free speech toxic headline

As toxic an event about free speech and antisemitism as you will ever see

I have sat through many toxic events in my time, but even for me yesterday was something special. A gathering of no less than four of the Labour party’s ‘antisemitism’ stars, Chris Williamson, Jackie Walker, Tony Greenstein and Mark Wadsworth. As an additional bonus they had a special American panel member – the conspiracy theorist and anti-Zionist rock star, Max Blumenthal. It could have been … Continue reading As toxic an event about free speech and antisemitism as you will ever see


An annexation that isn’t – British Jewry loses the plot

Israel is a democracy with a large Jewish majority. Since 1967, and the three ‘Nos’ at the Arab Summit in Khartoum, Israel has been trying to navigate a geo-political nightmare. On the one hand, it would very much like to build bridges with all its neighbours, on the other it faces a hostile Arab population that is unable to come to terms with Israel’s existence. … Continue reading An annexation that isn’t – British Jewry loses the plot

IHRC Al Quds 2020

IHRC Al Quds 2020 – terrorists, extremists, antisemites and violence

The IHRC Al Quds Day 2020 was like no other. If you doubt that the BDS movement supports violence, seeks to destroy Israel and wants to rid the Middle East of Jews, then you should sit through the whole toxic 150 minutes of this online event like I did. Each year, the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) are given permission to hold a radical Islamist … Continue reading IHRC Al Quds 2020 – terrorists, extremists, antisemites and violence

academic textbooks war

Fighting the academic demonisation of Israel in schools

How do you deal with historical distortion in academic  textbooks and propaganda in schools and universities? I would argue that if you want to really fight this fight, then you have to begin by understanding just how widespread the problem really is. (On Wednesday I spoke as part of a panel on anti-Zionist, antisemitic propaganda in schools. The event was organised and chaired by UK … Continue reading Fighting the academic demonisation of Israel in schools

CAABU hypocrisy antisemitism

The CAABU letter, British MPs – hypocrisy, antisemitism and discrimination

The CAABU letter. How rancid and hypocritical can British MPs be? In the coming months Israel may or may not reclaim sovereignty of land along the Jordanian border. Petitions are being signed advocating boycott, sanctions and other diplomatic penalties. Every anti-Israel group talks about it being the end of Israel’s democracy, proof of Apartheid and whatever other nonsensical term they seek to use. Early May … Continue reading The CAABU letter, British MPs – hypocrisy, antisemitism and discrimination

nakba keys

Nakba – a Twitter tale of 7 million distortions

Today on Twitter is Nakba Day. It is commemorated on 15th May, the day following Israel’s independence. As bad as the distortion and ignorance surrounding the conflict may be on any normal day, the nakba anniversary always takes it to a whole new level of insane. The true story behind the Nakba is a simple one. The UN partitioned the land between a Jewish state … Continue reading Nakba – a Twitter tale of 7 million distortions

zoom delusional

An evening with Zoom. Delusion, propaganda and defeat.

I sat through two events last night on Zoom. One was hard-core anti-Zionist, featuring several of the anti-Israel camps big names. It was all about how antisemitism doesn’t exist. The other was a much more mundane affair, with Yachad hosting Husam Zomlot, the ‘Palestinian Ambassador’ to the UK. I came away feeling depressed. The level of discussion was so weak. If this is the best … Continue reading An evening with Zoom. Delusion, propaganda and defeat.

unrwa war of return

Palestinian refugees and UNRWA – it is time to tell the truth

In May 2016 I spoke at a panel event on the possibility of a two state solution. My talk focused on the key issue of the entire conflict – the reason the ‘Palestinian refugee’ situation can never end. At the time I called for the ridiculous definition of a Palestinian refugee to be thrown into the dustbin of history and for UNRWA to be scrapped … Continue reading Palestinian refugees and UNRWA – it is time to tell the truth

Those pesky Israelis just can’t stop disappointing diaspora Jews

Some UK Jewish papers have already opened the ‘annexation front’, criticising Israel for unilateral action it may be about to take. I promised myself I would stay quiet on this until July – when I expected to be forced to stand up against an uproar from some of the small-but-vocal quarters of the diaspora community. It seems they are so eager to make a noise, … Continue reading Those pesky Israelis just can’t stop disappointing diaspora Jews

Corbynites seek to ignite a race war with the Jews

Many people think that with the election done, the battle is behind us. They use several arguments to rationalise this – chiefly based on the idea that the troublemakers are a small fringe who have been ‘dethroned’. This type of blinkered and naive vision is the same short-sighted, stick-your-head-in-the-sand strategy that allowed for Corbynism to arise in the first place. Even the first wave of … Continue reading Corbynites seek to ignite a race war with the Jews