I have called the boycott movement against Israel (BDS) the ‘siege engine’ of the radical Islamic terror groups. Read this exclusive (Israel Coalition) research that proves that the BDS movement is part of the machinery of war:
The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine
There is an NGO that acts as an ‘umbrella group’ for a global network of Palestinian solidarity organisations. It is called ‘the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine‘. The Facebook page in English has 95,000 likes. There is an Arabic page as well (792,000 likes). The main website is in Arabic. The NGO was set up in 2013 in Beirut.
There is a small private Facebook Group – the GCRP Working Group, which is run by ‘Mohammad Abo Alabed’ who is based in Beirut. Alabed’s timeline is full of pro-Assad, Islamist, terrorist-supporting messaging.
The key individual of the GCRP is the General Coordinator, Sheikh Yousef Abbas.
The Sheikh
Whilst digging for more on the Sheikh I discovered that when he is not ‘General Coordinator of the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine’, Yousef Abbas is ‘President of the Syrian Islamic Knowledge Foundation’. In this role he says:
“Support for the Palestinian resistance and its people until the final victory over the Zionist enemy is achieved.” (2018 interview with the Iranian Islamist news outlet ‘Taghrib News’)
His output is always Islamist facing – and the only interviews of him are on pro-Hezbollah, pro-Iranian outlets such as Al Mayadeen. The Sheikh is a pro-Iranian / Hezbollah Islamist and clearly part of the Iranian support network in the region.
The friends of the Sheikh
If you are a leading member of an Iranian-supported Islamist terror group in the Middle East – Sheikh Yousef Abbas is probably on your list of friends.
- Top left – With General Coordinator of the Islamic Action Front in Lebanon, Sheikh Zuhair Al-Ju’id (believes that violence, terrorism option is “the most effective way to regain the land occupied by the enemy.)
- Top right – General Secretary of the Union of Resistance Scholars – and pro-Hezbollah cleric, Sheikh Maher Hammoud
- Bottom left – With Sheikh Naeem Qasim – Deputy secretary-general of Hezbollah
- Bottom right – With the Islamic Jihad representative in Lebanon
He was also given the stage in Tehran at the 6th International Conference to Support the Palestinian Intifada:
Sheikh Yousef Abbas is the face of the Global Campaign. The GCRP boasts that its network has spread across the globe. As you can see from the map – outside the Arab and Muslim world, the focus is on nations considered friendly towards Israel:
The key goal of the GCRP is to create a network that disseminates strategic news across the globe. This is a laundering house. It takes the words and will of the radical Islamic terror groups – and transforms it into propaganda for solidarity movements to sell as peaceful BDS initiatives.
The launch event and the Scottish Labour MSP
The GCRP launch event happened in November 2013 in Beirut. The Scottish Labour MSP Pauline McNeill attended the event. Important to clarify that whilst still inexcusable – she was between her stints of public duty and not an MSP at the time.
I found no public clues on her social media that she was attending. Unlike the times where McNeill has visited Lebanon and posted several propaganda images, – this time – aside from a mention of her landing at Heathrow – there was nothing:
But McNeill was definitely there. She is the woman on the right in the photo:
According to reports from the event, there were about forty attendees. These include key representatives from Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. Alongside the proscribed terrorist organisations (Hezbollah were not fully proscribed at the time) were leaders from Islamist activist organisations who came in from Syria, Yemen, Malaysia, Indonesia, Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt, Kuwait, Turkey Iran and Pakistan. Extremists from Lebanon and Syria activist groups seem to have made up over 25% of the attendees. Translation of names was problematic, but each time I managed to firmly identify an attendee, they were found to support violent resistance and the Assad – Iran – Hezbollah triangle. Examples include Hala Al-Asaad, who founded a ‘resistance university’ in Syria (Al-Asaad is the woman to the left in the image above).
The two men to the right of McNeill were also identified. One was Ahmed Hashimi, an ex-leader of Jamaat-e-Islami – which seeks Islamic revolution in Pakistan and to turn Pakistan into an Islamic state ruled by Sharia law. The other was Sabir Ijaz from the ‘Palestine-Pakistan Foundation’. This is the banner at the top of the organisation’s webpage :
This is Hezbollah’s Ali Fayyad at the event.
Ali-Fayyad is in the centre. To the left is Ma’an Bashur – former General Secretary of the Pan-Arab Conference. Bashur has a long history of support for terrorism. To the right is Jordanian Islamist Laith Shubeilat – who has spent time in jail for his opposition to Jordan’s peace deal with Israel.
No wonder McNeill speaks in such toxic tones about Israel when she delivers speeches to the Scottish Parliament.
The Brits
Kevin Ovenden an organiser of Viva Palestina and a key member of George Galloway’s RESPECT fan club was also there. This is a picture taken at the event. Ovenden is sitting at the left in the photo:
The person to the right is Tunisian Ahmed Kahlaoui. He believes that any people who want to make peace with Israel should be slaughtered:
The concluding statement by the conference participants was clear and gave support to resistance in all its forms (“full solidarity in resisting the Zionist occupation”).
McNeill was contacted for comment – but has yet to respond.
The Second Conference – 2014
At the second international forum for solidarity in 2014, the terrorist organisations were all at the top table.
- Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem
- Member of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Jihad, Muhammad al-Hindi
- Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Abu Ahmed Fouad
- A senior political leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh
Hezbollah, IJ, PFLP and Hamas. The GCRP boast that at the 2014 conference, alongside Hezbollah, the IJ, PFLP and Hamas – were ‘more than 100 representatives of civil society organisations who came from 29 countries around the world’.
These so-called civil society organisations include leading BDS-promoting groups in the west. They claim to be ‘peace activists’ – but have no trouble associating with -and taking directions from – leaders of proscribed terrorist organisations.
The third conference and the Scottish attendees
The GCRP third conference in 2015 was no different. It was again in Beirut and again played host to key leaders from all of the radical Islamist terrorist organisations.
Mick Napier from the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign was one of two SPSC activists to attend:
This was a meeting that was led and controlled by radical Islamists and terrorist organisations. Note how Napier refers to it in his post as a ‘BDS’ conference. He posts just one image – of himself and fellow SPSC activist Issam Hijawi with Ahed Tamimi.
It is important to note Tamimi spoke at the terrorist conference. She plays ‘Ms Innocent’ to western audiences and then stands proudly alongside genocidal terror groups:
Attendees and speakers included Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah Sheikh Naeem Qasim, Vice-President of Islamic Jihad (now President) Ziyad-Al-Nakhalah and Hamas’ representative in Lebanon Ali Baraka. Hamas’ leader Ismail Hania addressed the conference through a video link. As was the case in the earlier conferences – terrorist supporting Islamists arrived from around the globe.
Joshua Brown from ‘Stop the War Coalition’ Scotland – also attended:
At least Joshua Brown is more honest than Napier. While Napier concealed the true nature of the event, Brown tells the world that the conference is about ‘standing with the Al Quds intifada’. This was a violent, murderous episode in late 2015 – that saw Palestinians attacking Israelis and brought fears of a fresh widespread uprising.
The fourth conference – March 2018
This time the conference began by handing out awards. Gilad Atzmon and Jocelyn Hurndall both received one.
Hurndall also spoke in the closing session of the event. Others from Scotland also attended. Azzam Muhammad from the Muslim Council of Scotland was there. It seems from the attendee lists that Azzam has participated in at least three of these conferences – including the founding one in 2013. Karen Bett from the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign also made her way to the conference:
There is live footage for anyone who wants to see other extremists (and who understand Arabic) who made their presence felt. This is a picture of Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah Sheikh Naim Qassem speaking at the event:
Supporting NGOs and activist groups:
Because of Coronavirus, the most recent Global Campaign conference was held in January 2021 in semi-virtual settings – with events running in parallel in Gaza and in Tehran:
One of the upsides of holding the event virtually was the amount of information provided online – such as the list of speakers. It provides a much clearer image of the type of radical Islamist ideology driving the group and their events:
The flyer promoting the event provided a list of supporting organisations. These include:
- Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
- Samidoun
- Collectif Palestine Vaincra
- Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
- US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN)
- PLF Pakistan
- International League of Peoples struggles
- Boycott Campaign – Palestine
- 194 Al-Salam förening
- Internationalist Anti-Imperialist Front (FAI)
- Movement of Palestinian Women Al-Karama
- Sardegna Palestina
- Palestinian Community in Belgium and Luxembourg
- Palestina Solidariteit Herent
- Diaspora Tribune
- Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity
All of these organisations deceptively promote BDS as part of a *non-violent* struggle – while simultaneously aligning with terrorist groups. There can be no excusing people attending events with speakers who openly support terrorist violence. People like Napier and Bett from the SPSC refuse to sit in a room with Zionists – but travel 1000s of miles to cosy up to radical Islamic terrorists and their supporters. Pauline McNeill the MSP – how can she justify attending events with any of these people?
Others who attended these events include Allison Weir (If America Knew) and Paul Larudee, both well-known faces of US-based, extreme anti-Israel activism. Eva Bartlett (Canada) and Vanessa Beeley (UK) are two other well-known activists who attended.
Here is Bartlett, Beeley and Larudee at the conference with Feroze Mithiborwala in 2015:
Mithiborwala who posted the image above on his FB page is not just an ardent supporter of radical Islamic terror groups, he is also a vile antisemite:
BDS is an arm of the terror groups
Given all the evidence, it is clear that the terrorists and their supporters that dominate the GCRP and its events are not hangers-on but rather the driving ideology behind the entire project and its goals.
Take a look at this image:
It is the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (a supporter of the terrorist network) sharing an article from Samidoun (another supporter of the terrorist network) reporting an event in which Ahed Tamimi (a supporter of the terrorist network) was given the floor. The tragedy is that this event took place in the European Parliament in Brussels. It is Iranian Islamist influence spreading anti-Jewish hate throughout Europe and centres of influence in the west.
The GCRP now spew out an endless stream of propaganda via their outlets and their material is shared relentlessly in online anti-Israel groups:
And on campus:
The openly stated goal of this terrorist support network is to use participants in its events as tools to spread the word across the globe. The images above shows both how it works – and more scarily, how well it all succeeds. This is from the closing statement at the launch event:
The evidence is all here. Using solidarity movements as proxies and hiding behind human rights keywords, radical Islamic ideology spreads into our high streets and onto our university campuses. They turn up with catchy slogans such as ‘Apartheid week’ or ‘BDS’ – but the driving force behind all this is a radical Islamic genocidal force that seeks to destroy the Jewish presence in the region – simply because it is Jewish. This has nothing to do with human rights. It is a key element in a radical Islamic holy war.
Can you help to support this work?
This research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for six years I have been creating headlines. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and the lies they tell about Israel.
This site battles back against those who seek to revise history and I expose antisemitism. I fight when others don’t. If you can, please consider making a donation – it really does make it all possible.
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Lol. You got us up for this fantasy?
I don’t know what’s sadder, that you wake up to read David slicing your shite arguments to shreds, or that he quite probably interrupted you being buggered sans lubricant by Mrs. Alban. Toss-up I suppose.
Hey Sharmuta, Time to get to work. You’ll be docked if you’re late.
P.S. Here is a Youtube of a newsreel documenting a sit-down meeting between National SOCIALIST SHlTler and his Sand Nazi ally, the Grand Moooooooooofti of Jerusalem.
Happy Nakba to All! 😉
From Melanie Phillips:
“How “tamed”Jews deny what’s all around them
Tuvia Tenenbom’s travels in Britain and Ireland leave him sadder and wiser”
What about Scotland and BP (British Petroleum)? Appeasing (Blood-for-Oil-Drilling-Contracts) Scotland which released the convicted bombing of Pan Am 103 in exchange for rights to drill in Libya.
Here is post … 500.
Here is post … 555.
I was going to get up anyway. Fortunately.
I am thinking most of this drivel was written by Scoffie. Reminds me of the time he tried to get elected Chief Rabbi
I understand that both you and Mike are fully aware that anti-Israel activism is a front for genocidal terrorists and Jew-hatred – so this exclusive doesn’t tell you anything you do not know already – but I have written it for others – who may not be so well versed on the subject.
Nope,. How can I be “fully aware” of a figment of your imagination.
The windmills of your mind need looking at, David.
First thing DUMB BELLamy does when he gets up
is drink a pint
then he heads to the Pub.
Here’s what career anti Zionist Norman Finklestein thinks about BDS….
I think he might be right too…..
Hi folks, have you seen those scams on the internet which make outrageous claims and offer to sell you the latest gadget for a fraction of the normal price? Well this blog, laughingly called ‘research’ is one of them, beware.
What it’s offering to ‘sell’ you is a vision of Zionism which is entirely misleading. It tries to present Zionism as some sort of benign belief inextricably linked to the Jewish religion. It does it so that if you criticise Zionism for being a racist dispossession project to take Palestinian land, Zionists can then accuse you of being antiSemitic. Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism, this is all part of the scam, do not fall for it.
Because of the violence it is causing in Palestine and the Middle East, Zionists throughout the world, be they Jews Christians or otherwise, realise they have been duped by the Zionist myths and are now ditching Zionism in their droves. Take note of the Jewish psychologist Avigail Abarbanel who put it perfectly when she said Zionism is a mental illness, it is the delusional belief that you have rights which do not exist. Zionists believe they have a God given right to eject Palestinians from their homeland, take it over and move in. This is a ‘right’ which sensible people will acknowledge is ridiculous and does not exist. The pleading of Zionists that they are the ones who have been wronged can be very persuasive but do not be taken in by this attempt to turn the truth on its head. It’s a technique they use to project their guilt on to their victims.
Do not part with any cash to enable David Collier to continue his wicked propaganda against BDS, a non-violent campaign to restore civil and human rights to Palestinians.
Good one Jack.
BDS is a racist endeavour and in terms of actually helping the people it is supposed to be helping it has been an unmitigated disaster….
Oh and since it’s founding in 2005 the GDP of Israel has actually tripled!
Great work BDS…..
BDS is an anti-Israel endeavour.
BDS is a RACIST anti Israel endeavour….
Fixed it for you….
Israel isn’t a race.
Ignorance beyond appalling. Why do we use the term ‘antisemitic’ then? Jews are both a race and a religion. Modern Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazi, are 70% descended from Middle Eastern genes of 3,000 years ago. You clearly know nothing.
“Jews are both a race and a religion.”??”?
I said Israel is not a race.
Israel is not ”The Jews’.
‘The Jews’ are not Israel
Erin, guess what? Today’s Palestinians are more closely related to the ancient Israelites than most Jews!
In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, of Hebrew University, a biologist, published the first extensive study of DNA and the origin of the Jews. Her research found that virtually all the Jews came from Khazar blood. Not only that but Oppenheim discovered that the Palestinians—the very people whom the Jews had been persecuting and ejecting from Israel’s land since 1948—had more Israelite blood than did the Jews. In sum, the vast majority of the Jews were not Jews; some of the Palestinians were. Some of the Palestinians even had a DNA chromosome which established that they were “Cohens”—workers at the ancient Temple and synagogues of the Jews. The Definitive DNA Study. Now comes the ultimate, definitive DNA study, by Dr. Eran Elhaik and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Entitled, The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses, and published by the Oxford Journal on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, the study confirms Oppenheim’s research and the many scholarly books. Dr. Elhaik and the prestigious Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine conclude in their report: “The Khazarian Hypothesis suggests that Eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and Converted to Judaism in the eighth century…Following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo-Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo-Khazars.”
The major significance of this is that Zionists are squaters on Palestinian land and have no ‘right’ to be there, which is why they had to use violence and terrorism against the indigenous population to occupy the place.
Israel is by it’s own definition a Jewish state….
As well you know…
Please, not the “I’m Spartacus” trick.
Suggest you sleep off your (obvious) hangover a bit longer and come back later…
I will pray for your recovery “Ken.”
Pray for your own….
You are in much greater need than me….
ImaM Oron,
I pray for your NAKBA.
Your ETERNAL Nakba.
Happy Eternal Nakba!
Given Islam’s eagerness to kill ANYBODY – men, women and children, the self-proclaimed “Religion of Peace” and “ISLAM-O-FAUX-BIA” is a horrific joke
– 9/11 and close to 3,000 dead
– 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center
– 1968 assassination of US Senator Robert F. Kennedy
– 1972 invasion of the Summer Olympics in Munich and murder of athletes
– 1981 assassination of Egyptian President and Peace Maker Anwar Sadat
– 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103 which crashed on Lockerbie
– 2005 London’s 7/7 transport massacre
– beheadings of Lee Rigby, journalist Daniel Pearl, James Foley and other victims of ISIS
– Boston Marathon bombing
– London and Westminster bridge car ramming attacks
– Manchester arena bombing
– Rotherham rape gangs
– Bastille Day truck ramming attack in Nice France
– Massacre at Charlie Hebdo magazine offices in Paris
– Massacre at Bataclan music venue
– Massacre at Manchester arena concert venue
– Massacre at Pulse nightclub in Orlando
– Massacre at Christmas party in San Bernardino
– stabbing to death of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh
– Fascist Irans death threats against writer Salman Rushdie
– 500,000 dead in Syria (Arabs killing Arabs)
– 1,000,000 dead in 8 year Iraq/Fascist Iran war (Muslims killing Muslims)
– Mumbai India massacre
– Nairobi Kenya mall massacre
– Sadaam Husseins poison gassing of the Kurds of Halabja Iraq
– ISIS beheading videos
– Hamass executing gays by pushing them off rooftops in Gaza
– Fascist Iran executing gays by hanging them from construction cranes
– Coptic Christians being murdered in Egypt
– murder of tourists in Luxor
– Manhattan bike path car ramming attack
– failed sneaker and later underwear suicide bombing of an inflight plane
– failed SUV bombing of Times Square
– public threats on placards of 9/11 scale attacks on the UK and Europe
– Brussels airport bombing
– bombing of USS Cole
– Fort Hood Texas massacre
– foiled attack on Garland Texas conference
– Death threats on creators of South Park cartoon series
– Brooklyn Bridge shooting
– Empire State Building Observation Deck shooting
– Fascist Irans calls for Death to America
– Taliban shooting girls who want an education
– Muslim families stoning their daughters to death over “family honour”
– DC Beltway snipers
– Boko Haram kidnapping and raping girls in Nigeria
– ISIS murdering Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai
– ISIS burning Jordanian pilot to death
– Taliban destroying two 1,500 year old Buddahs in Bamiyan Afghanistan
– ISIS destroying antiquities in Palmyra
– Hezbola and Hamass using children as Human Shields and slave labour to dig tunnels
– Christmas market shooting in Strasbourg France
– Armenian Genocide by the Ottomans
– 1/15/19 Shabab terrorist attack in Nairobi Kenya
– 2019 Easter Sunday massacre in Sri Lanka
– London and Westminster bridge stabbings and car ramming
– Pensacola FL. and Corpus Christi TX Naval base attacks
– Reading, UK, stabbing of 6, 3 of whom died
– beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty over a class on Freedom of Speech
and on and on….
How did BDS restore civil and human rights of the 400 Palestinians who lost their well paid jobs at Soda Stream when the factory relocated to Israel due to relentless BDS campaigns? Isn’t earning a living and feeding the family a basic civil and human right? What did BDS do for those 400 Palestinians and their families?
I just flew out of the racist apartheid state where I brought humanitarian aid and comfort to the Palestinian community.
Though the Rebbetzin and Chief Rabbi Dreck were unable to join me, Dr. Joe Memegele was in the same group. He’s still upset that you banned him.
If anyone wants to know what Nazi Germany or apartheid South Africa was like, they couldn’t go wrong by visiting apartheid Israel. It’s like stepping back into the horrific past.
Note: People don’t say I’m “arriving” or “returning,” but always say I’m flying “in to” or “out of” apartheid Israel. Will tell more about my observations another time.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray.
“I just flew out of the racist apartheid state”
You went to Iran?
You wasted your time Levy….
It’s a backward medieval shithole and it always will be….
Will join you in prayers for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in accordance with the messainic prophesies…..
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
Has the ability to develop its own nuclear weapon. Israel hadn’t.
Ken Dobkin on March 7, 2021
It’s a backward medieval shithole and it always will be….
Scoffy, you illiterate fcuk. You can’t even read. I said I just flew out of apartheid ISRAEL, not Iran.
Well you must be mistaken Levy…
Iran is a 100% racist apartheid medieval shithole whereas Israel is a thriving modern multi ethnic democracy…
I will pray to the almighty that he may repair the confusion that is plaguing your troubled mind….
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
“Israel is a thriving modern multi ethnic democracy…”?
Not a Jewish state then.
p.s. … nor a democracy.
Yes it is both of those…
Well spotted….
Cannot be both, Dobby.
It can be both and it is both…
You probably think Syria is a democracy. Clown.
You probably think the world is, Erin.
Shalom friends and online congregants
Let us pray ?
Dear HaShem, please create a pit that will swallow the evil creed of Zionism and all those who serve the machinery of your citidel of evil, apartheid Israel.
Please make your pit deep enough so not only will it swallow all the evil doing Zionists who act against your teachings and break all your Commandments, but that it will be close enough for these Zionist monsters to be subject to eternal torment.
Have you also said your daily prayers for the swift coming of Moschiach and the world peace that will ensue with his coming and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in accordance with the messainic prophesies Rabbi Shitforbrains?
You cannot call yourself a Rabbi if you don’t do that Loony Levy….
Do you prefer to be called Loony Levy or Rabbi Shitforbrains?
Please advise….
Pearls of wisdom from your friendly neighbourhood Rabbi:
Being Jewish is NOT about fighting alleged antisemitism.
Being Jewish is about practicing Judaism.
Dr Joe Memegele sends his regards.He treated a few holocaust survivors while in the Zionist apartheid state who were too poor to see a GP. They’re treated awfully.
ImaM Oron,
The IDF and IAF send their regards to you and your fellow Imam, ImaM Aggot.
Happy Nakba!! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Judaism is about praying daily for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem…..
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say…
So keep praying Rabbi Shitforbrains….
His name Bruce Levy is known to Israel’s immigration border force. He is highly unlikely to get into Israel and even if he did , he would be kicked out just as he was from Asda which he proceeded to trash on Facebook ( saved for posterity )
The name of Harvey Garfield is known to apartheid Israel’s immigration officials as just another nut case needing psychiatric treatment.
Great work, David, confirming beyond doubt that the aim of BDS has nothing to do with ‘human rights’ but is, as its founder, Marwan Barghouti, has openly stated, the annihilation of Israel.
A quote of his words please, Erin.
Still can’t do Google huh Farmgirl?
What a dozy f@cktard you are….
Quote, Erin?
Google Farmgirl?
Whilst archaeological, genetic, and historical evidence backs the indigeneity of Jews to Israel without a shadow of a doubt, certain “activists” profusely deny this….unwittingly yet implicitly admitting they don’t know what it means to be indigenous…
Indigenous means you lived there once.
Jews are the descendants of the Iraqi immigrant Abraham.
Having lived somewhere once doesn’t mean it belongs to you.
Jews lived in Israel BEFORE Imperialist Islam invaded.
Now Imperialist Islam is invading Eurabia AKA Europe.
Here is another reason why the racist LaBOOR party lost so deceivingly in 2019.
Top 10 baby boy names in London
1 Muhammad
2 Oliver
3 Alexander
4 Daniel
5 Joshua
6 James
7 Adam
8 George
9 Jack
10 Mohammed
Happy Nakba to the Trojan Horse called the LaBOOR party!!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
“Having lived somewhere once doesn’t mean it belongs to you.”
Agree with you….
Now try telling that to the millions of Arabic speaking Arabs that flooded the middle east from the Arabian peninsula in the 7th century….
By your own destination they are not indigenous…..
Thanks for confirming….
i can’t tell you how many blue eyed blond Ashkenazi ‘jews’ i met in California. not a hook nose amongst them. they have no more connection with the Middle East than i do. it’s all a fraud.
Hello Charles. Are you saying that you live in the US now? Previously it was the UK then Italy? It’s hard to keep up with your different stories.
Anyway, let’s remind ourselves of one of your previous efforts here. When Michael, your team mate here said that Jews in Israel should go back to Europe, you said that Jews in Europe should go back to Israel. Your latest post suggest you’ve had a re-think.
Mrs. Alban can’t really do a “re-think”, that would require her to have working brain cells in the first place. But as long as Alex Linder’s there to plow her, she’ll be fine.
Delightful petite flouncette over the weekend as the Jewish State begins its return to relative normality with cafes, restaurants and shops re-opening. people enjoying the early spring sunshine and Arab stabbers being neutralised when they try to murder our nans and young mums.
There’s always a little buzz of anticipation coming back here afterwards, hoping that one of the Panto Players will have said something interesting or tried something new. It’s been 7 years after all. But it’s another let-down.
Our Michael still ejaculating the same 4 slogans. That knob that posts as Bruce still having a thromby trying to be provocative and the occasional cartoon nutcase dropping by for a copy/paste on their way to terrorize some old dears in Waitrose with dick pics and Paly flags.
Ah well. Guess I’ll leave you all to it for a bit. We’ve got elections in a fortnight and my lovely imperialist, genocidal, oppressive, right wing extremist candidates are not going to elect themselves.
Why does Pal-e-SLIME have more Darwin Award winners than Nobel Prize winners???
…. says ‘developed’ Edward.
EXCLUSIVE – UK Zionists exposed as front for Israeli propaganda machine.
EXCLUSIVE – UK LaBOOR party exposed as front for Hezbola/HAM-ASS and Fascist Iranian propaganda machines.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
So many logical fallacies in one short comment…wow!
1. Several unproven premises: please prove there’s Tory antisemitism (may well be, of course, but why smear without proof?), please prove that David Collier has an obligation to look into Tory antisemitism if it exists, please prove there isn’t antisemitism in Labour to justify your “smear” claim, please prove that making money from research is a bad thing.
2. Loaded sentences – containing all the unproven premises above.
3. Strawman.
4. Ad hominem.
5. Tu quoque – appeal to hypocrisy.
Here’s a helpful link to a list of logical fallacies, if you’ll ever feel like breaking your own record:
You’re welcome.
“why smear without proof?” Collier did so for 5 years re. the Labour Party.
Collier claims to fight antisemitism everywhere. Tories appease Israel. He won’t ‘research’ the Tories.
But you know this, Piss.
Until I encountered Ian I was convinced that there couldn’t possibly be someone in the world more boring than Paul McCartney
EXCLUSIVE – UK LaBOOR party exposed as front for Hezbola/HAM-ASS and Fascist Iranian propaganda machines.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
So many logical fallacies in one short comment…wow!
1. Several unproven premises: please prove there’s Tory antisemitism (may well be, of course, but why smear without proof?), please prove that David Collier has an obligation to look into Tory antisemitism if it exists, please prove there isn’t antisemitism in Labour to justify your “smear” claim, please prove that making money from research is a bad thing.
2. Loaded sentences – containing all the unproven premises above.
3. Strawman.
4. Ad hominem.
5. Tu quoque – appeal to hypocrisy.
Here’s a helpful link to a list of logical fallacies, if you’ll ever feel like breaking your own record:
You’re welcome.
“why smear without proof?” Collier did so for 5 years re. the Labour Party.
Collier claims to fight antisemitism everywhere. Tories appease Israel. He won’t ‘research’ the Tories.
But you know this, Piss.
More ad hominem, yay!
My point was that the “smear” accusation must be proved. Just repeating it ad nauseam won’t make it true.
I don’t understand why should David Collier research the Tories. He took an oath to research the Tories and is now reneging on it? Did he sign a contract? Is he the one and only who can research the Tories, and something terrible is gonna happen if he doesn’t? I don’t understand this obsession.
Those who claim there’s Tory antisemitism are free to research it. You don’t need David Collier for it.
Is see that you’re new to this block.
When David ‘researches’ he means ‘misrepresents’ and ‘smears’. … as with ‘Corbyn’s antisemitism’.
5 years he attacked and vilified him with lies. Ad Hominem indeed.
Hello Pisa. I see you’ve met our Michael then. Been a regular here for 6 years and is equally present (and participational) on David’s Twitter feed. As you’ll see it’s almost exclusively slogan repetition on copy/paste and the ad homs that you’ve spotted. These act as a surrogate for normal exchanges because Michael has no knowledge of the issues, admits to never having met any Jews or Arabs or visited the Middle East, but is keen to express strong opinions on all of them.
So far, so harmless enough. But our Michael is actually a nasty little antisemite and due to a lack of focus, often lets the mask drop. Classic instances have included endorsing a tweet from a David Duke fan that said that “Jews are counterfeit human beings” and also defending a film in which some Irish lads were recoded saying “Hitler didn’t kill no fuckin’ Jews”. Michael likes to respond to this by claiming to be misrepresented and misunderstood, poor baby.
Michael hates it when Jews engender sympathy and will put the slogans into overdrive when this looks likely. This always happens with any mention of the Holocaust and the suggestion that the Nazis were particularly focused on the extermination of the Jews. Michael hates this, knowing it is a battle that can never be won. Unhappily there are lots of Michaels on the internet but happily for me, none here in Israel, which is nice.
Finally, you’ll notice the gender neutrality in this message. this is because Michael has been rumbled on twitter more than once, posting as Maria Farmer and i wouldn’t want to fall foul of the woke Wesistance.
Repetition? The truth is ALWAYS the truth, but then yourself and David choose to have no truck with it.
Wind your cap-locks in Maria. Nobody’s interested in your restaurant reviews for places you’ve never eaten.
Hi Ian, thanks for the info.
I’m Israeli, but I grew up in Eastern Europe, so I know antisemitism first-hand. I’ve met worse than Farmer.
I’ve known of Corbyn’s antisemitism for years. I first learned about it from a center-of-left British blog, where most of the posters are either Labour members themselves, or Labour voters. They where appalled and scared, they were losing their ideological home.
You know what fascinates me? Parts of the left ,while quick to point fingers at extreme right antisemitism and bigotry, are having a very hard time identifying the racists and bigots in their own ranks. Yet antisemitism is exactly the glue that binds the two extremes of the political spectrum together (and ultra-nationalism, but that”s too complex to be analyzed here). The only difference is that the left is using the human rights language, however the prejudices behind the semantics are no different than extreme right overt racism.
I find David’s research not only accurate, but thankfully devoid of emotional and rhetorical rubble. Naked facts mostly.
By the way, I noticed that his opponents never post any meaningful rebuttal, only the usual anti-Zionist memes and personal insults. I wonder why.
Because they see that Zionistm is racism?
Re. Corbyn. You “learned about it”?
Sounds like you took the opinion from others and carried it.
Care to quote or give an example of his antisemitism?
Yes, I learned about it. Unlike other people, who only care about expressing their own opinions on social platforms, I’m willing to learn and even change my mind when evidence is overwhelming.
Nobody can call Hezbollah, whose goal is to kill all Jews, “my friends”, and claim he’s not antisemitic. Not even Corbyn. This of course is just an example, as you asked.
That it? That all you’ve got?
Many, many MPs are ‘Friends of Israel’; a state that has killed thousands of innocent Palestinians. Haters oif Arabs?
Spot on Pisa. Nobody comes here for a discussion like a normal and absolutely nobody is coming to have their mind changed. Obviously I include myself here.
I am an Israeli Jew and regard myself as the home side here. I have what I want and couldn’t give a toss whether the away team turns up or not. I win either way. If they do bother showing up, it’s on them to try something to advance their purpose whatever that may be. I’m quite happy just taking the piss out of their panto provocations and then returning to life in the Jewish State.
I do plan to stick around though. It’s a personal challenge outside the pro-Zio bubble. My current record for participation on a site is currently 18 years, about the same age as some of Stephen’s copy/pastes. We should have a party here for our centenary.
I tried to post a nice “happy 18” picture but it doesn’t seem to work. You’ll just have to imagine it, colored balloons and ribbons included.
Don’t mention balloons Pisa. Michael was very keen on their use by Hamas last year as incendiary weapons to incinerate fields, wildlife and plant life. This is normally followed by the following exchange –
Michael: “Yeah but the IDF rapes and tortures a young Arab girl every 3 minutes in occupied Palestine”.
Ian: ” Yeah, and she’s getting really fed up of it”
As I mentioned earlier. Not much going on here.
Have a care, Ian., people will believe your misrepresentations. It’s a weakness of mind many Zionists display.
As an acknowledgement of International Womens Day 2021 it seem appropriate for us to recognise all of the strong and fearless women in the IDF who place themselves in harms way every day to protect our country and our citizens from danger and ensure the safety and security of the Jewish State.
For balance let us also note all of the women activists that oppose the success of the IDF in its mission and selflessly sit in front of computer screens and behind old decorators tables on UK street corners, ejaculating vague slogans and handing out ancient leaflets. Ruddy-faced old dears, they brave the elements in their cagoules and beanies, knowing that they will live and die achieving nothing.
Actually some of these ruddy faced old dears have got an O level in chemistry. What have you achieved ?
Getting a few internet cranks and trolls to nibble the bait on my line.
Well I been busy writing your ephitaph
” Here lies Ian who was alive and now is dead”
After I had learned how to spell epitaph
“Here lies Bellers. Killed typing whilst driving”
Here lies Ian, regularly.
Here is where Farmer buried himself…
Ah, last and certainly the least … Dobby.
Keep digging FG
It’s what you do best
It’s ALL you do!
Dear HaShem
I pray that you allow Cpl Leanne Haroush to nuture the seeds of Hamas freedom fighters in her womb and may her offspring become brave, great and holy warriors for Palestine.
In your name I pray.
I’m sure that Cpl Haroush would deal with any Hamas freedom fighters in her own special way….?
And may this come to pass and let us say….
Indiana Jones taught everyone how to deal with Jihadis.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Indy shows the proper way to neutralize jihadis.
Hope you dig it Sharmuta.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I don’t have a single antisemitic bone in my body (I’m a RABBI), but after returning from numerous trips to apartheid Israel and seeing the disgraceful way many so-called “Jews” behave and treat others who do not share the same religion as them, I fully understand why some people are antisemitic.
Keep praying Rabbi Shitforbrains….
Keep praying for the swift coming of Moschiach and the world peace that will ensue with his coming and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in accordance with the messainic prophesies…..
This is what every single Jew on Earth prays for every single day Rabbi Shitforbrains…..but you will know this already won’t you Rabbi Shitforbrains?
So get down on your knees and pray that the redeemer will come to zion and let us say….
Do you plan on attempting to distribute your Zionist ice cream again this Summer “Dobby?”
Keep praying Shitforbrains…
It’s a good way to earn a crust for a convicted criminal.
Just be sure to wear a mask and keep your distance from the kiddies.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Torah study to lead.
Keep praying for Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem Rabbi Shitforbrains….
After all it is your duty as a Rabbi to do that….
David Collier
If Israel was a Muslim majority state – it would be held aloft as a model of democracy and freedom. There would be no UN resolutions against it, Amnesty would adore it and the ICC would never have knocked on their door.
But it has a Jewish majority.
Anti-Zionism is antisemitism
“Anti-Zionism is antisemitism”??!?
Again Collier peddles his favourite illogical lie.
Not all Zionists are Jews.
Not all Jews are Zionists.
Collier continues to push his community dividing falsehoods.
Yes of course Farmgirl…
Having read most of your postings over the last few months I’m so convinced that your 24/7 obsessive (attempted) trashing of Zionism/Zionists has absolutely nothing to do with any deep seated hatred (animus) towards the Jewish race….
Now please excuse me as I’m off to buy a bridge that I heard may be for sale….
You tease, Dobby.
So, does Dobby believe Collier that anti-Zionism IS anti-Semitism?
In some cases….no
In your case….David is 1000% correct….
You are a vile Jew hating racist sack of dogsh1t….
Do I make myself clear?
Yep, you just confirmed that antiZionism is not antiSemitism.
There’s a good boy, Dobby.
In your case it 1000% is…
Reading and comprehension are really not your thing at all are they Farmgirl?
Jeez what a dozy c@nt you are…
David how do you feel about the Pres of the NUS being in the same meeting as Barghouti ? I ask because I noted that you retweeted the nut job Kemp, t he notorious nut job Christian zio ‘s condemnation of it.
David Collier Retweeted
Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁
Nat Union of Students President to speak alongside leader of movement that supports terrorist violence against Jews & has direct connection with terrorist groups. Barghouti: “We’re not ashamed to have armed resistance…throughout our existence”. @jhrwatch @PinskerCentre @mishtal https://twitter.com/PinskerCentre/status/1369266772269015044
I wonder if Kempie thinks Bibi or David should be ashamed of the ‘armed resistance’ followed by the various Jewish terrorist groups led by the various Israeli PMs, especially the callous murder of the 2 British sergeants.
Wonder if Britain itself should be ashamed about clamping down on Jewish immigration from Nazi occupied Europe to British mandated “Palestine” during WW2?
Britain’s part in helping out the Nazis with their murder of 6m European Jews has not and will never be forgotten….
Then again if Britain had not stood against Hitler for years there wouldn’t have been many Jews left in Europe.
A plus for Britain of course.
Go on Ken. I’ll gift this one to you. It’s too easy.
Yes we are so grateful to you…..that you didn’t just allow 6 million Jews to be murdered…but actually took an active part in not allowing them to escape…
Oh and thanks for highlighting the importance of the existence of the Jewish state of Israel to all the Jews of the world….
Very good of you to do that…
Is that the Israel that most of world Jewry prefer not to live in?
Britain did NOT stop Jews from escaping from Germany. .
Britain ensured that there was no bloodbath in mandatory Palestine.
Does everything have to be for the benefit of Jews? Obviously the ones on here think that way.
Britain ensured that the Jews of Germany and Europe were not able to flee to British mandated Palestine by halting the immigration of people who were facing death in Nazi gas chambers….
You can try to spin this how you want but this is a dark and disgusting stain on the history of Britain…
Everyone can see that….
Fortunately we Jews have Israel to flee to if (when) the next holocaust happens…
Not sorry if that upsets you….
“Everyone can see that….”
‘Course they can, dear.
Am Yisrael Chai…
Or in other words…
F@ck you Farmer…
Now get on your knees and suck on that
Enjoying your UK home, Dobby, with your self-determination?
Just keep sucking
There’s a good little racist….
Spoken like a true Zionist.
Now you know why YOUR KIND are hated.
Hated by racist fucktards like you Shitforbrains?
ImaM Oron, You and your kind hate fellow Arabs/Muslims.
That’s why Arabs/Muslims are streaming into the UK to the point where now the most popular name for new-born baby boys in London-istan is
Mohammed/Muhammed/etc. 😮
“Muhammad remained the most popular boys’ name in the North West, Yorkshire and The Humber, the West Midlands, and London”
Looks like Londonistan is becoming LESS DIVERSE. Who saw that coming???
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Why do most Irish prefer not to live in Ireland?
Why do most scots prefer not to live in scotland?
Why do most Syrians prefer not to live in Syria?
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Britain trained, armed, and led the Jordanian army against the new Jewish state. What did you say about bloodbath?
Interesting reading.
Some of the British “Royals” did not stand against SOCIALIST SHlTler.
Ishtak Shamir attempted a pact with Hitler … nice.
Sharmuta, Any newsreels or photos of
Ishtak Shamir attempting a pact with Socialist Hitler
as there are newsreels of your Grand Mooooooooooofti meeting with Socialist Hitler???
Let’s see what ya got, you Fascist Sow.
Happy Nakba!! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
The Story Of Lehi, The Jewish Terrorist Organization That Tried To Form An Alliance With The Nazis. Nice.
What is interesting here is that David confirms that he thinks that prople can be damned by who they are at the same meeting as.
WTF is Dumb Bellamy babbling about?
Ask your mental health professional, Ted.
Where is “Muslim Voice for Peace”???
Couldn’t find it with Google. I wonder Why.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Hey Loony Levy….
Next time you are in Asda (believe you go there a lot) can you pick me some Israeli avocados?
Thanks Shitforbrains….
I recall that during the heyday of apartheid South Africa, activists used to visit supermarkets where South African produce was being sold and really squeezed it to test it’s freshness. Unfortunately in all cases, customers left holes in the produce which made them unsalable.
Unfortunately for you “Dobby,” the union that represents ASDA workers is also affiliated with the PSC. Need I say more?
Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to pray.
Ah well never mind Shitforbrains
I will buy my own avocados…
Will add it to a very long list of Israeli products that the vast majority of us purchase on a regular basis…
No wonder the Israeli GDP has tripled in the last 15 years….
Go suck on that one Shitforbrains….
Too busy contemplating why racist, apartheid Israel is spending so much money and resources against BDS. If they’re doing as good as you fantasize, then why bother?
Face it, your fantasy that apartheid Israel is economically robust is about as real as ‘Elie the Wiesel’s’ tattoo.
BDS was founded in 2005 when the GDP of Israel was around $135 billion
It is now around $400 billion
So go and suck on that one Shitforbrains
If the USA didn’t support apartheid Israel, it wouldn’t exist.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it
Yes USA gives Israel around $3 bn per year
So less than a 1% of Israeli GDP…
Big deal Shitforbrains….
?4 ?
Boycott, Divest, Sanction
Terrorist — Apartheid — Racist — Fascist — Homophobic, — Misogynist
ImaM Oron, Aside from its Hijacking, Stabbing, Shooting, Bombing, Human Sacrifice, Rape, Child Slave Labour…
What does Pal-e-SLIME produce to sell to the World and how much does it earn?
Edward, we know you’re a moron. End of story.
ImaM Oron,
You and ImaM Aggot are destined for
Eternal Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
David Collier Retweeted
Blake Flayton ?
Any American Jew who looks at what happened with UK’s Labour and thinks “that can never happen here” is either not paying attention, unable to call out antisemitism on their own side, or they think the moderate Dems have the momentum. They don’t.
What happened with UK’s Labour was a baseless witchhunt conducted by UK Zionists to blacken the name of a Party that believed in justice for the Palestinians.
I’m sure AIPAC can spin similar lies.
Blah blah blah fuckity fuckity blah blah blah blah blah….
Jesus what an obsessive racist sack of dogsh1t you are Farmgirl….
Much as I respect your sophisticated intellect, Dobby, I don’t think I’ll take your utterings to heart.
Wake me up when you have something interesting and original to say….
I won’t hold my breath….
Despite your deceitful blather, the British voter saw through LaBOORs LIES
and handed racist, Islamofascist APPEASING LaBOOR
its WORST LOSS in 85 years at the Polls.
“General election 2019: ‘Worst night for Labour since 1935′
Rhondda’s Labour candidate Chris Bryant has said it has been the “worst night for Labour since 1935”.
He told BBC Wales the night was “a catastrophe”, saying the party had now lost four elections in a row, as they did from 1979 to 1992.
“My real fear now is if we in the Labour party don’t do the soul searching that we did after the 1992 election, we could be in the wilderness for even longer.””
Happy Nakba! 🙂
P.S. Racist LaBOOR can count on the Fascist Socialist and Islamofascist Vote – but that doesn’t Win ’em elections.
Let’s play Zionist slap down.
Hey DeadHeadEd – POW!!
ImaM Oron, Pigs like you can’t do SHIT.
Happy Nakba! 😉
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Zionist slap down.
Hey DeadHeadEd – POW!!!
? ?✨✨✨ ?
?4 ?
ImaM Oron just had another workplace accident.
Tis a Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I think I just sussed why the so called “Nakba” reminds our resident fuckwits about David’s so called lack of research into Tory antisemitism…
It’s because they are both fake news…
? ?
What you are telling me here, as though by the way, is that in Operation Hiram there was a comprehensive and explicit expulsion order. Is that right?
Morris – “Yes. One of the revelations in the book is that on October 31, 1948, the commander of the Northern Front, Moshe Carmel, issued an order in writing to his units to expedite the removal of the Arab population. Carmel took this action immediately after a visit by Ben-Gurion to the Northern Command in Nazareth. There is no doubt in my mind that this order originated with Ben-Gurion. Just as the expulsion order for the city of Lod, which was signed by Yitzhak Rabin, was issued immediately after Ben-Gurion visited the headquarters of Operation Dani [July 1948].”
Most of the ones that left did so without seeing a single Israeli soldier…
And the ones that stayed were allowed to stay after the war and are now more than ten times the number they were….
Your supposed Nakba is fake news
Just like David’s supposed failure to investigate Tory antisemitism…
They are both fake news ?
Dobby the Denier.
David knows the truth, never recounts it though.
The ONE exception that proves the rule, Dobby.
Still no ‘research’.
“Most of the ones that left did so without seeing a single Israeli soldier…”
That’s what kept them alive, Dobby.
And the ones that stayed?
What happened to them?
Were they massacred?
No they became citizens of Israel and are now more than ten times the number that they were…..
Initially a Jewish majority a a ring of Juwish border towns was sufficient.
Time for an update on the trolls who infest this board and accidentally make it better by providing the dumbest, most fabulist view of events for the intelligent commentators to rip into fine threads:
1. Charles “Mrs.” Alban is a Nazi who loves Leftists, and wants to find common cause with Muck Framer, who is a Leftist who loves Nazis. He’s not interesting but his stupidity is pretty funny.
2. Muck Framer is focusing on his “evil Zionists sullied the name of my beloved piece of shit Jeremy Corbyn” and “Zionism is the root of all evil” cards right now, but it’s obvious he will play his “the Nazis were crueler to non-Jews during the Nazi Holocaust than they were to Jews, a conclusion I reached by making saints out of Nazi collaborators and Soviet soldiers” card again in the future.
3. Jack T is a dullard with dull anti-Zionist views.
4. Stephen Bellamy seems tired, either needing coffee or to accept that his bland bigotry can’t stand up to the super-heated bile of people like Mrs. Alban and Muck Framer.
5. Not-real-name Levy has the other problem: he’s so rabid that he doesn’t sound like a human anymore.
6. Sigerico seems to have retired from alternately loving Nazis and covering for pederast priests.
More updates to come next month 🙂
When I was passing through the apartheid Zionist state, I came across an enjoyable video game called Qassam! It was very similar to Missile Attack. There are different versions of the Qassam rockets you could use.
The player(s) could score points for direct hits on illegal Zionist settlements, IOF bases, government buildings and Ben Gurion Airport.
A touch of authenticity was added by including images of Zionists running around screaming and some fantastic Islamic music and prayers.
For a direct strikes on Tel Aviv and West Al Quds (Jerusalem), you gained double points, but the biggest targets were the Knesset building and the Zionist atomic depot in Dimona.
The video game was very addictive and I know would prove very popular in the UK and elsewhere throughout the world.
ImaM Oron and ImaM Aggot,
LOL! Keep playing your laughable games and videos where Israel is defeated.
REALITY is a NAKBA for you and your pals.
Happy Nakba!!
M.A.D. – formerly “Mutual Assured Destruction”
Now – “Mecca Assured Destruction” – for starters.
The Islamofascist World is TARGET RICH.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
No research….
? ?
The ONE exception that proves the rule, Dobby.
Still no ‘research’. … just a tearful outburst.
No research…?
? ?
Nope. Just a whine.
Direct hit on the Zionist bus station! Yeah! ? ?
? 4 ?
Another week at the Panto comes to an end and it’s time for my weekend flounce. There’s a lovely sense of COVID-free normality descending on The Jewish State and the trolls can be packed away in the dressing-up box for the time being.
I see that DC’s threatening a new article quite soon so it may be a good time to start up a new game of Bellers Bingo. Everyone gets a card to enter and each card has 12 of the top slogans used by the Panto Provocateurs. You know the ones “Nakba, that reminds me…” , “I AM a Rabbi Honest”, “Oooo, look at Scoffy”, all the fan favourites. The one that fills the card first is the winner and gets a coupon for a double shot of the Pfizer vaccine (don’t fret if you’re a fully vaccinated Israeli. You won’t miss out. You get a Lacoste anti-stab vest for your Pesach trip to Temple Mount.) So, it’s eyes down for a full house.
Shabbat shalom all.
since you mentioned scoffie
Shabbat Shalom and greetings to Israel (one of our most valued allies) from your good friend….the UK ??
We have now vaccinated 25m so also look forward to coming out to play again soon….
Had my Pfizer vaccine last week….
Of what value is racist Israel?
No more racist than land thieving (post) colonialist Great Britain?
Nobody is perfect I suppose?
Ah well….
Great Britain built the modern world, Dobby.
Israel is becoming an ancient one.
Thanks to the racist LaBOOR party, “Great Britain” is rapidly becoming a Third World country.
“Top baby names of 2020
… Muhammad still held strong for another year as the most popular name in the boys’ chart. ”
The UK is Kaput.
A wonderful land.
Lots of opportunities for Sharmutas like you.
Fucked that job up didn’t it ?
GB built the modern world on the back of slavery and land thievery causing the deaths (directly and indirectly) of literally millions along the way….
This is not a legacy that should be celebrated in any way shape or form
Most people would be and should be ashamed of it….
But not you it seems?
Disgusting really…
I’m speaking of course of Britain the Innovation Nation.
An Israelist mentioning “land thievery”?
Oooh look a little Englander whose ancestors stole entire CONTINENTS from their indigenous populations (slaughtering millions along the way) taking issue with the “crimes” of little Israel?
Nothing in the least bit ironic about that is there?
So, will colonialist Israel also pull out of the PT and allow them to rule themselves as Britain has?
So how many Israeli soldiers are currently occupying “occupied” Gaza?
Give you a clue…. it’s a round number….
Btw colonialist Britain never gave North America or Australia back to it’s indigenous population
So those countries (continents) are effectively still occupied to this day….
Disgusting really
Dobby knows that Israel is occupying Gazan waters and shooting at its fishermen should they not obey Israeli directictes.
He just dare not admit it it…. or lies about it. But then he’s from a lying dishonest bunch.
‘directives’ 🙂
“But then he’s from a lying dishonest bunch.”
Sure thing FG
All you Y1ds are the same…
All you P@kis are the same
All you N1gg3rs are the same…
Nothing in the least bit racist about that is there?
I see Myanmar is taking the Israeli approach and is shooting dead those that protest against it.
But I’m guessing you think it’s okay when Iran does it?
Have you any idea how much of a joke you are FG?
No, like Israel, Iran shouldn’t shoot protesrers.
But the US, acting on Israeli instructions, wants to see the overthrow of the Iranian regime. The US sanctions are applied to foment just those demonstrations.
US sanctions punish the Iranian population deliberately
Similar sanctions on Iraq resulted in the deaths of one hundred Iraqi childsren.
Deliberate vile actions by the US..
Ah okay….
So when Iranian citizens protest and ultimately get shot then that is really the fault of the USA and Israel….
Got ya…..
Why does Dobby that the US sanctions Iran?
What does the US wish to provoke?
Please re read your first question and type it again…
Preferably in English….
Many thanks…
למה דובי חושב שארה”ב מסנקציות איראן?
So we are against the boycotting and sanctioning of middle eastern countries by the west now are we?
Make your mind up ffs..
In a speech to Israeli navy cadets in 2019, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran of increased oil smuggling by sea to circumvent U.S. sanctions, and said the navy corps would “have a more important role in blocking these Iranian actions.”
No business of Israel’s. s it.
Shalom friends and online congregants.
Hope you had a peaceful Shabbat. I’ve been preparing my Passover sermon.
Can’t wait till the day we crack open the Haggadah to recite the story when the vile Zios we’re cast out of Palestine and scattered into the wind like ashes ?
Are you paying attention Galber?
I recently woke up from a dreadful nightmare that the ZioNazi monster’s tentacles were infecting and poisoning every UK institution and ministry. ???
?4 ?
But I prayed before cutting off the Zionist monster’s tentacles with my axe and saved the UK, so the nightmare had a happy ending. That’s how you deal with Zionism.
Good luck with your recovery
? 4 ?
Well, it’s a morning of revelations here in Panto Land. A new week starts here in the sunbathed and COVID-free Jewish State and what do I find on my return from a lovely restful flounce? Michael’s gone all Little Englander and is yearning for a return of a grand Imperial age when the map was painted pink and Jonny Foreigner knew his place.
Incredible really. We always assumed that Michael came here as a nasty little Jew hater with obsessive behavioural problems. In fact the old booby is just craving a return to the hard won freedoms of colonialism, parlour table racism and the exploitation of the natives in Africa and the subcontinent.
A bold vision to accelerate Blighty out of recession and take peoples minds off all the adulterers, paedos and racists in your Royal Family Michael. You certainly saw off that nice girl of colour that married Diana and Hewitt’s lad quickly enough.
What a turn up eh !
Meanwhile “COVID-free” Israel’s Ministry of Health reported 1,482 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, raising the tally in the country to 817,680.
The death toll from COVID-19 in Israel reached 5,988 after eight new fatalities were added, while the number of patients in serious condition increased from 621 to 626, out of 1,007 hospitalized patients.
This must be Michael keeping tabs on former outposts Of the British Empire worth recolonising. Probably best if the little Englanders focus their scant naval resources on the Falklands, Gibraltar and Pitcairn Island where the sun atill shines on their Imperial rule.
Keep those natives in line, old thing!
Actually whenever David or Ian present Israeli propaganda its a duty to show just what falsehoods these are. Lying is their culture.
I just show them to be dishonest.
“Lying is their culture.”
Who do these damned Fuzzy Wuzzies think they are??
Now pass me the port old bean….
A white British national taking issue with Israeli “colonialism” is akin to Ted Bundy taking issue with his cell mate’s shoplifting offenses…
? ? ?
You literally could not make this sh1t up….
Only an alternate spelling of ‘offences’.
Great comeback there from the “typo king”
? ?
Alternate spelling of sh1t too….
As in Sh1tforbrains…
A public service announcement from Rabbi Dr Levy:
Israel is still a racist, apartheid state.
Full of even littler Israelists.
?4 ?
Scoffy “Ken” =? 4 ?
Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to pray.
Loony Levy….
The original…. ? 4 ?
Accept no substitutes….
So while our Michael posts buggy links and goes all Little Englander telling us how colonial Brits know what’s best for us foreigners, we have that knob Bruce playing the same hand. Reminding ourselves that this is a sometime shelf stacker and ex pat yank whose country has invaded everywhere from Iraq to Vietnam to make sure that true colonial virtue was signalled to all the brown and yellow savages who need putting in their places.
What a pair of peaches.
Funniest double act since Morecambe and Wise….without knowing it….or even trying to be….
Their comedic speciality being….
ImaM Oron, Sleepy?
Take a Dirt Nap.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
I believe Ian Kay feels threatened.
I believe that Loony Levy is a Shitforbrains….
? 4 ?
Middle East Monitor and Muck Framer go together like syphilis and anal warts.
So Michael thinks that we Jews are….
“a lying and dishonest bunch”
“Lying is their culture”
Which kind of explains his real reason for wanting to see the destruction of the world’s only Jewish state….
So nothing at all to do with the human rights of so called “Palestinians”
Glad we finally cleared that one up….
Who mentioned Jews, Dobby?. It’s not ALL about Jews though you and Scoffie might have been told so.
Jewish, Muslim, Christian etc. state of Iarael.
Is this Michael getting the big fat Sykes Picot crayons out to carve up a foreign land from the Foreign and Colonial Office in Whitehall like it’s a century ago.
Would someone remind these Colonel Blimps that the remains of their Empire is just a small bit of occupied Argentina and illegally annexed Southern Spain.
The independent and democratic state of Israel the only (self defined) Jewish state in the world and the only country in the world that Jews are able to truly self determine….
No wonder Jew haters like Farmgirl hate it so much…..
Ah well….never mind….
Meanwhile Dobby is self-determining in the UK democracy. Who needs Israel. Dobby doesn’t, nor David … except for income.
Yes we Jews were happily self determining here in the UK way back in 1290…
Then we got banished for 500 years….
Fortunately we now have a country that we can’t get banished from
And a country to flee to should that prove to be necessary….
The Jew haters hate the fact that we have that safety net….
But I say….fuck them…
No, Dobby. YOUR home is the UK.
Reading and comprehension are really not your thing at all are they Farmgirl?
Jeez what a f@ckwit you are….
Jonathan Hoffman (aka “Ken Dobkin”): “Jeez what a f@ckwit you are….”
My, you Zios use the vilest language. But then again, you’re the vilest people.
? 4 ?
ImaM Oron,
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
We know you’re a MOron, Edward.
ImaM Aggot,
Happy Nakba to you and your fellow ImaM Aggots and ImaM Orons!
Sharmuta, YOUR home is the gutter.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
“No, Dobby. YOUR home is the UK.” demands masa Michael.
Careful Ken. Know your place. When the white masters tell you where your home is, you shouldn’t answer back or it’ll be the birch for you. These are the quaint old habit that come from 250 years of colonial oppression and they can’t let them go.
You could always find a statue, a library or a Twitter page named after Michael and tear it down in protest until they apologise for their shameful past.
Where he lives is a good indication of his home, Ian.
The Beatles couldn’t wait to get out of Liverpool yet always their heart was in Liverpool. Is that what this is?
We both know what this is Michael. Your arrogance and conceit in telling someone else where they should regard as their home; all very Victorian whitey and a rather nasty throwback to your colonial past. Some of your more enlightened countrymen are now realising this and apologising for the parts that their ancestors played in this shameful episode of your history. Conversely, you seem keener to perpetuate it with your vile remarks here.
Ask Dobby what he’s putting on his census form where his home is.
It won’t be in Israel …. or the West Bank..
Like all Zionists, “Dobby’s” home is in Hell.
Poor Michael, still thinking there’s an Empire with subjects who can be told where they must regard as home.
It is impossible for a pure bred racist like Farmer to even begin to understand what it is like (or could be like) to be the victim of racism or religious persecution….
His culture prevents him from being able to do that…
Rule Britannia….?
Londonistan. ;-(
It’s OVER – or the eve of a Civil War within the UK.
Ah good. I wondered how long it would be before the ex-pat colonial joined the fray. We can now hear from someone whose country has invaded everywhere from Iraq to Vietnam to signal Uncle Sam’s apple pie virtue to the brown and yellow man and tell them where they’re going wrong with a spangled banner and a motherload of napalm.
Just the voice we want to hear about colonial oppression and civilian slaughter from Homs to Ho Chi Minh City.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to get him to do a clean up in aisle nine.
Bruce, Bruce to aisle 9. Customer waiting.
In a way this attitude is understandable Ian….
How can anyone expect a culture (White British) that is built on unbridled racism and a self proclaimed superiority over all others to be able to identify or be able to empathise with a culture that has been on the receiving end of the very worst excesses of such white supremacism for centuries?
People like Farmer don’t even realise how racist they are….because to them…this kind of attitude towards other cultures is considered to be normal…it is ingrained in their DNA and they will never change….
But this ongoing (shameful) legacy of British Colonialism does rather unwittingly make an excellent case for the need for a Jewish state to exist….does it not?
Am Yisrael Chai….
Am Yisrael Chai !!!
HAPPY NAKBA to racist, terrorist, apartheid, homophobic, misogynist, immoral
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
ImaM Oron,
Feliz Nakba! 🙂
The living definition of conditioned response. Pavlov would be ecstatic…
So, megamind Dobby criticises past actions by Britain while his favourite state does those same things in modern times.
Well done, Dobby.
Sharmuta, Imperialist Islam is invading and occupying Western Europe.
London will soon be Muslim majority.
Note that Musims doesn’t invade EASTERN Europe because those Easterners aren’t as Estrogen poisoned as the UK or France.
“Estrogen poisoned”?
Meaning? Spit it out, Ted.
“So, megamind Dobby criticises past actions by Britain while his favourite state does those same things in modern times.”
So when did Israel allow 5 million Indians to starve to death? Or over 1 million Irish folk?
And you know that these are just two examples on what is a very very very long list….
How do the henious crimes of British Colonialism even begin to compare with anything Israel has or hasn’t done to Arab Palestinians?
Is that the way you talk about the country (USA) that’s responsible for keeping its client state (apartheid Israel) in existence?
I remember what Zionist aircraft did to the USS Liberty killing all those American sailors.
Apartheid Israel again, biting the hand that feeds it. Like a rabid, out of control dog.
“Biting the hand that feeds it” was the same line that the yanks used with the Koreans, Vietnamese, Afghans, Iraqis and every other local population before they bombed them into oblivion in the name of Amurican values. So this knob is the ideal spokesperson for Western arrogance and gratuitous slaughter of the brown and yellow man.
Now if you’ll excuse me. I have to get him to clean up a child’s vomit in frozen foods.
Note to reader: Kay’s response is a textbook example of deflecting.
Note to readers…
Loony Levy is not able to defend the war crimes and racism committed by his own country over the centuries….so he chooses to ignore them and point a finger at Israel instead….
He is also not very bright…..
That is all….
ImaM Oron, You remember the USS Liberty?
I remember …
– 1968 assassination of US Senator Robert F. Kennedy by a Pal-e-SWINIAN
– Shooting of Pope John Paul II by a Turk
– 9/11 (3,000 dead)
– London’s 7/7
– Westminster and London bridge attacks
… bombing of US Marine barracks in Beirut, inflight bombing of Pan Am 103, bombing of USS Cole, Fort Hood, massacre, DC Beltway snipers, beheading of Lee Rigby, beheading of journalist Daniel Pearl, murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh, death threats against writer Salman Rushdie, Charlie Hebdo massacre, Bataclan massacre, Bastille Day in Nice France massacre, Mumbai India massacre, Nairobi Kenya mall massacre, Rotherham rape gangs, Beslan school massacre, Halabja poison gas (WMD) attack on the Kurds, Fascist Iran and HAM-ASS hanging gays, …
ETERNAL Nakba for you and Fascist Iran and Pal-e-SWINE. 🙂
And like any rabid, out-of-control dog, it must be destroyed.
Off your meds again Loooooooony?
It shows…..
? 4 ?
Fascist Iran wants to trigger its own retaliatory destruction
so their “mahdi” will pop out of a well and give presents to all girls and boys…
Oh. That’s “The Great Pumpkin”.
Marg Bar Fascist Iran!
Happy Nakba to All!
Israel must be destroyed.
Israel WILL be destroyed.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
That’s Amuricans folks. Always looking to napalm someone somewhere.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get him to clean up some pigeon droppings near the aisle end bargain buckets.
REMEMBER THE USS LIBERTY And the 34 Americans killed and 171 wounded by Apartheid Israel.
..and the pigeon droppings are all over the Jaffa Oranges and other Israeli/West Bank produce.
We also remember all the many British soldiers killed by American “friendly fire”…
May their memories be a blessing….
Keep praying for Moschiach Loony Levy…..and for the world peace that will ensue with his coming….and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in accordance with the messainic prophesies…..
It is the duty of every Jew on Earth to pray for this….but you will know this already….because you are a Rabbi (ahem ?)
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
ImaM Aggot,
Here’s a prayer for you…
From the River to the Sea,
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
No research…?
“I stand with #Israel
The only Jewish state in the world – and an oasis of freedom and democracy in a region full of Islamic terror groups and despots.”
This proves you know nothing about Islam or terror Collier.
What if someone wrote about JEWISH terror groups?
What do you know about Islam….Rabbi?
? ? ?
Islam is a religion of peace, love, compassion and empathy.
Course it is ?4 ?
> Islam is a religion of peace, love, compassion and empathy.
9/11, London’s 7/7, Pan Am 103 bombing, beheading of French schoolteacher Samuel Paty, Boston Marathon bombing, 8 year Iraq/Fascist Iran war, poison gas attack on Kurds of Halabja Iraq, …
“Israel must be destroyed” ejaculates Bruce, our resident shelf stacker and ex-pat yank. This, you recall is the land of the free that gave you “Vietnam must be destroyed”, “Afghanistan must be destroyed”, “Iraq must be destroyed”, “Syria must be destroyed” and “Cuba must be destroyed”.
Honestly, with this level of foreign policy failure, it’s probably best if they stick to the World Series. That way they can just play with themselves and never need to leave Amurica.
Now if you excuse me I have to get him to remove a dead gerbil from the guacamole in aisle 12.
The dead Zio rat was found in the box of Israeli Passover matzo. One of your kind Kay.
Very pleased to see standards of hygiene being addressed in UK supermarkets and zero hours migrant workers doing their jobs properly.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to check whether he has re-filled the soap dispensers in the disabled toilets. All this talk of Amurican invasions of foreign countries can be a big distraction.
Soap is an alien concept to your kind.
Every time I return from a trip through the racist, Zionist, state, it takes a few months for the stink of apartheid to disappear.
This very poor level of customer service may suffice with all the red-necks in Amurica but falls way short in UK grocery retail. I knew that standards would slip when migrant workers without experience, qualifications or CRB checks joined the workforce.
Hopefully store training will eliminate senseless wittering on social media and re-direct efforts to keeping the floors clean and the shelves stacked.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to check that our boy has retrieved the stray trolley from the canal.
Of course Ian would shine at that job …. especially on a sunny day, wouldn’t you, Ian?
Rest In Power Rachel Corrie (1979-2003)
Of blessed memory. זכר צדיק לברכה
Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli military bulldozer while fighting to defend Palestinian rights on this day 18 years ago. Her bravery in fighting for principles of equality and justice will not be forgotten.
Very pleased to see Michael and his pal discussing equality and justice here.
Given the blood drenched histories of both of their countries, I wonder if they will be joining the many people in the UK and the US who are now apologising for their brutal oppression and murder of foreign citizens during the prosecution of their overseas policies, as well as the inequalities and injustices that still exist in the US and the UK.
Here is a list of some of the genocide-style, cold-blooded Massacres that Zionists committed against unarmed, civilian Palestinians:
Yehida Massacre
Khisas Massacre
Qazaza Massacre
Al-Sheikh Village Massacre
Deir Yassin Massacre
Naser Al-Din Massacre
Beit Daras Massacre
The Dahmash Mosque Massacre
Dawayma Massacre
Sharafat Massacre
Kibya Massacre
Kafr Qasem Massacre
Al-Sammou’ Massacre
The Sabra and Shatila Massacre
Oyon Qara Massacre
Al-Aqsa Mosque Massacre
The Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre
The Jabalia Massacre
Eretz Checkpoint Massacre
1990 Aqsa Massacre
Tarkumia Massacre.
These are just some of the Massacres committed against the Palestinians by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account, the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and Massacre of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslims and Christians as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.
Hmmm… our itinerant trolley dolly is now suggesting that we both have blood on our hands?
Interesting turn of events. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to ensure that he has replenished the penny trays at the pick and mix.
There is no disgrace in earning a crust.
Unless of course, you’re prostituting yourself to the racist, apartheid Zionist state, like you-know-who.
Given that Ian hails from northern Britain which has put into the past “brutal oppression and murder of foreign citizens” and moved to Israel which has “embarked on a campaign of brutal oppression and “murder of foreign citizens it’s quite foolish of him to point fingers.
Now we have our Michael telling Jonny Foreigner that white Brit knows best.
When will they realise that they are not lording over an Empire as colonial masters any more.
Don’t get angry, Ian, just because I caught you being hypocritical.
Arrogant towards foreigners and patronizing too. Someone call 1930 and ask them if they want their Little Englander back.
Calm down, dear.
Well did Israel allow 5 million Indians to starve to death and 1m poor Irish folk?
It was your British ancestors that did that…
The crimes of British Colonialism are unique in their barbarity…nothing comes close to the sheer misery that they heaped on to the world…and the repercussions of their murder and thievery continue to this day…
Disgusting really….
Surreal. A Zionist against death and suffering.
Ooh look a white racist little Englander whose ancestors stole entire CONTINENTS from their indigenous populations slaughtering millions along the way who somehow feels he is entitled to point an accusatory finger at little Israel for Zionist Colonialism?
You literally could not make this shit up….
Stole? We civilised them, gave them railways and the fruits of our technology. Wound them up and let them go. 🙂
What have Dobby’s ancestors given the world? Idiocy?
What those damn Zio bastards are saying is that rather than treat Palestinians like human beings in the present, it’s excusable to be inhumane, cruel and genocidal, based on the historical injustices suffered by others IN THE PAST.
Bu then again, dem Zios are not real Jews. Dem Zios are satanic devils.
“we civilised them”
And there you have it folks…
Pure bred 100%post colonialist racism at it’s very worst
No apology for the misery of exploitation not to mention mass murder on an industrial scale
Nope none of that….
We did you Fuzzy Wuzzies a favour so don’t be ungrateful you bloody savages….?
Absolutely disgusting
Apology? Ididn’t do it. I didn’t support it.
Meanwhile does Dobby support Israel’s racism, its abuses, its illegal settlements?
If you don’t feel the need to apologise for the numerous crimes of British Colonialism (which murdered more people than the Nazis) then why should I apologise for anything Israel does?
I’m not even Israeli I’m British…..albeit 2nd generation British….
Apology? Ididn’t do it. I didn’t support it.
Meanwhile does Dobby support Israel’s racism, its abuses, its illegal settlements?
Is your keyboard broken again ?
Duh !
Famine in India under British Colonialism……
In the 1870s while under British rule, India was swept with several famines which led to the deaths of over five million of its people. Simultaneously with these deaths from starvation, malnutrition, and disease India’s exports of grain to the rest of the world, ordered and supervised by officials of the British Empire, increased, in some cases to record levels. Under British rule India provided food to the rest of the world as its own people starved. While the direct cause of the famine was weather related, the British response and the policies they enacted created the conditions which allowed for the death of millions, while British officials did little to alleviate the suffering.
Since grain exports increased during the famines it is evident that the problem was not the availability of food but its distribution. Another major contributor to the famines was the British mandated shift of millions of acres of land to other crops, grown specifically for export, much of it intended for China. These exports generated hard cash for the British treasury, needed to support colonial wars around the globe. Rather than producing food for the starving Indian population, these acres produced opium, indigo, cotton, and jute, as well as wheat and rice for export primarily to China.
The leading British colonial official adopted a hands-off policy towards the ravages of the famines which occurred under his administration. Although there was sufficient food available in many areas affected by the famine the Indians had little money – due to oppressive British taxation policies – with which to purchase it, and the British offered little in the way of relief. The Viceroy, Lord Lytton, let it be known that, “…there is to be no interference of any kind on the part of Government with the object of reducing the price of food.” Lytton directed officials in the affected districts not to provide additional relief.
And yet Farmer maintains Colonialism in India was a good thing because “it civilised them” ????????
Farmer is a bit of a c@nt……
Don’t be like Farmer…..
That is all…….
Wasn’t the weather related famine the work of the God of Israel, Dobby? But then, Indians weren’t the chosen race were they?
Reading and comprehension are really not your thing at all are they Farmgirl?
“Since grain exports increased during the famines it is evident that the problem was not the availability of food but its distribution.”
Dobby posted “While the direct cause of the famine was weather related,”
Dobby Duh.
“While the direct cause of the famine was weather related, the British response and the policies they enacted created the conditions which allowed for the death of millions, while British officials did little to alleviate the suffering.”
Yes I posted that within the context of the above sentence….
But I’m guessing you think all of the above is okay and 5 million deaths is a price worth paying for a railway and a few post offices…because after all…..
“We Civilised Them”
Thankyou for your apology.
Still struggling with your reading and comp aren’t you Michael ??
Duh !
“Wasn’t the weather related famine the work of the God of Israel, Dobby?”
Wow…..literally the very definition of the word DESPERATE
Especially coming from someone who maintains that Israel is not even a Jewish state…..??
Didn’t think it was possible for you to scrape the barrel any more than you already have….
But somehow you managed it……well done……
Oh and btw……..
“we civilised them” ??????????
Really ???????????
Israel is a Jewish/Muslim/Christian etc. state. Reasearch its demographic.
But you just implied that the “God of Israel” chose to allow 5 million Indians to starve because they were not Jewish ?
I know you find this hard……but could you possibly choose one story and stick to it ??
Morning Ken. Just saw that the expression “WE CIVILISED THEM..” was trending here.
Something someone said ?
Mike butchering reality, as usual. Nothing to see here.
Morning Ian…
Yes it seems that whenever Michael is reminded of the henious crimes of his British Colonialist ancestors he now has the perfect retort in…..
Michael seems to think that this is a perfectly reasonable excuse for having directly causing the deaths of tens of millions of indigenous civilians who unwittingly found themselves toiling under the lash of the British Empire for centuries and thinks that they should be jolly well grateful for it’s legacy….
However Michael does have a very major problem with Jews reclaiming and living in what was their ancestral homelands and defending themselves from attack from their neighbours……because he thinks that is………..racist ????
As I keep saying…..you could not make this shit up….
Thanks Ken.
It would be great if DC could keep that post up. I’ve shared it with screen captures to some of my contacts in India and Hong Kong. I think they have the right to respond directly to the “WE CIVILISED THEM” statement.
Imagine the shit that anyone else would get if they made that remark about former colonial subjects ?
Pure bred racism….that’s what this is Ian…the very worst kind…and totally invisible to it’s (many) perpetrators….which is kind of scary…..
Again, an Israelist accusing others of racism..Wow.
And yet somehow you are blind to the irony of being a an unashamed champion of British Colonialism whilst simultaneously accusing Israel of racism ????????
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go figure……..
There’s your lack of comprehension again, Dobby., unless it’s the usual Zionist misrepresentation.
What part of that statement do you think I am not comprehending exactly?
You’re making it up as you type, Dobbs.
I would say “stop digging” but watching you bury yourself so comprehensively is actually very satisfying……
Carry on……
“WE CIVILISED THEM” declared Michael.
The screenshot of the original comment is getting a lot of attention from the ones that were “civilised” and others. This should be good.
If anyone needs to be civilized, it’s the ZIONISTS, a bunch of inhuman savages. History has proved that time and time again.
If anyone needs to be civilized, it’s
the PALLYS, Al Qada, ISIS, Hezbola, HAM-ASS, Taliban, Boko Haram, Fascist Iran, Al Shabab, Muslim Brotherhood, Racist LaBOOR party,
a bunch of inhuman savages. ( 9/11, London’s 7/7, Pan Am 103, Charlie Hebdo, WMD attack on the Kurds of Halabja Iraq, beheading of Lee Rigby, Daniel Pearl, …)
History has proved that time and time again.
Then there was that Austrian Muslim Hitler., Ted.
Look at all the deaths he caused . 50 million +
Was Stalin a Muslim too?
British Colonialism murdered more than 50 million…
Disgusting really…
But ” we civilised them”
So that makes it okay….
Stupid Sharmuta,
SHlTler was a Socialist – a NATIONAL Socialist.
Stalin was a Socialist too – a SOVIET Socialist.
Their 1939 Socialist Non-Aggression pact lasted from 1939-1941.
Socialism is a disreputable ideology which was responsible for WW2 and today’s Red/Green War against the entire World.
Over 170 Palestinian suicide bombing attacks…
Nearly 2,000 Israeli citizens murdered and/or maimed….
And you call Zionists savages?
Silly Dobby. Israel has killed many more Palestinian citizens than 2,000. Fool.
Let’s remind ourselves that this is Michael who justified British colonial oppression saying above “WE CIVILISED THEM”……..seriously!!!
Who needs to be civilized here?
This is where the Zios get their ideas from: The Old Testement.
1. God destroys a good family ‘for no reason.’
God made a bet with Satan that Job, a good and blameless man, would remain faithful even if he killed his children and ruined his life. Here we see God indicting himself for the crime, openly confessing that he destroyed a family “for no reason.”
“The Lord said to Satan, ‘Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one like him on the Earth, a blameless and upright man who fears God and turns away from evil. He still persists in his integrity, although you incited me against him, to destroy him for no reason.’ ” (Job 2:3 New Revised Standard Bible)
2. God destroys the fetuses of those who do not worship him.
This is not the only feticidal passage in the bible, but it is the worst:
“You shall acknowledge no God but me. . . . You are destroyed, Israel. . . . The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.” (Hosea 13:4, 9, 16 New International Version)
3. God approves the massacre of a peaceful people so one of his tribes could have a place to live.
Most believers think God destroyed the Canaanites because they were depraved and immoral, although the bible does not make that claim. They were killed — and labeled “evil” and “wicked” — simply because they did not worship him. Here is a group of people who did nothing wrong. They were “at peace and secure,” but they had to be eliminated.
“And in those days the tribe of the Danites was seeking a place of their own where they might settle, because they had not yet come into an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. . . . Then they said to [the priest], ‘Please inquire of God to learn whether our journey will be successful.’ The priest answered them, ‘Go in peace. Your journey has the Lord’s approval.’ . . . Then they took what Micah had made, and his priest, and went on to Laish, against a people at peace and secure. They attacked them with the sword and burned down their city. . . . The Danites rebuilt the city and settled there.” (Judges 18:1–28 NIV)
The Canaanites were not the evildoers. The Israelites were the invaders!
4. Babies are slaughtered and wives raped.God – The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction by Dan Barker
The murderous Old Testament deity deemed human life to be worthless, placing his own megalomaniacal glory above human values. Here is one of the worst examples:
“See, the day of the Lord is coming — a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger. . . . I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty. . . . Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated.” (Isaiah 13:9–16 NIV)
5. A mixed-race couple is murdered by a godly priest to keep God’s people pure.
The righteous priest Phinehas murdered a loving couple for the crime of miscegenation. Then he was praised by God and rewarded for the hate crime with a perpetual priesthood for keeping the nation racially pure.
“Just then one of the Israelites came and brought a Midianite woman into his family, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of the whole congregation of the Israelites. When Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he got up and left the congregation. Taking a spear in his hand, he went after the Israelite man into the tent, and pierced the two of them, the Israelite and the woman, through the belly. So the plague was stopped among the people of Israel. The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: ‘Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, has turned back my wrath from the Israelites by manifesting such zeal among them on my behalf that in my jealousy I did not consume the Israelites. Therefore say, “I hereby grant him my covenant of peace. It shall be for him and for his descendants after him a covenant of perpetual priesthood, because he was zealous for his God, and made atonement for the Israelites.’ '” (Numbers 25:6–13 NRSV)
6. A daughter is burned as an acceptable sacrifice to God.
General Jephthah made a vow with God in order to defeat the enemy. When Jephthah won the war, God received his hundred pounds of flesh.
“And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord: ‘If you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.’ . . . When Jephthah returned to his home in Mizpah, who should come out to meet him but his daughter, dancing to the sound of timbrels! . . . After the two months, she returned to her father, and he did to her as he had vowed.” (Judges 11:30–39 NIV)
After burning his daughter, Jephthah was rewarded with a prestigious judgeship and was later buried with honor.
7. The cannibalistic God makes people eat human flesh.
There are nine passages in the Old Testament where God makes cannibalistic threats. Here is the worst one:
“And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me; Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins. And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.” (Leviticus 26:27–29 King James Version)
8. God threatens rape, then takes credit for it.
This passage was new to me, and it blew me away. I guess I had only read it before in the King James Version, where the sexual molestation is not obvious. Here it is in the NRSV, where the Israelites were asking why they were being attacked by the Babylonians:
“Hear and give ear; do not be haughty, for the Lord has spoken. . . . And if you say in your heart, ‘Why have these things come upon me?’ it is for the greatness of your iniquity that your skirts are lifted up, and you are violated . . . because you have forgotten me and trusted in lies. I myself will lift up your skirts over your face, and your shame will be seen.” (Jeremiah 13:15–26 NRSV)
“Skirts lifted up” is sexual assault. “Violate” is rape. The King James Version has the quaint “heels made bare,” which obscures the sexual assault.
Notice that the “iniquity” for which they were being raped was not immorality or depravity; it was simply because “you have forgotten me.”
9. God threatens sexual molestation.
The Lord will harass attractive uppity women by exposing their private parts.
“Moreover the Lord saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their secret parts.” (Isaiah 3:16–17 KJV)
The New International Version covers up this embarrassing passage with “make their scalps bald” in place of “discover their secret parts [Hebrew: poth = vagina].” Other translations are more honest: The Orthodox Jewish Bible has “lay bare their nakedness,” Amplified Bible “stripped naked,” Complete Jewish Bible “expose their private parts,” Common English Version “uncover their private parts,” and Living Bible “expose their nakedness for all to see.” Even if “daughters of Zion” is a metaphor for Israel, it is a metaphor of sexual assault.
10. God wants you to be happy to dash babies against the rocks.
I have always thought this was the worst verse in the bible, and my opinion remains unchanged.
“O daughter Babylon, you devastator! Happy shall they be who pay you back what you have done to us! Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock!”(Psalm 137:8–9 NRSV)
God was not merely saying that regrettable collateral damage might occur during wartime. He said believers should be happy — some translations say “blessed” — to kill innocent babies of those who are keeping you from worshipping your own god.
Anyway, wittering away on social media isn’t going to get the clean-up done by the cooked meats counter, is it?
And yet you still decided to become a Rabbi Shitforbrains ?
Not surprising though…
The Qran has passages in it that are much much worse than those….
Happy Passover Rabbi Shitforbrains…
? 4 ?
Silly Farmgirl…
These are just the suicide bombings…
Many many more Israeli citizens including women and children have been murdered in Palestinian terror attacks…
Savage “palestinians” have killed more “palestinians”, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebenese, Iraqis, Afghanis, Europeons
than any one else.
UAE calls off Netanyahu trip, says won’t get involved in ‘Israeli electioneering’ – Jerusalem Post.
After the reaction to Michael’s “WE CIVILISED THEM”, this is what it’s come to.
To my dear friends and online congregants, I’d like to pray that all who observe Passover include an OLIVE on their Seder Plate to remind them of the olive groves STOLEN (A violation of HaShem’s Commandment) from their rightful owners by Zionist land grabbers.
Don’t forget the drop of wine on the Matzo that represents Palestinian blood that’s forever a stain on Judaism, courtesy of Zionists who wrongfully refer to Israel as “a Jewish state,” which is something that can NEVER be atoned for.
Speaking of stains, stop messing about on social media and clean up that Ribena spillage on aisle 4, and look sharp about it.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to speak to HR about docking your wages for impersonating a cleric on company time.
You’re barred indefinitely Kay for being an arsehole.
Now don’t be late for your JobCentre appt. You’ll be sanctioned again if you are.
Our security team will now escort you off the premises.
Have a nice day! 🙂
Ha! You’re doing supermarket shtick now. Brilliant!
Now, if you’ll excuse me. I need to craft a gag, doing a mash-up with your Rabbi shtick where you pretend to conduct virtual funerals at self checkout.
You may be a knob, but you do provide some quality raw material to work with.
‘Barred’ means ‘Barred’ Mr Kay.
However, if you write to our Store Manager, Mr Yassir Al-Hassan, in a few months, your ban may be reconsidered.
We suggest in the meantime, you try your local food bank.
Have a nice day 🙂
Ha ! You’re trying a running gag using your experience in UK grocery retail as a device. Let’s work on it. How’s this?
A Jewish Poet went into the supermarket for some crisps. The guy at the check out said ” Oi ! You’re Bard”
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to make a customer complaint about a staff member impersonating a religious leader whilst aggressively handling a shammy and some Windowlene.
Note to Michael “WE CIVILISED THEM” Farmer;
I know that in previous articles you have said there have been no Jewish Poets. The inclusion here is just a comedy device to land the gag. It is not a dig at your ignorance. Don’t panic
David Collier
Imagine if the UK put its Syrian refugees into camps
And kept them there
For 73 years
Not letting them out
Or do certain jobs
Nor their kids/grandkids
Denying citizenship
That’s what Lebanon did in 48.
But WHY were they refugees, David?
Because Jewish militia, following Ben Gurion’s plan, destroyed their villages, driving them out with episodes of massacre and rape to create a Jewish majority for your new state.
Yet you deny that this Nakba happened. You are one sick deceiver
Now Israel won’t let them back in.
Denying citizenship to their kids and their grandkids.
Who denies your “Nakba”?
All good people CELEBRATE your “Nakba”
as good people celebrated the Unconditional Surrender of nazi Germany to the US, UK and SU.
Your Pal-e-SLIMIAN “Nakba” is the FAILURE of 5 attacking Arab armies,
NONE of which was the army of an existing “palestine”, to defeat Israel.
Happy ETERNAL Nakba!
Happy Nakba you fascist Sharmuta!
That’s Ted’s take on the time. Dumb yank.
“Dumb yank” Michael ?
But according to you, as a former colony “WE CIVILISED THEM”
Looking at them … they’ve slipped.
Owning your racism Michael. Probably the first honest post from you here.
American’s are a race, Ian? lol.
The indigenous (First Nation) North Americans used to be a race but not so much anymore…
They have British Colonialism to thank for the murder and dispossession that they has to endure….
But never mind because after all…
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Thinks Michael “WE CIVILISED THEM” Farmer.
Dear Mr Kay
After discussing your behaviour with our Manager and other parties, it was decided to permanently ban “your kind” from our shop for the good of our business and the safety of our customers
Should you attempt to enter, an ASBO will be issued against you, as well as a legal order banning you from entering our property.
Your associate, the convicted criminal “Ken Dobkin” can provide you with further information.
As a gesture of goodwill, please find enclosed a referral voucher to your local Trussell Trust food bank.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to perform the ‘fresh squeeze test’ on Apartheid Israel and West Bank illegal settlement produce.
Have a nice day! ?
ImaM Oron,
Although it’s been said
Many times
Many ways
Happy Nakba – to Youuuuuuuuuuu
Marg Bar Fascist Iran! 🙂
Hey Edward, you’re absolutely right!
You are a moron.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Why aren’t you observing Shabbat “Jew”? And I use that term loosely.
ImaM Oron,
I observe every day of Nakba.
That’s 24/7 365 and 366 every 4 years.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Edward, you’re absolutely right. You are a moron.
Definition of irony
A fake Rabbi asking someone why they are not observing Shabbat….by posting on Shabbat!
You literally could not make this shit up
Hey convicted criminal, I have a special dispensation from the Chief Rabbi.
Yeh right whatever
I will pray for you Levy and for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in accordance with the messainic prophesies
It is the duty of every Jew on Earth to do that
Never forget it
Happy Pesach…
Ho hum… I return from a weekend flounce enjoying some lovely COVID-free normality in the Jewish State and Bargain-Bucket Brucie is still playing Supermarket Sweep with his little squeegee.
Now if you’ll excuse me. I have to construct of gag about comedy clerics.
A priest, an Imam and a pretend rabbit go to the blood bank to make a donation. The nurse says “so, rabbit. What’s your blood group ?” The rabbit replies “That’s a type-O !”
Fact: on 20/3/2021 18,309 Currently Infected Patients in Israel.
Shalom friends and online congregants
Both the Rebbetzin and myself pray that your Pesach Seder is blessed by this special Haggadah:
Silly man. Supermarket workers don’t have congregants. They have condiments.
Now if you’ll excuse me. I have to write my statement for your HR arbitration. Impersonating a cleric in company time is bad enough. Passing round a collection to the shoppers and pocketing the takings is another matter entirely.
Shalon friends and online congregants
Today, 31 March, is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. While some see it as another antisemitic event, we see it as an opportunity to shine a light on injustice.
The effects of hate and racism are all around, but it’s especially noticeable in apartheid Israel whose so-called government and “religious” leaders and those foolish and ignorant individuals forget that humanity is one, regardless of culture, race and/or religion.
We see blind racist hatred when Israeli soldiers without reason bomb, beat and shoot Palestinian women, children and babies. Baby killers! We see it when Palestinians are killed in cold blood by settlers and soldiers without punishment, we see it with every demolition of a Palestinian home, we see it with the continued land and water theft of Palestinian property by the Zionists. We see it with the inhuman checkpoints and the separate roads and other facilities used exclusively by Israeli Jews.
The Zionists fund their terror through their sale of Palestinian organs that are removed without permission, recalling similar crimes that were committed by the government of Nazi Germany, yet the Zionists have the audacity to claim they’re the victims.
Let us eliminate racism by pledging our support for BDS and by the following prayer:
May the almighty HaShem grant our prayers and use his awesome and mighty power to bring a merciful, swift and speedy end to Zionism and grant that humanity is “cleansed” of Zionist hatred. For eternity.
So on this International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we remember all victims of racism and injustice, but especially the countless racist crimes committed by Zionists in your name.
For Pesach, let us pray that we work together and make all racist Zionists afraid again.
Just picked up a trolley full of Israeli produce from the local supermarket today on your recommendation….
There actually wasn’t that much left on the shelves by the time I left due to the high demand for Israeli made goods for Pesach…..
Good to see that the Israeli economy continues to boom despite the best efforts of the racist Jew hating BDS…..what a vile and pitiful (not to mention ineffective) waste of space that organisation is and has always been…..
Now get back to stacking those shelves you bone idle slacker…..
Hey convicted criminal, I don’t stack shelves, (remember, I’m a BDS Rabbi), but DE – shelve apartheid Israeli and illegal settlement goods.
Good to read there wasn’t much left on the shelves, because they weren’t sold out, but de-shelved and turned into non-salable goods by human rights activists.
Still supporting the racist BDS are you Loony Levy?
Not really surprised about that sadly given your regular posts denigrating the holocaust….
Baked any boxcar holocaust cakes today have you Rabbi Shitforbrains? You usually do that at the weekend don’t you?
Thanks to you and racist vermin like you the BDS continues to be the spectacular failure that it has always been and always will be….
So we Zionists sincerely thank you for your input…
Many thanks indeed…..
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
Silly Dobby.
How on earth is an anti-Israeli movement like BDS at all “racist”?
Israel isn’t a race.
Silly Farmgirl…
Israel is by it’s own definition the only Jewish state in the world and the only country in the world where Jews truly get to self determine…
The clue is in it’s flag….
And just because you say it isn’t a Jewish state….that doesn’t mean it isn’t….
Now tell us again how your ancestors civilised the world through land thievery and mass murderer….
It’s “own definition” doesn’t change the fact that it is just a state …. not a Jew!
“land thievery and mass murder”? ..Nakba?
A Jewish state and the only one in the world where Jews get to self determine…
And I’m guessing you are more than okay with a country like Iran defining itself as an Islamic Republic….?
Or is that wayciss too?
What the Colonialist British did was more of a holocaust than a Nakba….
But you civilised them…
Isn’t that right?
Disgusting really
BDS is racism says Dumby. Lol.
Look who thinks he knows what racism is and isn’t….
Sharmuta, Let’s
Boycott Divest Sanction
terrorist, apartheid, homophobic, misogynist HAM-ASS/Gaza.
Yeah we all know that you fantasize Israelis/Zios were responsible for the Industrial Revolution, modern science, winning World War I, the telephone and mobile telephone, TV, computer, audio systems, space travel, winning World War II, modern science, medicine, world economy, in fact everything was invented by Zionists if you believe the convicted criminal “Dobby”.
The only thing that those fucking Zios/Israelis are responsible for is making this world a worse place.
Nice little temper tantrum there Shitforbrains…
Looks a bit like all your toys just came flying out of your pram….
Meanwhile Israel is going from strength to strength and is here to stay….
Happy Pesach Shitforbrains…
Only while the US smiles on them.
Yes I’m sure that a USA v Israel war is a fantasy that you w@nk yourself to sleep with every night…
Don’t hold your breath with that one FG….
A USA v Iran war is much more likely….
Fascist Iran WANTS WARwith
the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Sunni world,
so the Shia messiah, the “Mahdi”, will pop out of a well.
What do the Ayatoolas think will happen to Tehran, Fodor, Isfahar and the rest if Fascist Iran does something suicidal???
Very happy to see Aisle-End Eric refocusing on “cleansing” again. Playing comedy cleric on company time doesn’t get your cucumbers polished.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to squeeze your lemons.
Collier – “Exclusive – BDS network exposed as front for Islamic terror groups” Lol.
What is exposed is Collier’s insanity.
Hey convicted criminal “Dobby”, if BDS is such a failure as you claim, why then is the Zionist apartheid state’s ‘tentacles’ reaching into every country in the world and expending so much time, effort and money trying to decredit it? ?
Hey Rabbi Shitforbrains….
If BDS is such a success as you claim then how come the Israeli economy has TRIPLED in the last 15 years?
Have a good old suck on that one….
Yummy these Jaffa oranges are delicious….
It’s enough of a success to have Israel and its agents rail against it and lie about its aims in their usual deceitful manner.
Yes I’m quite sure that Israeli “railing” would be seen as a great victory by people of low intelligence like yourself…
Well done you….
? ? ? ? ?
That’s what they said about apartheid South Africa before it collapsed.
If you love apartheid Israel so much, go move there. But you’re a coward. Just like you are forced to use a pseudonym. If you used your real name, no one would take you seriously.
Thought you’d enjoy knowing that my world famous (Kosher) “boxcar cakes” are a hit and I’ll be baking them for friends, family and congregants for Pesach.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray (but not for you).
There is no such thing as a cake that is Kosher for Pesach Shitforbrains….
Not even a holocaust one….
So for the millionth time you out yourself as the fraud that you are….
What a lightweight….
What a clown….
Wrong again convicted criminal.
My Pesach Boxcar Cake is a special one made with matzo. 100% Kosher for Pesach!
Is it any wonder that UK high street retail is in the shambolic state that it is ? Supermarket multiples employing migrant workers on zero hours contracts to perform menial auxiliary tasks. Can it be any surprise that the staff take the piss and muck around all day living out their daft fantasies on social media? Shelves are left unstacked, out-dated produce is not replaced, basic standards of hygiene slip and the whole place becomes a virus incubator.
No if you’ll excuse me. I have to finish Level 48 of my Trolley Dolly game before lunch.
Speaking of piss and muck, that’s what I understand is sprayed over Israeli produce. Enjoy!
ImaM Oron, *piss and muck* is the major ingredient of “palestinian olive oil”.
That’s why so many people are hospitalized – it’s that “olive oil” stupid.
Happy Nakba!
Edward, I agree with you. You’re a MOron!
> You’re a MOron!
That’s ImaM Orons Bathroom mirror moment.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Fancy a Rabbi not knowing what is and what isn’t kosher….
What a monumental SHITFORBRAINS…
Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi ?? on March 21, 2021, said:
“Hey convicted criminal “Dobby”, if BDS is such a failure as you claim, why then is the Zionist apartheid state’s ‘tentacles’ reaching into every country in the world and expending so much time, effort and money trying to decredit it? ”
“Tentacles are”, not “tentacles is”. Idiots’ guide to English grammar. You’re welcome.
Why are BDS’ tentacles reaching into every country in the world and expending so much time, effort, and money, trying to discredit Israel? Why aren’t so called pro-Palestinians spending all that time, effort, and money, to help the people they pretend to care about? For instance, they could create jobs for the 400 Palestinians who lost their well paid jobs when Soda Stream had to relocate inside the green line due to BDS campaign. How are those 400 Palestinians feeding their families now? How does boycotting Israeli goods in UK help those 400 Palestinians feed their families?
BDS is a giant fraud.
Tell you what as well Pisa. These Panto Provocateurs are a joyless bunch. They’ve got shit banter and I haven’t seen a decent gag from them in nearly 7 years. It’s all “apartheid-this” and “ZioNazi-that”. Just humourless old boobys, the lot of them.
They wouldn’t fit in at all well over here in the Jewish State. We’re very happy.
Lovely to hear how Pisa cares for the Palestinians and their future. How she deplores the suppressing of the Palestinians’ economy.
Funny how Farmgirl cares so much for the plight of the “poor” Palestinians and yet has such faint regard for the plight of the hundreds of millions that were murdered / displaced / dispossessed by his own ancestors during centuries of murderous British Colonialism….?
What a mystery that is…..
… and what stock is Dobby from?
.. as you refuges in the UK?
Questioning my ethnicity now FG?
How charming is that?
I know you find this difficult given your Colonialist ancestry but could you possibly type one thing here that isn’t overtly racist?
Think a little. The UK has many ethnicities. All citizens of any ethnicity are afforded the same rights, as you know. I’m just wondering how my being a UK citizen paints me as a murdering supporter of colonialism while Dobby, also a UK citizen is responsible for nothing.
C’mon, don’t be shy.
Well it was your ancestors (not mine) that committed those atrocities FG…
Something to be truly ashamed of?
Or are you just washing your hands of all that because after all…
Is YOUR ancestry a secret, Dobby.? You’re refusing to disclose it.
No secret at all…
Half Arab and half Eastern European…
Why is my ancestry so important to you?
Were you thinking of ethnically cleansing me?
Israel would, because of you’re Arab blood yet you’ve chosen to settle in Britain where your safe, with all the rights that others have.
Says it all.
Sharmuta, you hide behind a man’s name.
Do you even know WTF you are?
Get your DNA analyzed. You’ll find that you are majority Sharmuta.
Deliverance Ted.
Seems you didn’t know that most Israelis actually do have Arab blood…?
Most of the Jewish ones are descended from the 1m kicked out by their “tolerant” and “inclusive” Arab neighbours……and the 3m non Jewish ones are mostly descended from those Palestinian Arabs that chose to not become refugees….
Duh !
Btw I didn’t choose to live in Britain….my grandparents did that…..
However I do choose to stay here…..for now anyway….
If I moved to Israel I would have the same rights as all Israeli citizens…..Jewish and non Jewish….
Hope this helps you…..
So, you’re British. Shame on you?
You would have MORE rights than the non-Jews were you to move to Israel and certainly many more were you to settle in the territories.
p.s. 1m Jews were NOT kicked out of the MENA countries. Many emigrated to the needy Israel and other countries assisted by Mossad and Zionist groups working there. Some of those countries even forbade Jews to leave.
Eventually the countries, having witnessed Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Arabs embarked on a tit-for-tat expulsion but that was years later.
What have I got to be ashamed of exactly ?
My ancestors and their families were the ones being dispossessed and persecuted…..
It was your ancestors who were dishing it out….!
And please don’t presume to tell me the history of my own family….I know what happened to them and to the ones that were left behind….
It is not exactly difficult to find evidence of what actually happened…..rather than what you like to pretend happened…..
You are entitled to your own opinions – no matter how racist and fucked up they might be….
However you are not entitled to reinvent history….
Not my history anyway……
You’re British. Your criteria.
Racist? “The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”
Whilst in other news, I am delighted to have done my bit for national self determination, cast my vote in the 53rd general election here in the last couple of years.
I was joined in this little moment of national self determining by my dentist and his wife, both Israeli Arabs and the missus’s hairdresser and his hubby, both Israeli Druze who were doing their own bit of self-determining; in their cases self determining to be Israelis in a Jewish State rather than “Palestinians” in no state all.
And the great news is that we’ll all be back self-determining again together in the next elections in a few months time.
.So, five went to vote, but only Ian is considered a part of the state(Bibi) and only Ian can have self-determination. Still, it’s a walk in the sunshine.
” The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”
In local election news, 14.4% of the electorate had turned out to vote by 10.45am local time. This is an increase on the previous general election last week.
High attendances are reported in all communities from Eilat to Rosh Hanikra with Israeli Jews, Arabs, Druze and Christians doing their self determining as members of The Jewish State.
When asked whether the dribblings of social media trolls like Michael Farmer had influenced their voting intentions they replied “Who?”.
,Arabs, Druze and Christians doing their self determining as members of The Jewish State.
But they can’t, Ian.
“The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”
In breaking election news, Channel 13 asked a spokesman for the Israeli Arab community whether he felt that their rights to self determination in the Jewish State had been hampered or restricted by the kicking, squealing and objection of online trolls like Michael Farmer. He replied “No”.
It’s cute watching the little ‘uns grow up.
Take our Michael. Over 7 years we’ve watched an evolution from simple slogan utterances like “Collier’s a liar, for money” to “Hitler didn’t kill no fuckin’ Jews”. Along the way we’ve had the rather ill-advised period that became known as The Corbyn Years, but they were a fad and soon passed. Now we look on at the renaissance of Michael as a reconstructed colonial apologist beating the drum of Imperial values and proclaiming “WE CIVILISED THEM”.
DC knew what he was doing keeping this comment section going.
” The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”
Farmer thinks that Israel is racist because of it’s self proclaimed Jewish identity…..but does not think that Islamic Republics of Pakistan or Afghanistan or Mauritania or IRAN are in any way racist because of their self proclaimed Islamic identities……?
Famer is a bit of a c@nt……and a racist c@nt at that…..
Don’t be like Farmer…..
That is all…..
You’re making that up, Dobby.
Just as David and Ian do. Bit of a pattern?
Making what up?
Please explain what part of my statement I have got wrong….
I await your reply with much excitement and anticipation….
Wait for it …
Wait for it …
wait for it …
That Farmer does not think that Islamic Republics of Pakistan or Afghanistan or Mauritania or IRAN are in any way racist because of their self proclaimed Islamic identities
But then misrepresentation is rampant in your circle.
Ah okay…
So just to clarify…
You don’t think that the Islamic Republics of Pakistan or Afghanistan or Mauritania or Iran are in any way racist because of their self proclaimed religious identities….but you think the self proclaimed Jewish state of Israel is…..
Got ya….
Dobby. Dumb as ever.
Simple logic appears to be as much your think as reading & comp does…
As always
That’s not nice to a fellow Brit.
Looks like the very last straw has just been clutched at and the bottom of the barrel has been well and truly scraped….
Well done FG…
Voter turnout at lowest level this decade – Jewish News.
Israel’s election authorities keep a track of voter turnout throughout the day and the figures so far suggest the country is on track for its lowest level of voter interest in over a decade.
Wonder how Corbyn will do in this election….
I confidently predict that he will not lose a single seat….
Which is much better than he managed last election….
Good honest man was Corbyn.
Not a Zionist value of course.
Yes he was popular….with a certain kind of person….
Former Grand Wizards of the KKK…former BNP leaders…defenders of the crimes of British Colonialism….
People like that….
KKK, BNP ? those are Scoffie, Collier right-wing think-alikes.
David Duke and Nick Griffin both endorsed Corbyn’s leadership…
Like I said….he was well liked by a certain kind of person….
Whereas terrorist killers Begin and Shamir were liked by the Colliers of this world.
And Hamas murderers and terrorist child killers liked by racist vermin like you?
Ah well…
Nobody is perfect I suppose…
“The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”
Tis a Nakba. ;-( Sniff.
Happy Nakba! 🙂 Yay!!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Good man our former PM, Menachem Begin. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, you know, just like Yasser Arafat. Do you consider them both worthy recipients, Michael ?
Corbyn is also popular with his friends in Hezbola, Muslim Brotherhood, Ham-Ass …
Israel, a serial flouter of laws, has ‘Friends’ in the UK Parliament, Teddy.
Israel is an ally of the UK
This is not a secret
Israel cares for no other.
So says the white British post colonialist who “civilised” the world…
I colonise?
I’d know wouldn’t I?
You unashamedly defend the colonising your ancestors did….
Remember ?
Am I? The usual Collier-style misrepresentation from an Israelist.
A Dumb Sharmuta hiding behind a man’s name, accusing others of misrepresentation?
Happy Nakba to All! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Ken Dobkin on March 16, 2021
Ooh look a white racist little Englander whose ancestors stole entire CONTINENTS from their indigenous populations slaughtering millions along the way who somehow feels he is entitled to point an accusatory finger at little Israel for Zionist Colonialism?
You literally could not make this shit up….
Mike Farmer on March 16, 2021
Stole? We civilised them, gave them railways and the fruits of our technology. Wound them up and let them go. ?
Poor Farmgirl is now desperately trying to pretend he didn’t say what is still on this page written clear as day….
You literally could not make this shit up…
Don’t forget Spain and Portugal which invaded Central and South America and imposed Hispanic Euro culture on the indigenous people.
David Collier Retweeted
Hillel Neuer
Today at the UNHRC, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands & others adopted a PLO-written resolution that condemns Israel for defending itself against terrorists.
here was a resolution lamenting the “human rights situation in the Palestinian territories,”
Is Hillel confused?… lying? …. misrepresenting?
Good lad, our Hillel. A real thorn in the bum of all the anti-Israelists.
Another misrepreenter. The pattern continues.
A Sharmuta misrepresenter.
The Nakba continues.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
This is your regular reminder that Israel is a racist, apartheid state.
Stain on the world, and on Judaism.
Again with the stains and cleansing from Sammy the Shammy, our Supermarket Sweeper. He does take his work home with him.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to read up on proportional representation and how the MKs from Yesh Atid, Labour, Yamina, Meretz, The Arab Joint List and Ra’am are going to sit together in a functional coalition government.
Mr Kay, though we don’t discriminate, we made it clear that ‘your kind’ are banned. I don’t want you stinking up my shop with your filthy Zio odour, driving away our customers. Times are hard enough.
At least Galber obeyed his banning order.
Now be a good lad and help the pensioners and the lone parents at the food bank.
Now before you start at the food bank, have a nice large cup of STFU.
ImaM Oron,
This is your regular reminder that Islamofascist Pal-e-STAIN
is a fascist, racist, homophobic, misogynist, apartheid terror-state.
A Stain on the World, and on Islam.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I agree with you Edward; you are a MOron!
Just in case anyone forgets or has any doubts about the inherent racism of a certain “contributor” I will be reposting this exchange from time to time to serve as a gentle reminder….
Happy Passover Everyone….
Ken Dobkin on March 16, 2021
Ooh look a white racist little Englander whose ancestors stole entire CONTINENTS from their indigenous populations slaughtering millions along the way who somehow feels he is entitled to point an accusatory finger at little Israel for Zionist Colonialism?
You literally could not make this shit up….
Mike Farmer on March 16, 2021
Stole? We civilised them, gave them railways and the fruits of our technology. Wound them up and let them go. ?
Dobby the Brit lashes out.
It’s admirable when Brits try to reconcile their shameful colonial past with their multi-cultural present, even when many still style Britain as a Christian country. I imagine that everyone can agree that calling out unrepentant apologists like Michael is a step in the right direction.
British by nationality….that is correct….
Arab/Eastern European by ethnicity….
Dobby feels the need to wriggle, having shot his mouth off.
Now we know why you’ve not moved to Israel. It doesn’t want you
Ian voted to keep your type out.
Arab List could be about to form part of the next coalition government in “apartheid” Israel….where all citizens are equal regardless of religion or ethnicity….
Btw do you also think the descendants of freed black slaves that now have British nationality (but not British ethnicity) should shoulder a similar burden of guilt as white British nationals like yourself for the “crimes” of your white ancestors?
Your usual bullsh*t.
Nutjob Brits like Michael slay me. Absolutely fine with a bit of racism but far too twee to omit the ” * ” from bullshit.
Hahaha !
“Eastern European by ethnicity” …. and now British by “ethnicity”?.
What’ya whining about Michael ? Did your char-wallah not bring you your tea this morning ?
Never been the brightest of sparks……..have you FG ?
11+ lad.
Ian’s parents had to fork up.
Au contraire Michael. I’m an orphan. Got a free place.
So, no money wasted on you then.
I had a vision from HaShem that I was I was pushing Dobby, “I’m a MOron” Edward, Garfield, Galber, Kay, Pisa, David and other Zios into a huge pit (closer to Hell) in a bulldozer, like the one driven by an Israeli soldier that ran over and murdered the young, innocent, human rights activist Rachel Corrie and others that destroyed countless homes of innocent Palestinians in cruel acts of collective punishment.
Call it G*d’s will.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray.
I think you need to sober up…..
Shalom friends and online congregants
Let us pray ?
Dear HaShem, please make my dream a reality and create a pit that will swallow those Zios who speak evil and all those who serve the machinery of your citidel of evil; satanic, apartheid Israel.
Please make your pit deep enough so not only will it swallow all the evil doing Zionists who act against your teachings and break all your Commandments, but that it will be close enough for these Zionist monsters to be subject to eternal torment.
Together let us pray:
Death to Israel
Death to Zionism.
Death to Israel
Death to Zionism.
In your name we pray.
Shalom friends and online congregants
Chief Rabbi Dreck, his family, the Rebbetzin and myself wish you a blessed Pesach and pray that your Seder is enhanced by this special Haggadah:
Let us remember to place an olive on our Seder plate to remind us of the land theft committed by the thieving Zionists.
Like wolves in sheep’s clothing, these agents of Satan falsely call themselves Jews, when they are nothing of the sort.
Let us also put a drop of wine on the Matzo to represent blood and remind all of the Palestinian lives that have been, and continue to be, lost to the Zionist bloodsucking parasites.
Oooh, how very dare you Brucie. Such a provocateur !!
You should check out a US TV show called Superstore. It’s hilarious. You’ll see yourself in so many of the characters especially Glenn, the store manager. Obviously miles beyond your paygrade, but when you see him you’ll understand what I mean.
Never heard of Superstore, but see you in Steptoe and Son, as well as another show; Rab C Nesbitt. You physically look like: lowlife down-on-his-luck human garbage, but not as funny as the main character.
Check it out here bubalah;-
It’ll be like a home from home for you. Look out for Glenn. You’ll see what I mean. He’s so you !!!
ImaM Oron, the best you and your fellow jihadi savages can do is march through the streets, burn, stomp on Israeli flags, bitch and moan,
but after you tire, all you have left is
Happy Nakba from the IDF and IAF. 🙂
Watch this and embrace your Destiny.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
And I agree with you Edward; you’re a MOron.
BDS can and will WIPE OUT the IDF and IAF.
Like Glenn and his mates from Superstore taking on Amazon.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to catch up with the new season on Netflix and see what your whacky shop-worker folk have been up to. Check it out. It’s hilarious.
Don’t be late to your job centre appt. Even scroungers like you deserve help.
Funny you saying that. The company that runs the fictitious Cloud9 in Superstore is so unscrupulous that most of its floor staff are either moonlighting or claiming benefits. Some of this may be a bit close to home for you though.
Seriously, watch the show. You’ll see yourself in every scene.
Get going before you’re sanctioned!
Your prays for NAKBA have been answered since 1948.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Your PRAYERS for NAKBA have been answered since 1948.
Yeh the Israeli army must be terrified at the prospect of you and your alky mates buying South African avocados instead of Israeli ones….
If the apartheid state wasn’t so terrified of BDS, why then devote resources to try and counter it?
Cat got your tongue? Then ask the money man from the embassy, Shai Masot.
… and his fellow spy Joan ‘lying’ Ryan.
Looking forward to your 4 cups of wine tomorrow night Shitforbrains ?
Not as much as you usually chug down on a normal night is it ? Ah well…..
glug hic glug hic glug hic glug hic………SPEW……
I can hold my liqueur, unlike what you just proved Scoffy. Careful though, alcohol and medication don’t mix.
Yes you are living proof that anti psychotic meds washed down with gallons of Manischevitz on a daily basis has absolutely no effect whatsoever on your mental wellbeing….
? ? ?
Glugitty glugitty glug glug…. SPEW…
BDS Boycott, Racist, Islamofascist, Terrorist, Apartheid, Homophobic, Misogynist
and its shitty “olive oil” which puts people in the hospital.
Happy Nakba!
BDS – Brain Damaged Socialists should organize themselves as
Human Shields AKA Darwin Award aspirants
for Islamofascist Pal-e-SLIME.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Rabbi Shitforbrains publicly losing his mind live on the Internet today…
This must be what happens when you hammer the Manischevitz morning noon and night….
Still it makes for some good entertainment…..
Hey Brucie. When you said ” Get going before you’re sanctioned” I’m guessing you meant to say ‘sectioned’.This would make more sense and align better with the playbook responses you guys use.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have to write a rejection letter to the BDS founders who have applied to get vaccinated here as medical tourists. We don’t want to cause them a crisis of conscience, or cause you to accuse your leaders of hypocrisy, do we?
It’s not as if Israel had the wits to develop a vaccine , is it Ian?
The apartheid state had to go abroad and pay way over the top to get to the front of the queue.
Mark my words, before long, those lying vermin Zios will be claiming that Israel developed the COVID vaccine,.
Well, exactly Michael. Why would the BDS fellas want to come here for their vaccines? That would be really hypocritical wouldn’t it? The right move for them would be to wait in the UK like the rest of you and keep a clear conscience.
People are still waiting in little Israel, Ian.
What does and does not happen in Golders Green may be your concern Michael, but it is not mine.
Sanctioned, not sectioned, but in your case either would apply.
You should get on your knees and thank HaShem for supermarket workers. If it wasn’t for them you’d look like an Auchwitz prisoner and be eating bark off the trees.
You’d probably like that. Play the victim to the hilt and claim supermarkets are antisemitic.
Always going on about Auschwitz Bruce; Auschwitz this, Auschwitz that. You’re obsessed.
And as for all your HaShem bollox, you can keep your voodoo to yourself. Moonie !!
Now if you’ll excuse me, all your talk of trees has reminded me to complete the Special Branch form asking for information about a local supermarket cleaner suspected of impersonating a cleric for political purposes.
Poor Bruce must have had his lollipop stolen by a bigger kid wearing an IDF t-shirt when he was little and never forgot it….hence the constant Auschwitz references….he is obviously gutted that so “many” of us survived….
Ah well….
At least now the daily doses of anti psychotic medication washed down with gallons of Manischevitz seem to be doing wonders for his mental condition…
We can all see that his postings are not in the least bit incoherent or deluded in any way at all and I’m sure that if his “doctor” were to read them then he would not be in the least bit worried about him…
You must have missed Collier’s obsessive continuous Auschwitz Memorial – Tweet Section Top Left of the page.
Your comments reveal much more about you than me.
ImaM Oron,
Nakba Forever,
Pal-e-SLIME Never!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
You’re right Edward, you’re a MOron!
Over 550 comments on this thread means its definitely time for my Pesach flounce.
Enjoy the Panto and the comedy provocateurs in my absence and shabbat shalom and chag sameach from the Jewish State.
ZIONIST state NOT Jewish state.
Remember the olive on the Seder plate and the drop of wine on the matzo.
chag sameach.
ImaM Oron, you will end up like Pharaohs army.
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
And btw, Edward, you’re right, you’re a MOron!!!!!
Silly Ted. Jews were NEVER slaves in Egypt. It’s all a story.
Keep taking the meds and chugging the Manischevitz….
It’s clearly doing wonders for you…
? ? ?
Happy Passover Everyone….
? ? ? ?
Went to buy some Israeli avocados today for Passover but accidentally bought Spanish ones instead!
As a result of my “faux pas” the IDF has has just been disbanded due to lack of funds…..!
Looks like BDS works after all….!
Farmgirl and Levy the Loon were right!
Ah well….never mind…..
Happy Passover Everyone….
“As a result of my “faux pas” the IDF has has just been disbanded due to lack of funds….”
S’ok. The US will save Israel’s ass …. as usual.
> The US will save Israel’s ass …. as usual.
G-d Bless America!
Socialist Satan backs Pal-e-SWINE, Ham-Ass, Hezbola, Al Qada, ISIS, Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, Wahabbis, Islamofascist Ayatoolas of Islamofascist Iran, Fascist LaBOOR Party, Europeon Union, ….
Happy Passover!
Happy Nakba to All! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Not G*d bless Amerika,
happy passover!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
ImaM Oron,
Remember, M.A.D.
Mecca Assured Destruction – for starters
if the US or Israel suffer a WMD attack.
“The US will save Israel’s ass …. as usual.”
So BDS is the complete waste of space I always thought it was…..which is what I thought all along…..!
Ah well……all’s well that ends well…..
Happy Passover Everyone !!
Edward on March 27, 2021
“The US will save Israel’s ass …. as usual.”
Apartheid Israel is being kept on life support by the Great Satan!
Take note Scoffy. I mean “Dobby.”
Keep taking the meds and chugging the kosher vino Shitforbrains…..
It’s what you do best…….
ImaM Oron, Moooooooohammed and your Mahdi are prophets of Satan.
Islamofascist Terrorist Islam is TARGET RICH.
Happy Passover and as always Happy Nakba to you and
your fellow Imams, Ayatoolas/Avocados, Sheiks, jihadis of al qada, ISIS, taliban, boko haram, wahabbis, comrades! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
You’re absolutely right Edward, you’re a MOron!
The IHRA definition has been weaponized and is anti-democratic.
Funny how A “Rabbi” would think the current IHRA definition of antisemitism is a bad thing?
Isn’t a Rabbi supposed to look after his congregation?
Not by being dishonest, Dobby. God may be watching.
Like how he watched 6m of us get murdered by the Nazis?
We are looking after ourselves now….seems to be working out much better for us that way….
But thanks for the concern…v much appreciated….
He also watched approx. 50 million others die in that war.
Yes exactly…
Thanks for backing up my point…
V much appreciated once again….
Puzzling why you pray for His swift return.
Our Messiah hasn’t been yet…
We pray for his swift COMING and the world peace that will ensue with his coming and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in accordance with the messainic prophesies…..
You pray for yours to “return” …..despite the millions of war dead etc?
So the puzzlement your refer to is on you not me…
I don’t pray for any return. Mankind can make its own way from here on.
Why do yo need a temple. Can’t you talk to your ‘Messiah’ anytime, anywhere?
So you don’t pray for the return of your Messiah? Have you stopped believing in him since you discovered how Jewish he was? Even though you were so vocal in your denial of his Jewish upbringing and Jewish way of life until he died?
The rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem is one of the three Messianic prophesies. As is the world peace that will ensue with his coming. I think it’s something worth paying for. You obviously don’t which says a lot more about you than it does me?
Believe in Fairies too, Dobby?
Do you think the 4 billion followers of Christianity and Islam also believe in fairies?
Or is this particular childish mockery just reserved for us Jews?
You’re obsessed with your Jewishness , Dobby.
How special you’d like to be, how special you deserve to be.
Your own racism is completely invisible to you isn’t it FG ?
You unashamedly demand a higher standard of behaviour from Jews / Zionists / Israel that you do not demand from any other country or group of people on earth including your own….
You do this as a seemingly full time occupation – daily on here for the last seven years…..and on twitter too…..
You accuse me of being obsessed with my Jewishness – when it is clearly you who is obsessed with Jews and in a very unhealthy way too….
I think you need to get a grip on your own psychosis…
When the Messiah comes, he’ll take one look at what YOUR KIND has done to the Holy Land and leave. Never to return again.
ImaM Oron, YOUR KIND can’t even get along with Muslims in Mecca,
so how are YOUR KIND ever going to get along with NON-Muslims?
Hello my name is Rabbi Dense BA.std ?….online rabbi and intellectual academic with multiple degrees in numerous religious subjects…
I’m also a master of disguise….
I like to spend my days denigrating the followers of my own religion and making jokes the holocaust…as it is the solemn duty of every rabbi to do this….
Expect to see me posting regularly on Shabbat because I have special permission to do that from Chief Rabbi Dense who is my great grandfather…
I come from a very long line of Dense scholars and rabbis and the Dense Dynasty is very much respected amongst the followers and many members of the Dense community….
You can’t just be born a Dense….you have to really work at it….which is what I have done my whole life….
Hopefully this shows….!
And I’m sure you will all appreciate the words of wisdom that you are about to receive from a true Dense scholar such as myself….
Looking forward to reading your welcome messages….
Rabbi Dense BA.std ?
Mike was right about you Scoffy, I mean “Dobby.”
“Instead, Israel’s goalscorer is yellow carded for diving.”
Israel Wins
and Pal-e-SLIME, and its Fascist Socialist and Islamofascist supporters
Happy Nakba! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Dobby’s wallowing in his “Jewish supremacy” fantasies again.
How was your AA meeting Loonster ? Or was it NA tonight ?
ImaM Oron,
Happy Nakba to you and your Inferiority Complex!
Happy Nakba and Happy Passover/Pesach!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
You’re right Edward, you’re a MOron.
ImaM Aggot,
Feliz Nakba! 🙂
P.S. Are you applying for a personal Darwin Award?
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Edward, you’re absolutely right! You’re not only a MOron, but a MAggot as well!
Nakba? Eso me recuerda.
Ninguna “investigación de Collier” sobre el antisemitismo conservador. Es un fraude.
No lucha contra el antisemitismo … solo difama a los laboristas … por dinero
Just back from another flounce from the flan-flinging here at Panto Central. Very pleased to share this news that will give the Panto Provocateurs and BDS apologists a touch of reflux acid as they sip their morning brews.
Loo at any image that depicts 1933-45 Germany. The Nazis often displayed long, rectangular swastika banners from their buildings and I thought to myself, where did I see that before?
I suddenly realized Zionists in the apartheid state fly the same shaped banners, except with the Israeli flag instead of the flag of Nazi Germany!
Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, because apartheid Israel uses the Nazi Germany template for everything. If you want a history lesson to discover what Nazi Germany was like, then visit apartheid Israel. It’ll end the same way.
Dear readers….
This is what happens when you mix resperidone with copious amounts of sweet kosher wine….
? ?????????????
Not pretty is it?
We pray for the swift recovery of Levy the Loon….
And may the redeemer come to zion and let us say….
Seriously Brucie? You’ve had 605 comments here to come up with some cutting provocation and this is your best shot; Israel is like Nazis? You should check out our old friend Charles. He does Nazi shtick, but is far more tart with his remarks and less inhibited than you and Michael. Read some of his stuff. You may find it helps when you feel the need to peddle this sort of thing.
Little wonder that Collier badmouths Amnesty when it exposes Israel’s vile flouting of Humanitarian Laws
Israel continued to impose institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians living under its rule in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). Israeli forces killed 38 Palestinians, including 11 children, during demonstrations in the Gaza Strip and West Bank; many were unlawfully killed while posing no imminent threat to life. Israel failed to ensure accountability and redress for victims of such grave violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. Israeli air strikes and shelling in the Gaza Strip killed 28 Palestinian civilians who were not directly participating in hostilities, including 10 children. Israel maintained its illegal blockade on the Gaza Strip, subjecting its residents to collective punishment and deepening the humanitarian crisis there. It continued to restrict freedom of movement of Palestinians in the OPT through checkpoints and roadblocks. Israeli authorities unlawfully detained in Israel thousands of Palestinians from the OPT, holding hundreds in administrative detention without charge or trial. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees, including children, were committed with impunity. Israel displaced over 900 Palestinians in the West Bank as a result of home demolitions. The authorities used a range of measures to target human rights defenders, journalists and others who criticized Israel’s continuing occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Syrian Golan Heights. The authorities denied asylum-seekers access to a fair or prompt refugee status determination process. Conscientious objectors to military service were imprisoned.’.
‘On 20 December, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced that the preliminary examination into the “Situation in Palestine” had concluded that war crimes had been committed in the OPT and that “all the statutory criteria… for the opening of an investigation have been met.” However, before proceeding with an investigation, the Prosecutor decided to seek confirmation from the ICC’s judges that the territory over which the Court may exercise its jurisdiction comprises the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.
In March, Palestinian armed groups fired a rocket from the Gaza Strip into central Israel, wounding seven civilians. Israel retaliated by striking Hamas targets in Gaza. Between 3 and 6 May, Israeli forces launched hundreds of air strikes and artillery shells on Gaza, killing 25 people; Palestinian armed groups fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, killing four. Between 12 and 16 November, after Israel killed a leading member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad armed group, in an air strike, hostilities flared up again. Israel launched air strikes killing 33 people, including 15 civilians, while Palestinian armed groups fired rockets into Israel, causing injuries.
Israel also launched air strikes against Iranian and Hizbullah targets in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.’
So Israel responded to unprovoked Palestinian terrorist aggression….
Thanks for the clarification….
You really don’t know what happens over there do you, Dobby.
Unprovoked … Lol.
“In March, Palestinian armed groups fired a rocket from the Gaza Strip into central Israel, wounding seven civilians. Israel retaliated by striking Hamas targets in Gaza.
This is from your post….
Reading and comprehension are really not your thing at all are they Farmgirl?
You really ought to read what you “cut” before you “paste” it…
Silly Dobby, you can’t ‘cut’the text of others.
p.s the rockets are provoked by Israeli occupation.
Silly Farmgirl……unable to comprehend his/her own postings……
Embarrassing actually…..
‘On 28 February, the UN Commission of Inquiry into violations committed in the context of the protests in Gaza between March and December 2018 found that Israeli forces may have committed war crimes, including by deliberately firing at Palestinian civilians.[1] In July, Israeli media reported that the Israeli military had decided to change their open-fire regulations, which had allowed snipers to fire at protesters’ lower limbs above the knee, but only after over a year of it being aware that they were leading needlessly to deaths and devastating injuries; snipers were briefed, in the future, to shoot below the knee.
On 16 May, the Israeli army closed the investigation into the killing of Ibrahim Abu Thuraya, who used a wheelchair, during the Gaza protests in December 2017, without pressing any charges.’
‘On 30 October, the army sentenced an Israeli soldier who shot dead 15-year-old Palestinian Othman Halas during a protest in Gaza in July 2018 to community service and reduced his rank for “endangering a life by deviating from orders”.
Israeli air strikes and shelling in the Gaza Strip killed 28 Palestinian civilians who were not directly participating in hostilities, including 10 children; 13 civilians were killed in the hostilities of 3-6 May and 15 in those of 12-16 November. Some of the attacks in which civilians were killed or injured appeared to have been indiscriminate or disproportionate or to have been carried out without adequate precautions to spare civilians.
Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank resulted in the killing of two Palestinians and the injuring of 112, according to OCHA. There has been a pattern of Israeli forces failing to intervene to stop such attacks and the Israeli judiciary failing to hold perpetrators to account.’
So heartening to come across someone who is not wasting his life….
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
While you are rooted in the UK just waiting for your ‘Messiah’.
Handel wrote mine almost 300 years ago.
Deep man…..
Duh !
‘Freedom of movement, right to health
Israel’s illegal air, land and sea blockade of the Gaza Strip, restricting the movement of people and goods in and out of the area, continued to have a devastating impact on the human rights of Gaza’s 2 million inhabitants for the 12th year in a row. The measures amounted to collective punishment. In January, the World Health Organization warned that the Israeli blockade of fuel into Gaza was severely impacting hospitals and other health services. Between 26 August and 1 September, following rocket attacks into Israel, the Israeli authorities halved the fuel supply to Gaza, resulting in a daily maximum of four hours of electricity.
In June, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights reported an acute medicine shortage for patients with cancer and chronic diseases in Gaza. Israel continued to arbitrarily deny medical permits to Gaza residents to allow them to enter Israel or the West Bank for treatment. In January, Israel expanded the fishing limits off the Gaza coast to 12 nautical miles, still below the 20 nautical miles agreed in the Oslo Accords signed by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization in the 1990s.’
Are those the same Oslo Accords that oblige the PA to take responsibility for things like Covid vaccinations ?
You really don’t know the accords, do you.?
Bibi didn’t as he kick-started more settlement creation.
Well you certainly don’t….
Choose one story and stick to it…..not good at that are you ?
Arbitrary arrests and detentions
Israeli authorities conducted hundreds of raids throughout the West Bank to arrest Palestinians, usually at their homes at night. They were detained in prisons in Israel, along with thousands of other Palestinians from the OPT arrested in previous years. This violates international humanitarian law, which prohibits the transfer of detainees into the territory of the Occupying Power.
Israeli forces arrested Khalida Jarrar, a former member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and former board member of the Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, on 31 October. She was charged with “holding a position in an illegal association” and remained in detention at the end of the year.
Israeli authorities used renewable administrative detention orders to hold Palestinians without charge or trial. Some 4,638 Palestinians from the OPT, including 458 administrative detainees, were held in Israeli prisons as of 30 November, according to the Israel Prison Service. Many families of Palestinian detainees in Israel, particularly those in Gaza, were not permitted entry to Israel to visit their relatives.
Palestinian civilians, including children, from the OPT were prosecuted in military courts that did not meet international fair trial standards.’
‘Children in custody
Israel held 182 Palestinian children in prison, including two in administrative detention, as of 30 November. Defence for Children International-Palestine said that children were interrogated without their parents present and placed with adults in prison. Under international law, detention of children should be a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate time.
On 22 January, Israeli forces arrested 14-year-old Suleiman Abu Ghosh from Qalandia refugee camp and held him in administrative detention for four months.
In September, the Israel Prison Service refused a request to translate prison regulations into Arabic filed by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. It argued that it was not required to do so by the nation-state law, a law of constitutional nature that makes self-determination a right reserved for Jews and discriminates against Palestinian civilians, including by downgrading the status of the Arabic language.’
‘Torture and other ill-treatment, deaths in custody
Israeli soldiers, police and Israel Security Agency (ISA) officers continued to torture and otherwise ill-treat Palestinian detainees, including children, with impunity. Reported methods included beating, slapping, painful shackling, sleep deprivation, use of stress positions and threats. Prolonged solitary confinement, sometimes for months, was commonly used as a punishment.
On 29 September, the Ministry of Justice launched an investigation after Samir Arbeed was hospitalized with broken ribs and kidney failure following torture by Israeli forces during interrogation
Four Palestinians died in custody allegedly as a result of torture or other ill-treatment by Israeli forces. One of them, Nassar Taqatqa, who was interrogated by the ISA, died on 16 July in prison within a month of arrest. The Israel Prison Service said it was investigating his death. The authorities refused to release the bodies of three of the prisoners.’
‘Right to housing, forced evictions
Israel demolished 621 Palestinian residential and livelihood structures in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, displacing 914 people, according to OCHA. Israeli authorities said many of the buildings demolished lacked Israeli-issued permits; these are virtually impossible for Palestinians to obtain. The law of occupation prohibits such destruction unless absolutely necessary for military operations. On 22 July, Israeli forces demolished up to 16 residential buildings in the West Bank village of Sur Baher because of their proximity to the fence/wall, which Israel largely built on Palestinian land.
Israel punitively demolished at least 14 Palestinian homes in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which left 36 people, including 15 children, homeless, according to B’Tselem, an Israeli human rights organization. Punitive demolitions constitute collective punishment and are prohibited under international law.
Israeli settler organizations initiated, with the support of Israeli authorities, forcible evictions of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem. OCHA estimated in January that around 200 Palestinian households had eviction cases pending against them, placing 877 adults and children at risk of displacement.
On 10 July, Israeli authorities forcibly evicted the Palestinian Ilham Siyam and her family from their home in Silwan, East Jerusalem, after the Jerusalem District Court ruled in favour of the Israeli settlers’ foundation Elad over the ownership of the house, ending a legal battle that had lasted nearly 30 years.
On 28 January, the Israeli authorities announced a plan to forcibly transfer 36,000 Palestinian Bedouin citizens living in “unrecognized” villages in the Negev/Naqab in Israel to government-planned townships; Israel refuses to recognize these villages as legal or provide them with municipal services. In December, Israeli authorities demolished the Palestinian Bedouin village of al-Araqib for the 169th time. ‘
‘Freedom of expression and association
The authorities used a range of measures, including raids, incitement campaigns, movement restrictions and judicial harassment, to target human rights defenders, journalists and others who criticized Israel’s continuing occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Syrian Golan Heights.
In February, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs published a report that listed Palestinian human rights workers and Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists, labelling them as “terrorists in suits”. Among them were Shawan Jabarin, general director of the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq; Raja Sourani, director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights; and Salah Hamouri, a French-Palestinian researcher with Addameer. On 19 September, Israeli forces raided the office of Addameer in Ramallah and seized equipment.
Israel continued to deny human rights bodies entry to the OPT, including the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the OPT. In October, Israel prevented Amnesty International’s campaigner on Israel and the OPT, Laith Abu Zeyad, from leaving the West Bank for “security reasons”, apparently as a punitive measure against the organization’s human rights work.
During the night of 21/22 July, Israeli authorities attempted to forcibly deport Palestinian photojournalist Mustafa al-Kharouf to Jordan, where he has no citizenship or residency rights, apparently because he had documented human rights violations by the Israeli authorities in East Jerusalem. Jordan blocked the attempt, which would have amounted to a war crime. He was held in arbitrary detention from 22 January until his conditional release on 24 October.
The Anti-Boycott Law was used to target activists and organizations critical of Israel’s policies. In November, the Israeli Supreme Court upheld a deportation order against Human Rights Watch’s Israel and Palestine director, Omar Shakir, which had been initiated under the law. On 25 November, he was deported. In June, the state energy company Energix used the law to sue Al-Marsad – Arab Human Rights Centre in Golan Heights after it published a report on the company’s large wind energy project on private lands owned by Syrians in the occupied Golan.’
‘[1] Amnesty International, Israel/ OPT: Findings of UN inquiry into Gaza killings must pave way for justice over war crimes (Press release, 28 February 2019), https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/02/israel-opt-findings-of-un-inquiry-into-gaza-killings-must-pave-way-for-justice-over-war-crimes/
[2] Amnesty International, Israel/ OPT: Legally-sanctioned torture of Palestinian detainee left him in critical condition (Press release, 30 September 2019, updated 30 October 2019), https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/09/israel-opt-legally-sanctioned-torture-of-palestinian-detainee-left-him-in-critical-condition/
[3] Amnesty International, Israel continues policy of systematic forced displacement with wave of home demolitions in Sur Baher (Press release, 22 July 2019) https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/07/israel-continues-policy-of-systematic-forced-displacement-with-wave-of-home-demolitions-in-sur-baher/‘
Farmer in full blown meltdown…..
Poor lad has no life at all……
Ah well……..
I’m where I want to be.
Dobby the Zionist languishes, not in Israel, but in in the UK.
Yes the UK…..which basically invented slavery and Colonialism and racism….murdering millions and millions along the way…..
No wonder you like it here so much…..
Lol. I was born here. You’re family chose here.
Basically invented slavery? Confirming Jews were NEVER slaves in Egypt. Just another dishonest myth.
The Muslim “prophet” muhammed was NEVER in Jerusalem, or as some Muslims call Jerusalem, Al Quds.
Muslims claiming muhammed was, is just another dishonest Imperialist Islamist myth.
I was born here too as were my parents….I didn’t get to choose where I was born you cretin….but it was YOUR ancestors that did all that shit…..not mine….
Interesting how you would rather claim ownership for the invention of slavery on behalf of your own ancestors if it means you are somehow able to use this as “proof” that the ancient Egyptians did not enslave the Jews ? This really does give us a glimpse of how unhealthy your obsession is and the lengths you will go to in order to denigrate Jewish history…..? You really are quite the loon aren’t you ?
Btw it was your ancestors that basically invented modern slavery (as in non biblical slavery) so yes you can certainly take ownership of that on behalf of YOUR ancestors…..
Truly something to be proud of……
Hey Ken. Imagine that you’re sitting in your dining room having a nice meal with friends, discussing this and that when some randomer walks through the patio doors, stands in the middle of your room and shouts “You’re a liar…..for money !” and then walks out again, and this happens several times a day, every day.
It’s not normal is it ?