‘Keyboard Warrior’ – How an undercover activist exposed London’s Jew-hating elites – repost from Mishpacha Magazine (journalist Gedalia Guttentag – photo Mendel Photography)
Not all he seemed
It was a remote place to pick for a high-level strategy meeting. In late 2016, a group of activists made their way to a building on an industrial estate in west London, climbed a staircase to the second floor, and seated themselves around a few tables.
The group was a Who’s Who of the anti-Israel movement in the BDS capital of the world. Just a few months before the centenary of the Balfour Declaration — and mere miles from where British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour had written his historic letter of support for Zionism — the activists were planning to mark the occasion with a new offensive against Israel.
All except one of the assembled. Despite his kaffiyeh, BDS badges, and regular appearances on London’s pro-Palestinian scenes, “John” Collier was not all he seemed.
That’s because his real name was David, he was actually a pro-Israel investigative blogger, and he was wired up with recording devices to share details of the meeting with the world.
“I sat next to one of the key figures in the movement talking about strategy,” recalls David Collier from the comfort of his North London home, “and suddenly it occurred to me that here I was in the belly of the beast, and that if they found out, I would be in real trouble.”
Six years later, with Amnesty International — a UK heavyweight in the anti-Israel world — releasing a report accusing Israel of apartheid, Collier connects the dots between that meeting and London’s status as BDS capital of the world.
The gathering at the industrial estate was just one of a steady stream of stories about the anti-Israel scene that Collier reported. His painstakingly researched investigations lit the fuse on the scandal of Corbynite anti-Semitism that blew up in 2018, contributing to the Labour Party leader’s downfall the following year.
But as the Amnesty report shows, Britain’s anti-Israel scene is as viciously effervescent as ever. Coming just three years after Jeremy Corbyn’s close brush with power, it raises the question of why one of the most historically tolerant of countries has become a central hub of bigotry.
From close encounters with the mix of hard-left and Islamist activists who drive the BDS campaigns, Collier has the answer: It’s a “Red-Green” coalition, or Britain’s history of socialism colliding with failed policies on representation of Muslim communities.
David Collier has an academic background, but he’s also a fighter. Now too well-known to his foes to report from the trenches, his blog and social media accounts are the conduit for a torrent of lacerating reportage and commentary trawled from the cesspools of the anti-Israel ecosystem. His language is combative — “the enemy,” he calls his foes, “hateful anti-Semites.”
But even as this lone ranger continues his keyboard war, contributing to tactical victories such as the fall of the Corbynistas, he’s alarmed by the creeping success of the Britain-born anti-Israel movement. It’s now urgent, he says, to fight back using different tactics.
“Amnesty’s report comes from a system so dark and filled with hate that it’s more suited to the 15th than to the 21st century. You can’t fight it by getting caught in their individual allegations, but by exposing how they want to destroy Israel.”
Carnage Up Close
Infiltrating the BDS world is not how a young David Collier would have predicted his future career, but a relentless nature, combined with witnessing both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict up close, decided his path.
“I sat on the Tel Aviv beachfront and heard the explosion that hit the Dolphinarium disco in June 2001,” he recalls, “and was walking towards Allenby Street as Café Bialik was bombed in March 2002.”
Born in 1960s London to an unaffiliated Jewish family, Collier followed a then-conventional route after school, and in 1987, headed to Israel to spend time working on a kibbutz.
That “gap year” stretched to almost two decades in the country. But kibbutz life quickly gave way to the lure of capitalism as the new arrival — with only a shaky grasp of Hebrew — started his own business providing tourism-related services to both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as to NGOs operating in the country.
“Up until the start of the Second Intifada, I was as likely to be in Jericho or Ramallah as in Tel Aviv or Haifa,” he says. “In September 2000, I was there on the ground, in Ramallah, Bethlehem, Jericho, and Nablus, as the peace process collapsed in violence.”
An early precursor of Collier’s keyboard warfare came via his business activities. “It was before the Facebook era, and I was good online, so I would go on chat rooms where people were trying to find out about visiting Israel. I’d talk about the country and then plug my business.
“But then came the Second Intifada, and there were thousands of accounts talking about the conflict. I was pushing nonsense at first, but I have an inquisitive mind and researched what the Israel-haters said, and bit by bit started to understand their mindset.”
The unraveling of the Oslo Accords in 2001 was a grim time to be in Israel, as suicide bombings rocked the country and the tourist-driven economy cratered. Collier’s views on Israel’s struggle were shaped by close encounters with Palestinian terror, such as the bombings he witnessed in Tel Aviv. But those views became part of a larger tapestry when he began tracing threads that led to the land of his birth.
Having long settled into Israeli life, the reality that Britain was emerging as part of the international terror scene struck home in 2003. Collier had finished talking to a friend who worked in Mike’s Place, a Tel Aviv bar. Hours later, two British Muslims blew themselves up in the tourist spot, and the friend died along with two other Israelis.
“Those suicide bombers weren’t oppressed Palestinians from Gaza or Jenin, but British lads from London and Derby.”
Despite feeling more Israeli than British, by 2006 — after almost two decades in the country — Collier decided to return to London.
Difficult Homecoming
The Britain he returned to felt very different from the one he’d left in the mid-’80s when he came to Israel.
In the wake of the anti-Israel hate fest at the UN Durban Conference in 2001, Marxist academics in Britain tried to launch an Israel boycott. That effort sputtered, but it birthed what is now the global BDS movement.
It was in that atmosphere of left-wing Israel demagoguery, centered on college campuses, that David Collier returned to university to study management and ethics.
As a mature student, Birkbeck College — part of the University of London that caters to his demographic — was the natural place to go. Birkbeck shares a campus with SOAS (the School of Oriental and African Studies), a hotbed of Palestinian activism dubbed the “School of Anti-Semitism,” and Collier was quickly drawn into the fray.
“In the Gaza wars of 2009 and 2012, I saw hostile anti-Israel demonstrations and was told by pro-Palestinians that they wanted to nuke Israel.”
Still shocked by the ferocity with which left-wing sentiment had turned on Israel, the British Jewish community was mounting its own defense, including counter-demonstrations. David Collier didn’t play a part in these — in fact, he was going his own way.
“I wasn’t part of the UK Jewish establishment,” he admits. “I feel Israeli. I’d been away for 20 years, and nobody in the Jewish community knew me. I wasn’t part of a shul or community, so I did my own thing.”
Undercover Moves
Collier’s next steps didn’t quite qualify him for the Mossad, but marked him as an unconventional asset to the pro-Israel community.
Taking advantage of an Anglicized surname bequeathed by an ancestor arriving on Britain’s shores, he set himself up in the online and street-level pro-Palestinian worlds as “John Collier,” a kaffiyeh- and BDS-badge-wearing member of the anti-Israel universe.
For the next four years, he showed up at university campuses, anti-Israel marches, and pro-Palestinian strategy sessions, and began feeding reports of the anti-Semitism to journalists, as well as recording the accounts on his own blog.
The tone of his reports was raw, inelegant — nothing like the output of the mainstream advocacy organizations — but all the more powerful for it.
“The twisted, lying academics at the University of Warwick,” reads one report. Taking aim at a bête noire — anti-Israel Jews — Collier titled another broadside: “Avi Shlaim, the foolish old man and the adoring churchgoers.”
But delivery apart, Collier’s “direct action” methods exposed what anti-Israel bigotry looked like on the ground.
“It is 3pm on June 18th 2017,” Collier writes in one blog post. “I am in disguise, wearing a keffiyeh that is necessary to cover my face. I want to infiltrate the Al Quds Day march and the only way I can participate is to remain unrecognized. I stand next to the terrorist flag of Hezbollah. The stewards are on the lookout for people like me, and although I am quickly questioned, their suspicions do not allow them to remove the kaffiyeh. They could not know who was behind the mask. I stare them down. I remain unidentified and I am in.”
Once inside, the blogger was able to report the ugly reality that mainstream media outlets chose to ignore: that on the streets of London, police stood by as anti-Semitic hate blasted the crowd.
“Nazim Ali on the megaphone spewed out hate,” Collier reported. “All manner of antisemitic conspiracy was shouted out through the speakers. The BBC are silenced through the power of Zionists, Israel is ISIS. By a country mile the most despicable attack was linking the ‘Zionists’ (read Jews) to the recent tragedy in Grenfell [a 2017 London high-rise fire that killed 72]. An entire tower block reduced to ashes, and clearly the fault of the Jews. The police did nothing. When asked about some of the hate being spewed: ‘It’s an opinion,’ one said.”
Jewish Money
It was the height of the 2015 “Knife Intifada,” and once again Jewish blood ran in Israel’s streets.
Palestinians high on incitement attempted to stab and hack wherever a Yahud walked unaware; supermarkets pulled kitchen scissors from aisles to reduce the supply of ammunition; and, not for the first time, Machaneh Yehudah went from shopping destination to terror target.
Two thousand miles away, near the historic walls of London’s Parliament, an echo of that hatred was heard.
At a meeting of the Palestine Return Centre (PRC), the host — Gerald Kaufman, a notorious anti-Israel MP from the Labour Party who had previously compared the IDF to Nazis — gave his version of events. Israeli soldiers, he said, were shooting innocent Palestinians, and then planting knives near the victims as a pretext for the killings.
“And you know why they can do this?” the MP ended his hate-filled tirade. “Because Jewish money buys the silence of our government.”
Sitting in the audience for that display of bigotry was the man who reported Kaufman’s words to the media.
“The horror always sticks in my mind,” says Collier. “Here, in the home of British democracy, was a politician talking about the power of Jewish money and promoting a blood libel.”
Slick Hatred
Constant exposure to London’s large anti-Israel world taught David Collier that the BDS movement is a mixture of sophisticated organizers preying on the naïveté of people wanting to do some good on the cause du jour.
“A typical campus event has a standard format,” he says. “An academic gets up and tells the audience how awful Israel is, often using a well-produced video. The next person is a Palestinian from somewhere in Judea or Samaria speaking about how hard life is under ‘occupation.’ The third speaker is from the BDS movement, whose pitch is, ‘You’ve heard the problem — here’s what to do about it.’ ”
But slick organization apart, the ridiculous level of the accusations that Israel faces quickly became apparent.
“At one conference in Exeter University, a British-born academic got up and told the audience that she was a Palestinian refugee. After the talk, I went over and asked where her parents had been born. ‘In England,’ she replied. The same turned out to be true of one set of grandparents.
“ ‘So, you live in Britain, your family is British, and you want to go to a foreign country and change it, when you’re an alien invader. How are you not a mirror of the Zionists?’ I asked her.”
The movement’s hypocrisy was not the only thing that Collier witnessed. He also saw the far left’s warped attitude to Jewish identity.
“You can’t have a conversation with an anti-Israel activist, because coming from a mostly Christian mindset, in the case of the far left, they see Jewishness as a religion, not a nationality. They can’t get their heads around the idea of a secular Jew, so they deal with us as they deal with Christianity. They see us as white Europeans who happen to be Jewish by religion, who then invade someone else’s country, based on something written 3,000 years ago.”
The basic lesson that Collier drew — putting him at odds with others in the pro-Israel field — was the realization that it was pointless to engage with the anti-Zionist movement.
“We have to focus on the 60 percent of the population who are not on their side — we shouldn’t waste our time trying to convince those who hate us.”
Despite the large number of hours spent under his assumed identity, Collier found that the pervasive anti-Semitism prevented him forming any friendships.
“It’s not that they’re talking about Jews,” he clarifies. “They think of themselves as anti-racists and talk about Zionists. In one of the Facebook groups that I was on, someone posted something about ‘Jew-Nazis,’ and someone replied, ‘You can’t say that — you have to say ‘Zio-Nazis.’
“But their movement makes sense to them only by buying into anti-Semitic ideology. The only way you can see a tiny nation — which has spent its entire existence beleaguered, attacked, and demonized — as a powerful evil that must be destroyed is if you believe in Jewish power.”
A glimpse into the mindset of the other side came to the undercover Israel activist through his online immersion in the pro-Palestinian world.
“My Facebook profile as John Collier was like a bubble in which I was surrounded by anti-Zionists,” he recounts. “Inside this group, they’d be constantly posting edited clips from Arabs or biased journalists. It was a stream of fake news, like, ‘18 people were just murdered by Israel,’ using doctored or old footage.
“So if the only people in your world are activists — who see the BBC or the Guardian as Zionist — then you’re swimming in a sewer.
“When you turn off social media and turn on the TV and see nothing about Israel, you think to yourself, ‘How can it be that all these Palestinian kids are massacred daily by the brutal Israeli army and the BBC isn’t talking about it?! It must be because Zionist power is silencing them.’ ”
Exposing Corbyn
Like a secret agent whose cover has been blown, by 2017 David Collier’s insider status on the anti-Israel scene had become impossible to sustain.
“They were starting to figure out who was breaking these stories,” he says.
By then, his knowledge of the BDS world’s engine room enabled him to blow the top on the biggest scandal yet — Jeremy Corbyn’s intimate links with those who’d demonstrably crossed the line from anti-Israel to anti-Semitic.
Corbyn’s election in 2015 shocked the Jewish community, as well as much of the country, who remembered the Labour Party leader’s history of embracing terrorists from the IRA to Hamas.
But when Conservative prime minister Theresa May’s 2017 decision to call a snap election backfired, leaving her with a tenuous majority, the far-left leader looked to be only a whisker away from power.
Then, in early 2018, a stream of revelations about Corbyn’s associations with anti-Semitic characters began to hit the press. One was a story about Palestine Live, a secret Facebook group with 3,000 members, including leaders of the range of anti-Israel movements. Behind the leaks, as author of an exhaustive 200-page report about the page, was David Collier.
The Facebook group, the pro-Israel investigator reported, contained posts of deeply anti-Semitic material, such as those approving of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or others linking Orthodox Jews to Holocaust denial. One of dozens of screenshots showed Agudah MK Yisrael Eichler with the headline “A Rabbinic Call for Genocide,” and a comment from the group admin, saying “horrendous suggestion.” Another was a ditty with the lines “The Jewish lobby, it’s plain to see / is full of people unlike me.”
The report included a screenshot from the group’s admin that typified the toxic material that had flowed by an indifferent Corbyn. “We don’t usually do all the holocaust questioning stuff in here…there are other places for that…but not here…is that ok?”
“Nobody should be able to spend any time at all in that group,” wrote Collier about Corbyn’s membership of the Facebook group, “without understanding the twisted antisemitism that drives so much of the activity.”
The story exploded in the media, setting off a chain reaction that saw journalists digging through Corbyn’s social media history. It wasn’t long before Corbyn’s approval of an anti-Semitic mural came under scrutiny.
A month later, on Erev Pesach 2018, hundreds of people — led by community organizations such as the Board of Deputies — demonstrated outside Parliament against anti-Semitism in the Labour Party.
The anti-Semitism scandal so relentlessly documented by Collier had played a prominent role in the Corbyn project’s downfall.
“The scary thing,” Collier says, “is that if it wasn’t for Labour’s opposition to Brexit and Corbyn’s historic ties to the IRA — which large parts of the right-wing press hated — then his anti-Semitism wouldn’t have become such an issue. It’s chilling, but it’s the truth.”
Red-Green Alliance
Fast-forward three years, and the Corbyn saga explains why Britain continues to punch above its weight in the BDS arena, as typified by the Amnesty report released last month accusing Israel of apartheid.
“Britain is different from America in a few ways. Firstly, socialism and even communism have always been powerful forces on the left here. Historically, the left has been on the fringes of politics, and Labour has only been able to get into power when the Conservatives implode, or when it moves to the center, as in the Blair years, when the party was ‘Conservative-lite.’
So, the hard left is left to rage in the wilderness unless they can gain critical mass by alliances. That’s the source of the “Red-Green” coalition, bringing together the traditional hard left and Islamists.
Such alliances are born naturally at the local level. When the far left and Islamists from the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, or Somali communities sit around the table at local council meetings, Collier explains, the one cause that they all agree on is Israel, or possibly Indian-occupied Kashmir.
“That’s why, in areas where the left dominates, such as academia, the unions, and NGOs, that alliance is the driving force.”
Amnesty UK is the Red-Green alliance personified. Collier’s extensive research on the organization — two years and 200 pages long — traced the radical views of the NGO’s staff, and their impact on Amnesty’s focus.
“An organization is the sum of its parts,” he says. “Who decides which countries to focus on? The employees. For example, an activist from Code Pink — an American organization that supports Iranian weapons development — was employed by Amnesty.
“The social media account of another activist shows that he celebrates Pakistani Independence Day. There’s nothing wrong with that, but Amnesty would never employ a flag-waving Israel supporter.
“And you see the results on Amnesty’s Twitter account. Over the last two years, there have been dozens of tweets about Israel, and none in defense of Christians in the Middle East, and only two about Pakistan. So, there’s an Islamist-lite pass to Pakistan, and an obsession about Israel.”
Tides of History
In the few days since our conversation, David Collier’s blog and Twitter account have moved on, continuing the offensive against the powerful NGO. Digging into his own undercover past, he uses his own experience as a metaphor for the NGO’s tactics.
“The anti-Israel activist Ben White is one of the stars of anti-Israel activism and deliberately demonizes Israel everywhere he goes,” writes Collier. “I mention him because of his manner of delivery.
“I have watched and spoken to Ben White on numerous occasions. Once, even though he probably does not remember it, I sat down next to him at a roundtable event to discuss BDS strategy. What White does when he opens his talks is throw ‘facts’ and ‘statistics’ at people in a barrage. Because most of those in audience are already sold on whatever it is Ben White is selling — they just sit in admiration of his ‘knowledge’ and accept whatever conclusion he provides for them. It’s a great tactic.
“Amnesty International just did exactly that in a 200-plus page report containing over 200,000 words. They simply misdirected everyone under a mountain of nonsense.”
But the giant aggregation of bigotry and lies that is the rabidly anti-Israel ecosystem ploughs on, seemingly impervious to a few negative media headlines or accusations of anti-Semitism. Are the Amnestys of the world winning?
“Israel and the Jewish People are caught up in a wider battle for the future of the Western world,” Collier says, “in which the rise of identity politics has pitted British society against an alliance of hard-left, progressive, and Islamist groups. If they exert greater control over the country — for example, by putting a critical mass of Corbynite MPs in Parliament — then BDS wins.”
That combination of hard-headed realism and history is why, after years of fighting Israel’s detractors, David Collier finds himself pessimistic about the future.
His references to the Jewish People as “tiny and demonized” convey a grasp of the inner workings of his people’s history, even if the language of faith isn’t part of his lexicon.
But whatever the end result, he’s not giving up the fight. “When someone demonizes your family, you want to open your mouth.”
(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 900)
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Good Fucking Grief. David you are a legend in your own tea break.
You got it wrong again DC; Not “Jew-hating”, but Zionist-hating. YOUR KIND (Zios) are all alike.
Yours truly,
A self-loving Jew.
✡️ 🙏 ✡️
Levy is…………
Not a Rabbi….
Not a Doctor……
Not a Mayer……
Not a Jew……….
He is just…….a bit of a c@nt……
And that…….is all……..
What could be more Jewish than having a Seder for Palestine this Passover?
If you’re holding your own Seder, we ask that you place an olive on your Seder plate for Palestine.
Thank you and blessings.
How about saying kaddish for terrorists killed while trying to kill Jews? Surely that’s more Jewish????
ImaM Oron, Your Pal-e-SWINE ends up like Pharaohs army.
Go to Gaza. Terrorist HamASS needs human shields.
Happy Nakba!
A self-loving Israel-hating Jew would be a more accurate description.
‘cept Brucie’s not a halachic Jew. That’s the root cause of all his nonsense here as he and I have discussed in previous episodes.
Yeah, leave it aaaaght Dave. Our lickle rebel solja, Stephen hates it when Jews draw attention to prejudices against them. He’s okay when other groups do it though. Not very nice, that.
Very amusing post, but use some of that “Jewish money” to hire a better photographer DC.
Now if you excuse me, I’ve got a Hebrew class to teach.
Yup Stephen,
And he deserves it
You on the other hand are a specialist in making broad, unverified/unverifiable, and fact and evidence free statements.
Incidentally how is your blog. How many visits does it get. Does anyone read it.
David’s blog is well read by many; a successful blog
that wasn’t very nice Richard
Just another NAKBA for ImaM Oron.
But neither are you, Stephen, and the lies you tell.
Well it be impossible to get by in the modern world strictly telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But I certainly would not waste precious conscience lying to anonymous peeps on the internet. Taking a wholly utilitarian view of the matter there is no profit in it.
Unless you are able to provide some counter examples……..
This is your regular reminder that Israel is STILL an apartheid state.
If your definition of an apartheid state is a diverse multicultural country with equal rights and opportunities for all its citizens, then your assessment of Israel is 100% correct. It’s quite extraordinary considering that it’s in a region where xenophobic imperialistic islamic religious apartheid is prevalent.
Looks like the anti Russian boycott has garnered more world-wide support in just a few days than BDS has managed during it’s entire decades long existence….
Are BDS so completely shit at what they do? Or is it just that most rational thinking people don’t believe that Israel is a country that is worth boycotting?
I think that it is more that people know that Israel will go down the pan all on its ownsome and there is no point in wasting energy helping it on its way.
Sure thing Bellers…..
Israel has one of the best performing economies in the world and with more and more countries (Arab countries included) doing business with Israel every year…..it sure looks like it’s “going down the pan” alright…….?
Ken might I refer you to Gibbons ” The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire ” ?
Never knew there was an Israeli Empire Bellers….?
You live and learn huh?
Some of us learn Ken
In your case Bellers…
Evidently not…
The anti-Russian boycott has garnered international support as you suggest because Zionist tentacles funnel overt and covert funding into the pockets of political hacks. Zios are also renouned for their control of the media and banks.
BDS is actually enjoys much more support than you might think, but it’s popularity is stifled by international Zionism controlled by the Tel Aviv cabal.
BDS has always been and will always be a spectacular failure…….
Israel’s economy had more than DOUBLED since BDS came into being…..
Like you Levy…….BDS is RENOWNED (lol) all over the world as being a metaphor for abject failure…..
It is a complete joke……and it always will be……..
Now please excuse me – I’m off to the kosher deli to fill my basket with Israeli produce……
Hey “Ken”, if I was you, I’d wash the apartheid produce REAL well. I read that when shoppers see “Produce of Israel”, they spit on them. Just an unfriendly warning.
Loonster Levy the fake Rabbi and mad mullah of London…
A legend in his own head….
And that…..is all……
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Keep trying. Keep on losing. BDS only enjoys much more support in your tiny mind. Destructive wishful thinking on your part. Do you get a buzz out of being a loser?
‘Boxcar Brucie’, the pretend rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
Thanks for letting us Jews, sorry I meant Zionists, know we are all powerful.
Funny isn’t it how the Antisemites and anti-Zionists use the same language interchangeably.
Where once upon a time the Jews controlled the world and were all powerful; now they change one word too make it Zionists control the world and are all powerful.
You truly are an Antisemite Brucie Levy, no matter how much you try to deny it.
And calling Edward a ‘bar of soap’ in a previous post highlights your Holocaust revisionism and denigration
There are a lot of sick people around, and you Brucie appear to be one of them
You’re wrong Stinky Dick. The learned and highly respected Chief RABBI Dr Shalom Dreck, after months of prayerfully studying the Talmud, issued an edict that Jews cannot be antisemitic.
Hey Stinky Dick Galber, lighten up; you take things too seriously. You need to have some humour INJECTED into you. LIFE’S TOO SHORT.
‘Boxcar Brucie’, the pretend rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
We will leave it up to you to bastadise the religion.
We will hold our Seders in the same way as we have done for millennia, and millennia before the invention of the Palestinian nation in an area that had its name changed from Judea and Samaria to ‘Syriana Palestina’ by European colonisers nearly two thousand years ago to punish the Jews
Go and enjoy whatever seder makes you happy; it doesn’t really bother me
You and your fellow travellers have been predicting Israel’s doom for over 70 years.
I think it’s every Antisemites dream that the Jews and every manifestation of Jewish life is extinguished, including the State of the Jews/Jewish State. Are you one of those anti-Jewish Antisemites (think carefully now, because once it’s written it’s always there, following you around like a dog turd)
no Richard I have not quit beating my wife
I must say it is good to see Edward back in Ian’s team. It has been like Melchester Rovers taking the field without Roy or Hull City taking the field without Ken Wagstaff. Waggy Waggy Waggy oi oi oi !!!!!!!!
eat your heart out Edward
Russia now being boycotted by….
You see BDS…..
This is what a SUCCESSFUL boycott actually looks like…..
🙄 😁 😉 😕 😝 😜 😂 😁 😊 😉
Cretin “Ken” – BDS is such a failure that the satanic, apartheid, Zionist state devotes untold time, effort and financial resources trying to discredit it.
Without any success.
Just ask Shai Masot.
That. Is. All.
Looks like the fake rabbi’s cage has been well and truly rattled……
This is a good start to the day…….
Nurse will be round with your meds shortly…..
NOTE TO READER: A typical ploy of Zionists is to detract and refrain from answering uncomfortable questions.
That. Is. All.
Note to reader….
Levy is….
Not a Doctor….
Not a Rabbi…..
Not a Mayer….
He is just….a bit of a c@nt….
And that…is all….
And you can even very easily create a new set of facts in a few minutes by banging the keys on your computer. And these new ‘facts’ can be totally divorced from reality and truth, and most people wouldn’t know the difference, because they’re either ignorant or disinterested of these new ‘facts’ and allow them to go unchallenged.
Thus we have stupid commentary being taken for the truth when in actual fact it’s just pure unadulterated bullsh-t
‘Boxcar Brucie’, the pretend rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
That’s what you do in war you dimwit. You don’t wait for your enemies to succeed before you build defences
Good thread this. Watching Stephen, our lickle rebel solja and that Brucie one from the sidelines is like watching those talking head training videos with the sound off; just gurning faces and flailing hands. Good fun.
il arrive !!!!!!!
Interesting that the Russians have adopted the Israeli blah blah when they blast the fuck out of civilians. ” the place had been taken over by terrorists. Human shields blah blah blah. Prayers for Hamas blah blah blah ” If its not broke don’t fix it .
The Italian press in Gaza filmed Hamas launching rockets against Israel. The rockets were launched directly outside the reporters window. It wasn’t reported until the reporters left Gaza, and was killed off shortly after its publication because of fears of reporters being attacked by Hamas et al in Gaza. And the Antisemitic armchair generals in the west ignored the evidence.
And weaponry has been found in UNRWA schools and hospitals, and Hamas and IJ et al dig terrorist tunnels under schools and hospitals and homes so that when Israel attacks these terrorist assets Antisemitic western armchair generals, you included, squeal and squawk to make a big issue to try hamper and/or prevent Israel defending itself.
There is no comparison between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Israel’s defensive sorties into Gaza to stop rocket launches and terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and civilian infrastructure. Its only Antisemites and ignoramuses that posit these ridiculous conspiracy theories
Stephen, our lickle rebel solja, hits the bullseye when he says we’re all bullshitting here; about being Oirish, being a Rabbi, being arsed. Everyone’s peddling their own wanky propaganda to wind up someone else….except me, of course.
There are lots of Russians in apartheid Israel. In fact, one of their TV networks is all Russian- language.
Many Zio ruskies are unemployable, so they join the IOF or the Magav Border Police.
One POS with arms and legs actually pointed a gun at this RABBI when I was passing through a checkpoint!
Btw DC, is your daughter still serving in the IOF Whore Corps?
except me, of course.
That is just as well cuz you couldn’t wind up Gnashers toy mouse
Banter !
I want to wish all the REAL Jews Shabbat shalom🕯️🕯️
Real Rabbis don’t use the internet on Shabbat f@cktard….
Embarrassing….as usual…..
I have a special Rabbinical dispensation. And you know that.
I was at an event in Parliament earlier and discovered a new talent; telling anti-Israel jokes to MP’s. I had them in stitches! 🤣
Cretin “Ken” you seem to really enjoy using foul language. Not surprising since your whole life seems to be a curse.
No you don’t have any special Rabbinical dispensation f@cktard……as no such thing exists…..
You are not a Rabbi……you are just a lying demented sack of dogsh1t…….
Your whole life is a lie built on a bed of lies…..
Disgusting really……
(no apologies for the language)
Anyway, it’s the weekend Stephen so howzaboot spinning the decks and playing us one of your lickle rebel solja tunes to get the party started?
Cool. A Nolan Sisters cover. Love Coleen. Proper Oirish, just like Stephen. (Wink).
I like to see you happy so i done another one
Funky mix from MC Stephen. This is more my speed. Bit of a cheat though coz like you they’re not really Oirish.
For Ian…..
I can see you are an enthusiast. Enthusiasm is good. It should be encouraged and nurtured. So here’s another one. I think you will like this one especially. Of course it is only fair to point out that they aren’t really Italian
This is sooo cool Stephen. I feel like I’m at The Lickle Rebel Soljas’ Vinyl Club mingler. You’ll have to show me how to do the pretend Oirish accent so I can do swapsees with the lads.
They’ve probably all got this one on 45, right?
You are in danger of getting over enthusiastic and blowing a fuse. Probly best to diffue the situation. DIfFUSE geddit ? lol @me
‘Boxcar Brucie’, the pretend rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
You complaining that we don’t answer difficult questions; that’s a bit of a hoot coming from you.
It’s years I’ve been asking you for proof of your rabbinical ordination qualifications, and also about the Dr. you claim to be.
And guess what, I’m still waiting
All I ever get in reply to my questions is more mockery, denigration and revisionism of the Holocaust
The Sages taught…One who judges another favorably is himself judged favorably. (Talmud Shabbat 127b).
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to catch another episode of the SIX MILLION Dollar Man.
‘Boxcar Brucie’ the pretend rabbi and Holocaust revisionist and denigrator
You still haven’t answered the question as to whether you are an ordained rabbi and doctor, or whether you just bought your fake papers over the Internet. With your spoof record, it’s probably neither.
But give it a try anyway. We all need something to laugh about in these times