Death of free speech at Durham university

Durham University should hang its head in shame

What should have been a celebration of free speech during an evening of rigorous debate at Durham University, turned into a tale of cowardice, intimidation, abandonment, tears, and fear. Rather than stand up to masked anti-Israel thuggery, Durham University *chose* to abandon its own students – leaving them caged and fearful inside the debate hall – as a mob banged on doors, hurled vicious abuse, … Continue reading Durham University should hang its head in shame

Cambridge University event plugs Steven Sizer group

On 29 Nov, I spent 90 very-long minutes watching an anti-Zionist event at Cambridge. The event was advertised by the Cambridge Faculty of History. The title was ‘Jewish Solidarity with Palestinians: Antizionism, Activism and Liberation for All’. In the middle of an awful episode in Jewish history – academics at Cambridge decided to bring together some of the fringe Jews that stand with antisemitic haters … Continue reading Cambridge University event plugs Steven Sizer group

Rotten and extreme from the top down

A big lie we are being sold is to suggest the anti-Israel demonstrations on our streets are all about human rights concerns. They say that any support for violence is just an outlier. In reality the opposite is true.   Just look: 1. Let’s start with Scotland. Mick Napier is the head of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign. He is the face of Palestinian activism … Continue reading Rotten and extreme from the top down

Gary Lineker - virtue signalling

An open letter to Gary Lineker

To Gary Lineker I am writing this because you recently blocked me on Twitter. I am not an abusive guy, I am not an extremist, I do not spam – and I know what I am talking about. You apparently did not like that I disagreed with your post. You have the right to block whoever you want to, but effectively you just put your … Continue reading An open letter to Gary Lineker

Na'amod help Holocaust denier

UK Jewish group Na’amod helped a Holocaust denier – and then lied about it

In this bombshell exclusive, I expose Na’amod, the self-proclaimed ‘anti-occupation’ UK Jewish group for ‘freedom, equality and justice for all‘ as dishonest, dangerous extremists. Not only did Na’amod provide resources and help extremist Holocaust denier Pete Gregson with a ‘bogus antisemitism’ tour featuring Neturei Karta and the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Hamas terrorism defender, Azzam Tamimi. When caught in the act, Na’amod issued a blanket denial, smearing … Continue reading UK Jewish group Na’amod helped a Holocaust denier – and then lied about it

Gregson Edinburgh Council

An open letter to Edinburgh Council – are you in bed with terrorists?

An open letter to Edinburgh Council (an email containing this information was sent to all sitting Councillors). Dear Councillor, You will soon be debating the twinning of Edinburgh with Gaza again.  When you were due to debate the motion earlier this year I received an abusive, antisemitic email from the proposer of the motion, Pete Gregson. Since then, I have discovered far more about the … Continue reading An open letter to Edinburgh Council – are you in bed with terrorists?

The antisemites and their defenders

The obsessions of Antisemites Most people do not understand antisemitism at all. The question “what did he say that was antisemitic” is one almost immediately encountered when challenging antisemites. But antisemitism is not just about individual acts – anti-Jewish hatred is a mindset. The antisemite carries a grossly distorted view of how things work. To an antisemite the world would be much better if only … Continue reading The antisemites and their defenders

The truth behind the anti-Israel ‘Apartheid’ smear

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has just taken its latest steps towards using the Apartheid smear to delegitimise Israel. Everybody with an ounce of sense knows that there is no Apartheid in Israel. And this certainly includes those who have needed to butcher and mash-up several definitions in order to write lengthy reports that argue the opposite. Two minutes of walking through Israel’s … Continue reading The truth behind the anti-Israel ‘Apartheid’ smear

The anti-Israel death cult

The Palestinian death cult – worshipping the murder of Jews

As sixteen more Jewish children are orphaned following the brutal axe murders in Elad, we see haters celebrate all over the world. The anti-Israel position is not a ‘human-rights’ movement, nor one that just seeks a Palestinian state. It is a death cult, a movement that denies truth, craves bloodshed, glorifies violence, and worships death. It is a cult that because of its own many … Continue reading The Palestinian death cult – worshipping the murder of Jews


They all have blood on their hands

Across the anti-Zionist activist space (and this includes media, academia, politics and NGOs) there are people who portray Zionists as sub-human evildoers. The lies these people tell and the hate that they spread has real world consequences. These people have the blood of innocents on their hands. The blood flows on Israeli streets In just the last few weeks fourteen Israelis have been murdered by … Continue reading They all have blood on their hands