my bookshelf is guilty

In the UK, our bookshelf is nobody’s business but our own

Michael Gove is Minister for the Cabinet Office. His wife uploaded an image of a bookshelf onto social media. What followed this simple action borders on surreal. The crimes of the bookshelf After Sarah Vine uploaded the image, the bookshelf police went to town analysing what exactly was sitting on the shelf. It is perhaps also important to note that Vine had explicitly stated this … Continue reading In the UK, our bookshelf is nobody’s business but our own

ihbid194 front cover

ihbid194 – Gaza’s secret electronic army – exposed

Ihbid194 is an online activist group based in Gaza. It has been lauded by many of the anti-Israel outfits such as Electronic Intifada. They succeed simply by numerically swamping their targets. Ihbid194 boast an army of 1000s and by using tailor made, cut and pasted comments they often appear as locals (Americans, Europeans) voicing a democratic opinion. Like most anti-Israel units, they use keywords in … Continue reading ihbid194 – Gaza’s secret electronic army – exposed

antisemitism in the age of coronavirus

Antisemitism in the age of the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

My father-in-law recently died alone in a hospital room. His body remained in the hospital until it could be removed by a special Coronavirus team. His funeral was a lonely one and my wife was unable to travel to say her goodbyes. It was his failing heart that certainly killed him, but at the time, he was under suspicion of carrying the virus, having come … Continue reading Antisemitism in the age of the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

crypto currency

The crypto currency that ridicules and trades on the Holocaust

Some things are too sickening to digest properly, and I can rarely remember being as horrified by an item as I was whilst researching this. Some things cannot be unseen. This exclusive is about a new Crypto currency that turns the Holocaust into a sick trading joke. I am neither pretending to be an expert in crypto-currency nor do you need a working knowledge of … Continue reading The crypto currency that ridicules and trades on the Holocaust


Hamas antisemitic propaganda story taught in our schools

The Times ran an exclusive in May 2018 about a young child, an aspiring footballer in Gaza being shot whilst playing football with his friends. A few months later the World Health Organisation (WHO) published an embellished version on their website -having the Israeli soldier deliberately shoot the child after a face-to-face confrontation. Schools provides the WHO story as a key case study for students … Continue reading Hamas antisemitic propaganda story taught in our schools

soas LIAR

SOAS Director – caught lying to the Jews to keep them quiet

Last week I reported on a Europal event due to take place on the SOAS campus. Europal have links to Hamas and have spread antisemitic material on a UK campus. Several Jewish organisations set up campaigns and angry members of the community sent emails to the university in protest. Eventually SOAS responded -and sent out a reassuring email from the SOAS Director. The event would … Continue reading SOAS Director – caught lying to the Jews to keep them quiet


SOAS opens its doors to EUROPAL and neo-Nazi antisemitism

SOAS are hosting a purveyor of Nazi and KKK antisemitic theory on March 7. The event is billed as a student workshop offering advocacy for ‘Palestine’, however this Hamas linked group -EUROPAL – has previously published a booklet pushing hard-core neo-Nazi antisemitism SOAS is known as a hotbed of antisemitism. It has the dishonour of being a university in central London where Jewish students have … Continue reading SOAS opens its doors to EUROPAL and neo-Nazi antisemitism

Jews ethnic cleansing

The ethnic cleansing of Jews and left wing hypocrisy

Talking about the historical ethnic cleansing of Jews from the whole of North Africa and the Middle East is an easy method of proving the antisemitism within the Palestinian cause. This example started with a simple tweet. A tweet that clearly points out that whilst Arabs make up more than 20% of Israel’s population, the rest of the Middle East and North Africa has virtually … Continue reading The ethnic cleansing of Jews and left wing hypocrisy

how many more school textbooks

How many more school textbooks are spreading lies and hate?

School based revisionist history and antisemitism took centre stage again yesterday as more evidence of the rancid distortions that are freely taught to our children came to light. In a sign of how bad things are – this news didn’t even break in the UK. I first got hold of the story through a post published on the US based blogger ‘JewishChick’s Facebook page. She … Continue reading How many more school textbooks are spreading lies and hate?

eu WhIch one is which

Funded by the EU, driven by Palestinians. BDS activism in EU clothing.

Those of us involved in fighting back against spreading antisemitism and the lies about Israel understand that the deeper we dig – the more unbelievable the situation becomes. As I said to someone yesterday when news broke of a UK KS3 schoolbook which suggests the creation of Israel may be behind the 9/11 attacks – nothing surprises me anymore. There are no limits to the … Continue reading Funded by the EU, driven by Palestinians. BDS activism in EU clothing.