their numbers, weeping that Jeremy Corbyn won’t give you a rimjob anymore. If you’re going to be a troll, don’t be a lazy one. We already have Dumb-Bell for that.
Saying “Zionism is the worst type of racism” is exactly what makes you a filthy animal antisemite, exactly what makes Zionism so necessary and just, and exactly why Israe exists – to protect us from savage barbarians like yourself, who go cross-eyed and speak in tongues whenever confronted with the horror that is a Jew.
The Jewish people have suffered the likes of you for too long. You don’t matter to us anymore. You used to rampage through our towns, murdering Jews on imagined charges based on nothing but rumours and your own savagery. Now you are nothing more than an anonymous comment on a blog.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
We know you’re a moron, Ed.
Let this IOF prostitute (apologies to prostitutes) try krav maga against a squadron of Al Aqsa martyrs. Will be like using a stone against a tank.
ImaM Oron, May ALL of your jihadi pigs become martyrs of Workplace Accidents and IDF firepower.
Happy Nakba! 😉
P.S. Move the “Al Aqsa” mosque to
AL ASKA – a GREAT place for a “furthest mosque”.
Zionism IS racism. Period.
Your kind would do well to keep your head down and your mouth shut.
Zionists have a similar twisted mind set to Creationists, one of whom recently attended a university lecture on archeology and the advance of humans.
At the end of the lecture, the professor let the cat out of the bag that he had been describing evolution. At that point a Creationist in the room became hysterical because he was so engulfed with Creationist myths and garbage that his mind flipped and would not accept the truth, even though it was supported by physical and scientific evidence.
Have a nice day you blinkered Zionists.
Hello Jack. I see you chose to ignore my inquiry above. You never seem keen to clarify why you insist on focusing your obsessive hostility on Zionists when all your allies amongst the Irish, the,UK and US Islamists and even long time troll Stephen Bellamy say it’s about Jews. Why is that ?
I seem somehow to have requested a payment from you rather than made a donation! Not sure how to unwind that or if indeed I have to
all sorted Leonard – thank you and will respond privately.
You learned the hard way that the Irish aren’t such a soft target after all.
Fake name and description
Lol, why would you think this is about attacking Irish people?
There is antisemitism in Ireland. There’s antiSemitism everywhere. Clean it up and this is all over and we can be friends again.
ImaM Oron,
You and your racist jihadi and Eurotrash pals learn the hard way that the Israelis aren’t such a soft target after all.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
One day they will learn
I salute your amazing courage, David. You are a true warrior for truth and justice against the forces of evil, and we are so lucky to have you. Wishing you a speedy recovery and full return to health.
Hear, Hear !
The Irish aren’t such an easy target after all, as you have now learned.
Yeh you just said that
Your short term memory ain’t good is it Loonster? Must be all those meds they give you at your care facility?
🙄 😁 😉 😕 😝
Repeated As a public service for yourself and your fellow imbeciles, Judeo-Nazis, Zios, pretend Joos, opportunists, hustlers and con artists.
You’re welcome.
“pretend Joos, opportunists, hustlers and con artists.”
I feel I should point out how you have just redefined the word IRONY right there…..when you yourself into all FOUR of those categories…..? ?
You fall into ALL of them ” Ken.”
ImaM Oron needs to look in the mirror.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
We know you’re a M Oron Ed.
ImaM Oron,
Happy Eternal Nakba! 😎
“pretend Joos, opportunists, hustlers and con artists.”
CONGRATULATIONS on your redefinition of the word IRONY….
You just described yourself so perfectly but are clearly just too stupid to realise it…
Well done Loonster…
Why does Brucie say that the Irish are an easy target ? Is it because they are quite open in their prejudice towards Jews? ( Regular troll, Stephen Bellamy wrote in a recent comment section here that this is part of their culture). Does Bruce think that they’d be a harder target if they robustly defended their racism or perhaps offered a strong justification for it ?
Ian Kay on October 18, 2021
“Why does Brucie say that the Irish are an easy target ?”
Re-read my comment. I said the Irish are NOT an easy target – unlike a few small colleges, minor political hacks, students and Wikipedia.
So, our Brucie is now saying that the Irish are a hard target? Why does he say they are targets at all? Is it because they are unwilling to challenge accusations of Jew hate? (Remember even our house troll Stephen says it’s part of their culture). Like Stephen, Bruce hates it when people draw attention to prejudice against Jews. He may feel different if he was one.
Brucie is not the brightest huh?
🙄 🤪
When backed into a corner, like trapped Zio rats you are, instead of having a proper debate, you stoop to personal insults.
Your kind are all alike.
Now if you’ll excuse me, this Rabbi has a wedding to prepare for.
Ooh, a debate. Yes lets. How about this.
” When the UK and US Islamists, the Irish and even other trolls on this site say that it is about Jews, Bruce is still saying it’s about Zionists. Why ?”
Is this what he meant by a proper debate ?
Backed into a corner?
I must have missed that…
When did that happen exactly?
🙄 😁 😉
Love your shorter posts since you got released from the “hospital” Brutes, it’s cut the ratio of skimming-to-forgetting your scrambled-egg brain ramblings from around 25 seconds on either side to around 8 seconds on either side (I’m being generous on the timing there, but hell I’m in a good mood this morning).
What does “Mayer” mean Brucie ? When you look it up it says it means “farmer”. Check it out.
“Farmer of London” or is this some sort of subtle activist tribute to the late Michael, former troll of this parish?
I was recently told by someone from Omagh (Hi, Colm, if you see this) that “The Jews were landless gypsies…” and hence had no right to live in Israel…. He had nothing to say about the Irish diaspora.
The noble Irish don’t run an apartheid state.
Israel is STILL an apartheid state.
Oh boo-hoo Farmer Bruce. Whatya gonna do ?
Ireland is a racist sithole which has provided a safe haven for institutional child abuse and murder by the Catholic Church to take place unhindered for decades….
Disgusting really….
You clearly don’t even know what apartheid means. Post us a photo of an apartheid sign from Israel if you can. I saw one when I was there…it was a sign warning Jews not to use a certain road because of the threat of Arab terrorist attacks.
Omagh isn’t in Ireland fuck wit