Before we were rudely interrupted by a pandemic, I ran a campaign asking British Jews to put forward names of those who they feel are standing by them in the fight we face against rising antisemitism. They also donated, to honour those fighting with trees being planted in Israel in their names. Forty trees in total have been planted and this week a certificate has been sent to those named here (and some unnamed).
The JNF certificate they received carried this message:
A mature tree has been planted in an urban forest in the Negev, (in your name) bringing life into desert towns in recognition of your bravery and strong stance in fighting antisemitism in the United Kingdom.
You are a true friend of the Jewish people.
Donated by and sent with best wishes from
the Jewish Community in the UK
The fight has a cost
Everyone involved in this battle knows that the fight can carry a high personal cost and not everyone can be publicly recognised. All those named below have given their permission to be listed here.
A few other important points:
- This is not a list I drew up – but one that reflects the wishes of those who supported the campaign. No list could be complete but as someone who has been on the front line – I recognise each and every one of those mentioned. Much of the activity can take place behind the scenes and some have paid a very heavy price indeed for their solidarity.
- Secondly, this is recognition with a present tense. This is about honouring fighters in the field of a battle still being fought.
- No list of this type could be complete. For those who you think have been missed (and we all know some have) – you can still honour them in the same fashion. If you feel a non-Jewish voice has been empowering you, strengthening you, standing by you – then you can go to the JNF page – donate ยฃ50 – and plant a tree in their name. If you want to use the same message as the one I sent out – just put a note saying ‘same as David Collier’s‘ in the message box. Don’t forget to also write the name of the person you wish to honour in this way. If you do not want to do this yourself, use the donate buttons below, send the funds along with the instruction – and I will take care of it.
I can tell you from the emotional response of several of those who have received certificates, this gift is seen as a special one that is truly appreciated by the recipient.
These heroes had trees planted in Israel
The twenty-five included here have all had trees planted in Israel in their name and come from a wide range of backgrounds and from across the UK. Some stood up in their CLPs and became key fighters behind groups such as LAAS. There are some of our Muslim and Christian friends who bravely speak out against hatred of Jews. There are a few politicians who stood by us as Labour imploded and paid a very real price for their stance, along with authors, actors, and journalists who have gone above and beyond what could be expected of them. Others just saw what was going on and bravely chose to stand alongside us. All of these people deserve the recognition given to them:
- Noor Dahri
- Theo Usherwood (LBC)
- Emma Feltham (LAAS)
- Euan Phillips (LAAS)
- Frances Weetman
- Frances Barber
- Richard Kemp
- Heidi Bachram
- Zoe Kemp
- Denny Taylor (LAAS)
- Warren Morgan (Former Brighton Councillor)
- Mark Pickles
- Luke Akehurst
- Michael McCann (IBA)
- Fiyaz Mughal (Muslims against Antisemitism)
- Des Starritt (CUFI – UK)
- Alastair Kirk (CUFI – UK)
- Joan Ryan (former MP)
- Dan Hodges (Mail on Sunday)
- Eddie Marsan (Actor)
- David Elms (ICEJ -UK)
- Mike Fryer (Pastor -Father’s House Sabbath Congregation)
- Eric Pickles (Rt Hon Lord Pickles)
- Joanne (J.K) Rowling
- Nick Ferrari (LBC)
The unnamed heroes had trees planted too
Standing with Jewish people has a personal cost and as we have seen this can be very high. Over the years I have seen our non-Jewish allies face incredible abuse, lose their jobs, friends and be smeared in the most awful ways. For this reason not all can be named. As an example – one who received a ceritifcate has received warnings at work about their online activity and are unable to further risk their job by being mentioned. Others have been ostracised by family and friends. Where possible certificates have been sent out to these people – so they know that we appreciate all that they have done to stand alongside us.
Support this research
We have to fight back against the spread of antisemitism and rising radical Islamism. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover – it is unique, hard-hitting and it goes wherever it needs to. But this research also depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for seven years I have been exposing hate and creating headlines.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history and expose antisemitism. I fight when others don’t.ย Please help If you can, please consider making a donation. Your help makes it all possible.
You can make one-off or regular PayPal donations using the donate button below.
Or by using my Paypal.,me account.
If you wish to provide regular monthly support outside of PayPal you can also do this via my Patreon page
Every contribution is truly appreciated

Trees are one of the most visible signs of life on the planet
Planting trees is such a positive gesture, designed to better the life of people and the planet.
And to plant the trees in honour of people is a wonderful idea
No tree for “Rabbi” Bruce Levy? Lord “Mayer” of London?
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Big surprise that is…..
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Maybe Israel should plant another forest for mentally unstable delusional holocaust denigrating fake fucktard sacks of dogsh1t?
๐ถ ๐ ๐
Such a great idea to plant the trees. Those who defend Israel are indeed courageous. Myself, I’ve had death threats, lost friends, even been sent envelopes full of white powder. They’ll never stop me.
Sure you have, and I’m the king of Prussia!
Happy Nakba! ๐
I haven’t felt so all filled up and emotional since little house on the prairie finished
There are a lot of reasons why a creep like you would have loved Little House on the Prairie. I’m not going to list them here. But you damn well know what they are, you twitch.
> I havenโt felt so all filled up
Yeah. Even you Dumb Bellamy know you’re full of it.
Happy Nakba!
You were always a little small minded
Dear online congregants
During Hanukkah, we’ll celebrate the miracle of light that sustains us even when the world is at its darkest.
This Hanukkah, light a candle for Gaza, and donate generously to Palestinian charities.
It’s a mitzvah.
I will be more than happy to put a match to Gaza at your request “Rabbi”
Unless the IDF does it first….
Happy Hanukkah “Rabbi”
Pleased that Antizionistische Aktion will be joining us at our weekly fellowship ๐๐๐ผ
Have a splendid time with your neo nazi buddies “Rabbi”
Maybe you can bake them some of your world famous boxcar brownies?
Assuming there be a tattooist present too?
Don’t run out of Manischevitz or it could all get a bit ugly…..
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
You’re on another planet Scoffy.
What makes you think Antizionistische Aktion are neo-Nazi? They’re a human rights group.
Because they’re against your beloved apartheid state? Or for some other reason?
The guy who has to pretend to be a Rabbi and also pretend that I’m someone I’m not just to get through his day thinks that I’m “on another planet” ๐ ??
Once again Loonster Levy redefines the word IRONY
Shabbat Shalom everyone….
“Hamas asks Justin Bieber to cancel gig in Israel”
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
How about that for a headline?
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Very nice of Hamas to show such concern for Israeli music lovers in this way….
Israelis would most certainly be better off not having to endure the warblings of the awful Bieber….
Shalom dear online congregants
Rather than support the criminal, land-grabbing JNF, why not do a mitzvah and Plant-a-Tree-in-Palestine?,Jewish%20National%20Fund%20(JNF).
I’m planting 1,000,000 Gharqad trees in Gaza and the West Bank.
So far, so good.
Happy Nakba! ๐
Chant this…
From the River to the Sea,
Happy Nakba!
hmm it looks like David’s latest manifestation of early onset dementia has made him a laughing stock.
Well what a fucker. A bunch of illegal settlers just uprooted all those trees David broke his back planting
I thought Collier’s antisemitic seedlings were run over and destroyed by IOF bulldozers.
ImaM Oron,
I pray for Eternal Nakba for World-Wide Jihad.
Happy Nakba!
David Collier @mishtal wrote:
“All over the world nations are trying to plant more trees – but when the Jews do it – the haters turn it into something underhand, deceptive and evil. Classic antisemitism”
I was in the Palestinian village of Budrus during Land Day when some villagers attempted the peaceful act of planting a few tree saplings. Do you know how the subhuman Zionist barbarian vermin reacted? They shot at unarmed Palestinian men, women, the elderly and children with rubber bullets and tear gas grenades. Then they brought in their white Skunkwater van.
Yerse Brucie, the same place that an Arab woman gets beaten and raped by Jews every 3 minutes……………and she’s getting really fed up of it !!!!
Ian, my friend! I found you again and had to remind you of your bold, declarative statements about NSO Group: “What I will say is that business is business boychik and Israel will sell what it wants to whom it wants for a decent wedge.” Guess you were entirely wrong, huh? Weird!
Are you a little more fimilar now with how modern, international business and trade operates, including the use of tarriff’s, restrictions, and sanctions, etc? See, other countries really don’t like it when their industries and citizens are targeted for unwarranted and illegal surveillance by offensive systems such as those sold by NSO Group, Candiru, and others. That, I assume, would include Israel.
Welcome to the real world! Any thoughts? Other than my being a horrible, vivcous anti-semite for criticizing Israeli companies and Israeli approval (And in some cases outrgiht promotion) of sales of this class of surveillance technology?
You’re awfully quiet Ian now that you have been exposed as a fraud and a coward. Care to answer the original question or are you gonna stick to sarcastic, abusive posts bordering on racism and ignore any attempt at actual discussion?
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Gaffe machine,
> Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
You have ZERO Self-Awareness
Happy Nakba you Fascist Pig!
Skunkwater is made of ImaM Oron tears.
Tears of Eternal Nakba.
Happy Nakba! ๐
Not quite sure what you mean.
Or are you back to your contexless, empty allegations that you throw around like confetti at a wedding.
A few days ago you posted one of your old charges that ex Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks was a ‘racist’.
I’ve asked you many times for evidence and proof to back this mindless allegations; and here we are years later still waiting for this proof
Maybe it’s you that’s the racist, and you’re just using Rabbi Sacks as a foil to conceal your racism
Stephen is not the brightest….
Jew hating vermin do tend to fall into the severely mentally challenged category….
“Rabbi” Levy and “I never think about Jews from one day to the next” Bellamy are clearly no exceptions…..
Ah well…..
Shabbat Shalom everyone…..
I know you were a coward and a liar but not to this extent. I honeestly don’t give a shit about the Israel-Palestine quagmire. Israelis have turned so far right tthe Palestinians will always be their subjects, the religious nutcases are in total command.
But you my little cancel culture warrior, still lying and trying to destroy reputations at will, huh? What a sad, empty life.
I’ll be around buddy, even though you no longer have the spine to post my comments. Maybe time to start chipping away at your professional security. Make your Uni aware of some of the more obscene things you have said and done, like libeling free individuals on a regular basis for your personal benefit. The IHRA may come in to play. We’ll see, I haven’t made my mind up yet.
Having scanned this contribution from Gaffer, I am certain that this was meant as a post for another site. This is not the first time this has happened.
These people do not appear to be (for the most part) mentally stable do they Ian?
Must be an anti-Jew thing?
Nope, it was written to David for David. My comments were delayed and my impatience led me to accuse David, without merit, of censoring me. I do apologize for that.
And of course it’s a jew thing for you, it always is. Especially when It’s convenient to help you guys avoid any actual debate or discussion or answer any sincere questions.
Really, you are pathetic propogandists and nothing more. You lie about people, make empty accusations, admit no facts that don’t comport with your narrative, and refuse accountability. You’re just as bad as the jew-haters on the right and left. Your words are empty.
But I can’t help it. I’ll keep shouting in to the wind to maybe some day have an honest discussion about the concerns I’ve raised. We (meaning all of us) need to agree to international limitations and controls on ALL of this technology and it’s sale to, and use by, corrupt regimes. This technology, currently developed and sold by Israeli companies, is being used to modernize the infrastructure of the world’s worst dictatorships and suppress the freedom of millions of people and must be stopped.
No one has discussions with you because you never post anything worth discussing or debating.
From the comments you have posted, they all seem to be either insulting or semi-abusรฌve and of no worth in general
HAHAHA! Really? So, everything I mentioned above, and the thousands of news articles already written about NSO Group, Israeli government involvement in the approval of these sales, and the blacklisting of these companies by the US government is not worth debating or discussing?
Really? Jerusalem Post, JTA, etc ALL believe differently. What do prefer to discuss then? How Palestinians are all a fake people, born of whores and terrorists, and only the glorious Jews can settle the ancient lands of the Eastern Med?
You pretend to have very high bar, for topics, except ffor the little tattle-tale games you all play on this site, that bar is about 1 fucking inch off the ground.
Take care you pathetic wretch of a propagandist. You couldn’t acknowledge the slightest criticism of an Israeli comapny because you are a salesman marketing a product. Good luck with your limited, short-sighted and vacous vision. It is going to get you nowhere.
Hay SHlTlerhead,
“F” Al Qada
“F” Hez-ebolz
“F” Taliban
“F” Sand Nazi Iran
“F” Boko Haram
“F” Jihad
“F” Infantacide
“F” the Fascist Left
and “F” Fascist Pal-e-SWINE
What on Earth do you suppose a comment like that is going to accomplish? I knew none of you had the intellectual capacity nor the moral courage to engage in a discussion, vigorous and antagonistic though it may be.
I don’t recall mentioning ANY of those organizations in my questions, you must have clicked the wrong copy-pasta from your basement. Again, another pathetic little racist who thinks I give a shit about insults and hate against Palestinians.
Since you clearly can’t read, my comments are all about NSO Group, Candiuru, etc and the Israeli governments that have facilitated the sale of these products to vicious dictatorships. But tell me more about your juvenile little racism, that seems to get you distance with the rest of the mouth-breathers on this site.
Do you need any Nakba Dressing
for your Nakba Word Salad?
Happy Nakba! ๐
> What on Earth do you suppose a comment like that is going to accomplish?
It reminds people that Jihadist, Terrorist, Cruel, Radical Islam is at War with the ENTIRE WORLD.
The Terrorism that Israel faces, that Civil Aviation faces, that assassinated Sir David Amess is a World Wide Problem.
I hope you are willing to debate how Radical Terrorist Islam should be defeated.
Oh, did I hurt your fee-fees? Suck it up buttercup, this is the real world, not the comfortable little hate cocoon and echo chamber you all have created for yourselves here.
You can’t be serious about insulting and abusive comments. Just rerad some of th vile, racist comments peppered throughtout every article on this site. But tell me more about worth!
Gaffe is just a Bot.
Happy Nakba to All! ๐
Happy Chanukah! ๐
Dear online congregants
A Shabbat meditation:
“After the Holocaust,
the worst thing that
has happened to
Jewish people is
the state of Israel.”
Bob Avakian
Shabbat shalom everyone. ๐โก๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ
As a “Jewish People” who ate Fulda’s kosher catering, I reckon that was worse.
The worst thing that ever happened to the Jewish people was not having a Jewish state to escape to between 1933-1945….
Ken Dobkin
Shabbat Shalom everyone….
Except for the Palestinians.
Nurse will be round with your meds shortly Loonster…
A post of personal insult and invective.
What are you trying to say. The English language is a wonderful thing; but it can also become quite unintelligible and messy if it is badly used. At least you mostly refrained from cussing and using upper case capital letters, and mostly used correct punctuation
Do try and up your game.
David, where in North London can I purchase Team โฅ๏ธHAMAS ๐ต๐ธ footie kits? โฝ
ImaM Oron, Try the “Jihad Shoppe” in Fascist Gaza.
Happy Nakba! ๐
I’m sure these guys can help you with that one Loonster….
You can visit them in Wormwood Scrubs….
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Shabbat Shalom everyone…….
Golders Green High Street is closer.
Shabbat Shalom from your favourite Rabbi! โก๏ธ๐
ImaM Oron,
Happy Nakba from the UAE ! ๐
Hamas now banned and proscribed by our esteemed Home Secretary….
Gotta love our Priti…..
Shabbat Shalom everyone…..
It’s well-known that members of HM Government are owned by the Judeo-Nazi Zio cabal in apartheid Israel. “Their kind” are calling the shots.
Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s Shabbat. I’ve got to pray.
Shabbat Shalom everyone โก๏ธ๐๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ
Brucie is correct. His freedom to bleat about Israel on London streets is a gift from the powerful Zio supporting UK government and its Zio paymasters and his freedom to write about it here is the gift of a Zionist Jew.
Zios are literally pulling Brucies strings. If he wants to be a Rabbi today, or a baker or a candlestick maker it is because we allow it. Now, shall we let him kick his little legs in the air ?
Bruce can pretend to be whatever or whoever he wants to be….
I have no problem with that actually……
But having to pretend those he converses with are not who they are (just to get by) is a little bit spooky…..if you don’t mind me saying….?
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
But that does seem to be a standard pro Palster thing to be honest…..
They are generally not the most mentally stable of folk….
Are they……?
Barbaric Sand Nazis of Pal-e-SWINE LOOOOZ to little Jews.
Gotta Love it.
Happy Nakba! ๐
Join me Sunday when we discuss the age old-question: “Is it Kosher to punch a Zionist in the face?”
Hope so Brucie, or my wife is going straight to hell.
Weren’t you hinting that you were now a Zio, lighting your ‘menorah’ and all that ?
During Hanukkah, not only am I lighting the menorah for all oppressed peoples, but I encourage those who practice Judaism, real authentic Jews, to light an extra candle for Gaza.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to ๐โก๏ธ
I was going to humiliate Brucie with a gag about the Chanukiah and a “Special Branch” but our boy knows all about them.
ImaM Oron, I’m lighting a Hellfire missile for Sand Nazi Gaza.
P.S. Happy Nakba! ๐
It is Halal to send Jihadis to 72 virgin paradise.
It’s all about The Nakba.
Happy Nakba! ๐
ImaM Oron,
This is Kosher. Happy Nakba! ๐
Oh dear David has just outed himself as an anti muslim bigot on twitter. Further confirmation of my long held belief that if you tweet enough you will eventually reveal your off duty thoughts.
Of course since I am never off duty this doesn’t bother me.
Hmmmm. I’m having some on and off duty thoughts about Colin the Caterpiller cake from M&S. Nice with a brew.
Oh yeah, and Israel’s brilliant and Stephen’s weird, blah blah blah.
Yes of course Bellers…..
David’s highlighting of the antisemtism that is endemic in the UK Muslim community clearly exposes him as an “anti Muslim bigot”…..?
Nurse will be round with your meds shortly….
Now tell us again how you don’t think about Jews from one day to the next….
You first Ken. How many hours have you spent thinking about inuit today ?
Eliyahu Kaye ืืืณื, of South Africa…..
A Chabad yeshiva student. A lone soldier. A son. A brother. A bridegroom to be only weeks before his wedding….
Killed by a Palestinian terrorist this morning as he walked to the Kotel for prayers, holding his tefillin. Because he was a Jew, in the Jewish homeland.
To all the family – there are no words. Our hearts are with you.
No words.
We are all with you.
Dear Hashem please comfort his family and all our people…as only You can.
With prayers for Moshiach now…for an end to suffering and peace everywhere and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in accordance with the messianic prophesies….
And may the redeemer come to Zion and let us say…..
I will recite a prayer of redemption for this ghoul’s soul.
I will also pray to HaShem for the souls of the innocent Palestinian men, women and children who were maimed and murdered by the IOF killing machine.
An innocent young bridegroom to be on his way to pray at the Kotel?
What a disgusting demented hateful sack of d0gsh1t you are Levy…..
You and your cretinous kind are the real reason why there will never be peace between Israel and the Palestinians….
Hope you are proud of yourself “Rabbi”
๐ฐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Hey Scoffy, show some respect for your friendly neighbourhood Deputy Chief Rabbi.
I encourage you to study Talmud and especially the Bava Metzia.
You may learn something that may extinguish your foul language.
But likely not.
Hey “Deputy Chief Rabbi”
Nurse will be round with your meds shortly…..
Sweet dreams…………
Infuse the Jihadi’s carcass with Bacon Grease.
That will deny him residence in Islamic Paradise – but Damn him to Eternal Nakba.
Jihadis are acting typically savage, depraved, barbaric.
See the recent murder of British MP David Amess and the Premature Detonation of the Liverpool Taxi Jihad.
Islamofascism, Terrorism, Jihad is a World-Wide problem. Resist it with Extreme Prejudice.
Dear blessed online congregants. I was approached by a good kind, gentle friend who implored me to answer the question “Deputy Chief Rabbi, is it Kosher to punch a Zionist in the face?”
Like racists and Nazis, Zionists are anti-democratic, violent and immoral, amongst other things. Many people argue that violence, when used against Zionists, IS justifiable. Others say Zionism is just like any mental illness, disease, virus or cancer. But can a swift, strong punch in the face cure it?
Zionists by their support of a racist, apartheid state, bring the Jewish religion into disrepute and magnify antisemitism, so I believe the fewer Zionists there are in circulation, the better.
Do you agree or not?
I hope I encouraged thought and reflection regarding this ago-old question on this blessed day.
โืฉึฐืืึทืข ืึดืฉึฐืืจึธืึตื ืึฐืืึธื ืึฑืึนืึตืื ืึผ ืึฐืืึธื ืึถืึธึฝื
Have a peaceful week.
So Brucie, when I asked you whether lighting your Menorah was you telling us you were a Zio now, I’ll take that as a YES !
Is it Kosher to punch a demented fake “Rabbi” in the face?
A fake “Rabbi” that supports the rape of young Jewish women?
A fake “Rabbi” who also thinks he’s a “Mayer” when the reality is that he is just a bit of a c@nt?
Yes…..I do believe it is…..
Nothing fake about me bubula. I’m a legally ordained Rabbi.
You’re a legally ordained Imam.
ImaM Oron.
I agree. You’re absolutely right Edward ..
You’re a M Oron.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to ๐โก๏ธ
Nothing fake about a “Rabbi” that has zero knowledge of the Messianic prophesies which are basically the bedrock of Judaism ? Who doesn’t know what a Kosher oven is or what a Kosher phone can or can’t be used for ? Who doesn’t know what the breaking of a glass at a Jewish wedding signifies ??
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Now off to Highgate Cemetery with you and start picking up the dogsh1t before your parole officer sends you back to the slammer where you belong….!
“Rabbi” ๐ฐ๐๐ฐ
I always though that Bellers was permanently off duty.
Oh well
His brain certainly is….
๐ ๐ง ๐
Brucie babes the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist
Where is proof of your Rabbinic ordination etc.
I’ve asked you dozens of times for evidence of it,and you can’t supply said evidence because it doesn’t exist
You are a FAKE
Hey Dick
Join my congregation and I’ll be glad to provide you the details.
Send me your address, so I can post you a membership form as well as membership fee levels. High Holiday service tickets are always included.
It’s a mitzvah to give.
Deputy Chief Rabbi Dr Levy
Don’t forget your high viz vest and electronic tag “Rabbi” Levy….
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Now off to Highgate Cemetery with you….there’s dogsh1t that needs picking up…..
๐ถ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
DEPUTY CHIEF RABBI if you please.
The only ๐ ๐ฉ that needs disposing of is YOU.
Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to pray ๐โก๏ธ
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
That is all…….
“Ken,” you truly are a piece of ๐ฉ.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to ๐โก๏ธ
“RABBI” ??????? hahahaha….
The stink of dogsh1t has clearly wrecked what was left of your tiny brain…..ah well….never mind………
Now don’t forget your meeting with your parole officer…….there’s a good loon…..
ImaM Oron,
Send my regards to
Terrorist Pal-e-SWINE. ๐ท
Kier Starmer said, โAnti-Zionist antisemitism is the antithesis of the Labour tradition: It denies the Jewish people alone a right to self-determination; It equates Zionism with racism, focuses obsessively on the worldโs sole Jewish state, and holds it to standards to which no other country is subjected; And it seeks to paint the actions of Israel as akin to the crimes of those who sought to annihilate European Jewry in the Shoah .โ
โAnyone who has visited a Holocaust memorial, a concentration camp or spoken with a Holocaust survivor will be struck by the cruelty of that charge, will have grasped the resolve of Israelโs founding fathers to make a reality of the words โNever Againโ and will understand why โ for so many Jews โ Israel will always stand as the ultimate guarantor of their safety.โ
Well said Sir Kier….
Now there is a man I could vote for โ
How much gelt do you figure Starmer received from the Judeo-Nazi Zio cabal in Tel Aviv? I figure quite a lot.
No doubt he’ll be well taken care of when he retires.
If he lasts that long.
Brucie whining about the supreme power and impact of the Zio Lobby again? Rather the point really.
Handy hint. Want better results get better lobbyists with proper influence and bigger brown envelopes. Simple really.
Edward’s violent, Islamophobic video is posted, but one must ask why a popular, catchy and wholesome music video is censored?
I’ll leave you to decide why.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to work on my model boxcar collection.
Don’t forget to pray for the swift coming of Moschiach and the rebuilding of our temple in Jerusalem in accordance with the messianic prophesies “Rabbi”
And never forget that it is your duty as a Rabbi (as a Jew) to do that every day….
And may the redeemer come to Zion and let us say…..
Shalom online congregants
I’m off to visit Palestinian and Jewish anti-Zionist comrades in a few days.
In the meantime, enjoy this hit Egyptian song from the great Shaaban Abdel Rahim (may his memory be a blessing): “Ana Bakra Israel.” (Google it). It’s quite good and should be regularly broadcast on Radio 1.
I’d link to it, but the Zio gatekeeper censors it.
Ignore Bruce Levy….
He seems to think he’s the Deputy Chief Rabbi…
But his real job is picking up the dogsh1t in Highgate Cemetery….
Poor Demented Loonster…..
That is all…..
David, since I’ll be in Palestine, please send details of and directions to the IOF base where your daughter’s stationed.
Just want ten minutes alone with your daughter, to talk and pray with her so she can see her error turning tricks for a few shekels to the warmongers of the degenerate apartheid state and return ASAP to the kind, tolerant and peace-loving UK.
Toda Raba.
Your Deputy Chief Rabbi
& Mayer of London
And remember Brucie, the freedom to post this comment here has been gifted to you by a Zionist Jew.
There is no such country called Palestine Brucey….
It does not exist….it never has….
But if you are going to Israel I’m sure that the Mossad will give you the warmest of possible welcomes….
And I’m sure they will soon put you to work…..picking up dogsh1t on the beaches of Tel Aviv….
I’m a keen traveller too Ken and was quite taken by this “Palestine”. I had a look on Skyscanner and Kayak but couldn’t find any info on flights and such. Any idea which airline does this and where they fly to? Reckon there are direct flights from Israel ?
Maybe Brucie means the Philippines.
A “Zionist Jew”? Are you kidding me?
Zionism is the antithesis of Judaism.
And again, just a friendly reminder Brucie, that the freedom to post this comment here has been gifted to you by a Zionist Jew.
Zionism was born out of Jew hatred….
Plain and simple….
Without Jew hatred then there would be no Zionism….
It would not exist because it wouldn’t need to exist…..
Zionism is essentially the gift of self determination to the world’s Jews….
And those that are against it clearly have an inherent hatred of Judaism…..
There is no better way to express one’s Judaism than to be a Zionist….
That is all……
Hey “Ken,” ๐ ๐ฉ you’re talking out your arse.
By your reasoning, white supremacists chose to be white supremacists because they were persecuted for being white.
Zionism share many similarities with white supremacy.
Now go and study the Talmud
Pray ๐ for the safety and well-being of your Deputy Chief Rabbi. Pray that he isn’t tortured, shot or killed by IOF sniper terrorists and that he fulfills his mission to bring much needed aid to innocent Palestinian civilians.
Pray ๐ too for David’s daughter who was brainwashed into using her body as a weapon of war to sin and commit evil. Pray that she finds the right path that will lead her back to the kind, tolerant, moral and peace-loving UK.
Pray for this and pray for the health, well-being and prosperity of our true leader Jeremy Corbin. May it’s current leader, that thing, the cursed Starmer, be cleansed by eternal fire.
HaShem of this we pray and ask you to grant.
Let us all say: “Amen.”
“Deputy Chief Rabbi” Loonster Levy….
Spectacularly losing the plot Live on the Internet here on a daily basis….
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Some days more so than others as you can plainly see…
I almost feel sorry for the poor loon….
Suggest that you get used to how things are….
Because no amount of fake Rabbi fucktardery on your part is ever going to change anything…..
Think about that…..and have a great day….
Enjoy your stay in the world’s only Jewish state…..
It’s here to stay….
๐ฎ๐ฑ ๐ โค๏ธ
I’m in Israel and loving it
Hey Dick, let’s meet up in Nablus!
Hey Dick, I’ll be waiting for you outside the Mosque near the souk in Nablus.
There are several human rights activist mates who’d love to meet you.
Richard, I’m a bit worried for our Brucie. Some sharp telesales girl from Thomas Cook has clearly sold the daft booby a bent package deal. I’m still checking online to see what flight and hotel deals are available for this “Palestine” but it just keeps saying ” Did you mean the Philippines?”. I don’t know whether he’s allowed to use credit or debit cards again but maybe you should tell him to check his documentation very carefully.
I’ve heard of some activists that are so thick that they don’t notice that Portugal has been crossed out on their e-Ticket and “Palestine” written in in Orange crayon. They end up posting snaps of themselves on a donkey in Praia da Rocha thinking they’re in Jenin. Wouldn’t want some dodgy holiday rep making our Brucie look daft. He does fine on his own.
Nablus is as good a place as any to get yourself martyred Bruce….
And just think about all the money you will save on not having to pay for a return flight to the UK….
It’s a win – win for us all…
“Ken Dobkin” on November 25, 2021 ๐๐ฉ wrote:
“And just think about all the money you will save on not having to pay for a return flight to the UKโฆ.”
Typical of what ‘your kind’ would say “Ken.”
Join me for a quick prayer:
Dear HaShem, we pray to you for the complete dismantlement of the apartheid state and for the cleansing in mind, body and spirit of those who support it.
Amen ๐โก๏ธ
Yes it’s not like our esteemed “Deputy Chief Rabbi” would ever advocate violence against anyone that dared to disagree with him is it?
Apart from face punching / raping / holocaust denigrating etc…?
Btw I have got news for you Levy….
Hashem thinks you are a c@nt
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
And who can blame him?
Am Yisroel Chai
The IOF of your precious, degenerate, so-called “Jewish State” (actually a Judeo-Nazi state) certainly advocates the use of violence including torture, rape and murder.
The Democratic and Jewish state of Israel is here to stay
Open up and suck on that…
Am Yisroel Chai
Now why would I want to meet a twirp like you in nablus
Maybe if it’ was a real rabbi studying about the first capital of Israel before Jerusalem was chosen it would be a different matter
If I’m meeting anybody, it will be at the Kotel in Jerusalem or the beach at Hertlia . Beautiful places both of them
What kind of a “Deputy Chief Rabbi” would want to meet up with somebody outside a mosque?
Surely a “Rabbi” would want to meet outside a synagogue ๐ ?
Maybe Brucey isn’t a Rabbi after all?
Seems that his cunning disguise has slipped once again…..
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
“Ken” ๐๐ฉ
The mosque is an easily recognisable landmark even for imbiciles like Dick – and it’s convenient to grab a mint tea nearby.
Now is Dick up for it or not?
As expected. Brucie was sold a package deal to “Palestine” but ended up in Luton. Surely the National Express coach should have been the dead giveaway to the old booby.
I look forward to hearing about what kind of a welcome a genuine “Rabbi” like yourself (๐) is afforded by the regular congregants of that mosque in Nabulus…
Don’t forget to tell them that you are not a Zionist….
If you get the chance…..
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Thursday in America was Thanksgiving, or as some, including myself, refer to it as; “The National Day of Mourning.”
During my time spent traveling around the American west several years ago, I visited many Native American Reservations and you know when you think about it, there are striking similarities with Palestinians.
Native Americans lost their land at the hands of the US Army and white settlers, just like Palestinians are losing their land at the hands of the IOF and Judeo-Nazi Zionist Israeli settlers.
The Native American tribe members who I spoke to on ‘The Res’ were empathetic towards Palestinians and expressed a great disgust with and hatred towards Israel, seeing Zionists as land-grabbers, guilty of genocide, murderers and theives.
A few told me they’d love to travel to Palestine and help their Palestinian brothers “finish off” the the dark forces of Zionism, even if it meant doing it with a bows & arrows.
Personally, nothing would please me more than seeing the IOF “finished off” like General George Armstrong Custer’s army was at Little Big Horn in the nineteenth century. Remember, we pray to HaShem for peace WITH justice.
I pray that one day, an army of Native American warriors will help their Palestinian brothers wipe the Zionist gangster militia off the face of the Earth.
Several years ago, I remember attending the Russell Tribunal on Palestine in New York City where the famed Lakota Native American human rights activist Russell Means helped prove apartheid Israel GUILTY of crimes against humanity.
So this year, let’s give thanks for the support Native Americans are expressing for their Palestinian sisters and brothers and again join in prayer to HaShem for the speedy dismantlement of the apartheid state.
The USA or as I like to call it WASONA (White Anglo Saxon Occupied North America) is more of an apartheid state than Israel will ever be…..
The reservations that you refer to are concrete evidence of that….
Like the Aborigines in Australia the Native Americans have been (and are still) very much the victims of European white supremacism and colonialism and brutal ethnic cleansing…..
However the Democratic Jewish state of Israel has been the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people for more than 3,000 years….
It is the Jews who are the indigenous natives of Israel and not the Arabs….
So no need to pray for Palestinians who were offered a country that was never there’s and turned it down….
Stupid is as stupid does….as Forest Gump would say…..
Am Yisroel Chai….
Hey ๐๐ฉ “Ken”
You’ve never visited America. And you never will, given the fact you’re a convicted criminal.
However, I am free to visit and live in apartheid Israel/Occupied Palestine and the US and have widely travelled throughout both countries, both in personal and other capacities. I’ve even been to Gaza.
Conditions Palestinians are forced to endure in apartheid Israel are very similar to the conditions of impoverished Native Americans. Disgraceful.
If only I had a ๐น
End of story.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to ๐ โก๏ธ
Yes I also stayed in Gaza around 10 years ago and stayed in a beautiful luxury hotel overlooking a 25 miles beach called the Al Deira (Google it)
๐ ๐ โฑ๏ธ โ
Whilst I was there I was thinking to myself that this must be exactly how the European colonisers treated the indigenous Native Americans centuries ago….
I have also been to New York and Miami….
But I preferred Gaza….
For all America’s faults, I never recalled seeing separate motorways used by different ethnic groups under penalty of law.
Been to Israel many times
Never seen separate motorways there either….
You are living in a permanent fantasy world Levy…..
Maybe this will refresh your poor memory “Ken.”
It’s very simple really………
Since when were Arabic speaking Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula the indigenous peoples of a Hebrew / Aramaic speaking country ?????????
Fact is that Jews/Israelites were speaking Hebrew in a country called The Kingdom of Israel nearly 2,000 years BEFORE the 1st Arab even turned up
The Arab invasion of the Middle East took place in the 7th century….and because of that the Arabs now control 99.6% of the Middle East…..
And yet (laughably) it is ISRAEL that are accused of being the land thieves ????
Is 99.6% of the land really NOT ENOUGH ??
Stop stealing Jewish land that you have no legal claim to…..and then maybe we can all live in peace one day……
Am Yisroel Chai…….
Hey “Ken” ๐๐ฉ
The similarity between the situation faced by the Native Americans over a century ago as a result of American colonization of their land and the situation which exists today in apartheid Israel as a result of Zionist occupation of what was formerly Palestinian territory.
โฌ๏ธ โฌ๏ธ โฌ๏ธ
Hey “Rabbi” ๐ฐ
There is absolutely zero similarity between what happened to the Native American people centuries ago and what is now happening to the Palestinians….
Mainly because it is the Jews who are the indigenous peoples and the Arabs who were the invaders and colonisers…..
Sorry that you appear to be too stupid to grasp that simple truth…
Ah well….
Am Yisroel Chai…..
On my way down to Hebron. Lots of crazed Judeo-Nazi settlers who call themselves Jews live here and attack Palestinians without provocation, much to the amusement of IOF soldiers.
Who knows, your daughter may be one of them Collier, since the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Make sure you visit the memorial to the 1929 Hebron massacre when 69 Jews were murdered by Arab extremists….
Disgusting really…..
Remembering the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre.
29 Muslim worshippers murdered in cold blood and over 100 injured by crazed (they’re all crazed) Zionist, Baruch Goldstein.
Remembering the Hadassah hospital massacre too
79 doctors nurses patients murdered in cold blood by Arab “activists” whilst the British army stood by and allowed it to happen….
Just disgusting
Am Yisroel Chai
Funny how a “Rabbi” cares so very little about Jewish lives being lost and yet so very much about non Jewish lives when they are lost ?
Wonder why that could be?
Ken, don’t confuse the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist with facts. He is already so confused by reality that in his apparently paranoic state he has given himself so many fake titles in an attempt to enhance his limited personal status
Bruce is way too stupid / bigoted to grasp the simple truth that the Jewish people reclaiming their ancestral homeland is one history’s greatest ever recorded VICTORIES over colonialism….
The Jews succeeded (against all of the odds) where the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines has so far tragically failed…
Am Yisroel Chai….
Brucie babes, the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
The Arabs from the Arabian heartland attacked and colonised the entire area of North Africa and the Middle East and Levant and imposed their language and religion on the local inhabitants on threat of death if they didn’t acquise.
One of the most successful occupation and colonisation of all time
Dhimmi status is the optimum form of apartheid
Study and understand history and you might learn something
I’ve sussed out this “I’m a Rabbi, honest” shtick from our Brucie. Initially I just assumed it was his clumsy way to wind up Joos. Now, I reckon there’s more to it. Think about this. A casual reader who is neutral to yids and Israel and knows no better reads the comments from our daft barn pot. They see “Rabbi” without knowing the game, and think ” Wow, Rabbis are wankers. I hate Rabbis. Rabbis are Jews. I hate Jews”. Mission accomplished for our house troll.
Genius on one level, then I reminded myself that this is the dope that bought a ticket to “Palestine” and ended up in Luton.
Shabbat Shalom to all friends and supporters of the world’s only Jewish state….
Am Yisroel Chai….
Shabbat Shalom to all my online Jewish friends and congregants, from Occupied Palestine.
Brucue, this is your friendly reminder that the freedom to post this opinion was gifted to you by a Zionist Jew.
Enjoy Luton.
Enjoy Luton?
Luton is home to Yonatan Scoffmanโs BFF Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson) and his EDL mates.
That is all.
ImaM Oron,
Enjoy Nakba?
It’s the answer to your prayers.
Happy Nakba! ๐
Happy Channukah! ๐
Luton is home to Yonatan Scoffman’s BFF Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson) and his EDL mates.
*Shabbat exempt by permission of HaShem and the Chief Rabbi.
No such thing as “Shabbat exemption” to post on the internet Loonster…..
Like everything else he posts on here this only exists inside his head…
That is all….
Brucie, the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
There are both Jewish and Muslim Israelis. The roads are for Israelis of all religions, colours and creeds
Palestinians are not allowed onto some roads because they want to kill Israelis.
If this fact is to difficult for you to process, maybe you should go back to school to learn to think and apply critical reasoning
Hey “Dick”
Who to believe? A Zio apologist like yourself or the experiences of countless Palestinians who were, and continue to remain, VICTIMS of Judeo-Nazi Israeli apartheid.
I will set you straight. Meet up in Hebron Sunday, near Al-Shuhada Street?
Or better yet, will treat you to a stylish Palestinian tattoo at the tattoo shop here. Lots to educate you about.
Brucue, this is your friendly reminder that the freedom to post this opinion was gifted to you by a Zionist Jew.
Enjoy Luton.
Brucie the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
I’ve already told you that the only place that I have any interest in meeting a twerp like you is at either the Kotel in liberated Jerusalem or Hertzlia beach, beautiful places both m
Hey “Dick” – The one who grew up in apartheid South Africa, now finds himself in apartheid Israel. No wonder you like it so much.
Brucue, this is your Zionist Overlord with a friendly reminder that the freedom to post this opinion was gifted to you by a Zionist Jew.
Now, enjoy Luton.
Isn’t Luton also the home of some Islamist bombers and sundry other terrorist types who like to murder and maim civilians?
“The Dick” shows his true colours as an Islamophobe.
Replace “Islamist” with “Jewish” and see what happens.
Brucie babes, the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
Where I was born was totally out of my control, but for Antisemitic twerps like you, that reality would never make sense
As it is, having lived in South Africa during apartheid I do know the realities of apartheid first hand, unlike a twerp like you who only knows it second hand and for propaganda and purposes of Antisemitism and Antisemitic activities
When/if NSO is guilty of a crime, then you can say whatever you like
If NSO sells legal goods to others there is no crime, even if you or anyone else feels wronged
But if NSO sells products that are illegal, then that’s a different matter
If NSO sells legal goods too other countries and companies, then NSO is guilty of no crime if those entities use it for nefarious doings
You, or anyone else, can get all het up and angry over NSO’s activities as much as you like, NSO has broken no laws, even if their actions may be morally wrong
You waffle along with a stream of meaningless rhetoric and the occasional expletives but you say very little with your ramblings and baseless accusations
That is why there is nothing to discuss and debate with you
A very warm welcome to Israel to Miss South Africa Lalela Mswane who has arrived to take part in the Miss Universe contest due to take place in December….
Lalela is about to see for herself that “apartheid” in Israel is nothing but a disgusting lie perpetuated by anti Jewish racists and bigots…..
Am Yisroel Chai…..
โI light this candle for the fighters against occupation and oppression, in the spirit of the Maccabees, who were the sons of this soil!โ
๐ ๐ฏ๏ธ
“in the spirit of the Maccabees, who were the sons of this soil!โ
Correct Bruce…..
They were there 800 years before the first Arabs turned up…..the same Arabs that now claim to be the indigenous peoples of what was (and is now) the world’s only Hebrew speaking country…..
In the spirit of the festival of Hannukah I’m glad we can agree on something…..
Happy Hannukah everyone…….
One of my favourite Hanukkah songs
From Adalah-NY
Shekels, Shekels, Shekels
(tune: โDreidel, Dreidel, Dreidelโ)
They have a little camera
It knows your hands and face
And when itโs at the checkpoint
It keeps you in your place
Oh. shekels, shekels, shekels
To keep the folks at bay
When HP does surveillance
Ten million they will pay
Your movement is restricted
Your attitude is checked
They lock you in your ghetto
Repression they perfect
Oh, shekels, shekels, shekels
To keep the folks at bay
And when they build apartheid
Ten million they will pay
Ethnicityโs important
They put it on your card
Thatโs how they know to build a wall
Between your house and yard
Oh, shekels, shekels, shekels
To take the peopleโs land
But if you boycott HP
For freedom you will stand
But if you boycott HP
For freedom you will stand
“Jerusalem, holy ground whose name means โAbode of Peaceโ, sacred home to people of all faiths, occupied land, we grieve.
Apartheid Israel’s actions are violations of international law and an action of deep imperialism and racism.
Our hearts break for Palestinians, and for all the people this move will harm, and for the land itself, which belongs to no one.
And we strengthen our resolve to keep working, fighting, praying, singing, and joining our voices in protest with people all over the world who are outraged by this move.
We will keep resisting because it is our sacred duty to do so.
We refuse to let our spiritual traditions be mangled by the maw of nationalism and racism.
We resist Zionism BECAUSE of our Judaism, because it is engraved in our hearts and souls to keep working for collective liberation, until we are all free.
And inshallah, Baruch ha Shem, we will keep working and singing and fighting for Palestinian dignity and liberation and the crushing of settler colonialism and imperialism everywhere, with our benevolent ancestors at our backs and our beautiful powerful web of dreamers, artists, and change makers by our sides, drawn by our visions of peace and self determination for all people.”
We REAL Jews EMBRACE Zionism BECAUSE of our Judaism….
This is because we know in our heart of hearts that the nations of the world will not stand up for the Jewish people when it really matters….
History has taught is this most painful and bitterest of lesson….
But as long as the world’s only self defined Jewish state exists and continues to flourish we REAL Jews know that a tragedy like the Shoah will never happen to us ever again….
Am Yisroel Chai…..
Your REAL Joos are about as real as a ยฃ3 note, “Ken.”
๐ That is all.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray. ๐โก๏ธ
And you are as much of a Rabbi as your beloved fuhrer and idol Jeremy “Adolf” Corbyn is…..
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Happy Hanukkah everyone
Are you telling me that there were no Islamist bombers and civilian killers from Luton.
In my opinion you are both an Antisemite and a bigoted racist, and I have given my reasoning many times preciously
In your twisted and warped mind you failed to notice that I used the the term ‘Islamist’, and not Muslim.
So little master fake rabbi, do read the posts and try to understand them before replying
To all my friends and online congregants
๐ต๐ธโก๏ธ๐ HAPPY HANUKKAH EVERYONE! ๐โก๏ธ๐ต๐ธ
๐ ๐ฏ๏ธ
There were assimilated Jews who aided and assisted the Greeks, possibly even fighting with the Greek oppressors against the Jews. I would say you are one of those types of Jew
So little fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator, try to think before you mindlessly put finger to keyboard
Hey Dick, your comment reads like the ramblings of a madman.
This year, as in past years, during the festival of lights, light an extra candle for the people of Gaza and Occupied Palestine, victims of the racist doctrine of Zionism.
Let us pray this Hanukkah for the peaceful dismantlement of apartheid Israel.
๐ต๐ธ ๐ฏ๏ธ ๐ต๐ธ
“your comment reads like the ramblings of a madman”
So says “Doctor” Levy the self proclaimed “Deputy Chief Rabbi” ?????????????????
YET again Loonster Bruce manages to redefine the word IRONY………….
Happy Hannukah everyone……
Happy Hanukkah everyone….when we remember and commemorate the recapture and reconsecration of our holy temple by the Maccabees in 164 BC – around 800 years before the Arab invasion of the Middle East.
And may it be the will of Hashem to send Moschiach to us quickly so that our temple can be rebuilt in it’s original location in the holy city of Jerusalem….
And may the redeemer come to Zion and let us say….
Btw does anybody else find it odd how Arabic speaking Palestinians claim to be the indigenous peoples of what was (and is again) a Hebrew speaking country?
Do they really think we are that stupid?
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ฎ๐ฑ โค๏ธ
And don’t forget dear online congregants and friends, this Hanukkah, light a extra candle for Gaza ๐ฏ๏ธ
Another song for Hanukkah
from Adalah NY
โก๏ธ ๐ โก๏ธ
(tune: โDreidel, Dreidel, Dreidelโ)
I have a little dozer
OK itโs not so small
And when Iโm good and ready
Iโll smash down your front wall
Bulldozer, dozer, dozer
I smash your house to clay
And when Iโm good and ready
Ethnic cleansing I shall play
So boycott boycott boycott
Join the rising tide
For our sisters and our brothers
Stop funding apartheid
So letโs divest from CAT now
Let the aggression cease
Love your neighbor, not destructionโ
This season, work for peace!
Brucie, this is your Zionist Master with a friendly reminder that the freedom to post this content was gifted to you by a Zionist Jew.
Now, wrap up well. It’s snowy in Luton.
A little self penned ditty for Hannukah…..
To the tune of Dreidel Dreidel……
No pity for the Pallys
They were offered a country
Chose war instead of peace
Oh what stupidity !!
Their cause is undeserving
Unworthy of sympathy
Their “plight” is self inflicted
Always has and will always be !!
So if you support the Pallys
And those terrorists Hamas
It’s clear to everybody
That you are a horse’s ASS
And the fake Rabbis & bigots
Who don’t like Israel
Will burn for an eternity
In the ninth circle of HELL !!!!!!!
HAPPY HANNUKAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t give up your day job “Ken.”
Don’t give up yours either “Rabbi”
Now back to Highgate Cemetery with you where you belong! There’s dogsh1t that needs picking up…
Don’t forget to put on your high viz vest and ankle tag…
๐ ๐
๐ถ ๐ฉ
Brucie the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
Calling the majority of Jews not real Jews is a bit rich coming from someone who pretends to be a rabbi as you do, and whose links to Jewish knowledge and religion appears tenuous at best
You are a Holocaust revisionist who makes a mockery of the six million who were mass murdered because they were Jews in the eyes of Hitler and the Nazis. And you support the people who were allied with Hitler and agreed with his methods of genocide towards the Jews
Libelous comments Dick.
ImaM Oron,
Don’t forget what happened to David Irving.
Happy Nakba you Fascist Pig!
David Irving? Isn’t he your idol DeadHeadEd?
And Edward, you’re correct as always. You are a M Oron.
Have a ๐ day!
The ramblings of a madman. Typical Zio.
Happy Hanukkah Dick.
I’ll pray for a miracle that you’ll one day be a normal human being.
“Iโll pray for a miracle that youโll one day be a normal human being.”
Says the guy who calls himself “Doctor” and “Deputy Chief Rabbi” and “Mayer of London” ????
๐ฐ ๐ ๐ ๐
I would pray for you Levy but you are too far gone….
Way too far…..
Heartwarming to see the gdp of Israel soaring year on year whilst the gdp of the terror state of Iran just keeps on plummeting….
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Oh BDS what a difference you are making……
Happy Hanukkah everyone….
But true on the available evidence
Until you prove otherwise, you’re a fake that’s pretending to be a rabbi whose speciality seems to be making mindlessly stupid comments in an attempt to be provocative.
You come across as a petty little man with a large chip on his shoulder with limited entertainment value
Keep going if it satisfies your lust for attention
A little self penned ditty for Hannukahโฆ..
To the tune of Dreidel Dreidelโฆโฆ
No pity for the Pallys
They were offered a country
Chose war instead of peace
Oh what stupidity !!
Their cause is undeserving
Unworthy of sympathy
Their โplightโ is self inflicted
Always has and will always be !!
So if you support the Pallys
And those terrorists Hamas
Itโs clear to everybody
That you are a horseโs ASS
And fake Rabbis & bigots
Who donโt like Israel
Will burn for an eternity
In the ninth circle of HELL !!!!!!!
HAPPY HANNUKAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
๐ฏ๏ธ ๐ ๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ
โI light this candle against injustice and discrimination, in the spirit of the best spiritual leaders of Judaism throughout the ages!โ
โI light this torch for the fighters against occupation and oppression, in the spirit of the Maccabees.โ
The Maccabees reclaimed Jerusalem and reconsecrated our temple….
And this is why we celebrate Hanukkah…
May it be the will of Hashem to send Moschiach to us quickly so that our temple can be rebuilt in it’s original location in the holy city of Jerusalem in accordance with the messianic prophesies…..
And may the redeemer come to Zion and let us say….
On this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People – Nov 29 UN Resolution 32/40 B
Londoners stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Palestinian people against their oppressors. ALWAYS AND FOREVER!
๐ต๐ธ #PalestineDay #FreePalestine ๐ต๐ธ
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pray ๐โก๏ธ
2005 Muslim Jihads murdering Brits in London
Location London, England
Date 7 July 2005; 16 years ago
8:49โ9:47 (UTC+1)
Target Public aboard London Underground trains and a bus in Central London
Attack type: Suicide bombings
Weapons Improvised explosive devices
Deaths 56 (including the 4 bombers)
Injured 784
Hasib Hussain
Mohammad Sidique Khan
Germaine Lindsay
Shehzad Tanweer
Motive Islamic terrorism
ImaM Oron,
Remember, it’s always
From the River to the Sea,
Pal;-e-SWINE Wul NEVER BE!! ๐
No Hanukah goodies for you Edward. Off to bed now.
Sweet Dreams you Dumb Sack of Socialist SHlTler!
Your dreams are the only place where Pal-e-SWINE prevails
When you wake up NAKBA is reality.
Please continue to collect your tears for Skunkwater.
The spirit of the Maccabees is alive and well and living in the hearts of the brave soldiers of the IDF…..
Just like their predecessors they are protecting the Jewish people from enemies that have sworn to destroy them….
Many have tried to do that over the centuries but they have all failed….
May Hashem and the brave soldiers of the IDF continue to successfully defend Eretz Yisroel from all it’s enemies for ever more….
Itโs Beginning to Look a Lot Like Failure
(to the tune of โItโs Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmasโ)
๐ถ It’s beginning to look a lot like failure
Thanks to B – D – S
All the headlines are rolling in, listing Zionist sins
With all their Hasbara and settlement crimes on show
It’s beginning to look a lot like failure
Israel’s on top no more
All the world has started to see, the apartheid state they be
And wonโt buy any more.
It’s beginning to look a lot like failure
Thanks to B – D – S
There’s a piece in the UK Press, on the BBC as well
Exposing the apartheid state for rotten deeds we know
It’s beginning to look a lot like failure
Soon the chants will start
And the thing that will make us sing, is the boycott that weโll bring
Until the wallโs apart.
Since BDS was formed in 2005 the economy of Israel has shrunk from $600 billion to $191 billion….!
Oh sorry….did I say Israel?
Silly me….
I meant to say IRAN ๐ฎ๐ท
Since 2005 the GDP of Israel has DOUBLED from $200 billion to $402 billion……
Great job BDS……
Prayers for day 3:
๐ ๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ
โI light this candle for human dignity and human rights!โ
โI light this candle against injustice and discrimination, in the spirit of the best spiritual leaders of Judaism throughout the ages!โ
โI light this candle for the fighters against occupation and oppression, in the spirit of the Maccabees, who were the sons of this soil!โ
Brucie, this is your Zionist Overlord with a friendly reminder that the freedom to post this opinion was gifted to you by a Zionist Jew.
How was Luton?
I am in a cafe off Al-Manara in Ramallah discussing plans for apartheid Israel once it implodes.
So The Hatters Hummus Hut on Luton High Street then Brucie ?
Of course I am happy to remind you that your freedom to post here is a gift from a Zionist Jew.
I highly recommend Stars & Bucks.
Much better than the international coffee chain of a similar name that I boycott.
Go to “Stars & Nakba”.
Try the NAKBAchino.
The Maccabees reclaimed Jerusalem and reconsecrated our first templeโฆ.
And this is why we celebrate Hanukkahโฆ
May it be the will of Hashem to send Moschiach to us quickly so that our temple can be rebuilt in itโs original location in the holy city of Jerusalem in accordance with the messianic prophesiesโฆ..
And may the redeemer come to Zion and let us sayโฆ.
You were complainingthat no one will debate or discuss anything with you
I replied that no one will debate with you because you don’t have anything to say other than low insult,invective and meaningless rhetoric
And you reply using language that confirms everything that I have said about you
I’m wondering when the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator decides to become an Imam and claim to be ‘Mayyer” of Ramallah or Gaza,positions that would suit him admirably
Day 4
Join your Deputy Chief Rabbi by lighting the Hanukkah candles and pray: ๐โก๏ธ
๐ ๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ
โI light this candle against the settlers who take by force possession of the land that belongs to others, contrary to the Jewish values they profess to honor!โ
โI light this candle for human dignity and human rights!โ
โI light this candle against injustice and discrimination, in the spirit of the best spiritual leaders of Judaism throughout the ages!โ
โI light this candle for the fighters against occupation and oppression.”
Brucie, this is a friendly reminder from the that your freedom to post your opinions here is a gift from a Zionist Jew.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
And for the avoidance of doubt Brucie, a gentle reminder that your freedom to post here is a gift from a Zionist Jew.
He’s a great big magnanimous old Dave.
The Maccabees reclaimed Jerusalem and reconsecrated our first templeโฆ.
And this is why we celebrate Hanukkahโฆ
May it be the will of Hashem to send Moschiach to us quickly so that our temple can be rebuilt in itโs original location in the holy city of Jerusalem in accordance with the messianic prophesiesโฆ..
And may the redeemer come to Zion and let us sayโฆ.
BTW, there were NO MUSLIMS or MOSQUES in Jerusalem,
or anywhere else at that time either.
Bus load of Jewish kids on their way to a Hanukkah party racially abused and spat at in LONDON….
There are those who would excuse this behaviour saying it is to be expected because of the so called “crimes” of the Jewish state of Israel ๐ฎ๐ฑ
The same people who excuse this behaviour will also maintain that Israel is not a Jewish state?
These people…..are not very bright…..
Let’s talk ZIonism.
Take it from your learned Deputy Chief Rabbi. Zionism encourages antisemitism and is the Jewish people’s worst enemy.
Zionism is without any doubt the best thing that ever happened to the Jewish people….
For the first time in nearly 2,000 years the Jews of the world have a thriving and vibrant country and sanctuary to flee to should they need it….
The only tragedy is that Israel did not exist when it was really needed most…
But it exists now and thank goodness it does….
Am Yisroel Chai…..
“Ken Dobkin” on December 2, 2021:
“Zionism is without any doubt the best thing that ever happened to the Jewish peopleโฆ.”
If that’s so, why then are so many Israeli Jews emigrating? More Jews are emigrating from your beloved state than immigrating.
And skyrocketing numbers of Americans are disgusted with Israel and are distancing themselves from it.
Stop treading water “Ken”.
If what you say is true “Rabbi” ๐ฐ then how come the population of Israel is growing and not shrinking?
Not the brightest are you Levy?
The numerous crimes of the apartheid Zionist (NOT Jewish) state is amplified and twisted by Zionists claiming that whatever apartheid Israel does, it’s in the name of all Jews.
By calling apartheid Israel a JEWISH state, YOU bear much of the responsibility for this incident.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray ๐โก๏ธ
Israel defines ITSELF as a Jewish state…because that’s exactly what it is…
Much like Iran defines itself as an Islamic Republic…..and do you have a problem with that? No of course not….
And whatever Israeli citizens (Jews or non Jews) vote to do in their own democratic country is up to them and nobody else….
Besides the vermin in this video were not targeting Zionists….they were targeting Jews…..
As a someone who likes to call himself “Rabbi” (๐ฐ๐) what do you think of that?
What if one of the people on that bus was you?
(as if ๐)
“Your kind” loves nothing better than to BLUR the line between Jews and Zionists. Not all Zionists are Jews and not every Jew is a Zio.
The finger of guilt of most (not all) antisemitism incidents points to people like you who refer to Israel as a “Jewish state”.
Never was.
Never is.
Never will be.
As I previously stated, the worst enemy of Jews is Zionism.
Zionism fosters antisemitism.
How hard is that to understand?
Israel is the world’s only self defined Jewish state….
Always was
Always is
Always has been
Always will be
I (and millions of others) refer to Israel as a Jewish state because that’s what it is….
The clue is in it’s flag….
Sorry if you are too thick to understand that…..
Btw there are many other countries that have a self defined religious identity so this is not something that is new…..
If I don’t like the vile human rights abuses that are institutionally perpetrated by the government of the Islamic Republics of Pakistan or Iran does that give me the right to abuse ALL Muslims?
If course not…..
The very idea of it is ridiculous…..
And yet you are happy to defend incidents of antisemtism in LONDON because of what may or may not be happening thousands of miles away in another country?
You just achieved a new low “Rabbi” ๐ฐ
Anyway Happy Hanukkah everyone…..
Day 5
Chag Urim Sameach!
May this yearโs Festival of Lights be a festival of hope, happiness, love and good health.
Happy Hanukkah to everyone!
Join your Deputy Chief Rabbi by lighting your Hanukkah candles and reflecting with me on these prayers: ๐โก๏ธ
๐ฏ๏ธ ๐ ๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ๐ฏ๏ธ
โI light this candle against the Zionist hooligans who cut down Palestinian trees, steal Palestinian olives, and destroy thousands of Palestinian homes.”
โI light this candle against the settlers who take by force possession of the land that belongs to others, contrary to the Jewish values they profess to honor!โ
โI light this candle for human dignity and human rights!โ
โI light this candle against injustice and discrimination, in the spirit of the best spiritual leaders of Judaism throughout the ages!โ
โI light this candle for the fighters against occupation and oppression.”
The Maccabees reclaimed Jerusalem and reconsecrated our first templeโฆ.
And this is why we celebrate Hanukkahโฆ
May it be the will of Hashem to send Moschiach to us quickly so that our temple can be rebuilt in itโs original location in the holy city of Jerusalem in accordance with the messianic prophesiesโฆ..
And may the redeemer come to Zion and let us sayโฆ.
Hey “Ken”
“And whatever Israeli citizens (Jews or non Jews) vote to do in their own democratic country is up to them and nobody elseโฆ.”
Apartheid Israel a “democratic country”?
Are you kidding me?
Our Brucie may be unaware of this, so let’s clarify for him. The freedom to post here is gifted to him by a Zionist Jew.
That’s nice.
Hey “Rabbi” ๐ฐ
“Apartheid” ????????
Are you kidding me ????????
Am Yisroel Chai……
I love it when dimwits like the fake rabbi claim that Zionism causes Antisemitism.
Israel hadn’t been resurrected and Zionism was only a part of the bigger Jewish community of Europe in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, yet Antisemitism existed in all European countries as well as most countries of the world before and during Hitler’s reign of terror
So how does the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator explain that without resorting to the most ridiculous conspiracy theories, which is his way anyway
Pogroms happened centuries before modern Zionism existed. It’s a thousand years since the Jews of York were herded into a barn and massacred when the barn was ignited by the Antisemitic mob
Hey Dick
Obviously you didn’t read my comment. Or if you did, you conveniently omitted this:
“The finger of guilt of most (not all) antisemitism…”
Enough time has been wasted on you.
To the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
We don’t have to ‘kid’ you, you manage to achieve that quite well without any help from anyone else
Last weekend I met with a survivor of The MS St Louis incident….
In 1939 around 900 Jewish refugees fled nazi Germany on this ship after being granted visas to enter Cuba. However when they arrived in Havana the Cuban authorities changed their minds and refused to let the refugees disembark….
The ship was then turned away from ports in Miami and Canada. When asked how many of the Jewish refugees they would be willing to take the Canadian government famously replied “None is too Many”.
The boat was ultimately forced to return to Europe…
Only half of the passengers that returned survived the war…..
If only the Jewish state of Israel had existed back then to take in these refugees (and millions like them)
There are some people who think that that Israel is the worst thing that ever happened to the Jewish people? How thick they must be? Embarrassing too?
The lady I met who survived this incident as a 15 year old girl does not agree. She thinks that Israel is the best thing that ever happened to the Jewish people….
And I agree with her…..
Am Yisroel Chai……
This beautiful prayer was emailed to me by one of my congregants.
“Let us pray this Chanukah, as we light the Menorah ๐ and eat latkes and apple sauce, for the peaceful dismantlement of apartheid Israel, that there’ll be peace with justice as members of the Israeli government are held to account for their crimes, just like the Nazi war criminals were at Nuremberg in 1946.
May the light of the Menorah also represent the light of liberation for Palestinians as well as all oppressed peoples.
May the light of the Menorah represent the complete cleansing of the evil doctrine of Zionism, and illuminate what REAL Jewish values are to those that call themselves Zionists as well as to all supporters of apartheid Israel.”
The Maccabees reclaimed Jerusalem and re-consecrated our first templeโฆ.and reclaimed the country that was stolen from them more that 800 years BEFORE the Arab invasion of the Middle East……
More than 2,000 years later in 1967 the IDF recaptured Jerusalem and the Kotel – the holiest site in all of Judaism – and the Hanukkah lights were lit at the site of our temple once again…..
Truly a modern day miracle…….
And so let us NEVER forget the REAL reason why we celebrate Hanukkahโฆ
May it be the will of Hashem to send Moschiach to us quickly so that our temple can be rebuilt in itโs original location in the holy city of Jerusalem in accordance with the messianic prophesiesโฆ..
And may the redeemer come to Zion and let us sayโฆ.
This lady likely doesn’t live in apartheid Israel.
The Zionists treat elderly holocaust survivors like human garbage and only wheel them out when they use them as propaganda to prop up the apartheid regime.
Poor Brucie Levy desperately clutching at straws with this attempted obfuscation….
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Doesn’t matter where this lady lives….
She thinks Israel is the best thing that ever happened to the Jewish people…..
She thinks that because of what happened to her as a young girl and the persecution she suffered JUST FOR BEING JEWISH….
If you (a Rabbi ๐ฐ) can’t empathise with that then how can you call yourself a Rabbi?
How can you call yourself HUMAN?
^^^^^Rabbi D.Ense B.A.std^^^^^
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Descended from a long line of B.A.stds…..
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Suddenly it all makes perfect sense…..
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
If I’m clutching at straws, “Ken,” why are you always responding as if it’s a matter of life and death?
Temper temper, Brucie. Were the Luton locals mean to you?
Luton? No. Not anywhere near Scoffy’s EDL allies.
Still in Ramallah, though yesterday I visited Al Quds and Sheikh Jarrah.
Rabbi D.Ense B.A.std
Not only has to create a fake identity for himself but also those he converses with
What a first class Loonster our Levy is…
And that… all…..
Word in the shul “Ken” is that a certain tv channel is in the production stages of an investigative series about the connection between Britain’s Zionists and racist right-wing fascist groups.
Your chance to make an arse of yourself on the national stage “Ken “
Nice summary of
– Hezbola
– Taliban
– Fascist Iran (Marg Bar Iran)
– Al Qada
– Boko Haram
– Muslim Brothehood
– UK Laboor Party (hence their stunning loss a the Polls)
– Jihadis (London’s 7/7, Assassination of MP David Amess, Taxi bomber, Pan Am 103)
Happy Nakba to Pal-e-SWINE and Jihadis EVERYWHERE! ๐
Apartheid Israel committed acts over decades that has made it an international pariah and outcast.
Every new atrocity that the apartheid state commits draws the attention of the international media and triggers protests and demonstrations throughout the world.
All the while, Zios like Scoffy, Collier, Zio Dracula, Richard “The Dick” Galber, KKKlaff and others play the victim and claim anyone who’s against the “Jewish State” is antisemitic. What a load of Boยฃยฃocks!
Calling apartheid Israel a “Jewish State” fuels incidents like the one that recently took place in London.
The Zios and Israel apologists have no one but themselves to blame for being the cause and trigger of this shameful incident (and all the facts are not known) that took place in London, one of the most tolerant cities on Earth in one of the most tolerant countries on Earth.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray. ๐โก๏ธ
“The Zios and Israel apologists have no one but themselves to blame for being the cause and trigger of this shameful incident”
๐ฐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Kind of like rape victims being responsible for acts of rape?
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Yes of course….makes perfect sense…?
Bigots like you will always find a way to excuse their vile rasism and bigotry…
Rabbi D.Ense B.A.std is not the brightest is he poor lad….?
Ah well never mind…..
Shabbat Shalom everyone….
And Happy Hanukkah too…..
Brucie Levy the fake rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator seems to have diarrhea, verbal diarrhea.
He’s posting his Antisemitic drivel so regularly that he must be at a loose end with lots of time to kill
Shabbat shalom and Chag sameach from the Jewish State.
(Soto voce. I like saying that. For some reason it makes Brucie lose his shit.)
Not in my name!
Apartheid Israel is NOT a Jewish state. It’s a ZIONIST state.
Shabbat shalom and Chag semeach.
Happy Nakba to ALL Pal-e-SWINIANS and their thuggist, racist, jihadi supporters.
Happy Chanukah! ๐
Of course not in your name. That would make it the Bruish State.
Everyone knows it’s the Jewish State, silly !
I’m in the Jewish State of Israel thoroughly enjoying all the Jews and everyone else
Friendly advice to Brucie. If you’re traveling back from Luton today, please bear in mind the congestion on public transport. The Hatters are away to Blackpool in the footie and it will be bedlam at the National Express station. Allow plenty of time to avoid the crowds.