The antisemites and their defenders

The obsessions of Antisemites Most people do not understand antisemitism at all. The question “what did he say that was antisemitic” is one almost immediately encountered when challenging antisemites. But antisemitism is not just about individual acts – anti-Jewish hatred is a mindset. The antisemite carries a grossly distorted view of how things work. To an antisemite the world would be much better if only … Continue reading The antisemites and their defenders

Durban IV hatefest

Durban IV – The UK Government must withdraw – NOW!

In September, the United Nations gather to commemorate twenty years since the 2001 Durban conference. It is the fourth gathering of its type – hence Durban IV. The original conference in 2001 was a pivotal event in the spread of antisemitism throughout the west. If there is any truth to the Government’s stated position of taking the fight against antisemitism seriously – any truth at … Continue reading Durban IV – The UK Government must withdraw – NOW!