
Academics against Jews – another shameful story

The ultimate purpose of peer review is to maintain integrity and standards in academic research. It is therefore a policing exercise. Academic research that has undergone peer review is considered to be validated and can be published in respected academic journals and spread around as ‘science’.  Wikipedia, other academics, journalists, and students build from these journals safe in the knowledge that the peer review system … Continue reading Academics against Jews – another shameful story


Victory – as Glasgow University apologises for publishing antisemitic article

Last December I ran an exclusive about a deeply antisemitic conspiracy article that was published in the academic esharp magazine at Glasgow University. ‘esharp‘ is an ‘international online journal for postgraduate research’ and Glasgow University is very proud of the outlet. The University website even states that all the post-graduate papers are double-blind peer-reviewed. Having read the paper and researched it thoroughly, I complained that … Continue reading Victory – as Glasgow University apologises for publishing antisemitic article

Glasgow University main image

Glasgow University publishes antisemitic conspiracy theory

Glasgow University is ranked as a top UK university. The University is a member of the Russell Group. It runs a platform called esharp which is an ‘international online journal for postgraduate research.’ The University is very proud of the outlet. It states that all the papers are ‘double blind peer reviewed’. The university claims that the ‘rigorous and constructive process is designed to enhance … Continue reading Glasgow University publishes antisemitic conspiracy theory