Hate followed the brutal terror attack of Lucy, Maia and Rina Dee

Hate in the shadow of a terrorist attack

Whenever they occur terrorist attacks are met with global sympathy – except of course when they happen to Jews in Israel. But even for those of us who have become used to the blatant double standards, loaded headlines, and insincere commentary that regularly accompany these tragic events, the raw hate that we saw following the tragic events of last Friday still took us by surprise. … Continue reading Hate in the shadow of a terrorist attack

No! The Jews were not ‘living happily’ in Arab lands

According to the anti-Israel narrative, Jews and Arabs lived peacefully together – until of course the ‘Zionists’ arrived to spoil the ‘beautiful’ relationship. This is one of the most offensive rewrites of history. It may be true that the Jews had a worse time in Europe – a deflective phrase I have even heard academics use – but let’s face it, is the industrial slaughter … Continue reading No! The Jews were not ‘living happily’ in Arab lands


Challenging the false anti-Israel narrative with facts

“Not all opinions are equal. And some things happened just like they say they did. Slavery happened, the Black Death happened, the earth is round, the ice caps are melting, and Elvis is not alive” -Rachel Weisz (playing Deborah Lipstadt) from the movie ‘Denial’. Jews are facing Orwellian inversions of history. We are witnessing an increase in Holocaust denialism, that can even perversely attempt to … Continue reading Challenging the false anti-Israel narrative with facts

Gary Lineker - virtue signalling

An open letter to Gary Lineker

To Gary Lineker I am writing this because you recently blocked me on Twitter. I am not an abusive guy, I am not an extremist, I do not spam – and I know what I am talking about. You apparently did not like that I disagreed with your post. You have the right to block whoever you want to, but effectively you just put your … Continue reading An open letter to Gary Lineker

Burning peaceful roots. How UK politicians side with the terrorists

Every now and again the mask of the anti-Israel movement slips to such a degree that even the naive and foolish should be able to see the real face of anti-Israel activism. The ‘rape your daughters’ convoy last year is a good example – even if shamefully the CPS has decided not to prosecute those responsible. The current attempt to silence the NGO ‘Roots’ on … Continue reading Burning peaceful roots. How UK politicians side with the terrorists

Judean Hills - the truth

I told the truth about ‘Palestine’ – and this happened

Two things are key to my outlook – truth and historicity. Being driven by a need for honesty however, does mean that I am not so big on being ‘politically correct’. I believe that following such an ‘unchained’ strategy exposes the weaknesses of the anti-Israel propaganda machine far better than other, more ‘diplomatic’ methods. So on Sunday I put out a simple, factual tweet. I … Continue reading I told the truth about ‘Palestine’ – and this happened

Islamic Jihad - Hamas flags over edinburgh

Hey Scotland – Islamic Jihad and Hamas scammers want your cash

Exposed: The Secretary of the Edina-Gaza Twinning Association is not just tied up with terrorist groups like Islamic Jihad – he is scamming the people of Scotland for their cash. The twinning agenda Edinburgh Council has just released the agenda for their upcoming meeting on the 30th August. Shamefully it confirms that they will be debating the twinning of their city with Gaza. In effect … Continue reading Hey Scotland – Islamic Jihad and Hamas scammers want your cash

Gregson Edinburgh Council

An open letter to Edinburgh Council – are you in bed with terrorists?

An open letter to Edinburgh Council (an email containing this information was sent to all sitting Councillors). Dear Councillor, You will soon be debating the twinning of Edinburgh with Gaza again.  When you were due to debate the motion earlier this year I received an abusive, antisemitic email from the proposer of the motion, Pete Gregson. Since then, I have discovered far more about the … Continue reading An open letter to Edinburgh Council – are you in bed with terrorists?

Palestinian lies – built upon Jewish blood

Those who have no history have to steal one. Anyone who spends time on social media has seen these pictures. Images from the British Mandate held up by anti-Israel activists to ‘prove’ that there was a land called ‘Palestine’ before the Jews ‘invaded and stole it’: As we all know, these images betray the ignorance and foolishness not just of those who post them – … Continue reading Palestinian lies – built upon Jewish blood

CNN find their ‘Dancing Israelis’

Two days ago CNN produced a report that claimed that Israel deliberately targeted Shireen Abu Akleh, the Al Jazeera journalist. The facts themselves are very simple and you won’t find many of them in the CNN report. Given everything we know about the events – and what we do not – we cannot know for sure who fired the shot. It is not about denial. … Continue reading CNN find their ‘Dancing Israelis’