Bias Guardian

The Guardian – anti-Israel bias, more obsessive and vindictive than you think

Over recent months I have been dealing a lot with issues of bias, chiefly because of the soon-to-be-published report into Amnesty International. The report itself is done. It is 227 pages long and has 650 references. The report touches on the bias of dozens of Amnesty staff, many of whom hold Director, Deputy Director or other management positions at the NGO. The report contains a … Continue reading The Guardian – anti-Israel bias, more obsessive and vindictive than you think

love terrorists Amnesty

Amnesty’s human rights activist. Sorry, I meant terrorist supporter

The Amnesty report is not yet out and already Amnesty International have lost the input of a terrorist sympathiser. Yesterday, I released a teaser. The report is entering the final stage and is almost ready for final editing. With the information gathering stage behind me, I felt confident enough to release one item – about the true face of an Amnesty consultant in Gaza. The … Continue reading Amnesty’s human rights activist. Sorry, I meant terrorist supporter

PalExpo man spitting

Hate and poison wrapped in cotton candy at the PalExpo

The ‘PalExpo’ came back to London for 2019. A large, two day ‘celebration’ of Palestinian culture, history and arts. It is extremely clever marketing. In theory there is nothing wrong with Palestinians holding an exhibition of culture, but the show was built for a far more sinister purpose than teaching dabke. There are two parts to the PalExpo and whilst the main exhibition hall had … Continue reading Hate and poison wrapped in cotton candy at the PalExpo

Zina header

Zina the hounded- the hatred that never wants to talk

Last week I told the story of Zina who made the mistake of talking to a Zionist. This is an update of what followed. It is important to stress that this blog and the video I am publishing have been produced without Zina’s co-operation in any way. She remains an anti-Zionist and an adversary. Given some of the abuse she has received, there is little … Continue reading Zina the hounded- the hatred that never wants to talk

Zina spoke with a Zionist

The girl who made the mistake of making friends with a Zionist

What happens when an anti-Israel activist takes a leap of faith and opens a positive dialogue with a Zionist? Well – here is one story. Because of the subject matter, this blog has been difficult to put together. In advance I can say I gave serious thought about how to approach it. I also had to consider whether to shield someone’s name from the piece. … Continue reading The girl who made the mistake of making friends with a Zionist

Al Quds gets the blue and white treatment

The Al Quds demonstration 2019 gets the blue and white treatment

Al Quds returned to London. This year there were far fewer people attending. They also had to march without their precious Hezbollah flag, as the terrorist group has recently been proscribed by the British Government. Each year their route also gets smaller. The days that these terrorist supporters were allowed to march proudly down Oxford Street have gone. This year they were sent down Marsham … Continue reading The Al Quds demonstration 2019 gets the blue and white treatment

In the beginning there was an Arab with a knife 180 years of excuses (V2)

In just the last few days, the BBC deliberately mistranslated the use of the word ‘Yehud’ as ‘Israeli’ instead of ‘Jew’ and Michigan Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib made comments distorting the history of Arab violence. Both of these recent incidents are connected to a wider movement that excuse and whitewash anti-Jewish violence. In 2015 I wrote an article on the subject. This is version two. … Continue reading In the beginning there was an Arab with a knife 180 years of excuses (V2)

assaulted six

A Jewish life: assaulted in the street, insulted by the BBC

Yesterday I was assaulted. I had been sitting with friends at the cafe inside the Quaker building in Euston. Not long after I left, I felt a sharp and forceful push from behind. I hadn’t been expecting it and the sudden jolt sent me briefly to the ground. I heard the words “Zionist f**k” in a clear London accent. The whole thing took about 3 … Continue reading A Jewish life: assaulted in the street, insulted by the BBC

hate and stupidity in London

Eyewitness account: Antisemitic hate walks through London once more

Yesterday in London I saw a few thousand people march down Regent Street, past Piccadilly and into Whitehall. All the usual faces were present, hard-core antisemites and Holocaust deniers leading a bunch of foolish sheep. They sang songs about destroying Israel through violence, they held aloft antisemitic signs and they gave antisemitic speeches. The only media that did report it, presented it as some type … Continue reading Eyewitness account: Antisemitic hate walks through London once more

Back on the street, lies, the JW3 and bloody racists

Spring is here and the anti-Israel activists wake from hibernation, brush the dust from their racist banners and take to the streets once more. It is going to be a busy season. Over the coming weeks, several large anti-Israel demonstrations are planned. Just a few days ago, on Tuesday 30 April, a small but twisted demonstration took place outside the JW3, a key Jewish cultural … Continue reading Back on the street, lies, the JW3 and bloody racists