The Kaufman Effect

Although this blog was written early this morning, I chose to release it first on the Elder of Ziyon blog rather than my own. Two days ago I sat in government buildings within the Westminster complex and witnessed classic antisemitic slurs. I have to say primarily, that whatever one thinks of the political position of the Arabs who were present, the antisemitism *did not come … Continue reading The Kaufman Effect

Stabbings, the Mufti and Enid Blyton – the week that was

As a child, I remember with fondness, reading and re-reading the adventures of Jo, Bessie, Fanny and Dick (the names changed in later editions for reasons that are not totally clear to me), who were four children living near a magical tree that took them to strange and wondrous lands. These stories of course were in Blyton’s tales of the ‘Enchanted Wood’. Today, somewhere in … Continue reading Stabbings, the Mufti and Enid Blyton – the week that was

An open letter to Theresa May, Home Secretary of the UK

Rt Hon Theresa May MP I spent the weekend of the 17 and 18th October 2015 at the School for African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) to attend a conference. SOAS was one of the specific universities “named and shamed” as an institution that gives a platform to extremists. The conference was the 10th Annual Conference of the SOAS Palestine Society titled ‘Settler and Citizens: A … Continue reading An open letter to Theresa May, Home Secretary of the UK

My weekend with the antisemites (and 2 Zionists) at Exeter

I have just returned from Exeter, where the university held a 3-day conference discussing ‘Settler Colonialism in Palestine’. Far smaller and less organised than the conference that the University of Southampton cancelled, this collection of anti-Zionists ranged from well- known ‘academics’ from the US, Beirut and Australia to several ‘wannabees’ currently working on research at Exeter; these ‘wannabees’ are Ilan Pappe’s academic children. I always … Continue reading My weekend with the antisemites (and 2 Zionists) at Exeter

The anti-Zionist Exeter conference

Over the last two days, it became abundantly clear exactly how far off base the JLC is, how removed they are from events on the ground, and how little they understand the anti-Zionist argument developing within the extreme left. I am now certain they are stuck in the 1980’s, when Europeans still went to the Kibbutz and people romanticised over Entebbe. The idea that the … Continue reading The anti-Zionist Exeter conference

Trouble on Mars, urgent meeting of General Assembly

Trouble on Mars (satire) Following the announcement that water has been found on Mars, the Palestinian delegation to the UN has asked for an emergency session of the General Assembly to discuss what they claim is a clear infringement of their basic human rights. The Palestinian spokesman has declared that the Palestinians were on Mars first, that the water is historically theirs and NASA are … Continue reading Trouble on Mars, urgent meeting of General Assembly

The festering swamp of anti-Zionism

I personally dislike sweeping statements and generalisations. It is unfortunately true in a world in which you need to occupy someone’s attention with 140 characters of less, nobody has any time for clarification, but real world issues tend to be complex and nothing is ever absolute. An absolute statement I see repeated often in the I/P argument is that anti-Zionism is antisemitism; a theory born … Continue reading The festering swamp of anti-Zionism

The Palestinians, 100 years of catastrophic mismanagement

It is 100 years since the Ottomans ruled the Middle East region, and today Israel is the single oasis of freedom in a bubbling regional mess. Anyone, who like I have, has grappled with the complex history of the Israel/Arab conflict, must have spent long periods attempting to unravel the events that were to bring about such suffering on both sides of the great divide. … Continue reading The Palestinians, 100 years of catastrophic mismanagement

The United Nations – the racism, the cost and the hypocrisy

In the coming days, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)  will receive and publish the findings from the Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict. It is expected to be ‘at best’, highly critical of Israel. I was an 10 year old boy when the UN passed a General Assembly resolution ruling that ‘Zionism is racism’. For those that have the time, … Continue reading The United Nations – the racism, the cost and the hypocrisy