There is so much ignorance about Israel and Israelis. So many lies are told by anti-Israel haters, yet sometimes the truth is so simple and staring everyone in the face.
Who are the Israelis? I like the personal touch so I thought I would take you on a bit of a tour to meet some:
Avraham Kiryati
Avraham Kiryati was 8 years old when in 1929, Arabs massacred the Jews of Hebron. His uncle stepped outside and was one of those murdered. He is a descendant of Jews who escaped the Spanish inquisition, settling first in Tzfat and then in Hebron.
Eden Alene
Eden Alene is singing Israel’s entry in next year’s Eurovision song contest. She was born in Jerusalem, but both of her parents had immigrated from Ethiopia – fleeing the persecution there. There are about 130,000 Israelis of Ethiopian descent.
Elinor Joseph
Elinor Joseph is a Christian Israeli Arab. She serves in a combat role in the Israeli military. Elinor was born in the village of Jish in northern Israel. She is one of approximately 177,000 Christians living in Israel – the only country in the region that protects them.
Yaakov Horovitz
Yaakov Horovitz was born in Alexandria, Egypt in the 1930s. His family had a successful business. In 1956 they were arrested and told to sign over all their possessions and given days to leave the country. They were expelled and eventually arrived as refugees in Israel.
Ruth survived the Holocaust. She jumped from a train heading to the camps and joined partisans to fight the Nazis. Here she is with her granddaughter Opal – an officer in the Israeli army. One of those protecting the Jews to make sure nothing like that ever happens again.
Pe’er Tasi
Pe’er Tasi is a successful Israeli singer. His music is of Mizrahi or ‘eastern’ genre. Tasi’s family come from Yemen where like many, they fled persecution. There are about 400,000 Israelis of Yemenite descent.
Eli Amir
Eli Amir was born in Iraq. His family fled the persecution – and he was one of a million Jews in Arab lands who were ethnically cleansed. In Israel he forged a successful – award winning writing career. There are about 450,000 Israelis of Iraqi descent.
Yasmeen Abu Fraiha
Yasmeen Abu Fraiha is from a Negev Bedouin town. Most southern Bedouin see themselves as distinct from northern Arab communities. Yasmeen is a Doctor and founded an NGO that aims to prevent genetic diseases primarily in the Bedouin community. There are about 200,000 Negev Bedouin in Israel.
Menashe Amir
Menashe Amir was born in Tehran, Iran in 1940 in the ancient Jewish quarter. He left Iran for Israel in 1959. Amir broadcasts in Persian on Israel Radio International. Amir is one of over 130,000 Israelis of Iranian descent.
Ninet Tayeb
Ninet Tayeb’s father was from Tunisia. Her mother Moroccan/ Algerian. Her parents arrived in Israel separately, both fleeing persecution. Nina is a successful musician, singer-songwriter, composer, DJ, model and actress. There are 10,000s of Israelis who can claim Tunisian descent.
Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh
Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh is a Druze-Israeli. She is a politician and journalist. Her faction, Blue & White are in the present government. She was the first female Druze Israeli politician to become a member of the Knesset.
Natan Sharansky
Natan Sharansky was born in the Soviet Union. As a refusenik he spent 9 years in Soviet Jails. He was the 1st political prisoner released by Gorbachev. When the Soviets eventually opened its doors, a million Jews escaped. Sharansky went on to be a successful Israeli politician.
Sarah Avraham
Sarah Avraham is an Israeli kickboxer. In 2014 she won the Women’s World Thai-Boxing Championship. She was born in India and moved to Israel after the 2008 Mumbai attacks. There are approximately 85,000 Jews of Indian origin in Israel.
Beram Kayal
Beram Kayal is an Israeli Muslim. Kayal is a successful footballer and plays for Brighton & Hove Albion. He has played at the International level since 2008, with 44 senior caps to date playing for Israel. There are over 1.5 million Arab Muslims in Israel.
Natan Abergil
Natan was born in Israel but his family are from Morocco. They fled persecution along with almost all Morocco’s Jews. In Israel a million Jews can claim Moroccan heritage. Natan made his way to Eilat, where ran his own business. He had three children. Tragically their eldest son Assaf, was killed by Palestinian terrorists near Gaza in 2003.
Malka Zaken
Malka Zaken lives in Tel Aviv, she is 92. She was born in Greece and at the age of 12 was deported by the Nazis to Auschwitz. She came from a big family. Almost all perished in the Holocaust. Malka Zaken’s Auschwitz number was 79 679. She has built her new family in Israel and has 3 children.
Daniel Gal
Daniel Gal was born in Algeria. When he was just 5 or 6 he was expelled from school for being Jewish. His father lost his job as Jewish businesses were taken by the state. Under heavy persecution, his family fled to Israel.
Benyamin Tsedaka
Benyamin Tsedaka was born in Nablus in 1944. He is a Samaritan and an Elder of the minority faith. Benyamin lectures worldwide on the Israelite Samaritans. Like other religions such as the Bahai and Karaites that have their HQ in Israel, they are free from persecution in Israel.
Salim Joubran
Salim Joubran is a Christian Maronite (Aramean). He was born in 1947 in Haifa. Salim Joubran was appointed justice in Supreme Court of Israel in 2004. Which made him a sitting judge in the highest court in Israel. He has recently retired.
Gil Hovav
Gil Hovav was born in Israel in 1962. His great grandfather Eliezer Ben-Yehuda came to Ottoman Jerusalem in 1881 from the Russian Empire, decades before the British conquered the area. Ben-Yehuda was the father of modern Hebrew and Gil’s great-great uncle, Itamar Ben-Zion Ben-Avi, was the first native speaker of Hebrew in modern times.
Eli Marom
Eli Maron was born on a Moshav in Israel. His mother was Chinese. His father a refugee fleeing the Nazis. Eli Maron was the Commander of the Israeli Navy between 2007-2011.
Sabrin Saadi
Sabrina Saadi is a religious Muslim from Basmat Tab’un, a predominantly Bedouin town in the North of Israel. Sabrina is a Major in the Israeli police force and works as a Senior Investigator in the youth division at Kafr Kanna. She focuses on violent and internet crimes.
Yitzhak Yosef
Yitzhak Yosef was born in Israel in 1952. He is the Sephardi Chief Rabbi. Yitzhak is the son of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel. Rabbi Ovadia was born in Iraq. There are over a million Haredim (ultra-Orthodox) in Israel.
Miriam Halibi
Miriam Halibi (name changed to protect identity) was born in Aleppo, Syria. Along with her two daughters Miriam was smuggled out of Aleppo in 2015 as ISIS were closing in. The Halibi family join 150,000 Israelis, whose families escaped earlier persecutions in Syria during the 20th century.
Jonathan Elkhoury
Jonathan Elkhoury was born in Lebanon. He is gay Christian Lebanese refugee. Jonathan and his family were forced to flee Lebanon – running from Hezbollah retribution. Now an Israeli, Jonathan tours campuses in the west, debunking lies about Israel that haters tell.
It was possible to keep going. There are Israeli Jews of Libyan, Turkish and Lebanese descent. They fled persecution everywhere, even from places like tiny Bahrain. Jewish refugees came from all over the world. 100k+ from Latin America. A million from the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arab lands.
Additionally, as Jewish people have always lived in the area, there are ancient communities who have lived in the land since forever.
But the point has been made. Who are the Israelis? Now you know the truth.
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This award-winning research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for five years I have been creating headlines. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and anti-western extremism.
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David, isn’t it about time you stopped spreading your hate and lies which have just cost the Daily Mail more than £100k for repeating them?
…. while David makes money by repeating them.
Funny old world.
Oh you have been duped. My report was accurate. Someone wrote a book and instead of blaming the nuteri karta for the comments at the event (as I had accurately done) – they chose to blame the hosts – the PRC. So that has nothing to do with me. Of course the Electronic Intifada smear machine & Jackie Walker just like spreading lies about me which you are clearly supporting.
You are a liar.
Examples of my lies, David?
“BBC Panorama: Lefties furious as expose on anti-Semitism in Corbyn’s Labour up for major award”
Happy Nakba you fascist Sharmuta!
David claims to “fight antisemitism everywhere”
David is telling porkies.
When David was questioned about his claim of’fighting antisemitism everywhere’, which of course is a lie.
Questioner : David, can you go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Do you think that’s a point?
Questioner : David, would you like to go through your record on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : I’m not a member of the Tory Party.
Questioner : Antisemitism exists everywhere, if you are here to fight antisemitism you fight antisemitism everywhere.
David : I agree
Questioner : You seem to ‘specialise’ in antisemitism in the Labour Party, Can you tell me what your record is on exposing antisemitism in the Tory Party?
David : Your question is disingenuous …… I am a member of the Labour Party.
99% of the time you open your mouth Muck.
99% of the time Sharmuta is servicing a client.
Jack shiT, You Fascist Pig,
Perhaps you can confirm or deny whether ANOTHER TERRORIST MUSLIM BASTARD stabbed people in London yesterday – killing 3.
I smell the blood of a Zio.
Be he alive or be he dead,
I’ll grind his bones
to make my bread.
Fascist Pig,
From the River to the Sea,..
Pal-e-SWINE Will Never Be!
Happy Nakba!
Jack T
You claim David lies, but you offer no proof or evidence of such
So please supply details to back up your allegations
Facts only please.
No opinions, just facts, and verifiable links to that evidence
I like this. Having regularly visited ‘non-tourist’ parts of, and people in, the country, and having read extensively about the “Jews from Arab Lands” I am often shocked how few folk actually understand the extreme diversity of the population. From the blackest black to the palest pink white — they are all there!
What about us poor Israelis who left the UK for Israel in order to develop our sense of irony in our country?
Only applies to Zionists, Avi. Pay attention.
Eternal Nakba applies to anti-Zionists.
Happy Nakba, Bitch! 🙂
I have sat in on a libel case against the Daily Mail at the High Court.
The size of the Mails team was enormous and so were its costs.
Therefore the Mail chooses its battles on a time and cost basis
Sometimes they will pay, rather than have the hassle of a court case and its consequential costs.
Sometimes its cheaper to lose a winnable case than go through the attendant costs, in the knowledge that when they win they will still be out of pocket because it is unlikely that litigants would be able to pay the Mails costs
Ah, they choose money over truth and justice.
We both know someone like that, don’t we, Richard?
Micharl, you posted a question 3 articles ago asking what Zionism meant. Did you find out ?
Mr Collier, far-right fascists ran amok in Central London battling the police and anti-fascists. Some would call them Nazis. They were racists and some had swastika tattoos. I’ve seen the photos.
Where’s your sense of outrage and righteousness? Why haven’t you tweeted and blogged about it?
Or is your hatred and smears only reserved for those who criticise Israel and are members of the Labour Party?
– Dr Joe
as these posts do not need registrations to make them, can you please stop using Mengele. This is a website with many Jewish readers. Over the years I have become immune to every level of anti-Jewish hatred, but I must also consider others. It’s enough now. You can carry on posting (I won’t block the IP), but use a name not built around a Nazi when you do so.
“Over the years I have become immune to every level of anti-Jewish hatred”.
Naw, even non-antisemitic occurrences make you spit venom, David.
The hatred is in your own head and heart.
Brutes, Brutes, Brutes, Brutes, Brutes, yyou silly sod. Stop making it so wasy to embarrass you, it’s becoming somewhat boring.
Dr Joe Memegle (aka Dr. Mengele)
David concentrates on Antisemitism.
The entire main stream media deals with ‘right wing’ issues pertaining to the current riotous assembly.
And where there is Antisemitism in the current unrest, I’m sure David will get around to dealing with it
He does not have to virtue signal to suit the likes of you
If you want to write about the ‘right wing’, you’re always welcome to do it, on your own blog
“And where there is Antisemitism in the current unrest, I’m sure David will get around to dealing with it”
You really think so, Mr.Gullible.
This reminds me Michael. 4 articles ago, you claimed to be pro-Palestinian. Have you formed an opinion yet on whether their civil rights will get better or worse when we re-establish sovereignty in Judea and Samaria ?
So, you think you know Boris … David’s hero? They have so much in common.
Michael, in an article about the Middle East, you post an opinion about the UK Tory Party Leader. You claim to be pro-Palestinian yet you will not express an opinion about their former leader Yasser Arafat. How come?
“The whole world must see that Israel must exist and has the right to exist, and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world.”
Martin Luther King
Since then Israel has regressed.
Michael, as a pro Palestinian, is it also your opinion that the lot of the,Arabs in Judea and Samaria has regressed in the last 5 years?
“So you think you know the Israelis?”
Michael, having just posted a link that uses the word annexation, is it your opinion that the civil rights of Arabs will be better or worse when this takes place?
“So you think you know the Israelis?”
Michael, you claim to be pro Palestinian but you dare not express opinions about them, their leaders or their plight. Why?
Shalom David
You Amoretz. Are you Meshuggeneh? This reads as if were written by the Israeli Ministry of Hasbara.
It’s David’s compulsion to write creatively , took it at night school..
Michael, you say you are pro Palestinian. Perhaps you’d like to share some alternative biogs on prominent Palestinians who are making significant contributions to the lives of people in their communities. Do you have any opinions on people like this? Do you have any opinions on Palestinians at all?
Remember Michael, you and I are playing a very long game here and I will wait as long as it takes for you to express an opinion on people and their leaders that you claim to support.
Michael, you are such a queer fish
You are clearly of the opinion that jumping into comment threads and ejaculating “Collier’s a liar” at every opportunity is useful to you in some way. You have said that you don’t care what others think of your approach, even those on your own side and this much is obvious.
What is equally obvious is your total unwillingness to express your opinions on the matters that you claim to care about. You say you are pro Palestinian but will not express any opinions at all about their people, their leaders, their rights or their plight. I ask you frequently and will continue so to do. They aren’t even trickster questions to catch you out. It is just a chance for you to do more than simply re-cycle your inevitable slogans. That was all that Bellers had and look how he ran out of steam.
Farmer tweets, (see what I did there Michael) that Jews building houses is the same as Arabs attempting to murder Jews.
You are the problem Michael.
Collier tweets – “They can’t help themselves. No matter the subject they make sure Israel is mentioned as the problem. From the Fed Reserve to 9/11 to George Floyd they build conspiracies to always suggest the world would be a better place without the Jews in it.
It’s 100% #Antisemitism”
Ok, David. Try and gather a modicum of honesty and truth, borrow some if you must, and explain why you constantly spin criticisms of the Jewish/Muslim/Christian state of Israel as “100% ~Antisemitism”
Collier tweets – “The difference between Starmer and Corbyn could not be more stark.”
Seems Starmer hasn’t the balls to confront the ‘Jewish Community”s wish to lead the labour Party with a lead.
Nothing Peake said was faintly antisemitic … her reference was to Israel ,that Jewish/Muslim/Christian state.
No chance of his mentioning Israel’s desire to flout Int. Law and annex part of the P.T.
Good boy for not reaching for your CAP-LOCKS Michael. I know you feel the need to do this whenever you have to tell us your opinion on what Israel is or isn’t.
Still not comfortable expressing your opinion as a pro Palestinian, on Palestinians. For example, is it your opinion that their plight has worsened in the last 5 years ?
You do refer to annexation though. In your opinion will this improve or worsen the civil right of the people you say you support?
Collier tweets – “✅A Labour frontbencher dismissed for antisemitism
✅The Labour leader explicitly called it antisemitism”
But it wasn’t was it, David?
It was the usual fake accusation because the word Israel was involved.
the smearers and liars from the Zionist community call foul and Starmer jumps. Embarrassing.
Stupid Sharmuta, speaking of “smears”,
Your Pap Smear came back,
Positive for … Eternal Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only fights Labour
Michael, thanks for reminding me. As a pro Palestinian do you have any opinions on their leaders, specifically Yasser Arafat?
You only seem to express opinions here on David, Jews and Tories. Why?
Maxine Peake and Mrs Starmer
Mr Starmer not unlike David then. Defends Israel’s racism before the UK’s antiracism..
Scarecrow and Mrs King
I read your blog, and to my mind you have sailed dangerously close to those famously Antisemitic tropes of ‘Jewish power and malevolent Jewish influence’ -‘invoking the power Mrs. Starmer exercises over her husband when it comes to matters pertaining to British Jews
In so far as making toasts at Jewish functions such as weddings and bar mitzvahs, there are toasts to the Queen/UK and the State of Israel.
So yes, the Starmers do toast this country.
Methinks your hatred for Israel has addled your brain
There is a very interesting course on the birth and multiple lives of Antisemitism run by YadvShem, the Holocaust museum in Israel, on the Future Learn website.
You should do it; you may learn something
Oh yes them aunty semitic tropers. What Israelists resort to when they can’t find any antisemitism. Better than a blank day
A school for Hasbara? in Israel? What a surprise.
Michael as a pro Palestinian is it your opinion that the lot of the Palestinian people has worsened over the last 5 years?
A typically nonsensical and vacuous comment that says nothing but tries to deflect attention from the inanity of your own blog piece.
Are you still trying to drum up support for your blog so that you can feel significant and important
Gulp. Busted
His comment was useful. Now we have an understanding of why Keir describes a non-antisemitic comment as antisemitic.
He doesn’t want to sleep in the shed.
Always wonderful to see you admitting to your own manufactured stupidity