What really happened to the million Jews who lived in Arab lands? Unfortunately, so many people spread lies about what happened to those Jews – chiefly as a way of propping up a false Palestinian narrative – that most people have no idea of the truth or the scale of the disaster. They see the lies spreading online, but simply do not have the material they need to counter the disinformation campaign.
The ‘Jewish problem’ in the Arab lands
A simple fact: in the 20th century almost a million Jews resided in ancient Jewish communities spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
Another simple fact: at the end of the 20th century, there was almost nothing left.
So what happened?
At the root, although there is no ‘catch-all’ that tells the story of every single Jew in all of the Arab lands – it was belief in the supremacy of Islam, rising Arab nationalism and Islamic antisemitism that all played their role. Whilst it is true that Jewish history in the MENA region was better than the Jewish experience in Europe, this is hardly a difficult benchmark to pass.
Peaceful co-existence’ involved the subordination and degradation of the Jews. The status of Jews as Dhimmi (second class citizens) meant that life was unpredictable; sometimes calm – sometimes violent – but the Jewish experience was always left to the whims of the local rulers.
The 19th century brought about the partial collapse of the Ottoman Empire – and this signalled dark times for the Jews. Pogroms – violent riots against Jews – began to reappear with alarming frequency. The Arab response to the vacuum of power left from the weakness in the Ottoman regime, resulted in power struggles – and both rising Arab nationalism and religious extremism left Jewish blood flowing down city streets. All this upheaval started occurring long before modern Zionism entered the equation.
A key point must be made. The idea that before Zionism, Jews had lived in peace in Arab lands is an absolute myth. For a full history it is worth reading the Lyn Julius book ‘Uprooted’ .
The need for the whitewash
By the early 20th century, the attacks on these Jewish communities were brutal. Much of it was government driven, with increasing anti-Jewish legislation appearing throughout the region. But there was also a lot of anti-Jewish violence on the street. This all spiked dramatically when Israel was founded but had started long before. The growing hostility was to drive the ethnic cleansing of every major Jewish community inside Arab lands. The creation of nearly a million Jewish refugees.
For those pushing an anti-Israel agenda – and whose entire narrative is built around the non-necessity of Zionism and the tragic existence of Palestinian refugees, the true history surrounding Jewish refugees creates five key problems:
- The image of co-existence is a myth
- There were more Jewish refugees created than Arab refugees
- The value of what the Jewish refugees had stolen from them was many times greater than anything the Arab refugees can claim they lost
- The attack on the Jewish communities was unprovoked and on an innocent civilian population. The same is not true of much of the Arab population in the mandate, with many Arab villages choosing a violent confrontation that fuelled a civil conflict
- Like it or not, many Arab families in the mandate area had simply moved into the area as the Ottoman empire collapsed – or as Zionist investment created opportunity. This means many of the Arab refugees had no real roots in the mandate area (one example – the ‘Palestinian’ hero of the 1930s, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam – was born in Northern Syria.) The same could not be said of the ancient Jewish roots in places such as Egypt, Iraq or Yemen.
All of these factors create a huge problem for anti-Israel activists. In real terms, the unprovoked destruction of the Jewish communities in the MENA region was far worse than the destruction of the Arab communities engaged in civil conflict in the mandate area.
Another *key difference* between the two – was what followed their respective departures. While Israel looked after Jewish refugees and absorbed them – so today they no longer exist – the Arabs disgracefully *CHOSE* to weaponise the refugees. Instead of absorbing them, they locked them into camps and deliberately perpetuated their suffering. Many of the grandchildren of these Arab refugees still live in camps today, solely because the Arab nations wanted to keep them that way.
There is even mind-numbing hypocrisy in the way these people are treated. People still refer to a Jordanian whose ancestors fled the mandate area in 1948 as a ‘refugee’ – but nobody would dream of doing the same to an Israeli whose ancestors were expelled from Egypt. Both of these families have new nationalities – but are treated very differently.
But even all this misdirection wasn’t enough. Even with the UN, UNHRC, Amnesty, HRW and media outlets like the BBC – all playing along with the gross deception. The anti-Israel propaganda machine needed more.
The birth of an antisemitic conspiracy theory
What the anti-Israel activists did was simple. They looked at the million Jews wiped out from Arab lands and just blamed the Zionists (Jews). Like most Jew-haters – they simply hid the truth behind an antisemitic conspiracy theory. For them it does not matter than 50 years before modern Zionism, Jews of the region were begging the French and British for protection from Islamic persecution. Nor is it relevant that anti-Jewish laws were set in place throughout the area.
The revisionists just airbrushed all this out of history. Instead, they created a world in which Jews and Muslims lived peacefully together and then pointed all the blame at the Zionists. In this distorted world, Jews didn’t leave of their own accord at all – nor did Muslims chase them out. Instead in this conspiracy – the Zionists ‘forced’ Jews’ out of their homes and into Israel:
The tweet above is not an oddity. Check the timeline of any anti-Israel activist – they are all pushing exactly the same myth. See for example the lies contained within the book ‘State of Terror’ by Tom Suarez, which relies heavily on these myths. A denial of horrific crimes which places the blame on the victims (today, over 50% of Jewish people in Israel – the ‘Zionists’ they are attacking – are the victims of the ethnic cleansing of which they are being accused).
The classic line goes like this: Jews had lived peacefully in Arab lands for millennia. Then the ‘white’ European Zionists, who wanted ‘non-white’ cheap labour, came and unsettled the Arab-Jewish communities by conducting a string of false flag terrorist attacks. The Zionist / Nazi cooperation conspiracy is another strand of the same demonisation campaign. The key example antisemites use is a false history of the experience of Jews in Iraq. Mainly because Zionist activists were arrested, tortured and executed for the ‘crime’ following a sham trial.
It is not difficult to dismantle the entire conspiracy because every piece of available evidence suggests that it is simply not true. Iraq had been awash with anti-Jewish violence for decades. Files in the National Archives at Kew contain examples of bombing attacks on Jewish communities predating even the Farhud (the 1941 slaughter of 179 Jews). Such as this attack on a Jewish club in Baghdad in 1938:
By the mid 1930s, Nazi ideology was widely spreading through Iraq (and much of the MENA region). The idea that Israel, which at the time was overrun with refugees flooding into the country, would be agitating for more makes no sense at all. The Jews of Iraqi left because the people and government of Iraq turned on them. By the time Iraq finally gave permission for the Jews to leave in March 1950 (and they were forced to leave all their property behind) – most Jews registered to go.
The idea that this was a Zionist plot is nothing more than victim blaming by building an antisemitic conspiracy theory.
In order to counter all these lies, we need to arm ourselves with the truth. So what happened to all the Jews in Arab lands really? The truth is an escalating anti-Jewish pogrom that engulfed the entire MENA region and led to the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish Communities from Morocco to Yemen. This is a nation-by-nation breakdown:
The real story of the Arab Lands
These are *just some* of the key events that took place across the region (approximate figures):
Libya – Jewish population 38000 Today 0
- 1785 Jews who refuse to convert are massacred
- 1897 Looting of Jewish areas
- 1938 Italian racial laws applied to Libya
- 1942 Nazi occupation of Benghazi
- 1945 Pogrom – 130 Jews killed
- 1948 Pogrom – 14 Jews killed
- 1951 Libyan PM says Jews have no future in Libya
- 1950s various anti-Jewish legislation
- 1961 Jewish assets seized
Algeria – Jewish population 140000 Today 0
- 1805 500 Jews massacred
- 1815 Jews burnt at stake
- 1830 Massacre of Jews
- 1929-1933 anti-Jewish clashes
- 1934 anti-Jewish riots 25 Jews killed
- 1940 Vichy anti-Jewish laws
- 1956 Anti-Jewish attacks
- 1960 Great Synagogue ransacked
- 1961 Oran cemetery vandalised
- 1963 Muslim only nationality imposed
Tunisia – Jewish population 105000 Today 0
- 1898 anti-Jewish riots
- 1917 anti-Jewish riots
- 1940 Vichy anti-Jewish laws
- 1942 Nazi occupation
- 1952 nationalist riots
- 1958-1960 anti-Jewish legislation
- 1962 Jewish firms nationalised
- 1967 anti-Jewish riots
Egypt – Jewish population 90,000 Today: 5
- 1929 – Nationality law passed – most Jews rendered stateless
- 1945 Anti-Jewish riots
- 1948 Jews interned – bombing attacks against Jewish premises, riots against Jews
- 1956 25000 Jews expelled
Morocco – Jewish population 265000 Today 3000
- 1790 Sultan orders murder and rape of Jews
- 1864-1880 several pogroms in Marrachech
- 1912 Pogrom in Fez
- 1930s rise of nationalist antisemitism
- 1937 Pogrom in Meknes
- 1940 Vichy regime statutes
- 1941 Jews banned from banking, property, law
- 1948 anti-Jewish riots 44 Jews slaughtered
- 1954 Petit Jean massacre
Trans-Jordan (including Jerusalem) Jewish population? Today 0
- 1948 Trans-Jordan expelled every last Jew and destroyed synagogues
Syria and Lebanon – Jewish population 50,000 Today 15.
- 1840 Damascus blood libel – pogrom
- 1909 Jews flee Ottoman conscription
- 1930s anti-Jewish laws introduced
- 1947 Pogrom in Aleppo
- 1948 Jews murdered in Beirut
- 1950 Jewish property seized
- 1958 Jews held hostage – ransom to free them
Iraq – Jewish population 135000 Today 10.
- 1828 Massacre of Jews in Baghdad
- 1934 Jews dismissed from government roles
- 1935 Schools place quota on Jewish students
- 1936 Jewish business must have Muslim partner
- 1936 -1939 Bombing campaign against Jewish targets
- 1941 Farhud. 179 Jews slaughtered
- 1947 Iraqi FM threatens to expel Iraqi Jews
- 1948 1000 Jews dismissed from public service
- 1948 show trial of Shafiq Ades, who was publicly hanged in Basra,
- 1948 Anti-Jewish legislation
- 1950-52 Jews allowed to leave / property seized
- 1963 Jews forced to carry yellow identity cards
Yemen Jewish population 1946: 55000 Today: 0 Fled persecution from rising Islamic extremism
- 1881 Jews flee forced conversions
- 1911 Sharia law declared
- 1922 Forced conversion of Jewish orphans
- 1947 Anti-Jewish riots in Aden – 82 Jews killed
From Morocco to Yemen there was clear, consistent, and undeniable persecution. Zionism did not send all this over the edge – the Arabs did this all by themselves. Zionism, thankfully, left the fleeing Jews with a safe haven.
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Good article David, especially the tables of disappeared Jewish communities in the Arab/Muslim lands
I sometimes look at the way Israel treated these Jewish refugees, by ignoring the fact that they were refugees
All these Jewish refugees were then absorbed into the new Israeli identify, and the Israeli government then just ignored the refugee aspect. In terms of ‘own goals’ this was a massive mistake.
The Israeli government is so busy playing domestic politics that they have always ignored the anti-Israel politics of the rest of the world.
It’s still a disgrace that the world treats the Jewish refugee issue with such disdain and disinterest
Hey Dick, reading this must be like a nirvana to you. Enjoy your wallow in self-pity for the rest of the week.
I will 🙏✡️ for you.
Luckily we now have a coalition government in Israel that is representative of all Israelis and for all Israelis and is committed to building on all Israeli land to improve life and opportunities for our growing population from the Golan to Eilat. Decisions are being made every day by MKs from a political spectrum as wide as the Conservative Zionist Right to the Islamist Party with Socialists, Greens and Liberals at all points in between.
Our opponents (always white Westerners with no knowledge of or connection to Israel) seem to hate this new status quo as their deep loathing of an independent Jewish State now sees them shouting ‘apartheid’ at a country run by Jews, Arabs, Christians and Druze. You’d think that this would have been a cause for celebration amongst a group who claim to support fairness, justice and equality, unless of course their motivations lie elsewhere. Who knows? Who cares?
Not a reply to you, Ian, but an alert to the fake posting below from the non-existent “Deputy Chief Rabbi”. No such person exists and the posting is a plagiarized “article” from CounterPunch written by a David Rovic. The poster is an anti-Israel nutter trying to sneak in some anti-Zionist propaganda and giving it some false aura of legitimacy.
As a “moral compass” when it came to Jews and Israel Desmond Tutu was 100% on spin.
Thank you for the clarification. The motivations and tactics of our Brucie are well known to me and should be quite transparent to other readers here.
The content of the expansive copy/paste holds no interest for our boy but merely serves as a device for him to wind up Jews here. The tactic is quite common and was openly articulated by a former troll from a few years back who said “I will use any stick I can find to beat the Jew over the head”. Our Brucie learnt from the same playbook.
You may observe long term House Troll Stephen employing similar tactics here. His Sisyphean approach led to the creation of what he calls the “Poke David Collier Game”. I enjoy playing with these fellas.
haa yes David Rovics who would Jesus bomb ?
And here’s Stephen’s poke, on cue.
In praise of apartheid-fighter Desmond Tutu, of blessed memory:
This may sound either arrogant or forgetful, but I could not possibly remember the number of times I was in the same room or at the same protest as Desmond Tutu. And the main reason I know he was there is because I was there listening to him speak, often from a distance of not more than two meters or so. I say this not to associate myself with the great man — though I’ll forgive you for thinking I’m a terrible, narcissistic name-dropper — but just to be sure we all know this all really happened, because I saw and heard it.
It seems very important to mention, because of the way this man is already being remembered by the world’s pundits and politicians. As anyone could have predicted, Tutu is being remembered as the great opponent of apartheid in his native South Africa, who was one of the most recognized and most eloquent leaders of the anti-apartheid struggle there, for most of his adult life.
Being a leader in the movement to end apartheid in South Africa was probably the greatest achievement of the man’s life work, and it should come as a surprise to no one that this is the focus of his many obituaries, along with the Nobel he was awarded in 1984. After Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination, he was remembered by the establishment in much the same way, as a leader of the movement against apartheid in the US. The fact that he had become one of the most well-known and well-loved voices of the antiwar movement in the United States and around the world at the time of his death has largely been written out of the history books, a very inconvenient truth.
But as with Martin Luther King, many of the same political leaders commemorating Tutu today would have been unlikely to mention him a day earlier, lest Tutu take the opportunity to speak his mind. This is certainly why he was not invited to commemorate his friend and comrade, Nelson Mandela, at Mandela’s funeral eight years ago.
Like King and so many others, we can be sure that all the praises of Desmond Tutu as the great moral compass of the world will be made safely, after he’s dead. Before then would have been much too dangerous, and he was best ignored until then — at which point his passing can be used as an easy way for liberals and conservatives alike to talk about how they also opposed South African apartheid, eventually.
Looking back at Desmond Tutu’s life, searching for various references to protests I recall him speaking at, there’s a headline from the Washington Post on February 16th, 2003 — “thousands protest a war in Iraq,” in New York City the day before. There were at least half a million people at the rally, on one of the coldest winter days anyone could remember. What I recall most vividly is being behind the stage, which was even colder than most anywhere else at the protest, because it was also in the shade. Huddling amid the frozen metal scaffolding were a variety of leftwing luminaries, including Desmond Tutu, Danny Glover, and Susan Serandon, who were getting all the attention from the representatives of the media that did bother showing up, allowing me to hang out with Pete and Toshi Seeger, since no one else wanted to talk to them, or me.
The following year there was a rally in Copley Square in Boston, Massachusetts against Israeli apartheid. It was very windy, and there were hundreds of people filling the area in front of the big church there on Boylston Street. I don’t remember who else spoke, but Tutu was the main speaker, and he spoke at length, after I sang “They’re Building A Wall” and other songs related to the anti-apartheid struggle in Palestine, as it was an event in solidarity with Palestinians. Being such a well-known leader in the struggle against South African apartheid, when he would compare Israeli apartheid to the South African version, this was just the kind of support the movement to boycott Israel needed, and Tutu did his best to provide it, over and over again.
There were three overlapping social movements in the early 2000’s that I was involved with as a musician, all of which Tutu was deeply involved with. I apologize for speaking of these movements in the past tense, but none of them are anywhere near as big or active as they were in the early 2000’s. I’m talking about the global justice movement and the movement to cancel debt in the Global South, the movement against Israeli apartheid, and the movement against the US/UK invasion of Iraq.
At the time I wondered how it was that Desmond Tutu was showing up at so many of the same protests, conferences, and other events I was attending, promoting, or singing at. There was a lot going on, and at the time I didn’t know Tutu was actually living in the United States much of the time in the early 2000’s, as a visiting professor in both Georgia and Massachusetts. There were a lot of other South African radicals at so many of the rallies, especially around the global justice movement, such as representatives of the South African trade unions. The South African poet, the late Dennis Brutus, was everywhere back then as well.
Journalism, they say, is the first draft of history. The journalists, when given the job to cover Desmond Tutu, generally did so when it had something to do with South African apartheid, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which he chaired, etc. The journalists aren’t present elsewhere. Their bosses didn’t send them to cover the protests Tutu was speaking at in Boston or New York, for the most part.
Lots of other drafts of history are then rewritten, for the text books, and for the obituaries, when once again Desmond Tutu’s centrality to the struggle against South African apartheid will be highlighted, with most everything else papered over or ignored entirely. Others will recall Tutu’s service to the global social movements that arose in the decades after apartheid, to which he gave the full weight of his moral standing — whether these movements were covered by the corporate press or not, whether most of us knew these movements existed or not.
Yes, for those of us who were involved with the social movements that were active when Tutu was a spry young man of 70 or so, we will remember him as a fierce critic of capitalism, of Israeli apartheid, and of US and British wars of aggression. And we know why he is being praised now by media outlets and politicians who have had no time or space for him since 1998 or so.
Desmond Tutu failed to remain in his historical place. Had he played his cards differently in the post-South African apartheid period, he could have been a very rich and even more venerated man, winning lots more awards and schmoozing with the world’s power brokers. Instead, before his official retirement from public life at the age of 79, he spent his seventies campaigning around the world as part of social movements for equality, dignity, and peace, and being a thorn in the side of so many of the rich and powerful people praising him today.
Dead people can’t speak out in their own defense, which makes them much less dangerous than when they were alive (especially if they died of natural causes). So it’s up to those of us who are still here to speak, and to remember. Long live Desmond Tutu. Long live Desmond Tutu’s vision of a world free of oppression — a world in which so many of the politicians praising him today would be in front of a truth and reconciliation commission tomorrow, if Tutu were calling the shots. Amandla awethu. Our time will come.
Tutu…a rabid old Jew hater, whose monstrous side was ignored by a morally compromised world.
Hey Erin, Jew Hater? I think you’ll find world opinion is overwhelmingly against you on that.
May his memory be a blessing. 🙏✡️
“They’re building a wall.” I can’t believe how obtuse people can be!
I was heartbroken when I saw photos of the wall for the first time (though, to be fair, it’s mostly a fence). But let’s be honest: That wall wasn’t built to separate races, it was built to keep out guerilla attacks. Instances of terrorism went doen by 90%, if my memory serves me.
Very true David….the Jewish population of the Arab world was reduced by 99% following Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948….
Even Hitler only managed around 65% with EUROPE during WW2!
Meanwhile the Arab (non Jewish) population of Israel has INCREASED around ten fold in the last seventy years!
One thing is very clear….
We Jews are VERY bad at ethnic cleansing….
Whereas the Arabs are EXCEPTIONALLY good at it!
Ken, our Brucie just copy/pasted a 5 scroller from someone about members of the Christian clergy. Is he pretending to be one of them now as well ?
It’s Ironic because Martin Luther King was an unswerving supporter of the Jewish state of Israel…..
“Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.”
Martin Luther King Jnr….
It might be interesting to note that Jewish presence in these “Arab Lands” pre-date the arrival of Arabs. For example, Jews have lived in what is now Iraq, if I understand correctly, for centuries prior to Arab conquest and colonization. That doesn’t make these areas indigenous to Jews (as Israel is) but it does highlight that the real colonizers, going back centuries, are the Arabs and any hatred of colonization in today’s MENA is grossly misplaced.
Today the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr would have seen how numerous religious groups, such as the US Mennonite organization, the Presbyterian Church USA, United Church of Christ, the pension fund of the United Methodist Church, several Quaker branches (American Friends Service Committee), and other religious groups have partially or completely divested from apartheid Israeli businesses in the OPT.
And he would have been heartened to see how one of his hallmark nonviolent tactics — the boycott — has been at the core of the most effective international efforts for Palestinian rights, and proud and encouraged by the way BDS has incorporated boycott tactics from not only the South African anti-apartheid movement and the US Civil Rights Movement, but Palestine’s own history of boycotts and also the anticolonial Irish boycotts of the nineteenth century.
It is abundantly clear that since it’s conception BDS has been an unmitigated failure…
Israel’s GDP has more than doubled since BDS came into being and it’s GDP per capita is now in the top 30 in the world out of 200 countries….
Embarrassing…..plain and simple….
It has failed (and continues to fail) because most intelligent people can see through it for what it really is….a racist endeavour which supports the bogus plight of an undeserving people…
And that is all….and always will be….
I ask again. If BDS is such a failure, why then is the apartheid state devoting a considerable amount of its resources to try and counter it, along with passing laws against those who support it?
If it was a failure, much easier to just ignore it.
Because BDS spreads anti-Jewish hatred. Boycotting avocados won’t touch Israel’s sides – and BDS cannot hurt Israel – but it is responsible for the attacks against Jews we see across the west. It spreads lies about Jews and demonises them – therefore we need to restrict its ability to operate just as we do most hate groups.
Baloney. Many of BDS’s staunchest supporters, like myself, are JEWISH!
Believe what you want, but to connect BDS to antisemitism is wrong and an insult to your visitors.
BDS is not targeted against Jews, but against apartheid Israel, just like the successful boycott against apartheid South Africa was targeted against the apartheid system, not against South African whites.
I pray that you see the light 💡
On the fifth day of Christmas, Israel sent me:
Five settlement rings,
Four falling bombs,
Three trench guns,
Two trampled doves,
and an
uprooted olive tree.
If BDS was a success then how do you explain the GDP of Israel doubling in the 15 years since it’s been operational?
Yeh they helped to close a Sodastream factory on the WB and put thousands of Palestinians out of work…
Wow big success that was…
Meanwhile Sodastream still turns over $400 million a year!
If you think BDS has been a success then please quantify that success….
If you can…..
This is the “heads we win, tails you lose” argument, which would be pathetic if it came from someone with any intelligence or insight. Coming from Brutes, though, it’s not pathetic–it’s merely a zero with the calories of tap water.
Hi David, many, many thanks for this excellent distillation of the issue of Jewish refugees from Arab countries and thank you for plugging UPROOTED! Just to say for anyone interested in the history and culture of MENA Jews, Harif (www.harif.org) arranges lectures online – please do subscribe. The blog Point of No Return has over 6,000 posts documenting MENA Jews and is updated daily: subscribe at http://www.jewishrefugees.org.uk. Thank you for all your invaluable work, Lyn Julius
thanks for your kind words Lyn. Your book is an invaluable resource and I always make sure people understand it is a ‘must read’ for anyone who wants to truly understand the bigger picture.
oh for fuck sake you two, get a room
I am reading your book right now. An excellent work! I was thinking that your book should be on the syllabus of every introductory university course on the Middle East. Fat chance of that happening, though.
Wonder if “Typing Shit for Palestine” (TSP) will prove to be more of a success in 2022 than it was in 2021? Or 2020 for that matter?
My guess is that it won’t….
🙄 😁 😉
Ah well never mind….
What an intelligent commentary. It will probably go down as one of the mosst profoundly meaningless and empty statements of sometime.
Maybe you should publish a toilet roll with your most inane and accusatory comments that can then be put to some good use.
Remarkably this time you didn’t accuse any Chief Rabbi’s or Jewish news editors of being racist, with no evidence and proof to back your wild unsubstantiated allegations
There was an incident a few months ago concerning a “Jewish” supermarket manager who wanted Saturdays off and filed a complaint of antisemitism when she was refused by her bosses. No doubt the scummy CST were contacted over this outrage against the Jewish community.
In the Israeli film documentary “Defamation,” a NY worker claimed the same thing when he was refused a day off during a Jewish holiday. The ADL love to exaggerate their importance and classified this incident too as antisemitic.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray. 🙏✡️
Just because you never observe Shabbat correctly WABBI 🐰 it doesn’t mean that others are not allowed to?
Silly Wabbi…..
Hey Elmer, the point is many Joos use antisemitism for ulterior purposes, just like apartheid Israel uses antisemitism to try and justify its wretched existence.
Q. What kind of a Wabbi would advocate NOT keeping Shabbat correctly ?
A. A Fake Wabbi….
And that is all….
The Talmud (Google it) says: “Don’t judge your fellow until you have reached his place.”
Wise words for you too follow. Elmer.
K Dobkin (Google it) says:
Wabbi Levy is a fake racist lying sack of d0gsh1t
Probably the wisest words ever spoken….
Happy New Year everyone….
1) The life of Jews in Arab lands can be described as periods of survival and relative tolerance interrupted by genocides. Your oldest example is from 1785. You could have started 1150 years earlier.
I would recommend Sir Martin Gilbert’s book “In Ishmail’s House” for a history of dhimmintude. In America we called it Jim Crow…
I mean like really does anyone give a flying fuck what anyone in merryka thinks about anything ?
“Israel will never get true security and safety through oppressing another people. A true peace can ultimately be built only on justice.”
Desmond Tutu
Everyone has a different definition of “justice”, which is why I would not listen to either that dead guy’s view on it or yours. Now, if I wanted an accurate definition of “criminal sodomy”, THAT is something I would definitely turn to you to provide. Based on who you are as a person, of course.
I thought the IDF was supposed to be excellent at fighting civilians, so what’s this I read about a “Jewish” man in Brooklyn, New York being beaten up for wearing an IDF hoodie?
The Israeli Ambassador at the U.N. began his much anticipated speech…..
“Ladies and gentlemen before I commence with my speech, I want to relay an old Passover story……
“When Moses was leading the Jews out of Egypt toward the Promised Land, he had to go through the nearly endless Sinai desert.
“When they reached the Promised Land, the people had become very thirsty and needed water. So Moses struck the side of a mountain with his staff and a pond appeared with crystal clean, cool water. The people rejoiced and drank to their hearts’ content.
“Moses put down his staff and went to a solitary corner of the pond to drink, and meditate in prayer. But once Moses returned, he found that his staff had been stolen.
“I have reason to believe ladies and gentlemen that the Palestinians stole the staff of our great Prophet Moses.'”
The Palestinian delegate to the UN, hearing this accusation, jumps from his seat and screams out, “This is a travesty. It is widely known that there were no such thing as ‘Palestinians’ at that time!”
The Israeli Ambassador replies…..
“Yes you are 100% correct. There were no such thing as Palestinians at that time. And with that in mind…….let me now begin my speech.”
Happy New Year everyone…..
Serving London’s Jewish Communities
A reminder about the Trafalgar Square Zionist separation barrier in effect on 31 Dec from 15.00 hrs until further notice.
And a reminder that Israel is still an apartheid state.
Don’t drink and drive. Mask up. Get vaccinated and get your booster. It’s Kosher.
Loonsters are always gonna loonster….
🙄 😁 😉 😕 😝 😜 😂 😁 😊
Ah well never mind…..
Nurse will be round with your meds shortly…..
Happy New Year everyone…..
To the casual observer to this blog….
The regular poster who calls himself Bruce Levy….
He thinks he’s a Rabbi….
🙄 😝
He thinks he’s a Mayer (whatever that is) and is able to control the metropolitan police of London…..
The reality is that he is a shelf stacker at Lidl in Islington….
He’s easy to spot as he usually wears a Keffyihah and flip flops….
He tends to smell a bit (of dogsh1t) because of his community “volunteer” work…..
Probably best to give him a wide berth….most people do…….
Happy New Year everyone…..
Serving London’s Jewish Communities
29 December 2021
In answer to the call from Palestinian Civil Society, your Mayer of London spent this day with other human rights activists de-shelving Israeli goods off the shelves of Golders Green Sainsbury’s.
For those unable to join me because of distance or previous commitments, I undertook this action in your name.
We then visited the Palestinian Victim’s Memorial to remember those whose lives were destroyed by Zionists and lay flowers.
🇵🇸 ✌️ FREE PALESTINE! ✌️ 🇵🇸
Lidl is a nice GERMAN company. In the shop near my home, they have a bakery complete with OVENS. Prices are reasonable. I believe the Dick Galber is a loyal customer. He likes the ambiance.
Looks like our esteemed WABBI just got provoked into making his usual (not so) subtle Holocaust jibes…..
Imagine a real Rabbi doing that?
Ah well never mind….
Anyway what’s the latest news on the recent bog roll shortage Loonster?
And go and change your Keffiyah you scruffy bastard. You are upsetting the customers….
🙄 😁 😉 😕 😝 😜 😂 😁
The reason why there’s a bog roll shortage is because we have to wipe your kind off the soles of our shoes “Ken” (aka Scoffy).
Happy New Year! 🎉
Thanks for the explanation “Rabbi” 🐰
Now off to Highgate Cemetery with you before your parole officer has you arrested AGAIN! There’s a mountain of dogsh1t that needs picking up…
💩 😁
But please have a shower (or at least wash your hands) before you start your next shift back at Lidl! The staff and customers have been complaining….
Happy New Year everyone….
On the sixth day of Christmas, Israel sent me:
Six tanks a-rolling
Five settlement rings,
Four falling bombs,
Three trench guns,
Two trampled doves,
and an
uprooted olive tree.
2021 eh !
Obviously a huge year for us in Israel; barnstorming economic growth, Abraham Accords, fantastic coalition government led by an inspired PM and made up of all Israelis and serving all Israelis, laying waste to our enemies wherever they threaten us and a superb 3rd season of Fauda. Very decent year in the Jewish State I’d say.
Now, what about you lads Brucie? How would you measure your efforts to dismantle the apparatus of Zionism, to eradicate the Jewish State, to contribute to the diminution of our economy and to wind up a few Joos on the internet. Been a decent year for you ?
Ian… Happy New year to you…
Has been amusing to see Bruce’s attempts at provocation become even more desperate over the last 12 months…
Interesting to witness that his personal output of “Typing Shit for Palestine” has gone into overdrive? Whereas others seem to have given up? Farmer? Jack T? Even Bellers has gone very very quiet? Maybe this explains why Levy has lost the plot on here so spectacularly with his multitude of invented identities for himself and for us too?
Personally speaking I don’t think I will be posting here so much in 2022…
As an experiment I may take more of a back seat just to see if Bruce’s “Typing Shit for Palestine” will actually bear any fruit in 2022….but I doubt it….
Can’t help thinking he would do better to concentrate on his day jobs?
The fruit and veg aisle in Lidl in Islington was a disgrace yesterday! And the dogsh1t in Highgate Cemetery is building up again too!
Ah well never mind…..
Happy New Year everyone…..
Next time you’re in Lidl, ask for a tour of the bakery!
…and bring the Dick Galber with you.
2021 was an outstanding year for BDS and friends
I could cut and paste again, but it wouldn’t be the same as going straight to the direct source, so here’s two of many posts.
2021 Year in Review
♥️ 🖤 🤍 💚
2021 Year in Review
Happy 2022 to all my friends and online congregants! 🥂🍾 (alcohol-free) 🎉 🙏 ✡️
Celebrate the new year by enjoying more of Ben & Jerry’s delicious ice cream! 🍧🍨🥄 YUMMY!
“2021 was an outstanding year for BDS and friends”
GDP per Capita league table….
🇮🇱 Israel 27th
(above the UK and France and Spain and Italy and around 190 other countries)
“Palestine” 152nd
If this was an “outstanding” year for BDS then it will be interesting to see what a shit year looks like?
Ah well….Loonsters are always gonna loonster….
It’s what they do best…..
Happy New Year everyone…..
Cheers Brucie
So aside from failing to impact the massive growth of the Israeli economy, failing to dismantle the apparatus of Zionism, failing to eradicate the Jewish State, failing to stop or reverse the Abraham Accords and failing to note that Israel is now run by a coalition government of Christians, Arabs, Druze and Jews, for all Israelis, you reckon it’s been a decent year for you and the lads ?
Same time next year then ?
Remember this well Ian; no one foresaw the end of apartheid South Africa.
The vile, racist Zionist experiment is so rotten from the top down, it’s just a matter of time before the same happens to apartheid Israel.
Difference is that no Western countries are boycotting Israel like they boycotted South Africa…..
And there is a good reason for that….
It’s because South Africa was an apartheid country and Israel isn’t…..
Simple as that really….
I know you like to say Israel is an apartheid state because you do say it a lot….
But you also say that you are a Rabbi 🐰 and a Mayer 😂and in control of our metropolitan police 🚨 and that’s all complete bullshit too….
Basically all you do on here is prove what a fantasist you are….and this is the only thing that you do well…so well done for managing to do at least one thing well…..
Sorry to piss on your chips but I guess truth hurts?
🙄 😁 😉
Happy New Year everyone….
Not a Rabbi?
My Rabbinical seminary where I earned a DD would beg to differ with you.
Not Mayer of London?
I was fairly elected.
In control of the Met?!?
When did I ever claim I was?
And you say you’re “Ken Dobkin.”
And we all know what BS that is..
And you can’t even give out ice cream in a park on a hot Summer day!
But you’ve done much for the PSC and motivated lots of human rights activists to take up the Palestinian cause, so I will give you credit for that.
Happy New Year 🎉
Yes of course Brucie lad….
On the internet you can be whoever and whatever you want to be….at least you can in your head anyway…
Hate to break it to you but just because you say you are a something that doesn’t actually make it true….
Anyway I hope the mental institute where you live continues to treat you well and provide you with the medications that you so desperately need for your recovery…
Here’s hoping that 2022 is a much better year for your mental health…
And I do mean that with 100% sincerity….
Happy New year everyone….
Here’s hoping that 2022 is EQUALLY as “successful” for BDS as 2021 was….
And I say that with 100% sincerity….
Happy New Year everyone….
Funny how all those clowns taking selfies of themselves wearing IOF shirts, are all INSIDE. Wear that out in public and likely you’ll end up in A&E.
Thanks for the message Brucie.
I’m concerned that your message is getting lost in all the gags and piss-taking, so here’s the challenge to help you clear things up. See if you can write “apartheid Israel” 1000 times in a single post to really nail down your opinion. Copy/pasting is obviously allowed.
That should really shake things up, right?
I 🙏 that all my friends and online congregants have a happy, safe and healthy New Year and that 2022 sees the intensification of resistance against the evil apartheid state of Israel, both at home and abroad.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I must finish off this delicious tub of Ben & Jerry’s.
Here’s hoping that that the care facility where you live continues to treat you well and continues to provide you with the medications that you so desperately need to function….
Also hoping that 2022 is a better year for your mental health than the last 2 years have been…..
🙄 😁 😉
And I say that with 100% sincerity….
Happy New Year everyone…..
In a few decades time, Israel will celebrate its centenary as the world’s only Jewish State, hopefully still governed by a brilliant Arab, Christian, Jewish, Druzie coalition of all Israelis for all Israelis. Those of us who are still here will toast the amazing accomplishments of our tiny country. Then we’ll die and leave behind a wonderful, thriving state in which Jewish people manage their own affairs.
Opponents like our Brucie will still be tapping out ancient slogans that whine about apartheid Israel, ZioNazis and boycotts and will be croaking tepid provocations to an imagined audience of diaspora Joos. Then he’ll die and that will have been his life’s work. Bit bleak really.
This is the Zio way of doing business: 💊💊💊💊
Drugmaker Teva Pharmaceuticals contributed to the opioid crisis, a suburban New York jury ruled Thursday.
Teva meds are probably what are keeping you from a padded cell and a straightjacket…..
🙄 😁 😉
Happy New Year Loonster….
UNILEVER (owners of Ben and Jerrys) profits down 5% on the year….
Wonder if this was anything to do with the anti BDS boycott?
You see BDS this is how you are able to QUANTIFY whether a boycott is working or not…..
The numbers go DOWN instead of UP…
Happy New year everyone….
On the seventh day of Christmas, Israel sent me:
Seven checkpoints blocking,
Six tanks a-rolling,
Five settlement rings,
Four falling bombs,
Three trench guns,
Two trampled doves,
and an
uprooted olive tree.
“Ken” stated that you can never believe what you read on the internet. “Ken”is correct, and next year, this Rabbi will post PROOF that “Ken Dobkin” (aka Scoffy) has LIED on this blog.
In the meantime, Shabbat shalom 🕯️✡️🕯️and a happy New Year 🎉 to one and all. Stay safe.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray. 🙏 ✡️
Good to see you posting on Shabbat again and proving ONCE AGAIN that you are NOT a Rabbi….
I don’t have to provide any proof that you are a LIAR…..
You do all that for me….
Rabbi D.Ense B.A.std really is Thickus P1gSh1t….
And that is all…..
Happy New Year everyone…..
“Hate to break it to you but just because you say you are a something that doesn’t actually make it true….”
Keep that in mind “Ken.”
Shabbat shalom and happy new year everyone!
Brucie, you scamp. You know full well that I’m Scoffee and so’s my Uncle Bernard. So I’ll thank you to refer to me as “Ian Kay”.
Happy new year to you and all the other Christian contributors here, from all of us in the Jewish State.
Zionist State “Ian Kay.” Zionist State. Though I’ll also accept “Apartheid State.”
And please keep to your side of the Zionist separation wall tonight in Trafalgar Square.
Had a great time in Trafalgar Square tonight….
Wore my IDF sweatshirt especially for the occasion….
I asked a few metropolitan policemen and policewomen where the “Zionist section” was…..but they said there was no such thing?
Which is strange because ‘Rabbi”🐰 Levy has always been so truthful and utterly honest with every single thing he has typed on this blog….or so I thought?
🙄😁 😉
But now I can’t help thinking that it was all the words of a LYING JEW HATING SACK OF D0GSH1T……
Ah well never mind……
Happy New Year everyone…..
Those constables must have been mistaken, because I saw loads of Zios cowering behind a fenced-off section, far away from all the law-abiding citizens.
And you didn’t wear your IDF sweatshirt, because if you did, you’d still be waiting to be seen at Charing Cross Hospital A&E.
“I saw loads of Zios cowering behind a fenced-off section, far away from all the law-abiding citizens.”
Seriously…..have you any idea how fucked up you have allowed yourself to become?
And you have the nerve to call ME a liar?
🙄 😁 😉 😕 😝 😜 😂 😁
Thanks for making my New Year’s Day anyway….
Now please join me in a prayer for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in accordance with the messianic prophesies and the world peace that will follow….
(even though you had never even heard of the messianic prophesies until I told you about them? 😂🙄)
Never forget that it is your duty as a Rabbi (as a Jew) to do this every day…..(and rest assured that I will NEVER let you forget 😁)
And may the redeemer come to Zion and let us say….
Happy New year everyone….
Hey “Ken”
I’ve just saw a police video showing you DID NOT stay on your side of the Trafalgar Square Zionist security barrier and now you have two options:
1. Turn yourself into Charing Cross Police Station for interrogation.
2. Await a visit from Metropolitan Police Totteridge who will arrest you and take you to a secure facility to interrogate you.
Either option may result in a lengthy prison sentence, hospital stay, work release or a combination of three. Also, your house will be bulldozed and your property confiscated.
You have 2 minutes to decide.
The extreme level of psychosis you have reached has become of very great concern to your carers Levy….
Reluctantly your meds will now be doubled and will remain at this higher dose until further notice….
If this new level of medications fails to result in any noticeable improvement in your condition then you will be restrained and be confined to a padded cell for the rest of 2022…
It’s for your own good….
Happy New Year….
“You have 2 minutes to decide.”
Well it’s been more than 2 hours since you posted this and nothing seems to have happened?
Maybe the police have got better things to do?
Like catching escaped lunatics who call themselves “Rabbi” 🐰?
Happy New Year everyone…..
“Ken Dobkin” on January 1, 2022
“Maybe the police have got better things to do?”
If only the IOF had better things to do.
Impossible. I’M A RABBI!!! 🙏 ✡️
“Impossible. I’M A RABBI!!! 🙏 ✡️”
Sorry to piss on your chips fella but just saying something on the internet doesn’t actually make it true….
Keep taking the tablets….
Ken, you do find that nothing says that someone is definitely a Rabbi more than coming on the internet and squealing “I’m a Rabbi, honest” with full cap lock rage and a selection of vague emojis.
2022 eh ?
Feliz Scoffidad to one and all.
Much love from Scoffee and the Scoffettes.
(Scoffing Joo baiters since 1948)
And I being another Scoffie wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year
It just occurred to me that maybe it’s Levy who is the real Scoffy?
It actually wouldn’t surprise me given the level of his psychosis….
Happy Scoff Year to one and all…..
Since you mention it has Scoffie been released from the facebook correctional facility yet ?
How should I know ?
You should have told me “Ken,” I would have visited you inside and prayed with you for an early release and also for the peaceful dismantlement of apartheid Israel.
Was there a special section of the penitentiary
reserved for Zionists?
Reading and comprehension have never been your strong point have they Loonster?
We are all Scoffie now Stephen
Scoffing internet trolls one scoff at a time.
Coming to a Scoffateria near you soon.
Brucie babes the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
You are as much of a rabbi as a bacon 🥓 sandwich on Yom Kippur
Hey Dick
Next time you’re in Lidl, ask to be shown the bakery.
Coming to Scoff at your bakery Brucie.
Scofftabulous week to all.
When you come to Scoff, Ian, ask to be shown the OVENS.
Proper Seimens ovens Brucie or Taiwan knock offs ?
Scofftastic wind up there btw.
Yeh great wind up Brucey…
Typing OVENS like that…
We literally have no answer to that level of wit and wisdom….
Wonder what might be coming next?
BOXCAR maybe?
“Ken Dobkin” on December 16, 2021
“This wasn’t a pro Zionist protest….
It was a protest against the BBC and their anti Jewish bias….
There were no Israeli flags as all the pictures show….”
Gideon Falter, CEO of CAA, asked those who brought apartheid Israeli flags (including Scoffy,) to remove them for a photo op.
You can even hear Falter on the video ⬇️ tells Scoffy to “clear out” so that the photos can be free of the apartheid Israeli flags.
Apartheid Israel is so poisonous that even the CAA wants to distance itself from it.
Go to 29.11 in this video:
What is “Ken Dobkin” hiding?
“Rabbi Dr Levy, Deputy Chief Rabbi and Mayer of London”
There are at least four lies in your username alone Brucie lad…..
And even then that assumes your name is actually Bruce….which it probably isn’t?
When it comes to lying you are the heavyweight champion of the world…
Nobody comes close….
Why did you LIE and say that there weren’t any Israeli flags at the superspreader event when there were?
You’re unable to answer because you can’t.
I wasn’t even there you dense dozy fuckwit….
Look I know that you have invented this alternate reality for yourself where you are a learned respected Rabbi and Mayer of fucking London (whatever the fuck that is) and part of the fantasy is that I am some nutter called Jonathan Hoffman….
None of it is true….
My name is Ken Dobkin and I live in Manchester in the North of England….
And you are a mentally unstable deluded demented lying sack of D0gsh1t who may or may not have the surname Levy….
This is what reality actually looks like Loonster…..
Welcome to the real world….
You’re DEFLECTING “Ken” (Google it).
Now answer the question.
Whilst I’m waiting, I’ll 🙏 for an answer.
I answered your question
Unfortunately you are just too stupid to realise it!
But I did just Google “Rabbi Dr Levy, Deputy Chief Rabbi and Mayer of London” and didn’t find a thing?
Wonder why that could be?
🙄 😁 😉 😕 😝
Didn’t find a thing “Ken?”
Likely because you’re too stupid.
Just to confirm..
Google can’t locate any evidence that you are the person as the one you are purporting to be? Or indeed any evidence that such a person even exists?
Which is a little surprising given the high profile nature of the employment that you repeatedly inform us that you are engaged in?
Or maybe Google just isn’t working properly today?
🙄 😁
“Ken” you LIED and said there weren’t any apartheid Israeli flags when in fact there were.
Explain yourself.
I wasn’t at the demonstration “Levy” and there were no flags of any kind in the pictures I saw
But as we are discussing lies…
You are not a Rabbi of any kind least of all a Deputy Chief Rabbi
You are not a doctor
You are not a Mayer
You are not Learned
Google has found you out and so that fantasy is now well and truly over
Question is… why have you been lying about these things for the last 2 years?
Explain yourself
I’m a legally ordained Rabbi.
I earned a BA Degree plus grad and postgrad diplomas.
I also earned a DD Degree (Google it).
I was elected “Mayer of London” by a majority of voters. Not the first time I held elected office.
So there.
No you are none of those things
You are a lunatic who is off his meds
That is all
Desmond Tutu, of blessed memory, said in a 2011 interview:
“The Israeli politicians are aware they can get away with almost anything because the West is guilty. It feels guilty about what they didn’t do in when the Holocaust happened, and they’ve given a kind of carte blanche.
Now, if they are penitent they ought to be the ones who pay the price of that penitence. But the price is being paid by the Palestinians.”
Brucie, you know supermarket people. Fancy a little side hustle ?
Over at SKOFFI FASHIONS we’ve just printed off 100,000 IDF hoodies for a UK customer and have 8 dozen over-runs. Reckon you could push these through your Minimart as a January Special ? I could push a few shekels your way for the intro and maybe give you 5% on each sale. Whaddya say ?
BTW, 10% of all “Skoffits” go to the FIDF to support Lone Soldiers, so you’ll be doing a big mitzvah (good deed).
Let me know
Nah. We found that our FREE ✌️ 🇵🇸 ✌️ PALESTINE hoodies are selling like hotcakes. We just can’t get enough of them.
Because BDS is so successful, anything connected with apartheid Israel just doesn’t sell, especially to young people who make up the majority of our customers.
As far as your IDF hoodies, I suggest you contact Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, your local animal shelter or zoo to see if they can take them off your hands.
Please note that most charity shops have minimal standards and likely won’t accept your garments.
“Thank you for calling Skoffi Fashions; home of Zionist chic since 1948.
All our staff are busy at the moment taking orders from Zionist supporters just like you. Your call is important to us and will be answered shortly. Please continue to hold or press 67 to request a return call.”
“Because BDS is so successful”
I’d like to leave a message to say that civilized people find your rifle sight Zionist range “ONE SHOT, TWO KILLS” (pregnant Palestinian graphic) and “THE SMALLER THEY ARE, THE HARDER THEY ARE” (young child graphic) hoodies/T-shirts sick and offensive.
“Thank you for holding. To place an order with Skoffi Fashions please press 1. For bulk inquiries, it’s 2. To support complete Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, it’s 3 and for anything else, please continue to hold.”
I’ll hold.
“Your selection has not been recognized. Please replace the handset and try again. Scoffi Fashions thanks you for your call.”
You are not a Rabbi of any kind least of all a Deputy Chief Rabbi….
You are not a Doctor of any kind
You are not a Mayer (whatever that is)
You DEFINITELY are not Learned
Google has found you out and revealed you to be the fraud that you are….
Question is….
Why have you been lying about these things for the last 2 years?
Explain yourself……
The most popular name for new born baby boys in Israel in 2021 was Mohamned!
So in the world’s only Jewish state the most popular name for a boy is an Arab (Muslim) name?
And yet some people will try to tell you that Israel is an apartheid country?
What dense cunts they must be….
🙄 😁 😉
You sound like a broken record “Ken.”
You sound like a lunatic who is off his meds “Levy”
Wonder why that could be?
What’s everyone doing for holocaust memorial day?
Any special plans?
You are not a Rabbi of any kind least of all a Deputy Chief Rabbi….
You are not a Doctor of any kind
You are not a Mayer (whatever that is)
You DEFINITELY are not Learned
Google has found you out and revealed you to be the fraud that you are….
Question is….
Why have you been lying about these things for the last 2 years?
Explain yourself……
Desmond Tutu showed great courage in his fight against the racist apartheid system in South Africa, insisting on nonviolence and eventual reconciliation.
He also promoted appallingly antisemitic views about Jews and Israel
These things are both true and both part of the late man’s legacy.
I suppose that we all have our faults….he certainly did…..Alav Ha Shalom….
“He also promoted appallingly antisemitic views about Jews and Israel”
Explain yourself cretin.
You are not a Rabbi of any kind least of all a Deputy Chief Rabbi….
You are not a Doctor of any kind
You are not a Mayer (whatever that is)
You DEFINITELY are not Learned
Google has found you out and revealed you to be the fraud that you are….
Question is….
Why have you been lying about these things for the last 2 years?
Explain yourself…..CRETIN
🙏 Blessings to EMMA WATSON! ♥️
From the river to the sea…
Palestine will be free!
In his (self) righteous activism against Israel, Desmond Tutu failed to extrapolate on facts. Since 2000, Palestinians have repeatedly refused any offer or compromise for independence. They have been offered an independent West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem in exchange for acknowledging Israel’s right to exist. (Israel has been out of Gaza since 2005). The outstretched hand has been ignored over and over again. The “oppression” of Palestinians seems to be self-afflicted as their governments refuse to come to any reasonable agreement but instead allow Hamas to continue their terror campaign against Israel unhindered. Desmond Tutu and others like him conveniently omit mentioning Israel’s enemies whose sole objective is the annihilation of Israel.
The alleged illegal “occupation” is a result of the 1967 six-day war and the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Both initiated by Israel’s Arab neighbors, and both resulted in Israel’s right to defend itself. Actually, Israel’s right to the West Bank continues under the UN Security Council Resolution 242 (1967), 338 (1973) and beyond 1995 Israeli-Palestinian interim accords and agreements.
Israel does have internal Jewish-Arab challenges and conflicts that should not be ignored, as recent incidents and attacks have demonstrated. But Israel is the only democratic secular society in the Middle East. Three religions worship freely, and Arabs living in Israel are Israeli citizens who often choose to serve in local law enforcement and in defense. They also choose to live in Israel. The newly elected coalition government is the most inclusive and includes Arab participation. Labeling Israel as an “apartheid state” is ludicrous. Blacks under apartheid were marginalized, segregated, and void of any voting rights and property. Reverend Kenneth Rasalabe Joseph Meshoe, former South Africa parliamentarian and leader of the African Christian Democratic Party took exception to Tutu’s allegations. In a 2015 interview he said, “Those who know what real apartheid is, as I know, know there is nothing in Israel that looks like apartheid”.
In an April 2002, article in The Guardian (Apartheid in the Holy Land), Desmond Tutu laments the plight of the Palestinians. The article was based on one warped concept that Israel treats Palestinians unjustly to justify its existence. In his own words “…what it did (Israel) to another people to guarantee its existence”. The article is a list of alleged Israeli injustices against Palestinians. What he failed to include was reality. He accused Israel of taking Arab land and establishing roadblocks and checkpoints that keep Palestinians out of Israel. Most of the disputed land had belonged to Jews in the first place until they were thrown out or killed, and roadblocks and checkpoints exist so less Israelis die.
Desmond Tutu was well versed and subtle in his narrative. He condemned suicide bombers and the teaching of hatred and in the same breath condemned security forces violence on “occupied land”. Without differentiating between who the suicide bomber and hatred proliferator is, Desmond Tutu continued to accuse Israel of inhumane practices that “won’t allow ambulances to reach the injured”. He obviously never visited Israeli hospitals on the border where Palestinians mostly children, are routinely treated. I have a friend who belonged to an Israeli volunteer organization that picks up and drops off Palestinians from border checkpoints, again mostly children, to Israeli hospitals in the region for treatment. The organization is called The Road to Recovery. Desmond Tutu’s article continued its attack on Israel by also accusing the US for allowing Jews to remain a “powerful” lobbying machine. Quote: “…the US keeps Israel on a pedestal and if anyone criticizes it they are immediately labeled as anti-Semites.” A page straight out of the infamous The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
At the 2007 Boston Sabeel forum, Desmond Tutu continued his familiar Israel bashing. Not surprising. Sabeel is a platform renowned for anti-Semite tropes and anti-Jewish hyperbole. The Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center was founded by Naim Aleek, an Arab Anglican priest in Jerusalem, who Tutu fondly referred to as “brother”. According to NGO-Monitor, a global monitor of human rights, transparency, and accountability, Naim Aleek and his organization Sabeel is founded on a liberation theory that Palestinians represent a modern Jesus Christ. During Holy Week in 2001, Naim Aleek described “…the suffering of Jesus Christ at the hands of the evil political and religious powers…” and “…is lived out again in Palestine…Jesus is on the cross again with thousands of crucified Palestinians around him”. (NGO-Monitor). His rabid narrative continued by stating that “The Israeli government crucifixion system is operating daily”. Obviously, Naim is historically deficient. Crucifixion was a Roman thing. Desmond Tutu surrounded himself with similar ‘frame of mind” individuals who championed human rights unless you’re Israeli. Terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah are conveniently ignored, not mentioned, and given a pass. These are the activist heroes and apologists for Israel’s enemies.
Tutu was a great man in many ways but like all of us he was far from perfect….Alav Ha Shalom….
I stopped reading your copy and paste after the first paragraph.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray. 🙏✡️
Brucie, massive news this morning !!
Just had a call here at SCOFFY PROMOTIONS from Emma Watson. Me and her go way back and she’s asked a favour. You know she’s dead woke right? Well she and some of her Hogwarts mates are having a little soirée to support the rights of the native Inuit, the Hebridean Separatists and the Palestinians. Nothing too fancy just a few nibbles and non-alcoholic cocktails (Dry Jan!!). They’ve got in some of the cast of pretend magicians, wizards and witches from Potter and thought it’d be a hoot to have a few pretend clerics too – for the PR shots in the Gruniad. Well, they got that bloke from Father Ted and Emma ask me whether you’d be available as the joke Rabbi. What should I tell her?
Someone should tell Emma Watson that….
Only Palestinians have rejected their own statehood.
Only Palestinians have engaged in 7 decades of terrorism.
Only Palestinians punish land sales to Jews with the death penalty.
Only Palestinian leaders pay lifetime rewards to those who murder Israelis and tourists.
Taking a sabbatical for a few weeks, as I’m studying for my second Doctorate.
Blessings everyone 🙏 ✡️
“second Doctorate”. You and your euphemisms Brucie.
Enjoy the Lidl Shelf Stackers annual trip to Benidorm….don’t get too drunk will you?
Oh and can you bring me back a sleeve of B&H?
But Rabbi you do realise that Ian is going to be fucked not having you as a cast iron excuse for neglecting his studies for his 1000000000000000 .9999999 recurring O level chemistry resit
Poor Stephen’s feeling left out. I did ask Emma if she needed any pretend Irish dopes but she reckoned that Rupert Grint had that covered.
He could always be the pretend Rabbi if Brucie knocks her back.
Meanwhile, in a world far, far away from the house trolls, the Israeli coalition government passes laws that will allow thousands of Israeli Arab homes to be connected to the power and utility grids, this despite them being built without local authority planning consent, a requirement for every citizen here . Much of the debate was led by MKs from the Ra’am Islamic Party, an influential coalition member and took place in Arabic and Hebrew. The opposition led by former King Bibi boycotted the vote which passed 61-0.
Israel; ruining apartheid since 1948
Serious question. Who rhe fuck is Emma ?
Someone who pretends to be someone else for money. Same as you and Brucie but better paid.
But anyway good news from Bristol crown court. Good that the legal system is alive and well.
Blast from the past
And speaking of protecting the most vulnerable in society, SCOFFI MEDIA has donated two dozen IDF snug-fit hoodies to these poor souls to ensure that they can keep warm on the streets this winter. Executive Director, Scoffington Scoffman said “we’re proud to do our bit.”
Tax dodge.
Aah Brucie, you’ve unflounced early, as expected. Did Emma get in touch? She’d heard about your other comedy characterization of “Mayer” and asked if you’d prefer to be the Archboshup of Cunterbury at her special do. Shall I tell her YES?
The hoot here is that these super heros from Bristol were acquited largely in consequence of the judge’s summing up. The judge was born in Jaffa and he and his family were driven out by the Zios. He’d waited over 60 years for his revenge. Needless to say Scoffie was apoplectic
A 13 yrs old video?
Nice one Bellers….
Israeli GDP has DOUBLED since this was made….so looks like the actions of these scruffy scrotes has achieved precisely fuck all for their cause……
Ah well never mind…..
Ken what cause you to imagine I give a flying fuck about Israeli GDP ?
My apologies Bellers….
I always thought that you supported the BDS campaign to destroy the Israeli economy? The people in the video you posted certainly do (or did?)
Glad to hear that you don’t…
Which Scoffie are you talking about. Didn’t you know we’re all Scoffie now.
Or maybe you didn’t get the Scoffie news memo
Richard, you make a timely point. We should add Stephen to the “SCOFFEE SCOOPS” mailing list. Then he’ll have his finger on the pulse of all the latest Scoffee goss. Poor fella’s still relying on news from nearly 2 decades ago. Crickey, some of the Scoffees weren’t even born.
My thesis is on the 13 pillars of Israel:
(the term has been tainted by apartheid Israel. I prefer “attempted genocide”)
Ethnic cleansing
Media, Hasbara, Anti-Semitism, IHRC, “Holocaust” grouped together.
Settlements, Violence, Racism, Ethnic cleansing, Apartheid, Zionism are grouped together.
AIPAC, Finance also are grouped together.
Speaking of big lists Brucie, did you get onto Emma’s for her “Free Grifyndor, Free Palestine” shindig? Omed Jahlili agreed to be the joke Mullah and Brian Blessed is the joke Archbishop Makarios. She’s still keen to get you as the joke Rabbi. She reckons you’re hilarious. High praise indeed. Are you in?
DC may be available as the joke blogger.
Did you pick me up a sleeve of B&H from Alicante Airport like I asked you to Levy?
How was Benidorm? Usual piss up?
I’ll return to deliver my International “Holocaust” Remembrance Day speech later on this month.
Until then, blessings 🙏✡️
If I had gone abroad “Ken”, I’d have brought you several cartons of coffin nails 🚬🚬🚬 ☠️ ⚰️ if you catch my drift.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to 🙏 ✡️
Thanks Levy….you are all heart….
Can you bake me some more of your holocaust cakes too? With plenty of red leb?
🇱🇧 😝
Cheers…. 👍
I think there may be something in this. I have often wondered how just one man could be so fucking ridiculous without divine help.
Brucie, are you gonna take that ? Defend yourself man.
Agreed Bellers….Levy is indeed “fucking ridiculous”
🐰 😂 😁 😊 😉 😕 😝 😜 😂
Scoffees of the word unite and take over!
Brucie, I’ve noticed how cross you are about Jews having our own country. Your main gripe seems to be that we used and continue to use the event of our mass industrial extermination to justify our State. This is an argument that you and your kind can never win so all that is left for you is some name-calling on the internet and the imagined revenge gained from thematic wind-ups here.
All this is clear so here’s a serious question to break the monotony of the traditional exchanges this week (and before Stephen rushes to help you out with a deflection). You obviously have a preferred scenario. Is it that the surviving Jews of 1945 had kept their mouths shut and their heads down or that the Nazis had finished the job, negating the need for a safe haven for the remnant of a few hundred pathetic survivors?
You always say you don’t give a ‘flying f–k’ about anything to do with Jews, Israel and/or Zionism, yet you can never keep yourself from banging on about them.
How does that old saying go, ‘there’s aught as strange as folk’
Do keep up the good work; it does keep some of us well amused
I think you mean nowt
“Rabbi” 🐰 “converts” 🙄 from Judaism to Islam…..
Just one thing….
He was never a Rabbi (or even Jewish) in the first place?
Ring any bells guys…..?
Wow. Mrs Brucie’s a right old munter !
What with all these pretend rabbis and Stephen’s 2003 copy/pastes, there are powerful forces at work here Ken.
Imagine if they really got serious and started writing crap reviews of kosher nosheries?
7 years ago today, an ISIS terrorist stormed into the Hypercacher kosher supermarket in Paris, kidnapped shoppers, & murdered 4 people.
We remember these stolen lives…..
Philippe Braham (45)
Yohan Cohen (22)
Yoav Hattab (21)
François-Michel Saada (64)
May their memories be a blessing.
Different sources, different spelling
this is interesting
Brucie, I got a call from Sidney at the Zionist Dolphin Congregation of Ashkelon. He said they’re recruiting a Chief Rabbi to minister to their growing pod and wondered whether you’d be keen.
They’re more conservative than orthodox so tend to flip through the repetitions in the service which would probably suit you.
Apparently, more important than being an actual rabbi, is the ability to hold your breath under water and be able to jump very high to grab a fish from a hot pool attendant. Sounds like it’s made for you. What should I tell him ?
Here’s the link. https://www.jpost.com/omg/article-692167
who said this o))
“I am delighted to congratulate Boris Johnson, a longstanding friend and champion of the Jewish community, on becoming the next leader of the Conservative Party and our next Prime Minister. As he accepts upon himself the mantle of responsibility to lead our nation, may he be blessed with the wisdom to successfully navigate the political uncertainties we face and bring healing and prosperity to our great country.”
Yeh I can’t tell you how sorry I was that Herr Corbyn didn’t win the election…..
Oh how I would have loved to have had all my money and property sequestered by the state and sent to those needy folk in Palestine…and then been forced to share accommodation (and one toilet) with several hundred of my closest pals in one of those gulag type thingys…..
Ah well never mind…….
And who said this o))
Dear Boris, Please don’t f**k up tonight Thanks the jews
Hey Brucie. Just had the Jews on the phone. They’re asking why your chum Stephen’s always going on about them. What should I tell them ?
for our Bellers, saying he doesn’t give a ‘flying f–k’ about Jews seems to indicate that that’s all he does seem to give a ‘flying f–k’ about. Ah well; you can’t seem to win em all
He also seems to be swearing and cursing a lot more than he used to
It’s an tactic as old as Stephen’s copy/pastes Richard. Fans on Footie Fan sites have been playing this game for years. Check them out. They turn up in the comment section of a rival, normally when their team has been beaten, lost a cup or missed out on some big name signing and bleat about how they couldn’t give a flying fuck about it. They emphasise the point by not giving a flying fuck every day for years. Sound familiar ?
This reminds me of the time I visited Morocco several years ago. While I was there, the story of the Jewish community in Morocco that I heard was that the Jews were living in peace, but then they received a letter from Israel asking them to leave, and so they left. No word about the anti-Jewish riots in the 1950s. Nope, they just upped and left.