arab lands what happened

What really happened to the million Jews in Arab lands?

What really happened to the million Jews who lived in Arab lands? Unfortunately, so many people spread lies about what happened to those Jews – chiefly as a way of propping up a false Palestinian narrative – that most people have no idea of the truth or the scale of the disaster. They see the lies spreading online, but simply do not have the material … Continue reading What really happened to the million Jews in Arab lands?

Suffering and the theft of the world's soul

How the Palestinians stole the suffering, of well – just about everyone

It might seem absurd to those that do not see what is going on, but the pro-Palestinian movement probably cannot believe its good fortune. They can steal any idea, make any accusation, and global antisemitism will do the rest of the work for them. Because their fight is against the Jews, their empty smears all go viral. What we see in the anti-Israel movement today … Continue reading How the Palestinians stole the suffering, of well – just about everyone

unrwa war of return

Palestinian refugees and UNRWA – it is time to tell the truth

In May 2016 I spoke at a panel event on the possibility of a two state solution. My talk focused on the key issue of the entire conflict – the reason the ‘Palestinian refugee’ situation can never end. At the time I called for the ridiculous definition of a Palestinian refugee to be thrown into the dustbin of history and for UNRWA to be scrapped … Continue reading Palestinian refugees and UNRWA – it is time to tell the truth