The IHRC Al Quds Day 2020 was like no other. If you doubt that the BDS movement supports violence, seeks to destroy Israel and wants to rid the Middle East of Jews, then you should sit through the whole toxic 150 minutes of this online event like I did.
Each year, the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) are given permission to hold a radical Islamist event calling for the destruction of Israel as they wave their flags through the streets of London. They play a game in which they wave their extremism in our faces and laugh at the foolishness of those that permit them to recruit on our streets.
It is a pro-Hezbollah, radical Islamist event, that until the terrorist organisation was proscribed in the UK, would regularly see the flag of Hezbollah proudly on display.
Al Quds 2020 was different because it was online. There were no police to monitor their words. Instead the IHRC were allowed to invite whomever they liked and freely speak their mind. Before any British Government official ever gives these terrorist supporters another chance to walk through London – they should be forced to watch this event.
IHRC 2020 – Not just the usual suspects
Because of the importance of some of the content, I am not going to write up every speaker – but rather focus on those I believe need special attention. However, given some of what occurred it is important to remember the names of all those who participated.
- Nazim Ali (host and Director of the IHRC)
- Raza Kasim (co-host, IHRC)
- Ramzy Baroud ( Editor, Palestine Chronicle)
- Ramon Grosfoguel (academic, UC Berkeley)
- Reverend Daniel Burton (Area Dean, Anglican Church)
- Rabbi Elhanan Beck (Neturei Karta, UK)
- Marzieh Hashemi (Press TV Journalist, Iran)
- – read message from – Zahra Mostafavi Khomeini (daughter of Ayatollah Khomeini)
- Yisroel David Weiss (Neturei Karta, US)
- Roshan Muhammed Salih (5 Pillars)
- Mizanur Rahman (Mizan the Poet)
- Michel Warschawski (headed Israeli Marxist Revolutionary Communist League)
- Hashem Al Haydari (Deputy Commander – Kataib Hezbollah)
- Suhaila El -Zakzaky (Daughter of Sheikh El Zakzaky, leader of Islamic Movement of Nigeria)
- Ilan Pappe (Academic, Exeter University)
- Mohammad Al Asi (Islamic 9/11 truther and extremist)
- Haim Bresheeth (academic, SOAS)
- Mick Napier (toxic extremist, head of SPSC)
- Mohammad Saeed Bahmanpour (Islamic cleric, speaker and extremist)
- Narjis Khan (Lawyer at Goverment Legal Department and Islamic poet)
- Masoud Shajareh (Chair of IHRC)
The IHRC video you have to see
According to his introduction, Mohammad Al Asi has been banned from the UK because of his extremism. During his speech Al Asi spoke about the fact that most Jews would need to be ethnically cleansed after the resistance successfully destroys Israel. Bringing back shadows of the Holocaust, Al Asi mentioned the need to ‘separate’ the Jews into groups – those that might be allowed to stay, and those that would need to be forced (violently) to withdraw (face expulsion). Just as he began to talk about ‘dezionising elites’, he ran out of time:
The Government Legal Department Lawyer
After 2 hours and 20 minutes Nazim Ali introduces an ‘accomplished poet’ by the name of Narjis Khan. The poem she recites is an anti-Israel, anti-western rant – in rhyme. During the poem Khan comments that ‘Palestine’ teaches ‘the meaning of resistance,’ and apparently refers to all resistance (she does not differentiate) as ‘self-defence’.
Khan also has a blog on the IHRC website. Her most recent contribution appears to be an eulogy to Qasem Soleimani the Iranian General killed in a targeted US strike. Soleimani was head of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force and responsible for bloodshed throughout the region, often through terrorist proxies.
All this is bad enough. Participating in an event alongside rabid extremists that call for Israel’s destruction and writing poems for a man who helped sponsor terrorism throughout the Middle East. But aside from being a poet, Narjis Khan is also a lawyer who works for the Government Legal Department (GLD).
The Government Legal Department are the government’s principal legal advisers. Their core purpose ‘is to help the government to govern well, within the rule of law.’
It is surely beyond all logical reasoning to accept that ANY government employee in ANY government department should in ANY way be associated with the radical Iranian Islamist Al Quds day – and an event that also contains leading members of Kataib Hezbollah.
Hashem Al Haydari – Kataib Hezbollah
When they do not need to worry about whether their speakers will be allowed into the country, the IHRC can create a wish list of who they would really want speaking at their annual events. This freedom allowed them to present Hashem Al Haydari, who is listed as the Deputy Commander of Kataib Hezbollah.
The United States consider Kataib Hezbollah a terrorist organisation. They are part of the Iranian attempt to destabilise the region (in their case Iraq) and operated for Soleimani’s Quds force. Their commander was recently killed by a US strike:
The love for Soleimani
The love for Soleimani was visible everywhere. This is an image from the speech of Marzieh Hashemi, the Press TV Journalist. Notice the photo on the desk (not that you could miss it):
IHRC award for the absolute Turkey voting for Christmas
The award for the absolute Turkey voting for Christmas, goes to Reverend Daniel Burton and Burton certainly has got some explaining to do. Al Quds day is a perfect example of the Marxist-Islamist alliance in action. Radical extremists uniting together for a common cause – the total destruction of the state of Israel.
For Jews to see any Christian associated with this is a sickening experience. Just where on earth does Daniel Burton think he fits into their plans? Burton is a useful turkey in that he legitimises this radical hatred and allows the event hosts to claim ‘Christian participation’. What an absolute fool.
I strongly advise that people contact the Church of England and raise questions over this participation. What is the Church doing sharing a platform with these people? Is the Church really in bed with Soleimani and Kataib Hezbollah?
Mick Napier – inspired by suicide bombings
There is no surprise that Napier spoke, he always speaks at the annual IHRC event. Napier runs the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, an organisation shown to contain high levels of hard-core antisemitism.
During his speech Napier actually said this:
“we are inspired by Palestinian resistance in all its forms”
‘All its forms’ sends a clear and unequivocal message. Take the Suicide Attack at the Park Hotel. Elderly Jews gathering together for the Passover meal were slaughtered in a suicide attack. Thirty civilians were killed in the attack and 140 were injured. Hamas claimed responsibility. It is known as the Passover Massacre.
According to Mick Napier, this type of action ‘inspires’ him. Does anyone in the Scottish Parliament still associate with this extremist?
Keep terrorist supporters off our streets
Each speaker in turn pushed some type of message legitimising the call for the destruction of Israel. Some were explicit – some less so. The Neturie Karta burned an Israel flag.
Love for terrorism and terrorists was clearly on display and with the freedom to invite any speaker they chose – the IHRC brought in Soleimani supporters.
But an average of only 300-320 people watched this international event online. At its peak I think the number was 360.
How can the government justify giving them an audience of 10,000s? Given the evidence of extremism and support for terrorism – we can clearly demand that this toxic group are not allowed to walk through London’s streets any more.
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Israel NEEDS our help. This research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for five years I have been creating headlines. I engage in research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and anti-western extremism. My work is fully independent and this independence is important for the freedom to go where I need to go. The Algemeiner recently named me as one of the J100 (‘top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life’). If you can, please consider making a donation.
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David, your thorough and relentless work is very much appreciated. Mainstream publicity needs to raise public awareness of the hate and lies propagated by the likes of BDS and Al Quds supporters. The fake narrative that has gained traction by the likes of UNRWA & other European NGOs for a new dysfunctional arab nation needs to change.
The “fake narrative” being, Jeremy?
A Dumb Bitch who calls herself “Mike Farmer” sez what about “Fake”?
I was watching the coverage on the Press TV channel on YouTube. After I left comments refuting their lies a couple of times and was abused by some of their ‘supporters’, The Press TV admin gleefully announced that the ‘Zionist has been blocked’.
I was watching that exchange in real time Cliff. Respect!
Marg Bar Fascist Iran!
Marg Bar Khomeni, his Pet Rat Khameni and ALL Ayatoolas!
Long Live Persia!
Unbelievable that these Antisemitic rants can be broadcast unchallenged legally.
Demonising participants and feigning outrage of a legitimate event that raises awareness to human rights infringements carried out be racist, apartheid state is a new low for you David.
There are many honourable Jews, especially the beloved Yisroel David Weiss, Rabbi Elhanan Beck Ilan Pappe, Michel Warschawski, Haim Bersheeth who should be commended for the decency and courage to speak out on behalf of the voiceless.
I wonder what you’d write if the noble and righteous human rights campaigner Mick Napier, who deserves to hold political office, said: ‘we are inspired by the IRGUN and STERN GANG resistance in all its forms…’ Remember the King David Hotel Bombing? (91 dead/46 injured).
I’d like to propose that before future Quds Day marches, the flag of apartheid Israel be chalked or painted on the pavement so marchers and participants would be able to walk on it. I look forward to being one of them.
The voiceless? Is this a joke? Kurds, Yazidis, Coptics, Gays in any Muslim-majority state. They are voiceless.
You really are the lowest of the Yevsektsiya Jews . The ultimate Shandah . You align with the worst of the antisemites. Your ancestors must be spinning in their graves
Why so hateful Harv?
Happy Nakba Bruce Mooooooooooooohammed!
From the River to the Sea,
Pal-e-SLIME Will NEVER Be!
David questioned.
Questioner : David, can you go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Do you think that’s a point?
Questioner : David, would you like to go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : I’m not a member of the Tory Party.
Questioner : Antisemitism exists everywhere, if you are here to fight antisemitism you fight antisemitism everywhere.
David : I agree
Questioner : You seem to ‘specialise’ in antisemitism in the Labour Party, Can you tell me what your record is on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Your question is disingenuous …… I am a member of the Labour Party.
It believe it has something to do with…
– 9/11
– 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center
– 1968 assassination of US Senator Robert F. Kennedy
– 1972 hijacking of the Summer Olympics in Munich and murder of athletes
– 1981 assassination of Egyptian President and Peace Maker Anwar Sadat
– 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103 which crashed on Lockerbie
– 2005 London’s 7/7 transport massacre
– beheadings of Lee Rigby, journalist Daniel Pearl, James Foley and other victims of ISIS
– Boston Marathon bombing
– London and Westminster bridge car ramming attacks
– Manchester arena bombing
– Rotherham rape gangs
– Bastille Day truck ramming attack in Nice France
– massacre at Charlie Hebdo magazine offices in Paris
– massacre at Bataclan music venue
– massacre at Manchester music venue
– massacre at Pulse nightclub in Orlando
– massacre at Christmas party in San Bernardino
– stabbing to death of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh
– Fascist Irans death threats against writer Salman Rushdie
– 500,000 dead in Syria (Arabs killing Arabs)
– 1,000,000 dead in 8 year Iraq/Fascist Iran war (Muslims killing Muslims)
– Mumbai India massacre
– Nairobi Kenya mall massacre
– Sadaam Husseins poison gassing of the Kurds of Halabja Iraq
– ISIS beheading videos
– Hamass executing gays by pushing them off rooftops in Gaza
– Fascist Iran executing gays by hanging them from construction cranes
– Coptic Christians being murdered in Egypt
– murder of tourists in Luxor
– Manhattan bike path car ramming attack
– failed sneaker and later underwear suicide bombing of an inflight plane
– failed SUV bombing of Times Square
– public threats on placards of 9/11 scale attacks on the UK and Europe
– Brussels airport bombing
– bombing of USS Cole
– Fort Hood Texas massacre
– foiled attack on Garland Texas conference
– death threats on creators of South Park cartoon series
– Brooklyn Bridge shooting
– Empire State Building Observation Deck shooting
– Fascist Irans calls for Death to America
– Taliban shooting girls who want an education
– Muslim families stoning their daughters to death over “family honour”
– DC Beltway sniper
– Boko Haram kidnapping and raping girls in Nigeria
– ISIS murdering Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai
– ISIS burning Jordanian pilot to death
– Taliban destroying two 1,500 year old Buddahs in Bamiyan Afghanistan
– ISIS destroying antiquities in Palmyra
– Hezbola and Hamass using children as Human Shields
– Christmas market shooting in Strasbourg France
– Armenian Genocide by the Turks
– 1/15/19 Shabab terrorist attack in Nairobi Kenya
– 2019 Easter Sunday massacre in Sri Lanka
– London Bridge stabbings
Hey Trailer Trash Ted, what follows are just a few of the many massacres committed by Zionist terrorists, notably by the Hagana, Irgun and Stern Gang groups.
Don’t expect any Hollywood films highlighting any of these massacres:
1. King David Hotel, July 22, 1946.
2. Sharafat, Feb. 7, 1951.
3. Deir Yassin, April 10, 1948.
4. Falameh, April 2, 1951.
5. Naseruddine, April 14, 1948.
6. Quibya, Oct. 14, 1953.
7. Carmel, April 20, 1948.
8. Nahalin, March, 28, 1954.
9. Al-Qabu, May 1, 1948.
10. Gaza, Feb. 28, 1955.
11. Beit Kiras, May 3, 1948.
12. Khan Yunis, May 31, 1955.
13. Beitkhoury, May 5, 1948.
14. Khan Yunis Again, Aug. 31, 1955
15. Az-Zaytoun, May 6, 1948.
16. Tiberia, Dec. 11, 1955.
17. Wadi Araba, May 13, 1950.
18. As-Sabha, Nov. 2, 1955.
19. Gaza Again, April 5, 1956.
20. Houssan, Sept. 25, 1956.
21. Rafa, Aug. 16, 1956.
22. Qalqilyah, Oct. 10, 1956.
23. Ar-Rahwa, Sept. 12, 1956.
24. Kahr Kassem, Oct. 29, 1956.
25. Gharandal, Sept. 13, 1956.
26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956.
26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956.
July 2, 1946: The King David Hotel in Jerusalem was bombed, killing 91 people.
Menachem Begin, who was later awarded the Nobel Prize for peace, is the same man who planned the destruction of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin. Ex prime minister, Shamir, was originally a member of the Jewish terrorist gang called Irgun, which was headed by none other than Menachem Begin. Shamir later moved over to the even more radical “Stern Gang,” which committed many vicious atrocities.
Shamir himself has defended the various assassinations committed by the Irgun and Stern gangs on the grounds that “it was the only way we could operate, because we were so small. So it was more efficient and more moral to go for selected targets.” The selected moral targets in those early days of the founding of the state of Israel included bombing of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin.
April 9, 1948: A combined force of Irgun and Stern Gangs committed a brutal massacre of 260 Arab residents of the village of Deir Yassin. Most of whom were women and children. The Israeli hordes even attacked the dead to satisfy their bestial tendencies. In April, 1954, during Holy Week, and on the eve of Easter, The Christian cemeteries in Haifa were invaded, crosses broken down and trampled under the feet of these miscreants, and the tombs desecrated. The Israeli military conquest, therefore was made against a defenseless people, who had been softened up by such earlier massacres as Deir Yasin (where 250 Arabs; men, women and children were massacred).
The Zio, Weizman, referred to the massacre as this “miraculous simplification of our task,” and Ben Gurion said that “without Deir Yasin there would be no Israel.” Americans are not told that ten percent of the Arabs killed by the Israelis in 1948 were Christian, and that ten percent of the Arab property confiscated belonged to Christians. Nor are they told that Israel’s massacres and military actions forced 100,000 Christians to become refugees.
Accounts by Red Cross and United Nations observers who visited the scene said that the houses were first set on fire and the occupants were shot down as they came out to escape the flames. One pregnant woman had her baby cut out of her stomach with a knife. Reminiscent of the acts committed by their brother Jews in Russia during and after the Bolshevik (Jewish) takeover. The head of the International Red Cross delegation in Palestine, Jacques de Reynier, drove into the village and was met by a detachment of Irgun terrorists. In his report of the massacre the previous night, he wrote: “All of them were young, some even adolescents, men and women armed to the teeth: revolvers, machine-guns, hand-grenades, and knives, most of them still blood-stained. A beautiful young girl with criminal eyes showed me hers (knife) still dripping with blood, she displayed it like a trophy.”
May 1948: The U.S. appointed Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden to mediate between the Arabs and the Israelis. In his first progress report (of Sept. 16, 1948) he recommended that the U.N. should affirm “the right of the Arab refugees to return to their homes in Jewish controlled territory at the earliest possible date.” The Israelis responded in their own quiet way. The following day Bernadotte was murdered in Jerusalem.
Responsibility for the spectacular assassination, which caused an international outcry, was claimed by an unknown group, “Fatherland Front,” which was actually a cover for Shamir’s Stern Gang. Yoshua Zeitler and Meshlam Markover of Stern told Israeli television in 1989 that they respectively directed and led the operation that killed the Swedish diplomat and his French aide-de-camp. Zeitler, 71, said he decided to speak now because of fear that the U.N. and the “goyim” (non-Jews) are again trying to force Israel into concessions.
February 1949: Israel launched an offensive across the Armistice lines with Egypt which brought its forces to the Gulf of Aqaba, occupying the Palestinian police post of Umm Rashrash which they afterwards named Eilat.
1950: Israelis seized the Al-Uja de-militarized zone on the Egyptian side and Baqqara on the Syrian side, expelling their Arab inhabitants and razed their homes to the ground by bulldozers.
1950-1955: Israeli forces unleashed more than 40 acts of armed aggressions against Arab states, almost all causing a heavy loss of life. This included attacks and massacres in Qibya, Huleh 1953, Nahalin, Kfar Qassem in 1954, Gaza and a Syrian outpost on Lake Tiberias in 1955.
October 14-1 5, 1953 — Under the command of Ariel Sharon, Israeli squads attacked the unarmed Arab village of Qibya in the demilitarized one. Where they blew up 42 houses and killed more than 60 residents who were trapped inside. The details were so gruesome that the U.S. joined in a U.N. condemnation of the Israeli action, and for the first and only time, suspended aid to Israel in reprisal.
July 1954: Israeli intelligence planted “a ring of spies (moles)” in Cairo. Its task was to begin sabotage operations against selected Egyptian, British and American targets. On July 14, the Alexandria post office was fire-bombed, and the U.S. Information Agency offices in Cairo and Alexandria were damaged by fire started by phosphorous incendiary devices, as was a British-owned theater.
Members of the spy ring were caught, and they confessed. They had been planted by Modin, the Israeli military intelligence organization. The purpose, presumably, was to sabotage Egyptian relations with the U.S. and Britain. Various commissions of inquiry into the affair conducted in Israel were never able to decide whether or not Israeli Defense Minister Pinchos Lavon authorized the operation.
1956: Squads of Israeli soldiers committed a hideous atrocity in the Palestinian village of Kafr Qasim, 47 innocent people were shot down in cold blood. The careful and premeditated mass murders, never received great attention in the West. Although the Israeli courts convicted eight soldiers of murder, they were all released within two years of their trial, and within three years one of them who had been convicted of killing 43 Arabs in an hour, was engaged by the municipality of Ramleh as the “officer responsible for Arab affairs in the city.” In October 1956 Israel, backed by England and France, attacked Egypt to gain control of the Suez Canal.
Taking advantage of the situation created by Egypt’s decision of nationalization of the Suez Canal, Israel joined forces with Britain and France to invade Egypt. As a result, it occupied the Sinai Peninsula, seized the Gaza Strip, and Sharm Al sheikh which guarded the Strait of Tiran and the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba. a year letter it withdrew reluctantly under the combined pressure of the U.N., U.S.A. and the Soviet Union.
There was no military necessity for this destruction; it was sheer vengeance against Arab Christians. This action created another 300,000 Arab refugees, thus making a total refugee population of Christian and Muslin Arabs, which is larger than the combined populations of Montana, Nevada and Wyoming. It was during this campaign that the Israeli’s attacked the U.S.S. Liberty with the death of 34 of its number. If this had been an Egyptian or a Russian attack, American would have been at war, but the Jewish vote of America silenced any American criticisms of this action. Americans are also not told that Israel has always refused to obey any mandate of the United Nations. Resolutions affirmed by vote every year since 1948 recognize the right of the return of Palestinian refugees, but Israel always refuses to obey. Israel has been condemned over and over again for breaking the charter and now fulfilling the conditions upon which she was allowed to become a member!
1960-1962: Israeli forces attacked Syrian villages on Lade Tiberias and brought death to hundreds of Arab civilians.
1966: Squads of Israeli soldiers raided the Jordanian village of Sammu, they killed 18 civilians, wounded 100 others and demolished 130 houses including a school, a clinic and a mosque.
1967: THE U.S.S. Liberty was deliberately attacked in international waters as it monitored communications during the Six-Day War. Israel used U.S.-donated equipment to jam the ship’s S.O.S., hoping to sink it and murder all aboard before word could get out. 34 sailors were butchered and 170 wounded in this blatant Act of War. The Liberty was part of the Sixth Fleet, a powerful group of men and ships paid for by U.S. Taxpayers to protect the Israeli’s. What do the Jews think of our American Service Men, the descendants of the men who pulled their chestnuts out of the fire in World War II?
June 5, 1967: Israeli committed its biggest, most treacherous and premeditated aggression against Egypt, Syria and Jordan. After destroying Arab aircraft on the ground in a lightening attack, Israeli forces invaded and occupied the rest of Palestine, that is, the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, the Syrian Golan Heights and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. In the first days of its aggression and in plain disregard of the truth, Israel fabricated a charge of aggression against its victims and presented it in a dramatic manner to the U.N. Security Council. Western media spread this fabricated story and the whole world sympathized with the supposed victim. In 1967 the Israeli’s made a third ruthless blitzkrieg attack upon the Arabs. This time they deliberately destroyed three quarters of a million dollar’s worth of church property.
The great deception practiced by Israel on the U.N. and the whole world is now completely discredited, the Israelis, therefore, changed their tactics and rely nowadays on the argument that, they were NOT attacked by Egypt, they were in danger of BEING attacked, and hence they resorted to a so-called pre-emptive strike. Alan Hart quotes a former Israeli Director of military intelligence as telling him “if Nasser had not given Israel the excuse to attack the Arabs, Israel would have invented a pretext for war within six or ten months” because its military planners had decided that the time had come to knock out vast amounts of mainly Soviet-supplied Arab armor. Yitzhak Rabin, who as chief of staff planned this attack told Le Monde in February 1968, quite simply: “We knew that Nasser did not intend to attack.”
February 15, 1968: Israel invaded PLO bases in Karamah, on the eastern bank of the River Jordan with helicopter-borne troops and tanks. Three hundred commandos fought off 1,500 Israeli soldiers and force them to retreat. The battle lasted all day and into the evening. Although the village was totally destroyed, the Palestinian defenders repelled the Israelis and inflicted heavy casualties among the invaders. By the Israeli account, they lost 28 soldiers and 90 were wounded.
1969: The Israelis distinguished themselves by committing a horrible crime, in retaliation of attrition war across the Suez Canal, Israeli war planes raided an Egyptian school “Bahr al Baker” in southern Egypt killing 75 children and wounding over 100.
August 1969: An Israeli set fire to one of the most sacred Islamic shrines. Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, causing extensive damage to it. This crime plunged over one billion Muslims throughout the world into the deepest anguish.
March 12, 1970: Israeli forces invaded part of South Lebanon known as “Fatah-Land” killing a number of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians.
September 8, 1972 — Without any apparent cause or reason, Israeli Phantoms bombed Palestinian targets in Lebanon and Syria in a series of raids killing hundreds of civilians. This action was explained by the Israeli prime minister the next day, who in the Knesset, that “Israel had now adopted a new policy to strike at the terrorist organizations where ever we can reach them.”
February 21, 1973: Israel landed commando units on the coasts of the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli. They attacked two Palestinian refugees camps, dynamited several houses and buildings, some over the heads of their occupants, killing 35 refugees and wounding a similar number. On the same day, Israeli war planes shot down a Libyan Civilian Aircraft over the Sinai Desert killing over 100 passengers.
April 10, 1973: Israeli commando units with the help of some Lebanese collaborators stormed into a residential quarter in East Beirut and killed three PLO leaders: Yusef Al Najjar, Kamal Adwan and Kamal Nasser.
1974: Israeli air-borne commando units attacked Beirut airport and destroyed 13 Lebanese civilian aircraft on the ground.
In the same year, Israeli planes intercepted a civilian Syrian aircraft and forced it to land at Lydda (Lod) airport on suspicion that it was carrying a Palestinian commando leader. Christian shrines in Jerusalem were subjected to several acts of aggression and robbery. This included damaging the church of the Holy Sepulchre, burying four other Christian centers, and stealing the diamond Crown of the Virgin Mary.
1975-1980: Israeli’s intelligence service, the Mossad, distinguished itself by feats of terrorist actions that killed a number of Arab and Palestinian diplomats, scientists and journalists such as the PLO representatives in London, Rome, Paris and Brussels, prominent Palestinian journalist and writer Ghassan Kanafani and the Egyptian nuclear scientist Dr. Al Mashad.
1981: Putting their so-called pre-emptive policy in action, Israeli warplanes raided and destroyed a peaceful Iraqi nuclear reactor near Baghdad.
June 6, 1982: The Israeli armed forces invaded Lebanon. Less than two weeks after its election, the New Menachem Begin government unleashed the first blow in its war to liquidate the PLO in Lebanon.
June 1982: Israeli forced launched their savage invasion of Lebanon. As a result of this invasion a great number of refugee camps, Lebanese towns and villages were destroyed. Israeli warplanes launched eight raids on Palestinian targets in South Lebanon and Beirut, killing nearly one thousand people and wounding many others. The fantasy of the “pre-emptive strike policy” was dropped and even the Jerusalem Post correspondent was at pains to explain the purpose of the bombing raids. “The past few days of activities on the northern border followed five weeks of quiet. It is not know what triggered Israeli’s Friday afternoon raid.” Outraged by Israel’s onslaught and the cruel destruction of Beirut, Jewish journalist Jacobo Timmerman called Begin “unbalanced” a “terrorist” and “a disgrace to the people.” He accused Sharon of helping to make Israel “the Prussia of the Middle East.&quo t;
July 17, 1982: U.S. supplied F-4 and F-5 jets swooped low over Beirut in 4 passes, bombing the densely-populated Fakahani district. Five tall apartment buildings were destroyed, 200 people were killed and 800 wounded. Forty percent of the victims were small children, and one of the survivors was an unborn baby pulled by doctors from the dead mother’s womb. Israel’s then Chief-of-staff Rafael Eitan announced on Israeli Radio that civilian causalities were unimportant and that the Arab causalities suffered as of the July 17 attack did not yet constitute the Israeli “final solution.”
September 1982: Israeli raids and bombardments continued during the weeks following the raid on Beirut in July. It was the beginning of the invasion of Beirut; after which an 80 days war led by Ariel Sharon, (then War Minister of Israel) resulted in the destruction of much of Beirut, killing and wounding thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese civilians. It was during this invasion that the massacre of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps was committed. Where over 2,500 Palestinian women, children and elderly people were slaughtered in cold blood. Even the Israeli high court held a number of the Israeli military officers, including Sharon, responsible.
October 1982: Israeli terrorists bombed the houses, cars and offices of three elected Palestinian mayors on the West Bank, Nablus, Ramallah and Al Beireh.
1984: Israeli warships and gunboats intercepted merchant ships on the high seas off the coast of Lebanon and kidnapped a number of Palestinians.
1985: Israeli planes raided and destroyed the PLO headquarters in Tunis.
1986: Israeli secret agents assassinated a noted Palestinian cartoonist Naji Al Ali, in London.
April 1988: Israeli commando units stormed into the house of Khalil Al Wazir, in Tunis. Al Wazir who was the most senior PLO military commander and believed to be in charge of the Intifada, was murdered while sleeping.
February and March 1989: Israeli F-16 planes pounded Palestinian targets in Lebanon’s Shouf Mountains, Damour and the Beka’s valley with a series of raids killing a numbers of civilians, including 15 school children in Damour.
April 14, 1989: Israeli border guards and settlers attacked the peaceful and unarmed village of Nahalin near Bethlehem. Eight Palestinians were massacred for no reason and over 50 were injured. The killings took place late in the night and at the beginning of the Holy month of Ramadan.
And that’s just the beginning…
Talking Points, usual LIES from a racist LaBOOR Party rally?
No wonder why LaBOOR suffered its worst loss in 85 years.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
P.S. WHY are Arabs/Muslims murdering FELLOW Arabs/Muslims???????
– 500,000+ dead from Syrian Civil War?????
– 1.000.000 dead from 8 year Iraq/Fascist Iran War?
– ISIS killing Egyptians soldiers in Sinai.
– ISIS killing Jordanian soldiers.
If Arabs/Muslims can’t get along with fellow Arab s/Muslims, how can they ever get along with Infidels????
Happy Nakba! LOL!
David questioned.
Questioner : David, can you go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Do you think that’s a point?
Questioner : David, would you like to go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : I’m not a member of the Tory Party.
Questioner : Antisemitism exists everywhere, if you are here to fight antisemitism you fight antisemitism everywhere.
David : I agree
Questioner : You seem to ‘specialise’ in antisemitism in the Labour Party, Can you tell me what your record is on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Your question is disingenuous …… I am a member of the Labour Party.
Nakba? That reminds me……Collier – Labour – Antisemitic? Fake, phony, fraud, lie.
I would imagine that any qualified female Muslim lawyer would easily walk into a good Government job. And, given the certainty that such a person would despise Israel (and the UK and the US as well, for that matter), then Narjis Khan finds herself employed by our Government. To fill a quota.Whereas a Jewish, Christian or Atheist female lawyer holding such views about, say, Pakistan? I wonder?
Ah, such imagination. You should write blogs … as David does.
” and those that would need to be forced (violently) to withdraw (face expulsion).”
…. as happened to the Arabs pre May 1948 by Jewish terrorists groups.
Michael, you are a pro Palestinian as you said here a couple of articles ago. As a supporter, did you admire the career of their leader Yasser Arafat and do you consider him a worthy recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize?
There are around two million Arabs living in Israel. Rather inconvenient for your fictional narrative.
Less inconvenient than Israel’s desire to call itself the Jewish state, as it would have been able to had those Jewish terror groups managed to expel ALL of the Arabs.
Still Bibi’s plan, sorry, Trump’s plan is hoping that they’ll all move to the Arab state reservations(that will be policed by Fatah, ie no elections, under Israel’s directions) that Israel may or may not recognise.
“fictional narrative”??!?
Are you telling me that you’re totally ignorant about the History of Israel’s birth? Wow.
Much to unpick here.
While Israel is clearly the Jewish state, those many minorities fortunate enough to live there rather than any Muslim-majority state, whether Bah’ai, Druze, Christian or a Muslim whom happens to value a free press and legal system, will consider themselves lucky.
Unlike Jews in all Muslim-majority states, there will obviously be no ethnic cleansing of Israeli Arabs. Are you telling me you’re ignorant that the Arab population of Israel is increasing faster than the Jewish population. Wow.
Tell me, how can there be two million Arabs in Israel if they were ethnically cleansed in 1948?
Israel, Ray, is the state of Israel. A Jewish/Muslim/Christian …. state.
The ‘Peace Plan’ seeks to have Israeli-Arabs move to Arab ‘reservation(s)’ and if they obey Israel’s directives then Israel will recognise such a state.
Tell me, how can there be Jews in Israel, US, UK etc. etc. if the suffered a genocide in Europe?
A child was buried without his family.
A mother couldn’t say goodbye to her beloved son!
But Dominic Fu*king Cummings breaks the rules he imposed on that mother, does just as he pleases, then tells us he doesn’t give a shit how it looks or what people think.
Yes, but he did win Boris a thumping election victory Michael. So that’s okay.
Also the Brits don’t seem to give 2 shits about social distancing or sensible precautions and they may get round to quarantining inbound international air passengers sometime in June, again subject to how they feel at the time. Nutcases.
Anyway, stop being such a sore loser and keep drinking the Sillet Bang, you barn-pot.
If the PM turned into a good Zio when he had the opportunity, then this Cummings fiasco never would of happened.
Three hours in that cesspit takes some doing . I don’t know how you manage it , but it’s good that someone has the strength of conviction to shine a light on these collective abominations . Kol Hakavod David
It’s not “strength of conviction”, Harvey. It’s blind hate against any who would support the Palestinian cause … and a need to put food on his table.
What, in your opinion is “the Palestinian cause” Michael ?
“Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.”?
Well, as long as Israel, Trump and a few 3rd world countries think so ….
Yup. That’s how it works Michael. You got there in the end ( not to Israel, obviously).
” It withdrew from Lebanon & Gaza too ”
Withdrew from Gaza? Tut tut.
No Brutes, it’s not the beginning of your lying most of the time and vomiting up the Hard Left Palsabra POV all of the time. I was a little concerned that maybe you’d written something factual and hard-hitting based on your very rare use of dates and names, but then I said “This is Brutes Leaky, I’ll check but I’m pretty sure he just churned out more pus-filled offal.” And you did.
All the Zio atrocities committed against Palestinians are well documented Mr Dover, so read and learn.
Bruce Mooooooooooooohammed
When fascist Palley Sand nazis attack, expect Resistance and Payback.
Happy Nakba!
“Zio’s” Win.
Fascist, Terrorist Palley’s LOOOOOOOOOZ.
Happy Nakba!
David questioned.
Questioner : David, can you go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Do you think that’s a point?
Questioner : David, would you like to go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : I’m not a member of the Tory Party.
Questioner : Antisemitism exists everywhere, if you are here to fight antisemitism you fight antisemitism everywhere.
David : I agree
Questioner : You seem to ‘specialise’ in antisemitism in the Labour Party, Can you tell me what your record is on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Your question is disingenuous …… I am a member of the Labour Party.
Quite good that Michael. Now have another conversation with yourself and ask Michael who Yasser Arafat was, what he did and whether he was a worthy recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. If you don’t want to give your opinion, then perhaps Michael will.
Collier “The Jews chose to build a nation. They shed blood defending it and put their energy into creating a vibrant democracy in a desert of despots
The Arabs chose NOT to build a nation. Instead they chose to stagnate – shedding blood in persistent attempts to destroy the Jewish state”
A Judaic cult(Zionists) wished to establish a state for themselves in Palestine. This minority of Jews shed the blood and destroyed the villages of those Arabs already living there to ceate a racist Jewish centred regime.
Rich Zionists elsewhere used their influence and their money to buy land from impoverished landowners. These Jews formed terrorist gangs to attack those that were battling the Nazi scourge in Europe. They armed themselves with WMD and are now expanding to destroy the hopes of those they imposed themselves on, stifling their economy and imposing misery on those they subdue, determined to destroy any hope of a Palestinian state.
Michael, where in your opinion is the border of this Palestinian state of which you speak?
Not yet a state, but the area would be West Bank and Gaza.
… with Jerusalem joint capital shared with Israel.
Amman is the Palley capital.
Happy Nakba!
Collier -“Not sure why people are attacking the MP @RichardlyleSnp for saying the Nakba was self inflicted.”
In 2018, Mr Lyle went on a £2,200 visit to Israel and the occupied territories paid for by the Israeli government.
Now we see why.
Collier – “lynch mobs are wrong. Mass hysteria is scary
If something happens to a member of his family.. Who takes responsibility?
Our resident Sharmuta just experienced multiple Youtube Nakbas.
Get back to what you do best, on your hands and knees.
Happy Nakba, bitch!
Michael, you’re a queer fish. You don’t like what the Jews have here so you write about it on the internet every day knowing that this will change nothing for you. We didn’t like what we had so we got ourselves Israel and everything changed for us. This is how it’s done.
You need to make more effort.
Collier says “lynch mobs are wrong. Mass hysteria is scary”
Witness then these neurotic sheep baying in the square ….
The idea of giving any effort and Muck Framer go together like a room filled with gasoline and a cigarette lighter.
Harsh words Ben. Michael has done more to promote this blog than many of David’s supporters. He also provides me with some daily amusement and as you know, isolation days are long days.
I like it when Michael posts.
I don’t know if you are a fan or have ever watched “Seinfeld” but one of the best episodes involved a character on that show becoming hugely successfully when he recognized that his instincts were terrible, so the best thing to do was to go AGAINST those instincts and do the opposite of what he would normally do. Muck’s approach is to know that his instincts are useless, and then double down on following them; that’s why his posts are so damn predictable. It’s also why I made the “any effort” remark, why should the intelligent posters on this board waste a lot of time responding to Muck’s regurgitated pap? I’ve never spent more than 60 seconds responding to one of his posts and I never plan to.
As for Brutes “Bruce Levy Is Not My Name” Leaky, though, that guy’s a straight up Gilad Atzmon. He’s malignant in a way that Muck, who is genuinely stupid, is not.
Honestly Ben, anyone who doesn’t like something and decides that the best way to deal with it is to write things on the internet, is just a wanker.
It’s a step away from the Black Lives Matter protests but similar; non-specific demands presented in vague but aggressive tones masking basic police hatred and a desire to nick tellys.
Wonder if Michael’s been out looting Ahava stores for his essential Dead Sea Produces.