Yesterday Jeremy Corbyn was reinstated to the Labour Party. The day seemed choreographed. Corbyn first published a statement as a ‘clarification’ to ‘clear up any confusion’ over what he had said following the release of the EHRC report into antisemitism. I doubt the carefully worded statement was not agreed in advance. Then a panel of the party’s governing body deliberated for several hours before deciding to reinstate him. Much of this may have to do with Labour’s finances, Corbyn’s union support and Starmer’s desperate need to be able to face the inevitable legal bills with some type of slush fund. ‘Ironically’ (not that we Jews get irony) it may be the long term damage Jeremy Corbyn did to the Labour party that actually saved him.
Whatever the hidden truth behind yesterday’s dealings, in reinstating Jeremy Corbyn the Labour Party gave a burst of adrenaline to all the antisemites it had so carefully nurtured over the last four years. It is difficult to overstate the dangers of the game they are playing.
The Labour Party and the growth of antisemitism.
Last December, Jeremy Corbyn was firmly rejected by the electorate. For five years I have been battling for every centimetre of it’s soul. My reports on what was taking place, the 2015 and 2016 invasion by extremists and the radicalisation of ordinary Labour members, made headline news. Through it all though, I held hope. I was certain that Corbyn would be defeated in an election and then I thought, it may be possible for moderates and sanity to take over.
What was underestimated by many, was the damage Jeremy Corbyn managed to do in the 4 years he held power. Much of the political battle we see is around the leader’s office, the NEC and factional infighting amongst MPs. Yet what happened in those years was more about the complete takeover of the grassroots. There are many local CLPs around the country that are still Corbynite strongholds. Places Jewish members are afraid to tread.
The truth of Corbyn’s faithful
Amongst Corbyn’s faithful, and there are a lot of them, there is a singular truth – that the accusations of antisemitism are a smear, put together by Zionists who seek to stop all criticism of Israel. As the battle against Corbyn intensified, there was exponential growth in the number of these ‘believers’. The more Corbyn was attacked – the more evidence they had – the more numerous they became. Antisemitism was a growth industry, and the Labour Party HQ was the main factory.
Even with the election won, there was only one thing that would really help to push back against the rising tide – and that was the EHRC report.
The mess the Labour Party made
With the EHRC report published, it became vital that Keir Starmer played a strong game. Not with words but with actions. But Keir is a politician, who sees this as being about electability and salvaging the party. He is wrong. This is about the Labour Party paying a debt it owes to the Jewish community and cleaning up the toxic trail it has left throughout the country. They owe us this. They created an army of antisemites.
Keir does not see it that way. He does not see beyond his own political strength in the party. When someone graffitied ‘Jewish lies matter’ in Hove, yesterday morning, I drew an immediate link with the mess that the Labour party made. But unless I can prove it was done by a current Labour member, Keir does not care. It isn’t his problem. The same can be said of those members that Labour expels. Once they are no longer Labour members – Labour do not care anymore. To them it does not matter that they are morally responisible for creating the monster in the first place.
Which is why Jewish organisations that rushed to hug Keir Starmer were at best naive, and at worst, self-harming, idiotic, elements of our community. It will take intense and consistent effort to undo what has been done and for many years Keir stood by Corbyn’s side. Why the rush? Couldn’t they wait just a few months for the photo ops and to feel like they are ‘loved’ again?
The Labour Party plays with fire
My alarm bells were set ringing again two days ago when I saw ‘Apartheid’ trending on Twitter. A new Labour NEC member Gemma Bolton was placed under investigation for social media posts she had made. One of which was about Israel being an Apartheid state. When asked for comment, the Labour Party spokesperson remarked ‘that all allegations of antisemitism are taken very seriously.’
I have little doubt that Gemma Bolton will not face suspension and I am unsure who reported her for what. What I do know is that the backlash was swift. Suddenly, *we* were being laughed at for suggesting that calling Israel an Apartheid state was antisemitism. Their joke went viral and our reward for Labour investigating Bolton was several hours of viral smears against Israel. This is the way it works now. The Labour Party act, Jews and Israel pay the price.
When she is finally cleared, the antisemites will have another victory and Apartheid will trend again. I have written 1000s of pages on Labour’s antisemitism and not once did I ever consider using the ‘Apartheid’ smear as an example of antisemitism. It is wrong, a vile distortion of the truth and a spiteful smear, but unless it is accompanied by other obsessive anti-Israel behaviour, there is no way we can prove it is antisemitism. We have to be careful here. What Labour did was devastating and I think most people do not understand how dangerous the current situation is. We cannot empower their antisemites. Which is why what the Labour Party did with Corbyn was so unforgivable.
Corbyn is reinstated
Yesterday was a very good day for antisemites. I do not know how many of them felt vindicated, but their sense of vindication is very dangerous for British Jews. Jeremy Corbyn was responsible for leading the party into the most shameful episode of its history. His response following the EHRC publication proves he is still not willing to digest the full horror of what he did. That man has no place in any mainstream political party and the Labour Party should want his toxic followers as far away from their CLPs as possible. From a justice seeking, ethical position, the suspension / expulsion of Jeremy Corbyn was a no-brainer. Instead he is back in the party.
One look at the responses that Jewish people received to their anguish about Corbyn’s reinstatement should tell you everything you need to know about the dangers we now face. These people believe they are right. They seriously think we are just making noise to protect Israel – which they also happen to believe is a genocidal, ethnic cleansing, Apartheid state. They see us as monsters guarding genocidal monsters.
Delusions and dangers
Do not underestimate how delusional they are. I have chosen not to show the 100s of abusive messages I received from delighted antisemites, but rather to highlight how far removed from reality they are. This is what someone tweeted to me yesterday. Jon Pullman is not a nobody. Jackie Walker’s witch-hunt film was his production, and he truly considers himself ‘open minded’:
‘1000s’ of JVL members? This is a ludicrous thing to say about a group that cannot pull more than the same 5 faces to every demonstration. But they really do believe this stuff is true. That is why it is so dangerous. And yesterday Keir Starmer thought that it was wise to give these delusional people a shot in the arm. Unforgivable.
There is no hope for the Labour Party without a man at the helm brave enough to drive the whole thing over the cliff. The signs are not good, and the clock is ticking. Those extremists on campus will be running for council positions in a few years. The new generation of Holocaust deniers will be teaching in schools. Union leaders will quote Jenny Manson from Jewish Voice for Labour, because the BBC still provide them with a platform.
Keir Starmer is looking after the Labour Party, the universities are worried about their finances, the BBC just want ratings. Not a single one of them actually give a damn about the Jews. In these dangerous times, this means that we have to make sure that we stick up for ourselves. Which is why we must keep fighting. For every centimetre of ground.
Can you help to support this fight?
This research is unique – it goes wherever it needs to – and it depends on community support. The results speak for themselves and for six years I have been creating headlines. I engage in forensic research, much of it undercover, into anti-Jewish hatred, anti-Zionism and anti-western extremism.
I battle back against those who seek to revise history and expose antisemitism and I fight when others don’t. If you can, please consider making a donation.
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Every contribution is truly appreciated

This article; to me exhibits a very skewed, insular and somewhat paranoid narrative, (“anyone who isn’t with, “us,” wholeheartedly and unconditionally is against us,”) and it typically purports to, in some sense speak for all Jews, (a far from uniform or homogeneous group,) when many Jews, (the Israeli Peace movement whom I admire greatly,) and often at risk to their own and their families lives dissent from these views, to a greater or lesser extent.
For example, Israeli historian and peace activist Zeev Sternhell, (who died recently at 85,) was wounded a bomb planted outside his house by a right-wing extremist. Sternhell himself said the attack was testimony to the “fragility” of Israeli democracy.
But not of just, “Israeli,” democracy ?
Whilst I would not consider myself to be in any sense antisemitic, I nonetheless find myself increasingly uneasy and even threatened by the extent to which well organized and funded pro-Israel lobby and special interest groups seem to be meddling the polices of the Labour Party and in UK politics more widely.
I fully appreciate that Antisemitism, exactly like all other forms of prejudice, racism and bigotry is horrible, (my father who although not Jewish looked Semitic as do I and described to me his own sometimes vile experiences of Antisemitism during the 50’s in the UK.)
So I’m not condoning it, but I don’t regard Jeremy Corbyn, (who I voted for,) as being in any sense racist although like many people I share his concerns about the mistreatment of the Palestinians.
Anyway, I’ve said my piece and thank you for giving me the opportunity.
You are actually a good example of how dangerous all this is JP, so thank you for posting. It shows how logic leads well-intentioned people down the dark path quite naturally. We are discussing a party that literally was found guilty of harrassing Jews just a few weeks ago. My post focuses almost exclusively on antisemitic elements in the party and the dangers of feeding them. And yet here we are talking about Israeli peace groups and mistreatment of Palestinians.
You have allowed this idea of powerful, shadowy Jewish lobby groups – meddling in British politics – to grow within you – because it permits you to continue to support the politicians / ideology of your choice. If the argument was the other way around – you would have accomodated that too. It isn’t about Jews- but the creation of powerful lobby groups was neccessary in this instance for you to sleep soundly at night. It follows Kuhn’s notion of normal science, where scientists would do everything they could to hold on to a paradigm, rather than actually view the evidence at hand.
Do you consider Indian lobby groups – that is members of the Labour party who are of Indian heritage as ‘meddling’ in UK politics? Or do you see them as British citizens with their own political preferences and geo-political outlook? What about those with Pakistani heritage? When violence exploded in Kashmir and British citizens of Pakistani and Indian heritage lobbied their local MPs – did you see that as meddling in UK politics? When Muslim Labour party members bring up Islamophobia – are they meddling in UK politics? Or is it just people like me who need to be treated like outsiders who meddle? Am I part of the only group you ‘other’ in this fashion?
The Jewish peace camp – that is supporters of the remnants of the Israeli political peace camp to whom you refer- are not pro-Corbyn. The ‘Jewish-groups’ behind Corbyn – and they are a tiny minority – are anti-Zionists who do not seek peace. JVL are not in touch with groups like Meretz in Israel – they are in touch with groups like Hamas in Gaza. It is important not to confuse them.
Not every Muslim eats Halal. Is it possible to ban it because Muslims are far from a uniform or homogeneous group? Or would you see that as an attack on Muslims? If over 90% of Jews identify as Zionist – why do you wish to give so much credit to the tiny fringe (2-3% maybe on the Marxist left) that your politics needs to survive. The answer is because your political landscape needs to in order to survive of course. And that’s the danger. Truth and logic no longer matter. You’ve found answers to all the questions you were looking for – and truth or not – you’ll stand by them. Even if the party is found to have illegally harrassed Jews.
Collier has insisted that “antiZionism is antiSemitism”
and here he writes “Truth and logic no longer matter.”
They certainly don’t matter to Collier.
Remember that not all Zionists are Jews … not all Jews are Zionists.
The Sharmuta who goes by the handle “Mike Farmer”
is getting really HERsterical.
Great work David!
Happy Nakba to All!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money. (Smeeth deceives) (Israeli Embassy seeks to take down British Politicians)
“Sir Kier is coming under pressure from the Board of Deputies of British Jews to take further action.”
” So, the Zionists are seeking to interfere in UK politics. Impudence.”
Unashamedly conflating Jews with Zionism Farmgirl ?
How disgusting you are…..
Sharmuta, Why are Muslims killing Brits IN the UK?
London’s 7/7 transport massacre, Pan Am 103, Lee Rigby, Yvonne Fletcher, stabbings at London restaurants, car rammings on London bridges, Rotherham rape gangs, …
Here is a 37 second Youtube of a newsreel documenting a sit-down meeting between National SOCIALIST SHlTler and his Sand Nazi ally, the Grand Mooooooofti of Jerusalem.
Great post. Not in the sense that you wrote anything worthwhile, but definitely great in how you gave David the chance to completely dismantle your pathetic arguments, which he did. After suffering through the dull AND stupid work of posters like Muck and Brutes, it’s genuinely nice to have people like you remind us that the smarter our opponents think they are, the more fun it is to tear them a new arsehole.
David Collier Retweeted
“He’s travelled across the world to lay wreaths for terrorists who murdered Jews.”
Rachel Riley has branded Jeremy Corbyn’s readmission to the Labour Party as “disgusting.”@NickFerrariLBC | @RachelRileyRR …
Replying to
Labour couldn’t really do anything else, as Corbyn hasn’t done anything illegal.
He said antisemitism had been overstated, yet the EHRC report found that out of 600,000 complaints only 40 were worth investigating.
Paranoid doesn’t even touch the sides of it
” (not that we Jews get irony)”?
Another example of Collier’s eagerness to smear and misrepresent.
Shouldn’t that be ‘Zionists’? Of course.
Any more proof needed that Collier hasn’t got an honest bone in his body?
But then he’s known for his lies and untruths.
I’m just going to post farm animal noises for the few posts of yours that are legible from now on, so your work is paired with both its corollary and its superior.
Mr. Down, if you must you must.
Ms. Sharmuta, GET BACK TO WORK!
“Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is being urged not to let Jeremy Corbyn return to the parliamentary party.”
“Sir Keir is coming under pressure from groups including the Board of Deputies of British Jews to take further action.”
So, the Zionists are seeking to interfere in UK politics. Impudence.
” considering ” interesring word.
Reminds me of the 93% of UK Jews that are ” considering” leaving the UK cuz of ” antisemitism”
this must have got your blood up.
Where did you get thye 93% figure from
Now, not only are you playing the pretend ‘village idiot’, you’ve now become a conjurer pulling imaginary figures out of a plastic bag
“Sir Kier is coming under pressure from the Board of Deputies of British Jews to take further action.”
” So, the Zionists are seeking to interfere in UK politics. Impudence.”
Unashamedly conflating Jews with Zionism?
How disgusting you are Farmgirl…
Are you really that stupid, Dobby.
The ‘Board of Deputies’ are a Zionist group. Hence my wording in the post.
“The Board of Deputies of British Jews, commonly referred to as the Board of Deputies, is the largest and oldest Jewish communal organisation in the United Kingdom. Established in 1760 by a group of Sephardic Jews, the board presents itself as a forum for the views of most organisations within the British Jewish community”
You really are as thick as pigsh1t aren’t you Farmgirl?
BBC – “BBC political correspondent Iain Watson says he has been told that at least one Jewish MP is considering resigning if Mr Corbyn is welcomed back at Westminster. committed anti-racists deeply opposed to anti-Semitism.”
Please, please let it be foul-mouthed Friend of Israel Zionist Margaret Hodge.
Jeremy Corbyn will not sit as a Labour Party MP in the Commons, Sir Keir Starmer says.
The former leader was reinstated as a member of the party on Tuesday, having been suspended over his response to a human rights watchdog report on anti-Semitism in Labour ranks.
But his successor said his remarks had “undermined… our work in restoring trust” with the Jewish community.
Sir Keir said he would keep his decision under review.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) published a report last month, saying Labour had broken the law over its handling of anti-Jewish racism complaints by party members during Mr Corbyn’s tenure.
Sir Keir, who took over the party in April, said those who think the issue had been “exaggerated” should “be nowhere near the Labour Party”.
But later, Mr Corbyn released a statement, saying the scale of anti-Semitism had been “dramatically overstated” by his opponents, and he was suspended by the party.
Despite a panel of Labour’s ruling body ending the suspension on Tuesday, Sir Keir has taken the decision to not reinstate the party whip in the Commons.
In a statement, the new leader said: “I have made it my mission to root out anti-Semitism from the Labour Party. I know that I will judged on my actions, not my words.
“The disciplinary process does not have the confidence of the Jewish community. That became clear once again yesterday.”
He added: “Jeremy Corbyn’s actions in response to the EHRC report undermined and set back our work in restoring trust and confidence in the Labour Party’s ability to tackle anti-Semitism.
“In those circumstances, I have taken the decision not to restore the whip to Jeremy Corbyn. I will keep this situation under review.”
What is the party whip?
MPs sitting in the House of Commons on behalf of a party are given what is called “the party whip”.
It allows them to represent their chosen party and stand for them in elections, as well as ensuring they receive a letter about forthcoming parliamentary business, detailing the position the party is taking.
Having the whip taken away is considered a serious punishment by a party.
While the MP can keep their seat in the House, they are classed as an independent and cannot run for the party in the next election, unless that whip is restored.
Wonder how the former Labour MP for Islington North will occupy his time moving forward?
Maybe he could grow some more vegetables?
…the EHRC report showed that it WAS exaggerated. No doubt you yourself have little respect for the truth.
600,000 complaints … only 40 worth looking into.
I’m with Starmer….
At long last Labour has a leader that decent people can vote for…
Won’t be you or your ilk then.
My ilk?
Racist much?
Happy Nakba to your fascist ilk! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Hey Stupid, It’s NOT a smear when it’s True.
Just like talking about Terrorism, is NOT a smear against Islam.
9/11, London’s 7/7, Pan Am 103 bombing, beheading of Lee Rigby, beheading of the French school teacher over a lesson about Free Speech, Boston Marathon bombing, London and Westminster bridge stabbings and car rammings, Charlie Hebdo massacre, Bataclan massacre, Manchester aren bombing, Rotherham rape gangs, Manhattan bike path ramming, Brooklyn Bridge attack, Empire State Building observation deck shooting, ineffective Times Square SUV bombing, thwarted sneaker and underwear bombing of an inflight passenger plane, truck ramming in Nice France on Bastille Day, Moscow subway bombing, Brussels airport bombing, Mumbai India massacre, Nairobi Kenya massacre, Beslan school massacre, Halabja poison gas attack, Fascist Iran using children to clear minefields, …
Happy Nakba!
Wonderful article in the (otherwise shambolic) Guardian…
If you are anti Zionist then (as Farmgirl has just proved) you are most likely to be antisemitic….
Article says “conflating anti-Zionism with Jew-hatred is a tragic mistake”
Pass it on to Collier will you, Dobbs.
Read the article Farmgirl…
I know that reading and comprehension are really not your thing but maybe give it a go?
I don’t agree with all of it but at least it looks at both sides of the argument…
Not something you are good at is it Farmgirl?
I read Corbyn’s words and formed an opinion. Suggest you do likewise.
Is English your first language?
I don’t think it is….
In a statement earlier on Tuesday, Mr Corbyn – who is currently an independent MP – said it was “not his intention” to say anti-Jewish racism should be tolerated, and that he regretted the “pain” caused.
His statement added: “To be clear, concerns about anti-Semitism are neither ‘exaggerated’ nor ‘overstated’.
“The point I wished to make was that the vast majority of Labour Party members were and remain committed anti-racists deeply opposed to anti-Semitism.”
So to be clear….
NOT overstated….
NOT exaggerated….
Like I have been saying for a long time, Corbyn is a back stabbing wimp that rolls over at the first wiff of grape shot
But he’s not the lying, dishonest hater that our host here is.
But he should really stick to gardening…
At least he’s good at that….
Jeremy can get all the “fertilizer” he needs from the racist LaBOOR Party.
Wake up, Dobby.
What Corbyn mean is that ‘concerns about anti-Semitism’ must never be ignored, as with any racism but he was of course correct that the instances of it were indeed exaggerated. 600,000 complaints(prob. from Hodge) and only 40 of any substance.
You need comprehension lessons.
“To be clear, concerns about anti-Semitism are neither ‘exaggerated’ nor ‘overstated’.”
This is what he actually said….
No comprehension lessons required Farmgirl….
Not by me anyway….
Even Bellers knows what he said…
Yep, Dobby needs comprehension lessons.
Well I think you need to study the English language…
You clearly don’t understand it….
Be interesting to see the fallout from this
it seems to be similar to the wars within Labour in the eighties as the radicals fought with the moderates for the soul of the party
There are always enough self-hating Jews who will rush to defend any anti-Semite so long he is “progressive.”
Grow up.
Yes it’s about time you did grow-up Farmgirl…
Does your right hand not know what the left does
A short while ago you said you don’t know anything about Jews Because you don’t live in an area with Jews…Yet you offer opinions on Jews as if you do know about Jews.
Your last little Antisemitic anti-Israel comment gives the impression that you are fully conversant with Jewish opinion by saying….
…..”Mike Farmer on November 18, 2020
…….Grow up.”
So what do you reference and to whom do you refer with the above comment.
Now we wait to see what stupid ‘Farmer one-liner’, contextless, incoherent posts you will come up with to pollute this thread and satisfy you comment diarrhea. No doubt Michael will also further continue his drift into Antisemitic anti-Jewish rhetoric while exposing his ignorance of Jews, Judaism and Israel.
Then Michael will try to excuse his rhetoric by saying he isn’t anti-Jewish, he’s just anti-Zionist as he voices further anti-Jewish rhetoric
…..”Mike Farmer on November 18, 2020
…….Grow up.”
You think that is antisemitic? Seriously?
Filthy Sharmuta, Tell us all about
– 9/11 2001
– London’s 7/7 2005
– Pan Am 103 bombing
– Charlie Hebdo massacre
– Boston Marathon bombing
– Bataclan massacre
– Manchester arena bombing
– Rotherham rape gangs
– London and Winchester bridge ramings, stabbings
– hijacking of a cruise ship and drowning of a passenger
– thwarted bombings of inflight passenger planes by jihadi pigs using bombs hidden in their sneakers and underwear
– 500,000+ dead in Syrian civil war
– 1,000,000+ dead in 8 year Iraq/Fascist Iran war (Iran used children to clear mine fields)
– HamASS uses children to cross-border dig tunnels
– Poison Gas attack on the Kurds of Halabja Iraq by Sadaam Hussein
– HamASS and Fascist Iran executing gays and other opponents to their regimes
– ISIS beheading videos
– beheading of Lee Rigby in London by a victim of Islam-o-FAUX-bia
– beheading of teacher in France over a lesson about Freedom of Speech
You made this grossly Antisemitic anti-Jewish post yesterday comparing the Jews of Israel to the Nazis because they have the temerity to defend themselves
…….”Mike Farmer on November 17, 2020
……..“Second thing; What actions does Israel perform that are in any way similar to the Nazis. ”
………Occupation, annexation, abuse of the occupied and moving towards ‘racial purity’.
………Israel also employs its firing squads at the fence for anyone who ventures within 300 from the ………fence though they are on their own land.”
I replied with the following and am still awaiting a reply
Your one sided animus and prejudice against Jews is now fully exposed for the anti-Jewish racist bigotry it is.
You said……”Israel also employs its firing squads at the fence for anyone who ventures within 300 …………………from the fence though they are on their own land.”
To illuminate the racist bigotry in this statement, let us just analyse your bizarre supposition;
It is a fact that when people face a firing squad, they are forcibly led to a position (a wall, pre-dug burial pit etc.) then lined up and shot. The Nazis and their acolytes did this with a frequency that belies belief. Countless hundreds of thousands of prisoners and civilians were forcibly removed from their homes, towns and cities and lined up and shot dead.
The Palestinians in Gaza who attacked the border fence went there of their own accord, some possibly coerced by Gaza’s Islamist rulers, many bused in by Hamas and the other Islamist factions. They attacked the border fence of their own volition. Israel was totally uninvolved in the Palestinians arrival at the border fence.
The Hamas charter in its first paragraph states unequivocally that their intent is to destroy Israel;………”Israel will be established and will stay established until Islam nullifies it”. …..It reiterates this sentiment throughout.
The Hamas charter in its Article 7 quotes the Hadith (Muhammad’s sayings: Bukhari and Muslim) ; “……..until the Muslims fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them,…………..”
The Hamas Charter I have was translated by Muhammad Maqdsi for the Islamic Society for Palestine, Dallas, Texas, 1990
Hamas and the other Islamist factions in Gaza encouraged the civilians to Attack and cross the border to in effect destroy Israel. Israel did not ask them to come, and Israel in most cases wounded the attacking Palestinians rather than killed them.
The Israeli soldiers did not fire at anyone other than those attempting to attack Israel. That is called ‘Self Defence’; but Antisemitic anti-Jewish racist bigots have decided that Jews are not entitled to defend themselves against people trying to injure and murder them.
If you wish to say that it isn’t ‘Israel’ doing the occupying, abusing and annexing but only the Jews then go ahead. That’s quite an admission. Thankyou.
I criticised Israel on two points.
You dishonestly replied “Your one sided animus and prejudice against Jews is now fully exposed for the anti-Jewish racist bigotry it is.”
You’re a fool….. or a deceiver? Which?
Stupid cow, hiding behind a man’s name,
calling others “deceiver”?
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
David Collier
There is a radical Islamist terror group to Israel’s North.
Jeremy Corbyn made friends with them.
And another to Israel’s South.
Corbyn made friends with them.
He made friends with the terrorist group PFLP too.
It’s only Israel he hates.
Wonder why. ?
That’ll be because of its treatment of the Palestinians.
Your beloved Israel elected at least two Jewish terrorists to lead it. Indeed it was Jewish terrorism that brought about the state, one of the terrorist groups evolving into the IDF.
What a short memory or ignorance Collier has.
Stupid Sharmuta,
Your furher SHlTler failed.
Your Grand Moooooooooofti failed.
Your Chairman Arafart failed.
Your Snake Yassin failed.
Your Snake Nasralla failed.
Your Ayatoola Khomeni failed.
Your General Solemani failed.
Face it. Pal-e-SWINE is a failure.
And YOU are a failure.
Happy Nakba, Sow! 🙂
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Michael you are a dimwit and you peddle Antisemitic anti-Jewish tropes
Why do you compare Israels actions to the Nazis as you say here….
…….”Mike Farmer on November 17, 2020
……..“Second thing; What actions does Israel perform that are in any way similar to the Nazis. ”
………Occupation, annexation, abuse of the occupied and moving towards ‘racial purity’.
Now let us look at this statement in the harsh light of real fact.
Turkey ‘attacked and occupied/occupies’ half of Cyprus forcing all the Greek resident citizens to flee and brought in its own Turkish citizens to replace those ‘Ethnically Cleansed’ Greeks. Do you accuse them of Nazi actions. Please explain .
Turkey has also invaded Northern Syria and is still in brutal occupation there. Do you compare the Turks to the Nazis. Please explain
Turkey mercilessly attacks and kills and injures Kurds in Turkey, Northern Iraq and Northern Syria.
Do you call the actions of the Turks Nazi. Please explain.
Morocco attacked, occupied then annexed the ex-Spanish Sahara and has been involved in a deadly exchange with the Polisario Front for the liberation of said territory for decades. Do you compare the Moroccans to the Nazis. Please explain
We have China imprisoning approximately one million Uighurs in concentration and forced labour camps for political indoctrination. China occupied and annexed Tibet in the 1940’s and has attempted to destroy Tibetan culture. China is forever threatening to attack and absorb Taiwan into China. China has very recently begun to destroy democracy and freedom in Hong Kong.. Mao is reported to have allowed the death, and killed, about 45 million Chinese during his reign. Do you compare China to the Nazis.
I could go on and on and on, including England’s occupations and foreign possessions to this day, but you only reference Israel when talking about the Nazis.
You only reference Israel to the Nazis because Israel is a majority Jewish country, and the Nazis mass murdered the Jews, and so by that linkage you use the Nazi analogy as a weapon against the Jews to try disadvantage the Jews/Israelis. You do not use the Nazi analogy against any other country even though most countries have a human rights record very much worse than Israels.You only use the Nazi analogy against Israel because you and all the other Antisemitic Jew haters think they have got a useful propaganda tool with which to beat Israel.
As long as you and all the Antisemitic Jew haters only accuse Israel of being like the Nazis, while ignoring all the grotesquely evil regimes that inhabit this earth , you are peddling in anti-Jewish tropes – you are being an Antisemitic anti-Jewish racist bigot
Richard. Stop being a greaseball.
On the prior blog you asked me “What actions does Israel perform that are in any way similar to the Nazis. ”
I answered “Occupation, annexation, abuse of the occupied and moving towards ‘racial purity’.”
You did ask … I told you.
You say I’m being antisemitic. I really worry about the intelligence of you Zionists… unless you’re all being dishonest. I suspect the latter.
As long as you only compare Israel to the Nazis and don’t call the majority of other nations of the world Nazis because of their records which are so very much worse than Israel, then I will call you an Antisemitic anti-Jewish racist bigot.
Your language may be slightly different to the self confessed Jew Baiting, Holocaust denying Antisemite called Charles that used to frequent these pages, but the sentiment and views that you espouse are the same in different form.
Now we wait to see what stupid ‘Farmer one-liner’, contextless, incoherent posts Michael will come up with to pollute this thread and satisfy his comment diarrhea. No doubt Michael wil also further continue his drift into Antisemitic anti-Jewish rhetoric while exposing his ignorance of Jews, Judaism and Israel.
Then Michael will try to excuse his rhetoric by saying he isn’t anti-Jewish, he’s just anti-Zionist as he voices further anti-Jewish rhetoric
You asked the question referencing Israel.
I answered your question.
Now go away, your idiocy is time consuming.
Do some knitting instead.
It is with the heaviest of hearts that I have to write, yet again, about being a Jewish member of the Labour Party in Jeremy Corbyn’s constituency. So let me tell you at once that it has been terrible, almost unbearable. We have had to watch a wholly false, but soon unstoppable, invention of charges of antisemitism against our MP, with our own views as Jewish members completely ignored.
Right now, along with the many other Jewish activists I know in Islington North, I am simply devastated that this process has climaxed in the suspension of our cherished MP, and former leader. It’s so hard to accept that I must repeat again what every Jewish member I know in Islington North has frequently confirmed and it is we who actually know and regularly meet with Jeremy Corbyn–unlike most of critics. What we can confirm is that as Jews in North Islington we have always felt more than safe, more than welcome, unfailingly supported, in everything we do in the borough, and the Party. As it happens, we often feel this all the more strongly as Jews, knowing that–unlike Corbyn–many who choose to speak in our name completely disrespect our commitment to fighting antisemitism and racism of all kinds in struggles for a better world, including the vital struggle for Palestinian rights.
Personally, I have known Jeremy Corbyn since helping to get him selected, then elected, almost 40 years ago. However, battles to discredit Corbyn as antisemitic began some three decades later, after, and only after, his quite unexpected victory as leader of the party; indeed, from the very day of his victory. Methods first used by Corbyn’s opponents were the routine ways of attacking the radical Left, as ‘unrealistic’, ‘unpatriotic’, and so on. However, after his relative success in the elections of 2017, these easily verifiable systematic attempts were hugely amplified in order to undermine his leadership. Indeed, they moved into orchestrated denunciations that he was presiding over a party that was ‘institutionally antisemitic’. It is obviously much harder to refute an accusation that easily triggers panic and paranoia, placing those trying to assess the situation in the line of fire, even when Jewish.
Until very recently, the real prevalence of antisemitism in any political party remained unaddressed. It was only in the last few years, under Corbyn, that continuing investigations into antisemitism began in the LP. Tragically, this served as much to confuse as enlighten people, in ways too numerous to list here, but clearly tied in with Corbyn’s support for Palestinian rights, and the later introduction of the IHRA definition of antisemitism making it difficult to distinguish legitimate criticisms of the Israeli state from what might be declared antisemitic.
So, let me provide a few pertinent facts. Over the years, Corbyn has had mutually supportive relations with the practising Jewish community in Islington, attending Shabbat dinners with the orthodox Chabad Rabbi, Mendy Korer, and attending numerous other official Jewish events in North London. Against some local resistance, Corbyn promoted the installation of a plaque on a demolished synagogue site in 2015 to celebrate Jewish life in the borough. Unlike most of his critics in Westminster, Corbyn unfailingly turned up to vote for motions addressing antisemitism in Parliament, just as he worked tirelessly against racism on every front.
This is precisely why few people are more supportive of Corbyn’s overall political project than those Jews in the LP who remain on the Left, and there are still many of us. Finally, though it is so hard to unearth, buried under mountains of misinformation, comparing two YouGov polls on antisemitism in 2015 and 2017, reveals that antisemitism had significantly declined within the LP under Corbyn.
So, let’s be clear: there is antisemitism in the Labour Party, as the recent report found; there was also some interference in the speed with which complaints were handled (though details of the nature of this interference remain ambiguous). At the same time, it is obvious that Corbyn faced an unrelentingly hostile campaign of disinformation, as compellingly confirmed by media research led by Justin Schlosberg and Laura Laker. Corbyn accepted the evidence provided by the EHRC, and said it should be acted upon. And though others may feel his timing was poor, in my view it is understandable that Corbyn should attempt to reassure Jews that the extent of antisemitism in LP had been grossly exaggerated in the media and by others not as a way to opposing antisemitism, but rather as a way of attacking him.
We should all be able to agree that any such practice undermines the importance of the very struggle it claims to support, as when the media, in line with Corbyn’s critics, promoted the false belief that 34 per cent of the LP had been accused of antisemitism, when in reality it was 0.3 per cent (exaggerated by a factor of 100).
Finally, if Starmer wants to follow the suggestions of the EHRC he will reinstate Corbyn forthwith. This is because that document explicitly protects freedom of expression, with enhanced protection under Article 10 to protect LP members who ‘express their opinions on internal Party matters, such as the scale of antisemitism within the Party, based on their own experience and within the law’.
Who is this tragic epistle from. It had me in tears. But it wasn’t from sadness
You grasp at any of the few Jews who support Corbyn to try bolster your case; but it’s just more of the same
Corbyn’s Jewish constituents.
BBC – “Friends of Margaret Hodge say she was on the verge of resigning yesterday when Mr Corbyn was readmitted to party membership.”
What a pity she didn’t. She’s a liar and a ‘Friend of’ the racist state of Israel. She has no place in an anti-racism party.
Well it’s clear that nobody is a “Friend of” the racist that is Farmgirl…
Given the sh1t you type on here…who in their right mind would want to be a friend of yours?
? ? ?
If anyone wants some nice home grown marrows…put your orders in now for Xmas….
Maybe Jeremy can save some Arab children’s lives
by digging some of the tunnels those dears were assigned
by their Islamofascist masters.
You dimwit
Whatever question was or was not asked, that you have the temerity to compare Israel to the Nazis is the epitome of Antisemitic anti-Jewish rhetoric.
That you can think that the Nazis are infamous for occupation and war is downright stupid and evil. The Nazis will go down in history because they were the first humans to ever create abbatoirs to murder people, and the Jews in particular.
You excuse your comparison of the Nazis and Jews by claiming their similarities were occupation etc., while being fully aware that everyone will always take the comparison to be about mass murders and industrial scale genocide. By comparing Israel to the Nazis you are accusing Jews of industrial scale genocide and mass murders which is a lie of the most enormous proportions
Therefore by your use of such despicable language and accusations you are using Antisemitic anti-Jewish rhetoric which in turn makes you Antisemitic anti-Jewish racist bigot
You asked.
I answered you with examples that you cannot refute.
Now you cry.
Sharmuta, I can refute the claim that Islam is “The Religion of Peace”.
9/11, London’s 7/7, Pan Am 103, Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan, Nice on Bastille Day, Lee Rigby, ISIS beheading videos, 500,000+ dead in Syrian Civil War, 1,000,000+ dead in 8 year Iraq/Fascist Iran war, …
– Fascist Iran using CHILDREN to clear minefields
– Fascist HamASS using CHILDREN to dig tunnels
All these poor tragic Corbyn constituents, are they all nameless anonymous beings then.
Did they not list their names because they are afraid of the publicity, or are they worried that they don’t actually constitute much of a group. Or maybe they aren’t all Corbyn constituents and that won’t look so good. Or maybe they aren’t all Jews as they claim. Or maybe even more amusingly, they may be jews in the Greenstein mould; jews in name only for the sole purpose of bashing Israel
Have you met Corbyn? Do you know him? Yet you talk about him.
Peoples read about people. People watch people on TV etc.
Farmer also said he doesn’t know anything about Jews because he doesn’t live in London or Manchester.
So he really has no idea about the Jewish community and Jewish communal organisations such as the BoD
He is just an anti-Jewish Antisemitic racist bigot who blames Jews for everything
The ‘Jewish’ tabloids, the B.o.D. and the JLM are all Zionist orgs, Richard.
Hiding behind the ‘Jewish’ ? 😉
Michael, did you see this demonstration of Zionist Jewish power ? Think you’ll agree that a nice Elbit drone trumps a couple of inverted commas every day of the week.
A reminder from your friendly neighbourhood Rabbi.
The biggest antisemites are the JINO Zio’s who applauded Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension from Labour and support apartheid Israel.
ImaM Oron,
The biggest “islam-o-FauX-bs” are the Arabs/Muslims who kill fellow Arabs/Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Banditdesh, Fascist Iran, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza, …
Really you F’n mOron, when Muslims can’t get along with fellow Muslims, how can Muslims get along with Infidels?
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Remember those lads that reckoned that if they chucked a couple of tins of emulsion over the door of an Israeli arms firm and the cagoules of a few shouty yids they could change the world?
Check this out to see how those precision instruments developed here in Israel were used by our forces to target and eliminate the Iranian baddies sneaking around our border yesterday. Very impressive firepower coming to several Gaza rocket launch sites soon.
Ken,Ian is trying to muscle in on your role again
14 minutes for response Bellers. Were you pacing by the gate?
Say what you like. We have real chemistry.
Did you like the Elbit Christmas video ?
Nah christmas is cancelled thank God
I tried to join the FOI section of my local girl guide troop citing my chemistry. It didn’t work
Why you not celebrating Christmas but thanking God; That’s what Christmas all about ; thanking God
Oh I didn’t know that
Neither did I; just saying
Thought it was thanking nature for its gifts at a time when it was dormant and nothing else could be done.
The Antisemitic anti-Jewish tropes of the way Jews are negatively associated with making money to survive are being echoed again by our resident anti-Jewish Antisemite, Michael Farmer.
Still waiting to hear about why Mihael can’t even get right the real meaning and way that firing squads operate, as he maliciously accuse Israelis of using them to defend themselves from the attempted invasion of Israel by the murderous jihadis from Hamas and other Islamist fanatics
Maybe Michael would like me to repost my rebuttal of your idiotic and Antisemitic anti-Jewish allegations
Israel has SQUADS of heavily-dug-in soldiers ordered to FIRE into groups of unarmed Gazans on their own land.
Firing squads.
Hamas DICKtators make small children shield terrorist gunmen by approaching the Israeli border aHEAD of them.
Dick head
I like this capitalisation game Michael. Wanna play again?
By your twisted and warped accusation, virtually every nation in the world is Nazi, because every nation has, and many still do practise occupation and annexation. How do you think the Arabs and Islam came to the Levant and North Africa.
Hamas Charter quotes ‘sura’ and hadith to justify their actions;
Article 11 references the conquest and subjugation of the Middle East by Muslims /Islam.
Article 13 that Hamas is a nationalistic organisation that categorically refuses to make peace with Israel
So, no you haven’t answered my question as to how you can justify calling the actions of Israel the equivalent of the Nazis. The only way that your comments could justify your animus to the only Jewish State in the world is by accepting that you are an anti-Jewish Antisemitic racist bigot
When you compare like for like you will fid that the actions and propaganda of the Palestinians will be far closer to the Nazis than Israel could ever be
Not because it calls itself the ‘Jewish State’, because of its actions and its deceit.
A Dumb Bitch hiding behind a mans name, like a Pally hiding behind children,
accusing others of deceit.
Now THAT’S Irony.
Happy Nakba!
You said in a previous post that you don’t know much about Jews because you don’t live in London and Manchester and don’t know any Jews. Yet you make this statement below as fact….
….”The ‘Jewish’ tabloids, the B.o.D. and the JLM are all Zionist orgs, Richard.
…..Hiding behind the ‘Jewish’ ? ?”
Now if you don’t know Jews and Jewish society as you claim, where do you get your information to make such broad sweeping statements that you claim are fact
The only explanation is that you are an anti-Jewish Antisemitic racist bigot who sprouts the age old conspiracy theories of malign Jewish power and money
I have followed Corbyn’s antics for years, but don’t claim to know him
He does wear his politics of being anti everything that that the UK and the democratic world stands for.
He also seems to have a penchant for spending time in the company of dictators, tyrants and terrorists.
He also garnered worldwide attention by being Labour leader.
Because of his leadership the Labour party became a haven for a broad range of Antisemites and other malcontents. Now that Corbyn is no longer leader, and possibly soon not a member, the Labour party has changed. My knowledge of the Labour party and Corbyn et al has been gleaned from a number of sources including the Guardian, the Telegraph, occasionally various socialist papers and pamphlets and general reading
So yes I do know something about Corbyn and the Labour party. You by your own admission have admitted that you know nothing about Jews, the Jewish community and Jewish communal organisations. Therein lies the difference; I do have a knowledge about Corbyn while you have no knowledge of Jews etc.
“Because of his leadership” UK Zionists, perhaps with Israeli Embassy backing(remember its involvement in “the Lobby”) initiated a smear campaign and witch-hunt against him. Jewish blagger Collier and the ‘Jewish’ tabloids smeared and lied for years. Doesn’t make ‘Jewish’ a term to be proud of, or does it?
You really are a tw@t aren’t you Farmgirl?
Dobby’s class shines through again.
‘Doesn’t make ‘Jewish’ a term to be proud of, or does it?”
Yes Farmgirl… you are just so classy….
Stupid Sharmuta, What makes ‘Muslim’ a term to be proud of?
– 9/11?
– London’s 7/7?
– Charlie Hebdo?
– Bataclan?
– Boston Marathon bombing?
– Pan Am 103 bombing?
– Beheading of Lee Rigby in London?
– Truck ramming on Bastille Day in Nice?
– car ramming on London and Westminster bridges?
– ISIS beheading videos?
– beheading of a teacher in France over a lesson on Free Speech?
– Manchester arena bombing?
– shooting of Pope John Paul II?
– assassination of US Senator Robert F. Kennedy by a Pal-e-SWINIAN?
– massacre of tourists in Luxor?
– Sadaams poison gassing of the Kurds of Halabja?
– Moscow subway bombing?
– Madrid train bombing?
– Brussels airport bombing?
– Bali resort massacre?
– Mumbai India massacre?
– Nairobi Kenya mall massacre?
– Al Qada?
– Taliban?
– Boko Haram?
– ‘Musilm’ Brotherhood?
– 500,000+ dead in Syrian Civil War?
– 1,000,000+ dead in 8 year Iraq/Fascist Iran war?
Tell us, fascist pig.
Happy Nakba!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Hey Bellers ! Did you see your favourite country made the news today.
Us and Micronesia stood firm and saw off another UN Resolution stating that the only legit bit of Israel was the kitchen and back yard lock up of Uzi’s Hummus Bar on the corner of Begin and Shamir. Those 156 others including the fucking Brits and the Micks never stood a chance
We loves those Microneesers and I reckon they’re getting coupons for life at Uzi’s.
Here is the dictionary meaning of the term ‘firing squad’
…..”firing squad
…….a group of soldiers detailed to shoot a condemned person.”
Definitions from Oxford Languages (there are more definitions from other sources, and they are all the same)
You are entitled to your own interpretation of words, but to the rest of normal society, words and phrases have commonly accepted meanings (although these may change over a period of time).
There is no doubt in any NORMAL interpretation of the term ‘firing squad’ that it means a case of people unwillingly being led to a point and executed ie. in front of a wall or pre-dug grave/trench.
The Palestinians of Gaza went to the border fence of their own volition and in the full knowledge that Israel would prevent them from crossing. If they had not gone to the fence to challenge Israel there would have been no dead and injured Palestinians
There is a phrase that I have heard from a number of sources called ‘suicide by cop and/or soldier’ where the victim/s actually challenge the authorities in the hope that the will be wounded or die in a confrontation. In the case of the Palestinians this is a well known and common practise, as if the victim is shot by the Israelis they/their families will get a stipend either from the Palestinian Authority/PLO or Hamas/Islamic Jihad. The Israelis call it ‘pay for slay’ as described below
…”The scheme has been described as “pay for slay”, and has been criticised by some as …..encouraging terrorism. In 2016, the PA paid out about NIS 1.1 billion (US$303 million) in …..stipends and other benefits to the families of so-called “martyrs”.”
…..”Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund – Wikipedia”
They are squads ordered to fire through the fence at the Gazans. i.e while they are on their own land….. not in Israel.
And we insist they dress up in 17th Century Musketeer costumes when they’re doing the shooting, just for the fun of it.
Referring to your attempt to change the commonly accepted definition and meaning of the term ‘firing squad’ you are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to try change the commonly accepted meaning and definition of words and phrases to suit your own biased opinions.
Shakespeare is known to have invented hundred of new words and phrases in his writings for which he is justifiably known as being a brilliant writer and linguist, an attribute that can not in any way be attributed to either your ability to read and comprehend, and/or your ability to write intelligent and understandable English.
Stephen can write absolutely ridiculous rubbish because he hides behind his ‘pretend village idiot’ facade. Dear old Brucie (the foul mouthed Antisemitic Holocaust denigrator pretend rabbi etc) can write what he does because he is viewed as our very own ‘agent provocateur’ who is continuously posting in the hope of eliciting a response. Both harmless good fun
Read and comprehend what I write
Certain words and phrases have a commonly understood meaning.
The dimwit Michael Farmer then can’t come along and in his baised anti-Jewish conspiracy theorist world unilaterally use language that intentionally attempts to change or misinterpret commonly understood meanings to words and phrases
“Certain words and phrases have a commonly understood meaning.”
Indeed, antisemitism : prejudice against Jews merely because they are Jews.
None of your fabrications that involve the state of Israel.
Yes and “provocation” Michael.
If you lads want to be more effective with yours, forget writing your shit on the internet and invest in some Elbit drones. They really let your enemies know they’ve been provoked.
Check this out to see how the ‘Jewish’ State provokes Iranian baddies sneaking around our border yesterday.
Marg Bar Iran!
Long Live Persia!
Happy Nakba to All!
Nakba? That reminds me.
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Doesn’t fight antisemitism … he only smears Labour … for money.
Ah! The Antisemitic anti-Jewish Michael Farmer once again copies his anti-Jewish trope about Jews and their malign use of money. In his view Jews may not request donations for their journalistic work in the UK Jewish community about the Antisemitism that affects the Uk Jewish community
” journalistic work”? Lol.
Here is the dictionary meaning of the term ‘firing squad’
…..”firing squad
…….a group of soldiers detailed to shoot a condemned person.”
Definitions from Oxford Languages (there are more definitions from other sources, and they are all the same)
You are entitled to your own interpretation of words, but to the rest of normal society, words and phrases have commonly accepted meanings (although these may change over a period of time).
There is no doubt in any NORMAL interpretation of the term ‘firing squad’ that it means a case of people unwillingly being led to a point and executed ie. in front of a wall or pre-dug grave/trench.
The Palestinians of Gaza went to the border fence of their own volition and in the full knowledge that Israel would prevent them from crossing. If they had not gone to the fence to challenge Israel there would have been no dead and injured Palestinians
There is a phrase that I have heard from a number of sources called ‘suicide by cop and/or soldier’ where the victim/s actually challenge the authorities in the hope that the will be wounded or die in a confrontation. In the case of the Palestinians this is a well known and common practise, as if the victim is shot by the Israelis they/their families will get a stipend either from the Palestinian Authority/PLO or Hamas/Islamic Jihad. The Israelis call it ‘pay for slay’ as described below
…”The scheme has been described as “pay for slay”, and has been criticised by some as …..encouraging terrorism. In 2016, the PA paid out about NIS 1.1 billion (US$303 million) in …..stipends and other benefits to the families of so-called “martyrs”.”
…..”Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund – Wikipedia”
Your stupid reply is
……”Mike Farmer on November 19, 2020
…….They are squads ordered to fire through the fence at the Gazans”
Referring to your attempt to change the commonly accepted definition and meaning of the term ‘firing squad’ you are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to try change the commonly accepted meaning and definition of words and phrases to suit your own biased opinions.
Shakespeare is known to have invented hundred of new words and phrases in his writings for which he is justifiably known as being a brilliant writer and linguist, an attribute that can not in any way be attributed to either your ability to read and comprehend, and/or your ability to write intelligent and understandable English.
Stephen can write absolutely ridiculous rubbish because he hides behind his ‘pretend village idiot’ facade. Dear old Brucie (the foul mouthed Antisemitic Holocaust denigrator pretend rabbi etc) can write what he does because he is viewed as our very own ‘agent provocateur’ who is continuously posting in the hope of eliciting a response. Both harmless good fun
And this is your stupid reply with no relevance or context to what I said….
………..”Mike Farmer on November 19, 2020
…………“Certain words and phrases have a commonly understood meaning.”
………….Indeed, antisemitism : prejudice against Jews merely because they are Jews.
………….None of your fabrications that involve the state of Israel.”
The al-Jazeera smear job about so-called Israeli intrusion into UK politics.
A junior embassy employee with no actual authority shooting off his mouth.
A non-story that appeared, spluttered around for a short while before dying a dreary death due to its inability to find anything of value in its storyline. It was a joke when it was released, and still is today
“The al-Jazeera smear job about so-called Israeli intrusion into UK politics.”
Watch the thing, Richard.
Not a ‘smear job’ …. it’s an exposé. etc.
Yes you can always rely on Al Jazeera for balanced news coverage….
It was on film, Dobby.
You have of course watched all four episodes … the entire debacle.
There are 7 of these Farmgirl…also on film…
Of course.
It DID happen, Richard … and you know it.
Antisemitic anti-Jewish racist bigots have always accused Jews of being ‘deceitful’, ‘dishonest’, and always having ‘malign intent to accrue wealth’ and with the search for ‘power to control the world’.
And then we have our resident Antisemite taking the old anti-Jewish language and conflating it with anti-Israel sentiment by posting this
………”Mike Farmer on November 19, 2020
……….Not because it calls itself the ‘Jewish State’, because of its actions and its deceit.”
BBC – ‘Our correspondent understands supporters of the former leader who sit on Labour’s ruling body, the National Executive Committee, will release a statement too, saying the disciplinary processes of the party had been undermined by Sir Keir’s actions.
But many MPs and Jewish groups stand by the decision taken by the new leader.’
‘Jewish groups stand by the decision’??!? It is NO business of Jewish groups whatsoever to stick their noses in Labour Party politics. Such arrogance.
“It is NO business of Jewish groups whatsoever to stick their noses in Labour Party politics. Such arrogance.”
And dismissing the Jewish vote like Labour did under Corbyn is not arrogant?
Having said that you are probably right.
Nobody really gives a fuck about Jews in the UK. Corbyn nearly won in 2017 and there were plenty of antisemitism allegations flying around even then. Didn’t make any difference.
Corbyn lost in 2019 because of his confusing (bordering on comical) position on Brexit. Nothing to do with Jews.
“Nobody really gives a fuck about Jews in the UK.”??
More self-pitying crap.
ALL Jews in the UK have the same rights as others. They have self-determination and statehood….. things granted only to Jews in Israel.
Don’t show the world your ignorance, Dobby.
This may come as a shock to you Farmgirl but there are a lot more Arab Muslims that have the vote (as well as full and equal rights as citizens) in Israel than Jews that have the vote here in the UK…
Around 10 times more…
As for self determination….it is clear that you have no idea what that even means….
Ken is correct. The overwhelming majority of the populace are like me in that they don’t think about Jews from one day to the next.
I actually don’t blame you for thinking like that Bellers…
After all there are only around 200k Jews here in the UK out of a population of 70m…
If you don’t live in (or close) to a big city then you may never meet one…
Shalom David, can I recommend that you offer your followers who suffer from ‘Victim Mentality’ – especially that JINO Zio turd “Stinky Dick” Galber – a free bolt of yellow cloth for return postage, so they can cut out a Star of David, sew it on their clothing and wear it whenever they go out to the shopping, to the BANK, or travel on public transport.
This will guarantee they satisfy their victim mentality urge if they are forced to wait on a long checkout or BANK queue, can’t buy toilet paper, or are unable to find a seat, can always play the antisemitism card.
אתה מוזמן
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pray.
ImaM Oron,
Your prayers for Nakba are always answered affirmatively.
A reminder from your friendly neighbourhood Rabbi
No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
Greedy Collier only smears Labour … for money.
Avarice (greed) is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Like pride, lust, gluttony, sloth, anger, and envy, greed is called a “deadly” or “capital” sin because it gives rise to other sins.
No Heimlich for you Sharmuta.
Brucie Levy, the foul mouthed Holocaust and Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
Have I gotten under your skin then darling; devoting a post to almost exclusively to me; you’ve made me so happy. You have resorted to kindergarten playground name calling. I didn’t realize that i was so important to you.
I’m sure you were out on the evening of 09-11-2020 celebrating the anniversary of Kristallnacht and its portentous glimpse into the abyss that was soon to engulf the Jewish people of Europe and the mass murder of six million of their number.
An example of your mockery of the Holocaust and its Jewish victims is this little gem from you about the ‘YELLOW STAR OF DAVID’ that Jews were forced/compelled to wear by the Nazis and which you seem to find so amusing……
………” ……a free bolt of yellow cloth for return postage, so they can cut out a Star of David, sew it ……….on their clothing and wear it whenever they go out to the shopping, to the BANK, or travel ….”
A while ago you threatened that you were going to sue me for libel; what6 happened as I have been waiting for this with a heightened sense of anticipation. Or is it that one of the idols you worship, Greenslime/Greenstein (always get confused as to the correst name) got his ‘come-uppance’ in the High Court when he tried to sue the CAA and Gideon Falter. Reports say he has got himself a bill of about £68000.Maybe he can return to whatever it was he did that got him in front of a court all those years ago (not sure if it was shoplifting or fraud or something similar)
Anyways, you go off to worship whatever idols of progressiveness that have caught your rather morbid fantasies; and maybe you can even lead the covens (correct term no?) in their anti-Israel and Antisemitic fantasies
“that was soon to engulf the Jewish people of Europe and the mass murder of six million of their number.” … not to mention the other 11 MILLION THAT ALSO DIED AT THE HANDS OF THE NAZIS.
Your Sand Nazi Grand Mooooooooooofti was an ally of the your genocidal National SOCIALIST SHITler.
Ireland has a shameful past WRT the Turd Reich
Brucie (babes) Levy, the foul mouthed Holocaust and Holocaust denigrator and pretend rabbi
I found this description of various sins very interesting, but found their inclusion here rather bizzare…
…..”Avarice (greed) is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Like pride, lust, gluttony, sloth, anger, and ……envy, greed is called a “deadly” or “capital” sin because it gives rise to other sins.”
In what context were you using it and why. Possibly it is because I don’t possess the wonderful sense of scintillating wit you display when mocking the Holocaust and survivors, and your brilliant Antisemitic retorts when mocking Jews you disagree with, but I can’t find any connections to this rather Antisemiic Michael Farmer type quote and its inclusion here…..
…..”Rabbi Dr Levy, Intifada Rabbi on November 20, 2020
…….A reminder from your friendly neighbourhood Rabbi
…….No ‘Collier research’ into Tory antisemitism. He’s a fraud.
…….Greedy Collier only smears Labour … for money.
Please enlighten my confused self as to what you mean. I’ll understand if you are unable to reply, because I suspect you don’t understand the connection yourself and you just posted it to appear clever/intelligent/witty/smarmy/sarcastic etc etc.
Anyways time for my lunch while you head off to idol worship or whatever it is you say yo do
Nope, not antisemitic, Richard. I would know if I was.
Dumb Sharmuta, you don’t even know what gender you are.
Changes from day to day.
You dimwit
Of course al-Jazeera tried to create an issu8e to denigrate Israel and Jews. They tried very hard.
It wasn’t a very good job though
I mean who remembers it other than you and the other Antisemites