Palestinian lies – built upon Jewish blood

Those who have no history have to steal one. Anyone who spends time on social media has seen these pictures. Images from the British Mandate held up by anti-Israel activists to ‘prove’ that there was a land called ‘Palestine’ before the Jews ‘invaded and stole it’: As we all know, these images betray the ignorance and foolishness not just of those who post them – … Continue reading Palestinian lies – built upon Jewish blood

Nakba 1948 myth

Pillars and Myths – destroying the false narrative of the 1948 Nakba

I witness pro-Israeli arguments online every day – and one of the things that always depresses me is when I see those defending Israel get stuck down pointless rabbit holes. Anti-Israel activists are only interested in the present ‘what’ – as in ‘the prisoner’, ‘the checkpoint’, ‘the wall’ – and they do this because this is where they are comfortable. These propagandists deliberately avoid the … Continue reading Pillars and Myths – destroying the false narrative of the 1948 Nakba

November 2nd to November 29, Twenty-eight stepping stones to partition

On 2 November 2017 we celebrated the Balfour Declaration centenary. On the 29th November, we celebrate seventy years since UN resolution 181 – the United Nations ‘partition plan’. Looking at much of the discussion over Balfour, there is still clearly misunderstanding over the process that led to the creation of Israel. The Balfour Declaration was a stepping stone, an important point of recognition. Yet the … Continue reading November 2nd to November 29, Twenty-eight stepping stones to partition


The Mandate: From 1919 to civil war, antisemitism and Bergen-Belsen

I have been spending time recently in the British Archives at Kew. I am working on a project (with Jonathan Hoffman) that is due to be published on Sep 4th. It has meant spending time, inside the files that recorded the British view of the events of the Mandate. Engaging with the mindset of those that wrote the documents. This ‘perspective’, and the bias behind … Continue reading The Mandate: From 1919 to civil war, antisemitism and Bergen-Belsen

The myth of Balad al-Shaykh. A massacre that never happened

This is the story of how a small engagement at Balad al-Shaykh, at the start of the 1947/1948 civil war in the British Mandate of Palestine, became the story of a full blown massacre with its own wiki page. I have uncovered documents that reveal the Balad al-Shaykh massacre is little more than part of the bubble of anti-Israel distortion. Here is the report: It … Continue reading The myth of Balad al-Shaykh. A massacre that never happened