Maybe we need to be thankful to the media and organisations such as Amnesty International, that in their rush to demonise Israel, they sometimes inadvertently expose the truth. Here is the story.
The media and the biggest demolition of the decade
Last week *MANY* of the major news networks ran headlines about ‘the biggest demolition in a decade‘.
Predictably, obsessive NGOs who spend their time demonising the Jewish state, sprinted to publish their condemnations:
And those tiny, attention hungry, fringe, left-wing Jewish groups, the ones who spend all their time demonising Israel and pushing Jewish youth ever closer to the anti-Zionist cliff – soon followed suit:
It should be noted that both of these extremist groups took the time to mark the passing of the PLO’s propagandist Saeb Erakat, yet neither had a single word to say when news broke that the former Chief Rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks had died. Their priorities are clear.
Finally of course, we had angry responses from politicians. People who cannot hide their hatred of Israel, no matter what else is taking place in the world.
The story is there in black and white. Israel destroyed an entire village, engaged in ethnic cleansing and undertook the largest demolition in a decade as it brutally displaced villagers who had been living in their land for centuries. All of the outlets ran exactly the same story, based on the same deceptive press release.
The UN – the power behind the lies
The source of the report was B’tselem, a toxic NGO that lost its moral compass decades ago. The fictional tale was soon given international legitimacy by UN OCHA – The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and their coordinator, Yvonne Helle.
This body is often the starting point of anti-Israel rhetoric. The UNOCHA regurgitate the propaganda of anti-Israel NGOs and give outlandish lies a seal of UN approval. It is like a disinformation clearing house. A statement by this UN department is considered as ‘gospel’ when in reality it is little more than a propaganda machine. UNOCHA is not impartial, instead it eagerly spreads disinformation and facilitates funding for toxic anti-Israel NGOs, including those that promote the BDS boycott movement.
Everyone with an ounce of sense knows that these UN bodies are anti-Israel to the core. So why are the BBC and the Guardian acting as if they are impartial observers? It is like pretending the UN Human Rights Council has merit. These are editorial choices these media outlets make and produces blatant journalistic deception.
The removal of tents
We know all of these reports are lies. Last week I reported on the deception. Since then both Honest Reporting and CAMERA have produced articles exposing the depth of media lies. Israel advocacy movement also published a video dealing with the deception and focusing on the outrageous ‘ethnic cleansing’ claims of Ilhan Omar.
We all know there was no village. Instead there was a few tents, an outpost, placed illegally inside a military firing zone.
- Khirbet Humsa is in an area that the Palestinians agreed would be under full Israeli control.
- The tents were placed their illegally
- There were seven of them
- It is a military zone
- The grazing outpost is new – it was only created *after* Israel had declared this area out of bounds
- There is no village
- These Beduin took their case to court and lost – they were told they had no legal right to remain
- They have been moved dozens of times before
- These people know they have no legal property rights there
- They also know they are lying when they say they have lived there forever
- Nobody gave them just ‘ten minutes’ to move – the authorities have been sending them notices for YEARS. They chose to ignore it all.
This is an illegal outpost. Put up provocatively in a military area. Military land v sheep is not new or restricted to Israel. There are examples the world over. Farmer (Romania), finds good grazing land – builds without permits – has to move on. Yada yada yada. Farmers (UK) need to move off land when firing exercises take place – yada yada yada. Military orders (Sth Korea) expel an ACTUAL village (not imaginary one) – yada yada yada.
The misreporting raises another issue. This from the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Apparently these people receive funding and supplies from the EU. How on earth are members of the EU justifying sending funding to illegal outposts in Area C – an area under full Israeli control? This is the relevant question our media will never ask.
How our irresponsible media support the conflict
Here is an ABC question.
If every time that a Palestinian illegally sites a tent – even in a closed military area – Israel receives negative headline press for removing it – what do you think the outcome would be?
Hence, because our own media are tripping over themselves to publish any disinformation about Israel that they can, they enable and empower those seeking to toxify the atmosphere even further. Would these families still have deliberately sought out this ongoing confrontation (which they did) if the media were not eager to print this story?
We know that there are anti-Israel provocateurs looking for trouble in areas such as the Jordan valley. Just as we are aware the livelihood of some NGOs is dependant on frequent tensions. These are all shady groups with little or no accountability.
Our media are different. As there are real consequences to the swallowing of lies and anti-Israel propaganda that openly encourages further actions of the type – we should hold them to account for the part they play. This relationship between an anti-Israel media and willing actors inside Area ‘C’ is rarely fully understood.
But first they should apologise
But we need more from the media than shooting straight, Israel should receive an apology for years of anti-Israel spin. Because here is the problem. If the removal of seven tents from an illegal site is officially ‘the biggest demolition in a decade’, then the entire media has been grossly misreporting Israeli actions for at least ten years. If seven illegal tents in a firing range is the best they have got – then looking back over a decade of headlines of the BBC, Amnesty, the Guardian and other anti-Israel outlets is to scan a horizon full of lies, disinformation and demonisation.
Ethnic cleansing? How can there be ethnic cleansing if the largest demolition in a decade is seven tents? This insults all victims of ethnic cleansing everywhere. Imagine how the Rohingya feel or the Kurds, when the term is so openly abused in this fashion.
The media reported that the removal of seven illegally sited tents was the biggest demolition for a decade. That’s the real story. So maybe we should be thankful these anti-Israel media outlets have finally let the truth slip out – even if it was unin*tent*ional.
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Have you decided on your definition of “village” yet Michael?
Remember, in your Panto Provocation yesterday you reckoned that cruel remarks about a dead Rabbi were less bad than destroying a Bedouin village.
Knowing you knew nothing about this as usual I asked you to define “village”. Ready yet?
Sacks was a rabid homophobic racist.
Not sacks Bellers, tents. But thanks for stepping in to help Michael. He needs it.
Sacks was a homophobic racist
I forgot to say rabid
You may be right about Sacks…….?
Here is Sacks leading the violent right wing Jerusalem Day March in 2017…..
I can’t actually see him in this clip but farmgirl says he led the march and so that must be true……?
Anyway as you can see it is a very very violent march and simply terrible to watch……
“Be-cause it’s all about the paste, ’bout the paste, ’bout the paste…….”
huh huh
“Hence, because our own media are tripping over themselves to publish any disinformation about Israel that they can, they enable and empower those seeking to toxify the atmosphere even further. ”
Exactly right David…..
Which explains why Farmgirl was so eager to believe that Sacks led a violent march on Jerusalem Day in 2017…..
Here is a video clip of that very violent march……
Warning…..this is not for the faint hearted…..
We naughty Jews should have realised by now that these much vaunted ‘human rights’ organisations have always worried more about a few Palestinian tents being knocked down than the constant incitement to murder, and even the murder of Jews (sorry, in progressive speak that should be Israelis).
To these so-called ‘human rights’ groups and the media, Jews defending themselves is unacceptable as they hanker after the old Jews that were killed and then could be righteously mourned as victims,and then they could claim ‘brownie points’ for being so caring
Anyway Michael, Bellers has done his blocks in the thread to help you to sidestep the original question but let’s have another go, as this is the topic here.
Remember, in your Panto Provocation yesterday you talked about Israel destroying a Bedouin village.
Knowing you knew fuck all about this as usual I asked you to define “village”. Ready yet?
March of the Living’s interfaith global Kristallnacht campaign on BBC News….
No doubt our resident Jew bashers will somehow brand this as being racist….but I say f@ck them….
‘A group of Jewish settlers on Sunday embarked on building a new settlement outpost on swaths of Palestinian land in Ras at-Teen in the east of Ramallah city.
According to eyewitnesses, settlers carried out bulldozing activities and deployed some tents for themselves in the area.’
Still awaiting your video link of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem?
Looking forward to your reply with much excitement….
Many thanks….
You’ve already posted one, Dobby.
Careful Ken. Michael likes to keep the repetition game to himself.
I was looking for a “violent right wing march”……….with 100s of Jews chanting “death to Arabs” and smashing Arab property ?
Was that really it ???????????????????
Btw the guy who you think is Lord Sacks in the video……is not actually him…..
Duh !
Difficult with such a mob.
Yes such a violent mob….
Was it some tents or a village Michael? You are quite vague about these things.
Village – small settlement usually found in a rural setting
And are you the only antisemite in it Michael?
Be careful what you wish for Ken o))
Accidents do happen I guess. ok I take it all back pending a thorough checking out
I guess just a random wholly unrepresentative bunch of shouty yids
oops theres another one
Anyway Michael, you can’t hide behind Bellers’s blocks all day. Are you happy to say that some tents pitched on an army firing range is a village?
(Hint. We know you couldn’t give a shit one way or the other but that’s not the game here is it? )
small settlement, rural location. Seems to be consistent with the definition
Not a bad impersonation of Michael that Bellers. You really don’t trust him on this one do you?
I don’t give a fuck its your fight
It’s your Nakba.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
I asked for a video of Lord Sacks leading a violent right wing protest in Jerusalem and this is what you came up with ?
Really ?????????????????????????/
Yep, you telling me you can’t pick him out from the mob?
Look at the front. Beard. Glasses. Wild eyes.
Is Michael saying we all look the same?
I think he is saying that Johnny Sacks looked like Jonny Sacks
So I ask for a video of Lord Sacks leading the “violent and right wing” March of the Flags through Jerusalem in 2017….
I get one shouty video from Farmgirl from 2014 which coincidentally has a guy with a beard in it with “wild eyes”
And another video from 2014 from Bellers filmed outside a Jewish soap shop in London….?
Go figure…..
This “violent protest” (lol) is from 2014…..
And where is Lord Sacks exactly ?????????
Michael !
I can see you hiding behind Bellers. When you put “village definition” into the search engine and the answer it gave was unhelpful to you, was that the best that Bellers could do to help you?
The game’s the game but next time, just pick your provocations more carefully. This one hasn’t worked for either of you.
Are you declaring yourself the winner ? It was all rigged ?
We won 70 odd years ago Bellers. Your team just doesn’t like the result and wants to carry on playing.
So whats your problem ?
There’s NOTHING WRONG with
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
The Muck says: bahhh bahhh MOOO buzz buzz buzz quack quack oink oink.
Funny how lefties think Nationalism is a bad thing with the word Israeli (or British) in front of it….
But then it somehow becomes a good thing with the word Palestinian (or Scottish) in front of it?
Weird huh?
Worse when one country tries to rule another through occupation etc.
Hitler did that you know, with terrible consequences.
Except in order to rule over a country……there would need to be a country that actually existed to rule over ?
Found a video of Lord Sacks leading that march in 2017 yet Farmgirl ?
So, Israel rules only over Israel? Is that your contention, Dobby?
Israel is not occupying a country called Palestine…..
No country called Palestine exists……it has never existed…..
Israel was created IN it, fool.
Israel was created in what once was the Kingdom of Israel…
There has never been an independent country called Palestine….ever….you fool….
You say ‘according to eyewitnesses’ Jews have been doing something east of Ramallah.
Very vague; a nudge nudge, wink wink type Monty Pythonesque bit of Middle East Reporting.
You’re always double quick to attach videos unrelated to what is being discussed to prove your point; so where is the video for this
See what you mean. Totally unrelated to the sour-grapes attack on the wonderful Amnesty.
Sharmuta, Even disgraced Jeremy Corbyn knows you’re a F’n AHole.
Happy Nakba to All.
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
you dimwit.
The video posted by Ken is the Jerusalem Day parade, but Rabbi Lord Sacks is nowhere visible.
You were the one, with Bellers, running this little scam, so it’s up to you to prove it.
So if you can’t prove it, put up or shut up
Is Jeremy Corbyn an antisemite, Richard?
David, Sacks and Mirvis have said he is.
What do you call someone who actively supports people who have murdered / want to murder Jews……who is happy to be photographed laying wreaths on their graves…..and is proud to call them his friends ?
I watched the video.
I still can’t see Rabbi Lord Sacks. So where is he.
If you can’t supply the evidence then this is just one more of your anti-Jew ( oh sorry you progressives mean Israelis) scams.
What did old Goebbels say; something like ‘if you repeat a lie often enough people come to believe it. Or maybe it was Stalin. Both Antisemitic ideologues of dictatorial regimes.
Telling lies often enough is David’s forte, Richard.
p.s. only a minority of world Jewry have chosen to live in Israel. So Israel means … Israel.
Stephen and Michael
Yes the video shows a bunch of shouty ‘yids’
Probably supporters of Beitar Yerushalayim football club. A group of their supporters are universally known racist bigots. They are also a small fringe element of radical zealots.
If you read the MEMRI and PALWATCH websites, you will see that this type of racist language is directed at Jews on a daily basis. I’ve never heard you mentioning this in your anti-Israel rhetoric. Wonder why
Don’t read ’em.
Ian; you should have realised by now that to Michael all Jews with beards and glasses look alike, so in his warped and weird psyche any Jew with a beard and glasses can fill in for whichever Jew Michael has his current sites on at any particular moment
‘sights’, Richard … ‘sights’!
I can’t be responsible for how their Mums dress them before pushing them out to play, Richard.
Think that’s him, second from the right …
The men in this still pic are clearly praying at the Kotel….
I’m looking for a video of Lord Sacks leading a violent right wing march through Jerusalem in 2017…..
Looking forward to you posting this……many thanks…..
How many J Sacks are there.
You have managed to find two here…..”I think he is saying that Johnny Sacks looked like Jonny Sacks”; are there more or are you just taking the p-ss, or it’s just that time of day or month or year.
Which country is this that you are talking about here..
….”Worse when one country tries to rule another through occupation etc”
If you are trying to say Palestine was ever a country in the entire history of the Middle East could you please supply some idea of where I can get that information.
I have searched for years for evidence of this so-called Palestine state in history without luck. Maybe you know something we don’t.
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance
What are the West Bank and Gaza, Richard … Ben and Jerry flavours?
“What are the West Bank and Gaza”
Part of the former British Mandate for Palestine…..
And before that part of The Ottoman Empire…..
So where is the proof of this so called ‘eyewitness’ evidence of activity east of Ramallah.
So will we get another stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance
Corbyn is an Antisemite because of the company he keeps and the groups he keeps endorsing
But what has that got to do with the fact that you keep accusing Rabbi Lord Sacks of leading a parade in Jerusalem, but cannot offer any evidence to back your claim
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance
What has the size of the Jewish population distribution around the world got to do with the question of where your evidence is to prove your claim that Lord Sacks led a march in Jerusalem.
And then you make your oft repeated claim that “Telling lies often enough is David’s forte, Richard.” again with no evidence, and in answer to a request about Lord Sacks supposedly leading a march through Jerusalem.
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance
Of course you don’t read or listen to MEMRI and PALWATCH because you are afraid you might see something that will challenge your anti-Jewish, anti-Israel and anti-Zionist obsession
There is a term for naming people like you that are so obsessed with Jews in a such a negative manner
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance
What exactly is the relevance of a picture of a whole lot of Hassidic Jews.
You were asked for evidence to back up your claim that Rabbi Lord Sacks led a march in Jerusalem, and you replied that there was a man with glasses and a beard in the parade. So in your opinion all Jews who wear glasses and have beards look alike.
Any anti-racist information and training will always say that it is racist to accuse any particular group of all looking the same and acting the same because of their religion/race/creed/colour.
But then your commentary and posts all point in the direction of you being a anti-Jewish racist bigot.
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance
Ok, Richard … are these Christians, Arabs or Jews? (don’t be racist now)
You are a dimwit and a historical ignoraumaus.
The West Bank and Gaza have never been a country called Palestine
Historically there has never been a state called Palestine
Historically there has never been a Palestinian people until 1917, and the first Palestinians were Jews. The Arab Palestinians only arose during the late 1950s to early 1960s when the Jews had stopped being Palestinians and became Israelis
Exactly what relevance has a picture of a few Hassidic Jews got to do with asking you for evidence to back your stupid claim that Lord Sacks led a march in Jerusalem.
You can’t find evidence so you claim that someone who has a beard and glasses could be him by implying that all Jews who wear glasses and beards look the same
You are obsessed with Jews in a very unhealthy way Michael
You have generated nearly 50 nonsensical comments on this thread in about 2 hours, and you have basically managed to say absolutely nothing in that time except to drive Davids blog .
Our village Sharmuta AKA MF is getting HERsterical.
This is the second time in less than an hour that you have posted this
….”What are the West Bank and Gaza, Richard … Ben and Jerry flavours?”
And this is a copy and paste of my answer
You are a dimwit and a historical ignoramus.
The West Bank and Gaza have never been a country called Palestine
Historically there has never been a state called Palestine
Historically there has never been a Palestinian people until 1917, and the first Palestinians were Jews. The Arab Palestinians only arose during the late 1950s to early 1960s when the Jews had stopped being Palestinians and became Israelis
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance
” there has never been a Palestinian people until 1917″
So, where did the Palestinian people live post 1917, Richard. 🙂
“So, where did the Palestinian people live post 1917”
British Mandate for Palestine…..
The British even printed Palestinian pounds…..
Note the Arabic writing on the banknote……and the Hebrew too…..
This is the only time in history that a Palestinian currency has ever existed….,and it was printed by the British…..
Did you not read what I said
The West Bank and Gaza have never been a country called Palestine
Historically there has never been a state called Palestine
Historically there has never been a Palestinian people until 1917, and the first Palestinians were Jews. The Arab Palestinians only arose during the late 1950s to early 1960s when the Jews had stopped being Palestinians and became Israelis
You replied…”So, where did the Palestinian people live post 1917, Richard.”
ThE Jews of the Mandate of Palestine called themselves Palestinians as at that point there was no Jewish state, and as is the custom of Jews in the Diaspora, Jews always called themselves citizens of the lands that gave them citizenship (no matter how tenuous that citizenship could be). The Arabs of Mandate Palestine called themselves Arabs and sometimes also citizens of Southern Syria.
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance
I said “country …. you introduced “state”, Richard.
So, where did the Palestinian people live post 1917, Richard? …. PALESTINE!
Now, if you’ll excuse me … I have to laugh.
The State of “Palestine” Quiz
• When was the country of Palestine founded and by whom?
• What were its borders?
• What was its capital?
• What were its major cities?
• Name at least one “Palestininan Leader” before Arafat.
• What was the language of the “Country of Palestine”?
• What was the prevalent religion of the “Ancient Country of Palesine”?
• What was the name of its currency?
• Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the “Palestinian” monetary unit against the US Dollar, German Mark, GB Pound, Japanese Yen, or Chinese Yuan on that date.
• Since there is no such country of “Palestine” today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
• Why did the “Palestinians” never try to become independent until after the devastating defeat of invading arab states in the 1967 Six-Day War?
You dimwit
The Mandate of Palestine was neither state nor country, but according to the dictionary a state would be the closer of the two in describing it.
The Mandate of Palestine was directly ruled by the British via the Foreign and Commonwealth Department with a Governor based in Jerusalem.
It was not a country, it did not have its own Government, Independent Judiciary and other vestiges of an Independent State/Country.
The Jews and Arabs lived in British controlled and governed Mandatory Palestine which was not recognised by any other country as anything other than an area awaiting its future designation according to International Law.
It was neither country or state until Israel declared Independence in 1948. Jordan attacked, occupied, annexed and renamed Judea and Samaria the West Bank in 1950/51 and Egypt occupied Gaza
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance
You are plagiarizing Brucie babes lines with minor alterations
You say………”Now, if you’ll excuse me … I have to laugh.”
He says……..’Now, if you’ll excuse me … I have to pray’.
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance
O, Richard. (plagiarizing David)
Wonder if Michael will be allowed to evacuate his own warm effluence here tomorrow or will Bellers be doing it for him again.
I think he’s been badly treated and is more than capable of delivering a modest level of shithousery in his own right.
Collier – “Boycotting Israel is nothing to do with human rights and everything to do with hating Jews.”
Another idiotic statement from Collier.
David is one of many Jews living in the UK. Nobody seeks to boycott the UK. 🙂
Michael has been reinstated by Bellers and given the subjects he can talk about today. Excellent news !
Let’s begin. To the article above Michael, do you think it is worse parenting to chose an army firing range to pitch up a tent for you and your kids or to hide behind them whilst you fire a gun across a militarised border?
Sharmuta said…
> Nobody seeks to boycott the UK.
Islamofascists occupying the UK bomb, stab, shoot behead, rape Infidels
in the UK, France, Austria, Germay, Spain, Denmark, ….
Why are Islamofascists so Violent?
You would think they would be grateful for the opportunity to live in the West.
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.
I see you are back to airing your Antisemitic trope about Jews and that they only do things for money with malign intent.
You have repeated this trope dozens of times…
….”Mike Farmer on November 12, 2020
…..Nakba? That reminds me.
…..No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
…..Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.”
Where is your proof that David has “only smears Labour … for money.” Where is your evidence to say David makes any money from this.
Charles. the self confessed Antisemitic Jew Baiting Holocaust Denier admitted to his feelings towards Jews
You Michael employ the language of the classic anti-Jewish Antisemite; you hide your Antisemitism behind your faux anti-Zionist facade
Trope? No, it’s a TRUTH. That matters.
The TRUTH is that current day Imperialist Islam is NOT “The Religion of Peace”.
See 9/11, London’s 7/7, Pan Am 103, Boston Marathon bombing, Charlie Hebdo massacre, stabbings on London and Westminster bridges, …
David Collier Retweeted
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu
“Our Synagogue, ‘Beth Knesset Amud ha’Emet’ (Pillar of Truth Synagogue) in #Obigbo has been brought down with bulldozer. The very biggest synagogue in #Biafra. Very sad indeed”-Emeka
At least it was nobody’s home. Israel bulldozes those!!
Looking forward to seeing your video of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem in 2017….
This is the third time in five minutes that you have repeated your Antisemitic canard about money and the malign intent Jews reserve for said money.
….”Nakba? That reminds me.
…..No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
…..Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.”
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance and his Antisemitic language
You historically ignorant dimwit
In 830BC a Kingdom of Israel and a Kingdom of Judah existed
Nowhere did a kingdom or state or country of Palestine exist. The Romans created the province of Syriana Palestina and renamed Jerusalem as ‘Aelia Capitolina’ in 135AD after they crushed the Second JEWISH Revolt; note 135AD, which is over a thousand years later than the existence of the Kingdom of Israel.
Palestina (Palestine) is a European (Roman) construct, and an anti-Jewish construct at that.
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance and his Antisemitic language
Anyway back to the important stuff
David make mine a white Americano
You say its the truth that matters
In your antipathy towards Jews, Israel and Zionists I doubt you could recognize the truth even when it stares you unambiguously in the face
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance and his Antisemitic language
“antipathy towards Jews”.
I may have antipathy towards some on this blag. It’s not because they are Jews. It’s because of their views and contentions. Are those views and contentions because they are Jewish … because they are Zionist … or something else? Any ideas?
You have a problem with Jewish self determination…
You think that after suffering more than 2,000 years of persecution and a holocaust that Jews should not be allowed to self determine…..
And you maintain that the reason you hold these views is nothing to do with an antipathy towards Jews ?
> You have a problem with Jewish self determination…
That’s why they call it
Happy Nakba to ALL! 🙂
The Troll Gaslights.
I say again , your antipathy towards Jews, Israelis and Zionist is exposed by your language and insinuations on this blog.
You try to deJudaise the Holocaust, you use the classic Antisemitic trope about Jews and their malign gathering and use of money, you ignore historical fact that links Jews to the ‘Holy Land’ area between the Mediterranean and the Jordan etc etc.
You use your obsessive attacks on Zionism and Israel to conceal your feelings towards Jews as shown by your language in your continuous stream of posts on this site. You use irrelevant pictures to try illustrate unconnected comments. You fail to supply the most basic evidence to back your claims such as with Rabbi Lord Sacks, and the constant reiteration of your claims about David and money
Now wait for the ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance and his Antisemitic language
My, you do have a lot of fantasies, Richard. Seek help.
No fantasy for you Sharmuta.
You are Plug FUGLY.
That’s why your clients put a bag over your head.
Now that Michael is allowed to speak for himself again, let’s get back to the subject of the article.
Michael, do you think that it is right for local authorities in the UK to move gypsies from sites that they occupy illegally or from those that constitute a health and safety risk to them and their children?
If not, do you think that Amnesty and the Guardian should be addressing this as a matter of some urgency ?
Here’s a video of Lord Sacks scoring for Spurs in the 1981 FA Cup Final…
He’s the one with the beard and the wild eyes….
Without his glasses?
Ever heard of contact lenses….?
Here’s an image of six Oligarchs; Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Crowley, Carnegie and Warburg.
Todays competition is to spot how many of them are Jewish, and why have some people described this anti-Oligarch mural as antisemitic? Good luck.
Anyway Michael. Back to the topic of the article.
In the biggest demolition of the decade, how in your opinion would you prosecute this undertaking on some tents; a pair of household scissors or something more robust like garden seceteurs ?
No luck required…..
“Nick Wright, in an article for the Morning Star, wrote that while, of the six figures depicted – Lord Rothschild, John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, Aleister Crowley, Andrew Carnegie and Paul Warburg – only two (Rothschild and Warburg) were Jewish, the piece “clearly exaggerates the distinctive features of all six men” and that “exaggerated depictions of Jews are created, disseminated and understood in a historically defined context that includes a powerful, even dominant, discourse that draws upon the long traditions of anti-semitism embedded in the dominant ideology and expressed, over the centuries, in the dominant visual culture”. Further he states “the subterranean narratives around notions of the Illuminati, Freemasonry and bourgeois conspiracies cannot, in much popular imagination, be disentangled from deeply suspect discourses in which alien, semitic and covert elites are the controlling forces in our lives”, and concludes “This is bad art and worse politics”.
Most decent people (on the left and right of politics) think the mural was antisemitic …..including Jeremy Corbyn…..”I sincerely regret that I did not look more closely at the image I was commenting on, the contents of which are deeply disturbing and anti-Semitic.”
Now then…..any luck with finding that video of Lord Sacks yet ??????????/
You are really struggling tp paint(joke) the mural as antisemitic.
You yourself are unable to explain how. All you can do is quote others. You have no ideas of your own.
Well I have quoted Corbyn…..and a Morning Star journalist….because I happen to agree with them…..
Are you saying Corbyn is wrong ??????????
Now then… you have that video you promised me ?
Yes, Corbyn was wrong to say that the mural was antisemitic. It was also disturbing to many, especially those obsessed by ‘tropes’.
Corbyn probably made the statement in an attempt to appease the wolves who said that it was. He should have called their bluff … as I am doing with yourself now.
p.s. re ‘tropes’. Is it a ‘trope’ that the Labour Party is institutionally antisemitc? Mmmm.
Well I’m sure you will agree that it’s a good job Corbyn didn’t win the election?
Nobody wants a weak leader who caves in to other people’s wishes at the first sign of trouble…
Glad that we finally agree on something…?
Btw I suggest that you have a look at some old nazi anti Jewish propaganda posters…?
You may notice more than just a slight similarity to the Mural?
Well you probably won’t. But anyone who isn’t a Jew hating Israel hating obsessive definitely would…
“Mmmm” is what Sharmuta says when she’s working.
On other days it’s “Baaaaaa”.
p.s. to help struggling competitors, is the reason :
a) Luciana Berger is clueless.
b) Jeremy Corbyn originally said it was ok.
c) Because the ‘Jewish Community’ labelled it as such.
If you still aren’t allowed to discuss the article Michael just say so rather than deflecting back and forth.
Let’s try again. In your opinion is the removal of some tents on an army firing range with no utilities power supply or infrastructure fairly characterised by Amnesty as the biggest demolition in decades?
Ian – we both know that you will never get a straight answer to a straight question from Farmgirl…..or Bellers for that matter…..
But watching them squirm and evade is kind of fun isn’t it ?
I’m having fun watching you wriggle out of having to show how the mural was antisemitic.
Seems we’re all having fun then.
It’s not my fault that you are not able to grasp the basics of reading and comprehension Farmgirl…
The Mural was antisemitic….
That is all….
Now how about that video of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem in 2016 ?
“Mike Farmer on November 10, 2020
Sacks once led the extreme-right “March of the Flags” through Palestinian communities
Described by Hareetz as a “carnival of hatred” which aims to “humiliate Muslims”, Sacks led the extreme right wing March of the Flags protests through Palestinian communities in 2016.”
Still looking forward to seeing the video evidence of this……been waiting for 2 days now…..?
You have the evidence … just not the required eyesight, Dobby.
Nope….no evidence at all…
All you have to do is put up the link and I’m more than happy to admit I was wrong….
Now can you put up the link please….?
Watch the video.
Where is the link ?
You’ll find it. Be resourceful, Dobbs.
Well you are clearly not resourceful are you?
Either put up the link or I will just assume that this was just another one of your many lies….
What can one expect from a Sharmuta?
OTOH I have a link for our resident Sharmuta.
It’s a link to a 37 second Youtube of a newsreel documenting a sit-down meeting between Socialist SHlTler and his Sand Nazi ally, the Grand Moooooofti of Jerusalem.
Speaking of narrow vision, naturally your own Michael, let’s concentrate on this article.
Which is more negligent parenting in your opinion Michael; placing your children in a tent on a live firing range in Israel or placing your rocket launchers in their bedrooms in Gaza City?
A bit of a waste of time trying to discuss the Antisemitic implications of the mural with Michael. He is not interested in your opinion and whatever you say ,he will reply with some meaningless, irrelevant and invariably out of context reply that is more often than not, unintelligible.
Michael is the epitome of a troll; he is not here to discus but to try antagonise.
And how long to wait for another ‘stupid one liner’ Michael stock in trade answer as he tries to deflect and obfuscate to hide his ignorance and his Antisemitic language
Yep, not interested in you opinion. Interested in your pointing out anything antisemitic in the mural.
Very interested in any opinion you are allowed to express Michael. Seems you’ve been warned off this one and not by me.
In this article why in your opinion did Amnesty lie about this matter? Do they lack impartiality?
Not interested in our opinions or anybody else’s for that matter are you Farmgirl?
Not even Corbyn or a Morning Star journo?
Bit of a tw@t aren’t you Farmgirl ?
Just interested in why YOU(if you do) see the mural as antisemitic.
That’s not nice, Dobby.
Here’s another video of Lord Sacks helping a mob in Iran burn an Israeli and American and British flag….
He’s the one with the beard and the wild eyes….and glasses….
Bit crazy killing the guy who more than others helped defeat ISIS.
Still avoiding discussion on this article Michael? Are you still under orders to keep changing the subject?
Lets get back to it shall we? Why did Amnesty describe the removal of some tents on an army firing range as the “biggest demolition in a decade”?
Sharmuta, It’s a Sunni v Shiite thing. You wouldn’t understand.
Will pray, then whiz on Sacks grave, just like I did on Zio graves on Mount Herzl.
Brucie babes the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Last post you were threatening to sue me for Libel and defamation and everything else.
So what’s happening then. I can’t wait for you forever
Anyways you never said which Shul you are supposed to be a rabbi or something at. Is it the same as the Springfield Shul that featured in the Simpsons cartoon series
Come on now babes, pull your finger out
Margaret Hodge, Jewish and Zionist MP is also foul-mouthed, Richard.
Sharmuta, you, of all suckling Sharmutas, complaining about “foul-mouths”.
Holocoins make excellent Hanukkah gelt.
Nakba-coins are even Better.
Happy Nakba ImaM Oron!
It is unlawful under the Fourth Geneva Convention for an occupying power to transfer parts of its own population into the territory it occupies. This means that international humanitarian law prohibits the establishment of settlements, as these are a form of population transfer into occupied territory. Any measure designed to expand or consolidate settlements is also illegal. Confiscation of land to build or expand settlements is similarly prohibited.
Still awaiting your video link of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem in 2016….?
Establishment of Israeli settlements.
The settlement of Gittit, to the east of Tawayel, was established. The area was first declared a ‘closed military zone’ and a small army camp was established. A mere 2 years later the camp was disbanded and the land was handed to Israeli settlers who built the Gittit settlement.
Still awaiting your video link of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem in 2016…..?
Coincidentally I’m still awaiting for folk to point out what is antisemitic about Mear’s mural.
It is impossible to point anything out to the willfully blind Farmgirl….
But I’m more than happy to be proved wrong about Lord Sacks leading that march….
So if you can just put up the link then we can all watch that video and agree that you were right and I was wrong….
So….the link please….?
Point out what is antisemitic about Mear’s mural.
Reading and comprehension are really not your thing at all are they Farmgirl?
Now please put up the link….
You dimwit
The area between the ‘river and the sea’ has been a colony of occupying powers between the years 135AD until 1948 when Israel was reestablished, and fully liberated by its rightful owners the Jews in 1968.
The Arab Palestinians didn’t exist before the late 1950’s and the early 1960’s.
Judea and Samaria, named the West Bank by the Jordanians after they attacked, occupied and annexed it under the leadership aid training of British officers, is at best ‘disputed territory’.
As the Palestinians didn’t rule the West Bank, how can it be occupied.
But then facts and the truth have never been your strong point.
You are just here to play along at being a Jew Baiter in the guise of a pretend anti-Zionist.
Go find a nice little corner to play in
And where is the video of Lord Sacks leading the march; or is it just one more of your anti-Jewish lies ??????
“disputed territory”? Nope, occupied territoriy. Israeli Supreme Court has ruled it thus. Sorry.
“pretend anti-Zionist.”? No pretence. Definitely anti-Zionist.
Re. Sacks … keep your eyes peeled.
Sharmuta said “Definitely anti-Zionist”
Great! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Yahoo mountain dew. Michael you’re a…….
You’re just a sore loser because you are unable to intelligently argue a point without trying to change the subject, obfuscate or attempt to invent facts and alter history to suit your anti-Jewish narrative
Why is Margaret Hodge foul mouthed.
Evidence please
Read of when she called Corbyn an antisemite, Richard.
Brucie Brucie the foul mouthed Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
So you continue to denigrate the Holocaust by joking about the Antisemitic game which plays with the term ‘Holocoin’
That was from an extreme rightwing racist site if I’m not mistaken.
If that’s the case then you must be reading extreme far rightwing literature, which would make a lot of sense considering some of the ideas and language you employ when posting on this blog
Anyways, what’s happening with your Libel threats etc. etc.
If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray Kapo Galber.
ImaM Oron, Pray for Nakba.
It’s your only prayer that will be fulfilled.
You claimed Margaret Hodge is foul mouthed.
Therefore it’s up to you to provide the evidence.
Incidentally the word ‘f-ck’ cannot be called a swear word anymore, because the vocabulary of much of the ‘progressive left’ would be unintelligible without it ?????
Margaret Hodge ‘Friend’ of hard-right Israel is ‘progressive left’?
Sharmuta has no problem with
– hard-right HamASS
– hard-right Hezbola
– hard-right Taliban
– hard-right Al Qada
– hard-right ISIS
– hard-right Muslim Brotherhood
– hard-right Boko Haram
– hard-right Pakistan?
– hard-right Islamofascist Iran?
I wonder why. Hmmmmm.
Wow, a matinee and an encore here in Panto Activist Land yesterday.
Lot’s of “Oh yes it is. Oh no it isn’t” from Michael, a few comedy foreskins…sorry banana skins from that knob that posts as Bruce (straight from Supermarket Sweep apparently) and the odd limp heckle from Bellers.
This is your cast of provocateurs in the “Poke David Collier” Christmas Special. Not great but Bobby Ball croaked, wee Jimmy Krankie was already booked and Bernie Winters wanted paying (typical yid!) It is what it is I’m afraid.
David Collier
Israeli Arabs are free from –
Hamas, despots, IJ, PLO, the crooks in Ramallah & radical Islamists.
Guess what? They have a longer life expectancy than anywhere in the Muslim world.
They are citizens of the only free voting nation in the region.
Why? Because they are Israelis.
Israeli Arabs are also free from statehood and self-determination.
Israeli Arabs are those Arabs that Jewish militia disn’t manage to drive out from ’47 onward, whose villages weren’t razed to the ground.
Israeli Arabs are those that the Trump Plan hoped to move to reservations
Got your frock and greasepaint on for another day at the Panto, Michael?
What have I told you about trying provocation when you know fuck all about the subject matter. Stick to the “Collier’s a liar” and Nakba shtick.
You don’t want Bellers calling you a liability again, do you?
Looking forward to seeing you post the link to the video of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem in 2016….
when you know fuck all about the subject matter.
You dimwit
It has been pointed out numerous times in the last couple of weeks why the mural is Antisemitic
You are either to stupid or to wound up in your anti-Jewish animus to understand and/or comprehend what others say if it disagrees with your biases
Now comes the stupid ‘Michael one liner’ that is either totally off topic, meaningless, nonsensical and incoherent to obfuscate in an
attempt to hide his ignorance and bigotry
Yet Richard CAN NOT tell me what is antisemitic about 6 Oligarchs sat at a table.
Back to your Antisemitic trope about Jews and their malign intent with money.
Jews like everyone else, including David, need to earn money to pay the bills. Every newspaper reporter, author, editorial writer and the like work to earn money to pay the bills. And they all write within the genre with which they are familiar.
Therefore, every time you accuse David of practicing his profession with malice and for money on this predominantly Jewish blog, you are indulging in Antisemitic imagery and tropes that have been used for millennia by Antisemites
As you use this Antisemitic trope with such regularity, then it must stand to reason that you are an Antisemite.
Now comes the stupid ‘Michael one liner’ that is either totally off topic, meaningless, nonsensical and incoherent to obfuscate in an
attempt to hide his ignorance and bigotry
Not at all a trope.
David deceives and asks for money to do so. Are you saying that he doesn’t?
Careful about this ‘koff’; its been known to choke the ‘koffer’ if they don’t control it ????
He needs to do his thing to help Michael.
If you want a laugh watch the daft sod getting hoisted on his own slogans over on the Collier twitter feed right now. It’s priceless.
Various people have explained why the mural is Antisemitic. Corbyn admitted it was Antisemitic.
I’m not going to explain why the mural is Antisemitic AGAIN.
If you’re either to stupid or to wound up in your anti-Jewish animus to understand and/or comprehend what others say if it disagrees with your biases then the problem is yours
Now we wait for the stupid ‘Michael one liner’ that is totally off topic, meaningless, nonsensical and incoherent to obfuscate in an attempt to hide his ignorance and bigotry
“I’m not going to explain why the mural is Antisemitic AGAIN.”
You’ve NEVER been able to, silly, nor have you even attempted to.
Looking forward to seeing you post the link to the video of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem in 2016….
It is your opinion that David in your words ” deceives and asks for money to do so”. Mosat people who frequent this blog would disagree with you.
And yes, I it is that every time you accuse David of practicing his profession with malice and for money on this predominantly Jewish blog, you are indulging in Antisemitic imagery and tropes that have been used for millennia by Antisemites
Now we wait for another stupid ‘Michael one liner’ that is totally off topic, meaningless, nonsensical and incoherent to obfuscate in an attempt to hide his ignorance and bigotry
Most people on this blog don’t give a toss whether he’s being truthful I reckon.
Why should either of us give a toss Michael? We have you for that.
You were dead funny on Twitter this morning. Classic Michael !
Farmgirl is about as funny as a burning orphanage…
Ah, don’t be like that, Dobby. Be nice.
You tell him Michael.
Making fun of you when Bellers isn’t around to help you out. Very mean.
According to a document discussed by the High Court in early August, future prime minister Ariel Sharon explicitly told a 1981 committee meeting on West Bank settlement that the military would declare some areas to be training zones so as to check “the spread of Arab hill-villagers.”
Israeli ‘morals’.
Looking forward to seeing you post the link to the video of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem in 2016….
Fantastic article in GQ about Labour’s antisemitism problem…
The one that Farmgirl and Bellers think doesn’t exist….
The problem is excessive false accusations of antisemitism, Dobby.
Reading and comprehension are really not your thing at all are they Farmgirl?
The Jordan Valley is home to approximately 60,000 Palestinians, according to the UN, but nearly 90 percent of the land is part of what is known as Area C, the three-fifths of the West Bank that is under complete Israeli control.
It includes closed military areas and about 50 agricultural settlements housing some 12,000 Israelis.
Palestinians are barred from those areas and from the lands they own. They are forbidden from digging wells or building any kind of infrastructure without hard-to-get military permits.
The Oslo II Accord divided the Israeli-occupied West Bank into three administrative divisions: Areas A, B and C.
The distinct areas were given different statuses, according to their governance pending a final status accord: Area A is exclusively administered by the Palestinian National Authority; Area B is administered by both the Palestinian Authority and Israel; and Area C, which contains the Israeli settlements, is administered by Israel.
Areas A and B were chosen in such a way as to just contain Palestinians, by drawing lines around Palestinian population centers at the time the Agreement was signed; all areas surrounding Areas A and B were defined as Area C.
This is not a secret…..
You dimwit
All publicly available information
Oslo Accords signed and sealed by the Palestinians approved this
Tell the Palestinians to negotiate for peace instead of war and they will have a state
Controlled by Israel!
Why are Muslims killing Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Algeria, Tunisia, Lybia?
Why are Muslims killing Infidels in the UK, France, Austria, Germany, USA, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Fascist Iran, Pakistan, Egypt?
Israel or Islam?
Happy Nakkba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Video clip of Corbyn being asked if/why he called Hamas and Hezbollah his friends….along with his measured response….
Hodge, Smeeth, Berger etc are all ‘Friends of” that racist, convention flouting, murdering state Israel.
History will judge Corbyn as the worst leader ever….
So bad it took years of deceit and lies by ‘the Jewish Community’ to stop his chance of doing something for the Palestinians.
David Collier
If you see any report that begins
“Israel gave residents of Khirbet Humsa only 10 minutes to gather their belongings”
It’s all lies.
The truth –
– People illegally put up tents in a military area.
– They’ve been getting eviction notices for years.
Replying to
When can we expect that illegal Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem and West Bank will be destroyed? (It’s your logic, that illegal buildings should be destroyed)
When can we all expect Farmgirl to post the link to the video of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem in 2016 ?
See above.
Can’t see anything above
Course you can, Dobby.
It’s like Corbyn’s ‘antisemitism’, the modern ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ ….if you can’t see it then the fault is with you.
Well no
I have repeatedly asked you to post a link to the video of Lord Sacks leading the March of the Flags through Jerusalem in 2016
You will not do this for some reason?
I wonder what that reason could be?
Do you think this is going to go away?
Sorry Farmgirl…it’s not…
I’ll show it to you again. Pay attention this time.
I take it that Lord Sacks the one in the Donald Trump mask?
Bet he thought that was a very cunning disguise? But it didn’t fool you did it?
Also this is from 2019 not 2016.
But at least you tried..
I will give you an E for effort…
2017… when he took part.
Hey Michael. The first part of your copy paste mentions buildings, the second mentions tents. The two aren’t the same right so have you just cobbled all this together for a quick poke?
How do you demolish a tent; is it with some scissors or wound you need more of a box cutter?
— Did you hear that Jeremy Corbyn, in a speech in 2013, said that British Jews weren’t really British even if they were born there?
— Really? He said that?
— Well, he intimated that British Jews couldn’t grasp English irony and didn’t understand history.”
— Really? He was referring to Jews?
— Well, he didn’t SAY Jews, but he said that about UK Zionists, which is a leftwing code term for British Jews.
— Hang on, he made a reference to UK Zionists as a group?
— Well, not exactly. Actually, he was referring to some pro-Israel members of the audience who came up and started arguing with the Palestinian ambassador who had presented the history of Palestine and used irony when he said, “You know I’m reaching the conclusion that the Jews are the children of God, the only children of God and the Promised Land is being paid by God! I have started to believe this because nobody is stopping Israel building its messianic dream of Eretz Israel to the point I believe that maybe God is on their side. Maybe God is partial on this issue.”” which apparently some of the Zionists thought he meant without irony (We do not have a transcript of what they said) . And Corbyn referred to “the Zionists in the audience.”
— So, you mean to say he did not refer to British Zionists as a whole, but he was saying that the Palestinian ambassador, who is Armenian Palestinian, had a greater grasp of English irony, than these Brits who had lived their all their lives?
— Yes, that’s about it.
Whatever happened to the former Labour MP for Islington North?
He has been suspended because he told the truth as he knows it, for using free-speech.
So he is currently unemployed?
Well, if there’s nothing wrong in calling Tony Greenstein a “notorious antisemite” i would say that there’s nothing wrong in Mick Napier calling Sacks an “utter raciist swine”.
Remember Sacks called Corbyn an antisemite, he didn’t cry. Is everybody too sensitive?
Whatever happened to the former Labour MP for Islington North?
See above.
See Nakba.
Happy Nakba!
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz urged the world on Thursday to take “a decisive stance” to address efforts by Iran to develop nuclear and ballistic missile programs, in an annual address to the top government advisory body.
“The kingdom stresses the dangers of Iran‘s regional project, its interference in other countries, its fostering of terrorism, its fanning the flames of sectarianism and calls for a decisive stance from the international community against Iran that guarantees a drastic handling of its efforts to obtain weapons of mass destruction and develop its ballistic missiles program,” the king said.
Why cannot Iran develop , as other nations, including Israel, have, their own nuclear deterrent?
What business is it of other countries to dictate Iranian policy. The West must not take the role of dictators of the world.
Had Iraq had nuclear weaponry, would that area be in the West-created mess that it is now in?
Agreed Michael. When Iran is left alone to produce it’s own nuclear deterrent we Zios have far more freedom of action to sabotage its facilitates, destroy its supply lines, cripple its cyber security and look on as its top personnel come to untimely ends, normally when fridges fall on them from great heights. We much prefer these arrangements.
However, as you will have seen in the news over the weekend, we are still quite successful at targeted assassinations on the streets of Tehran. I think you may start to see more of this in due course.
Sharmuta, What business is it of Islamofascist Iran to outlaw caricatures of muhammed or khomeni or their mahdi?
The West must Resist Islamist demands.
David Collier Retweeted
Hananya Naftali
#BREAKING: Multiple rockets were just launched from Gaza at different locations in Israel.
In the video you can see Iron Dome intercepting rockets in central Israel. No country would EVER tolerate rockets being fired at its civilians.
So, only civilians live in central Israel?
Civilians also live in Gaza while Israel attacks Gaza.
“No country would EVER tolerate” a crippling blockade aimed at depriving its civilians of basic commodities and medicines.
See above Michael. I think you may start to see more reports emerging of targeted assassinations of Hamas terrorists on the streets of Gaza City and Khan Younis.
This is hugely budget efficient when compared to the costs of deploying Iron Dome and as you are a man with deep and sincere consideration for Arab civilians (hahaha) the health and safety implications of this precision will not be lost on you.
Don’t panic though. You still get to write that our oppressive apartheid IDF are genocidally slaughtering 500 Arab babies every hour to wind up some super-sensitive yids and we get to slot some very nasty Arab murderers in real life. It’s a win win really.
Margaret Hodge was pretty much removed from her Judaism; she was well assimilated out of Judaism.
It was the Antisemitism of certain sections of the Labour Party represented by the ‘great leader’, commissar Corbyn that made her reconnect with her Judaism. Corbyn had that effect on a lot of Jews
The Labour Party has utilized its powers of free speech and its party rules to say that it controls how the party is run. So your silly comment below is a double edged sword
…..”Mike Farmer on November 15, 2020
……He has been suspended because he told the truth as he knows it, for using free-speech.”