Are Anthropologists that stupid?

There is a vote taking place at the American Anthropological Association meeting in Denver tomorrow over the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. I am far more in tune with the BDS movements actions within the UK but having analysed the dedicated boycott website and seen their attempt to deceive the doubters through a Q&A page, it is clear that the method and flawed logic crosses … Continue reading Are Anthropologists that stupid?

From Jerusalem to New York, to Paris, ‘brothers in arms’

For those that haven’t read my writing before, I never shoot from the hip. The bigger the issue, the greater the anger, the longer I require to internalise events before I am able to place my thoughts onto paper. So it is little surprise that it has taken several days to digest the events that took place in Paris last Friday night. Like most people … Continue reading From Jerusalem to New York, to Paris, ‘brothers in arms’

BBC – Guilty as charged

I do tend to write about most of the events that I go to, but walking into a room full of people who do not spend their time spreading lies about Israel is an odd circumstance for me. So despite the serious nature of the BBC Watch events this week, it was a refreshing experience and in an odd way I could relax; I was … Continue reading BBC – Guilty as charged

Antisemitism in Westminster and nobody cares. More politicians involved.

Last week, in my blog, I addressed a short speech by Gerald Kaufman that included ‘accusations’, that ‘Jewish money’ directs British foreign policy and a statement that Israel has fabricated most of the terror attacks to cover up the murder of Palestinian civilians. The story was covered widely in the Jewish press, both here and abroad, with all of the major Jewish papers covering the … Continue reading Antisemitism in Westminster and nobody cares. More politicians involved.

The Kaufman Effect

Although this blog was written early this morning, I chose to release it first on the Elder of Ziyon blog rather than my own. Two days ago I sat in government buildings within the Westminster complex and witnessed classic antisemitic slurs. I have to say primarily, that whatever one thinks of the political position of the Arabs who were present, the antisemitism *did not come … Continue reading The Kaufman Effect

Jewish money. An evening with the PRC, Kaufman and classic antisemitic libels

It is 27/10/2015 and I am at 1 Parliament St for a ’roundtable event’ organised by the Palestine Return Council and hosted by Gerald Kaufman. I had not been to one of these before and therefore had no idea what to expect, but as all the names on the invitation were hostile to Israel, I was hoping for a little excitement. However, even I did … Continue reading Jewish money. An evening with the PRC, Kaufman and classic antisemitic libels

The *dangerous* idiots of academia

There is more than enough evidence to show that for over 100 years, Arabs have been making up excuses to kill Jews. This antisemitic drive, this inability to accept anything that is different, this backward, regressive ideology, took British Palestine and drenched it in Jewish blood. This violence led to partition and the creation of Israel. Despite this, those fighting the Arab corner have spent … Continue reading The *dangerous* idiots of academia

Stabbings, the Mufti and Enid Blyton – the week that was

As a child, I remember with fondness, reading and re-reading the adventures of Jo, Bessie, Fanny and Dick (the names changed in later editions for reasons that are not totally clear to me), who were four children living near a magical tree that took them to strange and wondrous lands. These stories of course were in Blyton’s tales of the ‘Enchanted Wood’. Today, somewhere in … Continue reading Stabbings, the Mufti and Enid Blyton – the week that was

An open letter to Theresa May, Home Secretary of the UK

Rt Hon Theresa May MP I spent the weekend of the 17 and 18th October 2015 at the School for African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) to attend a conference. SOAS was one of the specific universities “named and shamed” as an institution that gives a platform to extremists. The conference was the 10th Annual Conference of the SOAS Palestine Society titled ‘Settler and Citizens: A … Continue reading An open letter to Theresa May, Home Secretary of the UK

From the university to an attack on the streets of Israel, the true cycle of violence.

I have just spent two days inside SOAS, at the Centre for Palestine Studies as a delegate at the 10th Annual Conference of the SOAS Palestine Society titled ‘Settler and Citizens: A Critical View of Israel’. In the 1920’s and 1930’s Zionist groups across the globe met in order to further the Zionist cause. The basic messages were simple; encourage, build, promote, purchase, financially assist … Continue reading From the university to an attack on the streets of Israel, the true cycle of violence.