wIKIPEDIA - edited by antisemites and terrorist supporters

Project Wikipedia – meet the antisemitic and terrorist supporting editors

Radicalisation is defined as the ‘the action or process of causing someone to adopt radical positions on political or social issues’. Extremists know that they cannot easily enter the mainstream using traditional routes, but Wikipedia, one of the world’s most popular websites, has provided them with a direct voice into every home with online access. Editing Wikipedia, certainly at the high level needed to consistently … Continue reading Project Wikipedia – meet the antisemitic and terrorist supporting editors

Nakba 1948 myth

Pillars and Myths – destroying the false narrative of the 1948 Nakba

I witness pro-Israeli arguments online every day – and one of the things that always depresses me is when I see those defending Israel get stuck down pointless rabbit holes. Anti-Israel activists are only interested in the present ‘what’ – as in ‘the prisoner’, ‘the checkpoint’, ‘the wall’ – and they do this because this is where they are comfortable. These propagandists deliberately avoid the … Continue reading Pillars and Myths – destroying the false narrative of the 1948 Nakba

Bristol University submits to Islamists

The University of Bristol submits to the Islamists world vision

It has been a long, difficult and so far unsuccessful fight by Jewish students at the University of Bristol. Professor David Miller has spent much of the last two decades mapping conspiracy theories about ‘Zionist’ power, dressing them as academia – and then teaching them to students. Since serious complaints about him surfaced, he then turned his conspiratorial mind towards the Jewish students themselves – … Continue reading The University of Bristol submits to the Islamists world vision

Teaching to hate

Teaching to hate – UK Islamist extremism grows in confidence

I doubt many have heard of Safiyya Shaikh. She was a Muslim convert who plotted to blow up London’s St Paul’s Cathedral and then kill herself in a suicide attack somewhere nearby on the London Underground.  Fortunately, the intelligence services got to her first The BBC news reports at the time tended to focus on a ‘drug addict’ element, which like the ‘mental illness’ excuse … Continue reading Teaching to hate – UK Islamist extremism grows in confidence

diaspora left - ethical demise

The ethical demise of the Jewish Diaspora left

The electoral defeat of Bibi Netanyahu has done a lot to expose the ethical vacuum in much of the leftist Jewish Diaspora that both obsessed about and despised him. From the day he was no longer Prime Minister, the ground on which this modern ‘pseudo-Zionist’ left stood, simply melted way. Three recent examples spring to mind – the first was when some Jews who call … Continue reading The ethical demise of the Jewish Diaspora left

Twitter discrimination

Twitter discriminates against me because I am a proud, unapologetic Jew

Twitter discriminates against me because I am a proud, unapologetic Jew. If you are Jewish and active on the platform – Twitter probably discriminates against you too. Twitter is a biased platform. We all know that. But their ability to influence goes a lot further than simply not banning antisemites. They also decide who to legitimise and who to refuse to give that credit to. … Continue reading Twitter discriminates against me because I am a proud, unapologetic Jew

Alaa Daraghme Hezbollah supporter

Exclusive: Meet Alaa Daraghme – the BBC’s Hezbollah loving Journo

With pro-terrorist supporters and antisemitic conspiracy theorists producing their news, there is something truly rotten at the BBC. Just recently BBC journalist Tala Halawa was fired for having tweeted that ‘Hitler was right’. This latest story built as it was researched, so bear with me – you certainly won’t be disappointed. It started with a tweet from Tom Bateman – a BBC Middle East Correspondent. … Continue reading Exclusive: Meet Alaa Daraghme – the BBC’s Hezbollah loving Journo

Wikipedia 4

Make no mistake – Wikipedia is at war with the Jews

Larry Sanger, the man who co-founded Wikipedia recently said that ‘nobody should trust Wikipedia.’ Sanger describes the Wikipedia environment – in which conservative voices are stifled or banned and criticism of leftist ideology – where the argument does appear – reads like a defence counsel’s brief. This is damning criticism from a man who would know better than most. But Sanger only gets part of … Continue reading Make no mistake – Wikipedia is at war with the Jews


Victory – as Glasgow University apologises for publishing antisemitic article

Last December I ran an exclusive about a deeply antisemitic conspiracy article that was published in the academic esharp magazine at Glasgow University. ‘esharp‘ is an ‘international online journal for postgraduate research’ and Glasgow University is very proud of the outlet. The University website even states that all the post-graduate papers are double-blind peer-reviewed. Having read the paper and researched it thoroughly, I complained that … Continue reading Victory – as Glasgow University apologises for publishing antisemitic article

Lancaster City Council

Reject Antisemitism – an open letter to all the Lancaster City Councillors

A copy of this letter was sent to all the Lancaster City Councillors   To the Lancaster City Councillors This letter is about the anti-Israel motion you recently passed. I have seen the motion, read the minutes and watched the video of the ‘debate’. I wish to keep this letter short, and there are far too many issues to address – so I will just … Continue reading Reject Antisemitism – an open letter to all the Lancaster City Councillors