Owen Jones bias bbc story is pure junk

The Owen Jones BBC bias story is pure junk

Last night I slowly digested the new Owen Jones report, that claims (unbelievably) that there is a pro-Israel bias at the BBC (here are a few examples that prove the opposite 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). And as a result here is something I never thought I would ever say – that we should perhaps thank Owen … Continue reading The Owen Jones BBC bias story is pure junk

Corbynites seek to ignite a race war with the Jews

Many people think that with the election done, the battle is behind us. They use several arguments to rationalise this – chiefly based on the idea that the troublemakers are a small fringe who have been ‘dethroned’. This type of blinkered and naive vision is the same short-sighted, stick-your-head-in-the-sand strategy that allowed for Corbynism to arise in the first place. Even the first wave of … Continue reading Corbynites seek to ignite a race war with the Jews

my bookshelf is guilty

In the UK, our bookshelf is nobody’s business but our own

Michael Gove is Minister for the Cabinet Office. His wife uploaded an image of a bookshelf onto social media. What followed this simple action borders on surreal. The crimes of the bookshelf After Sarah Vine uploaded the image, the bookshelf police went to town analysing what exactly was sitting on the shelf. It is perhaps also important to note that Vine had explicitly stated this … Continue reading In the UK, our bookshelf is nobody’s business but our own

rachel riley antisemites

The cost of fighting the antisemites in the Labour Party

‘It is horrible out there‘. Those are words that every person that is publicly fighting the antisemites in the Labour Party, fully understands. It is nine months since I publish my report into Palestine Live. 290 pages of toxic, hard-core antisemitism that opened the eyes of many, to the depth of the problem in the Party. Three Labour MPs had been members of that secret … Continue reading The cost of fighting the antisemites in the Labour Party

Owen Jones

Owen Jones – please don’t celebrate when people leave the UK out of fear

Owen Jones is not someone I usually bother with. I had him pinned as little more than an immature loud-mouth. As my research was geared towards anti-Zionist movements, I first stumbled across him whilst researching Jeremy Corbyn. In a similar fashion to his relationship with ‘Mr Apartheid‘, (Ben White), Jeremy Corbyn was all over Owen Jones’s timeline in 2012 and 2013. This from Christmas 2012: … Continue reading Owen Jones – please don’t celebrate when people leave the UK out of fear