From Southampton to Exeter, 109 miles of extremism

A few months ago, I predicted the failed conference in Southampton would only be the start, so it comes as no surprise to see that several of the crew who were meant to have the main stage at Southampton are now gathering together for an exercise in propaganda at the University of Exeter. The subject of this particular farce is “Settler Colonialism in Palestine”. My … Continue reading From Southampton to Exeter, 109 miles of extremism

A distorted evening with Max Blumenthal

In the firm belief that listening to opposing arguments is vital, I took myself to the latest Max Blumenthal book launch for his written account of last year’s conflict in Gaza and Israel titled ‘the 51 Day War’. I did feel hostility in the room; deep hostility. In truth it began earlier, when having seen me associate with the pro-Israeli demonstration outside, an agitated attendee … Continue reading A distorted evening with Max Blumenthal

Israel’s right to live in peace – BDS and the big lie

Israel has always had a weakness with PR; it is one of the perpetual down-sides of a nation having more serious issues to think about whilst also being faced with an enemy with a far larger population. Even back when the existential threat was on every border, Israel wasn’t always an easy sell, and there is no point pretending that Western Nations have only just … Continue reading Israel’s right to live in peace – BDS and the big lie

Israel – don’t give up an inch of the truth

This was hardly the first article in Counterpunch I read that brazenly claimed Israel should not exist; in fact Counterpunch runs that line more frequently than the Daily Express headlines the British weather. It is undoubtedly Counterpunch’s ‘thing’. I often wonder what goes through someone’s minds as they write a sentence that denies Israel’s right to exist, a sentence that carries the implication of the … Continue reading Israel – don’t give up an inch of the truth

BDS : An open letter to Roger Waters

There is nothing personal in this letter. I am putting aside your history and ignoring the relationship I have had with your music; I have simply read your recent public comments and felt a need to respond. I am a Zionist, which simply means that I believe the Jews have the right and need to control their own destiny just like every other nation does. … Continue reading BDS : An open letter to Roger Waters

The vile monster that is BDS

The horrific truth is that the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) plays on the naivety, innocence and good intentions of students across the UK and cons them (there can be no better description) into actually calling for the destruction of a democracy. That this democracy is the Jewish State and the movement specifically targets only the goods of Jewish business (the boycott does not … Continue reading The vile monster that is BDS

The judicial review hearing – Southampton conference – some notes.

As I was there today at the High Court, I thought I’d write just a few points about today’s High Court Judicial Review hearing on the University of Southampton conference.     University of Southampton were given a clean bill of health. There was no criticism whatsoever about their behaviour. They strictly followed procedure and engaged in deep discussion with all relevant stakeholders There were … Continue reading The judicial review hearing – Southampton conference – some notes.

An open response to Geoffrey Alderman

“But to argue – as an academic or in an academic setting – that the state of Israel should be destroyed seems, to me, to amount to an incitement to genocide. That is where free speech becomes hate speech.” – Geoffrey Alderman – Guardian – 30-April 2010 Dear Geoffrey I  read your recent opinion piece on the ‘own goal’ at Southampton ( last week’s Jewish … Continue reading An open response to Geoffrey Alderman

Palestinians are dying and there is an eerie silence

Palestinians are dying and there is an eerie silence; the streets are empty, social media is calm and even the mainstream media, devoid of the usual pressures from the pro-Palestinian campaign, are dealing with the matter with an odd distant glaze. The most rabid anti-Israeli Facebook pages, the most active Twitter users are not posting anything on the subject at all. I’ve been told the … Continue reading Palestinians are dying and there is an eerie silence

Anti Semitic conference – no doubt about it.

This University of Southampton conference against Israel is anti-Semitic. It is difficult to define anti-Semitism, and frankly, just because someone is ranting against someone Jewish or using animated language to describe Israel it doesn’t make them an anti-Semite. As a moderate I tend to hurl abuse many ways, and there are millions of Israelis walking around cursing their government or the opposition and hardly any … Continue reading Anti Semitic conference – no doubt about it.