Bristol University submits to Islamists

The University of Bristol submits to the Islamists world vision

It has been a long, difficult and so far unsuccessful fight by Jewish students at the University of Bristol. Professor David Miller has spent much of the last two decades mapping conspiracy theories about ‘Zionist’ power, dressing them as academia – and then teaching them to students. Since serious complaints about him surfaced, he then turned his conspiratorial mind towards the Jewish students themselves – … Continue reading The University of Bristol submits to the Islamists world vision

David Miller

David Miller’s antisemitism – Bristol University shares the blame

David Miller must live in a dark world and his recent comments about Zionism and the Bristol University Jewish Society were outrageous. But none of this is new. Miller has been dripping this type of poison for well over a decade. Given his history, the University of Bristol must take responsibility for having given him a role in the first place. David Miller Before David … Continue reading David Miller’s antisemitism – Bristol University shares the blame