orthodox fake news letter rabbi

The orthodox Rabbis, the letter and the offices that weren’t

Did you see the letter supposedly written by the Orthodox Rabbis supporting Jeremy Corbyn? This week has been full of drama. It started on Monday, when the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis wrote a scathing article about Jeremy Corbyn, claiming he is ‘not fit’ for high office. The Chief Rabbi was supported by the Archbishop of Canterbury and British Hindu leaders. The timing could not have … Continue reading The orthodox Rabbis, the letter and the offices that weren’t

UK GCSE textbook on Israel – full of errors, lies, distortion

It is not often I am shocked. I have been working through the opening section of a school textbook that is used to teach 16-year olds in the UK about the Arab Israeli conflict. It is part of the GCSE curriculum. Both UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) and the Zionist Federation (ZF) brought this to my attention a few days ago. UKLFI requested an analysis. … Continue reading UK GCSE textbook on Israel – full of errors, lies, distortion


Plant trees for those that stand with us #TreesForOurHeroes

#TreesForOurHeroes This is the start of a campaign to plant trees in Israel for those heroes that have stood by the Jewish community when we needed them to help fight rising antisemitism. Jewish people in the UK are facing rising antisemitism. It is part of a global trend, but since 2015 we have seen a sudden and worrying increase within the UK. The Jewish community … Continue reading Plant trees for those that stand with us #TreesForOurHeroes

radicalised obsessed

Obsessive, radicalised, antisemitic – Corbyn’s Labour Party

The accusation made here is that the election of Jeremy Corbyn created a toxic environment that has radicalised members of the party and this led to a growth of antisemitism in the UK. There is no need to overthink this. We know that Corbyn comes from a faction that has existed for decades on the fringes of the party. There is ample evidence that *some* … Continue reading Obsessive, radicalised, antisemitic – Corbyn’s Labour Party

Mental health and antisemitism – the shameful ridicule of Labour activists

Over the last few weeks Rosa Doherty from the Jewish Chronicle has spoken to several campaigners fighting antisemitism about the impact that struggling against anti-Jewish hate was having on their mental health. Yesterday, the Jewish Chronicle published three articles. The first contained a few case studies. The second featured some comments from mental health experts, taking a wider look at the impact anti-Jewish hatred was … Continue reading Mental health and antisemitism – the shameful ridicule of Labour activists

mainstream lies Israel

Why the mainstream is to blame for the antisemitism crisis

Antisemitism spread through the left like a tsunami through city streets. It may have entered via radical minority groups on the fringes, but as it hit the shore, there were no defences in place. Nothing to stop anti-Jewish sentiment moving from constituency to constituency. For decades, the mainstream has flirted with anti-Zionist activism. They have justified racist boycotts and supported the demonisation of the ‘Zionist’. … Continue reading Why the mainstream is to blame for the antisemitism crisis

David Icke

When David met David, an evening with David Icke

In June, I saw an advert for a David Icke event due to be held this month in Watford. I didn’t think twice. In antisemitic circles, I have seen David Icke material shared more than any other. Icke is rancid and many of his vicious memes carry hard-core antisemitic images. If people are talking about conspiracies with Rothschild and Zionism and wish to present their … Continue reading When David met David, an evening with David Icke

jvp bds

NYU, SJP and a response to ‘the 10 Common Misconceptions About BDS’

NYU and the ‘ten common misconceptions about BDS’ ‘Washington Square News‘, is an  ‘Independent Student Newspaper’ at NYU. Three days ago they published an article written by SJP ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’. It was titled ‘10 Common Misconceptions About BDS‘ and set out to reassure the reader that the boycott movement against Israel (BDS) is a legitimate, credible, successful and ethical tool with which … Continue reading NYU, SJP and a response to ‘the 10 Common Misconceptions About BDS’


JVP and other fringe groups align with Holocaust Deniers to attack British Jews

When it comes to writing the history of these unfolding events, the Jewish anti-Zionists groups like JVP (Jewish Voice for peace) will have their name in lights in the hall of shame. I don’t know what the situation is in the US, but I would imagine with over five million Jews, the environment does not resemble Europe. That a few groups of anti-Zionist Jews have … Continue reading JVP and other fringe groups align with Holocaust Deniers to attack British Jews

anti-Israel stickers on the anti-Trump demo

The anti-Trump demonstration, spreading poison on London’s streets

I watched it, saw it live. The young girls who went scrambling for the ‘free Palestine’ stickers’. “I have to get one dad”, one of them squealed, as she dragged her father over towards a table that she believed was giving these stickers away. That was my welcome to the ‘anti-Trump demonstration’, London, 13 July 2018. She wasn’t disappointed. There were people manning several such … Continue reading The anti-Trump demonstration, spreading poison on London’s streets