The Labour Party recently appointed Gordon Nardell as ‘Labour’s in-house Counsel’. The position is an important one. Gordon Nardell will oversee the disciplinary process on antisemitism. If we are to gauge Labour’s approach to antisemitism through this appointment, it would be safe to conclude the Labour Party intend to actively protect the rampant racism that exists within Corbyn’s faction.
I found out about the appointment on the 9th June. I was ‘handed’ a post that Elleanne Green had shared in the Facebook Group Palestine Live:
Palestine Live is a secret group and was the focus of a report into antisemitism inside the Labour Party that I published in March. Elleanne Green founded the group and has shared large amounts of hard-core antisemitic material. A few things about Green’s post triggered my interest, so I began to investigate.
Green had also commented on Nardell’s appointment in another Facebook Group ‘Labour Against the Witch-Hunt’. This group is exclusively for those investigated, suspended or expelled from the Labour Party because of alleged antisemitism.
At this point it became clear there was a problem. ‘Trusts’ , ‘knows’, ‘likes’, ‘phone advice’. The Palestine Live group contained horrific levels of antisemitism. Far right ideology, white supremacist sites, conspiracy sites, Holocaust denial and all other manner of posts were shared there. Much of the material was shared by the central actors and major activists. There was no infiltration, nor was anything misreported. Yet Elleanne was apparently saying that the man who is now to lead Labour’s antisemitism investigation seems to have played down the incident. He was a man she even cc’d into her letter to the party (protesting the investigation of her own activity).
If the admin of Palestine Live are happy at an appointment like this, it is time for everyone else to be extremely concerned.
On June 9th I reported on this ‘twisted’ appointment via Twitter. The Jewish News and Jewish Chronicle both picked up the story a short time later. The Sun ran a piece on the appointment yesterday (including my original screenshot without giving credit guys – tut tut).
As the news had broken, Elleanne Green changed her profile picture to one of her and Gordon Nardell sitting together. Here is a picture of them on a table together at a recent Labour Party Fundraiser at Mumbai Square in Aldgate:
Just like with Green and Corbyn, Gordon Nardell and Elleanne Green ran into each other frequently online. Before I look at some of Gordon Nardell’s more troubling activity, these are some of his likes on Elleanne’s posts.
Given Elleanne’s extreme views, it is also concerning that two of those three are related to the Israel / Palestine conflict. There were also comments on some of her posts.
It is true that the posts and comments are mundane, but that isn’t the point. It is the relationship between Green and Nardell that is the problem.
Hiding the evidence
During the night of 13/14th June, as I was finalising this piece, Gordon Nardell suspended his Facebook account. This may have been in response to the media sniffing around. It was before the Sun (and Mail) published their story, so perhaps he had been contacted by them and wanted to limit the damage. Jeremy Corbyn had taken the same action when it was discovered he had been a member of numerous antisemitic Facebook groups. In suspending his account, Nardell removed all evidence of his activity on Facebook. He was a little too late. Here’s more of what I found:
Gordon Nardell and Ken Livingstone
Ken Livingstone has been the highest profile case of alleged antisemitism to hit the Labour Party so far. The Livingstone case also highlighted the current stalemate that surrounds the party. In short, Labour cannot act against antisemitism and the problem is not going away. The Livingstone case dragged on and in the end, because expulsion would probably have caused an internal rebellion, Livingstone resigned.
What Livingstone said was antisemitic. You have to be going out of your way NOT TO FIND antisemitism to simply excuse Livingstone. He was a man with a history of antagonising British Jews. But Livingstone was high profile and for many of Corbyn’s staunch allies, he was an old political friend. It became a defence of ‘badly-judged comments’, as if such an excuse would be acceptable for any other form of racism.
A Labour member by the name of Stuart Axon shared this post in defence of Ken:
And Gordon Nardell commented on the piece:
From the perspective of someone who wants to see the Labour Party fight antisemitism, this post by Nardell is more than worrying. Nardell blatantly suggests the accusations against Livingstone are just ‘anti-Labour’ nonsense.
Gordon Nardell, Ken Loach and Lenny Brenner
Another post connected with the Livingstone issue is this one:
This post was about the performance of a play called ‘Perdition‘ in Dublin. Ken Loach, who Directed a version of the play, is no stranger to accusations of antisemitism. Perdition has its roots in Lenny Brenner’s book ‘Zionism in the Age of the Dictators‘. The book is a badly researched piece of work, that creates fictions around the ‘Zionist’ relationship with 1930’s Germany. It was the source of Ken Livingstone’s ideas about Hitler and Zionism.
Nardell ‘liked’ the post:
This ‘like’ is even more troubling, in that it isn’t about the intent behind Ken Livingstone’s ‘ill-judged’ remarks, but seems to indicate support for the twisted history that underpins the entire argument. Brenner’s work is supported by the hard-left and far-right because of the value the historical revisionism has to the cause of antisemitic anti-Zionism. Brenner’s work has nothing to do with a humanitarian cause and those supporting it are seeking to demonise Jews that tried to navigate the stormy waters of 1930’s Nazi Germany.
Gordon Nardell’s Facebook activity places him at the radical end of the entire anti-Zionist movement. The post above was shared by the Facebook page for Jackie Walker’s play, called ‘The Lynching‘.
Gordon Nardell and Jackie Walker
Gordon Nardell and Jackie Walker had previously worked together on the monthly political magazine ‘Labour Briefing‘. Since Livingstone’s departure, Jackie Walker has become the new ‘high profile’ case in the Labour Party. When Walker’s original suspension over antisemitism was lifted, Nardell liked this post celebrating the fact:
Walker wasn’t done though and soon ran into trouble again. Having written a family history of sorts in a book published in 2009 that never mentioned the word ‘Jew’, suddenly Walker could rarely make a comment without speaking of her Jewish heritage. Rather than look at her own unacceptable behaviour, Walker chose a different path and set up a one-woman-show called ‘The Lynching’, which suggests the entire antisemitism scandal is a ‘witch hunt’. In Jackie’s world, Jackie has no agency, everything that happens to her is the fault of others, most specifically, the Board of Deputies, the Editors of the Jewish Chronicle, the Jewish Leadership Council, the Jewish Labour Movement, Jews who support Israel etc, etc etc.
This is a post of her advertising the show at the 2017 Labour Party Conference in Brighton:
Which Gordon Nardell also ‘liked’.
Support for Jackie Walker and Ken Livingstone? You cannot help but think that whoever signed off on Gordon Nardell’s appointment has no intention of finding any racism inside Labour, no matter how bad it is.
Gordon Nardell and Jewish Labour Movement
The post above refers to a rule change proposed by the JLM and supported by Jeremy Corbyn, that was passed at the 2017 conference. The post is clearly hostile to the rule change, but goes on to say that ‘the aim of JLM remains to prevent Jewish members and others criticising Israeli policies.’ It fits in with the mind-set of extremists who see the JLM as the ‘enemy within’ and there were even calls from these extremists to expel the JLM from the party. It is a denial of antisemitism and implies that Jews are making up accusations of racism to protect Israel.
Gordon Nardell liked the post.
What is building up is an image of someone who believes that the entire argument over antisemitism in the Labour Party is bogus. This is reinforced further by the next post.
The Campaign against Antisemitism action is ‘revolting’
The post is made by Pete Firmin, who is part of ‘Labour Against the Witch Hunt’. He is sharing a post by David Rosenberg that attacks the Campaign Against Antisemitism, calling them ‘the Campaign Against Labour‘.
This was Nardell’s comment:
Firmin like so many of Nardell’s friends has also been accused of antisemitism.
Nardell and complaints to the BBC
This post by Michael Rosen attacks the BBC over a Today programme that discussed antisemitism in the Labour Party. The offending remark was that antisemitism ‘could be found in ‘the darker edges’ of the party‘. Apparently this should have been challenged (I was unaware the BBC interviewer had to challenge the obvious).
Gordon Nardell’s comment:
Gordon Nardell is even writing complaints to the BBC over the suggestion that there is antisemitism in Labour’s ‘dark edges’. Jeff Samuels (and Jeff is hardly someone who is against legitimate criticism of Israel) is right to point out to Nardell that Labour has an antisemitism problem supported by a ‘compelling body of evidence’.
Nardell is part of the camp that simply denies there is antisemitism in the Labour Party. He liked this post made by the ‘Jewish Socialists Group’:
and this one by the Yevsektsiya group, Jewish Voice for Labour:
Nardell’s connections to those associated with the antisemitic swamp inside Labour are endless. David Avery, who is another member of Labour Against the Witch hunt, shares a post:
Gordon Nardell ‘likes’ it:
Like so many people who are ‘anti-Zionist but not antisemitic’, David Avery seems to have a fixation with Jews:
What exactly an ultra-orthodox school in Stamford Hill has to do with Zionism or the antisemitism issue inside Labour, only David Avery knows, but he still shared the post in the Witch Hunt group. The response by Richard Gerrard is spot on. Avery seems to have an odd anti-Jewish obsession. As do so many of Gordon Nardell’s friends.
Gordon Nardell and his friends
The post was liked by Nardell. I am always wary of anyone with a profile picture that is related to ‘Palestine’. With so many issues facing the UK, a traditional Labour member has so many themes to choose from. The crisis in the NHS, the cost of student education, any of the effects of austerity. How about an attack on the Tory party? All of the problems we have in the UK, why is ‘Palestine’ the most important? This behaviour is always a ‘warning’ to me, so when I saw Nardell had ‘liked’ this post:
I went to see what type of posts Simmons-Jenkins shares. These are just some examples:
Another friend of Nardell’s with a Palestine image for a profile picture:
And some of Stephen Bee’s posts:
Now Nardell is not responsible for what other people share, but as you begin to look at his friends list, which also includes Tony Greenstein, Elleanne Green and Gerry Downing, you begin to wonder whether Nardell understands what antisemitism is at all.
Dictating the narrative
There is clearly an issue here. Who thought that someone who has signaled support for Ken Livingstone, Jacqueline Walker and Ken Loach, someone who is friends with Tony Greenstein, Elleanne Green and Gerry Downing would be the man to sort out Labour’s antisemitism problem? What was General Secretary, Jennie Fornby thinking? Given what is presented on this page it is difficult to imagine ANY suspension or expulsion case that Gordon Nardell would have supported. In fact, from his activity online he clearly thinks the entire antisemitism scandal is a hoax.
This is a man who wrote that ‘it is unlikely to be possible to lay down a ‘clear and unambiguous legal definition’ of the term” anti-Semitism, and will only use ‘part’ of the IHRA definition adopted by the government.
The question is why have the Labour Party turned to Nardell for his help?
The answer is that this is by design. Just as elements within the party are trying to make people see JVL as a legitimate Jewish voice, so too they want an ally driving the antisemitism investigation. There is an attempt to dictate the narrative, to get rid of Labour’s antisemitism problem by placing at the front a fringe group of Jews that will suggest it does not exist. This is no different from the IHRC placing the strange orthodox sect Neturei Karta at the front of their Hezbollah demonstration. It creates enough confusion so that onlookers become distracted from the real truth. ‘How can Hezbollah be antisemitic, there are Jews here’.
This appointment shows that Jeremy Corbyn is attempting to surround himself with people who will help ‘bury’ the antisemitism. It is an strategic move by Corbyn’s faction to move past the stalemate. It’s a chess move and a dangerous one. This must not be allowed to pass without a serious response.
Please help support the research
This blog is unique, and this type of investigative journalism can be intensive and painstaking. Antisemitism is rising and is fueling the delegitimisation campaign against Israel. We must fight back. My research involves both antisemitism and the revisionist narrative that demonises Israel. My work is fully independent, and the support I receive from the community makes much of what I do possible. This research can and does make a difference. My research has appeared in every major newspaper in the UK and many others across the globe. I was recently named as one of the J100 (‘top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life’) by The Algemeiner.
If you can, please consider making a donation. Either a single amount or if possible a small monthly contribution. We need to be there to expose the hatred and the lies. To shine a light into the shadows and show people what is happening. We cannot remain silent. Every contribution is greatly appreciated.
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OK enough is enough. Thats all I can stands and I can’t stands no more. The gloves are off.
Oh Stephen. What is it about you that stops you seeing straight. Those are HIS WORDS on this blog.
What stops him from seeing straight? I think the answer to that is fairly plain.
Counter chant this…
From the River to the Sea,
Pal-e-STINE Will Never Be!
Happy Nakba!
I agree jew-baiter. Enough IS enough. Shut up.
Just visited ‘Labour Against the Witch-Hunt’ Facebook page…. and liked an article.
You imply it’s exclusive.
Strange that.
Not really strange at all, I am becoming accustomed to your clumsiness.
Ah , the first insult on this episode of your blogs … from yourself.
So, your statement was just suggesting, was it?
Davy. Is it possible. I mean at all possible, that you have confused a Facebook Page, with the closed group?
It’s a certainty, David.
” the man who is now to lead Labour’s antisemitism investigation had played down the incident. “?
Where did ‘the man’ do that? Are you publishing heresay?
“This group is exclusively for those investigated, suspended or expelled from the Labour Party because of antisemitism.”
Should that be alleged antisemitism, of which there is an abundance?
Thanks for the second one Davy – you’re right. I added the word ‘alleged’.
The Laboor Coven is against a Witch-Hunt. Seems self serving.
When these people, like Jackie Walker, say “we must not be silenced,” what they mean is “you should be silenced,” or, “only we should be heard, unchallenged.”
This same group of ‘enlightened’ ‘anti-zionists’ always complain that Israel cannot be trusted to investigate actions of the IDF when defending their country from genocidal elements who Corbyn et al befriend. What makes these hypocrites think Labour can investigate itself?
In answer this Gordon Nardell bloke, antisemitism is too serious an issue to be investigated by a group of radical anti-zionists.
It’s like having people against the existence of Britain investigate anti-British sentiment within their ranks.
Nardell and his morally and historically confused friends should thank their lucky stars that the BBC didn’t ask Simon Shama to defend his remarks about antisemitism in Labour. It would be embarrassing to them. The Beeb did them a favor.
re: their sentiments about the Balfour Declaration, that was 100 years ago and despite Britain’s best efforts to scuttle it, the Jews wound up with a state in their ancient homeland. Give it up already! Stop pretending that “Palestine” isn’t a name imposed on the Jewish homeland by imperialist foreigners. Europeans being disposed to a name doesn’t make it the real name. A__holes.
“re: their sentiments about the Balfour Declaration, that was 100 years ago and despite Britain’s best efforts to scuttle it, the Jews wound up with a state in their ancient homeland. ”
Balfour Declaration – “.. His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country…”
Note “the establishment IN Palestine of A national home for the Jewish people”
This they have.
Britain GAVE them land mainly occupied by others.
The text doesn’t state ‘OF Palestine AS a national home.’ ie NOT the whole of Palestine.
Dumb Davy,
JORDAN is “Palestine”, and it’s entirely on the EAST bank of the Jordan River.
What I notice, Dabydoo dumb dumb, is that you managed not to address the central issues of my comment, and instead acted predictably instead to engage in some obscurantist wordplay. Perhaps you could start your own Facebook group called “Morally and historically confused friends of Nardell.”
One of David’s besties Sharon Klaff
“It never struck anybody amongst the Jewish community in the UK that just as we the Jews and Israel are subject to adverse propaganda so are the EDL demonised. I have met some of them and spoken with them and they are salt of the earth people fighting for a democratically free England and Englishmen based in Christianity and the morals and ethics of the Old Testament, just as we are fighting for Israel and Jews based in the same ethics and values of the Old Testament. Just as we have little in common with Islam and the liberal secular “elitists” who desire that Jews, Israel and the EDL would simply pass on by, so does the EDL. As I said many times before, Jabotinsky taught us that in times of strife we must fight the greater enemy together with those whose greater enemy we share. We all share the greater enemy that is Islam and all it represents in its efforts to destroy the Judeo-Christian ethic that is our Western Civilisation and we must hang together in peace for the sake of peace.”
” Hey Richard – great piece! Nice to see the view fromWagamamas as it is evident that the suport was miniscule!! Bravo to the youngsters who came out for Israel – no violence on their tongues and no hatred in their eyes; and thanks to the EDL who supported us from across the road, resepecting the fact that many amongst the Jewish community did not want them to mingle with us, unlike the hate filled mob sporting Hizbollah flags emblazoned with a rifle, supported by those frock-coated filthy bearded Yiddish speakers. They will one day have to account to God for their sins!”
Just as I have become accustomed at your failure to see straight.
… and we to your ability to see straight past.
Dabydo dumb dumb.
Interestingly David has suddenly found the time to moderate. o:) The truth matters except when it is the truth about himself o:)
Stephen. Sometimes I have you down as a relatively intelligent guy, but at times like this you seem to lose all sense of rational thought. The quotes in the blog are his, not someone else’s. Just as you did with the tantrum you threw after the Palestine Live report, you’ve lost the plot. My PL report explicitly avoided naming people who did not contribute to the group and may not have been aware of its existence – you ran off to smear me with an irrelevant and incomparable situation. I have no idea what creates the spark that blinds you, but I wish you’d work through your own demons.
Interesting to learn that you are highly sensitive on that issue though 0:)
Smear ? What was untrue ?
I am not sensitive in the ‘personal’ sense. I know who and what I am, so Tony Greenstein calling me ‘the biggest racist he has ever met’, makes me chuckle. What I do take seriously is the research and the fight itself. So if I present something that takes weeks or months of careful research to put together, it bothers me when there are attempts to cheapen it. I did go out of my way, and spent considerable time removing names for the report to ensure that 99% of those captured were active. You reduced it to simply looking at groups I had been added to and then attempted to smear me that way, thus attacking the work. It was malicious. I don’t like malicious.
It wasn’t malicious it was a legitimate illustration of the shaky ground all the stuff you wrote about Corbyn in that blog was.
If someone adds you to a group and you are completely unaware of it and its content, its the same as if you are active in a group liking and commenting on the posts?
If someone reports on an event and carefully makes sure everyone mentioned was involved, its the same as someone desperately trying to mention people even though there is no evidence they were involved.
These are the same?
It depends which posts they are responding too. Did you find Corbyn posting antisemitc stuff or expressing approval of antisemit stuff? No.
Again, I like it.
But Corbyn is solicitous to Islamofascists and is willing to appear on stage with them
AND he doesn’t find the time to distance himself from them or denounce their hateful rhetoric after the fact.
The Laboor Party is a GIFT to the Tories.
Ishtak Shamir was willing to forge an alliance witn the Nazis to attack the British in Palestine.
Dumb Davy, Here is your Grand Mufti with your Socialist hitler – no Shamir to be found other than in your damaged brain.
RE: Sometimes I have you down as a relatively intelligent guy
Really? That is truly hard to believe.
I’m sure he is, relative to David.
I can just see Ian scratching his head thinking ” what the fuck is going on ” ? o:)
I doubt it. He is probably looking at the blog and then seeing the comments *in their entirety* deflect from the work of the blog. He is probably thinking ‘business as usual’.
Smear ? What was untrue David ?
What’s untrue? That Islam is “The Religion of Peace”.
See 9/11, Londons 7/7, Manchester, Paris’ Charlie Hebdo/Bataclan, Nice’s Bastille Day attack, Pan Am 103, Boston Marathon, Orlando, Lee Rigby, Daniel Pearl, Mumbai, Brussels airport, underwear and sneaker bombers, Westminster and London bridges, …
BTW how is Naomi saying that you and John Mann will not be happy until a QC was appointed that was in the pocket of the Israeli embassy, was antisemitic ?
Your tantrum over that perfectly illustrates why we need someone with a real world veiw on antisemitism doing the job. I have to say she is spot on
You see its the tsunami of comments like that which causes people like me to think that the ” increase in antisemitism ” and the ” antisemitism problem” in the LP is just so much batshit.
I didn’t have a tantrum Stephen, I posted a tweet. Her comment is clearly loaded both with dual loyalty accusations and Jewish money – secret controlling ones too. I know you’re big on the conspiracy stuff, but can’t I just have political opinions and engage in activities without being a foreign agent who is part of a cash-rich wider global Jewish conspiracy?
There’s that ‘clearly’ again. Doesn’t make your deliberately flawed interpretation the truth …which matters.
Thats crap. It was a comment about you and Mann ( not Jewish ). It was hyperbolic yes. But no mention of a conspiracy local or global. No mention of money.
But I would like your opinion on this, not that you owe me anything.
If I said that the Jonathan Arkush conspired with the CCJ to con the then Bishop of Guildford re Stephen Sizer would that be antisemitic regardless of whether it was true or false ?
We could go further. There are three possibilities. It is true. It is false, but I believed it to be true. It was a lie. In which of those circumstances would it be antisemitic if any ?
we won’t agree on the first part because I believe you simply do not understand antisemitism, nor its current mutation.
I do not believe the truth can be racist. An assumption can be, even if it turns out to be true. Example – stop and search by a racist police officer assumes black people are more likely to be criminals. He won’t just stop a disproportionate number of black people, his activity will also be more thorough when searching someone who is black. If he catches a criminal who is black it doesn’t mean that the underlying assumption about the one who was searched, which was proven to be accurate *in that case* was not racist. So if the police officer says to his partner- ‘see I told you he was a criminal’ – the original comment was still racist, even though it turned out to be true.
Your black anaogy doesn’t stack up. The police officer is just stopping any old black that comes along. Naomi didn’t do that. She didn’t say moshe Levy in Cheetham Hill won’t be happy until…….
Or Collier is Jewish therefore he won’t be happy until…..
She made a comment about you…….
She didn’t say
You asked me a question truth using an example of Arkush and Sizer. I responded. Why then do you suggest my analogy has anything to do with Naomi?
Point taken
“I believe you simply do not understand antisemitism, nor its current mutation.”
I suggest that Stephen fully understands the classic, generally accepted definition of ‘antisemitism’. ‘Understanding’ the mutated definition, like beauty, lies in the mind of the mutator who fashioned it.
Indeed, it would seem Collier’s pushing the ‘New Antisemitism’ mantra for all its worth – evidently a Labour Party recognising Palestine is far too much for many to handle, hence his usual tarring of Corbyn with the AS brush – thankfully, it don’t wash anymore and real folks in real places in the UK are sick of all this BS.
what has recognition of Palestine got to do with Holocaust denial, Rothschild Conspiracy and the notion of Israel as the global Jew? Honestly, don’t you get tired of pretending this is about criticism of Israeli policy?
I’m not aware of ‘Holocaust Denial’ in any Leftwing circles I bash about in, indeed, I usually throw a fit if anyone questions the horrors millions were put through from 1938 onwards until basically the last days before the fall of Berlin. As for the Rothschild’s, well, its a big family and I’ve worked with the New York side, so can’t say I’d be happy reading that type of crap.
Now, where were we?
Discussing programs no doubt, which is what you and the likes of Saul Freeman strive to push, namely that Antisemitism is alive and well in the UK and every Jewish person’s life is in danger – just a shame the official statistics discount this isn’t it David?
David, don’t YOU get tired of trying to blarney people into thinking that the Labour Party is infested with antisemitism?
Sunday I am penning something on the enough is enough demo scam. David and Luciana ” butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth ” Berger get dishonourable mentions
It’s the same old antisemitism. You folks are only trying to create a new, better, and acceptable antisemitism, and giving it a new name. You’re not fooling anyone, except maybe yourselves.
If only, Jeff.
No good David claiming UK coast-to-coast antisemitism using the classic definition of treating Jews worse just because they’re Jews,just isn’t the truth, which MATTERS. David needs an expanded definition to continue his ‘chicken licken’ blogs.
“If only, Jeff.”
As if I’m hoping for it. No one said anything about “UK coast to coast.”
The double standards in the treatment of Israel and her supporters speaks for itself.
Yes, the same old, by any objective measure. Unfortunately, in the UK and elsewhere, that objective measure is increasingly hard to find.
Yes, the same old.
RE: I have to say she is spot on.
Of course you do. And of course, saying Israel has politicians “in its pocket” is just “criticism of Israel.” Nothing to see here. Move on.
Jew-baiting putz.
Its not a criticism of Israel idiot. It is a criticism of the said politician and of David. Israel will do what it feels it must.
Perhaps you could have the courtesy of instructing Saul Freeman and The Jewish Chronicles Pollard that Nardell has had absolutely bugger all to do with Marc Wadsworth – that both can’t tell the difference between a person with brownish skin and a white person is staggering, but the Barrister advising Wadsworth pro-bono is not white, but they did apply for the job Nardell has been appointed too – perhaps another example of racism within the Labour Party machinery?
Alas, like many others , Saul & Pollard, are still beating Wadsworth with an Antisemitism stick, despite no hint of AS ever being ushered via his lips.
As for the rest of your tirade, well, I don’t expect anything else – but evidently, you can’t keep your hands off Ms Green – its as if you are a stalker like Garfield.
So, Nardell recognises when frivolous antisemitic accusations that cheapen the word are used in a smear campaign.
Just the man with the skills to do the job then.
Little wonder Mr. Collier is uncomfortable with him.
Well as this Blog, as ever, is back on the Labour Party is full of screaming mad Nazis’s calling for pogroms against certain folks, in the real World, the one where more than 7.5 billion people live in, we have a new emergent strain of Bird Flu to worry about, one that is causing alarm bells to ring with specialists where I reside.
I wonder, is this new strain of Bird Flu Antisemitic, given it has the potential to create a pandemic, one which Israel won’t escape from – still, at least in disease we have some kind of equality, although, should disaster strike it will be my neck of the woods that gets the worst of it – but, they ain’t Jewish so that’s alright.
Still, lets look for faux Antisemitism within the Labour Party and ignore totally the rampant AS within the Tory ranks, I mean, they do love Israel, so their hate is OK.
Yes they are the right kind of antisemites. The sort that want all the Jews to go back to Palestine as a pre requisite to them being obliged to convert or burn in hell.
“Palestine?”. Not exactly an anti-imperialist name.
Nardell also recognised that Livingstone’s comments were NOT antisemitic. He’s obviously no idiot.
Unlike you
Gnasher said you gotta admit that Harvela is a brilliant girl
I said Harv is a boy.
He said, oh I can’t get my head around this LGBT stuff.
I said Gnash, particularly since you have just finished licking my dinner plate is it not time for you have a good wash or something ?
Weird comments. Too many Black and Tans I suspect.
Can’t get enough black and tans
Explain to ythe readers how the comments were antisemitic …. off you go. Build our knowledge, ‘Harvela’.
You are.
David, many of your blogs use the deliberately exaggerated word ‘hate’ yet you yourself are fuelling such by your constant implications re. the Labour Party.
DAVID NISPEL – “Would it not be simpler to just rename the Labour Party the Nazi Party……? At least that way the Jewish community of the UK would know exactly where they stand……”
Mariolina Muoio – “Thoughts? I have practically written essays on the matter. Yes the Haavara Agreement did happen but not in the way and reasons Kenny Boy has repeatedly suggested. Livingstone has just repeated exactly what Brenner has been spouting for years and years. He’s an antisemite through and through and he’s got form.”
Andy C. Mittick – “Herr Corbyn’s Nazi Party meeting our expectations.”
Jeanette Jonas – “Anthony Dennison its not what they were but their Nazi ideology repeatedly quoted and their facist behaviour towards the Jews again and again. Nardell should be booted out of all legal action against Jews as he is a Nazi virus.”
Must make you proud to have provoked such hysteria.
I think Simon Cobbs should have got the job.
Fancy Labour not bowing to the wishes of the Israelists. Shameful, eh David?
But Laboor BOWING to the demands of Islamists, Fascists, Imperialists, racists, Jihadis, terrorists, misogynists, homophobes, holocaust deniers.
It’s all about the votes and lucre. Shameful, eh Davy?
This mornings Simple Simon Says is just too wonderful not to share
1000 dunums = 247.1 sq acres or 1 MILLION sq meters…..SINCE THIS MORNING!
Well England will at least leave Volgograd with a better understanding of who beat the Nazis
Who beat the national SOCIALIST nazis? It certainly wasn’t the appeasing, cucking de valera’s ireland.
… and it certainly wasn’t Begin and Shamir, they’d scuttled off to Palestine, Ted.
To fight Socialist hitlers Grand Mufti and other scum like yourself.
Then please explain, given all this Hitler/Nazis bollocks, why so many Zionists associate with those who hold similar views to Herr Hitler – indeed, our Blog host again has recently been photographed again with Paul Besser – Mr Besser being a Rightwing racist who so happens to be Jewish.
Funny that!!!!!
Chris, you are being deliberately dishonest. Please desist.
Strange the very recent photo I’m commenting on clearly has you and Besser in the frame – you are somewhat thin on top in said photo!
You’d go a long way to seeing myself hanging out with fascists, unless of course I’m wielding a molotov cocktail, which is what the buggers deserve – burning out.
You are being deliberately dishonest. This is your final chance to desist.
It has always been my veiw that these associations will be the metaphorical death of David. Come the day, come the hour as they say down Munster way
Those associations do not exist. Never have and never will. They are weak and transparent attempts to smear me because of the damage that I do. The last image that Chris posted here is a perfect example. When all you can rely on are Greenstein’s ridiculous conspiracies and photos that show me *not* associating with someone that you are desperate to connect me with, you’ve completely lost the argument. There are images of Corbyn hugging Holocaust Deniers – he is a hero. I am deliberately snapped at an angle that makes it look like I am less than 100 meters from someone who is apparently an extremist (I don’t believe I have EVER spoken to or met the guy and it is disgraceful evidence of McCarthyist elements in the forces that try to shout me down that I need to make that type of statement), and I have to be forever shunned. In reality it is the association you all have with Greenstein’s conspiracy junk you should be wary of.
It is not worth my effort fighting such deliberate and pathetic distortion on this site and be warned I am no longer giving it airtime here.
Whatever. It is your space. Having said that I have no association with ” Greenstein’s conspiracy junk”, I have plenty of conspiracy junk of my own.
I think you overstate the restraints on criticism of Israel included in the IHRA and underplay and misrepresent antisemitism. The IHRA is not an attempt to stop all discussion ‘that falls short of eulogistic’. I don’t engage the IHRA in my reports because the idea that opposing sides in a conflict or disagreement will ever agree on what constitutes ‘legitimate criticism’ is absurd. I don’t discard the IHRA because a refusal to accept that Israel has become the antisemites bogeyman is even more absurd.
The IHRA is an attempt to solve the unsolvable. Antisemites will reject any definition of antisemitism that captures their own antisemitism within, opting to dilute it into a phrase that they can internally twist to exclude their own image of the bogeyman. Thus personally rendering themselves ‘non-racist’. Some Israeli advocates will see all focus on Israel as inherently antisemitic (casting aside the many other reasons why there is interest in this specific tract of land), thus playing into the hands of people like you Stephen, who want to hold up absurd accusations of antisemitism as evidence that *all* related accusations are absurd.
Meanwhile in the undergrowth, the ‘Zionist’ as the ‘new Jewish bogeyman’ has developed into acceptable discourse in mainstream Labour Party forums.
Such as…
The problem is less what it says as the use made of it.
Dumb Bellamy’s burning website is infected with viruses/viri.
Edward don’t you have some chilli eating contest on the Houston Astradorm car park to go to or something ?
Crazy Chris,
Here is a 30 second newsreel of your fellow SOCIALIST hitler greeting and sitting down with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
Funny that!!!!!!
I am tempted to attempt to educate Edward on the difference between a name and a definite description, but I know I would regret it.
Dumb Bellamy, I hope you “regret it” like you regret that the Israelis are NOT the unarmed Jews of WW2 or Khaybar.
A few blogs ago the blog writer published ‘Why I won’t be criticising Israel ..’ after troops shot dead protesting Palestinians at the border.
Recently an outpost of Jewish radicals were evicted from their illegal caravans. The report was ….
“A few dozen radical youths who sat at the outpost to protect it from demolition, reportedly attacked the officers sent to evacuate the outpost with rocks, liquid, bleach, sticks, eggs and other objects.”
Will David condemn the double standards or explain why live fire was not used where it is used on Palestinians thrrowing stones? Any ideas, anti-racism David?
What Livingstone said was “When Hitler won his election in 1932, his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews.”
David in this blog offers “What Livingstone said was antisemitic”.
David, how was this antisemitic? I doubt that you will explain your reason.
It is sickening historical revisionism. Hitler was very clear about what he thought about Zionism.
Slightly off topic but too good to ignore. Boom !
Pure gold from Israelists behaving badly outside the Coop in Hampstead.
“The problem is the Co-op has been taken over by its members”
Well done Sharon o:)
This is too funny , Rod, Sharon and Scoffie
Great. Excel picket rota filling up.Boycott Israel and don’t expect a warm welcome on our manor. As it happens, locals are vowing not to shop there as they prefer the existing Kurdish shop which has been there years
Your manor Harv ?
Your bog sod hovel Dumb Bellamy?
Remember the Ardoyne
Oh yeah the Ardoyne
Thanks for that Stephen . At least we are in agreement that there is nothing to separate IRA terrorists from Hamas terrorists
Whats interesting here is two things
1) The code of conduct referred to was brought in to try to stop Scoffie from disrupting plenaries.
2) The BoD seems to be hiding behind process which is what they accuse the LP of doing
Oh my it just gets betterer and betterer
We know all about the antisemitic POS Wafta.
Edit Watfa
Harv unfortunately the link doesn’t work for me. I’m blocked o:)
Of course you are
Sandra Watfa is a virulent antisemite & a member of @UKLabour She uses her “Pro-Palestinian” activism as a cover for her “Jew hatred” & Holocaust denial. #LabourAntisemitism
David Collier
‘Sandra Watfa’ is the main face of the group #inminds, and a major figure in #BDS activism in the UK. In the past she has shared #Holocaust Denial material.
‘Make no mistake’ – here she threatens Jews with #genocide
#terrorism #antisemitism
Aw thanks Harv. I hate being out of the loop
I feel your pain
Speaking of pain……Another golden Simple Simon Says. I am going to have to start chronicling these properly.
19 hours ago
SussexFriendsIsrael Retweeted BDS Movement
Argentinian fans who are feeling angry, upset and hurt at their teams exit from #WorldCup (we know your pain) and want to look for someone to blame, can I point you in the direction of the @BDSmovement!
I could get into this its a whole heap of fun
17 minutes ago
SussexFriendsIsrael Retweeted StandWithUs
If only we had an MP & a political party in the UK whose reputation was built on concerns for the environment. A party & a MP such as this would immediatly recognise the cost to the environment of these attacks & offer their condemnation!
If only!
Oh wait a minute…!!
SFI have 15,000 likes and a global Zionist readership. You not so much but I’m sure your mammy loves you
That tells you an awful lot more about global Zionists than it tells you about me.
Harv strikes again
Simple Simon Says the gift that keeps on giving
18 minutes ago
SussexFriendsIsrael Retweeted Melanie Phillips
Very powerful and thought provoking article from @MelanieLatest. Is it time to leave the U.K yet? The only time I would personally consider leaving is when I choose to not because I feel I have to. I’m proud to call the U.K my (other!) home and no one will force us out!