Peter Gregson and his racist, abusive email
Today, Edinburgh Council withdrew discussion on twinning their city with Gaza – as they finally realised (thanks mainly to the great work of UK Lawyers for Israel), that there may be legal issues with twinning Edinburgh with a proscribed group of radical Islamic terrorists. This is a related post about an email that was sent to me by Peter Gregson, the activist behind the Edinburgh … Continue reading Peter Gregson and his racist, abusive email
Edinburgh Council want to hug a proscribed terrorist group
On Tuesday – unbelievably -the Policy and Sustainability Committee of Edinburgh Council will debate and vote on a motion to twin Edinburgh with the HQ of a radical Islamic terrorist group. The 17 Councillors on this Committee (5 SNP, 5 Conservative, 3 Labour, 2 LibDem, 2 Green) will debate a petition concocted by an antisemite whose twisted thinking proved even too toxic for the proscribed … Continue reading Edinburgh Council want to hug a proscribed terrorist group
BBC, the revision of history and the invention of Ancient Palestine
A few days ago, I received a message about a video on a history channel that mentioned ‘Palestine’ in a history of Ancient Egypt. I do love a good fairytale, so soon sat myself down to watch it. I have to say, that of all the absurdly inappropriate references to ‘Palestine’ that I have seen, this is one of the most ludicrous. Seeing ‘ancient Palestine’ … Continue reading BBC, the revision of history and the invention of Ancient Palestine
Amnesty International admits – it wants the destruction of Israel
People who have been paying attention to the ethical demise of Amnesty International have known for a long time that the NGO has a problem with Jews and is helping those that seek the destruction of the Jewish state. I even wrote a 200 page report that covered the subject. But now that we have heard it straight from the horse’s mouth, there is no … Continue reading Amnesty International admits – it wants the destruction of Israel
How an undercover activist exposed London’s Jew-hating elites
‘Keyboard Warrior’ – How an undercover activist exposed London’s Jew-hating elites – repost from Mishpacha Magazine (journalist Gedalia Guttentag – photo Mendel Photography) Not all he seemed It was a remote place to pick for a high-level strategy meeting. In late 2016, a group of activists made their way to a building on an industrial estate in west London, climbed a staircase to the second … Continue reading How an undercover activist exposed London’s Jew-hating elites
Electronic Intifada goes full Putin
Like most people I have been watching with horror the unfolding events in Ukraine. Unlike many I am not surprised at all. My Zionism is primarily based upon an understanding that the world is a nasty place. Since the 1990s a growing (yet entirely baseless), sense of over confidence has embedded itself in the west. The cold war Soviet threat was replaced with the Islamist … Continue reading Electronic Intifada goes full Putin
Amnesty’s problem with Israel – too many Jews
Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ll know that Amnesty International released a vile report accusing Israel of ‘Apartheid’. Every informed and level headed person on the planet also knows it is a spiteful and false claim. In a recent ranking of the world’s democracies, Israel came in at number 23, which makes it one of the freest, most liberal and vibrant democracies … Continue reading Amnesty’s problem with Israel – too many Jews
Where are the real journalists? 15 questions for Amnesty
Since Amnesty wrote their Apartheid smear report, most of the questions for Amnesty coming from journalists have legitimised Amnesty’s work. This does not mean that the journalists agree with the contents of the report, but merely that the manner in which it has been reported has given Amnesty credit that they clearly do not deserve. It is worth reading how the Times of Israel’s Lazar … Continue reading Where are the real journalists? 15 questions for Amnesty
Beyond Crooked. Meet the Amnesty judges and jury
If you got to page ‘x’ in the new Amnesty ‘Apartheid report to argue about a comment in paragaph ‘y’, that contains a reference to Israel doing ‘z’ – you are already more than half way to losing the argument. This is about the clear big picture, not the distorted little ones – and engaging any accusation that comes from Amnesty is a waste of … Continue reading Beyond Crooked. Meet the Amnesty judges and jury
Amnesty – Apartheid? What a pile of…..
I will keep this short because there is not much to say. Tomorrow Amnesty International is going to drop a 211-page report on Israel. I’ve seen an embargoed copy – Israel are right to call Amnesty antisemitic. Ngo Monitor have just published a take-down of the report that exposes just how bad it actually is. (EoZ also published pieces exposing some of the lies inside … Continue reading Amnesty – Apartheid? What a pile of…..