Al Quds day

Al Quds 2023 – London’s annual march of hate

Make no mistake, the only reason I am here to write this report is because yesterday the police managed to stop those who were trying to get at us to cause us harm. Of all the antisemitic, hate-filled gatherings that take place in the UK, the annual Al Quds march sits at the very top of the pile. The Ayatollah’s UK fanbase may have had … Continue reading Al Quds 2023 – London’s annual march of hate

Elbit – Meet the six Palestine Action activists charged with criminal damage

It is important to state that at this point – these people have just been charged with criminal damage and are awaiting a possible trial. The activists claim their action is ethically justifiable. No guilt can yet be assumed. Yesterday six activists from Palestine Action were charged with criminal damage after their attack on the Shenstone offices of the Israeli company Elbit on Tuesday. It … Continue reading Elbit – Meet the six Palestine Action activists charged with criminal damage

bds, psc LIES

Lies and more lies. PSC and the viral BDS fake news circus

I am just coming to the end of a project that has taken almost a year and had promised myself that I would not get distracted in the final stretch. But when this week highlighted just how badly anti-Israel activism is dependant on fake news and lies, I decided to take a slight detour to share it with you. Divestment and the lies of BDS … Continue reading Lies and more lies. PSC and the viral BDS fake news circus

Sarah Wilkinson denial

Sarah Wilkinson, the Holocaust denying star of anti-Israel activism

Sarah Wilkinson is a Holocaust denier and rabid antisemitic conspiracy theorist. She is also a star of UK anti-Israel activism. Sarah Wilkinson was one of the three people recently charged over an attack on an Elbit factory, and has appeared in ‘Palestine Action‘ videos boasting about the feat. Yesterday she posted an absurd statement of denial about her antisemitism. Why is the Sarah Wilkinson case … Continue reading Sarah Wilkinson, the Holocaust denying star of anti-Israel activism


The greatest enemy of truth telling is lazy journalism

The greatest enemy of truth-telling about the Israel / Arab conflict is lazy journalism. Everyone knows Hezbollah are the bad guys. but as you work your way down the ladder of hate, things become progressively more difficult. At the grassroots level of anti-Israel street activism, the lines have become so sufficiently blurred through lazy journalism that you really need to unravel a maze of inaccuracy … Continue reading The greatest enemy of truth telling is lazy journalism

Exclusive – hacking a Palestine Action induction event

My key strategy has always been to go where others do not. I sit with the liars and the haters and then report on what I find. This week is no different – This is the story of a Palestine Action induction event. The Palestine Action induction The Zoom induction starts with Huda Ammori appearing on camera alongside another activist called Richard Barnard. Listeners are … Continue reading Exclusive – hacking a Palestine Action induction event

Palestine Action vandals attack Jewish demonstrators – six arrested

Yesterday, 10th October, Palestine Action organised a protest outside an office of Elbit in Kingsway, Holborn. A counter demonstration was called by London’s Jewish activists who refuse to leave the streets to the haters. In the end, in what is becoming an increasingly dangerous atmosphere, the Jewish demonstrators were attacked with red paint, a police officer was injured, and six Palestine Action activists were arrested. … Continue reading Palestine Action vandals attack Jewish demonstrators – six arrested