Interfaith Chester

The Catholic Church, Interfaith and the Antisemites

This weekend Chester saw an Interfaith event – at least on paper it did. In reality what took place in the North-West is part of a particularly insidious antisemitic attack. Those responsible are a group called ‘Interfaith for Palestine’. The people behind Interfaith for Palestine created a Facebook page and a website in spring of 2019. This week they held a two-day conference. The programme … Continue reading The Catholic Church, Interfaith and the Antisemites

UK GCSE textbook on Israel – full of errors, lies, distortion

It is not often I am shocked. I have been working through the opening section of a school textbook that is used to teach 16-year olds in the UK about the Arab Israeli conflict. It is part of the GCSE curriculum. Both UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) and the Zionist Federation (ZF) brought this to my attention a few days ago. UKLFI requested an analysis. … Continue reading UK GCSE textbook on Israel – full of errors, lies, distortion

Miko Peled, Ian Fantom and the secretive ‘neo-Nazi’ group

Last Thursday there was a ‘Keep Talking’ event at St Anne’s Church Soho. It was an event organised and attended by some truly nasty antisemites. The event shows how the suggested differences between ‘far-right’ and ‘far-left’ are illusions. There is just a sewer of extremism – those who build conspiracy theories, and all too frequently pin the blame on the ‘Jews’. We can begin with … Continue reading Miko Peled, Ian Fantom and the secretive ‘neo-Nazi’ group

St Anne’s Church in Soho, Miko Peled and an evening with antisemites

In 1656, the 366 year old banning of Jewish people in England began to come to an end. Between 1656 and 1690, approximately 400 Jewish people came to settle in England. Whilst this was taking place – in 1686 – a small plot of land was being consecrated in London by Bishop Henry Compton.  It was to be a Church for the new parish of … Continue reading St Anne’s Church in Soho, Miko Peled and an evening with antisemites

Palestinian solidarity – the obsessive stepping stone to antisemitism

What is Palestinian solidarity? Last week, I sat and witnessed a mainstream political party in the UK deliberately spit in the face of the Jewish community. The problem of growing antisemitism extends far beyond the shores of the UK and recently inside the US Democratic Party, we have seen a similar struggle *begin* to surface. So is Palestinian solidarity related to rising antisemitism, where does … Continue reading Palestinian solidarity – the obsessive stepping stone to antisemitism


The ‘Palestine’ obsession at the Labour Party conference

It is Monday night, 23rd September. It has been a long day. Today was my second day at the 2019 Labour Party conference in Brighton. On the first day I had spent my time looking at what was taking place outside of the  secure conference area.  Today I went inside. The weather outside was cold and wet, so by the time I arrived the rain-free … Continue reading The ‘Palestine’ obsession at the Labour Party conference

Labour Conference 2019 - antisemitism

The conference that signals the end of the Labour Party

It is the end of September and Brighton are once again hosting a Labour Party conference. I have been to a conference once before, two years ago and had endured a pretty uncomfortable experience. The conference in 2017 was the moment that I realised the problem of antisemitism in the party was spreading to the mainstream and that it would continue to do so for … Continue reading The conference that signals the end of the Labour Party


Two days before conference, JVL antisemitism at Jackie Walker event

This weekend the Labour Party Conference opens again in Brighton. I was there in 2017 the last time it was held in the town, and the level of antisemitism witnessed at the event led to threats to ban the party from holding future conferences there unless it tackles antisemitism. I find it difficult to believe how anyone left sane on this planet actually believes Labour … Continue reading Two days before conference, JVL antisemitism at Jackie Walker event

Bias Guardian

The Guardian – anti-Israel bias, more obsessive and vindictive than you think

Over recent months I have been dealing a lot with issues of bias, chiefly because of the soon-to-be-published report into Amnesty International. The report itself is done. It is 227 pages long and has 650 references. The report touches on the bias of dozens of Amnesty staff, many of whom hold Director, Deputy Director or other management positions at the NGO. The report contains a … Continue reading The Guardian – anti-Israel bias, more obsessive and vindictive than you think

love terrorists Amnesty

Amnesty’s human rights activist. Sorry, I meant terrorist supporter

The Amnesty report is not yet out and already Amnesty International have lost the input of a terrorist sympathiser. Yesterday, I released a teaser. The report is entering the final stage and is almost ready for final editing. With the information gathering stage behind me, I felt confident enough to release one item – about the true face of an Amnesty consultant in Gaza. The … Continue reading Amnesty’s human rights activist. Sorry, I meant terrorist supporter