PSC extremism

Palestine Solidarity Campaign – paving the road to extremism

The UK government recently adopted a new definition of ‘extremism’. They will begin to label groups ‘extremist’ if the group promotes an ideology based on ‘violence, hatred or intolerance’ which aims to negate the freedom of others, undermine democracy, or help others do the same. It is seen as a way of helping to remove oxygen from groups that are pushing poison into the veins … Continue reading Palestine Solidarity Campaign – paving the road to extremism

Wikipedia poisoning minds

Wikipedia – the most active spreader of antisemitism on the planet

Today – tens of millions of people – including many children -will type something into Google’s search box. Because of Google’s algorithm, a Wikipedia entry will almost always feature as one of the top results: It has probably held true for a number of years that more people have their opinion shaped by Wikipedia on a daily basis – than by any other information source. … Continue reading Wikipedia – the most active spreader of antisemitism on the planet

bds, psc LIES

Lies and more lies. PSC and the viral BDS fake news circus

I am just coming to the end of a project that has taken almost a year and had promised myself that I would not get distracted in the final stretch. But when this week highlighted just how badly anti-Israel activism is dependant on fake news and lies, I decided to take a slight detour to share it with you. Divestment and the lies of BDS … Continue reading Lies and more lies. PSC and the viral BDS fake news circus


The greatest enemy of truth telling is lazy journalism

The greatest enemy of truth-telling about the Israel / Arab conflict is lazy journalism. Everyone knows Hezbollah are the bad guys. but as you work your way down the ladder of hate, things become progressively more difficult. At the grassroots level of anti-Israel street activism, the lines have become so sufficiently blurred through lazy journalism that you really need to unravel a maze of inaccuracy … Continue reading The greatest enemy of truth telling is lazy journalism

toxic 1

Toxic. BBC journalists as antisemitic trolls and the battle for academia

Toxic. One thing I have firmly understood in my time researching and exposing antisemitism is that haters never stop hating. The dangers posed to Jewish people and society as a whole, may evolve, mutate and even dress up as the benign, but they never go away. I tend to focus on more intensive research, as I find it more effective to present a larger, well … Continue reading Toxic. BBC journalists as antisemitic trolls and the battle for academia


SOAS hosts Islamist linked fake Jewish group – created to attack Jews

This exclusive account demonstrates that SOAS has been the venue for a hate-infested political group set up explicitly to attack mainstream British Jewry. The official minutes from this group’s meetings demonstrate- That it was set up by academic(s) at SOAS. The university hosts the group’s strategy meetings Calls itself Jewish even though it is driven by non-Jewish antisemites The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) – … Continue reading SOAS hosts Islamist linked fake Jewish group – created to attack Jews

Interfaith Chester

The Catholic Church, Interfaith and the Antisemites

This weekend Chester saw an Interfaith event – at least on paper it did. In reality what took place in the North-West is part of a particularly insidious antisemitic attack. Those responsible are a group called ‘Interfaith for Palestine’. The people behind Interfaith for Palestine created a Facebook page and a website in spring of 2019. This week they held a two-day conference. The programme … Continue reading The Catholic Church, Interfaith and the Antisemites

Labour Conference 2019 - antisemitism

The conference that signals the end of the Labour Party

It is the end of September and Brighton are once again hosting a Labour Party conference. I have been to a conference once before, two years ago and had endured a pretty uncomfortable experience. The conference in 2017 was the moment that I realised the problem of antisemitism in the party was spreading to the mainstream and that it would continue to do so for … Continue reading The conference that signals the end of the Labour Party

The Guardian newspaper: Decades of baiting British Jews

This week the Guardian published a letter that was co-produced by Elleanne Green, founder of Palestine Live. The letter was a defence of Chris Williamson and a denial of the antisemitism in the Labour Party. That in itself is a disgrace. But the Guardian’s issue with Jewish people and Israel extends back much further than Corbyn. Anyone researching antisemitism today knows that Corbyn is a … Continue reading The Guardian newspaper: Decades of baiting British Jews

hate and stupidity in London

Eyewitness account: Antisemitic hate walks through London once more

Yesterday in London I saw a few thousand people march down Regent Street, past Piccadilly and into Whitehall. All the usual faces were present, hard-core antisemites and Holocaust deniers leading a bunch of foolish sheep. They sang songs about destroying Israel through violence, they held aloft antisemitic signs and they gave antisemitic speeches. The only media that did report it, presented it as some type … Continue reading Eyewitness account: Antisemitic hate walks through London once more