Anti-Semites and useful idiots unite in support of Southampton U

THERE IS A STATEMENT ABOUT THIS LIST YOU SHOULD READ FIRST BY CLICKING THIS LINK This is an updated list of those academics that signed a  statement in support of the University of Southampton anti-Semitic conference in the name of ‘free speech’. The number at this point is 370. This is without doubt one of the most depressing tasks I have ever undertaken. As I … Continue reading Anti-Semites and useful idiots unite in support of Southampton U

Ben Dor / Uni of Southampton, who are you trying to kid?

THE BIG CON (ference) The organisers have issued a statement on the conference (17/03 – see image – webshot 17/03) included is this part:- “The conference organizers accept that the granting of permission for this event does not imply support or endorsement by the University of any of the opinions to be expressed at the conference.” Which I suppose indicates the University are at least … Continue reading Ben Dor / Uni of Southampton, who are you trying to kid?

An open letter to Eric Pickles

To the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. I am a British born Jew. In 1936 as anti-Semitism released all its venom in Europe, my grandfather was at Cable St, when in the name of freedom of speech and expression, the police tried to disperse the demonstrators against Mosley’s ‘Black-shirts’ to allow the fascists to march. With hindsight, I think we both know … Continue reading An open letter to Eric Pickles

The list of ‘indignant’ academics – A list of BDS activists

THERE IS A STATEMENT ABOUT THIS LIST YOU SHOULD READ FIRST BY CLICKING THIS LINK You could not write this script. A statement in support of Southampton, signed by academics in the name of ‘free speech’. They claim “to the best of our knowledge, the conference invitations in this case are based on qualification to speak on the topic rather than on political positions held.” … Continue reading The list of ‘indignant’ academics – A list of BDS activists

Open letter 2 -University of Southampton, hypocrisy, anti-Semitism and free speech

First off, let’s dispose of the freedom of speech defence. On August 27 2014, Professor Mark Auslender, from Ben-Gurion University Israel, was scheduled to speak at the Mountbatten Building, Highfield Campus at the University of Southampton. It appears that due to quickly organised and small opposition, the talk was cancelled. The reason it was cancelled – he was Israeli, and some people felt this was … Continue reading Open letter 2 -University of Southampton, hypocrisy, anti-Semitism and free speech

An open letter to the University of Southampton

I write in connection to the upcoming conference under the auspices of the Southampton Law School titled “International Law and the State of Israel: Legitimacy, Responsibility and Exceptionalism” to be held over the weekend of 17-19th April. I have no doubt given the subject matter you have received ample communication on the subject. Indeed, I am sure you were warned in advance by those that … Continue reading An open letter to the University of Southampton

It isn’t just Netanyahu the Israelis are fighting – it’s the system

“This election will be everyone against Netanyahu. The vast majority of voters, all of the other parties, the entire media, the US, Europe and the vast majority of users on social media; all standing against a single man. The absolutely heart-breaking fact is, that given the political system that Israel employs, the Israeli public’s shift to the right and the current lack of a viable … Continue reading It isn’t just Netanyahu the Israelis are fighting – it’s the system

Bounded rationality, cognitive dissonance and the Gaza conflict.

Let’s take a journey. Gaza is under siege and innocent civilians are being killed in one of the most populated areas on earth. Israel’s civilians for the most part, lay protected in bunkers or by the mystical ‘Iron Dome’ that eliminates many of the rockets before they reach the intended target. Looking at the news or browsing the internet, it isn’t too difficult to feel … Continue reading Bounded rationality, cognitive dissonance and the Gaza conflict.