The Irish Times has just produced yet another rancid article attacking Jews. This in the same week that Ireland’s ‘bestselling’ political magazine ‘the Phoenix’ was busy spending its time smearing those Jews that fight antisemitism. When we look for a central pillar of Ireland’s widespread antisemitism, we really have to look no further than the Irish media.
When it comes to Israel, the people of Ireland are woefully misinformed. If any people in Europe should naturally support the State of Israel – it should be the Irish. The Jews were betrayed by the British. The Jews saw their land – that was set aside for them by the League of Nations – divided by the British to create the colonial non state of Trans-Jordan.
The British went on to renege further on their international duties by slowly strangling Jewish immigration. In fact, by the late 1940’s – with the British putting Jewish concentration camp survivors back into camps rather than allowing these refugees a safe haven – the Jews were in open warfare with them. Israel was the product of an anti-imperial fight by a chained people in desperate need of freedom and self determination
But this is not the first time Ireland has been on the wrong side of history when people came for the Jews. When Hitler’s genocidal thugs were eradicating European Jewry – Ireland chose to (at best) sit on the fence. Partial Irish support for the Nazi regime has been well documented. This time around the Irish media is visibly helping to lead them astray.
The role of the press
Following my report on antisemitism in Ireland there have been various attempts by the Irish media to downplay the key findings. If the central role of media is to ‘inform’ then the Irish Media, spearheaded by the Irish Times, is entirely failing in its duty.
A functioning press assesses and challenges the actions of government – making their findings known to the public. Voters can then make their informed feelings heard through the electoral process. If the press does not do its role, politicians are no longer accountable to the people. In a representative democracy a free and functioning media is of utmost importance.
In a recent interview I did with Revelation TV, I pointed out these failings:
Irish politicians are sharing viral lies, fake news, to demonise the Jewish state and there is nothing in the press. Where is the media? Our media in the UK check every post that every politician makes – if a politician does something wrong, he gets pulled up instantly. How is it that not a single Irish newspaper ever – picks up any Irish politician pushing a lie against the State of Israel… Each part of our society has to do its role.. in a situation in a nation where your politicians are losing the plot, becoming obsessive, sharing fake news and spreading hate – whose function is it to expose it? It’s the media. So you absolutely have to look at the Irish media and ask where it has gone?
The Irish Times piece
The Irish Times is one of the worst offenders when it comes to its reporting on the conflict – often obsessing over Israel, demonising Zionism, loading headlines, or publishing an endless stream of anti-Israel letters.
Which brings us to the most recent Irish Times article about antisemitism. It was penned by Sue Pentel (McGeown) and Jacob Wolf, two of those ‘good Jews’ on the fringe (think Jewish Voice for Labour or Jewish Voice for Peace) that antisemites always roll out as a first line of defence.
This is an ‘old antisemitic ploy’:
The piece is full of the usual nonsensical propaganda that was thoroughly debunked by British Jews as they fought the antisemitism in the Labour Party. It is disgraceful that any responsible media should still propagate this venom.
Yet the Irish Times continually gives these people a voice. They would not give such a voice to fringe elements of other minority groups.
I’ll give just one example from the article, which the authors themselves considered ‘crucial’ to their argument:
“Crucially, the working definition (the IHRA) has been widely criticised by over 40 Jewish organisations globally”
The statement is utter bunkum. There was a propaganda list of ’40 organisations’ that the US group JVP put out to support Corbyn’s Labour Party. Back in 2018 I looked closely at the groups named in the list. Most of them were one- or two-man bands. Some had only been created to sign the letter. Bloggers called themselves organisations. Several people signed more than once. One group was even fronted by someone not Jewish – pretending to be a Jew – who was also an antisemite and Holocaust denier.
This is the crucial evidence on which the article depends! What an absolute disgrace that the Irish Times gives legitimacy to this type of empty antisemitic propaganda.
There is a very simple test. Jews thrive in places where they are welcome and safe – and Jewish communities fade in places where the opposite is true. Ireland’s Jewish community has been evaporating. Which means that whilst Sue and Jacob are engaged in an attack against the safety net which the few Irish Jews that remain need – it is the Irish Times that has given them the platform.
The Phoenix hit piece
It says much that the biggest article dealing with my report in Ireland ended up being a hit piece that attacked me rather than the antisemites. It was a full two-page spread in the Irish news and satire magazine ‘the Phoenix’.
The piece itself is an incoherent mess written by someone who because of laziness and an underlying ignorance is left simply spouting gibberish. It always astonishes me that some people who call themselves journalists, write about things they clearly do not know the first thing about. The Journalist – and it may be the editor Paddy Prendiville – would fail the most basic of tests on antisemitism and the Israel / Arab conflict.
It seems that for political purposes – and to protect Sinn Fein – the author simply wanted to get a hit piece out – and then randomly tried to piece together an article by using previously used smears against me. Much of it from the Jew-hating rag the Electronic Intifada. He relied on antisemitic notions too – such as the one that suggests that British Jews who speak out against antisemitism are secret Israeli Embassy operatives. The article even ends with a trope by referencing our ‘enormous resources’.
This was clear from the outset in the message the editor of the Phoenix sent me before publication, which doesn’t shy at all from trying to establish the Israeli Embassy link:
I did respond to this – but the Phoenix editor decided not to put any of my response into the article.
I am not going to spend time addressing the piece here. The person who wrote it clearly didn’t read the report and it is littered with too many basic errors to reply with a straight face. But I do want to highlight two items inside – because they are bigger than the article itself – and can be used to drive home some important points about Ireland’s antisemitism.
In Ireland, ‘Hitler was right’ has become normalised
In my report I had exposed that a sitting Irish politician, TD Chris Andrews, had liked a FB post that suggested Hitler was right. This is mentioned by the Phoenix:
Firstly Andrew’s ‘like’ was on FB not Twitter – just one of the countless errors in the piece. But how can anyone read Andrew’s comment about it and not be left aghast. Andrew’s waved it away by saying he didn’t read it properly, but he did admit it was made by a Palestinian activist and SF member that he knew (it was actually a prominent member ‘Tom Coughlan’, circled in both images below):
But this response raises the real issue. I don’t have any friends, on FB or elsewhere – who believe that ‘Hitler was right’. Nor I hope would any sitting politician in any decent western country. Ireland is so far gone, so far beyond the normal, that as Andrews distances himself from liking the post- he doesn’t bother distancing himself from the man who said it. The author of the Phoenix hit piece doesn’t see this issue either – because as he explains – we need to understand the Irish anger because it is driven by Israel’s ‘murderous’ treatment of Palestinians.
Which creates the second problem. Racists often justify their dislike of their targets by lying about them. So, is it true, as the Phoenix states – are Israelis murdering Palestinians on a high level?
Checking the high level
I looked at this further. Because it sits at the root of anti-Israel activism. Antisemitism is explained away as anger. But factually there are fewer Palestinians in the West Bank killed by Israeli forces (and almost all of those deaths occur during attacks on Israelis) than there are people killed in homicides in Ireland. Which means even Ireland’s streets are deadlier than the West Bank.
It is an astonishing graph that brutally exposes Irelands anti-Israel obsession for what it is. The West Bank shows an environment in which Israelis and Palestinians mix daily. It also must be pointed out that we are not comparing like for like. The Irish people are murdered. The vast majority of deaths of Palestinians occur whilst they are engaged in killing or trying to kill Israelis. This graph shows just how obscene the Irish obsession with Israel is. What makes this all even worse is that Ireland’s homicide rate is in itself relatively low:
Irish Times? What about those Irish evictions
There are other issues that Irish people need to look at long before they obsess over and spread lies about what is happening in Israel. Take forced evictions as an example – a staple of the Irish Times attacks on Israel. Israel faces similar pressures that Ireland experiences with rising rent – with far more demand than supply on properties -and yet Ireland’s homelessness problem is 7x+ that of Israel’s. 700%+!! Why? Mainly because of forced evictions – throwing families out of their homes – sometimes from homes they have lived in for decades:
As families of Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah were permitted to fight their case for decades from within a property for which they refused to pay rent – they enjoyed Israeli legal protections of which the Irish can only dream. Yet the Irish media – often led by the Irish Times – still feed the frenzy over their potential eviction.
This means that as the Irish have obsessed about Israel evicting a few families not paying rent in Jerusalem – they have been busy evicting hundreds of families themselves.
Even when Israel tries to remove Palestinian families that illegally place their tents inside closed military areas this receives front page attention from the Irish Times . Yet Irish children are thrown onto the street in Dublin without much argument. I imagine the homeless people in Ireland only wish that their media was as obsessed about them as they are about what Israel is doing. Ireland has over 2300 homeless children! Many from families forcibly evicted from their homes. Israel’s figure is close to zero. Truly shameful.
The antisemitism has blinded them
What blindly ignorant people such as the author of the Phoenix article fail to fathom is that their belief in the lies that are spread (such as the one of a ‘high level of murders’) is rooted in pure antisemitism. The underlying accusation simply isn’t true. Which means the hate itself is based on a lie – people making up stories to justify the smears that they then use to explain their hate for a specific group of people. This is racism in its purest form. It is what all racists do. And it is spreading freely through Ireland – with the media – almost all of it – happily promoting the lies – and spreading the antisemitism as it does so..
Support my research for 2022
My research is unique and hard hitting. It also depends on community support. I have many ongoing projects looking at antisemitism wherever it hides. Help me fight antisemitism in 2022 – there is so much work to do. Please donate if you can.
We have to fight back against the spread of antisemitism and the lies of anti-Zionism. The results speak for themselves and for seven years I have been exposing hate and creating headlines.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history and I expose antisemitism wherever it is found. I fight when others don’t. Please help If you can, please consider making a donation. Your help makes it all possible.
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For additional reference, see the post from long term house troll, Stephen in DC’s original article about antisemitism in Ireland (10/10/21). Here, he suggested that the Irish should be left alone to express their Jew hate as it is part of their culture. Quite telling really.
The Irish as a nation of people do have a reputation for not being the sharpest tools in the box?
Wonder why that could be?
Let us all sing another favourite….
On the twelfth day of Christmas, Israel sent me:
Twelve assassinations,
Eleven homes demolished,
Ten wells obstructed,
Nine sniper towers,
Eight gunships firing,
Seven checkpoints blocking,
Six tanks a-rolling,
Five settlement rings,
Four falling bombs,
Three trench guns,
Two trampled doves,
and an uprooted olive tree.
Here’s another “fun fact”:
In 2017, a UN report accused Israel of imposing an “apartheid regime” of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people.
No surprise that an official of the racist, apartheid state accused the report of being antisemitic.
Seeing as it’s Panto season…..
Mansoor Abbas MK, Israeli Coalition Government Partner and
leader of Ra’am Islamist Party: ” Israel is a Jewish State.”
Our Brucie, supermarket worker: “Oh no it isn’t”
Mansoor Abbas MK: “Oh yes it is”
It’s been wonderful to see peace breaking out in the Middle East in 2021…
With the normalisation of relations between Israel and several neighbouring Arab countries going from strength to strength….
Peace with UAE 🇦🇪
Peace with Bahrain 🇧🇭
Peace with Morocco 🇲🇦
Peace with Saudi (albeit unofficially)
And with many more peace deals to come….
Seems that slowly but surely people are waking up to the undeniable truth that the Palestinian “plight” is not only bogus but also entirely self inflicted…..and that the real obstacle to peace has always been (and will always be) their own psychopathic refusal to accept the existence of the world’s only self defined Jewish state…..
Those of us who live here in the civilised world can only rejoice at the prospect of a peaceful and prosperous future that lies ahead for these countries as they continue to forge strong commercial relationships with each other…..
Meanwhile the Palestinians – their people and their leadership – have made their own bed… I suggest we all just let them lie in it…..
It has now become abundantly clear that the Palestinian cause is 100% without any doubt the LEAST deserving of anybody’s attention or sympathy…..least of all their Arab neighbours…..
Happy Xmas everyone……
Latest headline IN THE NEWS:
“10% of people on a flight from Miami to Tel Aviv tested positive for COVID-19, despite rules mandating a negative test to fly”
Those effing Z – I – O’s think they are above the rules. Again.
If those ZIO’s weren’t permitted to fly, no doubt they’d cry ‘antisemitism.’
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray 🙏✡️
I have decided to post this regularly for the “benefit” of the casual readers of this blog……..and as a yuletide treat for our demented “friend”…..
Evidence that Bruce (aka the “Boxcar Baker” aka Rabbi D.Ense B.A.std Thickus P1gSh1t) is not a Rabbi….
Doesn’t know what a Shabbat phone can be used for…..(it can only be used in a medical emergency – cannot be used for posting bollocks on the internet on Shabbat)
Doesn’t know what a Shabbat oven is….DUH……….
Doesn’t know what the Messianic prophesies are (the bedrock of Judaism) and that ALL religious Jews (including the vehemently anti Israel Neturei Karta) pray for the swift coming of Moschiach several times a day and for the rebuilding of our temple in it’s original location in Jerusalem…..
Doesn’t know that a 9 branch candelabra is called a Chanukiah and NOT a menorah ?
Refers to fellow Jews (not Zionists – JEWS) that protest against BBC antisemitism as “subhuman vermin”…..
Evidence that I am Jonathan Hoffman……?
Well……..there isn’t any…..
Now back to the kitchen with you……those boxcar brownies won’t bake themselves…..?
Happy Xmas everyone…..
Let us rejoice and sing an old favourite..
You’d better not shop
You’d better not buy
Each pound spent here helps fund apartheid
Israel is stealing our town
We’re making Zios shvitz
We’ll make Zios think twice
We’re gonna boycott Is-ra-el ’til they act nice
Israel is stealing our town
Huge profits they’ve been reaping
Dead bodies in their wake
Although Hasbara may look good
Boycott Israel for goodness sake!
Oh, you’d better not shop
You’d better not buy
Each pound spent here helps fund apartheid
Israel is stealing our town
Trully disgraceful… some people have no shame… They would be in good company with Goebbles and the like..
I love it when David has one of his wobblers
Stephen, you’ve been coming here for years now. Remind me. Who was the prick from your team whose limited imagination only allowed him/her to place posts here like ” Yeah, but you smell” or “Yeah, but you’re drunk” as the obligatory playbook sneer ?
Your post above reminded me of that approach.
Ian I wouldn’t remind you of what fucking day it is if the devil himself was hot on my heels
Temper temper Stephen. It is your season of goodwill after all.
Ian a cunt that doesn’t have a clue what the fuck is going on doesn’t stop being a cunt that doesn’t have a fucking clue what is going on just because it is something called the season of goodwill.
Oh dear Bellers…
Don’t think our resident “Rabbi” will approve of all your bad language with being a man of the cloth and all that….?
Ah well never mind….
Happy Xmas anyway….
He’s a bit cross isn’t he Ken? Something I said ?
Dumb-Bell is one of those people whose “time of the month” begins on the 1st and ends around the 29th of each one. He doesn’t have good days because he doesn’t have the capacity to be anything but incompetent and feel anything other than frustration over his legion shortcomings.
I’ve only just read this thread and looking at Stephen Bellamys posts I would have to think he was actually blind drunk and very angry, or he has lost the plot
The religious affiliation of the Israeli population as of 2019 was 74.2% Jewish, 17.8% Muslim, 2.0% Christian, and 1.6% Druze…..
In 1948 there were 80,000 Jews living in Egypt….
Now there are 3….
That’s not 3,000 or 300…
That is just THREE
And yet some people accuse Israel of being racist and apartheid and ethnic cleansing?
What dense c@nts these people must be?
Happy Xmas everyone…..
“God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”
Boycott HP because you see
They bring only dismay
Israel’s illegal settlements
Are where they work today
The Ministry of Industry
Sees fit to pay their way
O-oh justice for Palestinian
Women and men, women and men
The question is not i-i-if but when
In prisons in the holy land
They bring technology
Resisters who defend their land
Kept under lock and key
Is-rael jails people for their words
And daring to be free
O-oh justice for Palestinian
Women and men, women and men
The question is not i-i-if but when
With facial recognition
HP keeps the people down
The tools of apartheid control
Under which people drown
Facilitating subjugation, checkpoints at
each town
O-oh justice for Palestinian
Women and men, women and men
The question is not i-i-if but when
More seasonal Panto fun……..
MK & Islamist Party Leader: “Israel is a Jewish State”
Brucie the shop worker: “Oh no it isn’t”
MK & Islamist Part Leader: “Oh yes it is”
Brucie the shop worker: (really squealing now) “Oh no it isn’t”
MK & Islamist Part Leader: “Oh yes it is”
Brucie the shop worker explodes with rage, littering the stage with clumps of activist debris.
Audience roars with laughter.
Revelation tv ha ha ha ha
Revelation TV is a thousand times better than the Irish Times, unless you are an out and out Antisemitic racist bigot
The religious affiliation of the Israeli population as of 2019 was 74.2% Jewish, 17.8% Muslim, 2.0% Christian, and 1.6% Druze…..
So currently around 1.7 million Muslims are citizens of the Jewish state of Israel….
Back in 1948 there were 140,00. Jews living in Algeria…
Now there are less than 50….
That’s not 50,000….
That is just FIFTY…..
And yet some people accuse Israel of being racist and apartheid AND of ethnic cleansing?
What dense c@nts these people must be?
Happy Xmas everyone…..
Continuing our carol concert, let us sing “Oh Come All Ye Faithful”
Sing along with our choir, and follow along with the video.
O come all ye faithful, all who care for justice,
O look ye, O look ye at Bethlehem;
Come and behold it under occupation.
O come, let’s not ignore it (x3)
Tell the world.
Sing, all ye people, sing in indignation,
Be with the citizens of Bethlehem;
Sing out for justice, freedom from oppression.
O come, let’s not ignore it (x3)
Tell the world.
…..and even more seasonal Panto fun.
Rabbi- Finder General: ” Release 214209 Levy. Our tests show he is not a real Rabbi.”
Brucie the shop worker: “Oh yes I am”
Rabbi- Finder General: “Oh no you’re not.”
Brucie the shop worker: (wailing like a baby) “OH YES I AM. ”
Rabbi- Finder General: “Oh no you’re not.”
Brucie the shop worker: (now so hysterical he wets himself) “Where’s the toilet ?”
Audience; (roaring with laughter) “IT’S BEHIND YOU”
The religious affiliation of the Israeli population as of 2019 was 74.2% Jewish, 17.8% Muslim, 2.0% Christian, and 1.6% Druze…..
So currently around 1.7 million Muslims are citizens of the Jewish state of Israel….
Back in 1948 there were 135,000 Jews living in Iraq…
Now there are 7….
That’s not 7,000….
That’s not even 700….
That is just SEVEN…..
And yet some people accuse Israel of being racist and apartheid AND of ethnic cleansing?
What dense c@nts these people must be?
Happy Xmas everyone…..
The stats are in:
Israel’s most popular baby names in 2020 were David, Tamar Muhammad, and Maya……. 👶🍼
So in the Jewish state of Israel one of the four most popular names for babies is Muhammad….
And yet some people will still tell you that Israel is an apartheid country?
What dense c@nts they must be….
Happy Xmas everyone…..
Now for another favourite:
Just Say No
(to the tune of “Let it Snow”)
Oh the diamonds inside are sparklin’
But they can’t hide what’s behind ‘em
They’re funding apartheid so
Just say no, Just say no, Just say no
Zionists spent decades earning
Off people’s pain and suff’ring
So if you’d rather not help their show
Just say no, Just say no, Just say no
In Bil’in all the farmers sigh
As Israel takes away their land
But the settlements are a crime
And justice is our demand
Zionist lies are finally showing
And their greed is overflowing
The UK knows the way to go
Just say no, Just say no, Just say no
ZIonism, Zionism
(to the tune of Jingle Bells)
Zionism, Zionism destroys human lives
Think of where your money goes when shopping for your wives, HEY!
Zionism, Zionism destroys human lives
Think of where your money goes when shopping for your wives HEY!
Building settlements
On stolen lands,
Shops selling Israeli goods
With blood on their hands. Ho Ho Ho!
Making lots of dough
Ignoring human rights
Boycott all Israeli goods,
you know that it’s right. HEY!
Zionism, Zionism destroys human lives
Think of where your money goes when shopping for your wives, HEY!
Zionism, Zionism displaces human lives
Think of where your money goes when shopping for your wives
When greed is the game
Why speak of human rights?
Zionism has got no shame
Out of mind and out of sight! Ho Ho Ho!
If it sells it sells
Nothin’s in the way!
Oh what fun it is to hide
The high price Palestinians pay! HEY!
Zionism, Zionism destroys human lives
Think of where your money goes when shopping for your wives, HEY!
Zionism, ZIonism, displaces human lives,
Think of where your money goes when shopping for your wives.
The religious affiliation of the Israeli population as of 2019 was 74.2% Jewish, 17.8% Muslim, 2.0% Christian, and 1.6% Druze…..
So currently around 1.7 million Muslims are citizens of the Jewish state of Israel….
Back in 1948 there were 38,000 Jews living in Lybia…
Now there are 0….
That’s not 1,000….
That’s not even 100….
That is a big fat ZERO…..
And yet some people accuse Israel of being racist and apartheid AND of ethnic cleansing?
What dense c@nts these people must be?
Happy Xmas everyone…..
Lybia?! Where’s that “Ken?”
By any chance do you mean Libya?.
They used to have a pretty catchy national anthem
Jews had a presence in Libya at least since the time of Hellenistic rule under Ptolemy Lagos in 323 B.C.E. in Cyrene.
Once home to a very large and thriving Jewish community, Libya is now completely empty of Jews due to anti-Jewish pogroms and immigration to Israel.
A savage pogrom in Tripoli on November 5, 1945, killed more than 140 Jews and wounded hundreds more. Almost every synagogue was looted. In June 1948, rioters murdered another 12 Jews and destroyed 280 Jewish homes.3
Thousands of Jews fled the country after Libya was granted independence and membership in the Arab League in 1951. After the Six-Day War, the Jewish population of 7,000 was again subjected to pogroms in which 18 were killed, and many more injured, sparking a near-total exodus that left fewer than 100 Jews in Libya.
When Muammar Gaddafi came to power in 1969, all Jewish property was confiscated and all debts to Jews cancelled. In 1999, the synagogue in Tripoli was was renovated, however, it was not reopened.4
The last Jew living in Libya, Esmeralda Meghnagi, died in February 2002. This marked the end of one of the world’s oldest Jewish communities, which traced its origins to the 3rd century B.C.E.5
And yet somehow Israel is the one who gets accused of ethnic cleansing by subhuman vermin like “Rabbi” 🐰 Bruce and his ilk?
What dense c@nts these people must be…..
Ah well…..
Happy Xmas everyone……
Libya under Gaddafi was not entirely hellish as the world has been made to believe. Libyan citizens did not have the luxury of voting but Gaddafi made sure they had a high standard of living to compensate for curtailed freedoms. Was this enough? That is a moot point but the fact remains: Libya was a great place to stay under Gaddafi (provided one did not try to usurp power).
Education and medical treatment were free
Under Gaddafi, education and health care were free for all. A response to this claim by Masareef Edareeya, a Libyan citizen claimed the quality of education and health was appalling but that does nothing to the fact that it was free. No system is perfect but most are imperfect and still expensive. Gaddafi made sure his system was subsidised and even Mercy Corps attested to the fact in its Beyond Gaddafi: Libya’s Governance Context. That is more than the so-called “democratic leaders” can say for their countries.
Newlyweds received U.S $50,000 from the government
Gaddafi’s government had legislation providing for a grant to newlyweds to buy their first apartment so as to help start a family. Claims are that the process was tedious and bureaucratic to the extent that not many people bothered to follow it through but the $50,000 was there if one followed through. Again Mercy Corps confirmed Gaddafi provided housing for newlyweds. Criticising the grant on grounds of tedious processes is a vindictive trial at attacking every good Gaddafi stood for. It is a personal attack rather than an attack on policy.
Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project
The Gaddafi regime embarked on one of modern man’s edifices of development: the Great Man-Made River Project to make water available to the whole country. As is known, Libya is in a desert region and Gaddafi’s plan to ascertain every citizen of access was the Great Man-Made River Project.
Libya had no external debt and had reserves of $150 billion most of which were frozen globally
Libya was a well-endowed state. To put this into perspective, the self-acclaimed champion of democracy and capitalism, the USA has a debt of over $18 trillion. Libya had none. Enough said.
The price of petrol was $0,14 per litre
In 2011, Staveley Head, a UK-based provider of insurance products compiled a list of countries with the lowest petrol prices in the world. reported the listing which put Libya at third position with its low $0,14.
Having a home was considered a human right
Gaddafi’s Green Book categorically stated, “The house is a basic need of both the individual and the family, therefore it should not be owned by others.” The Green Book was Gaddafi’s bible of political philosophy and had first been published in 1975. He vowed that he would not secure a house for his own parents until every citizen had one.
Gender equality actually a reality
Women in Libya were free to work and dress as they liked, subject to family constraints. The “dictator” did not impose any particular repressive canon on women and considering the sensitivities of the Arab community to gender roles, this was a big feat. Universal access to primary education was achieved in a relatively short space of time under Gaddafi.
The Human Development Index was better than two-thirds of the countries reported on
The Human Development Report has been published since 1990 and it is in the report that the HDI is found. The last time the report was released with Gaddafi in power, Libya was ranked 53 of 163 countries with comparable data. The HDI of Arab states was 0,641 while Libya’s was 0,760. Libya was therefore better off than most Arab States. The HDI provides a composite measure of health, education and income. Does being placed above the Arab States average mean all was rosy? By no means! It simply means there were worse countries that the Western “whistle-blowers” did not “rescue”. In 2009, Libya was reported to be on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
People had enough food
This does not need to be qualified. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) confirmed that undernourishment was less than 5% with a daily calorie intake of 3144. This was one “oppressor” whose subjects had enough. With the Great Man-Made River Project, Gaddafi was securing an even brighter agricultural future to feed his nation. Pessimists can be claimed he was feeding citizens for the slaughter.
Privatization of all Libyan oil to every citizen
On 21 February 2011, Gaddafi launched a programme to privatize all Libyan oil to every citizen of Libya. This would initially provide $21,000 to every citizen from a total of $32 billion in 2011 and effectively lead to the dissolution of the ministries of health, education and others to eliminate corruption, theft of oil by foreign companies and to decentralise power.
Gaddafi had a heart for his country and the world conveniently skips that part every time.
Compare Gaddafi to leaders like the antisemite, Jew-hater Donald Trump or Boris Johnson and many would choose Gaddafi everytime!
His people loved him so much that they murdered him and then took selfies with his dead body…..
That’s how popular he was…
They were agents of the Great Satan. Gaddafi was the best thing to ever happen to the country. He didn’t take any sh!t from apartheid Israel and the international Zionist Axis who support it.
“Gaddafi was the best thing to ever happen to the country.”
He was a psychopathic homicidal maniac who murdered thousands of his own citizens…
He is not mourned by anyone who is in full possession of all of their mental faculties
As we continue our carol concert, another favourite:
Stealing Palestinian Land
(to the tune of “Winter Wonderland”)
Sirens will ring, are ya list’nin’?
In the fields, guns are glist’nin’
A wonderful sight, we Zios are happy tonight,
Stealing lots and lots of Palestinian land
Gone away is the bluebird
Here to stay is the apartheid ro-ad
It’s not so wrong, as we go along
Stealing lots of Palestinian land
In the road the IDF will build a checkpoint
Look, the PM is in town
He’ll ask, “Are you legal?” we’ll say, no man!
But he won’t let our answer get him down!
Later on, we’ll conspire
As we bulldoze olive trees and open fire
After another shooting raid, making people afraid
Building lots of homes on stolen land
After another shooting raid, making people afraid
Building lots of homes on stolen land
After another shooting raid, making people afraid
Building lots of homes on stolen land
Serious fans of the Brucie shtick can actually watch him and his friends performing their Christmas repertoire online. Simply search back through the archive here to Decembers past and you’ll find a link posted by our Brucie before he was doing his “I’m a Rabbi, honest” routine.
It’s quite sweet. A doughty bunch of activists all sat round the piano in an Islington boozer cheerily singing along to a Paly Promos song sheet, no doubt incentivised by free pork scratchings and a cherry brandy. They’re mostly old dears with vicious hair and M&S cardies saving on their lecky by getting a winter warm with a jolly crowd. Loads comfier than standing behind Brucie’s decorators table on the High Street on a wet Wednesday handing out soggy BDS flyers. The Joo baiting is just the price you pay for stretching out your pension in the cold winter months.
Check it out. You may spot Stephen at the back near the loos.
The religious affiliation of the Israeli population as of 2019 was 74.2% Jewish, 17.8% Muslim, 2.0% Christian, and 1.6% Druze…..
So currently around 1.7 million Muslims are citizens of the Jewish state of Israel….
Back in 1948 there were 265,000 Jews living in Morocco…
Now there are less than 2,000….
So Morocco has effectively ethnically cleansed 99% of it’s Jewish population
Even Hitler only managed 66% with Europe!
And yet some people accuse Israel of being racist and apartheid AND of ethnic cleansing?
What dense c@nts these people must be?
Happy Xmas everyone…..
Wein ‘a Ramallah
Wein ‘a Ramallah
Wein ‘a Ramallah
Welfi ya msafer wein ‘a Ramallah (2x)
Boycott Israel
Boycott Israel
Boycott Israel, Boycott Israel (2x)
Freedom for Jayyous
Freedom for Jayyous
Freedom for Jayyous, Freedom for Jayyous (2x)
Freedom for Bil’in
Freedom for Bil’in,
Freedom for Bil’in, Freedom for Bil’in (2x)
Justice for Gaza…
End occupation…
No to apartheid…
Have your meds worn off early today “Rabbi” 🐰
Obviously “Ken” you never heard of this song.
Now sit down, shut up and behave yourself, or you will be asked to leave.
Rabbi D.Ense B.A.std thinks he’s the boss of me?
Happy Xmas Everyone….
The religious affiliation of the Israeli population as of 2019 was 74.2% Jewish, 17.8% Muslim, 2.0% Christian, and 1.6% Druze…..
So currently around 1.7 million Muslims are citizens of the Jewish state of Israel….
Back in 1948 there were 105,000 Jews living in Tunisia…
Now there are less than 1,000….
So Tunisia has effectively ethnically cleansed 99% of it’s Jewish population
Even Hitler only managed 66% with Europe!
And yet some people accuse Israel of being racist and apartheid AND of ethnic cleansing?
What dense c@nts these people must be?
Happy Xmas everyone…..
And here’s a song the choir would like to dedicate to our favourite “anti-Zionist hero.”
Will You Heed the Boycott?
(to the tune of “Do You Hear What I Hear?”)
Palestine called to people everywhere
Will you heed the boycott? Will you heed the boycott?
Show our little kids that you care
Will you heed the boycott? Will you heed the boycott?
A call, a call
Spread out far and wide
With your help we can turn the tide
With your help we can turn the tide
Said the righteous to the people of London town
Can we heed the boycott? Can we heed the boycott?
How can we help bring Apartheid down?
Can we heed the boycott? Can we heed the boycott?
A shop, a shop
Selling Dead Sea Mud
From a settlement built on blood,
From a settlement built on blood
Said the protesters to the Zionists
The whole UK is watching, the whole UK is watching
You commit genocide and apartheid
The whole UK is watching, the whole UK is watching
You claim Mitzpe Shalem
Is not in Palestine
But we won’t let them buy your line
But we won’t let them buy your line
The Zionist empire cracks from inside
Does Scoffy know we’re laughing? Does Scoffy know we’re laughing?
Even his best pals know that he lies
Does Scoffy know we’re laughing?
Does Scoffy know we’re laughing?
We’ll sing our songs
Outside the shop
With a voice he cannot ignore
With a voice he cannot ignore
“A shop, a shop
Selling Dead Sea Mud”
Went to Kedem in Manchester today as it happens….was mad busy as always…….
Subhuman vermin like yourself have been trying to close it down since 2014…..and failing…
Happy Xmas “Rabbi”
Leviev the Two-Faced Magnate
(to the tune of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed
Leviev the two-faced magnate
Watches all his billions grow
Off of Angolan diamonds
Helping a dictator’s show
Look at Leviev’s billions
Funding an illegal plan
Settlements he is building
Dividing up the West Bank land
Then one cold November eve
Leviev came to town
He put a store in NYC
But we will shut him down
Leviev your crimes are showing
Your deeds are getting hard to hide
No matter what you call it
We say NO to apartheid
Leviev the two-faced magnate
Likes to uproot olive trees
And the way he can fund this
Is with every shopping spree
But if you spend cash elsewhere
Palestinians won’t lose land
Leviev the two-faced magnate
He’ll just have an empty hand
A few days be-fore Christmas eve
We’re here to announce.
Leviev won’t sell gems tonight!
We know customers will do right
Lev we all hope you’re listening
Stop building on stolen land
We’ll come to say what you do
‘Til you have no more demand
The religious affiliation of the Israeli population as of 2019 was 74.2% Jewish, 17.8% Muslim, 2.0% Christian, and 1.6% Druze…..
So currently around 1.7 million Muslims are citizens of the Jewish state of Israel….
Back in 1948 there were 63,000 Jews living in Yemen…
Now there are less than 50….
So Yemen has effectively ethnically cleansed 99.99% of it’s Jewish population
Even Hitler only managed 66% with Europe!
And yet some people accuse Israel of being racist and apartheid AND of ethnic cleansing?
What dense c@nts these people must be?
Happy Xmas everyone…..
To the tune of Good King Wenceslas…..
“Rabbi” Levy once looked out
Of his bedroom wind-er
Silly bugger he fell out
On a red hot cinder
Brightly shone his arse that night
Though the frost was cru-el
Sliding down the banister
What a f*cking t-oo-OO-ool
More verses to come over the Xmas holidays……
Happy Xmas everyone……..
We have many special surprises to come during our virtual carol concert sung by the Beth Springfield Interfaith Choir.
Unfortunately because of COVID, we won’t be able to serve our Kosher mulled wine and special brownies to our small in-person audience, but here’s a carol everyone can enjoy:
Tune: “Away in a Manger”
Away with Ahava! No more Dead Sea mud!
Its settlement products are tainted with blood.
Its foams may be fragrant, its potions quite posh;
But its practices stink, and its excuses won’t wash.
The boycott is biting, the public awakes.
Ahava’s in trouble: no profit it makes.
Come join us in protest, till Palestine’s free
and all of her children can visit the sea.
Hava Nagila “Let us rejoice” is a Jewish ✡️ folk song traditionally sung at Jewish celebrations:
Don’t buy Israeli, don’t buy Israeli
Don’t buy Israeli goods today!
Don’t buy Israeli, don’t buy Israeli
Don’t buy Israeli goods today!
L’Oreal and Estee Lauder,
They contribute to the slaughter
Don’t buy Israeli goods! Stop today!
Motorola, Sabra Hummus
You won’t take our freedom from us
Don’t buy Israeli goods! Stop today!
Hey, hey, hey hey hey hey
Our taxes buy the weapons
Gotta stop this gruesome schleppin’
Labour needs some moral fiber
Zionists can’t be the drivers
Freedom now, freedom now
Freedom now for Palestine!
Don’t buy Israeli, don’t buy Israeli
Don’t buy Israeli goods today!
Don’t buy Israeli, don’t buy Israeli
Don’t buy Israeli goods today!
When you shop and when you dine,
You can send Israel a sign
Don’t buy Israeli goods, Stop today!
Human rights are on the line,
Stand up for Palestine!
Don’t buy Israeli goods! Stop today!
Hey, hey, hey hey hey hey
Our taxes buy the weapons
Gotta stop this gruesome schleppin’
Labour needs some moral fiber
Zionists can’t be the drivers
Freedom now, freedom now
Freedom now for Palestine!
Don’t buy Israeli, don’t buy Israeli
Don’t buy Israeli goods today!
Don’t buy Israeli, don’t buy Israeli
Don’t buy Israeli goods today!
Jingle Bells
Bellers smells
Farmer ran away
Levy is a FUCKWIT
And proves it every day!
😁 👍 😉 😝 😂 😜 😝 😁 😉
Happy Xmas Everyone….
Please mind your language “Ken”, there are children present.
Fuck off Levy you racist cunt…
With all due respect…..
To the tune of Winter Wonderland….
BDS are you listening?
Can you hear those cash tills ringing?
Cos the Is-rae-li
Has doubled since your racist shit began!
😁 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤️ 😂
Happy Xmas Everyone……
And now, a treat from America. A song beloved by millions…
Which Side Are You On?
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
Justice or oppression?
Which side are you on?
You’d think Palestinians started this
From The Mail’s headlines
They say that Israel must be safe
But what about Palestine?
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
Justice or oppression?
Which side are you on?
Remember, resist, and return
The Nakba’s got to end
Palestinians hold up their keys
‘Til justice we won’t bend
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
Justice or oppression?
Which side are you on?
From the UK to Palestine
Folks struggle for their rights
Until each child can say, “I’m free!”
We must all join the fight
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
Justice or oppression?
Which side are you on?
Boycott, Divestment, Sanction
BDS to be concise
You too can help apartheid end
Make Israel pay the price
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
Justice or oppression?
Which side are you on?
Winter Wonderland….🎶
Oh BDS you racist bastards
Might as well go and get plastered
Our Jewish State
Is here to stay
So get down on your knees and suck on that…..!
😁 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤️ 😄
Happy Xmas Everyone……
NOT Jewish state. ZIONIST state.
Brucie the shop worker says it isn’t but Mansoor the MK and Islamist Party leader says it is. Poor Brucie.
Winter Wonderland 🎶
Oh BDS keep on wailing
Your campaign it is failing
Can’t you see you’re in trouble?
Our GDP it has DOUBLED…. 🇮🇱
Since your racist bollocks all began…..
🙄 😁 😉 🇮🇱 ❤️
Happy Xmas Everyone…..
Watch your language “Ken”.
There must be something very wrong with someone who can’t string a sentence together without peppering it with obscene words.
Go fuck yourself Levy you racist cunt….
With all due respect…..
Here’s another popular American civil rights song…
Sing along and clap 👏👏👏
Turn Me Round
(To the tune of “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me
Ain’t gonna let occupation…
Turn me ‘round, turn me ‘round,
turn me round
Ain’t gonna let occupation
Turn me ‘round
Gonna keep on walkin’, keep boycottin’
‘Til Palestine is free
Ain’t gonna let Zionism…
Ain’t gonna let Brand Israel…
Ain’t gonna let whitewashing…
Ain’t gonna let oppression…
Ain’t gonna let bans and walls…
Ain’t gonna let illegal settlements…
Ain’t gonna let the siege on Gaza…
Ain’t gonna let excuses…
Ain’t gonna let pinkwashing…
Ain’t gonna let Sadiq Khan…
Ain’t gonna let the BBC…
Ain’t gonna let Hasbara…
Ain’t gonna let Keir Starmer…
Ain’t gonna let theft of land…
Ain’t gonna let theft of water…
Ain’t gonna let uprooting olive trees…
Ain’t gonna let colonization…
Ain’t gonna let 70 years…
Ain’t gonna let racism…
Ain’t gonna let apartheid…
We Wish You a Loss of Business
(to the tune of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”)
We wish you a loss of business
We wish you a loss of business
We wish you a loss of business
And a poor fiscal year
Apartheid’s one thing Kedem’s got their hands in,
Screwing Palestinians and British shoppers for the rest of the year
Kedem’s products are off-putting
Kedem’s products are off-putting
Kedem’s products are off-putting
Made from Palestinian tears
We won’t go until 2:30
We won’t go until 2:30
We won’t go until 2:30
Kedem you’re worse than DeBeers
We wish you a loss of business
We wish you a loss of business
We wish you a loss of business
And a poor fiscal year
🎄 Happy Christmas! 🎄
(More to come!)
Kedem was packed out yesterday with Xmas shoppers…..
Ironic much that the people who most need to use a soap shop are the ones that are boycotting it?
Smelly bastards…..
Jingle Bells 🎶
Levy is
Levy is
Levy is a mong
Trawling through the Internet
And making up shit songs
Levy is
Levy is
Subhuman vermin scum
Lives in his mum’s basement
Sucking on his thumb
Levy is a liar
Levy is a loon
Levy is well off his meds
So give them to him soon!
Levy is
Levy is
Levy is a prat
Thinks that he’s a Rabbi
But he’s just a fucking TWAT !!
Happy Xmas Everyone……
Pushed your buttons and “rattled your cage. “Ken.”
Shabbat shalom to all my friends and online congregants! ✡️ 🕯️🕯️
Merry Christmas to all my Christian friends! 🎅🏿
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray 🙏✡️
You couldn’t find my “buttons” with two hands and a map “Rabbi” 🐰
And look who is illegally posting on Shabbat again?
Nope you can’t get permission for that…..although I know you wish you could….
Happy Xmas anyway 🐰 😂
🙄 😁 😉 😕 😝 😜 😂
Not spending my entire Xmas eve evening trading insults with a racist fascist subhuman vermin sack of dogsh1t like Loonster Levy…..
Wishing all posters to this blog that are not afflicted by mental illness a very Happy Xmas…..
K. D.
Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey
Audience participation
(a call and response)
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
From the UK to Palestine
Colonization is a crime
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
From the belly of the beast
No justice no peace
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
From the river to the sea
All people must be free
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
From the bottom to the top
Racism’s got to stop
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
Don’t stand back while people die
Black Lives Matter is our cry
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
Defend the water, lend a hand
Return all stolen land
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
From the sea to shining sea
Say no to white supremacy
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
The bans and walls have got to go
From Palestine to Glasgow
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
Hard days are coming down the road
Agitate help lift the load
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
Oppressing one’s oppressing all
Liberation is our call
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
Nakba means catastrophe
Seventy years and still not free
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
Let them protest, hold up their keys
Right of return for refugees
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
Til all have freedom we’ll persist
Defending the right to resist
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
In the UK we’re gonna sing
‘Til we hear that freedom ring
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
When you shop and when you dine
Stand up for Palestine
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
For liberation take a stand
Don’t let Israel rebrand
Hey hey hey hey 2X)
You can help Apartheid end
Just think before you spend
Hey, hey, hey, hey (2X)
Together we can turn the tide
No more whitewashing apartheid!
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
Kedem is not benign
They help oppress in Palestine
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
Their pretty dances cannot hide
Israeli Apartheid
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
Let’s build a bridge, tear down a wall
‘Til there’s justice fo-or all
Hey hey hey hey (2X)
With BDS we’re here to say
Free Palestine today!
Season’s Greetings! 🎄
Happy Christmas! 🎄
Diamond Mines
(to the tune of “Silver Bells”)
See those diamonds, in the window
Shining bright like the sun
But in each stone there is a big flaw
If you want peace for the children
Know this store’s owned by one
Who defies international law
Diamond mines
Lev’s selling crimes in the city
Don’t you buy
From this guy
Oppression does not match your
Growing settlements, racist
Soldiers pointing their guns
at the children – just late for their
People dying for protesting
As Leviev makes tons
If you can’t see what’s wrong, you
need glasses
Diamond mines
Lev-i-ev’s crimes aren’t pretty
Don’t you buy
From this guy
Stand up for justice today!
Posting on Shabbat again “Rabbi” ? And Xmas Eve ??????????/
And no you can’t “special permission” from a Chief Rabbii (or anyone) to do that…… that game is up and has been for a while….
Ah well……..never mind….
Btw Leviev has an estimated wealth of $1billion….
I’m sure he’s really bothered about some crappy song that you ripped off from some obscure American website that nobody reads and reposted it on another website……that nobody reads…..
Happy Xmas everyone……………..
Wrong again “Ken” – I’m in Seattle, Washington USA
It’s still light here! 🌞
So you stayed up all night just to reply to the posts I’ve been making on here over the last 12 hours ?
I’m flattered…..I really am…
Not got to you have I by any chance?
Btw Shabbat starts in Seattle just after midnight UK time…
Which means it won’t be legal for you to post on here again until 1am on Boxing day….not that it ever stopped you before….
🙄 😊
Looking forward to a nice quiet LEVY FREE Xmas….
Happy Xmas Everyone…..
Happy Christmas Scoffy!
Here is a link to Jonathan’s fb….
If you want to wish him a happy Xmas you can do it here….
I’m sure he will be delighted to hear from you…..
Happy Xmas anyway 🐰
Thank you Brucie and on behalf of Mrs Scoffee and all the little Scoffees, we send our seasonal wishes back to you and all the other Levy gentiles celebrating the Christian holidays today.
Please pass this onto Stephen too. I would be he was very cross with me in our last little chat.
Gentile?! Are you meshuga?
So let me get this straight…
The “Rabbi” illegally uses his phone/laptop on Shabbat to protest that he’s a Rabbi….which is something that no REAL Rabbi would ever do?
Can you really not see the irony of the shit you come up with on here?
Beginning to think that you are….
1. Mentally incapable
2. Nine years old
3. A dense cunt
4. All of the above
I have heard from reliable sources that you “Ken” are suffering from late stage syphilis, which explains a lot.
My good friend and JEWISH congregant, Dr Joe Mememgele MD would like to examine you and try out a few experimental treatments to cure you of this ‘orrible affection.
Ask David to email me your phone number and I’ll put you in touch.
You’re welcome.
I will 🙏 for you.
With the annual GDP of Israel (per capita) currently around $43k this puts Israel at 27th in the world league table…
Above the UK
Above New Zealand
Above France
Above Italy…
Above 188 other countries…
Palestine are currently at 152…
What a difference you have made 🎶
What a difference you have made 🎶
Happy Xmas Everyone…..
Ahava profits currently around $150million per year…..
Great job BDS…..
🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤️
Continuing our concert….
What could be more Jewish than defending human rights? Many who supported MLK during African-American struggle for civil rights during the 1960’s were Jews. This song links this past with the continuing struggle for a free Palestine. We Shall Not Be Moved!
We shall not, we shall not be moved
We shall not, we shall not be moved
Just like a tree that’s planted by the water
We shall not be moved
Ambassador for Brand Israel,
We shall not be moved
But human rights will prevail
We shall not be moved
So we’ll boycott Israel ‘til there’s justice
We shall not be moved
Examine your alignment
We shall not be moved
Artwashing’s your assignment
We shall not be moved
So we’ll boycott Israel ‘til there’s justice
We shall not be moved
Your movements range from bound to free
We shall not be moved
As someday Palestine will be free
We shall not be moved
(Meanwhile we’ll) boycott Israel ‘til there’s justice
We shall not be moved
Silent complicity’s your trade
We shall not be moved
Your stance is really retrograde
We shall not be moved
So we’ll boycott Israel ‘til there’s justice
We shall not be moved
Nice mirroring and fine motif
We shall not be moved
You’re ethnic cleansing’s best fig leaf
We shall not be moved
So we’ll boycott Israel ‘til there’s justice
We shall not be moved
The date and time of this posting is duly noted….
You just lost the right to ever be refererred to as RABBI ever again…..
Merry Xmas….
And Shabbat Shalom…..
When did HaShem appoint you as his stand-in “Ken?”
Lateral thought is really not your thing is it Loonster?
Happy Xmas anyway….🐰
And to close out the first half of our carol concert, a popular favourite: THE BOYCOTT ISRAEL SONG
Tune: “Bye Bye Love”
To help the people of Palestine
we won’t buy grapefruit or Israeli wine
and if you’re wondering what you can do
Please join the boycott and help them too.
Don’t buy dates
Don’t buy Jaffa fruit
Don’t buy Israeli wine
There’s a boycott going o-on. (Repeat)
Tell all your neighbours, please don’t be shy
Read all the labels before you buy
If it says Israel, don’t hesitate
don’t put apartheid upon your plate!’
Check sweet potatoes, avocados too.
If it says Israel, you know what to do.
Just read the bar codes – those little lines
Things made in Israel start 7-2-9.
So help the people of Palestine
and don’t buy grapefruit or Israeli wine
And if you’re wondering what you can do
Then join the boycott and help them too –
Yes join the boycott and help them too!
He doesn’t get it does he?
How’s the weather in Seattle Loonster? Say hi to Fraser from me….
Ah well….never mind…..
Happy Xmas Everyone…..
And Shabbat Shalom to those that Shabbat actually means something to….
Unlike you.
Unlike me?
And how much does it mean to a “Deputy Chief Rabbi” who is constantly on his phone spouting bollocks every Shabbat?
Disgusting really…..
I have a special dispensation from Chief Rabbi Dreck.
Before you say no such thing exists, let me remind you “Ken” that YOU are a layperson, not a scholar, academic or expert on Judaism, the Talmud or the Tanakh. So have a nice warm mug of STFU. 🙏 ✡️
“YOU are a layperson, not a scholar, academic or expert on Judaism, the Talmud or the Tanakh.”
Once again Loonster Levy redefines the word IRONY…..
All Christians want for Christmas 🎅🏾 is a
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray 🙏 ✡️
Well Brucie, write your letter to Santa like a good Christian boy and if you’re on your best behaviour this year he may consider your wish.
Careful about pretending to be a Rabbi though. He knows if you’ve been naughty or nice. Maybe tell him your mum wasn’t Jewish. Honesty may get you extra brownie points next Christmas Day.
What this Xmas needs is some more shit songs that nobody will ever want to sing and that don’t fit with the tunes that they are supposed to go with…..
Does anybody know any ??
🙄 😁 😉 😕 😝 😜 😂 😁 😊 😉 😕 😝
Serving London’s Jewish Communities.
25 Dec 2021
Effective 01 January 2022, anyone publicly carrying or displaying the flag of apartheid Israel will be fined an amount no greater than £450 and have the flag and flagpole (if applicable) confiscated.
After consultations with police and public safety officials, and to ensure the safety and well-being of all during London’s New Years Eve celebration from 3pm on 31 December 2021, Zionists will be required to remain in their own cordoned-off section of Trafalgar Square until they are instructed otherwise by police or a public safety official.
Thank you.
Brucie well and truly off his meds tonight…..
Suggest that you stick with the shit songs….
Nurse will be round with pudding shortly
He’s quite the curiosity Ken.
Nothing says ‘I’m definitely a Rabbi’ like coming onto social media and screaming “I AM A RABBI, HONEST” in full sqealy cap locks.
His mum’s family must be cringing with shame as they head off to church this Sunday.
It’s his inability to choose one story and stick with it that has always been his undoing….
Despite him not knowing anything at all about our religion if he didn’t post on Shabbat then that would at least fit in with the charade he is attempting to peddle on here….
But because of his advanced psychosis (and heavy medication) he is not capable of stopping himself from posting on here not even for just 24 hours per week….?
So on top of all his other lies we get…
1. I have a Kosher Shabbat phone (which can literally only be used for 10 seconds to call an ambulance in an emergency)
2. I have special permission from the Chief Rabbi 🙄
And my favourite so far from last Friday….
3. I’m in Seattle in Washington and it’s not Shabbat yet as it’s still daylight?
But unfortunately for him he just wasn’t able to follow through with that one evidenced by the numerous posts he made all through the day yesterday when it was Shabbat in Seattle?
🙄 😁 😉 😕 😝 😜 😂 😁 😊 😉
He is a curiosity indeed Ian….
However I would also use another word (also beginning with C) to describe him….
A shorter word…..
On the second day of Christmas, Israel sent to me, two trampled doves,
and an uprooted olive tree.
Let us all recite Kaddish for brother Desmond Tutu, of blessed memory, who drew parallels between Israeli occupation and apartheid in South Africa:
“What’s being done to the Palestinians at checkpoints, for us, it’s the kind of thing we experienced in South Africa.”
Rest in Power.
How’s the weather in Seattle Loonster?
Snowing 🌨?
The fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator, the Bruce Levy
Never much liked Tutu when he was alive.
People I knew, who knew him, said he was a supersecionist; a person who believes that Christ replaced Jews, who were thus now irrelevant and could be dumped into the garbage can of history
I can just imagine our fake rabbi being in favour of that
Great news about the MASSIVE expansion of Israeli settlements in the Golan Heights….
It goes without saying that the Golan Heights are Israeli,” Naftali Bennett told his cabinet in broadcast remarks.
“The fact that the Trump administration recognised that, and the fact that the Biden administration made clear there is no change in that policy, is also important.” he said.
Shortly after Biden was sworn in as president, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on CNN that control over the Golan remains of “real importance to Israel’s security….and he is right of course….
Did you really think that the Biden administration would reverse Trump’s policy on this?
Though I’m presently out of the country, my Deputy Mayer of London was present to participate in the Kaddish held for Desmond Tutu, of blessed memory, at the Golders Green Palestine Victims Memorial.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to 🙏✡️
Brucie, may I ask a small favour? Before you go off to Mass this evening could you paste the link to that film of you and the old dears doing those carols you’ve been posting? You know the one in the North London boozer where that Rent-an-Activist from LSE in the box fresh keffiyah hands out the pro Paly song sheets and you all have a jolly singsong round the piano. You posted it here once, I can’t find it and remembered I knew someone in it. I think they’re just behind you in the black kagoul with the BDS badges.
Feras – Al Jayoosi (aka Rabbi Dr Levy, Deputy Chief Rabbi and Mayer of London) found guilty of terror offenses…..
Explains a lot doesn’t it?
Disgusting really…..
The next time this Rabbi spots a Judeo-Nazi wearing a T-shirt adorned with the symbol of the terrorist IOF, the armed wing apartheid Israel, I’ll be performing a citizen’s arrest and urge others to do same, or at least report to the police.
“If I’d have been there, I’d have given him what for…” tends to be right up there with “I’m a Rabbi , honest” on the ‘Shit you say on the internet but not in real life’
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go and take up my post as Council Chairman of Ramat Kay on the Upper Golan, the fastest growing region in the Jewish State. On a clear day you can see all the way to the burnt out Iranian bunkers in Damascus. Quite the view.
On the third day of Christmas, Israel sent to me
Three trench guns,
Two trampled doves,
and an uprooted olive tree.
Topical post Brucie. As Council Chairman of Ramat Kay on the Upper Golan I have instructed my Tourist Officer to email out web flyers to the many Christian Groups like yours around the world inviting you to see the fastest growing region of the Jewish State.
Trampled Dove was an old Syrian delicacy from over the border but that died out after ’73 and is probably a bit spicy for your delicate pilgrim tummies. We’ll do you all a nice plain salad with some fresh olives from the local Israeli farms on the side. After a light supper we’ll take you to Memorial site where we have bronzed the trench guns of Assad’s defeated armoured units, preserving them as a reminder to them and their Iranian mates of what happens when Arab armies try to attack Jews. Your church group will love it.
‘Trampled Dove’ is the national dish of apartheid Israel.
Silly Brucie. Trampled dove isn’t kosher for Jews, but you weren’t to know.
Theft, torture, killing and murder ain’t Kosher either, but that doesn’t stop apartheid Israeli Zionist Judeo-Nazis from committing these crimes.
Yerse Brucie and don’t forget genocidal, water stealing, baby slaughtering, child raping, granny eviscerating, puppy disemboweling, Mail readers. We’re real meanies. Count yourself lucky you’re a gentile.
Oh dear….poor “Levy” ….
“He was told his autism and Asperger’s reduced his culpability, and meant he would not go to prison immediately.”
Looks like “Levy’s” well documented mental incapacities helped him escape with just a suspended sentence?
Ah well…..i suppose Xmas is a time for helping the less fortune…..?
Happy Boxing Day everyone…..
Dear Friends and online congregants
Let us remember the great apartheid fighter Desmond Tutu who helped overthrow apartheid in South Africa and who called out Zionist apartheid for what it is.
Let us remember a friend of the Palestinian people who never wavered in the face of injustice and oppression.
Let us remember a brave individual who called out the Zionist monster where it lived.
What do you say to apartheid? NO!
What to you say to Zionism? NO!
What to you say to land theft? NO!
What do you say to Zionist aggression? NO!
What do you say to peace? YES!
What do you say to a free Palestine? YES!
What do you say to the dismantlement of the Zionist state? YES!
Let us recite the mourners Kaddish:
Exalted and hallowed be HaShem’s great name
in the world which HaShem created, according to plan.
May HaShem’s majesty be revealed in the days of our lifetime
and the life of all peoples — speedily, imminently,
To which we say: Amen.
Blessed be HaShem’s great name to all eternity.
Blessed, praised, honored, exalted,
extolled, glorified, adored, and lauded
be the name of the Holy Blessed One,
beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing, praise, and comfort.
To which we say: Amen.
May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and all humanity.
To which we say: Amen.
May the One who creates harmony on high, bring peace to us and to all humanity.
To which we say: Amen.
In the name of HaShem, the most merciful. May the Palestinian people receive the healing powers of our prayers. May they be granted safety, success, love, security, and hope. May they enjoy the fruits of freedom that they—and all human beings—deserve.
As Jews, we pray for their well-being. We pray to see the day when Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze, and all religions will live under a Palestinian flag.
We hope for the day when Palestinian refugees may return. We pray that together with their Jewish neighbors they can rehabilitate their history and rebuild what could be the best place on Earth. A place of many cultures. But with justice, as there can be no peace unless there’s justice.
We pray that Palestinians will be able to live lives free from violence and oppression. And we ask HaShem to help cure the plague of Zionism.
🙏 ✡️
Looks like Loonster has finally gone full retard ??
Well it’s been on the cards for a while hasn’t it?
Nurse will be round with your meds shortly……
Happy Boxing Day everyone…..
Brucie babes, the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
I think you must be holding a mirror to your darling Palestinians when you talk of killing, theft etc etc.
You truly should get your facts right. But then asking you to speak the truth is much harder even than getting water from stone
HaShem will deal with him now.
“Chaim Walder, the popular ultra-Orthodox children’s author who was accused of sexually abusing women and children, was found dead in a Petah Tikva cemetery on Monday.” – Suicide.
A Muslim, a Jew, and a Christian—all serving together in the IDF.
This is the real story of Israel.
Am Yisroel Chai…..
🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤️
There’s no place for Jewish supremacy in the civilized world.
Reading and comprehension are really not your thing are they Levy?
You sure are thick for a Rabbi 🐰
Ah well never mind….
Happy Boxing Day everyone….
Multicultural apartheid, equal violators of international law.
Please pray for HaShem to guide my hand as I prepare to write my sermon to address the Zionist-hijacked, pro-apartheid Israel propaganda event on 27 Jan.
Brucie babes the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
You are as much a rabbi as a bacon sandwich 🥪 on Yom Kippur
Shalom Dick! I haven’t received a membership form from you yet.
As a new member, you are entitled to a 50% discount on the Beth Springfield building fund. £750 instead of £1,500 which can be paid in installments.
Looking forward d to hearing from you.
A guy gets into a cab at JFK Airport….
The cab driver starts up the standard conversation….
“Where are you from buddy?”
Passenger replies…..
“I’m from Palestine. Where are you from?”
Driver replies…..
“I’m from Narnia”
Passenger thinks for a second and says….
“Narnia? There’s no such place as Narnia”
Driver replies…..
“Well….you started it buddy…..”
A pollster asks a homeless person, a cult member and a Zionist the same question: “What is your opinion of the meat shortage?” The homeless person asks, “I’m sorry, but what do you mean by ‘meat’?” The cultist responds, “Please forgive me, but what do you mean by an ‘opinion’?” The Zionist turns beet-red and screams, “What the **!#*!@* does ‘excuse me’ mean?”
Zionism: n. (zih-uhn-ism) A quasi-religious belief, held by many Israeli Jews, that “God does not exist, but he gave us your land, so we can demolish your houses, leave your children homeless, and take it!”
Q: How many Zionists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: One to change the bulb and 7.8 million to accuse Edison, GE, tungsten and electricity of being anti-Semitic.
Q: What is the difference between a Zionist and a professional criminal?
A: A professional criminal doesn’t make up lame excuses for things he denies doing.
Q: Why did the Zionist cross the road?
A: To occupy the other side.
Q: What did the Zionist answer, on his job application form, when asked about his desired occupation?
A: Occupation!
Q: Why did the Zionist claim to own the space between your ears, while you were sleeping?
A: It was temporarily unoccupied.
Q: Which Zionist film is most likely to win an Oscar?
A: The Great Terrain Robbery, starring Sean Con-nery and Donald Smother-land.
Q: Why did the Zionist claim to own your home?
A: You couldn’t prove that it was in your family’s possession 2,000 years ago, so it must be his to claim.
You can lead a Zionist to water, but you can’t make him share it with a Palestinian.
All roads lead to Jerusalem … except the Jewish-only roads that Palestinians are not allowed to drive on.
Do you have any funny jokes? Or just shit ones?
What do Palestinians and masturbating in an airplane have in common?
Where do Palestinian suicide bombers go when they die?
How do Palestinians feed their kids?
“Vrroooom here comes the plane.”
“Vrroooom here comes the second plane.”
🙄 😁 😉
What is the difference between a woman and a Palestinian terrorist?
You can negotiate with the terrorist.
So….now that Hamas has been officially declared a terrorist organization……
……when will the U.S. government start arming them??
🙄 😁 😉 😕 😝 😜 😂
Apartheid Israel exposed itself by cruelly lashing out at Archbishop Desmond Tutu, of blessed memory.
The next generation will now learn how apartheid Israel supported apartheid South Africa.
“Rabbi” Loonster Levy 🐰
You are the living embodiment of why we REAL Jews need (and will always need) a Jewish state…..
Every day on here you make the strongest possible case FOR Zionism
Every single thing that you type has the exact opposite effect of what you are actually intending it to have…..
So we REAL Jews who are pro Israel thank you sincerely for exposing your hatred so conspicuously and so unambiguously…..
Because of you (and people like you) we know without any shadow of doubt what would happen to us if Israel ever ceased to exist…..
So we sincerely thank you for parading your vile hateful message so publicly on here all day and every day….
You are a Zionists best friend…..but you are just too stupid to realise it….
Am Yisroel Chai……
We know what will happen to YOU when apartheid Israel ceases to exist. You will have lost your purpose in life and be a very angry person indeed. Who knows? With your record, you might even end up doing time “Ken.”
I will 🙏 ✡️ for you, but don’t expect miracles.
“With your record, you might even end up doing time “Ken.””
You are the convicted terrorist “Rabbi” 🐰 not me…..
Hope your newly fitted ankle tag isn’t causing you too much discomfort?
Anyway we Zionists sincerely thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for our cause……
Am Yisroel Chai…..
On the fourth day of Christmas,
Israel sent me:
Four falling bombs,
Three trench guns,
Two trampled doves,
and an
uprooted olive tree.
Topical post Brucie. “The 4 Falling Bombs” diner just by Kibbutz Dan has recently re-opened after extensive works and now has a lovely garden annex with views of the Hermon. As the Council Chairman of Ramat Kay on the Upper Golan we look forward to welcoming you and other pilgrims on the Christian Tours this coming Easter. Bring layers for the cooler evenings.
Wearing an article of clothing that promotes the neo-Nazi IDF is a the same as displaying symbols that promote any extremist ideology. This stupid and naive individual got off very lightly. Hopefully he’ll never wear that in public again.
This is an example how apartheid Israel promotes and encourages anti-Semitism. No doubt the story will get much traction in the apartheid state who’ll once again exploit it to paint themselves as the collective victims of anti-Semitism.
Of course the reason why the IDF is hated so much will be glossed over and ignored.
What’s the difference between NASA and HAMAS?
HAMAS has launched about 100k more rockets than NASA ever has or ever will….
🚀 🙄
Q. What’s the difference between an Israeli military base and an Israeli kindergarten?
A. Who cares? Certainly not Palestinians!
Honestly Ken, the Joo Hate Activists are such wimps and would shit themselves to look you in the eye in real life.
I found myself in Manchester in Aug 2014 bringing 3 members of the Israeli national rugby team to play at Sale for the season on an exchange programme. We found ourselves on King Street on the first Saturday when all the wet student narks were out pretending to support the Palys in front of that soap shop. We walked through them wearing our Israel Rugby T shirts and the fuckers barely had the stones to muster an audible “Zio-Nazi”. When we looked at them, they filled their pants.
Of course if our Brucie had been there…………….hahahaha !!
What do these ambassadors of apartheid and the UK have in common?
Elbit Systems UK
Jerusalem Quartet
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
Soda Stream
Israel Ministry of Tourism
Batsheva Ensemble
Israeli football team
The delicious irony of this latest boorish post from our Brucie is that most of the names on the list are comprised of Israeli Christians, Jews and Arabs.
Of course the racist rascal doesn’t care about this reality when the post only serves as a device to wind up Jews here.
Our Brucie is part of the machine that gets Jewish women and children attacked on the streets of London. His tactics are designed for this purpose. Brucie and his kind are not nice people.