hezbollah march 2

Walking with the Hezbollah in London

3rd July 2016. It’s ‘Al Quds’ day. An annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan. Yet another of the ever increasing number of days where an excuse is found to march against Israel. This particular day was introduced by the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979. With Hezbollah symbolism ever present in these ‘Al Quds’ marches, that flavour is never far from sight. … Continue reading Walking with the Hezbollah in London

Fighting BDS (Boycott Divestment Sanctions)

For much of the last 2 years I have spent my time within the BDS camps. I go to their events, I network with their delegates, talk to their speakers and socialise with them on Facebook. I’ve sat next to some of the leading lights of BDS and discussed strategy 1:1. When I am there, they think I am one of them, a BDS activist. … Continue reading Fighting BDS (Boycott Divestment Sanctions)

Jewish conspiracy

The Jewish circus clowns and the antisemites

Conspiracy theories have been attached to Jews throughout history. 2000 years ago, as the blood was being washed from Pilate’s hands, the Jews were blamed for successfully conspiring to kill the Christian god. Jews went on to be carriers of plague, they used the blood of children to make unleavened bread and were known to poison the local wells. In more recent times, with the … Continue reading The Jewish circus clowns and the antisemites

nakba myth

Applauding the nakba myth

I wasn’t going to write about the ‘nakba’ incident at Wanstead High School.  Let down by a society that doesn’t believe in truth, the schoolgirl Leanne Muhammed, aged only 15, has already been weaponised. With the publicity her speech received, I felt sorry for her. The child will become further affected by the hurricane surrounding the speech. It is unlikely she will draw the correct conclusions. … Continue reading Applauding the nakba myth

PSC antisemitism

Hey PSC, no antisemitism? you are having a laugh!

On Monday night (23/5), I went to a PSC event held at the P21 Gallery in Euston. Miko Peled was speaking at a book launch for the latest edition of his book ‘The General’s son’. Peled outdid himself; nastier than Blumenthal, more distortion than Pappe, more unhinged than Barkan. Miko Peled is lost. I am not a great believer in generalisations, so dislike the all-inclusive … Continue reading Hey PSC, no antisemitism? you are having a laugh!


An open response to the National Union of Teachers

  An open letter to Christine Blower, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers.  Copy also sent by email on 22/05/2016. This letter follows on from the original complaint of 16/5 and the NUT response on 18/5.   21/05/2016 Dear Christine Blower Firstly, thank you for your response to my email. However, your letter, including the statement from the PSC, is so absurd that … Continue reading An open response to the National Union of Teachers

labour antisemitism denial

Antisemitism at the root of the Labour Party

Last night, I went to an event at the student central in Malet Street organised by supporters of the Labour Party. Part of the Birkbeck campus. The event was titled ‘Antisemitism, Zionism and the left’. The purpose was to address the ‘witch hunt’ taking place against anyone who criticises Israel. Something that is seen by some as part of a co-ordinated attack to unsettle Corbyn … Continue reading Antisemitism at the root of the Labour Party

invasion of the university

The planned ‘Palestinian’ invasion of the university

The university campus is becoming ever more increasingly hostile to both Jews and Israel.  From what I have witnessed and experienced, I believe it is no side effect, but rather part of a deliberate and well planned strategy.  We are witnessing an entryist operation. In March, in the period around ‘Israeli Apartheid week’, I attended an impressive one-day conference at the London School of Economics. … Continue reading The planned ‘Palestinian’ invasion of the university

Jews and Hamas propaganda at Birkbeck

I spent 7 years studying at Birkbeck in the centre of London. I took a 4-year BSc, received a distinction on a 2 year MSc and spent an additional year doing post graduate modules in Law. Last night, on 31/03/2016, my connection with the university was irrevocably shaken. I attended what had seemed like a relatively harmless event, with Palestinian documentary maker, Rawan Al-Damen promoting … Continue reading Jews and Hamas propaganda at Birkbeck

Lies and more lies. Raw hate on campus

At what point does a university assist in inciting and supporting violence? How about charities and NGOs that are supposed to be on a mission of peace? These are questions I was left asking myself after recent events at both the University of Kent and UCL. The latest event in Kent, involved a speaker from the charity ‘War on Want’, Ryvka Bernard. Ryvka is listed … Continue reading Lies and more lies. Raw hate on campus